
Ryuk bought a few nice clothes and planned to inscribe some formations of vitality gathering, five element gathering, protection and attack boosting.

Ryuk went all over the city.

Most of his time spent at a large building where sounds of joy and sorrow like two dragons flew across the world.

A casino!

There the color gold wasn't a rarity, neither was women and drinks.

Naturally this place seemed to incite a carnal desire in men, leading them like sheep.

A great man once said:

[Let's fight to live, lets live for happiness! Happiness comes in gold and women!]

Perhaps it was fate from the moment Ryuk casually took the dice and threw them, that a legend would be born.

A scoundrel known throughout all of time would become known as the Blood Diamond bandit king, who would destroy empires without even moving a hand.

Hide your women, hide your weapons and most importantly hide your money! The Bandit King is coming down the mountain with the wolves!

Ryuk's eyes spun like two rolling boulders as he moved his eyes from left to right.

Suddenly he slammed down, "Wu! Again! Wu! One more baby! Wu! Hahaha Z!"

In Ryuks hand a red playing card with a twisting dragon fell like a feather.

"Dancing dragon! I win!" Ryuk screamed as he shot his hands up.

Meanwhile a woman began to tremble and abruptly began to tear the red card with a sleeping dragon.

Another man began to scratch his face.

Another laid on his chair defeated laughing silently.


"Pan! Pan! Pan!"

"Coiling dragon!"

"Wo! Wo! Wo!"

"crouching dragon!"

"Mine! Mine! All mine! Me money, me money, me money! Arrr carcacarcar!"

"No big brother let me be! I'm making money! This is for us man! Come on for the godson! I have an illness and I need this money! So what if it's mortal money, I needs it! Noooooooo!"

Looking defeated Ryuk stared flatly at the big bag full of gold in his hands.

Ryuk lamented, "How much money could I have made. Brother I have a new dream in life. To make the universe broke! I'll take all the gold!"

Mooneye stared exasperatedly at Ryuk and said, "Why? It's just gold. Even a trillion pieces don't amount to a single spirit stone."

Ryuk stared back as if looking at a fool, "Ai. That's why rich people get on my nerves. What good is a spirit stone it's used to trade with some bloody bastards named Cultivators. Mortals are by far more colorful and anyway you don't understand the worth of investment do you?"

Mooneye stared coldly and said, "I'm not a rich person... What do you mean investment?"

Ryuk said, "Ai. No wonder Cultivators need to scramble for resources. Okay let me ask you, do you want a commonly available item or a rare item?"

Mooneye said, "A rare one."

Ryuk said, "If I steal all the gold in the world. Hide for a couple years until everyone forgets come back add a little qi to the gold make people think it's some kind of treasure and scam them. Ai."

Mooneye laughed, "That's all? There's no way that will work."

Ryuk sighed, "Ai. So close minded you think that's my only option? Let me tell you among all metals, Gold is one of the most conductive of qi and also the cheapest. All I have to do is attach a bit of qi and leave it in a dense qi environment for a couple years and by that time it would have truly evolved into a treasure. Who knows it might even gain sentience and become a treasured material which can be sold for a ton no matter where you are. Don't look down on mortal items, they have a lot more potential than you think."

Dion blinked, "Hm. That's true. The first one requires a bit of convincing and manipulating, but the second really works easily... Damn. In fact it's a very smart thing... Wow. The other qi conductive materials are in low quantity and need a lot of purity to actually keep the qi, but gold dosent need that much purity..."

Ryuk smirked, "Hahaha! How do you feel princess in the presence of a scoundrel?"

Dion laughed, "Now, now. Ryuk how did you continuously win anyway. Luck may have a part, but I doubt it was that."

Ryuk said, "Easy. A mix of Buddhism and Ruism. In Confucianism the idea of community and brotherhood is deeply imprinted, one cannot move forward alone. People must help their fellows move forward. Yet to do that one must have knowledge, must have character, one must desire to help others. In Buddhism even though the aim of Buddhism is to cleanse the world of evil and reach Nirvana, it is also by chance about people. Unlike Taoism which could be considered as self growth and individual learning. Ruism allows one with good intentions to peer into another's heart, it allows one to commune with the ancients and sages of old and understand. Buddhism allows one to communicate with all life, all life has worth and presence."

Mooneye stared and said, "Just tell without all the complexities."

Ryuk said, "I scan their faces and hearts..."

Mooneye stared.

Ryuk said, "I act okay. I put little money when im not confident and then when I am I place big bets..."

Mooneye slanted her eyes.

Ryuk sighed, "... I'm just that good?"

Mooneye seemed to pierce through Ryuk like a skewer.

"Fine! I wasn't lying about scanning their faces and placing bets with a meaning behind it. But I also kind of, maybe... Talked with the vengeful spirits of dead Gamblers promising to cleanse their soul so they could ascend and undergo reincarnation."

Mooneye exclaimed "CHEATER!"

"Hey! Hey! Not so loud! I'm your junior Brother have some mercy for gods sake!"

Mooneye grumbled, a righteous air about her "You better return that money!"

"Ai. This is why society will never uprise, because of unfilal vastral's like you! What about loyalty! About forgiveness! Benevolence! What about the Five constants and four virtues!"

"And anyway It was their fault... Those vengeful ghosts were done because of the cruel inhumane practices. That woman sold her children for money to gamble. That man cheated on his wife, and when he was in debt sold her off. That other man killed innocent people and stole their money. That entire gambling place was full of sinners and vile ones."

Right then a loud explosion happened.

Mooneye, Dion and Mongoose looked to find the gambling place crumbled to dust in Azure flames.

Ryuk simply kept walking without a change in expression, except it was slightly cold.

Mongoose sighed and said, "Sister Mooneye, you shouldn't get angry with Ryuk. He might be cheap and a bit of a scoundrel, but he never attacks those who haven't hurt him and are innocent. Plus when he sees the ugly in the world unlike us who forget it and continue with our lives, it sinks in his heart. Even though he dosent show it he carries a lot of burden... I've been with him as his brother for some time and I've found that out. Most of what pushes him in my opinion is those who have died in front of him and he was to weak to save, he keeps Cultivating so their death or sacrifice is worth it. He dosent want to mess up for them or the next person he cares about. He keeps them in his heart, their dreams their hope and he tries to live up to that. He's just a little kid, trying to shoulder everyone around him."

They saw Ryuk turn a corner and then heard a Buddhist mantra.

With a golden light a large Buddha appeared in the sky. Meanwhile Ryuk who was in lotus position while continuously chanting began to float upwards and sat in front of the large Buddha who carried with him a benevolent smile.

From the void a long white and black river raced and flowed into a wheel of Dharma.

Black forms rose and sank into the wheel.

Slowly they became white and turned into their respective form.

Over ten thousand white bodied ghosts appeared, they knelt towards Ryuk and pronounced, "May good sir have a eternal life filled with eternal happiness!"

Those ghosts reverently gazed upon Ryuk and then slowly floated into the sky.

Behind Ryuk another wheel with various symbols and images appeared.

It enlarged and covered Ryuk in a golden glow

A Giant hand suddenly appeared in the sky, "Your the bastard that destroyed my gambling den! Die!"

Yet just then a roar eclipsed the world, "AUDACIOUS! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ONE OF MY DISCIPLES!"

They looked and saw a bald headed monk appear, the waved his hand and the beads on his arm floated and formed a U symbol and lightning fell from the heavens clashing into the hand.

The monk then turned to Ryuk and clasped his shoulder and said, "My, when did our sect get such a talented monk. Ai, really I should spend more time outside. My, my fellow monk you must have been in seclusion for such a long time, your hair has grown out. Come master here will cut it, hm you don't have your incense burns. Don't worry master will help."

Ryuk opened his dull eyes slowly they fell upon the monk and then turned to surprise.

The monk said "Ai. This poor monk has been resting upon the earth embracing mountain to gain understanding in Buddhism and has been put away from the news lately. Even my chat buddies haven't sent me the latest gossip... er I mean news!"

Suddenly a casual voice asked, "Old Testament you aren't considering stealing this old man's disciple are you?"

Without even turning around the monk said, "Old Thunder struck benefactor how is this monk your disciple. Ai, benefactor I'll pray to you, jealously is a evil."

"Who's the monk yet acts like a pervert? Wasn't it fellow Taoist who flirted with that girl who turned out to be the daughter of Nine severities twisting earth and heaven Monarch?"

The monk replied, "In our young days didn't benefactor nearly get eaten by a giant sea dragon because he kept boasting?"

"Wasn't it fellow Taoist who ate meat for ten days and ten nights, like a glutton? Isn't a monk not supposed to eat meat?"

The monk replied, "Wasn't it benefactor who bragged about his control of lighting and went into a black cloud with tumbling lightning and came back charred?"


"Right back at you."

"Let's fight! Fellow Taoist Chamber devising ways is always here to protect you, but now he's in retreat! Hahaha!"

The Monk exclaimed, "Please if it wasn't for Benefactor Snow of bamboo shoot, I would have quenched your vile soul!"

"Out of us twelve brothers, only you have only one truth!"

"Hmph! I have seventy chains of sealing! I have broken twenty! Your death truth only has 78 chains and you've only broken seventeen of them!" The monk retorted.

Thunder boomed in the sky and black clouds erupted out.

A glorious golden light shone throughout the world purifying all ill intentions.

Just then a small hand slipped out of the void and smacked the two figures on their heads and exclaimed, "Fools."

The two previously agitated now on their knees senior's said, "Senior Brother Nether spirit Yaya. How is senior Brother?"

An ages mummified body came out with bandages all over his body. With his hand behind his body and a cheeky smile on his face he waved and the two seniors rose.

"Riel. Tear. You two fools your insulting our names, save some face will you."

He then looked towards Ryuk and smiled as if greedy. Atop his head a third eye sprouted and he scanned Ryuk and with a look of surprise he walked forward.

He the in his ring and pulled out a plate with a jade imbedded in the middle.

It was a spirit treasure!

The senior named Nether spirit Yaya said, "This is called nine weather turning clear. Supposedly it fell from the heavens on a clear day bringing with it a cataclysmic tribulation. I don't know the accuracy of legends, but this is indeed a great defence treasure. Even though only about 8 percent of the formations are still intact it can handle a pain stage Cultivator attack."

He then tucked it into Ryuk's hands and said, "Well. If you wish to bow this old man as your master, hm he will allow it."

Riels expression turned black and he mumbled, "That sick headed senior brother... He's such a sneak! What face! Your openly bribing a junior! Worse yet your bragging with that glib tongue of yours, nine weather's turning clear? Isn't that what senior Brother Tumbling winds and violent rains produced?! What heaven! What tribulation! You bloody snake!"

Meanwhile Tear took out a diamond shaped object and slowly pointed it at Ryuk and Yaya.

Smiling like a demon.

Yaya as if sensing something turned around and caught sight of that diamond looking object and roared in utter fury such that green flames wrapped around his arms and legs.


Tear laughed, "Dear benefactor should be kind with his remarks. Otherwise this poor monks hands may slip and this transmission talisman might fall into the hands of Little Qi. Once he finds you so eager to accept another person as a disciple even though you flatly rejected him stating you would no longer accept disciples. I wonder will Little Qi complain to Big sis violet whip of wrath. Kekekekekeke!"

Another fat person appeared and laughed rolling on the ground, "Hahaha serves you right old nether monster! Hahahaha! Serves you right!"

Yaya looked at the fat man, "Pig of Voracity known throughout all of the world as the man willing to eat even dirt to satiate his hunger dares laugh at the Nether spirit Yaya! The ancestor of the nether clan?!"

The fat man roared, "Audacious! How dare you insult this piggy! I'll eat you!"

Ryuk looked dead with his eyes blank and his mouth agape in shock.

"So this is a gathering of old monsters..."