
"You too Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked in shock. Giving a megawatt smile, the blonde began to unwrap the gift. Tearing through it quickly, the blonde held the gift out in front of him, "…Icha Icha Violence?"

Kakashi gave him a thumbs up, "I haven't even read it yet, so that means we can read it together, isn't that great?!" the scarecrow asked in perverse excitement. The man was disappointed however when he found the book thrown into his face, the book bouncing off his forehead, sending Kakashi flying backwards.

"What the hell is wrong with you, huh?!" Naruto yelled out, his fist waving angrily in the air, "I've freaking thirteen years old, I shouldn't be reading that crap, especially with a creep like you!" Slamming his window shut, the blonde stormed over to his bed, angrily throwing the covers over himself as he laid down into the bed.

"…creep?" Kakashi asked weakly.


Kakashi Hatake

Sasuke Uchiha

Sakura Haruno

Looking at the names of his teammates he wrote on their names on the stone. Wiping the sweat that had begun to build along his brow, he continued to write the names of his fallen comrades. Hinata Hyuga, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee, Ten Ten, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akamichi, Kurenai Yuhi.





"Surely you don't think you can beat me, Naruto?" Standing in front of Naruto stood Iruka Umino, Naruto's former Academy Instructor Iruka Umino, "Just because you spent a couple years training under Lord Jiraiya doesn't mean you can take me on."

His arms resting behind his head, eyes squinted shut, Naruto spoke excitedly, "We'll see, Iruka-sensei. I've gotten pretty badass over the last couple years. Just ask Kakashi-sensei."

Smirking, Iruka got into a taijutsu stance, "I heard about your fight with Kakashi. Rest assured when I say I won't be holding back like he did."

A tick mark spread across Naruto's brow, "What was that?!" He shouted out comically.

"Are we gonna do this or what?" Iruka asked, a confident look on his face.

Naruto didn't bother responding, rather charging towards his one-time teacher. Quickly creating a duo of clones, the triplet blondes began their barrage upon Iruka, said man back peddling as he blocked and parried each strike. Seeing he wasn't getting anywhere with his assault, the original Naruto and one of his clones jumped back and allowed the remaining clone to continue his fun with Iruka. Seeing that Naruto was planning something by jumping back, Iruka knew he had to take out the clone quickly. Grabbing his incoming fist, the ponytailed man used the blonde clone's forward momentum and pulled the duplicate towards him. Taking advantage of the clone's unbalance, Iruka sent a flat palm strike towards its elbow, snapping the bone immediately and popping the clone in one fluid move.

Iruka was then forced to lean his head to the side to avoid a fist emerging from the cloud of smoke the dispersed clone made, once again back peddling to avoid the last remain Naruto clone. Out of the corner of his eye, Iruka could see that Naruto had created another clone, said clone helping him form a Rasengan in the palm of his hand, "I forgot he could perform the Fourth Hokage's technique." Iruka thought. Not wanting to be on the receiving end of the attack, Iruka made sure to make quick work of the Naruto clone, quickly deflecting a back hand, withdrawing a kunia from his weapon pouch, and driving the multipurpose blade into the clone's side.

"Gotcha!" Naruto screamed out, the blonde having jumped in the air and descending on Iruka. Jumping back just in time, Iruka was forced to bring his arms up to block the flying debris the Rasengan created.

Naruto, trying to pull his hand out of the crater his attack had created, was forced to freeze when he felt the cool feeling of a kunai against his throat, "Yield, Naruto." Iruka said triumphantly.

"Hehehe," Naruto chuckled, looking up at Iruka with his classic squinty eyed smile, he said, "I guess you got me…Iruka-sensei."

"Hehehe, I guess I did."


Iruka was surprised to hear those words not come from Naruto sitting next to him, but rather from what sounded like down below him. Dirt and grass exploded outwards as another Naruto jumped out of the tunnel he had created, grabbing Iruka in a full nelson, holding his former teacher with all his strength as the Naruto clone pulled out a kunai of his own, pointing the tip into Iruka's jugular.

"Yield." The two blondes said at once.

"I…yield." Iruka said reluctantly.

Two puffs of smoke swallowed him, showing that both of the Narutos had been clones all along. Hearing the blonde troublemaker's laugh just a few yards to his right, Iruka looked over to see Naruto walking out of the tree line, his arms once again folded behind his head, "I sure got you, huh Iruka-sensei?"

Walking over to his sensei, Naruto offered his hand out to give the still sitting Iruka a helping hand up to his feet. Chuckling, Iruka took his former student's hand, allowing him to pull him up to his feet. Dusting himself off real quickly, Iruka couldn't help but marvel at just how different Naruto was compared to his last day in the academy. He was like a totally different person.

"Iruka-sensie…" Naruto said, seeing that his favorite sensei had been looking at him for several seconds now without saying a word, "Are you alright?"

Startled by the question, Iruka shook his head clear before speaking, "Yeah Naruto, I'm fine."

"Oh…okay then." Naruto was surprised to feel his mentor rest his hand on his shoulder. Looking at Iruka, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming warmth at seeing the look he was giving him. It was a look he'd seen before, a look he'd never really received. It was the kind of look he'd seen Shikamaru's dad give him after the Sasuke Retrieval Mission. The look…of a proud parent.

"I'm…I'm so proud of you, Naruto." Iruka said, his voice thick with pride, "of the Shinobi…of the person you've become." Both of his hands now on Naruto's shoulders, Iruka looked Naruto in the eye, "and I want you to know that I believe you will make a splendid Hokage."

"Thank you…Iruka."







His shoulders shaking, Naruto wasn't able to hold in his tears as he carved in the last name onto the Memorial Stone. Tears were spilling down from his eyes, descending his cheeks, and dripping off of his chin to the ground below. Naruto didn't bother wiping his eyes, to busy finishing his work. The final touch carved in, Naruto leaned back to look at his handiwork.

Iruka Umino


"Alright Naruto, enough jacking around!"

Naruto, in the middle of trying to form a Rasengan in his hand without the use of a Shadow Clone, lost his concentration at Jiraiya's words. The ball of chakra quickly destabilized in his hand, causing him to give his mentor a heated look, "Dammit Pervy Sage, I almost had it that time!"

Chuckling, Jiraiya said, "Trust me brat, you're still a couple years away from being able to form a Rasengan by yourself. Just consider it a blessing you can do it at all."

Naruto scoffed, "I have to get stronger Pervy Sage, otherwise what's this training trip all about?"

"This trip was to focus on gaining control of the beast inside of you while keeping away from any kind of civilian population. Last thing we need is the people of Konoha freaking out because they think the Kyuubi has been let loose on them once again." Jiraiya explained.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to master that chakra Pervy Sage, I can barely hold one tail, let alone nine." Naruto said, remembering his fight with Sasuke just a few months ago.

"Is that the only reason why you don't want to use that power?" Jiraiya asked.

Naruto sighed, "Shikamaru and Sakura are already asking questions after my fight in the Chunin Exams…I just don't think it'd be a good idea to use it as much, especially the amount I used against Sasuke."

"Do you really think your friends will think differently of you if they ever found out? Do you really think so little of them?"

Naruto looked away, unable to answer that question.

"I don't think if you're honest with them about the circumstances revolved around you that they would hate you. If anything, I think that their respect for you will only grow. But that's if you come out and tell them, rather than them finding out and coming to their own conclusions." Jiraiya said softly. A smirk spread across his face, "Especially that feisty pink haired girl, Sabura or whatever."

Naruto gave a small smile, "Sakura…her name is Sakura."


Naruto stood in the middle of the Hokage's office, running his hand across the table top that was covered in layer after layer of dust. Wiping the dust that had accumulated on the tips of his fingers, Naruto made his way around the desk. Grabbing ahold of the swivel chair, the blonde Shinobi gently turned it over to the side. Carefully, Naruto rested his body into the chair. Swiveling back around, Naruto sat behind the Hokage desk fully, finally fulfilling a lifelong wish. It seemed foolish, childish even. But ever sense he first stepped into this office as a boy, Naruto had envisioned himself sitting behind the desk, the Hokage hat resting upon his scalp. Running his hands over the chairs worn leather arm rest, Naruto couldn't help but feel a small sliver of satisfaction.


"Come on granny, pleeease?"

A blood vessel began to pulse along Tsunade Senju's temple as she looked at the blonde boy in front of her, "What have I told you about calling me that Naruto?" Leaning back into her recently acquired chair, she sighed before saying, "Besides, only the Hokage is allowed to sit behind this desk. A dumb brat like you hasn't earned the right to sit in this chair."

"Yeah, yeah. Jeez, you're as stingy as the old man." Naruto said, crossing his arms in a mild pout.

"So…how's your teammate, the Uchiha?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto shrugged, "He's alright I guess. Sakura's been babying him ever since you woke him up, so I'm sure he's fine."

"You like that Sakura girl, don't you?" Tsunade asked, hearing the slight jealousy in his voice when speaking of Sakura pampering the Uchiha boy.

A blush spread across Naruto's cheeks, "O-of course I do! She's my teammate after all!" The blonde explained away.

Tsunade smiled, the boy's personality reminding her of his mother, Kushina Uzumaki. The little tomboy was her long off cousin, and had been rather close to her grandmother, "I don't know Naruto." Tsunade started, "She might be a little too feisty for you. I think you need a…quieter girl." The Senju said this, remembering how the loud and boisterous Kushina had fallen for the quiet and reserved Minato. Their two polar opposite personalities melded so well together, it only made sense the same would work for their son.

"A…quieter girl?" Naruto asked, "What the hell are you blabbering about granny, have you gone senile on me or something?!"

"Why you little brat!"


Naruto chuckled at the memory. It was only after he met his mom and dad that he understood the woman's words. The two of them were totally different from each other, yet they had fallen for each other, and at such a young age as well. It was kind of funny that his mother's last words to him were to find a girl like her, considering his longtime crush on his pink haired teammate. Naruto couldn't help but think how well those two would've gotten along. Looking over at the wall to his right, Naruto eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the framed photograph of his father, the man wearing his costume Hokage jacket, his Kage hat resting loosely on his head, his hand pulling it down so that it covered his head slightly.

Getting up from the chair, Naruto walked over to the photo, feeling compelled to give the photo a closer look. The frame was barely being held up along the wall, with the other photographs of the other Kage having fallen and broken along the ground. Gently, Naruto lifted the frame off the wall. Flipping the frame over, Naruto opened it up and slipped the photo out. Dropping the now empty frame, the glass shattering with a subtle crack, Naruto inspected the picture one last time before folding it to place in his pocket. As the photo was folded, Naruto could see the faint sign of what looked like scribbles on the back.

"What the?"

Unfolding the picture, he then flipped it over. Channeling chakra into the photo, a seal began to glow a bright blue along the back before a poof of smoke enveloped it. A scroll fell through the smoke, hitting the ground with a roll. Folding the picture back up and placing it in his pocket, Naruto kneeled down to pick up the scroll.

Flipping it over so that he could see the label, Naruto read out loud, "Flying Thunder God Technique?"

"Holy shit brat, do you know what that is?" Kurama asked the blonde, obviously shocked by the recent events.

"This…this is my dad's technique, isn't it? The one that made him famous." Naruto asked, "But why is it here, of all places?"

"How the hell would I know that brat? It was probably put there by the old man for safe keeping." Kurama guessed.


"Who gives a shit why it's here?!" Kurama asked, "If you master that, you'd be able to go anywhere you wanted so long as you marked it beforehand, that means you could come back here without the Space Stone."

"Yeah that could come in handy. I could keep the Stones here for safe keeping, seal them away somewhere safe, somewhere only I could reach them."

"I think it's training time, Naruto. With your Shadow Clone training method, you could get a lot of shit done before you start your little Infinity Stone endeavor." Kurama suggested, a savage grin on his face at the prospect of how strong his container could get, "I know we may have just gotten here Naruto…but I think it's time we left. There's nothing more you can do here."

Looking down at the scroll in his hand, Naruto nodded as he said, "I'm gonna need some supplies."



With a loud crack the door was kicked open, the sun's rays bathing into the room, revealing the place to be a weapons shop. Stepping over the shattered door, Naruto looked around the room. Various weapons were on display, from katana, wakizashi, kodachi, to numerous types of kunai that differed in size and shape. Walking in fully, Naruto created a group of clones, "Grab as many weapons as you can and seal them into a scroll. That means weapon holsters and pouches, scrolls, and anything else that might be useful." The clones all giving a solute, they began to do as they were told. Walking throughout the shop, Naruto went through the task of finding anything he could find on learning fuinjutsu and elemental ninjutsu. Looking through the various scrolls, Naruto a few of the scrolls he was looking for, but all of them pertained to fuinjutsu, with him finding a scroll on beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

"Hopefully you'll be as good at fuinjutsu as your mother was." Kurama said, "From what I could gleam off of her, that was one of the things she specialized in, her and the Fourth."

"She was huh?" Naruto asked, "Well I hope I can live up to your expectations."

"You rarely ever do…but miracles happen all the time I suppose."



"Love you too."

"Yeah, whatever."

In a puff of smoke, all the clones dispelled except for one, this clone holding the scroll that contained the majority of the weapons shop inside of it. Handing the scroll over, Naruto turned it over to see that it had been labeled "Weapons and Stuff."

"Alright Naruto…time to go."

"I just have one more stop."


"Alright, it's picture time! Everyone pose." Kakashi commanded, the Jonin leader standing among his Genin squad. In front of them just a few yards away was a cameraman, prepping his camera as the team got together.

"Why do I have to get my picture taken with this jerk?" Naruto asked, looking over at Sasuke accusingly.

Said Uchiha huffed in annoyance, "That's my line, loser."

"What was that?!" Naruto yelled out in agitation, the boy raising his fist in as though prepared to start a fight with his raven-haired teammate.

"Calm down Naruto, we have to take the picture. It's tradition after all." Kakashi said, trying to placate with the hyperactive blonde.

Sakura turned to face the cameraman, "I'm just happy I get to take a picture with Sasu-I mean the team!" she said excitedly.

The blonde Shinobi's personality took a complete one-eighty, now showing excitement as he said, "Yeah, isn't it awesome we get to take a picture together, Sakura?" He asked, a blush on his face.

Sakura looked at Naruto with mild annoyance, "Sensei, can we leave Naruto out?"

"Aw, come on Sakura…" Naruto said in defeat, causing Sasuke to chuckle at the blonde. Hearing this, Naruto once again grew furious as he got face to face with the Uchiha, "Quit laughing!"

Sasuke quickly matched Naruto in his annoyance, the two of them now literally butting heads, "Make me!" the Uchiha demanded.

"Enough, you two." Kakashi drawled out, grabbing ahold of the two by their scalps and pulling them apart, "You're annoying the cameraman...and me." He finished his sentence as though it were an afterthought. Said cameraman was giving the group an annoyed look as he waited for the squad to pose for the picture, "and I don't know about you guys, but I actually want to keep this, so make with the smiles."

"Now…say cheese!"


"What a…crappy picture." Naruto chuckled out. Looking down at the picture frame that seemed to be falling apart in his hands, Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the picture before of the original Team 7, "I looked like such an idiot back then." The blonde said fondly, looking at his younger self's outfit, "I can't believe I got away with wearing that."

"I thought you liked this picture, Naruto. If I recall it reminded you of what your friends used to be." Kurama observed.

Naruto chuckled, "Yeah, I guess it did." Looking at his angry expression, Naruto's smile grew wider, "It's funny…but now. Now when I look at it, all I see is how stupid we all used to be. Kakashi-sensei, who had no real clue how to teach a group of kids, let alone a group as messed up as ours. Sakura, and her constant admiration of Sasuke. The girl didn't even train, more concerned with her looks than anything else. Then Sasuke, don't even get me started on Sasuke." Flipping the paper over, Naruto opened up the frame before taking the photo out, "And finally, there was me, the biggest idiot of them all. All bark and no bite. Hell, I didn't even know how to pronounce chakra when I started out."

"Which makes your rise in power all the more impressive…wouldn't you say Naruto?"

"I suppose." Naruto said, folding the photo up and placing it in his pocket as he did. Then, a thought hit him, "Wait a minute…did you just compliment me Kurama?"

"...we should probably be going now, I think." Kurama said, obviously trying to pretend that nothing had happened.

Naruto couldn't help but laugh for a moment before saying, "Yeah…you're probably right."

Setting the now empty frame on the bed, Naruto took a moment to look around his shoddy apartment one last time.


"This whole place is mine?! You're kidding me, right old man?!" A young Naruto shouted out excitedly, running around the recently furnished apartment. Running over to the fridge, the young boy had stars in his eyes as he looked at the variety of food stocked before him.

"That's right my boy, this whole place is yours." Hiruzen said, a gentle smile on his face as he watched Naruto run over to the twin sized bed, the boy climbing on top of it and jumping up and down on top of the mattress, a look of utter joy on his face.

"This is so awesome!" Naruto yelled out. The excitement however slowly left his face, with his jumping stopping along with it. Getting off the bed, he asked, "But how am I gonna pay for this old man, I don't have any money?"

Hiruzen walked over to the boy, resting his hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry about lad, I have it all taken care of."

"Really?" Naruto asked suspiciously, "No foolin?"

The Third Hokage's smile grew larger, "Really." He reassured.

Naruto looked up at the Third Hokage, awe and admiration in his eyes, before he looked down, his hair covering his face from Hiruzen's view.

Confused by Naruto's behavior, Hiruzen began to say, "Naruto, is something the matte-OUPH!" Hiruzen was interrupted by Naruto throwing himself into the older man, grabbing ahold of his waste as tightly as his little arms would allow it.

"Thank you…grandpa."


"Thank you…everyone."


Chapter Complete


Author's Note: Now, this may be a bit short, I know. But I felt that this was a great way to end the chapter. So, yeah. Everyone is dead. Naruto is the last of his kind. Now, some of you might be wondering as to why the summons were killed as well, probably wondering how they could be killed when they're in a different dimension. Well guess what, they're not. That's just a fanfiction trope that has been so overused that people have just excepted it as truth. Look it up, the wiki page says that the mountain Naruto trained on is accessible by travel, it's just really hard to find. So…yeah. That's it. Please review, follow, and favorite, and PM me if you have any questions. Bye.