Artifacts 1

First, of all, there's not a single living creature within any of the galaxies.

Which is weird in the sense that plantlife flourishes already.

Or not...depends on the environment of course.

Either way, since I've got nothing better to do at the moment, shall we try to create something new?

Something living?

A human possibly?

Or a monster?

There's a lot of possibilities, however very few of those actually appeal to me at the moment.

It is also possible to not meddle with the ways of nature...but why should I not since I technically am nature now?

However, first of all, it would be good to name the four galaxies.

The first galaxy is emptier than my wallet back on Earth, The Abyss.

The second galaxy which is the largest shall be named, Realm of Gods and Demons.

The third galaxy which will be prepared for cultivation should bear the name of Delta Galaxy.

And of course, the fourth and the last one, Magia Galaxy.

(All the names are in the same order they were explained in the last chapter).

Now that we've done that, perhaps it's a good idea to create something that can control the 4 galaxies.

Or at least make it impossible for the soon-to-be living creatures to rapidly expand territory, or gain strength.

First of all, comes The Abyss.

Since there's nothing there, not even energy, then perhaps there's not much for me to do.

But there least in theory.

In a lot of novels, the Abyss is known as the place of nothingness, or the place where Devils and monsters live.

Perhaps I should create a tempering artifact and place it in the middle?

Like an artifact to temper the body's and soul's durability and strength.

It would most probably be suitable for the Cultivation galaxy, or in other words the Delta Galaxy. entire Abyss dedicated to strengthening another Galaxy wouldn't really make sense.

Perhaps I should add some energy within, making it possible for creatures to live inside?

Of course, it would have to be creatures able to survive only on energy.

So an artifact that releases a special type of energy, that's what I should make for the Abyss!

One with negative energy, another with pure energy!

In that way, the Abyss and the Delta Galaxy could be enemies?

Well, that would only be possible if they knew of each other's existence.

But it's a brilliant idea if I do say so myself.

Whether you like that idea or not, I don't care about that opinion of yours, since I'm the ruler here, and I decide on what should happen.

Perhaps I should make a clone, make it into a statue, and enchant it with the negative energy and seal it within the Abyss?

That would probably suffice, as a sort of ancient Artifact since it'll probably be there for a couple of million years before anything else arrives.

In that way, I can at all times control the amount of negative energy my clone releases.

Which in turn means, I can control the strength of the creatures living within with ease.

「Use Minor Skill: Clone to create a clone of Blessed Body with a fifth of its original power.」

「Ding! Autumn Hall has cloned Blessed Body.」

Almost instantly another 'me' appeared in front of me.

Even the robes looked the same.

At the same time, I felt a bit of my conscience split away from me and land inside the clone.

「Use Minor Skill: Modify to change the outer surface and attire of the cloned Blessed Body to white jade.」

You may ask, 'how do you know what white jade looks like?'.

I don't. I just heard it's pretty, so since I'm technically making a statue of myself, then why not make it pretty?

With my original Blessed Body, I couldn't see what was happening at all, but out of the eyes of the clone, I saw that Its limbs gradually began to turn a glossy white.

Then came the chest.

And then came the face...I guessed since it wasn't possible for me to see it.

My family and friends didn't lie to me.

White Jade is extremely pretty, yet looks extremely fragile at the same time.

「Use Minor Skill: Enchant to enchant clone of Blessed Body with negative energy.」

Almost instantly I could see and feel evil and sinister energy coming from the clone.

It didn't bother me much though.

I controlled the clone and made a crack in space that led directly to the center of the Abyss.

Surprisingly even with that strength, it was able to do that.

And oddly enough, even me as the Universe, I didn't feel anything uncomfortable.

It actually felt nice in a way?

Either way, back to the Clone.

I walked through the crack in space and arrived in the Abyss.

Since there was nothing there, I might as well create something this clone can stand on.

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create a mountain.」

Without any sound, a mountain appeared in front of me.

The mountain was extremely large. At least a couple million kilometers in height.

Ah... so that's what stone looks like.

I don't actually know what stone looks like, but I know that's what mountains are made off.

So, now I at least know what stone is and what color it is.

I'm guessing its name is grey since my parents and siblings told me most stone is a mix between white and black, creating an extremely boring color.

Since I need somewhere to sit, then I might as well make the top of the mountain flat.

As I arrive on top of the mountain I make what I believe to be a somewhat temple-like building.

I sit down in the middle of the temple and withdraw my conscience from the clone.

Back to the Blessed Body.

I can already feel a difference coming from the abyss.

It's the negative and sinister energy.

Since I don't want it to spread outside of the Abyss, I should probably seal it.

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create Minor Skill: Seal.」

「Ding! Autumn Hall has created Minor Skill: Seal.」

「Use Minor Skill: Seal, to seal The Abyss.」