Visit (1) (Diablo)

I wake up.

I feel extremely refreshed.

But it's also an extremely weird and odd feeling.

Sleeping in a bed floating about?

Wouldn't you find that as something odd, especially if you saw someone sleep in space?

Oh well, I'll just have to get used to it.

Let's see how long I've been asleep.


[Name: Autumn Hall][Age: ~700 000]

[Species: Universe]

[Titles: -]

[Time Scale: 1 : 1 000]

[Major Skills]:

- Creation.

- Destruction.

- Chaos.

- Order.

[Minor Skills]:

- Blessed Body

- Clone

- Enchant

- Possess

- Modify



I'm still not used to seeing such large numbers indicating my age.

If someone was to ever ask about my age, I'd fry them and kill them in the cruelest way possible.

My age is not something others need to know or in any way be curious about.

I'll f*cking massacre anyone who even wonders about my age.

I'm just kidding...

Although people would probably say I'm crazy and all, I wouldn't kill someone due to them being curious about my age.

But if they ever ask, I would probably lie to them.

Or, reluctantly tell them my actual age if I find it fitting.

Oh well, since I've gotten some sleep...7 hours to be exact, or approximately 400 000 years, it's time to check on my creations.

I wonder, are they still alive?

They should be, especially if they've become powerful.

For me, power equals vitality.

The more power, the longer lifespan.

That's probably also how most novels depict lifespan.

Especially the Martial Arts novels and sometimes also the magic ones.

And, if they're still alive, which they probably are, then I'm not the only one that can be called an old hag.

But unlike me, who can live infinitely, they will probably die sooner or later.

This is kind of sad really because then I'm the only one that will be identified as an oldie.

And the worst part is, that most people deem old people as wise decision-makers and knowledgeable.

But look at me, I have the mind and body of a mature girl full of energy, yet I'm 700 000 years old?

What kind of weird combo is that?

Anyway, it's time to visit my creations.

I gently swing my arm and a crack appears in space in front of me.

POV: Diablo.

「In the name of the Holy One, I the Devil Emperor of Bloodlust, Diablo, condemn you to suffer 5000 years in the flames of purgatory!」

In front of a statue of a magnificent woman, a handsome man, with long red hair, sharp eyebrows, a trimmed body, red skin, and horns stood.

Most women would probably fall head over heels in front of such a man, even with his skin the color of blood, and his black horns.

In front of him, laid a lump of flesh, with limbs sticking out all over the place.

A distorted face, or what looked the closest to anything you could call a face, was in tears in the middle of this lump of meat.

As soon as Diablo finished his verdict, guards came running out of nowhere, pulling the lump of flesh through an enormous double-door.

This place would most probably be described as a Court.

But what was weird was it was a court, for devils.

Not for humans.

But for devils.

Nasty liars, tricksters, and the worst enemy of humans, so to say.

But surprisingly everything was organized compared to stories about how brutal and unorganized devils are.

Diablo, after having given his verdict, looks at a bulky humanoid figure, clad in black armor with disgust.

「The trial for the punishment of the Devil King Dozgal will be put on hold 'till tomorrow.」

As soon as Diablo's voice fades, he walks through a pair of double doors behind the statue.

He walks inside a room, looking to be extremely luxurious.

In the middle of said room, stands a statue unlike any other.

The statue inside the courtroom could never compare to a masterpiece such as the one in this room.

Diablo walks towards a couch and sits down with a sigh.

「Sigh...I've had enough of all this. I've already ruled this hellhole for hundreds of thousands of years, yet I've not been able to find a suitable successor.」

As Diablo sat on the luxurious couch, he heard a sound behind him.

Quickly turning around and throwing a sword towards the sound, he sees something unbelievable.

A woman, with black hair filled with stars, and an unbelievably beautiful face...being hit by his thrown sword.

'It's all over. She's already as good as dead...what a pity.'

「My, my, you're pretty aggressive aren't you?」

However, unlike his expectations, the swords hit her and disintegrate as if it never existed.

What's most unbelievable was, however, that she didn't even move.

Diablo couldn't feel any sort of movement, not even a fluctuation in the energy surrounding her body.

Cold sweat started pouring down his back.

'I've never heard of someone this powerful before. Especially since I'm named the most powerful within this hellhole. Who the hell is she?'

「You can't even recognize me?」

As if she read his mind, she tilts her head and asks.

She feels extremely familiar as if I've seen her before.

But where?


How could he have forgotten?

She looks exactly like the statue of the Holy One!

'Wait...did I just attack the Holy One?!'

Instantly his back was drenched in cold sweat.

What kind of punishment would he get for attacking her?

He worshipped her like she was his savior, but now when he finally got to meet her, the first thing Diablo does is attacking her?

Not a very good first impression, I'd say.

Without much delay, he falls to the ground and plants his face in the ground.

「Please show mercy, Holy One! I didn't mean to attack your Highness!」