Forceful Bloodline increase.

Ryuk meanwhile was twisting and turning in unbearable pain. His blood flowed extremely clearly and fast yet it was so violent on his weak blood vessels. His Meridians were also tearing as the pressure of his bloodlines caused Qi to flush in relentlessly.

Riel was inspecting Ryuks condition sighing deeply as he saw the sect turning on the Nuclear Array. A combination of Science and Cultivation used to preserve as long as they can. In reality Ryuks realms sun should have run out of energy many times over, but through sheer determination they've managed to prolong their lives. Whether in the future they can still prevent the suns from running out of energy and dying thus causing the world to fall into chaos that's another story.

Ryo had shifted into a more presentable size and appeared by Ryuks side. Ryo sniffed Ryuk and then barked.

Riel asked "Ryo? Do you know whats happening to Ryuk?"

Ryo hesitated and then said "Sir. I'll tell you masters situation if you make a vow to ally by Ryuk and never use, manipulate or do anything that can harm him."

Ryo himself didn't want to tell Riel what was happening, but he had to even though Riel was a stranger and someone Ryuk couldn't trust and thus Ryo couldn't trust. Ryo couldn't save Ryuk alone.

Riel said "What?"

Ryo replied "If you can't I cannot tell you."

Riel looked at Ryuks painful face and thought.

Riel himself had never been an emotional person per say. He like Ryuk knew people weren't nice and thus he almost always kept people at arms length even his concubines.

Yet this force from his soul or fate whatever you could call it said to him "This kid is just an innocent brat and he's got no one. He dosent even trust his friends and won't probably trust his family. He's scared not only of being betrayed, but of letting everyone down of not being able to protect them an losing them. He knows that love that's held close when taken hurts worse than any pain imaginable. He's scared and lonely and won't trust anyone, but maybe that's because no one has ever tried to trust him and fall in his arms. Even if he doesn't trust you. Even if he doesn't realize what you do. Seeing such a kid fall down and down until he's alone and broken is that something You could let happen."

Riel took a deep breath and said "I Riel vow on my soul I shall protect Ryuk and do my best to not let any harm touch him. I shall keep his secrets and I shall be his wall to lean on. This lonely, scared, but beautiful child: I will be his father and take care of him."

A pale glow surrounded Riel and those words were engraved on his soul.

Ryo was suprised at Riels determination and could only laugh "Master is lucky to have someone like you Sir."

Riel under Ryo's guidance put up thousands of Soundproof arrays and talismans.

Riel smiled loosely.

Ryo then said with a serious face "Master is the reason Mooneye and all those other worlders are here."

Riels face dropped and asked "What? Why?"

Ryo said "Because he's the one who defies the Universe."

The one who defies the universe... Those words seemed complicated and full of secrets and mystery, but it was simple. He was the enemy of the everyone in the universe until he either died in body and soul or became the creator himself.

Even Ryuk didn't know his responsibility, but how could Riel who's interacted with people from higher realms and Ryo who got all the information from his egg not know.

Riel said gulping "I heard fairy tales. Myths. Urban legends... The enemy of the universe. I can't believe one was born in our realm, but how do you know."

Ryo said "Master may or may not like it, but I know alot of stuff about him not only due to our blood connection, but due to what I've seen him accomplish."

Riel replied "Even if his why is it causing this?"

Ryo replied "It's not it's only making the situation worse. The reason all this is happening is because of the natural Law he has. The natural law is a set foundation of rules nothing can be out of place in it's review. Even abnormalities are under its doctrine, but the problem is as the one who defies the universe Master can't be normal. Whatever he does he must be the best as. As the opponent of the universe if he isn't his purpose if null and he will die. If master can't keep and equilibrium with everything under the natural law and can't control it he'll die with no reincarnation. He doesn't even know how close he's been to dying. Master is talented extremely, but he isn't perfect. He's chosen and done things he shouldn't do, but through sheer effort and will he has survived. As lucky and blessed he is he's as much cursed."

Riel nodded he was damn god surprised, but that didn't matter now so he asked "What do we do?"

Ryo said "Destroy his natural law or Phoenix bloodline, somehow remove him from the physical and soul punishment that he's undergoing and somehow help him master the Natural law to submission or... Upgrade all his bloodline to the same level and increase his Devil Cultivation."

Riel looked at Ryo in surprise and asked "A devil? The abomination? What races?"

Ryo chuckled bitterly "Origin beast Azure dragon. Origin beast Black tortoise. Origin beast White tiger. Origin beast Vermillion bird. Bloodline of the Origin beast Yin ape. Bloodline of a Phoenix. A partial Yang body."

Riel didn't know what Origin beasts were, but he knew that anything with the word Origin was heaven defying.

Ryo knew Riel wouldn't know and said "The manifestations of the laws itself are the Origin beasts or Universal beings. Master is the beloved or the master of those origin beasts and the inheritor of the Yin Ape."

Riel eyes widened beyond belief and said "Whaaaaaatttttttt!"

Ryo said without blinking "We need to upgrade masters bloodline it's the best and most suitable option. Grand master I'll leave it to you to procure materials suitable for tortoise, tiger and yang body. Master hid a medicine for his Azure dragon side and he has a friend who is useful for Yin and Vermillion bird."

Riel nodded but said "But he's a devil right? It should be more than advancing his bloodline."

Ryo said "Yes. It's like a human evolving. You can't just increase the bloodline. Master needs to allow his different sides enhance. I don't know exactly how, but he will."

Riel nodded and left and luckily with the mess of using the Nuclear array Riel could feely steal some materials.

Ryo went inside Ryuks ring and dragged Black out.

Black waved his hands madly saying "Dog! How dare you I'm your masters martial brother!"

Ryo barked "Shut up!"

Black had an awkward expression he wanted to say more, but seeing Ryo's murderous gaze he was left to silently stew.

Black came out and saw Ryuk turning and tossing. His gaze became serious.

Ryo said "You call yourself my masters brother. Then prove it. I know you have Immortal fire with you and you yin blood can be used as a medium to help him."

Black said "Immortal fire? Yin blood? He's a normal demon... what the fuck! How is this a normal demon fruit? This aura is greater than my grandfather!"

Ryo said "I don't expect you to be selfless, but you better save my master otherwise I'll kill you then myself."

Black was stunned and was going to reply when Ryo casually swiped his hand cutting a artery on Blacks arm.

Black screamed "You fucking dog! My arm! My blood! My blood essence! Ahhhhh!"

Ryo showed a "Stop being annoying expression."

Black could only curse in his head "What kind of bad karma did I inherit to be bullied like this! If I wasn't being chased by the demon race I'd fucking cook this dog. I curse you dog! I hope you become a cuck! I hope you fall down a large cliff and die!"

The blood covered Ryuk and caused a bone chilling cold to descend. Slowly the blood was being absorbed by Ryuks pores and his Origin beast Yin ape bloodline was slowly being enhanced.

Black was being fed blood essence pills by Ryo and was made a portable blood bank.

Riel came back soon enough and saw the scene. He saw the heavy yin and demonic qi and knew instantly Black was demon and was about to act when Ryo explained to Riel the situation.

Quickly a tiger body was placed near Ryuk from the age and power still being beamed out it could be seen to be an extremely rare and ancient beast who was the king of the world in the past.

Ryuk who's eyes had been closed this entire time opened sharply. His pupils slanted like a hungry tigers. As if hadn't been fed for years.


A deafening roar descended on the universe as the True King had awaken. Ryuk the White tiger. Soon various stripes twisted and drew themselves on Ryuks skin and a king symbol appeared on his forehead 王. With elongated fangs and sharp nails piercing out of his large arms now the form of a tigers.

The roar fell into every crevice of the universe. Every being heard it's mighty name being sung like the symphony of gods.

In the saint realm a figure wearing a red crown and dress looked downwards. Her eyes slanted dangerously low and with a growl the world heard her reply to the roar of the king "Come my king and I shall Slaughter you! Void Tigers! Heed my command find our God and kill it! Hmph! See Whether I'll let you come and rule over us after so long."

Ryuk like a beast devoured the tiger carcass. Soon enough his body underwent a change, but following that more pain flushed through his nervous system.

Ryo "Grand master the next one!"

Quickly Riel deposited another ancient and mysterious carcass of a tortoise.

This time Ryuks eyes turned a sick and gloomy yellow and he stretched his neck out and devoured the carcass. His two hands and legs slammed down creating a loud vibration throughout the worlds.

In the saint realm a fat figure with scales all over his body was talking to a woman who looked similar when he felt the vibrations.

He said excitedly "Our Exalted Emperor! World tortoises! Our king is alive go and protect him! If those other bastards find out it'll be a horrid session! Our ancestors must be respected and protected even at the costs of our lives understand!"


Both friends and enemies shook with Ryuks advancement.