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Chapter 14

Waking up Saturday, I rolled over and Jack wasn't there. I closed my eyes thinking, "Not again." It was quiet until the toilet flushed, my brows furrowed and I looked over to see Jack walking back to bed. "You're up," he said. "You stayed," I joked. He climbed back in next to me, "I guess I deserve that," he stated. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my forehead, "You ok?" He asked pulling back and searching my face. "Just mentally exhausted," I answered. "What happened yesterday that made you leave?" He asked again. "My husband's sister called," I said wanting to pull away. "What?" He asked. "Casey, she called to let me know that Caleb's girlfriend had a baby, a year ago," I made it, I said it out loud without crying. He stared at me, "That's crazy," he blurted out. I felt hot and ashamed, "He had a girlfriend?" Jack asked. I nodded still looking down, "I found out a year ago from his sister," I explained. "Hey," he said cupping my face in his hands. The tears burned my eyes, he hugged me as I cried, "I just can't help but wonder if my life was a lie," I sobbed. He held me close, I felt like an idiot. This man was paid to make me happy and with one call I was back to a crying wreck of a human. His lips stayed pressed against my forehead, with one arm under me holding me close and the other over me brushing my hair. I didn't realize we had laid there all morning, and eventually I stopped crying. We didn't say a word, we didn't have to as I got up and splashed some cold water on my face and got dressed. I put on a sleeveless t-shirt dress, combed out my hair, covered the fact that I had cried all morning with some make up and we went down to lunch. Everyone was pretty much gone, which I was appreciative of. I didn't much feel like seeing everyone and having to tell the story over and over. I felt as though I had cried and now I was done. I felt done with it all, maybe even done with Chicago. "I think we need something fun," he offered. "What do you have in mind?" I asked raising a brow. "Jet ski's," he suggested with a smile. I felt a weight lift off of me, I nodded, it honestly sounded fun to get away from the heaviness. That's why I was here anyway, life back home was reaching out a claw and trying to grab me back to reality. I still had a week before I leave and I didn't want to deal with reality till I had to.

We changed and went to the docks. We put on lifejackets and climbed on a jet ski, Jack drove, since I had never been on one before. Water proof camera in hand we sped off. We went by the cove were we first went snorkeling. We stopped as watched the schools of fish swim around. I squeezed Jack, "Thank you," I whispered and kissed just behind his ear. It was nice to just have some fun and forget everything going on back in Chicago. I got to clear my head and enjoy a day of silly fun. "Ready to head back?" Jack asked after doing some doughnuts. "Yeah," I called laughing. We got back and walked along the beach, "Are you going to ever tell me how it works here?" I asked. He laughed, "Maybe on the last day," he joked. "What was the business you had to handle the other day?" I pressed knowing I might be pushing too far. "It was just something I had to take care of, nothing big," he brushed off. I stared at him, "What?" He asked. "I just figured I've been honest with you," I was completely bating him, but I wanted to know if the business he had to take care of had to do with what I heard Madame say to him. "Why does it matter?" He asked. I smiled, "It doesn't, I better go get ready for dinner," I said and headed to the main house.

As I showered I wanted to really make an effort to find out what it was, but I didn't want to push my limit too far. I curled my hair, put on make up and my black spaghetti strapped body suit and rose gold colored sequin skirt. I added a black choker and black heels that laced up my leg. I looked at myself in the mirror and I spritzed myself with perfume and headed down with Miguel.

I walked over to the bar and got a blue Moscow mule, which was the drink for the evening. I was feeling free of the dead weight that waited me in Chicago. "Whitney," a familiar voice called behind me, but I couldn't place it. I turned and I know I've seen this guy before, just don't remember where. "Care to dance?" He asked. I thought about it for a minute, it wasn't a super slow song, just some instrumental music. "Sure," I said taking his hand. I maintained a distance from him, as my last week I really didn't want to start over. "How was your vacation?" He asked. "It's been great, a nice break," I replied. "That's good, I figured you'd have a good time. Jack is pretty popular," he stated looking beyond me. There it was, the slap in the face, that I paid to be here and for Jack to "Fuck" me as Madame put it. "Is that why you wanted to dance with me?" I asked. "What?" He questioned back brows furrowed. "You're jealous that Jack is good at his job and you aren't," I stated. He had completely stopped dancing and had now let go of me, "Did I offend you?" I asked sweetly. "Bitch," he muttered and turned to walk away but ran into Jack. "George," Jack said cooly with a nod and moved to the left so George could keep walking.

The dinner bell chimed and we all shuffled in. Madame stood, "Friends, as we approach our final I'm happy to say Thank you for taking a chance and letting us help you through a journey of rejuvenation. I will meet with each of you tomorrow and discuss some options available to each of you, tonight enjoy," she said. The staff brought out the salad, "I wonder what options she's talking about," Sandra said excitedly. To which Roman responded by rubbing his nose on hers, I rolled my eyes and again was busted by Jack who looked at me skeptically. I smiled and shook my head and took a sip of my drink. The second course was lobster and filet minion, with steamed veggies, lobster was one of my favorites. "Whitney, what are you going to do when you get back home?" Sandra asked. "Um," I paused. "Probably go back to work," I answered not knowing what else. "Do you feel like you can go back life as normal?" Sandra asked. I looked at her, the truth was no I couldn't go back to life as normal. I was going to miss Jack. I looked down at my plate and took a deep breath, "No, probably not," I said not looking up. Jack reached over and put his hand on my back, I closed my eyes. Once I left I wouldn't feel this again, his hands on my body. That was when I knew I had made the right choice.

After dinner there was dancing in the garden. The slow music and smell of the flowers in bloom were the perfect mix, for Jack and I to dance close. I tried to hide my face at first, I felt a little embarrassed, dancing so close in front of everyone. Jack put a knuckle under my chin and lifted my head, and kissed me. We continued to sway to the music, my arms wrapped around his neck, his arms resting on the small of my back. We danced to a few songs, "Come to my room," I whispered grabbing.

As soon as the door closed, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, as he took a deep breath in. He kissed my shoulders, as he slid the straps of my body suit down. He pushed my clothes down to the floor and quickly took off his pants. We laid on the bed, "Slowly," I whispered before kissing him. I wanted to take time and enjoy this. His hands all over my body, sliding down my body, before slipping inside of me, circling and twisting, driving me crazy. I moaned and that was his signal, he pulled his hand out and eased himself inside me. His hands on either side cupping my face, he kissed me as he dove deeper. He continued to thrust deeper, I broke the kiss I couldn't take it, "Ah, Jack," I yelled. "I wanna try something," he murmured against my ear and pulled out. He grabbed my legs and flipped me over, I giggled feeling a thrill. He grabbed my hips and plunged back inside me, this new sensation made my back arch. I grabbed the sheets as he continued with a rocking motion. His hand wandering and exploring my body, his gentle touch was to much, "Ja….Jack," I called as I reached my peak. Jack grabbed my shoulders and pushed deeper as my body throbbed around him. He sped up rocking harder his body slamming into mine and before I knew it he was calling out my name as we climaxed together. Another first, I had never had two orgasms before. He collapsed next to me wrapping me up in his arms and kissing my shoulder. I closed my eyes trying soak up every moment with him, just breathing him in.

I woke up early on Sunday, too early. I put my clothes from the night before into my bag and put on my leggings and sweatshirt. I put the note I wrote, next to Jack and kissed his forehead, tears rolled from my eyes as I walked out. I handed Miguel my bag and went downstairs to Madame's office. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" She asked. "You said love was not in the contract," I told her. "I told him that, not you," she explained. "But I'm in love with him," I said. There was an awkward silence, "I'm sorry. Thank you," I said and rushed out crying. I cried all the way to the tarmac, and tried to pull myself together the plane ride home. A car was waiting for me to take me to my condo, where I collapsed on my bed in a sobbing mess.