Getting stronger part-1

Izayoi decided to came clear about his origin. How he came here from a Universe, outside the authority of Akasha. It was pretty overwhelming for Gil at first, but he calmed down pretty quickly and, started insisting Izayoi to take him to meet Baron.

Baron La Croix; the God of love, lust and death. The being who, according to Izayoi is stronger than Types.

Considering they were now travelling at the speed of thought, they were able to reach there quicker than expected. They soon reached Sakamaki residence.

The huge amount of energy covering the place clearly indicated, that there is a God-like being in that house. Due to a cloaking spell, no one in the neighbourhood could see the Viamana floating above them.

Izayoi and Gil entered the house, without getting noticed. After they entered, there was already someone waiting from them.

The tailcoat demon lord already noticed their presence. Upon laying his sight on Croix, Gil noticed that he definitely isn't a human, Dead Apostle or divinity of his world.

Gil: "He is a God?"

Izayoi: "Yes, pretty unbelievable but yes."

Gil: "I have more wacky gods, so it isn't unbelievable."

Baron interrupted them, "Are you all done?"

Gil looked at him. He knew about the power level of beings from Izayoi's world.

5 Digits- They are capable of manipulating basic concepts of the world and wrap reality. Taking them down would take the power that could destroy the largest of starts.

4 Digits- These beings are strong enough to destroy multiple solar systems.

3 Digits- They could destroy an entire universe just by existing there in their true forms there. They could wrap reality of universes and rewrite history If it wasn't for omnipotence paradox and End emptiness, sealing most of their power.

2 Digits- They are nigh omniscience and omnipotent and are capable of playing with entire multiverses.

1 Digit- They could simply destroy everything and anything, entire multiverses and existence at once, as long their cosmology exists, they are immortal. Their immortality is beyond His Heaven Feel, they could come back even if their entire existence is destroyed. But Gil wasn't afraid.

Izayoi with Aurora pillar could even kill 1st Digit but physically, he is 4 digit level.

Baron: "Simply to enjoy this damn holiday. But I apparently I couldn't, let me give me some souvenirs from my otherworldly journey."

Baron waved his hands and bunch of pink round fruits appeared, floating in front of him.

The Sage pill is a fruit, which grows in a divine realm of a different universe, this usually eaten by Gods of that world. These fruits take a millennium to grow but, the new batch was robbed by Croix before Gods could get them.

The Sage Pill is a fruit that is located in the Ore Kingdom of the Sage Realm. It is a holy fruit which could enhance a person's subconscious strength, but results in the death of the person, if they are not trained enough to control their subconscious. It must be eaten with the tears of a holy animal if the consumer wants to survive. These holy animals include dragons or Hatae.

Croix: "The Sage Pill is able to increase the user power greatly, but if the user isn't trained enough to control their subconscious, the user could later end up dying however that is if the eater is a human. If the consumer is a person from the Sage Realm it greatly enhances their powers.

So, what's for lunch? It's this."

Izayoi: "Where did you get them?"

Baron: "From another world. Our next destination. These fruits will not have much effect on you since, you have unlimited energy to draw from."

Gil: "Wait there are more universes!"

Izayoi just told him about his own world but not about others.

Baron: "Let me explain. Your world is part of a cluster of many universes and they are governed by a system, that's Akasha. I come from a world outside that system. There are many universes such as this. Whoever created your multiverse and Akasha, must be at least 2 Digit rank being."

It all made sense to him now. Why he couldn't look at Izayoi's future. This moment Gil found himself as a speck of dust among mighty beings. But it made him snap and a feeling rose within him. He snatched the fruit and took a bite.