Money wins battle

Izayoi: "Where can I learn this?"

Baron: "The creator of RE Taekwondo lives near here. Let's go pay him a visit."

Before they could leave, Gil had something to say.

Gil: "What about me? I am not going to waste my time here, and punches and kicks are not my style."

Baron thought for a moment then said, "You are weapon user, correct?"

Gil: "Yes..."

Baron: "Seo Han-Ryang can help you. He is one of the best martial artists in this world. Han-Ryang's fighting style was called Pumba. This style covered a variety of weapons, including but not limited to staffs and swords."

Gilgamesh thought about this for a moment and then said, "Sounds interesting. where can I find him?"

Baron: "Seo-Han-Ryang was appointed as 27th leader of the National Homeless Association. You find them, You will find him."

Gil: "See you both later, then."

Saying this Gil disappeared, leaving golden particles behind.

Izayoi: "Just like that----Seriously."


After Gil left, Baro and Izayoi went toward the mountain, away from noise pollution in the name of K-pop. They soon reached a house, in front of which a thirteen or fourteen years old boy was shadow boxing with a man in later forties or early fifties.

The man looked at Baron and Izayoi, he could sense that Baron was not normal.

The man looked at the child he was training, "Stay back. I'll handle this," Saying this he approached both of them. "Who are you?"

The man had a smile on his face and didn't seem hostile yet ready for action.

Baron: "You are Jin Tae-Jin, the creator of RE Taekwondo?"

Tae-Jin smiled and replied, "Yes, may I know your reason for being here."

"My friend here wanted to learn you Taekwondo," said Baron pointing at Izayoi.

Tae-Jin looked at him, "I don't know how you found but, you must know RE Taekwondo was specifically designed for me. Another person using this will suffer negative effects.

Izayoi: "Just give me the techniques, I could manage everything else." Tae-Jin words challenged Izayoi to prove him wrong.

Tae-Jin: "Boy don't be so cocky. This isn't a toy, it's a discipline to turn the body into a weapon of mass destruction."

Izayoi: "I am mass destruction itself. By the way, are you tough?"

Tae-Jin: "Are you challenging me boy?"

Izayoi: "If you want to take it as a challenge."

He laughed at Izayoi's word, "Well bring it in, boy."

(Tape-Jin POV)

Let's finish this quickly, I don't want to hurt the kid.

I punched the kid's chest as weak as I can. I thought this would be enough. After my fist connected, it felt light I was hitting something harder than the strongest metal. The boy's flesh, bones and muscles felt tough as those of top martial artist.

The strike managed to push him back several meters but there was no damage done to him.

Me: "You are tough one. Okay, I will teach you."

The kid impressed me a lot. Maybe he could become a good rival for my grandson.

"Nah, I am all fired up. This isn't over yet."

The kid shouted. He is a passionate fighter, that's much better.

Me: "Bring it on." I clapped my hands to produce a wave. Air Pressure, it is a Renewal Taekwondo technique that uses a clap to generate reverberating airwaves in order to disorient or knock out the opponent.

The boy went through the wave, without any problem. He is like a rough diamond.

(Izayoi POV)

The humans here are tough. This is good, this is damn good. Let's use more power.

I jumped at him with my fist aiming at the old man's face. My first was deflected by a knee strike.

[ Baekdu ]

It didn't do any damage but it sent me flying back. Martial Arts aren't a joke huh. The oldie started striking the air supersonic speed.

[Jin Tae-Jin Personal Skill: Sonic Punch and Kick]

The strike didn't directly connect but their air pressure destroyed my sleeves. I am going to wear sleeveless clothes next time.

Wonder what Gil must be doing?

(POV end)


Far away somewhere Gil was standing in front of a man. The man was dressed in a standard homeless outfit; a worn-out hat, an old coat over a jacket and a shirt. His eyes are rarely seen beneath his bangs. He has brown-purple hair in a ponytail and slight stubble on his chin.

Man: "What would give me, if I teach you Hallyang Style Pumba?"

A pile of Gold appeared in front of him.

Gil: "Is this enough."

The man: "O-Offer A-Accepted."