A Son Captures His Mother

Reader, this is a story of a son's blackmail, then seduction of his gorgeous conservative and religious mother. She became his willing lover in more ways than one. Her son was the powerhouse her husband was not. The conception for this story lies elsewhere.

Mary Magdalene Carter was stood stock still in her kitchen, at her feet were six smashed plates that she had just dropped. She was aghast, her first thought was her husband, what would he say, what even would he do, to her especially.

The plates were antique, not completely rare and irreplaceable, but they were her husband's. He had bought them with some money a relative had given him on the day of their marriage twenty years ago. A marriage she had regretted ever since, but being the devout religious people they were, she had no choice but to make the best of it.

They were members of their church, did all the fund raising things, pealed the bells, they worked for the church everyday, cleaning, repairs. But most of all were the religious leanings, bible reading being the most learned. Her husband had grown into a domineering crusading man, bible thumping being one of them. He expected, nay demanded, his wife follow his lead, and Mary being a soft spoken, and in essence, a mouse to his lion, she surrendered all her worldly goods and obeyed him all the way.

Mary, while being a quiet devout and conservative Christian, was also, underneath the frumpiness of her clothes that she wore, a strikingly good looking lady. She was tall at 5ft 10" her soft hair was always up in a bun. But at night she let it down and brushed it until her arms ached. She was full bodied , had firm breasts still, even at the age of forty now. Her figure was still amazingly good due in no part to the toil she put in at home and the church. And had wondered, if there would ever be a day in her life when she would feel appreciated. 

And she had needs, needs that her husband didn't take care of, or care about. He took care of his own using Mary. But Mary, apart from very rare occasions, never had the satisfaction from the 'Wham Bam,' thank you maam her husband used her for.

Mary had settled for this life, she had reasoned that God was waiting for her, and she would find her desires within his arms when the time came. That at least was what she believed. Ronald would never brook any criticism, he was always right, he was pious to the extreme. They even had a lights out policy, "When the Lord darkens our day, then we darken our ways," he would say, and no lights were allowed on.

Mary's own guiding lights were her two children, both of whom were complete opposites. Her son, the elder of the two was Thomas, he was nineteen, and Hannah, who had just turned eighteen. Thomas was not a chip off the old block so to speak. He was a strapping lad, a good 4 or 5 inches taller than his father, and outweighed him now too. He was rebellious, took no part in what he called his father's religious shenanigans after he was old enough to decide what he wanted to do, not what his father insist he do. But he was a Christian never the less

Hannah really did take after her father, to the point of zealousness sometimes, often castigating her mother for her slovenly ways before the Lord. But while she was her father's daughter in her religious ways, she was a spitting image of her mother, tall, dark haired, and extremely attractive. Her ways, even though she tried to hide them were sensuous in every department. Her father of course doted on his beloved daughter, and pitied his son for falling by the wayside of righteousness. Thomas thought of himself as a normal boy in his own eyes, he liked the girls, had tried the odd spliff, and had taken alcohol.

But he was also good at school and had excelled in his studies, as had Hannah. And he was always on the lookout for an opportunity to aid himself. He had never been in trouble with any law enforcement officer. But he had sailed close to the wind a few times.

Now Mary was realising just what she had done, Ronald would be more than furious, over the past twenty years he had on occasions given Mary, what he called a lesson from the Lord for being errant in her ways. In other words a good slap! Now Mary saw one definitely on the horizon after this.

Her husband wasn't really a bad man, but he was a nasty man, a bully, and like all bully's he was a coward at heart. He had started out as just a deeply religious man, but now that had turned into a zealous trait. He was a very successful business man,. Money was no object, their house was a seven bed roomed detached place, but his rules were that they lived in a religious past. 

The house was dark, not dank, but wood panelling, high ceilinged, deep cornices, to a loving family this could be a palace. But to Mary and the children as they grew, it was a place to be feared. But Thomas as he grew began to not hate his father, but to ignore him to the point where unless he had to, he didn't speak with him.

Ronald was a workaholic, he did the jobs of three men, saving the company 1000's and 1000's a year. But now at 48 he was a walking heart attack waiting to happen. He was greatly over weight, didn't take exercise, and drank whisky by the bottle, but it didn't affect his lashing tongue when his temper got the better of him.

Just then Thomas walked into the kitchen, he saw his mother whom he loved dearly, and she was in tears and shaking to the eye. He had often had told his mother to leave the rotten b*****d and start a new life. Mary was of course horrified by his use of such profanities, and defended her husband, to which Thomas scoffed at her. 

"Mother," he said, and stood there with her, "what's happened, have you done this?" "Yes," she wept, "what will your father say, Oh my goodness, what am I going to do, he will be so angry with me." Thomas could feel the fear and tension in her, so he dived into action. He grabbed a brush and pan and swept all the pieces up, took them to the bin outside and disposed of them.

"Oh thank you darling," she wept, "but your father will see they are missing come Sunday when he wants his dinner." His father always had dinner on the plates and crockery, the only time they were used was on a Sunday. This was now Monday morning.

"Mom, I'll go on the internet without him knowing and see if I can find their replacement okay?" he said. His father had no idea that their son was using the devils ways, he had allowed it into the house for educational purposes only. He had no idea his son was a whiz with computers and easily over rode all the controls his father had had installed. And not using prayer from the Lord to deliver them from evil.

Thomas picked up the one plate that had only broken in two. "This is going to cost you mother, he will go bananas, you know that don't you?" He told her. Mary was in mortal fear by now, he would beat her she knew it. "Yes Thomas I know what will happen, I will do anything for you please help me, please?" she really was in a mess, and her son felt truly sorry for her. But at the same time the germ of an idea started growing his mind.

He had started secretly spying on his mother a few weeks ago, and now he knew that underneath all the wool and cotton, was a woman of rare beauty. And this might just be the way in to see a lot more he had decided. It was Sunday evening, his mother had dropped the plates while her husband had gone to their church to talk with the Father.

"If this can be done mother, we will have to come to some sort of agreement yes?" he said. "Yes Thomas, yes," she replied hopefully. "I mean it mother, you will pay me my way," he repeated. Mary would agree to anything to get herself out of the mess she had just created. Thomas got some glue and fixed the two halves together, he photographed the plate, measured it, took as many details as he could. The manufactures name, ID number, and date.

Thus armed he hit the computer, he went right around the world using every social network he could find. He added the photos, and details, sizes, depth, everything. He researched antique shops and dealers. In 24 hours he had a hit, it was in a small shop 100 miles from where he lived, he called them and plate in hand he set off to view what looked like identical plates. 

When he saw them, he knew they were what he wanted, the only difference was each plate was ¼" smaller. This he knew, was of no consequence, there was no way his father would guess that, he told himself. He bought the plates which were expensive and nearly cleaned his bank balance out, but he didn't care about that. He had greater things on his mind than mere money.

The Tuesday morning Thomas showed his mother one of the plates. "What do you think mother, good enough do you think?" he teased. Mary gasped, first in surprise and then in delight, "Oh Thomas you may have just saved my life, Oh Thomas thank you thank you thank you." Thomas took a deep breath, "Now or never Tommy lad, do or die," he whispered in his head. "Don't forget our agreement mother, anything you said?" "But Thomas there is only one plate, I need six don't I?" she murmured quietly. "Now mother, you let me worry about that, not you, do we have our agreement or not?" "Yes Thomas we do, as long as you save me from my troubles." She told him. "Oh I can do that mother no problem, you'll see, but it will be one plate at a time though, come with me mother please." He told her and walked down the hall. Mary frowned and wondered what her son was up to, but she followed him. He walked up the stairs and entered his bedroom.

When he saw she was behind him he smiled at her, they were alone in the house and would be all day. "Now mother," he said, "you will get this plate, followed by the others after you have committed yourself to my wishes." "Wishes Thomas, what do you mean?" she asked nonplussed. "Before I tell you what I want mother let me say this, and please don't interrupt me either." he told her. 

"I know you don't like the life you lead. I know you don't like father, And I'm almost certain your sex, or love life is the pits. And I would bet that you would love to get away from it, or at least change it dramatically. In fact mother, if you could bring yourself to admit it, you would say you hate your life, and you hated him."

What her son had said made her legs give way, and she tumbled to his bed. She sat down heavily, "Thomas don't speak that way, your father provides us with a very good way of living, we have everything we need, all the money we want..." "And you mother," he interrupted her forcefully, "you have nothing at all, nothing!" "But...." she started, then she gave way. 

"Mother, I am going to change your life, and the only way I won't is if you disobey me by making me have to tell him about the plates, how I saw you throw them to the floor in anger." This of course was a lie, but one she knew her husband would definitely believe. "Please Thomas," she said in a defeated way, "what is it you want?" Now Thomas drew himself up, 'the bigger the better,' he told himself. "You can start by undoing that blouse you have on, and now!" he told her forthrightly. "Thomas, I can't do that," she protested. "No, what will father say about the plates then, as soon as I show him them and that they are smaller, he will know the truth won't he?" Mary sat on her son's bed stifled in her thoughts. "But Thomas, you are my son, I can't do such a thing, please?" Thomas pretended to get angry, "If you don't do as I say, you can leave right now, and I'll go to father when he comes in from work, go on mother, GO!" he yelled.

Mary stayed, "Just undo my blouse, but why Thomas why?" He smiled to himself, "So I can see you mother, I want to see your body. It isn't right that father is the only one who gets to see you. Now this is for the last time, do as I say or go, and I mean it!"He went to his door and stood at it waiting for her to leave. 

Mary stood and her fingers went to her blouse, and slowly undid the buttons from the top down. She stood and watched her son, she had not a clue what his full intentions were. "Open it mother for goodness sake, don't mess with me or else," he warned her. She did so, again slowly, "Now the bra mother, undo that too!" "Please Thomas, why are you doing this to me?" "Because mother, I can, I am, and I will. You can choose to go, no one is forcing you, it's your choice." Mary reached behind her back and undid her bra. She was in absolute fear and dread, her upbringing in the church had always led her to believe in modesty, piety, and to cover the flesh. 

Stepping forward rapidly, Thomas pulled the blouse down her arms and off, and in a liquid movement the bra had gone too. Mary gasped and took a step back in shock, only to trip on to his bed once more. Her hands went behind her to save herself from falling right over. And there they were in all their majestic glory. 

The twin orbs were high and proud, her pink nipples erect and proud, they were magnificent. Her bare shoulders smooth and rounded, her slim waist and tight stomach. Mary felt an uncontrollable thrill pound through her body. Thomas was suddenly stood right in front of her, his knees either side of hers. She looked up to see the wild look of lust flitting across his face. 

"Please Thomas, let me go please I'm begging you, you've had your fun Thomas, I have to leave." Thomas stood aside immediately, "Go on then mother, leave," was all he said. "Thomas...." Mary knew the consequences, she had almost forgotten she was naked from the waist up. Thomas stepped back over her again, and took the control away from her. Then he unzipped his jeans and stood there waiting. 

He reached down and unceremoniously squeezed both of her nipples, the shock and surprise almost bent his mother in half. But it also lit a fire in her belly, one she hadn't had for so many years. Thomas stood back again, "That's enough for now mother, we'll talk later!" And he walked away and out of the house, he had a huge hard on, but his idea was to get his mother used to the same idea. Mary sat for a time on is bed, her stomach was rolling and rumbling, 

"What was that?" she pondered, the excitement she felt was new, and unaccustomed to it as she was, but she thought she knew. Her nipples were still ringing from the hard squeeze he had given them. And then her mind reeled from the religious learning's, it was her son, this should not happen, it won't happen, I won't let it happen again. I'll tell Ronald about the plates, then this will stop. The decision was made, Mary felt better, and she would challenge Thomas, and put him deep in his place!

Two hours later Thomas returned, as he walked into the house, he called out, "Hi mother, where are you?" Mary was in the sitting room, bible on her lap, and saying prayers. "In here Thomas," she replied, she was set to take him to task. Tell him of his very errant ways, that she was done with his demands, she was going to tell his father about the plates. Thomas walked in and she fell in on herself. 

Thomas had a look in his eye that she couldn't deny, her son had her measure, she dare not let his father know about the broken plates. He stood there for a moment, his eyes locked on to hers, she was frozen to the spot, he grinned inwardly, "this is going better than I could have hoped for," he told himself gladly.

"Come with me mother," he said, and walked away to his bedroom. Mary hesitated then followed, "what am I going to do?" she thought. When she entered his room very reluctantly, he was stood with his back to her. "Go on mother," was all he said, but she knew full well what he was telling her. She undid her blouse, and again she undid her bra. But this time she removed them herself. She stood there, she didn't know he was watching slyly through the mirror. He pointed to his bed and Mary sat on it, just as she had this morning.

Thomas turned and stepped up again, his knees once more outside of hers. Her breasts were again high sited, and her nipples this time were rock hard. He reached down and squeezed her them again, and once more a blast of electricity bolted through her body. This brought a growling response from Mary's constricted throat. 

Thomas unzipped his jeans and stood still before her. "Thomas please?" she begged, it had no effect, she was deeply religious, and this was against everything she believed in. But his needs were greater than her protestations. He just stood there, then he quickly gripped her nipples once more and Mary almost howled like a wolf on the wild prairie. Thomas fished out his super hard cock. He knew he shouldn't do this to his mother, she was beside herself with fear.

And he also believed that he was doing this for her too, he needed to make her happy, the way she had been when he was small. It was all his father's fault, he had browbeaten her into the woman she now was. He was determined to find her for herself, and for him. Mary could only stare open mouthed at the appendage before her, and she was stunned, it was big, it was round, it was red, and she could tell it was as hard as a table top.

It was also waving at her, bobbing around in front of her face, her mind flashed back to the day she had kissed and sucked her one and only cock. She had been eighteen, and was in love with a boy, so she did it for him. She had loved every second of the hot hard flesh as she savoured it, and that was the last and only time it had happened, a one off.

Thomas stepped a little closer and the tip of him touched her cheek then brushed her lips before she could draw back. But that one fleeting touch to her lips, and the long forgotten man smell was the breaking point. Mary could feel the heat from it, the absolute power in it. She suddenly had an urgent need to taste it, she needed to taste it, and she needed to get closer for that smell. Her mouth obeyed her silent command. Her lips savoured the end, the taste encompassed her mind, as her lips pouted all by themselves and slid over the bell like end of her son's demanding cock.

Mary was entranced now, she was doing something from long ago, and the sweet memories were flooding her mind, keeping her from reasoning, and making decisions she could no longer make. Thomas gently put his hand on her head, and moved her over his expanding rod of fire hardening flesh.

Mary pressed forward to him, he entered her more and more, and his mother was on the point of fainting such was the unassailable desire to eat what was being offered to her. She heard a distant voice from afar. 

"God moves in mysterious ways Mary, he loves you, make him rejoice in you." This was all she needed, God had spoken to her, sent her down this road, he was leading her to redemption. He was guiding her to her appointed goal. Thomas had whispered the words, not realising that his mother would submit herself to what she believed to now be, her calling.

Thomas just let it happen, he had no desire for this to come to an end, he was in his own personal heaven. Rocking back and forth as his beautiful mother worked on him, sucking a little harder each time, taking more of him in each time. And his mother, unknown to him, had no desire for it to end either. The smell and taste of Thomas was all she needed to complete the task set for her by her Lord. Her tongue massaged him, her lips created a swell within him. Mary wanted to get him all into her mouth, but could only get about half in, later, she told herself defiantly.

Then she felt a definite hardening, a bigger swell of his shaft, the bell like end was getting hotter, and more strident. This told Mary what was about to happen, the cock in mouth was about to ereupt, just like it once had those long years past. The forgotten memory hit her mind, and Mary hit her task with an almost vengeance, she had to make this cock give her what her very soul wanted, his sweet salty sperm.

Thomas jabbed forward one last time, and the jet stream of hot sticky and thick sperm, bounced into his mother's waiting needful mouth. It was almost jelly like in substance, and it went down her throat with one huge gulp to splash into her stomach. The next lumpy mound was the same, thick and like jelly, this too was taken in one heavy gulp, and a deep breath from Mary. 

More spurts came in, and Mary dispatched them with mounting glee from his mother, her one and only time had never been like this. This was a first for her, this was her new memory, she gave everything she had to Thomas stood above her, her hands were on his hips holding him to her, while she drained him of every tiny globule of his sperm.

Thomas withdrew slowly, even he hadn't expected this, in his mind he had seen himself cum in his mothers mouth, but then she had spit it out all over the floor, but she hadn't, she had gleefully taken it all, and would have had more had there been any! Mary sank backwards on to the bed. Thomas, feeling a little embarrassed by this turn of events hurried to his bathroom and cleaned himself up.

When he returned his mother was dashing from his room, he let her go. "Better let her get used to it," he told himself while happily playing with his resplendent cock. This was one memory that would never fade, never!

He never saw her again that day, he went out, and when he came home his parents were in bed sleeping. He jacked himself off, and blew his load on to the bed. This time let his cum soak into the sheets, he wanted his mother to find it in the morning when she made his bed.

The following morning she kissed her husband's cheek as he left, then she sat down, she had to, she had to think. What she had done yesterday was incomprehensible, how had she succumbed to it. And, more to the point, enjoy it as she had. "The Lord will seek repentance for this foul deed" she admonished herself.

She heard Thomas coming down stairs, she busied herself at the sink, she daren't even look at him, she felt so ashamed, but it was also mixed in with the remnants of the arousal she had been subjected to. Thomas put one of the new plates on the table, and she heard him say. "Good morning mother, one down, only five to go!" When she turned around to ask what he meant, he was walking back down the hallway and up the stairs. She looked at the plate, and then the penny dropped. "Me for the plates, that's his game then is it?" she asked herself. And for the second time he had taken the wind right out of her sails, now there was no option, no second choice, no plan B. After several minutes of hard thinking, she knew what had to be done, there was no way out now. She said a prayer, asked for forgiveness for her regretful ways, and also asked God to forgive her son. "He knows not what he does." She half quoted.

Mary looked at herself in the hallway mirror, and she made the conscious decision to let her hair down, 'more freedom' she admitted. She shook her mane of hair and went upstairs to the fate Thomas had in store for her. And as she walked up she began to see herself, to maybe think that she was migrating into two women, met morphing? she wondered, if that was even a description.

One was the woman she had turned into, the woman her husband had made her to be. While she would always believe in God to the end, she was also turning into someone she didn't recognise, but whom she seemed to know. She hated what she was doing, but found it compelling, she thought she might grow horns, like the she devil she was.

Mary actually sauntered into Thomas's room, this time he was facing her as she entered, this made her wince inside. She had expected him to be turned away from her, allowing her to have a jaunty feel of her being. She immediately lowered her eyes, she looked at the floor.

"Mother," Thomas said. Mary felt the command from within, the command that was delivered with Thomas putting the plate on the table. She knew her place, Mary had thought that with her knowing, and being subjected to this, it would give her the strength she needed to fight it.

Her resolve drained away like water from a bath. "Yes Thomas, I'm here." She answered almost reverently. "I know you are here mother, I can see you!" Mary moved to her son and stood before him. "Five more plates mother, our agreement?" Mary shrank in his presence. "Where is this going to end?" she asked herself, she thought she knew, but didn't. It would end with her complete subjugation to her son, and that was Thomas's sole target, to have his mother for himself.

"Five plates Thomas, yes I know, what do you want from me?" she enquired with deep respect in her voice. He pointed to his bed. She went to it and took off her blouse once more, followed by her bra. Mary's breasts and nipples were in an atomic state, ready for total detonation.

Thomas pointed to the floor in front of him indicating where he wanted her to be, on her knees before him. Mary was almost sick with the humiliation, her servitude was being taken from her husband and passed to her son. "What will become of me?" she asked herself whilst lowering herself on to the pillow he had laid there.

She prayed to God for her salvation, and then unzipped her son's jeans. He looked at her, Mary nodded her head and reached in to fish him out. The hard bar was enough to ignite Mary's mind again, his small assailed her nostrils first, the flame lit, and she went from hating herself, to loving the thing that was making her betray her life, her son's mighty young cock.

She leaned forward, her mind was clear now, "serve him, make him happy, make yourself happy Mary, forget everything, and now!" were the words that ran through her mind. She kissed the end of it, opened her mouth and slid the mesmeric hard flesh into her mouth and sucked. 

Her whole mind was now on Thomas as she looked up at his face, her son's eyes were glued to hers. Now she wanted to serve him, he was making her these things, but he wasn't nasty, he didn't bully her, there was no physical force involved. It was as if she was voluntarily doing this, and she also wanted to. Having a hard cock in her mouth again after 22 years or so, was more than she was able to resist.

She was looking at him, but she wasn't seeing him anymore, her being was filled with him in her mouth, his aroma being breathed in and out as she sucked him. She tried again to get him all in, but she couldn't not from this angle, she decided that if opportunity presented itself, she would make a real determined effort to do so.

Thomas spoke to her, "Mother," he said, "you are the best cock sucker alive, I love it, make me cum for you mother, make me cum!" His words, though blasphemous were a source of pride to her, she literally beamed, she had never been praised by her husband for anything, and it induced her to suck harder and longer.

Mary jammed her mouth on and off his cock in fast thrusts, also hitting her own tonsils to get ready for the day this cock went past them. Thomas's knees jerked, Mary readied herself for the luscious blast of cum that was going to be deposited into her mouth. It happened, it hit her so hard she almost lost some as it tried to beat its way out of her mouth and on to the floor. Mary defeated the attempt and swallowed that first huge lump of thick salty goo.

She swooned in utter arousal, this very act was turning her on like she had never been, her son as controlling her life now, and of that she was certain. She sucked and swallowed in quick succession, his cum filled her mouth, and Mary emptied it just as quick, slowly the amount subsided and Mary gallantly took every last drop.

Thomas allowed his cock out, and Mary sank to her haunches, she looked at him with wonder now in her eyes. He had changed from her son, he was no longer that, but he as a man, her man she wondered? Then Thomas took her by total surprise, he dropped to his knees, they were touching each other. He put his arms around her, and kissed her. Mary was so astonished she never moved, she could not remember ever being kissed by her husband like this, and especially not after sexual gratification.

Mary gently flowed into Thomas's kiss, it was twenty years since a kiss had been placed on her lips this way, and Mary almost cried with happiness, she began to feel like a woman again, like the woman she really was, once was.

"What is he doing to me?" she asked herself, "whichever way I turn now he is there now, guiding me, showing me the way." Thomas felt her breasts, squeezed and rolled each nipple, he kissed her neck. Mary died inside, the urge to throw herself at him was almost irresistible.

Thomas stood and helped her up, her legs hardly supported her such was the arousal and inner turmoil charging her body and mind. "It's time mother, now it is right," he said. He led her to his bed, Mary hadn't a clue as to what he had meant by that, but she was now in fit state to refuse anything he said or did.

He laid her down, and his mother spread her arms above her head, as if knowing sh was the subject of her son's carnal desires, and was giving herself up to him. Her fabulous breasts were pointing at the ceiling, her nipples were like child's rockets waiting to be shot into the night sky.

As Thomas lay beside her, her arms went around him, she was ready, even if she didn't know what she was ready for. Thomas kissed her again, and the warm glow spread from her head to her feet. There would be no way back for her, and to be fair, Mary wouldn't want one by the time her son had finished with her. Thomas was taking her away from his father and having her for himself.

He encompassed his mother in his arms, kissed her, Mary responded, then his hand went under her skirt, and felt the gusset of the huge knickers she had on, there were no scanty lace underwear for his mother, her husband would not allow such items.

Mary tensed, this was unexpected, she looked about her wildly, "what will God say?" she prayed. But by the time she waited fpr some kind of answer, her legs shot up into the air. Thomas had found his mark, and his mother was no more. His finger slid into the little wet slit, prodded and rubbed, caressed and stroked. And Mary had her first orgasm in so many years. It blew her part, she cried out with utter joyful chaotic painas it strummed her like an old guitar.

Thomas tore her panties away, he ripped them to shreds, then he bunched up his mother's skirt, and laid over her. Mary was hypnotised, she had her hands on his upper arms, not defensively, but submissively. Her body over took her mind, all of her religious beliefs were cascading to the floor around her.

Thomas probed once, felt the wet and pushed, his mother's hardly used vagina split like cleaver had struck it and he was in. He sank fast, Mary lost her breath, she was paralysed with aroused fear, it was something from the primeval past. Soon she was lost in the emotions that were beginning to abound her, emotions and sensations long forgotten.

Thomas stroked his cock in and out and Mary's legs rose all by themselves to surround him. Her arms held him, her grip becoming tighter with each inward thrust of the hot hard flesh within her most secret and treasured place. Mary erupted like a volcano, she screamed out as she came, it burst her like water breaking a dam holding it back.

The earthquake broke every known resistance, she didn't have, she was forced into blissful acceptance. Every emotion she had known was fait accompli. Thomas was creating within her a new woman before God, and before the eyes of God himself. He would present her to him and ask for his forgiveness, and allow her to be this new woman.

Mary had multiple climaxes, they drove her over the edge into almost insanity. Her son's snaking cock was seeking out every crevice she had, and forced them into the open where she was devoured with each thrust of his rampant all consuming cock. Thomas didn't cum this time, it was too quick after the last one. But he hammered his mother, Mary had never undergone such luscious cruelty.

He drove and drove at her until she became limp from his ministrations, and her own climaxes, there was no fight in her, there would never be again. Mary lay comatose, Thomas got off her, and removed her skirt, and what was left of the horrid panties she had worn for the last time, he would see to that.

When his father came home, he demanded his dinner, Mary served him quietly, all she wanted to do was have a bath, and go to bed, she was sore, and she ached wonderfully from head to toe. He retired for his nightly 'meeting' with God, and Mary went away, at the top of the stairs Thomas stopped her.

She looked at him fearfully, she knew he was the one, the one she would follow and obey if he made her. "Thomas," she whispered, looking over her shoulder. "Don't worry mother," he told her, "I just wanted to kiss you goodnight," and he did so, and Mary nearly fell down, as her emotions triggered the jelly in her knees.

She hurried away to the bathroom to save herself, she sat on the toilet, ran the bath and thought. "Mary," she told herself, "things have gone too far and too fast. But having said that, what are you, what can you do about it now. You know as soon s he says something, touches you or whatever, you are going to break again don't you?"

She tried to shut it out of her mind, except that she couldn't, she found herself wondering what Thomas would be doing with her tomorrow. Her vagina cramped at the thought, knowing he was going to use her made her fall into the water as a climax overtook her.

Thomas gave her the rest of the plates that next morning, she thanked him with all of her heart and saying a prayer to God for her salvation. He took her in his arms, kissed her and told her he loved her. Then told her to go upstairs, she went without a word of protest.

He walked into his room to find her on her knees on the pillow completely naked, kneeling up, head down in a servile position. This made him grin with victory, he had not only won the battle, he knew now he had won his mother, she was his, she was no longer his father's wife.

He undressed leaving her there and got on his bed, laid on his back and told her to "Come here mother." She did, his cock was already hard, it was pointing up his lithe and supple body. "Get on it mother, you know you want to." Mary had never done such a thing in her life, she had always just laid there while Ronald did his thing and got back off.

"But Thomas," she mumbled, I, er, Hmmmm, I er,?" "Mother, climb on, put it in and let nature take its course, now!" he ordered. Mary quickly did what he said, but couldn't get him in her. "Take hold of it mother, and put it in," he cajoled her. Mary was reluctant to feel it like that, and she tentatively gripped it, but seemed afraid it was going to bite her.

She raised herself up, slid it over her vagina, felt that it was right and slowly sank down. It took her breath from out of her body, this was a sensation she had no experience of. It pierced her, her stomach moved out of the way to accommodate him, Thomas was looking t her, watching the contortions she was pulling on her face. Nature made her bear down on him, forcing every bit of him into her.

Mary sighed in fantastic satisfaction, she placed her hands on his stomach and began to lift herself up, then lower down. It was unbelievable, she leaned forward and rocked on her knees, the sensations just kept getting better. Her face was glowing, her cheeks were burning, and her mind was obliterated by her feelings, feelings she had never known.

An orgasm blew her nearly off him, she had to throw herself forward to grab him to prevent it. She blew out her cheeks in aloud "Whooooo! Oh my God, Oh God, sweet Mary of Jesus!" she cried as climax on climax blasted her apart. Now head bowed, she never heard herself use the Lords name so blasphemously. "Thomas, oh Thomas, I love you Thomas, I love you!" she wept tears of unheralded joy.

Thomas near killed her then when he unloaded into her, he grabbed her hips, held her to him and drove his own hips and cock so far in it nearly choked her to death. His heavy thick sperm flooded her vagina, cervix and womb, she was full to the top of Thomas's baby making cum, and his tadpoles searched for a partner, which they found easily.

Each day was similar, though not the same, the fourth day, he fucked his mother in the kitchen on the table one day, in the afternoon it was the garage, then the potting shed, even on her husband's desk in his den! Mary never knew when and where he would take her, she only knew she had to go with him. 

Dinner had passed successfully the previous day, Sunday. Mary had had to bear with her son, while his father was eating his lunch, he had asked her to wear a loose fitting dress, and when she sat at the table, to lift it above her knees. When Mary asked why, he just winked at her and smiled that devilish smile. Thomas had stroked her knees with his foot, she got excited because of the grave danger, and illicitness of his actions. Then he had put his toes in Mary's vagina and made her cum for him. 

Her head bowed at the table. Mary's knuckles were white as she gripped her knife and fork, Hannah looked puzzled but never said anything. Thomas winked at her as if to say. "You know something is going on Hannah, but have no idea what!" And she didn't, she watched her mother cum sat right next to her, but never understood it. But Mary now knew that her son was her Lord in the life she was living.

The following day Monday, in the early afternoon Thomas took her into town to a ladies lingerie shop. There he selected many items, all for his mother, including, soft sexy silky underwear, stockings and suspenders, high heels, lacy matching bras. Telling her, "Mother this is what you will wear for me and only me okay?" Mary nodded her head.

Mary was embarrassed to be even holding such decadent clothing, but the woman in her liked them, she tried them on at home and despite contradicting her beliefs, she admired how she looked. "I hope Thomas likes me like this, she gushed to herself.

The next morning Mary went to Thomas's room before he got up, she was dressed to kill, for him! She gave a little cough as she stood half way between his bed and the door, there she posed, one leg showing through the slit in her gown, her scanty underwear ready to entice her man, that was if he needed any enticing, she thought, he hadn't up to now.

Thomas opened his eyes and they fell on his mother. "Mother you look absolutely fabulous, drop the gown please," he said. Mary slid it from her shoulders, her confidence growing by the second. She spun on one foot to show him her voluptuous body, his body! "Come here," was his command, Mary obeyed, he patted the bed beside him and Mary smoothed herself in, and slid to him, she was ready, and she knew he was ready.

Thomas hooked a finger into her panties and quite simply pulled them off her, he snapped them. This made Mary gasp in unmitigated arousal. Thomas did no more but mount her, he slaked his thirst on and in her body. Mary was again in her own personal heaven, she came without thinking of it. Thomas peered at his mother, e knew there would be no going back, not now.

By the end of the second week Mary was fully in her son's loving control, he treated her with full respect, except in sexual matters, her naivety was still young. And Mary loved each day her son made love to her, and on the third day of that week Mary learned to deep throat, and she was ecstatic. She had him on his back and was forcefully sucking him, a task she loved. 

She knew that this could be the day when she might succeed. She positioned herself, bashed her tonsils on him, and then, taking one huge breath, she forced her head down and in he went. Her nose was suddenly buried in his pubic hair, and they tickled her lips as she sucked him deeper.

Thomas was amazed at her, he could see it, her face was nearly flat on his loins. He shot his load and Mary nearly drowned, his cum shot straight down her neck. She never had the chance to savour it, she was sad because she wanted to keep his taste in her mouth. Pulling back she managed to capture what was left. Then she made a mental note to make sure he was in her mouth and not her throat the next time she did this.

A month later Mary's marital allegiance to her husband had completely swapped to her son, she was Ronald's wife no more. She had even rebuffed him twice now on his ritual Saturday night Wham Bam. She didn't hate him, nothing could ever make Mary hate anyone, she felt sorry for him, and that turned to nothing but pity.

Mary was her son's pupil, and she learned fast, but she would always and be and willingly would be, submissive to him, not only because that was the way it was, she too wanted that way. Mary had no ideas where this was going to end, or how, she only knew that her life with her son was the one she wanted, and would never give up.

But Thomas was setting his sights on his sister now, the success he had with his mother made him think that, if he could come up with a way, he might have his eighteen year old beautiful virgin sister for himself too. If that happened he would definitely find a way to rid themselves of his father, and Mary's husband. Hannah's rescue and redemption was under serious consideration and scrutiny.