The Book On How To Be The Universe (2) (2)


Alright, so you're telling me, that because of a slipup on your end, my personality will have a slight chance at changing?


It's already begun to change, so how can that be a slight chance of a change in personality?

Either I'm just incredibly unlucky, or the old universe lied.

If it lied to me about the chances of change in personality, the excuse would be horrible; "As I said, I'm not all-knowing."

Something along those lines would probably be the best excuse that old sack of nothingness could come up with.

But, although I'm angry at the slipup made by the old universe, I can't really say it's unexpected either.

Everyone makes mistakes, even those with incredible power.

Some people just have more chances to fix that mistake, like me.

I have incredibly many chances to fix a mistake, as I can just start over with what caused the mistake. (A/N translation: I have incredibly many chances to destroy the mistake, and then start over once again.)

No one's perfect.

Being perfect is just boring.

You know why?

Because if you're perfect, nothing new will happen in life.

Nothing unexpected will happen, and no changes will sneak into your life.

You have everything already, so what else can you get?

What else can you do?

Alright, sidetracking again!

Change of personality.

Could there possibly be a temporary solution to this problem?

Something that could prevent my personality from changing too much?

I'd better check, just in case.

*Flipping through pages sound effects*

Ah, here it is.

Page 119: Temporary solutions, Change in personality

There are no temporary solutions to this problem.

Discover it at own risks.

Sometimes I'm beginning to believe that this is just one big joke.

How can a universe be this lazy, unproductive and carefree?!

Even when you made a slipup, you didn't even bother to try and find a temporary solution to the problem?!

You didn't even try to actually help me, except telling me to get more powerful?

It's like you want my personality to change!

You may or may not have noticed why I'm angry.

If my personality really is changing for the worse, and I get more and more powerful over time, then at one point, I'd perhaps become some psycho that enjoys watching billions, if not trillions of life forms being killed in front of my eyes!

That's something I'd rather not become.

That would basically spell the doom of the universe (me) if I wanted war, bloodshed and death everywhere!

No life forms would be able to live their actual lives...though the 4 galaxies won't be able to do that either way.

But, at least it won't be the entire population of the universe that's constantly forced to go to war because of my desires.

It's kind of sad really now that I think about it.

If possible I'd rather not become like that.

Which in turn means, I either have to try and suppress the urge to watch wars unfold, which is beginning to show, or find a temporary solution that will stop my personality from changing for the worse for enough time in order for me to become powerful enough to fix this problem entirely.