Establishing a Guild

Izayoi and Gil slaughtering through the armies of demons, after a while, they encountered a familiar face. Sung Jin-Woo.

What was he doing here?

Izayoi and Gil; both approached him. Jin-Woo was shocked to see him.

Izayoi: "What are you doing here?"

Jin-Woo: "What are you both doing here?"

Gil: "We are hunting, mongrel."

Jin-Woo knew with his current level, he stood no chance against them. So he decided to do this in a peaceful way.

Jin-Woo: "I got here through a portal, by using a magical item. What about you both?"

Izayoi: "A friend opened a portal for us."

Jin-Woo: "A friend?"

Izayoi: "Long story. What do you know about this dungeon?"

Jin-Woo: "At first I thought it was a field type, but no. It is actually a tower type. There may be a hundred floors in this dungeon."


Back on earth, something else was happening. Yu Jin-Ho, Jin-Woo's friend who wanted to open a guild. Unknown to him, his father invited a survivor of Red Gate incident to know the story.

"So, what happened was…."

Yu Jin-Ho's eyes twinkled as he listened.

"At first, everyone was taken back somewhat, after learning that a pair of rank E Hunters were coming to observe the new recruit training process. But then…."

Goh Myung-Hwan began describing what happened that day with a hyped-up voice reminiscent of a little kid proudly showing off to a friend the brand new toy he got as a gift.


"He did what to a rank A Hunter??"

Goh Myung-Hwan wasn't the only over-excited person in the room.

"Exactly!! With his palm, he went like, Pah!! He smacked the back of Kim Cheol's head, and…."


As he listened to the exploits of hyung-nim, Yu Jin-Ho's heart beat faster as if he was there, experiencing everything personally.

'As expected of hyung-nim….'

To him, hunting down high-ranked monsters was nothing. Well, he could knock out a rank A Hunter with a single slap, after all.

Yu Jin-Ho felt so moved and proud at the same time after realising that such an incredible person had been standing by his side until now.

Meanwhile, Goh Myung-Hwan continued on with his story.

"….I really thought that we'd die for sure when dozens of Ice Elves showed up. But then again…."

Was he paying too close attention to the story? Time flew by really quickly. The definitely-not-short story of that day's events was finally coming to its end.

The excited Goh Myung-Hwan's voice became louder.

"So, what I'm saying is, this whole thing is just too unfair. Mister Seong Jin-Woo saved our a*ses back there. He's my life's saviour."

Yu Jin-Ho unconsciously nodded his head in agreement. He could understand where Goh Myung-Hwan was coming from. He also had received similar help before, too.

"But then, I'm not supposed to reveal the existence of Mister Seong Jin-Woo? I find it difficult to accept the decision of the White Tiger Guild. However, Chairman Yu has given me a call out of the blue, and so, here I am."

It was at this point that Yu Myung-Han stopped Goh Myung-Hwan in a dignified manner.

"Goh Myung-Hwan Hunter-nim."


"I believe that should be sufficient."

"Ah. My apologies, sir. I got carried away."

Goh Myung-Hwan embarrassedly lowered his head.

Yu Myung-Han's stare then shifted over to his son, Yu Jin-Ho.

"In the process of investigating more about Hunter Seong Jin-Woo, a name that I never expected to hear popped up."

At the ends of Yu Myung-Han's pointing finger….

His index finger pointed to a piece of paper with Yu Jin-Ho's name written on it. And it was none other than the raid records Yu Jin-Ho handed over to his father.

His index finger pointed lower and stopped at the three words 'Seong Jin-Woo' next.

The raid leader, Yu Jin-Ho. The raid member, Seong Jin-Woo.

This was irrefutable evidence.

'….I'm busted.'

The truth about hyung-nim helping him out during the process of acquiring his Guild Master licence was now out in the open. Yu Jin-Ho's expression hardened.

"Hunter Seong Jin-Woo aided you greatly during your attempt to earn the Guild Master licence. Do you acknowledge this fact?"

"…..Yes, Father."

"Is there anything else you want?"

He lowered his head and raised his voice.

"Can you entrust the Yujin Guild to me, Father?"

"I will."


At that refreshingly simple answer, Yu Jin-Ho hurriedly raised his head.

"I shall entrust the Yujin Guild to you."

"But, why….?"

"Didn't you say it yourself? It is too risky to entrust the Guild to an outsider. With you here, is there a reason to take on that risk now?"

"B-but, I tried to deceive you, father."

"You thought I'd scold you and kick you out because of that?"

What was going on here?

Yu Jin-Ho thought that his father was smiling, for some reason. But, Yu Myung-Han's lips would always remain in a straight line, no matter what the occasion was. So, how come?

"If you entered the dungeons without any plans whatsoever, then I'd have done just that. Because I don't remember raising an idiot son like that."

Yu Jin-Ho's face became hot at that moment.

'If I hadn't met hyung-nim, then I'd be getting scolded by father right about now….'

No, wait – he'd be dead long before that.

Yu Jin-Ho spat out a sigh of relief inwardly.

"However, I have a condition."

"Yes, Father."

"This Hunter Seong Jin-Woo… can you bring him over to Yujin?"

Yu Jin-Ho's eyes opened wider.

"You mean, hyung-nim??"


The light within Yu Myung-Han's eyes flickered a little just then. But that didn't last for long.

"That's correct."

Yu Jin-Ho became speechless, then.


Even a snot-nosed brat would know that now was the right time to confidently say something in order to leave behind a positive impression. However, the one they were talking about was none other than hyung-nim.

Yu Jin-Ho could ask, sure, but he wasn't confident of anything else besides. So, he replied honestly.

"I can't be certain."

"Very good. There is no meaning if the challenge is too easy for you."

Chairman Yu Myung-Han took a sip of water and lightly wiped the corners of his lips with a handkerchief.

"If you fail, I shall hand over the Guild to your brother. So, how about it? Will you accept?"

Yu Jin-Ho's expression became grave.

'This is the shot I struggled so hard to get….'

If he backed out now, then he wouldn't be able to show himself in front of hyung-nim, who helped him right until the end for this opportunity.

Yu Jin-Ho became deeply earnest as he replied.

"I accept, Father."


With that reply, the negotiation between a father and a son had come to a conclusion. Yu Myung-Han wordlessly nodded his head, and Yu Jin-Ho stood up, bowed his waist, and left the room.