Visit (7) (Selina)

「Oh my! You don't have to be on such high alert. I'm only here to see how you're doing after all these years.」

In front of me stood a young lady, clad in traditional funeral clothing.

Her long black hair seemed to have millions of stars mixed within, and her face had perfect shapes.

Eyebrows sharp as swords, piercing beautiful eyes that seemed to contain hundreds of colours and stars.

All in all, her being was what could be described in one word; Perfect.

No flaws could be found at all.

「How can I believe you?」

「Not sure if this will help, but I'll still give it a try.」

POV: Autumn

I smile at her and turn my back on her.

Firstly, this was to try and make her recall a memory.

A memory of the past that has long been forgotten with time.

Secondly, I hoped that this could prove that I trust her in not attacking me.

But, even if she does choose to attack me, It's not like I'll actually take any damage.

However, I'd rather take it the easy way and make her recall the memory.

That'll help her understand who I am at least.

「Are you dumb to turn your back on me, because then you're really not scared of deat-...What are you doing here?!」

Thank god it somewhat worked.

I turn around with a bright smile plastered on my face.

Turns out, with just a little help, she could recognize me.

Or well, recognize my back that is.

「I came to pay a visit to someone I'd liked to meet for some time actually.」

POV: Selina.

Why has she come here?

Didn't Grandpa say she probably wasn't in this world anymore?




I have so many questions right now.

How come the True Immortal has paid a visit to me?

No, wait...Grandpa said she wasn't a true immortal.

But neither was she a god.

Then what is her true identity?

「Come, take a seat with me. I can answer some of your questions.」

I reluctantly walk over to the bench and sit beside her.

Although she is the 'True Immortal' I'm still not gonna trust her entirely.

That would just be plain stupid.

「Go on, ask me something. Get it off of your mind.」

「Who are you?」

「I'm someone that create.」

「Create what.」

「That's a trade secret...;)」

「Then what are you? If you're not a True Immortal, and you're not a God, then are you a normal person? But that wouldn't make sense, because Grandpa wouldn't have placed a jade statue in the bamboo forest. Besides, a normal person would never live over 400 000 years!」

「That's a really good question. Some people do see me as a True Immortal or a True God, but indeed, neither of those are true. I am everything.」

「Huh? Everything. What do you mean by that?」

「That my dear, you'll have to figure out for yourself.」(A/N: Oh my god. This is so cliché)

「Why have you come here.」

「Like I said. To visit a certain someone I'd liked to meet for some time. And of course, maybe give a helping hand if you're willing to trust me.」

「Do you think I'm that dumb? How do you expect me to just believe you out of the blue? I've never met you before?」

「I know you may have a hard time believing me, but what if I said I could help you with your breakthrough?」

「I'd say you were crazy.」

「Indeed, not the one to be trusting of another. Then let me show you that I am capable to do so.」

Without warning, her finger touches my forehead.

I didn't even see it coming, and neither could I move out of the way before it actually happened.

As soon as her finger touched the middle of my forehead, a stream of warmth ran through my body.

I felt all the accumulated impurities disappear.

I felt all my bones, my blood, my flesh, be reinforced and reborn.

It felt absolutely amazing.

In an instant, a shockwave was released from my body and I...broke through?