Rag doll(1)

* * Tue , May 19 * *

a month later in the manor, there was something hiding the basement , it scratched on things, it footsteps for not to loud and not quiet but just right. now only the sound of a satisfying slurp, is to be heard . the dark place dripped with water that leaked from the top of the house to the bottom. .

'Drip' 'drip' it the black spacious room was big green eyes to be seen . . . The creature with green eyes made it's way to the exit the only way out the basement which leads to the main kitchen.

but unfortunately it couldn't get out, 'drip 'drip'' it scratched the wooden birch door with a passion. . . faint sound of a 'meow' to be heard from the creature .. is it a cat how come it is in there? odd..

in another part of the manor of the sung family, in the kitchen a few servants are cooking feverishly with there nimble hands.

steam comes out the big pots on the hand made wooden stoves.

"Hurry up the madam needs her dinner!" screamed the head chief at the other servants he seemed to have authority over them.

she heard scratches on against the second door in the smoking kitchen of steam and smoke. she opened the door slowly, a bolt of black fur leaves the basement and quickly out the kitchen.

the head chef thought she was having another odd hallucination this month and thought nothing off it.

and went back to order her servants "Goku! add more salt!"

out the kitchen the black cat walked the halls unnoticed .

"Lisa..! wake up this is the 90th time you fell asleep on me!" joanna cried with injustice her voice. lisa looked her upset friend and thought she failed to make her happy and quickly said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. I'm just not feeling to well" made up a clear lie to her to friend not bearing to tell the truth.

since a month is left now, her body tends to fall asleep more which seems to pull her away from the world, well basically her soul is being sucked out her. body. . .

suddenly a big fat ball of black fur jumps onto her head, with big gleaming greens eyes.