

"Welcome children, I am Orion , Guildmaster." an old man with a half snake body "Welcome, To guild Unordinary"

Queenie looked around the Guild excitedly, her arms holding tight onto her sisters arm "おねーさん!みて!"



"mhm! かわいい."

"Epy , Queenie , Guildmaster cannot understand our langguage, you guys should speak in english like we have learned." A teen boy said as he approached the two girls, "Guildmaster, I apologize for my sisters, our youngest sister queenie doesn't speak english much so we speak with her in japanese."

The guildmaster only waved his hand with a smile "It's fine, I understand your circumstances."

"Thank you." This time, Epy answered with a smile

"Come, let's go to my office, standing infront of the guilds doors will make you three more eye catching."

The trio wore matching black cloaks as they have just arrived from their travels through the forrest, without rest they have went straight to the guild they are to apply to in haste, after all their funds were low, they must get to work immediately.

The guildmaster had lead them to his office, although it wasn't a silent and calm journey as all eyes inside the Guild had been on them "Please, take a seat." The guildmaster offered as he sad behind his office desk

Queenie sat on Elliot's lap while the twins sat side by side on the two person sofa, "So, you children wish to be mercenaries." The twins nodded "amd the little one?"

"はい!Queenieも!" Queenie replied optimistically

"She said, she'll also be a mercenary." Epy translated, "But we won't have her do the work, She'll just tag along with us, We can't leave her alone by herself."

"Mhm. . . I understand your concern, but a child as young as your little sister might end up in more danger than bieng alone." Guildmaster is worried, a young harmless and adorable little girl such as Queenie bieng thrown out there in the dangerous world as a mercenary is something that haunts even him in his dreams

"We know that, but we are not to be trifled with anyways, We'll protect her."

"Plus, Our younger sister also has mana." Replied epy

A look of hesitation still remained within the guildmasters expression, he closed his eyes and opened it again after a few seconds "Alright, I'll allow you three to be part of this guild if you three pass the test."

A smile crept to Elliot's face "oh? When and where?"

The guildmasters suddenly emmited a orange hue of light, mana flowed of off him and into the surroundings, it wasn't long t'll the surroundings have changed, From an old office to a forrest of darkness "Here, you three shall be put onto trial within the forrest of ashes, here you'll encounter all sorts of things. Your goal is to survive and obtain three silver fairies within an hour."

". . . If you fail, i'll send you three back to japan and pay for all necessities you'll need t'll someone adopts you." And with that the guildmaster vanished

Darkness, is it only coming from the forrest itself or, from the twins?

"That old fart!" Epy exclaimed "I knew I should've bombed that guild the moment I saw it! They lack manners and are un-organized!" Epy furiously kicked a pebble away from her foot "they were all drinking beer and sitting on tables! Ladies only wore their underwears and they didn't even had a decency to cover up infront of a child!"