A Brother's Mistake Ch. 04 - FINAL

The house was quiet. I sat in my room and stared at the various pictures of my family I had around my room. My eyes settled on one picture where it was just Emma and I. She had her arms around my waist and looked blissfully happy. It was outside of the Starbucks that she worked at. She had been promoted and she was just beaming with pride. But, when I looked closer at the picture, I saw the look of love she had in her eyes. She was looking at me with a huge smile on her face. Emma was always so sweet. She was always the person that I counted on whenever I needed someone to cheer me up. She was always that person that was there for me no matter what. I sighed heavily as I realized I had ruined everything.

I got up from the chair and walked out of my room. Kelly had left early in the morning. She couldn't bear to stay around the house knowing that Emma's feelings were hurt. I walked over slowly to Emma's door and knocked on it softly.

"Go away." I heard her say from the other side.

"Emma, can we talk?"

There was a long silence. I then heard the sound of shuffling feet. The door to Emma's room opened slowly. She stood quietly and looked at me. Her eyes were red from crying. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and waited. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"


"You're sorry for what? For taking advantage of both your sisters?" Emma asked. "Are you sorry for lying to us? Are you sorry for making me feel like there was something specialbetween us? Are you sorry for making me feel like my emotions for you were one big gigantic mistake? Tell me. What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for being an ass." I said. I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. "I'm sorry for betraying you."

"You did."

"But, I can explain."

Emma shook her head slowly. "Rob, I don't know if I can take anymore of this."

"Emma, let me explain." I pleaded.

Emma nodded.

"I am not going to hide behind the excuse that I wasn't in control of all this. I am not going to lie to you and say I don't have feelings for you and Kelly. This is all new to me. This would be new to anyone. There is no possible way I man can handle being in love with both his sisters."

"You have feelings for Kelly?"

I nodded, "I love both of you."

"Kelly has the same feelings as I do?"

I shrugged, "I wouldn't say exactly the same. Hers is more physical while yours..."

Emma balled her hands into little fists and stomped on the carpet of her room soundly. "Ugh! She is so slutty, Rob! All she ever does is go around town having sex with guys that would give it to her. I never judged her for that; a woman has needs, but to have her take yet another man that I wanted so much, that is just like her!"

"Emma, she didn't take me away from you."

Emma pointed at me, "But, you let her fuck you."


"I may be sweet. I may be the innocent one here, but I am no fool." Emma said.

Emma took a step towards me. She poked my chest firmly. "I gave something very special to you, Rob. I gave you the last bit of innocence I had left in this world we live in. I don't know how you see things playing out. I don't know how you view me. I don't know anything anymore!"

I reached out to her expecting to be rebuffed, but Emma fell into my arms. She sobbed wildly into my chest. I felt terrible. I felt lower than anything I could have conjured up. I felt like my world was falling apart. I held her tightly as she cried. As usual, Emma smelled amazing. Even after a night of crying, she managed to make herself the perfect Emma that I was always accustomed to. I kissed the top of her head softly.

"Emma, I don't know anything anymore either."

She pushed herself slowly off my chest and looked up at me with tears that ran down her face. "Do you love her more than me?"

I shook my head.

"The same?"


"Now would be the time to be honest with me again, Rob."

"I love you more, Emma." I said honestly. "I love you more because you are what you are. You're loving. You're kind. You're pure of heart. It has always been you. It will always be why I love you so much."

"Then why?"

"Because Kelly spurred me on first."


I sighed in of myself. "It all started a few days ago. She came into my room when I was...well, taking care of myself. You know how sexual she is."

Emma nodded.

"She jumped on top of my bed and was physical with me. But, playfully physical." I shrugged. "I don't know, but something happened after that. It woke something in me. I tried to control it. But, I was too weak."

"There are plenty of women in town, Rob. You could have avoided all of this. You could have just kept us all as family." Emma said softly as she looked into my eyes. "Why did you cross that line?"

"I crossed that final line with you, Emma."


I hesitated to tell her, but Emma deserved the truth. "When I stepped into your room the other night, I thought it was Kelly's. I thought you were Kelly."

"What?" Emma pushed back further with more force. Her eyes again filled with anger and frustration. "What?!"

Emma broke away from me. She started back towards her room, but I grabbed her delicate hand and held her in place. "I was drunk! I was fueled with lust. I was blinded like an idiot. I thought that if it was Kelly, I could keep the only pure love I know in my life pure! I didn't mean to. I love you so much. When I woke up that morning in your bed and realized that it was you and not Kelly, I hated myself for what I did. But, there was a part of me that felt like it was right. I felt like it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Yeah, it sounds crazy and totally fucked up if you said it to anyone else, but I don't care. I don't want to throw what we have away!"

Emma stood still. "I don't know what to say, Rob."

"I know."

Emma stepped forward. "I still love you. I still love you more than anything else on this planet. I don't know why I do after you hurt me like you did, but I do." She placed a soft, delicate palm on my chest. "I want you to search inside your heart and find the right thing to do. I can't tell you what to do. Kelly can't either. But, search for what is right."

"What if the right thing isn't what any of us want?"

She shrugged as she took her hand away. She stepped up to me on her toes and kissed me with trembling lips. "Then it will just have to be that way."

I watched as she turned and walked back into her room. She shut her door gently and I was left in the hallway by myself.


I sought refuge away from the house. I couldn't stand being there knowing what I had done. Every bit of me was disgusted at myself. I parked my car along the town square streets and walked in peace. The town was beginning to come to life. One thing about small towns like the one we lived in, night time was when everyone congregated. I began to regret my decision coming to the square for some time to think. I walked along the streets and started towards a local dive bar that I frequented after dad had passed away. Along the side of the bar, I spotted Kelly talking to a few of the bartenders that worked there. I made my way towards her and the two scantily clad women that she was talking to.

"Hey." I greeted as I stood before them.

Kelly looked over to me and smiled. "I was talking to these lovely ladies here to see if I can get some shifts working as a bartender."

The two attractive ladies smiled and walked back into the dive bar to resume their duties as the nightly rush of customers began to fill the place. I stepped towards Kelly and motioned for her to follow me as I made my way to some of the quieter streets round the town square.

"I talked to Emma." I said somberly.

"How is she?" Kelly asked.

I looked over to Kelly. She was dressed to kill as usual. She wore tight denim jeans that showed off her curvy hips and legs. She accented the jeans with a tight-fitting top that had a dangerous neckline that revealed a lot of her breasts. "How do you think she is?"

"Angry. Sad. Confused." Kelly said. She sighed heavily making her chest swell up. She looked over to me. "All of the above."


"What are we going to do?" she said. "I am not about scurrying around the house every time she is home."

"I don't expect you to."

"Then what?"

"You're going to have to talk to her about this sooner or later. You can't run from it."

She nodded, "I know. She deserves an apology from me."

"She deserves more than that from me." I admitted. "I should have had more control over this. I let everything get out of hand. I let stupid shit get into my head and lost control. Dad would have been disappointed at me for losing so much control."

Kelly smiled, "Dad would have killed you no matter what."

I nodded, "But, I didn't mean in just doing what I did to you two."

Kelly reached out and held me in place on a quiet street. "Rob, you didn't force us. You didn't force me. Don't play the role of a martyr and take all the blame to this. This is just as my fault for starting you up as much as it was yours for losing control of things. It is just how life is."

"Yeah." I said as I continued to walk. I looked back as Kelly followed along. "But, something has to change."

"Like what?"

I shrugged, "Things have to stop."

"Wait, what?" Kelly said as she reached out and held onto my arm. She walked up to me and stared into my eyes. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You can't think after what happened, this can't continue the way it has been."

"Why the hell not?" Kelly asked.

"Because...it's wrong. It shouldn't have happened to begin with."

Kelly scoffed, "Is that what you were thinking when you fucked Emma that one night and then in the living room? Is that what you were thinking when we fucked in your car and in your room?"


"No, Rob." Kelly said as she stood in front of me and poked my chest firmly with her finger. "The floodgates are open. You gave me something that I want. I'm not going around fucking random guys anymore. I got you. I'm not losing you. What has gotten into you all of a sudden? Where was that guy that fucked me silly?"

"Emma..." I started.

Kelly glared at me. She rolled her eyes and huffed in bewilderment. "I don't fucking believe it. Miss Goodie Fucking Two Shoes gets her way again. Is that what you are telling me?"


"You're choosing sides?" Kelly asked. She stepped close to me. "Tell me, Rob. Are you choosing sides? Did she make you choose between the two of us? Are you telling me here, right now that you are choosing Emma over me?"

I was silent. I was at a loss for words. Was I choosing Emma over Kelly? What was I going to do? My heart was beating quickly as I looked into Kelly's fierce eyes. She looked into mine. She knew the answer before I could even open my mouth. She knew it was Emma. She knew Emma would always be the one that anyone chooses over her. My silence answered her. Kelly took a step back away from me. It was if everything, her wild side, her seductiveness, her ferocity left her. She was a shell of a person and it happened right in front of me.

Kelly nodded slowly. "I figured."

"Can you let me explain?"

"Explain what, Rob?" Kelly said as she looked away from me and down the street that we had been walking on. "What are you going to say that I don't already know? Everyone in this stupid down knows that out of Emma and me, I am the one that you can fuck easily. Out of the two of us, she was wife material and I was the easy lay. Is that what you are going to tell me? Are you going to make up some shit I don't know?"

"The whole town doesn't think that."

Kelly looked back at me, "Really?"

I nodded.

"Well, you might want to tell those seventeen guys I fucked. I don't think they got the memo when they zipped up and left to not ever call me again. When I walked through the town square, I recognized a few of the guys I fucked. They crossed the street. They crossed the fucking street just to avoid me." Kelly chuckled to herself. "You know what the fucked up thing is, Rob? If we didn't start up. If you didn't make me feel like there was a guy out there that could truly love me for what I am. If those guys even showed me some interest and treated me like a person, I would have fucked them right then and there."

"Kelly...don't say that."

Kelly shook her head. "It is the truth. I'm pathetic. I know I am not perfect like Emma. I realize this. But, like I said before, I always thought you had my back. This hurts, Rob."

I reached out to her. Kelly shied away from me and started walking down the street. "Where are you going?"


"I drove here. Let me take you home."

Kelly looked back at me with tears streaming down her face and offered me a weary smile. "No thanks, Rob. You've done enough."

I watched in silence as Kelly walked away. My life was tumbling about. I was being torn in two different directions. I stood quietly and watched Kelly walk until she disappeared from view. I turned slowly turned around and started back to my car.


I stepped into the house. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the twins yelling at each other. I hurried through the kitchen and through the living room making my way up the stairs. I saw Kelly standing outside of Emma's room. Her face was wet with tears. Her mascara ran down her face as she tried to talk to Emma.

"Emma! I'm sorry!"

"No, I don't want to hear it from you. This is exactly what you do to me all the time!" Emma said from inside her room. "I didn't care about the guys in the past, but Rob? Why did you have to take him away from me?"

"I didn't mean to!" Kelly cried out in frustration. "It sort of just happened. I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? That's all you have to say to me?"

Kelly threw her hands of in frustration. "I can't control my feelings just like you can't control yours! Emma, it was just something that happened."

As I walked up the stairs quietly, the door to Emma's room ripped open quickly. Emma's appeared from the darkness of her room. I stood for a brief moment and took in the stark contrast between the two. Kelly stood there disheveled, but still a very sexual being. She cried heavily now. Her breasts heaving uncontrollably under the tight-fitting top that she wore from when I ran into her in town. Her hair was wild and framed her face perfectly. She was pure sex, an animal of pure instincts and desire. Emma stood in defiance at the doorway to her room. Her face was elegant. Her features were soft and desirable. She stood in her work uniform, but her clothes hugged her curves perfectly. Her hair was pinned into a neat ponytail. Emma was the picture perfect woman any man would kill for. Kelly was right, what man would choose her over Emma? Emma's eyes were fierce from her temper, but then softened when she noticed that I stood at the stairs.

"Rob?" Emma said.

Kelly turned to look at me as well. I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to say, but I knew something had to be done. I cleared my throat. "What time do you have to go to work, Emma?"

"I have a closing shift, so I have time." Emma said softly. Her tone was nowhere near what it was when she was arguing with Kelly.

"We all need to talk." I said.

"We do?" Kelly asked as she wiped away her tears smearing her mascara.

I walked up the rest of the steps and stood near my two lovely sisters. I reached over to Kelly and helped her wipe away the smeared mascara. "I am the source of the problem. We all need to clear things up before this family falls apart."

Both of the girls nodded and followed me down the stairs and into the living room. I sat in the recliner that our father used to sit in. I remembered those family nights where we all took our positions in the room and played board games until we couldn't stay awake anymore. I watched as Kelly sat across from me in the recliner our mother used to frequent and Emma sat on the couch where we had furthered our physical attention together. My hands were trembling. My thoughts were racing.

"First off, I want to apologize to the both of you. I stepped out of line. I did what no brother should do to two amazing sisters like the both of you. This was all my fault. I lost control."

"But..." Kelly tried to say, but stopped when I held up my hand.

"I don't care what had happened or how it happened. I am the man of the house. I should have had more control over everything including myself. Dad would have been disappointed knowing that I lost control and I wouldn't blame him. I lost control of my feelings."

"Rob," Emma said firmly. "These feelings you have? Kelly and I have them too. Sure, the three of us have been put into a situation where none of us were really prepared for, but it happened. You can't discount the past."

"No, I can't, Emma." I said slowly.

"Do you love us, Rob?" Kelly asked.

I looked over to her and nodded. "I love the both of you. But, the love I know you are speaking about is a little more complex. In regards to that, I love the both of you differently."

"How?" Emma said with her arms now crossed.

"I don't know..."

"No," Kelly said cutting me off. "You brought us down here to talk. You wanted to hash things out. So, let's hash things out."

I nodded. She had a point. I cleared my throat and looked over to Kelly. "Kelly, you are every man's idea of what a sexual woman should be. You are aggressive. You don't play around with what you want and what you need. You wear all your emotions on your sleeve and you let people know it. You are the bold person I want to be. I love you for that. I love that I don't have to play games with you. I am a man and I have needs that need to be fulfilled. You know and you do it without pretension. If someone would take the time to get through your exterior, they would see what I see, a kind and loving woman that has needs. As tough as you are, you are very vulnerable. I love that."

While I spoke, I saw my words sink into Kelly. There was a sense of understanding and gratitude in her eyes when I finally showed her that I knew and loved her for what she was. But, I spied Emma making a face and she did everything she could to not roll her eyes.

"Emma," I said as I turned my attention on her. "Kelly is right about one thing, there is no man in town...no, in this state that wouldn't kill to have you in his life. You are the epitome of what every man wants. You are caring. You are loving. You are gentle. You are sensual. You are sexual without having to bare skin. You are what I would want as a wife." I glanced over to Kelly and found my words stung her like they did in town. I looked back over to Emma, there was no turning back. My mind raced to find some sort of solution to everything. A lump formed in my throat as I couldn't. "Emma, you have been the back bone to this family. You took the lead and kept everything together. Not discounting what Kelly has contributed, but you were the glue that has kept us as a family. And, I have been tearing us apart."

"Rob..." Emma said softly.

"I don't know how to solve any of this. I don't know how to be fair to both of you and still love both of you like I do." I leaned back into the seat and took a deep breath. "So, I am going to do something rash."

"What are you talking about?" Kelly asked.

"I'm leaving." I uttered.

Both Emma and Kelly sat in their seats stunned by what I said. I looked to Emma and saw tears streaming down her face. I turned to Kelly and saw the anger in her eyes.

I shook my head slowly. "I am going to talk to my boss. He has a new shop that opened on the other side of town with an office above it. He had plans on having me run it. I am sure he won't mind me turning the office into a temporary place to stay until I find a place of my own."

"What?!" Kelly cried out as she stood from her seat. She spun about where she stood and kicked an end table as hard as she could and sent the contents that were on it all over the living room. She turned to me, "Are you fucking kidding me? This was your fucking solution? This is how you chose to solve things? Instead of being a fucking man and choosing between the two of us, you decide to run from having to make the decision at all?!"

"It isn't a decision any brother should be making!" I snapped back at her. "Have you totally lost it? I shouldn't have done what I did!"

"But, you did! We all made that decision! I know Emma would disagree with some of what we did, but she made the same fucking decision." Kelly stood defiant in front of me and crossed her arms as she looked into my eyes, "I don't accept that decision."

"Rob..." Emma said softly as she choked back her tears. "Is this what you really want to do?"

"What the fuck, Emma!?"

Emma held her hand up to calm Kelly, "We have to respect each other. Let him answer."

"Girls, I am the source of the problem." I said. The words felt bitter when they left my mouth. I wanted to love them both. I wanted to be with the two of them for the rest of my life, living the way I want to live, but it was impossible. "I know it will hurt at the beginning, but the both of you will be fine. I will come home every weekend to work on the house and make sure things are alright with you guys. But, I have to do this."

"I won't allow it." Kelly stated.

"Kelly, me being here isn't healthy for the three of us. I made my decision. That's final." I said and stood from the recliner. I looked over to Emma. She stood slowly and walked over to me. She offered me a warm smile that she conjured with the best of her ability and hugged me.

"You're letting him do this?!" Kelly cried out as her face was covered with tears.

"If it is his decision, then I will stand by him. He made his choice. He chose the high-road. He didn't play favorites. He is right; we are all to blame for this mess." Emma said matter of factly. She looked up at me and pulled my head down for a kiss. My heart wanted to burst. Every bit of me struggled for control. Emma broke the kiss and took a step back away from me. "I have to go to work. I can help you pack tomorrow. You never knew how to fold your clothes properly."

"Thanks, Emma."

She started walking away from the living room. She stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and looked back. "I love you."

"Love you too." I said.

In an instant, Kelly and I were alone in the living room. I turned to her, "Kelly, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear."

"No, it fucking wasn't."

"What did you expect?"

She looked over at me as she wiped away some tears, "I expected you to choose."


She nodded.

"Why? You said you already knew who I would choose."

She nodded.

"If you knew, then why would you want me to?"

"Even though I knew it was Emma and always Emma, hearing you saying it in front of us would have been the final decision. It would have been some kind of closure."

"Then, your feelings would have been crushed."

"They already are."

"Then why?"

Kelly scoffed through her tears and rolled her eyes. "Even though it drives me nuts that Miss Goodie Two Shoes always gets what she wants, deep down inside, I know she deserves it. I'm not wife material. She is. She is motherly. She is everything I wished I could be. I'm not a total asshole or a cock raging slut...I love my sister. It would have been nice seeing her be with someone she loves more than life itself."


"You took the moral high-road and did what we both wouldn't have expected you to ever do." She said as the trembling from crying faded from her voice. "When do you move?"

"I was offered the position a while ago. My boss has been waiting for me to make a decision. So, I am going to call him up tonight and make arrangements."

Kelly walked over to me. Her eyes were wet from crying, but looked amazing still. She placed a hand on my chest at first and then her head. She slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and held me tightly. "What are we going to do without you?"

"You two will be fine. Besides, mom being the way she is, she doesn't need all this drama here. You two have to look after her still."

"I know."

"You know I will always love you two."

She nodded, "I know."

"Don't hate me."

"I hate myself." Kelly muttered.

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "I hate me too."


Boxes littered my room. My boss was ecstatic when I told him I would take the position and gave me the time to move my things into the office that was above the shop. There wasn't a crew working in the building yet, so it wouldn't be a problem getting my things in there. I sat on my bed and watched in silence as Emma folded my things neatly into boxes. She knelt quietly facing away from me pulled things out of my drawers and folded them.

She turned to face me, "Rob, will you be needing this hoodie? You haven't worn it in a while."

"Do you want it?"

"May I? It would be nice have a token of you."

"I'm not moving to another country, Emma. I'm across town. Like I said, I will be stopping home every weekend. And with the pay raise that comes with the position, I will be able to help get mom the better medication she needs."

"Still...I would like to have the hoodie."

I nodded, "Sure."

Emma set the hoodie aside and continued to pack my things.

"Have you seen Kelly?" I asked her.

"She left early this morning for a ride on her bike."

The feeling in the room was heavy. I couldn't look at Emma without feeling like I ruined everything. But, she kept a brave face for me. She stood up slowly and turned to look at me. She was dressed in her usual home fair, yoga pants and a t-shirt. I looked up at her and tried to smile, but didn't have the heart for it. She stepped towards me and knelt down in front of me. She placed her hands on me knees and sighed.

"Rob, I know what you are doing is for the greater good. But, that doesn't stop me from still loving you."

"I know."

"As much as it pains me to see you leave, I do think it is the right decision.

"If I didn't do anything, we could all still be living together like a happy family."

"Would we be able to?" she asked.

I looked down into her sapphire jewels and saw that she was holding back tears. "I would only hope we could have."

"I..." she said softly. "...I would have told you eventually. These things are inevitable."


She nodded.


She nodded again, "It is true."

I sighed heavily. Emma stood up slowly and stepped closer to me. She nudged my legs apart and wrapped her arms around me. She held my head against her chest.

"Hear me, Rob. Hear my heart. It beats for you. No matter how far you are from me, or how close you think are, I will always love you. This hearts beats for your touch. This heart beats to be near you. Remember that." She said softly. She lifted me head up and kissed me deeply. I never felt emotion like this. It felt as if she poured all her emotion and energy into the kiss. Slowly, she broke the kiss and took a deep breath. "I have to get a few more boxes from downstairs and check on mom. You can move those to your car and take it to your place. It will take me some time to get the next set packed."

"Thanks." I said as I watched her walk out of my room. "Emma?"

She stopped at my door and looked back.

"I love you too."

She nodded, "I know."


I pulled up to the shop across town. There were several trucks in the parking lot, but the place was basically empty. It was empty except for a person standing on the side of the building. I squinted to focus as I stepped out of my car and realized it was Kelly. She stood quietly in her tight jeans and a half jacket that accentuated her breasts. She looked up at me and smiled.



"What are you doing here?" I said as I shut the door to my car and got into the back to grab a few boxes.

She shrugged, "I needed time away from Emma and mom. I needed time to gather my thoughts."

"So, you came here?"

She nodded.

I walked up to her and se the boxes down at her feet. I unlocked the side door to the building and handed her a box. "I got a few more things to grab and we can talk. Ok?"

She bent over and grabbed the box before nodding. I went back to the car and grabbed a duffel bag, slung it over my shoulder and walked back to the building. I grabbed the box on the ground that kept the side door opened and walked in. The building was what people would imagine a large welding shop would be. There was a huge work area that was slowly being filled with CNC machines and other things needed for fabrication. I walked up a flight of steps to the office that overlooked everything. Inside the office were several rooms, one of which was going to be my temporary home. I stepped into the larger of the two rooms and found Kelly standing near the futon that I moved in earlier.

I set the duffel bag and box down. "How are you doing?"

She looked up at me with her fierce blue eyes, "How do you think I am doing?"

I shrugged, "We all handle things differently."

She nodded, "You run away from them."

"Kelly, if you came here for a fight, I am not about it. It is already crushing my soul dealing with what I have done." I said as I moved my duffel bag to a corner of the room.

"I'm not here for a fight, Rob." She said as she started to unbutton the half-jacket. She slowly walked towards me. "I just want you. I want to feel you inside me. I want to be used and abused by you. I want you to make me feel like I am yours again."

"What?" I asked as I stared in disbelief. She tossed the half-jacket aside and revealed that she wore nothing underneath but a red lace bra. The sight alone got my cock throbbing. Her breasts were stunning. "Have you lost your mind?"

"No." She said as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off showing a matching pair of red lace panties. "I didn't lose my mind. I lost my lover."

"Kelly, this isn't happening."

She nodded, "Yes it is. I can tell by your cock standing tall for me that you want it too."

I looked down. She was right. My erection stood rigid and tall as if my body knew what was going to happen. It was as if my body knew I couldn't resist her. Kelly stood close to me and reached for my hand. She brought my right hand to one of her sumptuous breasts and my left hand onto her perfect ass.

"Squeeze." She breathed in a sexual tone.

I did.

Kelly moaned it was lewd and completely arousing. She felt amazing in my hands. "Doesn't that feel good?"

I nodded.

"I know you made that speech to smooth things out at the house. But, I know you Robert. I know the dark animal inside of you. I know what you really want."

"What do I want?" I asked as I pulled her closer. My hands weren't in my control. They played with her flesh. They explored her smooth and silky body.

"I know you want to continue fucking your sisters. I know you. I know how perverted and pussy-thirsting you really are. I know that there are no other women out there that can satisfy that hunger of yours like I can, like how Emma and I can." She said looking right into my eyes. "All this for the greater good shit is for Miss Goody Two Shoes. We aren't at home anymore. We aren't around her. I won't tell. It can be our little secret. Our little perverse secret. Use me..."


"...use me, Rob."

"You don't know what you're asking."

She nodded, "I do fucking know what I am asking. I am giving my everything to you. I don't want any other dick. I want yours. You gave me something that I never had. Did you actually think I was going to let you take it away from me?"

The hand that was on her ass had worked its way to the front. As usual, Kelly was bare. Not a single hair could be found on my sister's slit. I pushed that hand downward and found that she was already dripping wet. She closed her eyes as my fingers probed into her. I fingered her slowly as I held her in place. I hated myself. I hated that she was right. Ever since I indulged in both my sisters, I thought of no one else. I wanted no one else. No other girl would do. I stood, pressed up against the desk that I would sit behind for work with my fingers in Kelly's pussy, and to me, there was nothing wrong with it. I aggressively spun her about pressing her onto the desk.

Kelly giggled with delight as she pushed me far enough to let the animal loose once more. She propped her hands onto the desk as I stepped away to undo my pants. She looked back at me with a mischievous grin on her face. When my pants and boxers dropped onto the cold cement floor, she licked her lips when her eyes rested on my rigid cock. "There's what I have been hungering for. Now, fuck me with it, Rob. Make me scream. No one is here. No one will be here for several more days, right?"

I stepped to her. I reached down to her panties and pulled them off of her. I spread her legs open. I positioned my throbbing cock at her slit and rammed it in forcefully. The abrupt entry into her knocked Kelly flat onto the desk causing her. "Why do you fucking care if there are people here or not?"

"I don't." she said as her voice stuttered from my pumping into her. "You...could...fuck me...in front...of all...your co-workers...for all I care."

Her pussy felt amazing. She was hot and wet. My cock slipped in and out of her like our parts had been meant for each other. I bent further over and undid her bra. The straps fell to the side. She pulled it off and tossed it across the room letting her beautiful C-cup breasts free. I reached down and grabbed one of the beautiful mounds and pounded deeper into her pussy. Kelly thrashed about in pleasure.

"Oh my god," she cried out. "You feel so damn good! I love how your cock fills my pussy up!"

I was pent up. I was pent up with emotions. I was pent up with thoughts. I was pent up with desires. I wanted Kelly. I wanted Emma. I wished I never left the house. I wished I never came up with the scheme to move away that was all falling apart as I fucked Kelly. I plunged deeper and deeper into her. Every bit I pushed into her, her pussy felt as if it pulled me in. She balled her hands into fists and pounded the desk hard as I pumped into her with reckless abandon. The sounds of our sex echoed throughout the building. I reached down and grabbed a fistful of hair.

"Who do you belong to?"

"What?" she asked barely able to speak.

"Who do you belong to?" I asked again as I slammed into her forcefully between each word.

"You!" she cried out. "I belong to you!"

I yanked on her hair arching her head back towards me. I flung her about, lifted her up and dropped her onto my desk. I spread her legs opened and propped them onto my shoulders. I looked down at her as my throbbing cock rested on her dripping pussy. My breathing was labored. I looked down at her. She was stunning. Her cheeks flushed red. Her hair was now a mess. Her breasts stood firm and perfect as usual.

"Why did you turn me around?" she asked thankful for the reprieve of me pumping my cock into her violently.

"I want you to see who is making you cum." I said roughly as I pushed my cock into her. She gripped the desk bracing herself as I jammed into her. She gasped once again as she accommodated me.

"Only you can make me cum now." She declared.

I resumed pumping into her. She wasn't like Emma. Kelly was not to be handled with care. She needed to be roughly handled and I intended on it. I pounded into her. My momentum was so great that it rocked the desk backwards. The sound of our bodies slamming into each other was drowned out by Kelly's moans of pleasure. I watched as she played with her beautiful breasts and pinched the nipples hard as I quickened my pace. She nodded and mouthed the word 'more' like a woman possessed. I didn't yield. I didn't ease up. I didn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that I wanted to easy on her. Our sex was raw. Our sex was filthy. There was no grace to it. There was no love in it. It was just raw. It was to the point. I felt her pussy clamp down harder and harder. Her eyes said it all.

"Rob!" She yelled out like a wolf howling at the moon. "I'm cumming!"

Her pussy gripped my cock like a vice. She reached up and grabbed at my shoulders, but I slapped her hands away. I continued to fuck her wildly not caring. She bucked like an angry bull as her orgasm ripped through her body. She yelled and screamed for me to stop as she couldn't take anymore. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. I reached down with a hand and held her into place around her neck. I kept pumping into her. Kelly's eyes bulged as another wave of pleasure ran through her body. She erupted. Her body convulsed and gyrated under me. I relinquished my grip of her neck and pulled her off the desk by her hair. I put her onto her knees and looked down at her as I gripped my cock.

"Open wide." I ordered.

She nodded as she knelt on the cold floor. She looked up at me with a blissful smile and opened her mouth while I worked my cock. "Give it to me, Rob."

I worked my cock furiously. I felt the twinge at my balls as I rushed. I reached down with a free hand and propped her head up to the right angle. I couldn't hold on anymore. My cock erupted. Streams of cum shot out and splashed onto her mouth, her nose and across her lovely blue eyes. It was never ending. I stood there pumping the never ending amount of cum onto my sister's face. As the last stream flew out, my head spun. I let go out of cock as I tried my best to regain my composure. I looked down at Kelly, her face was completely covered. She knelt there smiling as she reached up onto her face and pulled some into her mouth to savor.

"Oh my god, I needed that." She said as she giggled to herself while she licked her fingers clean.

I walked over to a closet that was in the room I stayed in and found a roll of paper towels. I tossed it over to Kelly after I grabbed a few to clean myself off. I walked over to the futon and sat down to gather myself. Kelly cleaned herself off quietly and walked over to me.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked.


"But, you're mad?"

I nodded.


"This wasn't supposed to happen. If I wanted to continue this, I would have stayed in the house and ignored all your feelings."

"My feelings," Kelly asked as she sat down and folded herself against me. "Or Emma's feelings?"


She nodded, "It looks like you have a lot to think about."

"I do."

"Where is the bathroom in this place?" she asked.

I pointed off to the hallway and watched as she walked out of the room. She turned and looked at me.

"I will come by tomorrow when you are more settled in."

"What? Why?"

She smiled. "I'm not done with you yet."


I sat at my desk quietly as I looked over the contracts that the company had accepted. A lot of it had a looming deadline. I thumbed through the order specs and sighed. The shop was nowhere near ready to start any of the production. I leaned back and rubbed my face as fatigue had set in. A doorbell sounded. I sat up and walked to the side door of the building. My heart began to race as I remembered that Kelly had wanted to come back. A part of me was excited. It felt good fucking her. When I opened the door, it wasn't Kelly who stood there waiting, it was Emma.

My heart raced even faster at the mere sight of her. Emma stood in her usually perfection. She wore a dress that flowed past her knees with edgings that were made of lace. She had on a soft pink sweater that accented her blue eyes and the flush that she already had on her cheeks. Her entire ensemble was made perfect with the white canvas sneakers that she wore. It was casual. It was cute. It was Emma. She looked up to me with her crystal blue eyes and smiled. In her hands was a canvas bag. She looked around without saying a single word. We stood there in silence until she finally broke that silence with a cute giggle.

"Are you just going to stare at me?" she asked after she stifled her giggling.

I chuckled to myself, "Sorry. I wasn't expecting you."

"Oh?" she asked slyly, "Who were you expecting?"

"No one," I said as I looked around the parking lot and found that it was only Emma that had arrived.

"Can I come in?" she asked

I nodded, "Sure."

Emma and I walked into the building. I looked out worriedly before I shut the door to the building. I lead Emma up the flight of stairs and to my room. Her perfume filled my nose. It was soft and sweet, just like she was. I turned and watched as she glided across the hard cement flooring until we reached my room. She moved so sensually. When Kelly walked, it was as if she needed to flaunt every bit of her for a man to see. Emma being so reserved was the exact opposite. When Emma stepped into my room, she looked around and nodded.

"Well, it definitely looks like a man lives here." She said as she set down the canvas bag.

"It has only been a day, Emma."

"I know."

"Do you?"

She nodded, "But, it felt like more time has passed."

I sat down behind my desk and took a deep breath. "How are things at home? Is Kelly behaving?"

She nodded. "Things are ok. Like you said, it has only been a day. Mom is still in and out of it. The doctors are going to give her a check up."

"Good." I said. "Emma?"


"Why are you here?"

Emma smiled, "Because I felt like visiting you."

"You biked all the way across town to visit me? I would have been home in a few days."

"I know, but I missed you." She said. She turned and placed the canvas bag onto my desk. "I also made you a few things you can keep in your refrigerator. I don't want you eating fast food all the time. I made some of your favorites, chili, beef stew and chicken pot pie."

I smiled, "Thanks."

She walked around the desk and stood in front of me. She took a deep breath, "I also came here because I missed you so much."


She ran a finger through her hair and tucked some behind her ear. She looked around cutely, "I know it's silly. It has only been a day, but it is what I feel. Kelly hasn't made a stink at all about what you had said that day. I'm not gong to either, but I can't help but feel this desire."


"I..." Emma struggled to say it. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and nodded to herself. "I want you. I desire to be with you, Rob."


"No, listen to me. I know what was said that day was meant for everyone to walk away from everything without being hurt. I don't know. I just need you. You can't blame me. You were my first and I want you to be my only." Emma said softly. She took a few steps towards me. Her knees touched mine as the space that was once between us disappeared. Her hands reached out and touched mine. "You can't fault a woman for wanting the man that made her that...a woman."

I felt like shit. I felt like the world's worst man, let alone the world's worst brother. My gut twisted and turned as everything that I sought to resolve was for nothing. Leaving my home to resolve the situation only proved to have been in vain. I took hold of her soft and delicate hands. "Emma..."

She leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. The kiss melted my heart. The kiss melted my will the resist tainting the situation even further. The kiss made me desire her more than I ever could. I reached around her tiny waist and pulled her close to me. I ran my hands up and down her back as I kissed her deeply.

She broke the kiss and exhaled daintily. "Wow..."

I leaned in to kiss her again, but she held me off with her fingers on my lips, "Wait..."

"What is it?"

"You do know I love you, right?"

I nodded, "I love you too."

She shook her head slowly, "No, Rob. I love you. Not just as a brother, but as the only man in my life. I love you as the only man I will ever want. I don't care about the rest of the world. I just care about us. I just care about the love that I have for you. All I want is you, no more, no less."

"Emma...you do know the love we have...it is taboo. It isn't how siblings should behave. We crossed a line that we shouldn't have."

She nodded. "I know."

"It's wrong."

She nodded.

"What you and I have? What Kelly and I have-"

"What Kelly and you have is none of my concern." She said sharply. "I only care about what we have. And I do mean what we have. I don't want it thrown away because you left the house. If it means I come here when you are free once every day or once every week or once every month so that we can enjoy each other, than so be it. I will not lose what I finally discovered. I will not lose the love that you brought into my life."

Emma was serious. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was sincere with everything she said. I nodded slowly. "I won't stop you."

"No, I don't need you to adhere to what I am doing, Rob." She said as she moved slowly and sat on my lap. She wrapped her arms around me. "I want you to want me to be here. I want you to want me to be close to you. Do you understand?"

I nodded. I wrapped my arms around Emma. I held my sister close. I felt the warmth of her body encompass me. She leaned into me and I smelled her essence. I was in heaven. I felt her lips kiss my cheek and worked their way to my lips. Her kisses were warm and slightly moist. They were soft, pleasant and caring. Her kisses were everything that Emma was. I pulled her for a deeper kiss. I slid my tongue into her mouth and was met with hers. We sat there kissing. It was passionate. It was amazing. It was everything that I would expect from Emma.

She pulled her head away and broke the kiss slowly. She looked around and her eyes stopped at the futon. "Is the futon comfortable?"

I smiled, "It's a futon, Emma."

"Can we..."

She needed to say no more. I got up from my chair with Emma in my arms and carried her over to the futon. I set her down gently and took her in. She was breathing taking. She laid there smiling as she looked back at me with her crystal blue eyes. Her hair framed her face perfectly like an artist painting someone that he was infatuated with. Every strand of hair seemed was perfectly placed.

She stretched her arms out to me, "Come here."

I moved onto her slowly and carefully. She wasn't Kelly. Emma was delicate. Emma was like a fragile flower that one needed to take extra care while smelling its floral scent. As I moved into her waiting arms, she wrapped them around me and held me close.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Emma."

She kissed me softly. She pushed me off of her slowly. I lay down next to her never breaking the eye contact that we had established. Her hands moved to the lacy hem of her dress. She pulled it up slowly. A lump formed in my throat. The garment inched higher and higher revealing her silky legs. I licked my lips. She pulled the hem higher and revealed the light pink panties she wore underneath the dress. I saw the impression of her pussy on the fabric. I held her hand from pulling the dress any higher.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Why wouldn't I?" she asked.

"Emma, I moved away to solve the issue with all three of us."

Emma smiled and shook her head slowly, "No, Rob, you moved away to solve the issue between Kelly and I. You moved away to take yourself out of the equation. Without you being at the home, Kelly and I won't fight. Without you in the house tempting the two of your sisters, we won't feel like you picked one over the other. With you placing yourself on neutral ground, Kelly and I no longer have anything to argue about."

I sat back shocked by what she said. "What?"

Emma smiled again, but it wasn't her usual warm and loving smile. It was a smile of mischievousness. It was something I never seen before from Emma. She reached up and touched my face. "In my heart, I hoped that you would have taken the high-ground and leave. I prayed for it. I had dreams before any of this ever happened that would you move out and I would come to be with you after I confessed my love. No one in the family would know. Then, dad passed...you stepped up...we all had to. With mom being the way she was after her sickness...it was all hands on deck. My dream never got a chance to happen." She reached up and touched my lips. "In a way, you coming in that night and made love to me was the best thing that could have happened. Though, I wished it wasn't all spurred on by Kelly."


"I may be nice." Emma said sweetly as she tilted her head, "But, I do want what I want."

"...but, what about Kelly?" I asked as a terrible feeling began to grow from my gut. "She has the same kind of feelings too."

"I knew she came here to see you."


She nodded.


"We talked about it when she came home."

I sat back stricken by disbelief. "Emma...I'm sorry..."

She held her hand up, "It's ok."

"What do you mean it is ok?"

"She is my twin, Rob. I know her better than anyone else. She knows me better than anyone else. When she came home and I was about to get things ready for work, she stunk of sex. I sat her down and merely looked at her quietly. She spilled everything."

I wanted to slap myself. I shook my head in shame. "Emma, I can't control myself. I don't know what is wrong with me."

She pulled me close to her and kissed me softly on the lips. "I know."

"You do?"

She nodded, "You love your sisters as much as they love you. No one else will do. No other woman can satisfy you. You want no one else. That is fine with me. I am...we are actually honored by that. But, after a long talk with Kelly, we worked something out. She is my sister. We were raised to love our family. And love I will."

"What are you saying?!" I said angrily. "I don't fucking know what is going on! So, I moved away for nothing? I upended my life and moved into this shitty little office for nothing? You are telling me I could have stayed home in my own room?"



She shook her head. "No. You being here is what made the difference. You being here is what settled things between Kelly and myself. I don't care where you live, here or eventually when you get a place of your own, but you being away from the house is what is making this work."

I shook my head, "I don't understand...everything that you said...everything that we all felt..."

"I can't share you with Kelly in the house. I won't allow it."


"This taboo...this thirst we have for each other...it stays away from the house." Emma said as she sat up and kissed me softly on the lips. "I want all of us to be happy. Be it living a lie that when I am here you are mine and mine only...then so be it."

"You can stand this? This arrangement?"

She nodded. "I came up with it. I don't need Kelly going all around town having disgusting sex with random guys. She is happy. She is actually happy when she spends time with you. I as her twin want to see that. But, I am selfish. I want to be happy too. I need you too. Do you understand? This is the only way the three of us can be happy together."

I was at a loss for words. I couldn't think of anything to say. I couldn't think of anything better. Kelly was right. No one else will do. I was in love with my sister. In love with their each individual personalities and attributes.

"We made our decision, Rob." Emma said as she continued to kiss my lips softly. Her tongue reached out and playfully licked my lips. "You can enjoy us and enjoy the love we will all eventually share, or you can ignore this. You can try to ignore what you feel. You can try to ignore that fire inside of you. You can ignore everything and go find some hapless girl to fill that void when inside you know what you really want."

"I can't."

She nodded, "I know."

I leaned in and kissed her firmly. Her body folded against mine. My hands roamed about her. She felt amazing, soft and warm. I broke my kiss and smiled, "I don't believe it all came to this."

"Life is strange, isn't it?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Emma reached down to her dress and pulled it off completely. She lay back in her stunning beauty. I reached down to her and ran my fingers along her body. My fingers traveled from her thighs and moved slowly up to the tiny pink panties that she wore. My fingers circled around the fabric that covered my sister's smooth mound. A soft moan escaped her lips as I lingered there for a moment before moving up the rest of her body. She shifted her body as I touched and explored her. No hurrying. No having to worry if Kelly was going to see. No worrying about people judging. It was her and I. My hand slowed to the bra that she wore. She reached for the clasp in front and popped it slowly. The cups of the bra fell away leaving two beautifully shaped and firm breasts for presentation. I leaned down and touched my tongue to an erect nipple.

"Oh Rob..." she said softly as she took hold of my head.

I twirled my tongue around one flesh toned jewel before moving over to the other. She giggled in delight as her hands tore away at my clothing. I pulled my work-shirt off and stood from the futon as my hands undid the belt to my pants. I looked down at Emma who shifted about the futon and looked up at me dreamily.

"What?" I asked as my work pants dropped to the floor.

She shook her head, "I just wanted to see the man I love so much get naked for me."

I pulled my boxers off and kicked them aside. I stood in front of her aroused. I felt the thirst again. Emma slid the panties she wore and spread her legs slowly and seductively. I got back onto the bed and tried my best not to rush into her. I lowered myself between her legs.

"Taste me. No more sensual touching. No more stalling, Rob." She demanded. "Make me yours. Own me, Rob."

I dove forward towards the perfect shaved and dripping pussy of my sister. My tongue made contact with her labia. She tasted amazing. Again, the animal within me, the beast that lived inside my taboo filled heart ripped its way out. I pulled Emma to me roughly. She squealed in surprise and I surged into her with my mouth. She writhed and wriggled. Her moans loud, no longer the dainty and reserved expressions of pleasure she usually exhibited.

"Oh god, Rob!" she cried out as she took hold of my head. I savagely twirled and tongued her pussy. I couldn't get enough. She tasted amazing. She tasted different than Kelly. There was something pure and untouched that I could taste from Emma. It was a fresh and new fruit that needed to be indulged. I gripped her soft, plush thighs and rubbed her erect clitoris with my tongued. "Yes!"

I broke away, "I love how you taste."


I nodded and dove back in.

"Make me cum, Rob!" she yelled as the waves of ecstasy grew.

As one of my loving sisters, I could not deny her command. I quickened the pace of my tongue lashing against her little slit. I felt her grip on my head tighten.




I moved my tongue faster.


I moved my tongue in stronger and quicker strokes. Her pussy getting wetter and wetter by the second.

"Oh my god!"

I slid my index finger into her with no warning. That was it. That was all it took to break the dam of pleasure.

"I'm cumming, Rob!" Emma yelled as her body convulsed and shook. Her pussy clamped down on my finger and I continued to lick away. I felt her try to stop me with her hands as her orgasm swept into her like a never ending gust of wind. Her body shook. She pleaded silently as her voice was no longer there. Her body tightened, stiffened and then released as she fell onto the futon limp and panting. I pulled away slowly from her pussy while giving it gentle laps with my tongue sending shivers up her spent body.

I got up slowly and looked up at her. Her cheeks were completely red. She smiled wearily at me. "Rob that was amazing."

I smiled, "I'm not done."

Her eyes were wide as she eyed my erection as it stood proudly in front of her slit. "Wait, Rob, I don't know if I can handle any more."

I shook my head, "Your thirst was quenched; now it is my turn."

"Please..." she pleaded.

I didn't listen to her. I positioned the bulbous head of my cock against her slit and pushed my hips forward entering her. The gasp and moan from her was almost primal. Like the joining of two great beasts, she howled in pleasure and in shock. Emma threw her head back into the futon as I forcefully pushed the rest of my cock into her. I didn't take as much care as I usually did with her. I wanted her to feel how much truly I desired her. I wanted her to know what the consequences were with little deal that was made between sisters. I wanted her to feel everything.

I pulled my cock back out of her and lined up again. "Was that too rough?"

She nodded, "Yes..."

I pushed forward again, with just as must as the first thrust. Emma's body rocked into the futon. Her breath seemingly knocked out of her as her body lifted and slammed back down onto the futon. She gripped the blankets I had covering makeshift bed. I pulled out once again and lined up for another thrust. "Too rough?"

She shook her head, "I know what you're doing."

"You do?"

She nodded with a warm smile, "I do."

"Tell me." I said as I teased her waiting pussy with the head of my cock. I saw that her pussy was slick with her fluids and mine. I rubbed my cock onto her clit sending little shivers into her body.

"You want to dominate me. You want to own me. You want to punish me."

"Punish you?"

She nodded, "Because...I was a bad girl."

"But, you're never the bad girl."

"I'm your bad girl."

I couldn't hold back anymore after hearing that. I rushed forward. I pushed forward. I pumped into her. I pumped into my own sister. I felt her pussy take me in completely as I fucked her. She yanked me down onto her as I pushed and pulled no longer caring that she was blood. I pumped wildly into her no longer caring that it was taboo. I loved her. I loved Kelly. She roared in pleasure as she raked her nails across my back.

"Fuck me!" she cried out.

I did.


I quickened my pace.

"Make me yours!"

I pushed harder and harder. The futon's legs and structure creaked and groaned under the pressure.

"Own me! Own me!"

I couldn't hold out any longer. I pumped my hips wildly as I felt my orgasm coming. My breathing was extremely labored. I didn't want to stop. I didn't want any of it to end. The pleasure, the joy, the freedom, I didn't want any of it to end. It was liberating.

"I'm going to cum." I grunted without altering my pace.

She nodded, "...in me. Cum in me, Rob! Cum in me! Fill me up!"

I came. I couldn't hold at a second longer as my once innocent, loving sister cried out for it. Like an explosion, my cum erupted from my cock and drenched the insides of my sister. I pushed with several strong thrusts and came into her. All senses. All pain. All pressures. All worries. All of it was gone. I didn't worry anymore. The world was right for me at that moment. In the arms of my sister with my cum coursing into her, everything was finally right.

I gasped and fell onto her. She exhaled sharply at my sudden weight on her. She patted my head and kissed me softly on the lips. "That was amazing."

"Yes it was." I said as I panted from the physical exertion.

She looked into my eyes, "Enjoy this like we will enjoy you."

"I will."

Emma smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too."


Three months had passed. I sat in my office/home as I looked out the window onto the production floor. The crews that my boss had hired kept up with production times and exceeded all expectations. I looked over some of the papers on my desk and smiled. It was going to be a good month. I thumbed through a few more papers before I felt a pressure on my cock. I leaned back and closed my eyes as the pressure surged and released. I reached down to touch the pinned up hair of my sister. Kelly looked up with some grease on her cheek as she lapped and licked my cock clean.

"Did that feel good?"

I nodded and motioned to the window of my office, "You're lucky the guys can't see through this window."

She smiled as she tucked my cock back into my boxers and stood up slowly. "I'm lucky, or you?"

I chuckled, "I guess in this case, I am the lucky one."

She straightened herself and took a deep breath. "Number two and number three bays are ready for the next set of orders. I'm going to make sure the guys in the other bays get that first set welded and ready to ship."

I picked up an order sheet from my desk and handed it to her. "Make sure the dock loader has this before he puts it on the trucks."

She took it from my hand and started to walk out of my office. Kelly stopped at the door and looked back. "Emma has an opening shift at Starbucks tomorrow, so she is going to stay here tonight, but will need you to drive her to work."

I nodded.

"Mom's new meds are doing her good." Kelly said relieved. "She is starting to walk around on her own and is going to physical therapy today."


"See you at home this weekend?"

"Only if you crack the whip at those fuckers downstairs so they can finish this contract." I said smiling.

"You got it, boss." She said and left my office.

I sat back and sighed. Things were looking good for the family. I looked at the picture that sat on my desk. It was of Kelly, Emma and I in front of the building I lived and worked at. Both my sisters beamed with joy while there was a genuine smile on my face. Life could only be better from here. We walked the fate that we decided for ourselves together. One day at a time. One sister at a time.


Thank you all for hanging in there with this series. I had trouble ending it the way I had wanted the story to. There were several versions and all of them didn't live up to my expectations. I hope everyone likes this ending. Thanks for reading! Please follow more of my stories and leave comments! I appreciate all of you!