Making a Medicinal pill.

A few days had passed since the day the sun nearly died.

After managing to refresh the lost energy of the sun every sect and all it's countries celebrated for two days. Many people confessed to their loves and many gave up on bad things, but of course not everyone would do this. The older generation lamented on the times. For those Rebirth stage monsters they hadn't seen a sun dying like that time since they were young about 50,000 years ago.

Ryuk had gone back to the Alchemy division and worked even harder obtaining any knowledge he could.

The Alchemy division provided Ryuk with all sorts of alchemical theories contrived or not. They were doing this because they all felt proud. They all loved Alchemy and too see someone so amazing at it someone who could lead the profession it was amazing. They also did this to add onto their plans to take Ryuk away from Riel and facilitate in the most honorable sections of their sect as their division as it had been.

Ryuk had learnt many of the basics in poisons aswell, but their sects Alchemy division was more medicinal than poison. As mostly only assassination, evil or demonic sects would do that. Of course in the higher realms Ryuk knew that was not the case.

Ryuk scuttled around a large room with huge cauldrons everywhere. The sweet smell of Medicinal plants wafted violently making a sweet high for virgin senses. Although poisons are made to be sick and ugly in books in truth it comes from medicinal plants as well. Poison and medicine and linked by more than their victims and patients. Poison isn't simply death its also life. If medicine is like tea calm and gentle, poison is violent like fire. Yet fire can also represent life.

Ryuk was nearly finished with his time in the Alchemist division and had basically accomplished what he wished by excess. His Alchemist foundation was solid and although he wasn't profound enough to be separated into the divisions in medicine and poison he was already years ahead of some disciples.

Ryuks innate talent, intelligence and desire to learn helped him alot. Mostly it was his greed for profit that fueled him. He could make money from the pills, he could supplement himself and he could even get the prestigious Alchemist occupation.

Ryuk looked down at an empty station and he scratched his nose "Should I try refining some poison? Or medicine? Hm... Poison is something good against strong opponents, but im not really at risk for the level of people I can kill with my poison, anyone higher is true truth stage who can insta kill me. Medicine it is!"

Ryuk sat down and after thinking it over he took out a few basic materials stored in his workshop storage. He mumbled as he inspected the materials "Stinger of a Rank 5 Steel scorpion: Average condition. It is slightly weaker than it should due to age and corrosion. Heart root. Immortal grass. witching tip. Frog webs. Quant. Ai! All these materials are of bad quality. No wonder this station is empty. Well this suits my purposes for now I suppose. Lets try to make a plain grade level 1 pill - Stomach iron."

Ryuk heat the large cauldron with his blue flames removing any impurities on the surface and also heating it up.

He turned the earth flame and then began to produce a layered flame.

Ryuk had learnt from so many books and was confident.

He produced a flame and then tried to fold it, but it became chaotic dissapearing.

He tried again and again and finally on his tenth approach he succeeded.

Smiling Ryuk threw it into the Cauldron holding it at the middle with his soul.

He then threw the scorpion tail and began to melt it.

"Secret art: Spider webs!"

Various qi lines formed on the bottom of the cauldron. They extremely tight and intricate.

Ryuk then said "Violent, vivid, Violet cauldron!"

A smaller purple cauldron appeared at the bottom of the webs.

The scorpion tail melted and fell onto the web much of it sticking on to the web.

The second layer, the third layer... the 30 layer of webs and finally a small drop fell into the purple cauldron.

Ryuk said his analysis "A few impurities managed to escape. The qi web wasn't tight enough, damn. Nonetheless its still within acceptable bounds. Uh... I designed this technique the double cauldron technique. I really hope it works."

Ryuk had developed a theory of putting a smaller cauldron into a bigger one to have better effects from heat, purification and even easing the process of condensing of the pill. It all allowed to you to put high pressure without worry of the pill being destroyed or the Cauldron exploding.

Ryuk took the the heart root and using the Wood law and water law brought it to a much better condition.

Ryuk realizing he had done this smacked his head "Damn! I forgot to I could have used the metal law to make that also better! Damn, Damn!"

Ryuk used the fire law to melt the heart root and then threw it down a similar process occured as with the metal the mug sized liquid wilted Down to a single drop.

Ryuk said "The Alchemists from other realms are really too far from any of our Alchemists. Except for the slave alchemist I can't say any other one had any individual thoughts or ideas better than most main realm Cultivators. That alchemist Dong Do Do really was a genius."

What Ryuk didn't know was Dong Do Do was really a super genius. Born with two heaven defying body types. Medicine body and Alchemy body. Medicine body allows him to once in a 100 years produce a medicine of any kind in existence and also help him find medicine and even advance the levels of herbs. The Alchemy body allowed for any thought to be literally guided by the tao. Yes although the Alchemy body doesn't seem all that useful for an alchemist to be literally guided by the Tao. The all, the everything, existence itself that is by far the most scary thing imaginable.

Dong Do Do was beloved by all for his kindness going to wars and supplying all with medicine, but during the Saint war he mysteriously came up dead. Hearts ached, men shed tears and children were silent. Those who he had personally saved truly felt a heavy burden on their chests and for the first time the gods pushed back the saints armies. The heavens and all lower realms underwent a baptism and every worked harder and better with more kindness as to no sully this great doctors wish to save lives.

The world truly lost a great and altruistic person that day that would forever darken the world. Even after the war many took up prayer and blessings towards their own personal god Dong Do Do.

Dong Do Do had 8 students all of who carried out his dream and helped all. Yet supposedly a book with all of Dong Do Do's knowledge and teachings had appeared.

The great unity and peace had been broken and the Kind alchemist Dong Do Do's wish had turned a bloody storm. Millions died and yet the worst part was people saying they wanted to accomplish Dong Do Do's dream. It was truly a cruel escapade that insulted and sullied the name of a great, peace loving and benevolent being.

Yet suddenly that very book had appeared in the demon sacred lands library. Something with the Yin Ape himself was unaware of.

Ryuk had put that book into his ring because he thought it was interesting and of all the books it was the only with he couldn't understand completely not even 1/10th of. Ryuk similarily had read a mnemonic which he also liked "The twisting edge of sun and moon, by the heart of fools and men. Of kings and peasants. See their heart darker than the nether, but all things were born from the endless white. As we sketch it on the blankness it darkens. We must still see still and unkind, but also beauty and adjacent."