Training part 12

Ryuk drank up all the blood and then let out a fearsome roar. Inside Ryuk all the blood energy except for a little given to Ryo was trying to meld into and enhance his body. Ryuk seeing this with his last moments of sanity other than sending a little to enforce his heart kept it inside some of his unopened acupoints to store for breakthroughs and body tempering.

As about 5% of the blood essence moved towards his heart it underwent total qualitative change. His muscles and tissue sucked the potent and refined blood. The originally bright red color became more prominent like a ruby and also became as hard as a diamond. Strange lines could be seen tracing his heart. If Ryuk was focused he could remember that these were signs of the heart breaking through. Although the heart itself became stronger and more capable it also released an intense passionate fire like aura.

Ryuk couldn't move his body as he was too overloaded in pleasure. He saw the girl coming towards him and said with a slur "Hey... Wait lets talk out this! I think your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I love you! wait! stop!"

Ryuk was about to die when Riel came with a sigh and said "Sorry little one my disciple is at fault Ill compensate you."

With that he waves his finger causing Ryuk to hover slightly. Riel threw a pill into Ryuks mouth which made his nerves slightly numb and thus he was able to move and talk again.

Ryuk was wondering why his master was talking in a semi polite way to this random girl. Sure she had a high foundation stage Cultivation, but it wasn't enough to get respect.

Ryuks eyes then caught her robe specifically the black moon and he remembered what Mongoose told him.

"Ryuk did you hear one of our Patriarchs got a new disciple! Ryuk she's so pretty you would think she was a goddess. Many of the males have made a fan club already. Some of our senior brothers are interested too. Even elders are paying her good compliments and tidings because of not only how talented she is, but her master as well. Yet I have to say when compared to your fan base it's nothing. I should thank you because of how close we are all kinds of girls talk to me and men do me favors. I have seen certain beauties capture the attention of not only men, but women as well, but you are the only man I know whos not only got both, but also such a big and dedicated fan base. Those people who messed with your home everyday they suffer humiliation and at this point I feel bad for them."

Ryuk understood then he shouted "If we're from the same sect we didn't need to fight you dumbass. We have enough problems with sects like the beast god sect."

The girl replied "Hmph those animal fuckers like they are a problem... wait same sect? sect master Riel..."

Ryuk heard the first part only and said "They have uncountable numbers of beasts and while the beasts all die their main force stays at home and stores their strength while we use it. In a war we would have almost no chance."

The girl ignored what Ryuk said, but Riel nodded his eyes drifting due to the uncomfortable truth.

The girl shouted loudly "Not only do you steal my fame, my masters attention, but also my blood essence! You fucking fuck! I'll fucking eat you!"

Ryuk was shocked and hurrumphed "Dirty cannibal."

The girl felt her blood rising normally she wouldn't care about this, but Ryuk had been too much of a pain these days.

She stumbled back and fainted.

Ryuk looked in surprise and muttered under his breath "Does she have a heart problem aswell?"

Riel sighed deeply and then sent out a rainbow colored beam of light which burnt the zombie dragon. Then he grabbed Ryuk and the mother dragon and ran as fast as he could.

Patriarch Crystal appeared from a spatial tear and bit his finger. A beautiful red drop of blood which felt heavier than a building appeared on his finger and he threw it into the girls mouth. He then looked at towards Riel and chuckled softly.


Riel looked at Ryuk and said with a pained expression "You troublemaker. The sect competition although it will have people from other realms the real battles between sects will be by those from our realm. You and her are part of our major force. This sect competition is especially important because the other sects are already in motion for their plans. We need to have a show of power."

Ryuk nodded, but said "It's not my fault she attacked me and tried to sew Karma!"

Riel lifted a brow "Karma? Since when have you cared about Karma?"

Ryuk said seriously "Master I have read too many heros fall due to karmic ties to dare ignore it. I have been a fool in the past acting on every impulse and desire and interfering in others matters. I now realize I was a true fool. A true way towards immortality isn't to be strong, but to be smart."

Riel looked awkwardly at Ryuk and then sighed "I suppose thats good aswell. It'll help that rash temperament of yours."

Ryuk continued "But if someone tries to attack me or those around me regardless of karma I will make them suffer."

Riel nodded and sped up.

Sigrid joined them after some time upon which Riel asked for the dragon egg and began to feed it some qi.

Soon it hatched and a dragon appeared. The same silver color as its mother I cried in a mighty roar to demonstrate itself before the heavens.

It munched cheerfully, occasionally nodding on its shell.

The mother thanked Ryuk and Riel repeatedly and left.

Ryuk returned to the sect and went to rest.

Soon a few days passed and Ryuk was called to Riels abode.

Entering a place that was full of dark clouds that roared incessantly like tigers Ryuk felt his body tingle in slight fear. Even truth stage Cultivatiors of other races who do body tempering were afraid of heavens wrath and thus never flew with their flying swords during storms. Ryuk also felt a bit happy about this place as there was lighting everywhere and he couldn't wait to train his overlord scripture. Ryuk had always been one to do the most and be ready for anything, but that was further cemented as he read many stories about the wonders of preparing.

"People are out to get you? They think you are stone? Be steel!" A famous general said.

"Assassins strike from the shadows be the light so no shadow can appear in front of you." A mystical genius constantly targeted by his family.

"The heavens are blind to suffering, but people aren't. If you are weak, but are strong you will always win." A God said as he challenged one of the heavenly kings.

Ryuk went towards a pond of lightning which illuminated the skies as if the heavens had built a tunnel here. On a slab in the middle with a fishing rod was Riel who was squinting his eyes.

He slapped the fishing rod after a bit and threw his back to the side. A long snake dressed in beautiful magenta scales with noble forks of Lightning criss crossing. It opened it mouth as it appeared out and cried as loud as thunder. Riel slapped the snake and said "Foolish beast become my dinner!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Finally the snake went unconscious.

Ryuk bowed and asked "Master why didn't you kill it?"

Riel licked his lips and said "It tastes better alive. When it dies it releases some chemicals which make it's meat bitter. Eating it is like lightning on your tongue. You go numb to flavor."

Ryuk nodded and continued "Master you called for me?"

Riel replied "I want to teach you a lesson before you go train tommorow with the other divisions."

Ryuk nodded.

Riel cooked the snake and then tossed a piece to Ryuk.

While eating Riel came closer to Ryuk and said "I have said you have good battle sense, but thats limited to knowing where danger is."

Chomp! Chomp!

"True battle sense is being able to understand the battle itself. Its like understanding an equation and changing it for a specific problem."

Ryuk while eating said "Master can you elaborate more?"

Riel nodded and said "For example let's say you are fighting a demonic cultivator. You can sense when and where he will attack, but you can't counter him. Not only will the control of the battle be lost and thus you at a disadvantage, he might have secret techniques which are more profound that your danger sense won't be as useful."

Ryuk nodded.

Riel said "To obtain true battle sense you need to either A develop your own one by either meditation or battle experience or B use a predeveloped one. Option B obviously has it's faults, but its easier and more common and these predeveloped ones aren't weak mind you. They are made by masters and have undergone countless correction's and alterations, but Option A is obviously in the end better as it's made for you. So which option?"

Ryuk thought about it and said "A."

Riel nodded cleaning his hands and said "Alright. What I'll be doing today is creating your entry into True battle sense. The true birth of it needs more work etc, but understanding the properties of it is essential. Even after it's developed remember it's not complete it'll take actual battle experience, mediation and much, much more diligence."

Riel then made Ryuk sit down. Riel asked Ryuk to describe some of his most memorable battles and how he fought.

Ryuk explained the battle with Daniel, the Xin matriarch and others.

Riel commented on various things nitpicking on every detail.

Ryuk then without reason closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Riel nodded and went back to fishing.

Ryuk soon opened his eyes.

He looked over at Riel who nodded.

Riel attacked Ryuk with a foundation 2 Cultivation.

Ryuk blocked, but suddenly felt a pain in his back and he sank into the ground.

Ryuk stood up and readied himself.

Riel attacked numerous times with jabs, kicks, elbow shots and knee hits everything.

Ryuk stood bruised yet his eyes were on fire. Riel jumped towards Ryuk and shot a palm. Ryuk grabbed it. Riel smirked and sent both legs at Ryuks stomach. Yet as he did that the two fell.

Riel got up and laughed "First time. Good work. Next."

Riel continued battering Ryuk and each time Ryuk would get better.

This time Riel ran low to the ground finally sending a fist towards Ryuks stomach.

Ryuk grabbed the fist and then Riel sent on of his legs below and tried to get Ryuks jewels. Ryuk caught it with his thighs.

Finally Riel sent his head towards Ryuks jaw.

Ryuk tucked his head back and then spun grappling Riel to the ground.

Quickly Ryuk on top of Riel put his arms into a choke and his legs crossed Riels preventing him from escaping.

Riel laughed violently "Good! Good!"

Ryuk released Riel.

Riel said "You've mastered the idea of True battle sense. Now you have to develop it. Remember we used our bodies only. You need to train with swords and divine skills."

Ryuk nodded and bowed.

Riel threw a pill bottle and said "Here for you bruises and muscles."

Ryuk looked inside and downed the pills after a quick sniff to ensure no poison was present.

Ryuk had developed the ability to smell poisons even unscented ones. This is because of his training in the 7 Primordial poisons from which all poisons are born. Even the poison on a flower petal has its roots from the 7 Primordial poisons.

Riel noticed this behavior and felt happy, but also distanced from Ryuk.

Ryuk didn't care to him although Killing wasn't an exchange to him anymore, people were still too ugly to trust.

Riel sat down and said "The rewards for the Sect competition have been sent out.

1st place gets a month in the Cave of a Taoist from the spiritual realm who once lived in this realm. This is a thing even the rebirth realm patriarchs want to be in every day. The cave itself not only has high levels of qi, there are weapon inheritances and most importantly it has an ability to help with enlightenment with truth, laws and anything. The way it helps is by basically doubling your understanding. We don't know exactly how, but an emissary from the spiritual realm said something about a pseudo soul split.

2nd place gets an ancient scroll found by some outer sect disciples of a clan under one of the sects.

3rd place gets a chance to see the stars of Florence. A mystical location which helps in law comprehension.

The first three not only get this, but also pills, weapons, techniques etc. Basically lots of benefits. Then further down they get other miscellaneous things.

The first place item is amazing for you children especially. Not only does it help with laws and have abundant qi and inheritances. You can seek inner peace the first step towards truth. You can even develop truth seeds there.

The first place item is amazing so it must be the Patriarchs trying to get on the good side of an Otherworlder. 1-20 is typically for the Otherworlders and the rest for us."

Ryuk heard all this and not only did he feel greed for the 1st place prize he felt anger and disgust not only towards his sect patriarchs, his realm and the Otherworlders, but also towards himself. He hated how they acted like dogs humping a king yet he couldn't do anything. Even if he got 1st place by chance someone either the patriarchs or an emissary or someone would kill him. Furthermore from what Ryuk had learnt from Mongoose, Thomas Dede and Bruce was that the competition was basically rigged in their favor. Allowing them to use their contracted beasts, high grade weapons, helpers and even use items that carry the power of stronger beings. It was just a grand show done by the sects to comfort the emissary from the spiritual realm and to get into the good graces of Otherworlders. Furthermore it kept strong disciples strong and weak ones weak. Ryuk hated how he couldn't get something he wanted and how ugly people were, but he was left gritting his teeth in agitation.

Ryuk went back to his home a gloomy aura following.

"Hmph! You want to cheat me? I'll cheat you! This whole system! The Universe! You can get whatever awesome facilities you want Ill use my Myriads thoughts and rule the universe."

Ryuk had learnt from Ryuk about Truth seeds and was suprised to find in his heart around a few acupuncture points was two seeds. One was depressing, inhumane and selfish Ryuk felt it similar to descriptions of Evil. The other was a light blue and white and beat in a strong, firm and vibrant rhythm and could only be described beautiful.

Ryuk didn't understand the first one, but knew the second was his seed of beauty.

Closing his eyes Ryuk ignored everything Except one word.


Years passed Continuously like leaves in autumn.

After an indefinite amount of time questioning and asking.

"Slaughter for no reason is ugly.

Slaughter for survival is smart.

Slaughter for revenge is novel.

The greatest form of slaughter is to discredit killing itself. To defeat it's worth and need. To kill the ideas that decide on it being needed. To kill the laws that allow it.

Slaughter for freedom is serendipity."

Behind Ryuk a figure clad in armor the pigment of nothingness itself Black. With two dragon horns reaching out for heavens on its helmet. Two crimson eyes pulsating madly and excitedly. A black half face mask with a crooked smile. If anyone from the mortal realm was present they would say they were seeing the armor of a samurai. Yet the armor wasn't the exact same. Barren of pride and honor containing only the wild desire for blood and slaughter. A sword held by both hands at hip level as if a king posing. The sword was a blinding white, but unlike what you would expect the sword wasn't sharp or slim rather it was blunt and wide obviously not to give a quick death, but a torturous one.

Many spiritual senses from Ryuks neighbors and the upper echlon flooded towards Ryuk.

Including Mooneyes and Dion's.

As they reached Ryuk they felt primordial fear even greater than that they felt towards those much stronger than them. Yet the fear not only came from it's presence, but of what Ryuk would do if he caught one of them. They could almost hear the cries of agony, the peeling of skin, the crunching of bones and the gulping of blood.

Ryuks truth seed borrowed it's way into Ryuk like others did, but as he saw it plant itself away from the seed of beauty he felt something was missing.

"My truths aren't Separate things they are like a waterfall each one falling onto another combining to make the true meaning appear."

So he forced them together. There was a strong repulsion as if holding two giant and powerful magnets of the same pole together.

Ryuk vomited blood from his 7 orifices.

He groaned yet persisted.

He realized he couldn't force it he had to do it with his thoughts.

Years again passed by until nothing even was present except for Beauty and slaughter.

"Beauty is a very amazing thing, but it's so easy to become ugly. Just like creation is harder than destruction. The only way to protect Beauty is to become a Slaughterer. Yet it's more that that. Why do people slaughter? Why it allowed?"

Ryuk felt his soul burn in pain.

He grabbed his head and screamed.

Voices shouted in his head. They had no meaning to Ryuk yet he felt angry.

He allowed his body to collapse and went back to thinking.

"Beauty supplements slaughter. Without it slaughter, my slaughter is unneeded and ugly. I would be what I find unpleasant. I would see those I love taken and I would be placed into an unpleasant destiny not of my making if I was just a Slaughterer. Beauty isn't weak needing slaughter to maintain it! I am Beauty! Every action of mine contains truth, but I shall only do beautiful things. My slaughter is beautiful, my insanity is beautiful, my love is beautiful. I am beauty. I am the warmth that fills the hearts of those in the cold chill of death. I am the color in the disillusioned world."

Behind Ryuk this time stood two figures.

The figure with a blue and white eye who now had a hand and the slaughter figure.

The Slaughter figure Knelt towards Ryuk as it flickered in and out.

and the other figure representing Beauty wrapped its arms around me. As Ryuk was its lover.