Don't Mess with George

"I'm not going near that house, I'm scared of the dog and I'm scared of the man. I've been there once and that dog is about the size of a wolf, with teeth to match, except that he is a damn side uglier. As for the man, he'd kick you in the balls as soon as look at you."

The words came from a small man standing at the counter of the village shop. He had a parcel in his hand and it was apparent that he was a courier on a delivery round. He was talking with the proprietor, and was clearly upset. George listened to the ensuing conversation, and it was quite clear that no one in the shop was prepared to deliver the parcel, and he wasn't too surprised. The man and his hound had an evil reputation in the village and most people gave the house a wide berth. George, however enjoyed a challenge.

"Give it to me, I'll take it."

"Are you sure? Jack Briggs really is an unpleasant bastard and he'll set the dog on you first and then ask you what you want afterwards if that's how he happens to be feeling."

"Not to worry. It's been a boring week, and a bit of excitement will cheer me up no end."

"On your own head be it, don't say you weren't warned."

George took the parcel and drove through the village out into the country till he arrived at the dilapidated farmhouse where Briggs lived. It would be wrong to describe the buildings surrounding the house as a farm. Not one building was in decent condition, some had fallen down completely, others were patched up with pieces of corrugated iron and the whole establishment appeared to be derelict. Old pieces of machinery, more suitable for museums than for a modern farm, littered the area, mostly overgrown with weeds and brambles. A few sorry looking cows stood miserably in an enclosure made of broken down hurdles and strands of barbed wire. In any other farm one of the animal protection societies would doubtless have condemned the stock for the state they were in, but these societies seem to be more interested in prosecuting high-profile cases involving people in red coats chasing brown furry vermin, rather than investigating cases of genuine animal abuse.

The house was surrounded by a fence in reasonable condition, and as George opened the gate, the dog which had so frightened the courier appeared from behind the building and ran at George snarling and with teeth bared. It really was an ugly brute whose antecedents were very dubious but obviously included quite a large range of the more aggressive varieties of the species. There was little doubt that its intentions towards George were far from friendly, and common sense would have suggested that he should beat a hasty retreat, but he did just the opposite, walking briskly towards it. As he did so, he spoke to the animal quite quietly, but in a voice with an authority that the animal obviously recognised, as it immediately stopped, and stood looking at him with a questioning expression, if dogs can be said to have such an expression. He walked up to the animal, and held out his hand. The dog sniffed it, and then licked it, and his tail began to wag. George caressed the animal briefly,then told it to lie down which it did immediately, and stayed there as George walked towards the house.

As he approached the front door, he heard a woman screaming. The door was open, and on the far side of the room in the corner he saw a man hitting a woman with a strap. The man was Jack Briggs, and the woman was his wife, Alice, who was cowering as the man beat her mercilessly.

"Stop that, now"

George didn't shout, but the authority in his voice was apparent and Briggs stopped his actions and turned towards him. He straightened, and turned towards George.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, coming in here and telling me what to do. You can fuck off out of here you little cunt, before I break your arm or your neck."

"A lot of better men than you have tried that but none has succeeded up to now, and I very much doubt you will, you big-mouthed slob. You might be good at beating helpless women but I rather doubt you'd put up much of a fight with a real man."

This was like a red rag to a bull. Briggs was a big man, well over 6 feet tall and was extremely strong, whereas George was not particularly tall and apparently not particularly well build, though when you looked at him closely you realised that he was pretty solid. Briggs threw down the strap, clenched his fists and rushed across the room at George. What happened then was a bit of a blur, and to understand why things were the way they were it would help to know a little about George's background.

On leaving school at the age of 16, George had joined the Army as a boy soldier. He was a natural soldier, and as soon as he was old enough he was offered the opportunity to trial for the special air services, the SAS, renowned around the world for the hardness of its members and the success they had had in a number of commando operations in various parts of the world. The training was famous, or even infamous, for the physical difficulties that the candidates had to overcome, and the failure rate was extremely high. The men who came through, were hard physically and mentally, capable of a whole variety of extremely unpleasant combat techniques, and there were few military units in the world who would like to take them on, and quite a few terrorist organisations lived -- or sometimes didn't live -- to regret having encountered this particular mob. Among a group of hard men, George was outstanding, so much so that in his last years in the SAS he became an instructor in every sort of unpleasant warfare that you could think of. In his mid-30s he decided that he had enough of the Army, and left to take up a career as a security adviser, and had bought himself a country cottage where he lived quietly, doing a lot of work via the Internet, and writing textbooks on security procedures. So this was the man that Jack Briggs have unwisely decided to tangle with.

If a slow motion camera had been set up to observe the scene it would have recorded that, as Briggs rushed across the room, George's foot shot out and his toe landed firmly in Briggs' groin. As he doubled up in pain, George's knee hit him in the chin, and as he doubled further, two hands crashed down onto the back of his neck. Thus, in a few milliseconds, a large violent man had been reduced to an unconscious wreck on the floor, with a jaw hanging at a very peculiar angle, blood pouring from his several lost teeth, and with testicles that would be useless for any practical purpose in the future. As for the damage to the back of his neck, he could count himself lucky that George was in complete control of his actions, because otherwise he would have been dead, as had been at least one other person who had picked a fight with George in the wrong place.

George looked at Alice, who was still cowering in the corner of the room.

"I think I better get an ambulance and the police, don't you? Your husband appears to be in a bit of a rough state."

"No, don't get the police. He'll kill me once he comes round if he thinks I've been near the law. But it does look as though he needs an ambulance, what on earth did you do to him?"

"I just gave him a little tap -- he's a bit sensitive isn't he? I'm afraid I'll have to contact the plod, to explain how he came by his little damages."

George took out his mobile phone, and dialled 999. When he got a reply, he explained that there had been a bit of a fight and a man had been injured and required attention. He suddenly remembered that he had left the dog in the down position, and not tied up. He wasn't at all certain that the emergency services would try and get past it, so we went out and chained it up to its kennel.

While they waited for the ambulance, George went across to Alice and drew her to her feet. It was obvious that the poor woman was accustomed to being beaten by this brute, and she was in a very poor state. She was so thin that she looked as though she had anorexia, and her shabby clothes hung from her like a scarecrow. She was actually shivering with fright, and was clearly terrified of what the consequences might be when her husband recovered from his injuries. George realised that he would be wasting his time trying to convince her that there would be no harm coming to her. Instead he persuaded her to make them both a cup of tea, which they drank while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, also keeping an eye on Briggs, who showed little signs of recovering although he did moan occasionally to convince them that he was still alive.

The police and the ambulance arrived practically simultaneously. The police took the form of a very attractive blonde female sergeant, who took one look at Briggs.

"He seems to have had a nasty accident. Whatever happened?"

"Well sergeant, he decided to hit my knee with his chin, which was a bit of a mistake, because I had a reflex reaction and my foot rather caught him in the groin. After that I fell over and my fists sort of landed on the back of his neck. It was all a little unfortunate and am terribly sorry to have hurt the nice man. After all, he was only playing a game with his wife involving a rather heavy strap."

The police sergeant tried hard not to smile. This was not the first time that she had heard of Briggs' brutality, and she was clearly not too concerned by what had happened, although she had to take a professional attitude and treat the matter seriously. She was more concerned with the state of his wife, who was gently whimpering with fear. However, her first action was to tell the ambulance paramedics to take Briggs to hospital, and she used her mobile phone to arrange for a constable to be stationed in the hospital to affect an arrest as soon as Briggs was in a fit state. After that, she contacted the social services and requested help to look after Mrs Briggs. She quickly turned off the phone and turned to George.

"I don't know why I bothered to phone that useless lot. They said they can't get anybody to help for at least three days, as most of their staff are away on a management course. If you want my opinion -- which you probably don't -- they couldn't manage a piss-up in a brewery. Sorry, not very professional, but I've had so much trouble and so little help from that lot."

"Don't worry, you aren't the only person with an opinion. But you don't need to worry about it, I'll look after her. I've got plenty of room at my house"

"Since when have you been a social worker? Do you really think you're the right person to be looking after someone in that state? I'm not sure I should let you, as I do have a responsibility for her as a crime victim."

"Well there's an easy solution" replied George "ask her if she's happy to go with me, and if she agrees then the responsibility is passed to me."

"Sounds a bit dodgy to me, but I'm always looking for the easy way out" and with that she turned to Alice Briggs "How do you feel about going with him? It's up to you, but I can't do anything else except leave you here on your own, and I really think you could do with some company right now. One thing, there's no way your husband will be anywhere except in hospital for a while, and after that I'm planning to get him locked up for quite some time."

"He might not be back but one of his mates might be, and they are as bad as he is."

"All right, we'll get Mr -- hell, I don't even know his name!"

" George Lewis" he said.

"OK, so Mr Lewis will look after you. I'll come and talk to you in the morning, so try and get a good night's sleep. Mr Lewis, I'd be glad if you contact us in the morning and I'll come out and talk to this lady. In the meantime, I'm sure you'll look after her."

"Right, I'll be in touch, Sergeant. By the way, it would help if I knew your name. I can't just ring up and asked to speak to the blonde totty, can I?"

"You'd better not! It may not be an offence to take the piss out of the police, but I'd find something to nail you with if you get my office sniggering at me. Anyway, I'm Jane Peel, and since you asked, no relation to John. I'll see you in the morning."

While these exchanges had been going on, Alice was still standing in the corner of the room, looking completely dazed and frightened. George crossed the room, and gently took her by the elbow and led her out of the house and across to his Land Rover. It suddenly occurred to him that she might want to bring something with her, so he asked her and she just shook her head. Then he realised that the dog which he had chained up was going to be left or abandoned unless he did something about it. He went and released the beast, and when he returned to the Land Rover the dog followed him and leapt into the back on his command.

"Do you keep any food for this hound?" he asked Alice.

"Yes there are some bags of food in the outhouse. That bloody dog got more food than I ever did."

George went and picked up some food and the dog's bowl, and put them in the back of the Land Rover. Alice was standing timidly by the door of the vehicle, and he told her to get in. After showing her how to put on the safety belt, something which she had never used in her life, he drove the short distance to his house.

George lived in an old farmhouse that had been sold off when the farm had been joined together with a neighbouring estate. It wasn't a luxurious dwelling, just three bedrooms and all the normal conveniences which had been modernised to make a very comfortable home. He let the dog out of the car, then helped Alice out, having noticed that she wasn't moving very easily. They went indoors, she stood uneasily looking round at the pleasant kitchen-cum-dining room which they had entered. The dog had followed them, and was waiting patiently, its tail wagging slightly dubiously.

"Has this hound got a name?"

"Not really. Jack just called him dog, and I never had anything to do with him, except giving him food occasionally. How on earth did you persuade him to behave in a civilised manner? He always snarled if I went near him."

"Just my natural charm" he replied. "I like dogs and he appears to like me. It must have been a novel sensation for him to have been treated properly. Come and stroke him, he's really as soft as butter."

Alice timidly approached the dog, and held her hand out towards it, and was rewarded by a lick from a big sloppy tongue.

"There I told you, he's just a big softy. Let's call him Fido, sounds a sensible name to me. Now, take a seat while I make a cup of tea."

He noticed that, as she sat down, she winced. He realised that she was in pain and guessed that it was where she had been beaten.

"Let me look at your back, please. I want to see what that bastard has done to you."

She stood up meekly and turned her back towards him. She was wearing a dress -- well, more of a rag -- with a zip up the back. He pulled the zip down and revealed a very tatty bra and pants, which were originally white but had obviously been washed so often that they were grey. They did not cover the livid red stripes showing where the blows from the belt had fallen. He gently pulled down her knickers a little way to show even more evidence of the assault that she had suffered.

"I think you could do with a soak in a hot bath, and some liniment on those marks. Come on upstairs and I will run the bath for you."

They went upstairs into the bathroom, and he ran a hot bath. Then he turned to her and, without asking permission, he pulled down the dress and made her step out of it. Then he undid her bra and released it, followed by taking down her knickers. She made no effort to stop him doing this, and he realised that she was completely cowed and would take orders from anybody. The sight of her naked body was pathetic. She obviously was partly starved, and her ribs were clearly visible under the sagging breasts, as were her hip and shoulder bones. It was the body of an anorexic woman, but he didn't think that she had starved for any reason except for the lack of available food. He didn't take too long looking at her, but helped her step into the bath. As she sat down she winced with pain, but then laid back into the hot water.

"When did you last have a bath?" he asked her.

"I don't remember. There was never much hot water at the farm, and what there was, he took. I just had to wash myself down in the kitchen with a bowl."

"It doesn't look as though your hair has been washed too often. I'll give it a shampoo for you."

He got a jug and tipped her head back so that he could pour hot water over her, and when her hair was thoroughly wet, he took a bottle of shampoo and gently rubbed it in till he produced a good lather. After that, he rinsed it thoroughly.

"I reckon it could do with a couple more washes, but that can wait till later. Now, you just lie and soak while I go and get us a cup of tea."

He went down to the kitchen and put on the kettle. While it was heating he searched for and found a tube of liniment which he had possessed for many years. It had been given him by his Mother, who swore by it for anything from a wasp bite to a broken leg. He had never used it himself, though he recalled being anointed with it after various childhood minor injuries and thought it might be soothing for the damage caused to Alice's back by her brutal husband. He made two mugs of tea and took them up to the bathroom, along with the liniment.

"Has that made your back feel a bit easier? I've got some liniment with my mother used for everything, it's quite soothing and might help."

"Oh yes, the hot water has certainly eased things a bit. I'd forgotten just how comforting a hot bath can be. You needn't bother about the liniment, I'm sure you've got better things to do."

"Right, let's make one thing clear. I've told the blonde bombshell that I will look after you, and that's what I'm going to do. You're used to doing what you are told, and that's what you can do for a bit longer, only I'll only be doing what I hope will be good for you. When you start answering me back, I'll know you're getting better. How long have you been married to that bastard, by the way?"

"Nearly thirty years. He raped me and got me pregnant when I was fifteen, and my father made him marry me." (She didn't mention the fact that her father had raped her himself when she was twelve and had used her as a sex toy until her little sister got to about the same age, when it became her turn)

George realised that that made her about forty five, though from her appearance he would have thought that she was considerably older, and couldn't imagine what she had gone through.

"What happened to the baby?"

"He punched me in the stomach as a wedding present and I aborted, and couldn't have another one."

"Well, I should let you know that you'll never get hit while I'm around to prevent it. Now, stand up before the water gets cold and let's get you dry."

He produced a big fluffy towel and dried her, then led her into the bedroom and laid her face down on the bed. He slathered his hands with liniment, and applied it to her back and bottom. For a tough man his hands were surprisingly gentle, as he spread the soothing ointment and he was very happy when she just murmured "That's nice." It occurred to him that it was perhaps the first time that she had ever had a caressing hand on her body, so he carried on for some time after the liniment was adequately applied.

He clearly felt the ridges of every rib on her back and her shoulder blades and hips were sharply defined instead of the soft curves he was used to finding when he was touching a woman's body. Her buttocks were scraggy with very little flesh covering her bones, and, as well as the vivid red stripes from her recent beating, there were old scars and bruising to show that this had been a regular occurrence. George was revolted by the treatment that the poor woman had received, and regretted that he hadn't given Briggs a more comprehensive work-over -- though he reflected that it was just as well, otherwise he would certainly have killed him.

I'll get you some oil for your skin later, but next thing is to get you some food - and I've just realised I haven't eaten for some time, so I'll get a meal for us both. Here, put this dressing gown on, it's my sister's but she won't be needing it for a bit. I'm going to find you some clothes in a bit, what you were wearing can go in the bin."

"Where are you going to to get clothes from now?"

"My sister lived with me for some time and she left a lot of clothes here when she went to America after she married. She's about the same size as you, but a bit better covered, and she wouldn't mind."

They went down to the kitchen and George produced some soup from the freezer, then heated up a ready made chilli con carne. With a hot baguette -- again from the freezer -- it made a quick meal. Alice ate ravenously, and George guessed correctly that it was the best meal she had eaten for many years. She told him later that Briggs used to eat in the pub or bring home take away meals, of which she got very little, and there was never any money to buy ingredients to make decent meals. As a result she was semi starved .

After the meal he sat her down in an armchair with a cup of coffee, and she at last seemed a little relaxed, so he began to talk her through what he thought could happen over the next few days.

"I reckon that the police are only too glad to have got your husband in a cell. The sergeant told me that they suspected him of being involved in various unpleasant activities, and, now she has a chance to search the house, she reckons that she can hang some on him. In any case, I'll give witness to seeing him beat you, and that should get him sent down for a bit.. You'll need to make a statement, and you needn't have fear of any reprisals as I'll look after you."

"You can stay here for as long as you like, and certainly until you are in a fit state to look after yourself. I guess it's going to take some time before you stop being afraid of Briggs and his mates, but I work from home so I'll be here to protect you -- and you may have noticed that I'm not easily intimidated. The only minor problem at the moment is that you'll have to share my bed for a bit, as the other rooms are in the middle of being redecorated, and the beds aren't usable. I don't snore -- or, at least, no one's ever complained -- and I won't touch you. It's a big bed, so we should be able to manage."

She was pathetically grateful. "I can't thank you enough for getting me away from that bastard, but I can't expect you to look after me for nothing -- and nothing is all I've got."

"Don't worry, it just so happens that the girl who used to clean and wash for me has left to have a baby, so I need someone to look after the house, and you'll do nicely if that suits you. Can you cook, by the way?"

"I'll willingly housekeep for you. I've never had a house or furniture worth looking after before, and I just gave up on the house, but this will be ideal for me. I haven't had the chance to cook for years, but my mum was a good cook and she taught me the basics. If you've got any cookery books, it'll be a real pleasure to try some decent recipes. As for sharing your bed, well at least I won't be afraid that you might bring some slag along to humiliate me."

"Let's go and sort some clothes out for you."

He took her up to one of the spare bedrooms and showed her a chest of drawers and a wardrobe, both full of women's clothes.

"There you are, get yourself some pyjamas and everything you need to cover yourself for a few days till we can get you to the shops."

Alice was staring at all the nice underwear and dresses laid out before her. It was all excellent quality, the like of which she had never dreamt of wearing.

"I can't take this, it's beautiful, much too good for me."

"Well, if you don't it's due to go to the charity shop in the near future. My sister's told me to get rid of it as she has put on a lot of weight so it wouldn't fit her, and in any case it's out of style. I don't know how well any of it will fit you, but as long as it keeps you warm and decent that's all that matters. Now, get on and choose what you want and then it's bed time."

She quickly followed his instructions, then joined him in the bedroom. There he spread a big towel on the bed and told her to undress and lie on it.

"I've found a bottle of body lotion that my sister left behind. It's one of these clever things with essential oils, whatever that means, and she wouldn't have paid good money for it unless she thought it was pretty good, so lets try and see how it feels."

He looked down on her poor body. She might have had anorexia, she was so thin, and her skin condition was lifeless and dry. He tipped some oil into his hand and began to massage her back. He rubbed the oil well into her skin, till he got to the areas where the welts from her beatings were still livid, here he just applied the oil very gently. Her buttocks were flaccid and scarred with the older belt marks, and he felt her flinch when he touched her. He continued down the backs of her legs, then told her to turn over.

At least there were no belt marks on her front, though she told him later that her husband had punched her in the belly on numerous occasions, fortunately without causing any significant permanent internal damage, if you discount the abortion and inability to bear children. Again, the skin condition was poor, and her breasts lay flat and wrinkled. He massaged her poor body with more of the oil, lifting her breasts to oil underneath. He was surprised when he realised that her nipples had hardened under his touch, and her breathing was a little shallow. Surely she couldn't be aroused by his touch? He moved rapidly downwards over her hips and belly and avoiding approaching too close to her vulva as he oiled her thighs and down to her feet.

"Did I do that all right?"

"That was wonderful, it's the first time a man has touched me in a kind way, as though he really wanted to give me pleasure instead of just being after sex."

"I think you need a rest from sex. All I want to do is to maybe relieve some of your pain, at the least physically. I can't imagine how long it will be before the mental scars start to fade."

"I suppose a fit young man like you wouldn't want a scraggy old cow like me, especially with all the scars still red."

"Alice, just now I feel desperately sorry for what you been through. It makes me ashamed to be male when I see what that bastard has done. As far as I'm concerned you can stay here for as long as you like, and hopefully you'll start to feel like a woman again instead of sexual punch-bag. Now then, I think we can find you some pyjamas then we can go to bed -- to sleep."

Together they looked through his sister's clothing and found a pair of pyjamas which she put on, and they climbed in the bed together. She lay with her head on the pillow, and a look of bliss on her face.

"This is incredible" she said. "A clean comfortable bed, and a man beside me instead of a beast."

He leaned over and gave the lightest of kisses on her forehead.

"Sleep well, Alice. You are safe here and I'm going to enjoy looking after you."

Next morning while they were having breakfast, he told her that they were going to go to the police station so that she could make a proper statement. He said that it would be worth taking photographs of the scars on her body so that the police would realise just what she had been through, and he guessed that they would want her to be examined by the police doctor.

"Sorry if this seems a bit intrusive, but I think we need to get on record exactly how you have been treated."

"I can't say I am very thrilled at the idea of being examined, I guess it's necessary, so I'll just have to suffer it."

After breakfast they went upstairs and she stripped off while he took a complete set of photographs of the scars on her back and buttocks. Then they sorted out clothes for her, although everything was very loose but at least she looked tidy. He drove down to the police station in the local town, where he again met Sgt Jane Peel, or the blonde bombshell as he thought of her. He had taken a copy of the photographs on a memory stick which she ran through her computer.

"Good God, that man is a real bastard. I'll get on the phone and arrange for you to take Alice to the police doctor so he can confirm exactly what injuries she suffered. Now, are you sure that you are willing to look after her. Otherwise I will get in touch the social services and they will arrange for her to go into a hostel -- though God knows how long they will take fixing that up."

"I take it you don't have a very high opinion of social services. I must admit I've heard some fairly poor reports myself, but it isn't a problem anyway. Alice and I have come to an agreement that she will look after the house for me, and in return I will look after her. She says she can cook, so maybe I'll be able to eat proper meals instead of supermarket ready meals."

After the policewoman had made the appropriate phone calls George took Alice to the police doctor who examined her scars and said that he would have no problem giving evidence that she had been cruelly abused. After this ordeal was over, George took her to the local supermarket, where she thoroughly enjoyed herself filling the trolley with goods that she would never normally have purchased. After this they returned to the house, where she started to set herself up as cook and housekeeper. She was obviously more than happy to organise the house and George to a level of domesticity that he had never experienced before. Whilst shopping, she had also found a shelf full of cookery books, and she had bought -- or rather, George had bought -- several, and she now started dipping into them and sorting out a meal for them. This was a great success, and George realised that his philanthropy was certainly going to make his life at home more enjoyable.

In the evening, after they had eaten a meal that she cooked, accompanied by a bottle of red wine, they went up to the bedroom.

"I don't know how you feel about me oiling your skin, but it really needs attention, and if you don't mind I'm quite happy to do it for you. On the other hand if you would rather do it yourself, then carry on. We will sleep together until I sort out the other bedroom, but I understand that you might like to have more privacy, and what I did to you last night was rather intrusive, but I felt it was necessary."

"George, I'm very happy for you to do whatever you think would be good for me. You have no idea how pleasant it is to be physically treated as a person and a woman and not just a fuck toy. I'm not in the least bothered about privacy and there wouldn't be a lot of point in trying to be modest after what has happened. And it's rather nice to have a body that I am not afraid of beside me in the bed."

These comments came as a great relief to George, as he had become very conscious of the fact that he had treated her as a small child to deal with as he pleased. The fact that she found his attentions not unpleasant made him feel that he was doing the right thing.

She undressed and lay down on the bed. He had visited the local pharmacy while they were shopping, and had taken advice from one of the girls who he knew slightly, and had purchased some oil which she assured him would do wonders for the skin -- not that she knew whose skin it was intended for. He tipped some of the oil into his hand and began to spread it across her back. The rough skin seemed to soak up the liquid as he began to rub it in. As he applied it he looked at the shoulder blades and ribs of a body that was clearly undernourished, and he wondered how long it would be before the nourishment that she was going to be getting would build up a layer of subcutaneous fat normal for a woman of her stature, and how completely the scars of the beatings would fade.

He carried on down her body, massaging the oil over her waist and down over her skinny buttocks. His fingers slid down into the crevice of her arse, and he thought he could hear her make a little purr of pleasure, rather to his surprise. He carried on down the backs of her thighs and calves, finishing with her feet. He was going to tell her to turnover, but suddenly realised that he shouldn't be giving her orders.

"Would you like me to do your front now?"

She turned over and smiled at him. "I would be disappointed if you didn't."

He began to massage her shoulders with the oil, once again feeling the hard ridges of the bones, so sparsely covered with flesh. After her shoulders, he treated each arm in turn, then he moved to her breasts. They were flattened against her chest, and felt floppy under his touch. He lifted each and oiled under and over the meagre flesh, then gently anointed each nipple. As he did so they grew under his touch and became quite long and hard. He looked at her face and she smiled and murmured " that's nice".

He didn't reply, but carried on for a while massaging, or rather, caressing her breasts, thinking to himself that this was a slightly unexpected response. However, he had no intention of any sort of sexual relationship, so he moved on, oiling her stomach and hips, and onto her thighs without encroaching on her pubic area.

"Perhaps you would like to see to your own private bits."

"There's nothing very private about them really, but I'll do it myself if you would rather I did."

"Let's say for now I think it would be a good idea if you do it yourself. I'm not even sure it even needs doing there, but I suppose the skin there is in equally poor condition."

"That is a very polite way of saying that it's wrinkled and scraggy, and a bit of skin food might make it more attractive."

"Well, you said it, not me, but I guess it's no different from the rest of you. I rather think that attention to your skin and a decent diet will work wonders for you, I hope so anyway, and even if it doesn't, I'm quite enjoying looking after you."

When she had finished, she put on her pyjamas while he also prepared for bed. He didn't bother to be modest and she didn't fail to notice what a very attractive body he had, and how different it was from the fat gutted slobs that she was accustomed to sleeping with.

"You know I don't mind if you want to fuck me -- that's assuming that you don't find my body totally repulsive."

"No, I don't find your body repulsive, though what has been done to it disgusts me. But I don't think that you really want sex with me, and you certainly don't need to offer it out of gratitude."

"Well, the offer is there. I've been fucked so crudely and so often that the idea of sex with a decent man is not unpleasant, but you're right, I think a period of celibacy would probably be good for me physically and morally."

With that, the discussion was closed and they slept comfortably together.

During the next few weeks they developed a very comfortable routine together. She found great pleasure in managing his house for him, and experimenting with the cookery books that he bought her to provide excellent meals -- with one or two less successful attempts at somewhat complicated menus. She even persuaded George to invite the blonde police sergeant to come and share a meal with them. She had become a good friend to both of them, and as she normally lived at home with her parents, she found it relaxing to share a meal and their company. As Alice became more confident, she even tried to persuade George that he should take Jane out sometime, but all he did was to invite her out to the pub and took Alice along as well. After that, Alice decided to mind her own business as far as George's love life was concerned.

Certainly an unexpected pleasure was that she found she was really quite fond of Fido. Having always been scared of him, she now found that under George's influence he was only too happy to be taken for walks around the local lanes, and George showed her how to control the beast.

During this time a good diet had a remarkable effect on her body as the bones became covered with the normal layer of flesh, and she ceased to look like a concentration camp victim. Her skin had also improved, helped by the application of skin food in the form of essential oils. George no longer applied the oil, except for rubbing it into her back where she couldn't reach. They still shared the bed together. George had offered to prepare another room for her, but she said she was happy to sleep with him for as long as he didn't mind. As she didn't snore, and didn't pull the bedclothes from him, he was quite happy to share the bed with her. In fact they shared the bedroom rather like an old married couple. Neither bothered about nudity or semi-nudity in front of each other, they just got on with whatever they were doing. Alice had noticed that George had a very well muscled body and that he was certainly not short in the genital department, but she was not unhappy about the fact that she was not being sexually molested, and that no physical demands were being made of her.

The change in her shape meant that the clothes that George's sister had left behind were now no longer practical, as she had been a somewhat slimmer size. George gave her an advance on her salary, and Jane Peel went shopping with her on her day off. It was a first-time for her, and she never gone to anything other than a second-hand shop for clothes, and she was like a small child in a sweet shop choosing some pretty things for day and night wear. After the clothes, Jane took her to a friend who did wonders with her hair and applied some very discreet make-up. Finally they went to Jane's house, where Alice put on the new clothes, including some very pretty underwear.

When George saw the transformation he was amazed and delighted to see how happy she was. The three of them had a meal that George had prepared, and, after Jane had left, they sat together with a glass of brandy.

"I doubt that bastard of a husband would recognise you now. You look like a totally different woman."

"That's how I feel. I was near suicide when you rescued me, now I'm a woman again, not a sex toy and a slave."

Although little more was said, there was a palpable tension between them, and they both realised that there was a subtle change in their relationship. The new clothes and the make up had given her more of a feeling of self confidence than she had ever experienced before. She stood up and tidied up the glasses and looked at George.

"Shall we go to bed?"

George knew that their normal routine had changed. Normally she went to bed first and he followed later after reading the paper or doing some work, but tonight was different and he followed her up the stairs, noticing that her legs were now quite a pleasant shape, enhanced by the patterned black stockings she was wearing. When they entered the bedroom she turned to face him.

"Undress me please."

He didn't reply, but unzipped the dress and pulled it down over her body. Under it she was wearing a lacy bra with matching French knickers. Although her body was not likely to appear in a Glamour magazine, nevertheless the pretty undies made the best of what she had got, and with the improvement in her shape and her skin condition, she looked her real age, not the old hag that she'd been when George had rescued her. Now George moved behind her and unhooked her bra and pushed it down off her shoulders. She was standing in front of the wardrobe mirror, and she watched as his hands slid round her and cupped her breasts, gently squeezing her nipples which grew long under his attention. Then he slid her knickers down her legs, and held them while she stepped out of them

"I think it's time that I oiled your back again, it's some time since I did it, although it's much better than it was."

He spread a towel on the bed, and laid her down on it. Then he took the body oil and poured a generous portion over her back. He rubbed it in gently, starting with her neck and shoulders and gradually working his way down. The haggard body which he had first brought to his house now felt firm and supple under his fingers, and it was a pleasure to massage her, rather than the duty it had been initially. When he reached her buttocks he took his time, not massaging, but rather caressing the rounded globes, and his fingers gradually slid into her arse crack and sliding down till he brushing his fingertip over her anus. He made sure his finger was well oiled, and then very gently pressed inwards. He heard her sharp intake of breath as he penetrated her tight sphincter, and he wasn't sure what her reaction would be to this invasion of her most private place.

"Is that OK?"

"It's all right, but it brings back memories I'd rather not have just now. Some other time, perhaps. I love the feel of your hands on me, but I'd rather you left that bit alone for now, please."

"Sorry, that wasn't too clever of me. But you said you like the feel of my hands, so shall I carry on?"

"Oh yes, don't stop, just not there for now."

George left her bottom and carried on down her legs, smoothing the oil into her skin, feeling the firm muscular flesh, toned by a life of hard work and nourished by the generous meals that had replenished and firmed up her previously skinny limbs. His hands passed down one leg and foot, then transferring to the other and sliding up, one hand on the inside of her leg and moving upwards along her thigh. He applied the lightest of pressure to the inside of her thigh, and her legs parted a little. He continued upwards till he could feel the heat emanating from her vulva, and just felt the tickle of the hairs covering her private parts.

He then removed his hands and indicated to her that she should turn over onto her back. He started the oiling process again at her shoulders, then treated each arm in turn, after which he began to massage her upper chest. His hands moved slowly down, till he came to the swell of her breasts.

The breasts that had been saggy when he had rescued her were never going to be perky and firm again, but now they had filled out and, though flattened when she lay down, were substantial and felt pleasant under his caressing hands. Her aureoles were large and a pale brown, topped by big, dark brown nipples. George spread the oil around the breasts, gradually working his probing fingers towards her centre. As he caressed, her nipples were visibly growing, and when he finally allowed his fingers to touch the engorged flesh they were hard and long. He squeezed the warm protrusions, and heard her mewl gently with pleasure.

"Oh God, George, I love that, they're so sensitive but you don't need to be too gentle."

He took her at her word and squeezed her nipples more firmly. When she sighed happily his fingers grasped her tightly and he began twisting them hard, and pulling them outwards. They grew even longer under his touch, and he dropped his head to take one of them into his mouth. While with his hand he mauled one breast he opened his mouth wide and drew in a mass of the soft flesh. His tongue raked her nipple while his teeth bit down hard on the pliant mass of her breast, causing her to scream.

"Sorry, love, I overdid that."

"No you didn't, and don't stop."

He moved his head to the other breast and treated it equally roughly, and with the same gratifying result, and when he pulled on the first nipple she suddenly went into a spasm as her body thrust upwards and she quivered as though she had received an electric shock. He released her and gently stroked her breast as she came down from her orgasm.

"Christ, that has never happened before. Where did you learn to do that, every other man who has touched my breasts has just hurt me, that blew my mind."

"Maybe it's because you don't actually hate me, like you have the others."

"I'm not brave enough to say I love you, but I've be wanting you to do this to me for weeks. You're the first man to treat me like a woman, not a piece of shit."

"I take it you'd like me to carry on?".

"Don't you dare stop now!".

George took some more oil in his palm and began to spread it across the gentle roundness of her belly. She was practically purring with pleasure as his caressing hand moved to and fro gradually progressing downwards until it was touching the jungle of her pubic hair. As he probed further he thought that he should suggest that she trimmed herself a little, but then he thought why bother, she was unlikely to be wearing a bikini and the hair was soft so that he enjoyed threading his fingers through it. His hand continued over the softness of her pubic mound and approached her slit. Now he spread his fingers so they were passing either side of the vulva, sliding through the junctions of her thighs and her outer lips. He lifted his hand and poured a little more oil on his fingers, then rubbed them over her puffy lips, then slid down into the warm recesses between her hairy outer lips and the naked flesh surrounding the entrance to her vagina.

At last he made the move to press his middle finger into the turgid flesh and felt it slide into the heat of her waiting vagina. Although he had been careful to ensure that his fingers were well oiled, he could feel that her own lubricant had made the passage into her body smooth, and, as he added a second finger, he slid deeply into her channel. He moved his fingers in and out for a few times, then he withdrew and slid upwards to her clitoral hood, which he pinched gently between finger and thumb, while his forefinger probed to find the emerging firmness of her clitoris. The reaction was immediate as her body tensed and her breath seemed to be suspended, then, as his finger stroked the little bulb, she emitted a long, joyful wail. He moved his hand so his finger was probing the depths of her vagina, finding the roughness of her G spot, while his thumb played tunes on her throbbing clitoris.

Just for a moment her body rose and seemed to be suspended above the bed, then she crashed back down, shuddering as her orgasm overcame her, and her vagina gushed with her fluids. She lay still, her eyes closed, for some time. Then she at last turned her head towards him, a broad smile on her face.

"So that's what an orgasm feels like. I've always thought it was just something men wrote about in mucky books, I didn't know it could really happen."

"You don't mean that you've never orgasmed before? You must be kidding."

"I kid you not. No man has ever bothered to think about me, just to ram his cock in me and satisfy himself. But you haven't done anything for yourself, aren't you going to fuck me?"

"I've got a better idea. Come and kneel on top of me."

She was a bit dubious about this, but he coaxed her body into place with her legs astride him, and her vagina poised above his waiting and very erect penis.

"Go on, guide me, you know where it goes!"

She took hold of his rigid penis -- the first time that she had ever touched him intimately -- and guided him so that the tip was pressing against her vagina lips, then she lowered herself so that they could both feel his foreskin retracting as his glans began to penetrate the warm wetness of her vagina. For her this was a totally new experience -- to be in control of the sex act. She had lived years of subjugation to men for whom she was merely a cunt to be fucked, as roughly as they wished. But now it was a delight to savour the sensation of her body opening to him as she lowered herself down the substantial length and girth of a very rigid penis. He, too, was loving the slow descent of her body onto him, until her pudenda was resting firmly on his pubis.

As she knelt above him he reached up and caressed her pendant breasts, teasing her nipples into firm tumescence, then pulling and twisting them, just hard enough to excite her without causing any real pain. She wasn't moving, but he could feel the tension in her vagina, holding him firmly in a surprisingly tight grip. Although she had been sorely abused, she was not excessively stretched and he was enjoying the sensations as she pulsed against him. He raised his hand to her neck and drew her down so that he could kiss her soft lips -- the first kiss they had shared. As he released her she began to rise and fall on him, a little clumsily for her first time on top of a man. After a while, he began to stroke her clitoris, and almost immediately she erupted into a second orgasm, her body rigid as her vagina spasmed against him.

When she quietened she kissed him again, then said "Come on top, please. Let me see what it feels like to be fucked hard by a lovely, loving man."

He drew her down on top of him, then rolled her over till he was on top, still firmly embedded in her with her legs spread wide. He was resting his torso on his arms as he began moving gently in her welcoming grasp., but she pulled him down so that his weight was fully pressing her into the mattress.

"Hard, please. I know you can do gentle, I want to be your sex toy, to submit to your strength."

He took her at her word. He slid his hands under her bottom and grasped her firm buttocks. Then he began thrusting into her, his body locked against hers and sliding roughly against her willing flesh. His face was buried in her shoulder, and he was muttering obscenities into her ear. This was no love making, just a purely animal mating. Their two bodies were sliding on each others' sweat, the sound of his cock sliding in her soaking vagina adding an audible addition to their efforts. His speed and force mounted, and she was crying out with a mixture of pleasure and pain. It couldn't last long at this intensity, and he soon exploded into her in a violent orgasm that was accompanied by her vagina clutching his rigid flesh as she,too, came to a screaming climax.

After a while, he lifted himself up onto his arms, smiling down at her sweating face. Then he leaned down and kissed her. Her lips parted under his touch, and soon their tongues were working magic. Somewhat to his surprise, he realised that he was still hard, and he moved gently inside her.

"Do you want to go again?"

"Try me, George."

This time he rolled her over onto her side, so that they were laying with legs intertwined but their torsos quite separate. As they lay comfortably together, George began caressing her pendulous breasts. His fingers stroked he aureoles and then brushed across her nipples, rubbing and then squeezing gently, feeling them grow long at his touch. He was a very patient man, and spent a long time just exciting the sensitive flesh, until he felt her vagina pulse under her arousal, softly grasping and releasing his half hard penis, and causing it to grow harder inside her. They began a mutual movement, little thrusts on his part, responsive moves from her. He dropped his hand down to her vulva, sliding his finger under her clitoral hood and feeling the little bud swell firmly. Their movements hastened a little, without ever becoming urgent, until he felt her body stiffen, then relax as she came to the gentlest of orgasms. He made a few more thrusts, then felt the blessed release as his fluid spurted into her, five or six convulsions before he was done.

They lay quietly as his penis softened and eventually slid out of her sopping vagina, followed by an ooze of his ejaculation. She giggled like a little schoolgirl.

"I think we've made a bit of a mess, I seem to be leaking buckets of your lovely juice."

"Not to worry, it'll wash out, and no one is going to see it. Anyway, have you had enough yet?"

"I reckon I could always take more from you, but just now I'd like to sleep with you cuddled up to me."

"Anything to please a lady."

True to his word, as she turned over he moved in close behind her and held her gently as she soon fell asleep. He lay awake for some time, reflecting on how good it felt to have given pleasure to this woman who had been so abused before he had rescued her. Not only that, but it was some time since he had had sex, and it had been most enjoyable for him, so he figured that this was a win-win situation, to coin a corny current phrase.

George woke as the rising sun shone through the uncurtained window. Neither of them had moved while they slept, and he was spooned closely against her warm body, and he felt his penis becoming erect -- partly for the pleasure of being close to a woman, and partly because he was beginning to need a piss. She also had felt his rising tumescence, and when she felt him moving away from her, she reached behind herself and, holding his hip, pulled him close to her again.

"Don't leave me while you've still got a lovely hard cock. I haven't woken up to the feel of a firm lump of flesh in my arse for as long as I can remember -- at least not flesh that I welcomed."

As she spoke, she had opened her legs, reached through them and grasped his penis and guided it into her waiting, wet slippery vagina. He wasn't about to complain at this unexpected activity, and began sliding smoothly in and out of her welcoming grasp. She was still very wet, and as he moved, the wet sound of sloppy flesh could be heard. He put his arm around her, and slid his fingers down over her belly and into her vulval slit, finding the little lump of the clitoris, and massaging it gently, causing her to make little mewling noises of pleasure. His movements became quicker, and as he moved he felt the muscles of her vagina gripping him in sympathy with his movements. Soon he felt the familiar rush of his fluid from his balls up into the length of his penis before being spurted high up against her cervix, his body pulsing as he delivered his climactic juices.

They stayed close for a little while until his urge to urinate got too strong, and as their juices ran again from her well used slit, he left her to relieve his bladder. While he was there, he decided to take a shower. While he was soaking, Alice arrived and joined him.

"Don't worry, I'm not demanding more sex -- not just now. Just wash my back for me, please."

He grinned, and did as she asked, finishing with a swift slap on her bottom.

"Oh you brute, I thought I was safe with you. Come to think of it, I suppose the occasional slap will remind me how much better life is now."

"Sorry, that was a bit insensitive of me -- I won't do it again, even for fun."

He gave her a brief kiss and embraced her wet body, then left her to finish while he shaved and dressed. During the day it became apparent that there was a subtle change in their relationship. Previously it had only been in any way physical when he had needed to touch her while he was massaging her abused body. Now he found a new pleasure in touching her while they were near to each other, squeezing her bottom while she was doing the cooking, giving her a quick cuddle for no particular reason, and she responded by leaning against him so that her breasts were firm against his arm.

He had been dealing with business affairs on his computer, but after lunch when he went to sit down again at the keyboard she moved behind him, slid her arms around him and eased her hands inside his shirt, tweaking his nipples as her face rubbed against his. He turned his head towards her, and their lips locked together in a long, soft kiss, their tongues entwined. She dropped her hand onto his groin, and as she gently squeezed she felt his flesh stiffening.

"Sorry George, but you started something last night and I'm panting like a bitch in heat to be taken to bed and be thoroughly fucked. Perhaps Briggs was right when he said I was made to be a whore."

"No dear, whores just do it for money, you suddenly seem to want to do it for fun, and seeing as I quite enjoyed it -- no, I enjoyed it a lot - last night, it won't be too much of a hardship to try and help you do the same, now that you've decided you've got a taste for it. And while I think of it, it's time I found out just what you taste like."

"You're not going to try eating me, are you?"

"Just a little nibble perhaps, with a lick here and a suck there, who knows what might happen."

They embraced for a moment, then he followed her up the stairs to the bedroom, groping her arse cheeks as they went. In the bedroom he held her from behind in front of the long mirror, then undressed her, her dress, bra and knickers falling to the floor, then he held her close as his hands explored her breasts and then down between her legs, where he found her vagina was welcoming his fingers into its slippery wet depths. He picked her up and lowered her onto the bed, then quickly stripped off his own clothes. He spread her legs wide and lay between them. He began kissing and nibbling at the inside of her thighs, and, as he approached her centre he smelt the heady odours of a sexually aroused woman.

Her outer lips were engorged with blood and were parted to allow the delicate fronds of her inner lips to protrude, and his searching tongue probed between them, the taste of her arousal adding to his enjoyment. He was in no hurry, so he took his time, savouring the touch and taste as his tongue gradually probed deeper into the slippery depths of her sex. Then he withdrew, and turned his attention to her clitoris, and he felt it growing between his lips as his tongue raked the surface. Normally hidden, her clit grew long and firm under his ministrations, and he could sense her body tensing with her growing arousal. To add to the sensation he slid first one, then a second, then a third finger deep into her vagina until his probing digit felt the roughness of her G spot.

Now she was in such an excited state that she could wait no longer.

"No more, George, please. Just do it -- ride me, fill me up with your cock, squash me, make me scream for mercy, please, please, fuck me.

George realised that he should stop teasing her, and do as she asked. He was amazed that she should want sex so much after all the abuse she had suffered, but this was no time for analysis. He slid up her body, and paused for a moment with his rigid penis sliding in the groove of her vulva, then he withdrew a little before plunging hard into her waiting channel, and thrust deep into her till his pubis crashed onto her, causing her to grunt as his body forced the air out of her. He slid his hands under her arse cheeks and gripped her firmly, while his finger slid between her cheeks until he felt the depression of her anus. This time he didn't hesitate, but thrust his finger firmly into her. He felt her instinctive resistance, then she relaxed slightly , allowing him access into the depths of her hot channel.

Now he began plunging hard in and out of her welcoming vagina, each stroke penetrating deep inside her to push against her cervix. She was making more and more noise, her grunts of pleasure an accompaniment to the sound of flesh on flesh as their two bellies slapped against each other. This sort of intensity could not last long, and soon George felt the pressure in his balls increase as his juice began its journey into his penis. He stopped thrusting and held her ever closer as the first rush of fluid burst out of his throbbing cock and began flooding her canal. Again and again he ejaculated into her waiting womb, till he was spent. Her body had responded by the pulsations of her vagina, gripping him with an intensity which amazed him, and when he reached the glory strokes her back arched as she was overcome by the most powerful orgasm of her life. She had become more and more noisy as he had fucked her, and when she came she let out a long wail of pure pleasure.

Slowly they relaxed, and he withdrew his finger from her arse as his erection subsided and he slid out of her, followed by a copious flow of their combined juices. He rolled off her, and they lay side by side for a while, silent till at last she spoke."George, I hardly know what to say. You really are a lovely man, and I'm madly in love with you. Don't look so worried, I'm not hoping you'll marry me, I'm much too old apart from any other considerations, but if you'll love me just a bit, that will make me very happy. And please fuck me regularly, I've got years of misery to make up for, I just can't quite grasp that what was a painful horror before, has suddenly become an mind blowing, shattering pleasure"

"I'm not going to try and kid you that I'm madly in love with you, but I do love you just the same, and I'm in no rush to change our arrangements now that you are such a very satisfactory bedmate as well as an excellent housewife. Goodness knows what will happen long term, but just for now I'm very happy to be with you, and if that makes you happy, let's stick with it. By the way, forgive me for attacking your arse, it was a bit insensitive of me."

"God, don't apologise. Much to my surprise, it was another enjoyable experience, and, if you want to put anything else in that particular place, I'm sure you're only too welcome."

"Thanks for the offer, I'll certainly take you up on it in the not too distant future. Now, I seem to remember that I was about to do some work when you thrust your disgusting attentions upon me. I need to make money to keep you in the manner to which you seem to be becoming accustomed, so I'll go and shower -- and please don't come with me, or you'll start me off again."

For the next few months they lived happily together, with rarely a night passing when they didn't enjoy each others' bodies. He took up her offer of anal sex, and she discovered how pleasant this could be when prefaced by a long arousal session involving copious use of KY jelly to lubricate her back passage.

He was able to carry out most of his work at home, interspersed with visits to clients rarely involving an overnight stay. However, one Middle Eastern client made him a very lucrative offer which would involve a stay of several weeks in his country. George was reluctant to leave Alice for a long period, as she was still a little nervous about possible visits from Jack Briggs' vicious friends, whom he might have asked to wreak revenge on her. The divorce proceedings were going through, but still George thought it better to arrange some protection for her. His father had recently taken early retirement, having sold his very successful business. He had already met Alice and they got on well together, and, as he had sold his house and not yet purchased an apartment as he intended, he was very happy to come and live in George's house and look after Alice during George's absence. As his favourite police sergeant, Jane Peel, had also agreed to keep an eye out for any unwanted visitors, he felt reassured as he left on his trip.

During his trip he was in regular contact with his father by email, but oddly he noticed the replies drying up a few days before he came home. When he arrived he found the house locked up and deserted, but on entering the reason became obvious. On the kitchen table was a letter directed to him from his father.

'George, there's no easy way to put this, so I'll be brief and direct. I've fallen for Alice and she seems to be a bit smitten by me. I think you're too young to appreciate her charms properly, so I've taken her off on a world cruise so we can get to know each other better. I'm sorry this leaves you without an excellent cook/housekeeper, not to mention her excellent talents in other directions, but I'm sure you'll accept that it will be good for her and you should be able to find another bed warmer -- how about the blonde copper, I think she fancies you.

We'll be in touch shortly. Your ever loving Father.

Underneath was a note in Alice's handwriting.

George, please forgive me for leaving you like this. I'll never forget all you have done for me, and I'll always love you. 


There was another scribbled note, saying that Fido was with Jane.

George sat down and began to laugh until the tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't have been happier for both Alice and his father, who had struggled to get over the death of his wife a year earlier. He would miss Alice in many ways. She had been the next best thing to a wife for him, and being responsible for helping her transformation from an abused drudge to an attractive woman with some remarkable bedroom talents gave him great satisfaction.

He phoned the police station to tell Jane that he was back and to arrange to collect Fido. She replied that she would bring the dog with her when she left work, and she duly arrived a couple of hours later. Fido went mad when he saw George, and it was a few minutes before George was able to greet Jane. He hadn't taken in the fact that she was wearing uniform, the first time he had seen her like that because, as a detective sergeant she normally wore civilian clothing.

"What's with the fancy dress then?"

"I'm a police officer, remember?"

"Yes, I had worked that out, but you don't usually wear that lot -- pity, really, you look good in it. But why today, you haven't been put back on the beat, have you?"

"Thank you, kind sir, all compliments gratefully accepted. Actually I had a bit of an accident at work, and it's partly Fido's fault."

"Why, he didn't pee on you or something?"

"No, I took him into work with me, and I'd taken a little walk with him at lunch time when I saw a lowlife I'd been trying to find for ages. He took off, and so did Fido, who assumed this was some sort of game. Needless to say, the crim assumed that the beast was going to do him harm and made a run down the path by the river, then he tripped over and dived in head first, closely followed by Fido. He couldn't swim -- that's the crim, not Fido - and he was going down for the second time when I caught up, so I had to dive in to rescue the silly bastard. I dragged him out, not helped by the dog trying to lick him better, which really scared the shit out of him. Finally I managed to march him back to the nick, where, needless to say, I got the piss taken something rotten. After I'd got him banged up I went and showered and put on the only dry clothes that I had in my locker, which was the uniform I wear on parades and so on. So I'm not sure whether to be grateful to your bloody hound for helping me get someone I'd been after for ages, or pissed off for getting me soaked."

"Oh well, it suits you anyway." He suddenly started to laugh.

"What's so funny, me getting soaked?"

"Well, that too, but really I was laughing at a memory of a bloke I served with."

"Why, did he fall into rivers as well?"

"No. it was just what he used to say was one of his ambitions, but I don't think I'll tell you."

"Oh, for God's sake, you're winding me up, so tell me before I arrest you for irritating a police sergeant in the execution of her duty."

"You're off duty, so that won't work, but I'll tell you -- it's just that he said he had a long term ambition to screw a police woman in uniform."

"You had disgusting friends, obviously. I don't imagine that you'd have ever had ideas like that."

"Weellll! The thought might have crossed my mind. What's the sentence likely to be for groping under a policewoman's skirt?

"Ten years at least, depending how high you go - hardly worth it, I'd have thought."

"Hm. Depends on the quality of the policewoman. Hardly worth it for some of your colleagues, but one or two...."

"Name one!"

George moved towards her, bent down and placed one hand on each of her calves, then slid slowly upwards under her skirt.

"Two years."

His hands slowly climbed, the firm, nylon clad flesh warm under his touch. Higher he climbed , his hands opening to hold the swelling of her lower thigh.

"Four years."

He felt a change in the texture of the material, and realised he had arrived at the elasticated reinforcement of hold up stockings, not the expected tights. Then his fingers felt another texture change, as he progressed from the slippery firm fabric to the softer, and altogether more enjoyable feeling of her smooth skin.

"Eight years."

Now his enquiring fingers came to the sudden swelling as her thighs met her buttocks. His hands surrounded the firm flesh of a magnificent pair of hemispheres, and he began squeezing and caressing her pliant arse. Then, somewhat belatedly, he realised that something was missing -- any fabric covering the luscious flesh. Just to be sure that she wasn't wearing a thong, he let his fingers wander down the depths of the division between her cheeks, but found only warm flesh.

"Well, well, well. What a naughty policewoman, no knickers. Bottoms have been spanked for less than that."

"You spank my bottom and I'll get you banged up for life. I told you: everything got soaked, and I didn't have a spare pair at work, and I wasn't anticipating having my arse groped by a randy pillock like you."

"That's all very well, but being knickerless amounts to provocation in my book, and I'm ever so easily provoked. So I'm afraid I'm going to demonstrate that I am, as you say, randy, though I like to think that I'm not too much of a pillock."

With that his hands, which were still fondling her attributes with some enthusiasm, were suddenly lifted, which had the effect of lifting her skirt up to her waist. With one smooth movement he then grasped her under her buttocks and lifted her up onto the kitchen table. She was now displaying a generous, though neatly trimmed, growth of very fair pubic hair.

"My, my, so you really are blonde -- and very nice too."

"How do you know it isn't dyed down there as well? It isn't, that would be too much faff, so it's just as well it's natural."

"Well, it suits you, and I must say it's nice to find a hairy chuff, I'm not a fan of the plucked chicken look. Mind you, it could do with combing."

"Why don't you shut up and get on with your filthy plans, then I can enjoy charging you with all sorts of interesting misdemeanours, plus a few I might make up on the way."

"Right, I'll get my money's worth. Where shall I start? I know, nothing like a bit of muff diving to get things off to a good start."

With that he pushed her legs apart, giving him a view of the groove of her vulva through the surrounding hair. He began kissing the insides of her firm thighs, moving from leg to leg, and gradually approaching her sex. He was starting to sense the smell of an aroused woman, and he pushed her legs further apart till her outer lips parted, showing him her pretty pink vaginal lips, already glistening slightly where her fluid was beginning to leak. Now he leaned forward till his lips met hers, and he began sucking and nibbling gently on the turgid flesh, then thrust his tongue forward till it slid deep into her hot vagina. After plunging in and out several times, he withdrew and now attacked her clitoris which was still hiding under its fleshy hood. It quickly swelled under his touch and showed itself to him, whereupon he sucked it between his lips, causing her to squeal her pleasure. A few moments of this attention was all that it took to bring her to her first orgasm. Her legs clamped hard on his head and her body shook, then relaxed as she came down from a very quick reaction to his touch.

"Get on with it, and let's see what sort of weapon I can charge you with using to assault me."

George didn't need any further encouragement , and he quickly undid his belt and zip, then pushed down his jeans and pants together. What popped out was enough to bring a smile to her lips. It wouldn't have won first prize in a Cock of the Year contest on size grounds, but it was certainly on the big side of average, both in girth and length, and was now standing proud in all its uncircumcised glory.

He was just the right height for his weapon to be lined up nicely with her gaping slit, and he grasped her arse and drew her forward to the edge of the table so that he was just touching the slippery wet lips. Then he pulled her further towards him and he felt his foreskin being pushed back as his glans began its journey, She was still surprisingly tight, and he slowly felt himself penetrating her till their pubic hairs nestled together, and his cock was nudging against her cervix. She lifted her legs and locked them firmly around his waist, her heels pressing against his buttocks. His arms were around her and he pulled her torso close, her breasts pressing into his chest, and his lips found hers, warm and moist and parted to welcome the approach of his tongue into the hot wetness. After a while he slackened his grip as their lips reluctantly parted.

"About time you kissed me, I've been waiting months for that. It's usually considered polite to kiss a lady before sticking your cock into her private place. You're still liable to a life sentence though."

"In that case I must make sure I get my money's worth. Anyway, you're a copper, not a lady"

"Bloody hell, you're pressing your luck, aren't you? Is this one of the other offences you want to be taken into consideration?"

"You talk too much. Let's see if I can shut you up."

With that he withdrew, then rammed his cock hard and deep in to her. She made an audible grunt in response, he repeated the process, over and over again. Her hungry vagina was grasping his flesh spasmodically, and when he felt the first rush of fluid rising from his balls to spurt into her channel, his cock felt gripped as never before, almost to the extent of being painful as well as incredibly stimulating. He held her close as he ejaculated over and over again till he was at last spent, and he felt the grip of her legs around him slacken.

They stayed together for some time, as his cock softened, and her vaginal pressures pushed him out. They were slowly relaxing as they came down from the sexual peak. At last he stood back and she slipped off the table, smoothing her skirt down as she did so, while he pulled up his trousers.

"Well, now you've had your fantasy fuck, what next do you have in mind?" she asked.

"I thought we might go upstairs, so I can strip you off and find out what the top half of you looks like, see if it's up to the standard of the bottom half."

"So is the bottom half up to your high standards?"

"The important bit seems to work pretty well."

"So it should, it's nearly as new. Before you start stripping me, let's sit down and talk for a minute, and a drink wouldn't hurt. Pour one while I go and have a pee."

She left the room and went to the bathroom, where she mopped up the remains of their juices from her thighs and vulva, and had a quick wash. Then she returned, and they sat down with the wine that he had poured.

"When you said that your lady garden is as good as new, were you saying what I think you were?"

"If you think I said that I am damned nearly a virgin, you are right. I've only done it once before, and I wish I hadn't."

"Why not? Wasn't it a very enjoyable experience."

"Oh, it was all right, I suppose. I'd lost my hymen years before when I slipped on my bike, so it wasn't painful. But the bastard who did it was an inspector who took advantage of the innocence of a probationer and conned me into believing he was madly in love with me. Then I overheard him joking about it with one of his mates the next day and my illusions were rapidly removed -- I gathered that I wasn't the first he'd conned into bed by any means."

"What happened after that?"

"I told him what I had heard, and that he'd better keep his hands off me in the future. We had a tricky working relationship for a bit, but I finally convinced him that I'd forgiven and forgotten. It took me nearly five years before I managed to set him up for a charge of bribery and corruption, and he went down for twelve years. By the way, the charge wasn't invented, he'd been on the take ever since he was on the beat, but no one up till then had had the motive to nail him. So, take note, if you cross me I'm a right bitch!"

"I'll bear that in mind. I must admit it hadn't occurred to me that you might be -- well, sexually inexperienced, or I wouldn't have attacked you like that."

"You just thought that I'm old enough to have had it off regularly."

"Something like that -- and certainly pretty enough to have had plenty of opportunity."

"Compliments will get you a long way, up my skirt, anyway. In case you hadn't guessed, I enjoyed it anyway, even if it wasn't how I planned I might seduce you."

"You seduce me!!!!"

"To coin a coarse phrase, I've been gagging for you since about a week after I met you. If I hadn't realised just what you were doing for Alice, I'd have made it very clear long ago. I knew you were sharing a bed with her, which was bad enough, but when I realised you were actually having sex with her, you've no idea how jealous I was. What you did for her was amazing, changing her from a an abused wreck into a normal, attractive woman was beyond wonderful, but I still wanted you. When she told me she was going off with your dad, I couldn't believe my luck, and I'd all sorts of ideas about how I could con my way into your bed -- and, perhaps, your heart."

"Then the object of your dreams raped you!"

"That wasn't rape. I know you are ex-SAS and all that, but I could still have put up a certain amount of resistance. We do get trained a bit, and I've had to repulse unwanted advances before."

"Whatever. I completely misread you, and perhaps you'll let me seduce you in a more gentlemanly way now. You may have guessed that I'm not unhappy about Alice eloping with Daddy. All the time I was away I'd been worrying about what the future would be with us, and I would have hated to hurt her in any way, so when I found the Old Man had taken her on, I was really chuffed, it will be ideal for both of them. Only trouble is, I've lost a bloody good cook and housekeeper as well as a pleasant bedmate."

"Given the right terms, I think I know someone who might fit the bill, though you'd need to train her in the bed department."

"I hope you aren't joking. The other thing that preoccupied my mind while I was away was whether you would be interested in a relationship."

"If I had any doubts, they went when you stuck your tongue in my vagina. I'd never even thought about oral sex, but when you did that it was as though a fireworks display had gone off in my head. I want to spend the rest of my life sharing a bed with you. There's never been another man who remotely interested me, please don't let me down, will you. And now, you mentioned some scheme to get my clothes off?"

"So that's what you meant by a life sentence! I need to think about that, and I think best when I'm in bed, so let's go upstairs, and we can see about the clothes off scenario."

He took her hand and led her to the stairs, where she went up in front of him. As he followed, his hand slid up her skirt and grasped her firm buttock. When they arrived at his bedroom, she turned to face him.

"What next?"

"I take your clothes off."

He started a slow unveiling of her body. He undid the buttons on her uniform shirt, and slid it off her shoulders. Her bra was white and best described as sensible. It was designed to support her bust, not to titillate any man who might be disrobing her. He put his arms round her and unhooked the firm garment and then slid the shoulder straps down and allowing the fabric to fall away from her body. The breasts thus exposed were just gorgeous -- full and firm, and hardly dropping at all without the support of the bra. They weren't huge, probably a C cup, but were beautifully shaped, standing proud of her chest and with slightly upturned nipples. These beauties were coral pink in colour, and were raised from the surrounding aureoles which were a paler pink and again were slightly raised from her breasts.

George considered himself to be a connoisseur of breasts, having admired quite a few, both in pictures and in the flesh, but he could not recall ever having seen such perfectly formed examples of a woman's prime adornment. He stood transfixed for long enough for her to comment.

"Up to your standard, are they?"

"They'll do I reckon."

"Talk about damning with faint praise."

"Does fabulous sound better?"

"You talk too much, let's have more action."

He took her at her word and unfastened her skirt and let it slide down to the floor, where she stepped out of it. Now she was naked except for the black stockings encasing her long legs. He bent down and slid each hose down the lengths of the firm, warm flesh, and, as she raised each leg in turn, he peeled them over her feet. As he was doing this he was faced with a close up of her blonde bush through which he could just see the outline of her fleshy lips. He took a deep breath and inhaled the deep aroma of an aroused, sexy woman.

"You know, people talk about favourite smells and go on about fresh coffee and fresh bread, but for me there's nothing like the smell of a freshly aroused vagina, and if I could bottle your smell I'd make a fortune from it. Pong de Pussy, perhaps?"

"You are a bit coarse at times, George. You aren't in the Mess now. And it's rude to stick your nose in a lady's private parts and comment on her odour. And, by the way, you're still dressed."

"Excuse me, I'm sure. I can soon rectify that."

He stood up and stripped off all his clothes. Her eyes slowly roamed over his body, taking in the firm torso, no bulging muscles, just a look of built in strength and solidity, covered with a mat of dark hair. Lower, she again saw the large, thick penis hanging over his balls, and remembered the pleasure of his earlier presence inside her. The musculation of his legs was more obvious, and again the hair that covered his torso was evident -- not very thick, just nicely covered.

"Yes, you'll do nicely -- let's see if the performance is up to the appearance."

"I'll do my very best. Now, hang on while I get a towel, then I'll treat you to Alice's favourite foreplay."

She wondered what was coming, but said nothing as he went to a cupboard and fetched a large bath towel, drew the covers back on the bed, and spread out the towel.

"Right, up you get and lie down on your front."

She did as she was told, and lay down on the towel. George produced a bottle of oil and poured a small quantity on her back between her shoulder blades, then began to gently spread it over her skin. His hands were surprisingly soft and he was patiently working the oil over the pliant flesh, starting with her neck, shoulders and arms, then progressing down her back to her waist and hips.

Jane gradually became totally relaxed as he worked on her body, partly a massage as his hands pressed firmly into her, then a caress as he was just stroking her. As she luxuriated in his care she reflected on the startling events of the recent hours. She had become aware that she had totally fallen for this tough ex soldier over the recent months. She had been fascinated to see the way he had cared for and nurtured Alice, turning her life around so dramatically, and she had come to love the soft side of this toughie, and had hoped that he might gently introduce her to the joys of physical love, which she had lacked ever since the disastrous affair with her colleague. She had certainly not dreamed of being picked up and unceremoniously fucked on the kitchen table, and it should have been an appalling experience, but it was just the opposite. It was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her, and she could still sense the thrill of that mini orgasm as his tongue lapped her vaginal lips and he sucked her erect clitoris, and could feel in her vagina the sense of that dramatic and unexpected invasion of her inner depths by his rampant penis.

She was glad that he hadn't realised her sexual near virginity, as he would doubtless have spent much longer before invading her body -- and she now realised that she hadn't wanted to wait, and that the somewhat brutal invasion of her privacy had thrilled her in a way that would have taken a hell of a long time by a more gentle seduction. Now she was just loving the feel of his hands as he began gently squeezing and massaging her firm buttocks and the soft intrusion a little way between her arse cheeks, and then a slightly deeper intrusion, and then a little deeper and then.....

"George, that's a bit personal."

"Sorry, don't you like being touched there?"

"I've never been touched there at all, as you might well guess, and it isn't a question of not liking it, but....well, I thought only poofters went in for arse invading, and I wouldn't have thought..."

"Well, life can be full of surprises, can't it. Just hang on a minute and tell me when to stop."

His fingers had now penetrated deep into her cleft, and she felt his touch as the tips lightly touched the puckered rosebud. He withdrew for a moment, and ran some oil down the cleft and then brought his finger back into contact and spread the oil over her arsehole, then began a slow process of touching her a little more firmly,until he began to penetrate her.

"Are you sure, George. I mean, it's a bit mucky back there. It's much more pleasant than I expected -- OH!!"

The startled noise was her reaction to his finger penetrating through her sphincter up to his second knuckle. He left it there a moment, then withdrew before pushing in again.

"Oh, bloody hell, that feels good. It ought to be disgusting, but it isn't -- oh I think I'm going to....cum...oh God, no, stop, please."

George stopped moving as he felt her body tense, then relax, after which he withdrew leaving her with the odd feeling that he was still there as he sphincter tightened again.

!"Well, that was a bit of a success, wasn't it. Perhaps you'd like to play more adventurous games on another occasion."

"I can't imagine what you mean, but for sure I'll enjoy finding out."

He returned to his task of oiling her body, this time moving down her legs, enjoying the feel of the firm muscular thighs, the soft patch at the back of her knees, then down her calves to her feet. He drew her body over onto her back, and started again on her feet, smoothing the oil in between her toes, round her ankles, then began the exciting trip back up her legs till he came to the junction of her thighs, His fingers had parted her legs a little and he slid up the inside till he could just feel the heat from her vulva and the sensation of her generous pubic hair. He then lifted his hands and moved to her shoulders, where he massaged shoulders and neck, followed by her arms. Then he returned to her shoulders and began a slow descent to the swell of her breasts, moving slowly in a circular motion, cupping the generous mounds of warm flesh, and gradually approaching the centre. He watched her nipples beginning to harden, and he circled her aureoles with his finger tips before at last arriving at the turgid mounds at the centre. He squeezed the firm nubbins and started to draw his fingers from the base to the tips, each time squeezing a little harder each time as he drew the nipples outward, raising the surrounding flesh in the process.

As the sensation in her nipples grew more and more intense with his pressure, Jane felt an unaccustomed and delightful response in her body. Every part of her felt alive and asking to be caressed, and her vagina began to feel strangely wet. Normally,when she masturbated -- not something she often did as she found it unsatisfying -- her vagina lubricated a little, but more damp than wet. Now she could feel a leakage of liquid over her vaginal lips, and her channel felt slippery and she sensed slight muscular contractions, a totally new sensation. For a woman of her age, she was remarkably inexperienced, and the caresses of a loving and gentle man were waking desires that were new and wonderful.

George was now moving his attentions further down her body, massaging her the soft inward curve of her waist and then over her hips and across the slight curve of her belly. She had missed the attention to her breasts, but now her arousal grew as his fingers approached her centre. A slow descent down over her the soft peak of her mons and through the mat of hair brought him to the top of her vulva. Just when she thought he was going to touch her most in intimate parts he moved either side to the tops of her thighs, then slid his hands slowly between them. With no conscious effort on her part, her legs parted to ease his access, and he felt the warm flesh of her muscular thighs as he moved, inexorably, towards her vulva. He raised his hands for a moment, causing her to feel a sense of loss, then he put a little more oil on his hands before resuming his movement so that his fingers were sliding in the groove between her thigh and her vulva.

Now she was getting desperate for him to probe her further, but she resisted the urge to tell him to hurry. Then she felt him caressing her outer lips, which, unknown to her, had swollen and reddened with the blood of her arousal. His fingers slid inside her lips, squeezing the plump flesh and feeling the slippery wetness of her juice, and he probed further, now deep between her lips, and he was looking at the pink flower of her vaginal lips, topped by the swelling of the hood over her clitoris. At last he arrived at the hood and he began rubbing his finger tip over the surface, and almost at once he felt the swelling of her sex bud under the hood and, as he moved his fingers more quickly, the head became firm enough to push out and allow him to hold it and masturbate it like a tiny penis.

His fingers on her clitoris were setting her body alight, and, just when she thought nothing could feel better, he leaned forward and raked the little bud with his tongue, before sucking it into his mouth and gently nipping it with his teeth. To add to her pleasure he slipped his middle finger into the hot wetness of her vagina, thrusting deep into her with his finger tip probing to find the rough surface of her G-spot. This was totally unexplored territory for Jane. Her masturbation had been confined to her clitoris, and she had never probed deeply inside her own vagina, and this discovery of another exquisitely sensitive spot brought her to an instant orgasm. He felt her vagina contracting to hold his finger and her body tensing and her hips pushing her sex hard against his probing hand and his lips. Her legs closed against his head while her hand on the back of his cranium forced him to bury his face deeper into the hot flesh. Although her thighs were closed hard on his ears, he could still hear her squeals of pleasure as she abandoned all restraint at the pleasure of his ministrations.

George waited till the paroxysms of orgasm died down, then stopped his ministrations on her sex and raised his head. He had no doubt what she wanted next, and he was only too glad to give it to her. His penis was rock hard, and he could think of only one thing to do to ease the pressure. He slid slowly up her body, till his rampant weapon was lying in the groove of her vulva, between her parted outer lips. He moved slowly back and forth, sliding in the groove and causing more pleasure for her as he rubbed against her clitoris. Then he moved down so that the crown of his penis was resting against her vaginal lips, wet and slippery from her orgasmic secretions. As an ex SAS man, his aim was perfect and when he pushed forward he felt his foreskin slide back as his glans entered the heat of her waiting body. He continued his thrust very slowly till he was fully engaged in her, and their pubis were pressed hard against each other.

"You OK?" he asked.

"Just perfect -- amazing how well things fit together, like we were made for each other. Oh, is this a good time to say I think I'm in love with you?"

"There's never a bad time, and I think I may have fallen a bit".

"Right, that's enough talk, now let's see some action."

George was now supporting his upper body on his arms, and, as he started to move gently in and out of her, they could watch as his cock became uncovered as he withdrew, then again became immersed, her vagina lips turning in and out to accept him. He lowered his head so that he could take a nipple into his mouth, and as he gently bit her he felt her vagina muscles clutch at his rigid penis. As he thrust into her pliant body he could sense her growing excitement, her breathing becoming shorter and her body starting to lift perceptively in response to his. Now George was very conscious that his orgasm was fast approaching, and his movements speeded up. She too was becoming ever more aware that her whole sensory system seemed to be concentrated in her vagina and, as his pubis rubbed against her clitoris she wanted to be ever closer to him. Her arms were clasped around his back and pulled him down so that his full weight was pressing down on her. As his orgasm neared, he too held her close to him, his hands holding her firm buttocks as his fingers pressed deep into the cleft. Finally he felt the rush of fluid from his balls up his penis, and he thrust as hard as he could into her as he erupted deep into her vagina, searching its way to her womb.

For Jane, she too felt her body spasming as her orgasm engulfed her senses, and she felt a totally unfamiliar flow of liquid from her vagina. She was discovering that she was one of the women who release fluid at orgasm, and could sometimes actually squirt liquid from her vaginal glands. Just now she only knew that this was the most wonderful sensation that her body had ever experienced.

Gradually their bodies came down from the heights of passion, and George lifted himself from her, his penis flopping out of her soaking vagina. He lay beside her, both basking in the after sex glow of pleasure.

"Well?" he asked.

"It was worth waiting for all those years. I never guessed it could be that good, especially after my first experience with that bastard. I feel so good, I don't know what you had in mind for the next few hours, but would it be bad manners if I just nod off for a bit? I ought to go and mop up my nether regions -- I had no idea I'd get soaked like that, quite apart from your delightful juice, but I'm happy to lie here feeling it leak out, though it might make the bed a bit messy"

"I'll be quite happy to nod off with you and we can change the bedding when we wake up. If you agree, we've got all the rest of our lives to play lovely games together, so there's no immediate rush. Mind you , it won't be long before I want to do disgusting things with you, but for now -- sleep well!.