『Chapter 2』Frιendѕнιpѕ

Third Person POV:

          •When the class ended, Lilong walked over to Elly who was packing her books. "Hey Elly, Ready to go?" Lilong said as she stood next to Elly. Elly hummed a yes, signaling they can finally go. As they went outside they find Elios once more, he had brown hair and freckles like his sister. They were identical. Elios was leaning on the wall, he seemed to be waiting for someone, was it his sister? As if my question was answered he spoke. "Yo Elly!" Elios called Elly over. She knew that was her cue to leave, she mouthed a 'bye'. Lilong understood her message so she waved her a 'bye' too. Lilong watched as Elios and Elly left, since they left, Lilong went ahead to her next class which she shared with another friend of the group. Ezmo, he has dark blue hair, pale skin that matches him. Hes that kind-but-mean-when-he-wants-to type of person, always glued on his phone. His personality... cool? Not much to describe, probably smart.

Lilong walks in to her next class and searches for the dark blue haired male, who is easily spotted at the back talking to another friend in the group. "Lilong! Hey!" Ezmo calls her over. Lilong looks over at the male and at the female next to him. "Hey Ezmo and Crysti" Lilong says while she walks over to them.

•Crysti was new to the group so Lilong didn't really know much about her. But Crysti had very long, till the hips, silver hair, with some Red-pinkish eyes that suited her well. If Lilong had to rate her, maybe she would give an 8/10. Crysti had an aggressive attitude, hard to understand but clumsy. Lilong grabs a seat and places it near them. "What are you two talking about?" Lilong asks as she sits down on the seat. "Mmh, We are talking about what we could do during the summer." Ezmo spoke first. "What are you doing during the summer, Lilong?" Crysti asked Lilong with curiosity, full focus on Lilong.

"Well.. I'm not sure yet..."Lilong answered honestly, because she really didn't know, maybe she would be eliminate a few people.. Haha.. "Hang out with me. I'm quite bored." Crysti said while having a huge grin on her face. "We should all just hang out together! The group, I mean." Ezmo just shared his idea with us. Crysti frowned at the idea, no idea why. "That sounds nice, I guess. But we have to ask the rest." Lilong said as she shifted herself in a better position.

"Sooo, is that a yes?" Crysti was begging at this point. But, Lilong wasn't even close to this girl so why would she hang out? "No." Lilong really didn't want to hang with her. Crysti frowned at her answer. "Fine, whatever. When are we thinking of hanging out all of us?" Crysti came back to her old self."Uh, We have to ask the rest and check when we all are available." Ezmo said."Yeah, that sounds good." Lilong nodded.

They kept chatting about who knows what until the class ended, meaning snack time is here. So the three stood up from their chairs, packed their stuff and left the class to go meet up with the rest. The three finally reach the area they usually hang out in, and spot Elios and Elly already sitting down, talking. "Ellyy~" Lilong called out to her best friend, who was living in peace until now.

"Hello, all of you." Elly said as she saw the three who just came in sit down near her. "Oh, one is missing." Ezmo said as he observed every one of us. "Lume." Crysti spoke up as she noticed the 'creepy' female wasn't seen in the area. Lume came in a few seconds later and sat with us. "Sorry I'm late." Was all she said. She sat with the group and they all chatted. "Okay, so. Is everyone available on the 10th of June?" Ezmo asked hoping the whole group could hang out together. Most of them said yes, some no.

"What about the 11th?" Ezmo asked once again. Thankfully this time, everyone was available. "Great! Its settled, we can leave the directions to whatever the location will be at in the group chat." Ezmo said as he started clapping for himself, just a bit...

~    ~      ~      ~     ~       ~     ~     ~      ~     ~  

•And like that, the whole day passed. Filled with laughter, with sadness for some.

•*In front of the school*

"Wait, Lilong!" Elios ran up to Lilong, who barely heard him. "Oh right, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Lilong said, now turning to face him. "Elly." He stopped then continued, "Something about her is off.. She's been acting different at home. I wanted to know if you know why she's acting like she is.." Elios let out a sigh then rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I just don't understand why." He said. Lilong stood there, staring at him thinking about whether she should tell him the reason why. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe think about how all of you act towards her?" Lilong tried sounding sarcastic but not really, "If thats all you need.. I'll be taking my leave now."

After thar conversation with Elios, Lilong went over to Elly to go walk home together, now walking out of the school next to each other, a sudden question hit Lilong. She was curious about a certain someone. "Hey Elly, what do you know about Crysti? She seems pretty weird to me. She's rude to me one time, then she's nice and asks me to hang out with her, I really don't understand." Lilong asked while having millions of questions racing through her mind.

"Pff, why do you seem so worked up about it? Thats normal, I mean to me." Elly said while trying to keep in a laugh, She hasn't seen Lilong so worked up about something since a long time ago. "Oh shut up, just tell me what you know." Lilong could just feel Elly stopping herself from teasing. "Haha okay, She's always like that from whag I've seen, and known her for. A tsun tsun, if you ask me." Elly said before laughing at herself use of the word 'Tsun tsun'. "I don't really know much about her myself, sorry. But since you asked me a question, I'll ask you one." Elly also seemed to be curious about someone too. As they kept walking side by side, Elly finally asked the question.

•"Do you think.. Ezmo likes Crysti? I mean, they are always hanging around each other!" Elly suddenly asks. She failed at hiding her now heated face. "Oh? Do you like Ezmo? But you think he likes Crysti just because they hang around each other a lot?" Lilong couldn't help but just laugh. "You're stupid. Its as if you're saying that I like you because we hang with each other a lot. But if you really think he does, just ask him~" Lilong ended the conversation there.

"Well, I'll probably text you later. Bye!" Lilong shouted before running over to the building where her apartment is at. While Elly is just there staring at her running, thinking about what Lilong has said.

'Do I like Ezmo? Maybe.. just maybe.' was the question running through Elly's mind. But giving up on the thought she kept walking to her house.

Chapter 2 End.