Taking Shadow King as master. Learning the Way of the scythe.

Ryuk said, "This Technique I received originally I believed it could only make it so strong people wouldn't want to attack me and extract my parts, and also become immune to poison, but now that I delve deeper into it... It feels like if I can sprout all seven poisons I can resist all evil and all ill. That means heart demons, curses, etc. All those evil arts bear roots from the seven Primordial poisons."

Ryuk slowly came out of the blood cloud and contrary to expectation his cheeks were bright red and smile a beaming white.

Shadow king nearly passed out from the shock of seeing this heavens child and muttered, "The heavens really bless this kid. He must be the Son of luck."

Ryuk had a sudden thought, "In life especially those who Cultivate the laws of natural law and karma are extremely important. If one receives in some way one must repay. If you take a look at Ryuk's style he has simply taken quite alot from the world. Yes currently there is no problem, but what about in the future? They say the Buddha cut his own flesh to feed an eagle. It dosent need to be so big, but when you live eventually you die and the earth absorbs your body. The giving of life and giving of death. That is how the world exists. How can I retain a sense of equality with the world, because If I can't I feel that the world will open It's mouth and try to devour me. I mean as amazing as my body is, compared to sons of luck, illegitimate children of the universe Im just a little monk trying towards Immortality. Those amazing Innate bodies... Uh reject bad thoughts. Yet truly if this little one could get an Innate Chaos body or an innate Tao body. My god... No worst of all the Absolute pinnacle of all all body types. The Universes true favored. Innate Perfect Yin-Yang body. In face of such a body every opportunity is meaningless. The general consensus is that those that possess this body are why the quote, "There is always a sky higher than the sky, a heaven higher than the heavens.""

Yes even the sour tasting Innate chaos body while extremely world breaking isn't something one cannot surpass. After all sometimes innate intelligence or power isn't equal to acquired intelligence and power.

The innate Perfect Yin-Yang body is the absolute perfect form in the universe. No matter what technique, it can be easily absorbed and the Natural understanding is the highest. No matter what treasure or material can be absorbed into the body. The term 'no' doesn't exist for this body type. It's too unfair. Everything can be taken by this body type, even Ryuk with his Tao foundation can't actually do that and even if he can it's incredibly hard. The most ugly part of this body is that it can change the foundation. Meaning let's say someone has this body and Cultivates the worst technique, normally unless one destroyed and started again this foundation would be forever, but Innate perfect Yin-Yang body could. Not only that it could form multiple paths. Ryuk although his foundation has many palaces it was one foundation, one unit. Yet those with innate Perfect Yin-Yang body can Cultivate numerous foundations each adding on to the other. It's just too perverted.

That is what unfair is. Yes Ryuk is a devil with five origin beasts halves, he has incredible techniques, he has amazing comprehension, but Sometimes no matter how good the step son is the real son of luck and the Universe can truly be called overpowered. Furthermore not to demerit the origin beasts, but discounting their own race their total potential can only amount to the rank of a half saint.

Ryuk's only distinguishing quality is his Cultivation technique, but since he invented it he forgot a large portion of the scripture. Yes there was also Myriad thoughts, but again that needed resources such as information and etc to use.

Ryuk sighed deeply. Yet he felt this feeling in his chest, like a wild, palpating beast roaring. It seemed to have no qualms defying the set order. Ryuk opened his hand and a scythe came flying. To Ryuk it seemed as if every issue and problem could be solved if he had a scythe. All fear, all hindrance, all could fall upon the edge of his blade.

Weirdly clutching the scythe he spun it around easily and wind blades shot out.

Shadow king came soon afterwards his expression dull as he sensed the extremely hot blood essence inside Ryuk which made it seem like he was a heated pan.

Shadow king said, "Brat. I won't go into detail about what you just did. I'll chalk it up to the heavens mystery. Yet you have some innate talent with the scythe and it just so happens that my main weapon school is the scythe. So how about it wanna learn from me?"

Ryuk nodded and said, "Yes, Martial uncle."

Shadow king grinned and said, "Then accept me as your martial master. Riel can be your Cultivation master."

Ryuk shot two grey glances at the shadow king thinking, "This lazy bum wants to proactively become my master? He's up to something."

Shadow king laughed in his head, "Haha! From what I know this kid came from nothing, yet suddenly he made a full 180 and became the brightest heavens son. He's got to be a son of luck! Imagine the money, babes and more I can get from this kid! He really can't imagine what I'm planning!"

Ryuk opened his eyes more concentrating his Qilin bloodline. Ryuk had learnt that his Qilin eyes could see whether someone was evil or good, whether what he heard was the truth or a lie.

Ryuk trusted Shadow King decently enough, about the same as any other disciple of the sect. Yet just because a cat lives with a dog doesn't mean it wants its fleas. Yes Ryuk was learning from Shadow king, and on the surface he seemed just a perv of a Cultivator. Yet shadow king just seemed... Off. Like there was this aura around him which kinda reflected his name made him a shadow. He seemed kinda broken to Ryuk.

Ryuk didn't have many morals or ethics. He didn't have any of those ideas of if courting a girl one must court the family aswell, or giving a kilo for a gram. Yet one of his deepest mindsets were a master for a day, a father for life. Ryuk looked at Riel truly as his father, his family. Whether it be because of the promise Riel made or whether because Ryuk had somehow come to adore the idea. Riel was Ryuk's master, and Ryuk would do anything he could for his master. The same was for Black, Ryo, little Kun. He looked upon them as family, and to be his master is to be his family.

Ryuk looked at the bright yellow glow that surrounded the shadow king, it represented the good intent that Shadow king lived his life by. Ryuks eyes weren't biased on the terms good, but rather somehow evaluated whether the intent he had was good or bad.

Ryuk smiled and bowed and said, "Disciple greets master."

Furthermore Ryuk liked the tongue and backbone of Shadow king.


Shadow king taught Ryuk the scythe arts of "Speedy hook."

Speedy hook relied on as the name suggests speed, maneuverability, and stealth. It basically meant to find weaknesses in an opponent and quickly grab it. Like a fisherman. The scythe needed for it needed to be a very large curved and it would almost be like having an enlarged finger nail as a weapon. It was extremely hard to do and very taxing, but Ryuk soon mastered it, causing Shadow king to doubt life.

Yet Ryuk and Shadow king got closer and closer as Ryuk trained.


The shadow king was someone Ryuk respected deeply comparable to his master and the Patriarchs. When Ryuk learnt even if it was rudimentary and unnecessary stuff he listened keenly as that was a form of respect. The shadow king passed Ryuk a Scythe and said "This old blade was my first one. It followed me like a great soldier through my bloody expeditions. It hung strong even against heavy and flexible spears and dashing swords. I named it Moon catcher. It's curve is especially intricate and it is able to if used properly separate the flow of energy in a person even without touching."

Ryuks sword heart could said to be extremely powerful, but his actual sword play wasn't that good. It wasn't bad, but against someone who lived and breathed sword he would probably lose, but the scythe was different. Ryuk trained exhausting like with it. He worked every day for numerous hours on Scythe play. Learning the correct forms, the need of control, strength, speed, delicacy. He had written these ways into his muscles. It would be entirely correct to call Ryuk a scythe maniac. Ryuk could even beat someone with sword heart and exceptional sword skills someone who had made the sword his arm easily. Ryuk was like a falcon dashing downwards and grasping all with his sharp claws.

Moon catcher even though it was alien and special in Ryuks hand's he had completely mastered it and this was not to mention his scythe heart which was even more profound and authoritative than his sword heart.

Even the Shadow king was shocked. At first he had chosen to teach Ryuk the scythe first because it was his main school and because suprisingly because of Ryuks sword style his muscles had developed in a way beneficial for scythe play, but the growth was too monsterous. Ryuk could compare in scythe play to a 100 or 500 year old monster. This was no exaggeration. If a fight with no qi or intent, Ryuks scythe seemed to be able to slay anything.

Ryuk was born to the scythe.

Ryuk hadn't received this due to his past life. No he simply belonged to the Scythe.

The scythe wasn't capable for a weapon that was what many martial artists in all realms said. It was a farming tool not a weapon.

It had not the sharpness, sleekness or speed of a sword. The power, piercing power or changeability of a spear. Not the strength of a hammer. Not the cutting edge of a axe. Etc etc. The scythe was said to be the cruel fools weapon used by demonic eccentric's either to create a haunting profile to strike their enemies with fear or to be extremely brutal.

Furthermore it wasn't as if the Scythe was easy to handle. It was considered one of the most difficult to master as well as the most useless. It required grace, strength, speed, control, weakness and even flexibility. Their were far too many requirements.

Furthermore a good scythe was said to be curved with only a heads gap from forming a full circle.

Of course their were long scythes that were just a one sided blade attached to a pole on the side, but no True scythe master considered those true scythes.

Yet their was a hidden power within the scythe.

Ryuk had formed in his head by using various concepts a new school.

It was different from The shadows king "speedy hook."

It was "Push and pull."

It took concepts like toughness and softness, power and weakness and more.

It moved in such a devilish way it seemed to eat the techniques and abilities of others and was even capable of redirection.

To say it simply if lets say someone shot a bullet at Ryuk, Ryuks style meant he could instead of meeting the bullet pull it into his momentum and use it for himself or even disable it.

It required intense hand eye coordination that no normal sane person could do.

It wasn't the pure fighting style of scythes either it was a more defensive style, but that didn't mean it lacked attacking power.

It was a style of redirection, absolute defence and undefendable attack.

Although it was in its early stages it would Continuously grow alongside Ryuk.

Ryuk had already even created some techniques in his school.

When sitting under a tree when a leaf fell he sent his scythe which was well over 10 feet and with such speed, but gently caught a leaf as if it fell into a pond. Ryuk called it Red petal dance. Then when in a cave caught a falling dew with the blade of his scythe and managed to control it's every movement eventually sending into gently into a pond. He called this graceful dew catching. Finally their was one last one when he attacked a tree quickly sending the blade with intense speed and at the last moment catching the edge and pulling it back, hooking the tree. He called this speedy hook from Shadows king technique.