
"That's ten points," my son Blake said gleefully. "It's going to be so much fun collecting that bet." He and his sister, Judy, were in the kitchen nook seated at the table.

I peeked around the corner rather than just entering the kitchen. I didn't normally monitor my kids' activities. They were incredibly good kids, Judy at twenty years old and Blake just a year younger. Both were super smart, honor students, and I often wondered what might happen if they decided to gang up on my more average intelligence. But even though I wondered, I wasn't afraid of it. My husband and I had always stressed ethical behavior and integrity in their dealings with others. No amount of law can achieve as good a result as having a strong set of internal rules to follow.

"Don't you worry, I'll hold up my end of the bargain," Judy answered. "All debts have to be paid." She sounded like she was reluctant but I heard the overtones in her voice. Whatever the bet was, she intended to have fun paying it off.

I was heartened at Judy's comment. That phrase about paying debts was part of the training we had given our kids. No matter what, they would be good to their word. No one in our family would renege on a promise, a commitment or a debt.

"Oh, yeah, and I'm really looking forward to this one," Blake continued. "Just wait until you find out what it is. And it's a ten-pointer!"

"You didn't write down anything stupid, did you?" Judy asked. Her voice showed some concern that hadn't been there in their previous exchange.

"Don't worry, you'll recognize it instantly," he assured her.

It sounded like Blake and Judy had made a bet and only Blake knew the stakes. That didn't sound like my kids.

"I'll honor the payoff, whatever it is," Judy assured him. "But just watch out, I might not have won this time but I'll write my same wager for our next bet. One of these times, you'll pay."

Wow, this sounded serious. Judy and Blake had apparently made a bet with each having a secret payoff. That wasn't how my husband and I had trained them. They were to be very careful of their commitments. Then again, they trusted each other so much. Maybe their trust in each other was so great that they knew nothing bad would happen in their bet. I was torn between my pride in the trust they had in each other and the fear that they might make blind bets outside of that trust.

I didn't normally intrude in my kids' lives. They knew they could talk with me about anything. In fact, each had shared some very deep and personal information with me and I was happy that I could be their sounding board. But my fears led me to a decision. I would ask Blake what was going on, at my next opportunity.

I backed into the living room, then started humming as I approached the kitchen. When I arrived, Blake and Judy were chatting about school.

-- -- -- -- -- "Blake, do you have a minute?" I asked. It was time for me to pry a little.

"Sure, Mom, what do you need?" he answered with a smile.

We sat at the breakfast table, the normal place for one-on-one conversations in our family.

"I apologize for eavesdropping," I said. "But I overheard something the other day and I'm a little concerned. Can you tell me about it?"

"Sure, Mom," he responded cheerfully. "I'll tell you anything you want to know. I don't have any secrets from you."

"I'm glad to hear that," I assured him. "I heard you and Judy talking about a bet. I guess I don't need to know about the bet itself, unless you want to tell me. I was a little concerned, though, because it sounded like the payoff was a secret from Judy. What's going on with that?"

He laughed. "Oh, that's nothing, Mom," he assured me. "We make blind bets all the time. I would never make Judy do anything bad and I know she would never do that to me, either. Since we both know that, it makes the bets a little more exciting to have an unknown payoff."

"What's a ten-point bet?" I asked.

"Oh, that's one of Judy's little games," he said. There was no hesitation in his response so I was sure he saw nothing wrong in what he described. Still, I waited to satisfy my curiosity. "She likes a progressive bet. So we bet something over some time, say a week. During that week, we keep track of who wins the bet the most times. It's kind of a contest with scoring. When the time's up, the winner is the one with the most points. Or sometimes, we both win and the points tell us about the payoff. That's the neat thing about her game. One time, the bet was one chore. I got nine points and Judy got eight. I was the winner so she had to do nine of my chores. The payoff depends on the number of points."

"That sounds like quite a game," I said. "Can you give me an example of a game where you both won?"

"I can only think of one, off hand," he responded thoughtfully. "The bet was one article. We each had seven points."

"One article?" I prompted. "What does that mean?"

"It's kind of like strip poker," he explained.

I was shocked at his response but I tried to control myself. To be judgmental at this point would damage all the openness we tried to keep between us.

"Each point meant that the other person had to take off an article of clothing," he continued. "It was kind of neat."

"I don't think either of you was wearing seven articles of clothing, were you?" I asked. "Doesn't that mean that you took all your clothes off, in front of each other?"

"Yeah," he answered enthusiastically. "I hadn't seen Judy naked since we were a lot younger. You know she's a fox? She really grew up nice."

"Nicely," I chided. Even in the midst of my shock at Blake's revelation, I was compulsive about his grammar.

Once again, I was torn. I was proud of Blake's forthright answer to my question but disturbed by his casual acceptance of what could become highly inappropriate behavior.

"So you looked each other over carefully?" I guessed.

"You bet," he answered eagerly. "I looked her over and she looked me over. I think I got the better end of that deal, though." He smiled as he replayed the memory. "I definitely got the better end. I didn't realize how exciting Judy is."

"Did you do anything else?" I asked. I was uneasy about his comment about his sister being exciting.

"No, Mom," he assured me. "We just stripped and looked. We were in her room. After we looked each other over, I hurried back to my room."

"Why did you hurry?" I asked.

"Like I said, Mom, Judy is exciting," he explained. "I got hard looking at her. I ran back to my room to take care of it. I didn't figure I should masturbate in front of her."

"You masturbated because of your sister?" I asked. I couldn't keep the shock out of my voice.

My shock didn't seem to register with Blake. "Hell, yes, Mom," he said with undiminished enthusiasm. "What guy wouldn't? She's so hot!" He paused thoughtfully. "I think she did, too. I heard some moaning through the wall between our rooms. Anyway, I know I did. I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I live with the two most beautiful women in the world. What guy as lucky as I am wouldn't masturbate?"

I didn't know if Blake realized what he had just said. He not only admitted masturbating because of his foxy sister, he implied that I was part of his stimulation. This was much more information than I thought I would get, and was completely off topic from what I needed to know about, the bet. My surprise at Blake's revelation was compounded by my surprise at my own reaction. My body tingled with the thought that my son found me sexually desirable. Was that true? Did I want to know? I didn't consciously decide to ask and I was surprised to hear the question come out of my mouth.

"Blake, do you masturbate thinking of me?" I asked. Even after I heard the question, I could hardly believe that I asked it. It was even harder to realize that I was excited, waiting for his answer. Why was I excited that Blake might masturbate while thinking of me?

"Of course I do, Mom," he replied without hesitation. "Judy's beautiful and she got it all from you. I don't know anyone who looks as good as you and Judy do. You're an exciting woman, Mom."

"You've seen Judy naked, you just told me that," I said. My mouth was still on automatic. I was too shocked at Blake's revelations to control what I said. "But when have you seen me naked? How could you know whether I'm all that hot?"

Blake looked a little sheepish. "I have to confess something, Mom," he said. "Those times when I walked into the bathroom when you were showering weren't accidents."

"But I covered up as soon as you entered," I objected. That wasn't quite true but that's what I said.

"You did when you knew I was there," he explained. "But sometimes I was really quiet and you didn't know I was there. You really are hot, Mom. Really."

Everything he said rang true. Even though I was emotionally numb, I felt flushed and realized that the tingle in my body had intensified even more. Why was I so turned on by my son's admission? What could I do?

I realized that we had been silent for a while and didn't know how long. I struggled to regain control of myself. As I struggled, I recalled something about Blake catching me in the shower. It was true that I had tried to cover myself when he barged into the bathroom, making lots of noise. I was also aware of him at least some of the times when he snuck in. I tingled those times, too. I had even moved a little more sensually, knowing that he was watching. A few times, after my shower, I had to clean up some cum puddles around the sink. I pretended to myself that those weren't about Blake's excitement at seeing me but I couldn't pretend any more. I not only had his word about masturbating while thinking about me, I had cleaned up the evidence myself!

I tried to focus on the reason for my talk with Blake. It was difficult. In our family, we often joked that all secrets eventually come out. Blake's secret of masturbating was no longer a secret. But I needed to know about the bet.

"So your bet with Judy is one of these progressive wagers, right?" I asked. I hoped to get the conversation away from the totally disturbing and exciting subject of Blake's sexual response to me. I still had to pursue the somewhat less disturbing subject of the bet.

"That's it," he confirmed.

"What was your wager?" I asked.

"It's just something I heard Judy talk about once," he said. His tone implied that it wasn't a big thing. "It's one more kiss."

"One more kiss?" I asked.

"That's it," he said. "But please, Mom, don't tell Judy. We're not supposed to reveal our wagers until the end of the bet time."

"What can you tell me about one more kiss?" I prompted.

"I can't," he said. "It's Judy's game. Maybe you can get her to explain it. But don't let her know that it's my wager."

"I'll try to be careful," I assured him. "Is there anything else you'd like to share with me right now?"

"No, Mom," he said.

I was relieved that he didn't want to share anything else at the moment. It would take me a long time to get my head around what I had just learned. And I had to get myself calmed down. I was way too excited for much more discussion with my son right then.

-- -- -- -- --

"Hi, Judy, do you have a minute?" I asked.

"Of course, Mom," she answered. I felt another swell of pride. Both of my kids were so considerate and cooperative.

"I don't know how to ask this, Judy," I said. "I heard Blake talking about a progressive game, something about doing chores. What's that all about?"

"Oh, that was just a trial," she said. "I invented this game to see if I could help Elroy get over his shyness."

"Your boyfriend, Elroy?" I prompted.

"How many Elroys do you know about?" she teased. "It's not like we have the Jetsons next door or anything. Yes, Elroy my boyfriend. He was so shy and withdrawn that I wanted to get him out of his shell. So I invented this game. The wager I made with Blake was an early version, just doing one more thing."

"Whoa, Honey, go back to the beginning, or at least to the basics of the game," I begged. "Don't assume that I know anything because I assure you I don't."

"Sorry, Mom," she said. "The game is simple. I make a multi-point bet with someone and then . . ."

"What's a multi-point bet?" I prompted. I really wanted all the details from her and showing total ignorance was a minor subterfuge that should help.

"Oh," she said. "Make a bet where there are chances to win or lose several times over time. It's like a basketball game or something but you get a point every time you do something right or something happens right. You lose a point to the other person when something happens wrong. It can be anything but you have to be able to count score."

"OK, I understand," I confirmed.

"When you finish the bet, one person has more points than the other," she resumed. "The game is the payoff for the bet. The more points the winner has, the more the loser has to do to pay it off. The one you asked about was when I bet Blake with a one more chore game. I ended up having to do lots of his chores."

"So what did you do with Elroy?" I asked.

"I invented a special game for him," she said proudly. "It worked out pretty well. I called the game one more kiss. The basic rule was that each point required another kiss. And each kiss required touching more than had been touched before. I also required that both people had to be fully involved in the kiss. As you can imagine, it didn't take too many levels before he touched me like I wanted to be touched."

"What do you mean?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. "What did he want to do and what did you want? How did it turn out?"

"You know I like my boyfriends to show that they like my body," Judy explained. "Elroy never showed that on his own. And his version of a kiss was something you'd expect from a five year old. I wanted a sensual kiss, some petting and some exploration."

"Yes," I acknowledged. Judy and I had talked about her dating exploits before. She was a good girl but she really liked to touch and be touched. "I'm really glad you're comfortable sharing that with me."

"Well, I got him to agree to one more kiss," Judy continued. "We got a bet to the fifth level. The funny thing, though is that I had to use his loss to make the bet work. He wouldn't go with it as a winner. Who would have thought that making out with me was something you'd have to lose to experience?"

We both laughed at that.

"Anyway, I got him to kiss me and rub my back on the first kiss," she said. "I got him to touch my breasts through my bra with the second kiss. On the third kiss, I rubbed his cock through his trousers and I got him to grope me through my jeans. Finally, on the fourth kiss, I touched his cock and he touched my pussy. He chickened out before I could collect the fifth kiss. I was so frustrated but he wouldn't budge."

"If it weren't so funny, I'd feel sorry for you," I said with a little laugh.

"I know," she agreed. "If I hadn't been so frustrated, I would have laughed, too."

"So what other games have you invented?" I asked.

"Actually, I experimented with a couple of simple games but one more kiss was the best," Judy confirmed. "That got me in the direction I wanted to go with Elroy. Unfortunately, while the direction was good, the distance sucked. I think it took one more level with Elroy than it would have taken with anyone who wasn't so shy. But one more kiss is my best game, at least so far."

"Who else knows about one more kiss?" I asked.

"Just you, me and Elroy," she said. "It's not exactly a game I'd choose to use indiscriminately."

"I can understand that," I agreed.

"Were there any other games you'd like to tell me about?" I prompted.

"There's one, but you have to promise not to freak out," she said tentatively.

"I promise," I said. "Was that promise just to engage my curiosity? You know you can tell me anything."

"I know," she said. "I played a game of one more article with Blake."

"What's one more article?" I asked, pretending ignorance. It wasn't easy, particularly since I was shocked once again. Would these shocks never cease? My shock wasn't about the game, of course, but the fact that I knew about it and I was about to get confirmation from Judy about what Blake had told me. I couldn't reveal my shock or surprise until Judy told me something specific about the game.

"Each point requires losing an article of clothing," she said. "That's a game where we didn't declare a winner. Each of us had points and used them. We ended up getting naked."

I tried to look surprised. "Shades of strip poker," I commented. "How did that work out?"

"I didn't realize it but Blake has become quite a hunk," she said. "And I guess he liked what he saw of me because he got hard while he was looking at me. I thought it was pretty exciting, too."

"What did you do?" I asked. "What did Blake do?"

"I think Blake was too excited to stick around," she said with a little smile. "He ran out of my room and I heard his door slam shut. Then I heard some funny noises from his room. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that he masturbated there. I know I did in my room."

"You masturbated thinking about Blake?" I asked, trying to remain casual.

"I did, isn't that delicious?" she confirmed happily. "I don't know if it was the situation, finding out that he's a hunk or seeing him get a hard-on. But it was exciting and I masturbated thinking about it. It was good."

I knew, with Judy's confirmation of what Blake had told me, that my children were on the road to committing incest. If the one more kiss wager got Elroy to the point where he and Judy touched each others' genitals with only five points, a ten point wager with willing participants would easily take them to intercourse. What could I do?

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell me about?" I asked.

"No, Mom," Judy answered. "You know, Mom, I'm really glad that I can share anything with you. None of the other girls can do that. I'm really lucky to have you as my mom."

"That's what I'm here for," I said.

-- -- -- -- --

I was in a real quandary. What kind of Pandora's box had I opened? What was I going to do with all the information I had just learned? What did I know now that I didn't know before? The list was too long but I tried to go through it anyway. My two children found each other sexually exciting, so much so that they each masturbated thinking about the other. They had a bet going that would certainly result in them having incestuous sex together. Neither seemed to know that their bet would lead to that act of incest. Each of them considered their interactions to be completely innocent and natural. If only that were true. Unfortunately, social rules and biology stated otherwise. Incest was taboo practically everywhere in the world and illegal in some countries. If they went that way, would my children know enough to keep it private between them or at least within the family? Biological penalties for incest have been well documented, the children of incestuous relationships suffering from the emergence of recessive genetic traits. Would my children be smart enough to ensure that they didn't have any children together? Judy, at least, was on the pill. And my husband and I had made sure that both of our children knew how sex worked and what the consequences could be from unfortunate sexual decisions. So maybe they could be artful enough to keep their interactions free of undesirable consequences. But it was still incest.

I wished that my husband were there, instead of being off on a business trip. We always came up with better solutions together than either of us did alone. But he wasn't there and wouldn't be for another week. With the end of my kids' bet coming up, my husband couldn't possibly be back in time for us to compare notes. What would he warn me about if he were there? His standard warning, almost a joke between us, was that I tended to be overprotective of my children. But that was my job as their mother, wasn't it? Wasn't I supposed to protect my kids from experiences and decisions that would cause problems for them? I would watch out for my tendency but I had to go ahead. If only I could figure out what to do.I had gotten sidetracked from my list. That just shows how upset I was. What else had I learned?

My son found me sexually exciting. He admitted as much and told me that he masturbated while thinking about me. That was shocking. Actually, the confirmation was shocking even though I had indications of his interest before. I might have imagined that he would be curious about his sister but never imagined seriously that he would want to think of me in a sexual way. Worse, I found myself flattered, then excited when he told me about his masturbation. When he told me, it was with full confidence that we were open and honest about our feelings, and that we would keep the information within the family. If I acted on what he told me, would I betray that confidence? What about the other side? I hadn't been honest with him when he told about sneaking in to see me in the shower. I never told him that knew about it and cleaned up his cum after he masturbated. Should I have revealed that I sometimes left the bathroom door just a little ways open when I showered, fantasizing that he might come in and surprise me? Could I tell him that I had snuck into the bathroom and watched while he showered? I acted like I didn't know he was a hunk, even though I was very much aware of the fact and found it exciting.

Blake's attraction for me was surprising enough. My decision was clouded by the fact that the attraction was mutual. How could I make a rational decision for the good of my family when I had my own fantasy desires?

As I went through the list, as fuzzy as it was, I realized that I was approaching a solution, one that seemed unthinkable. It was clear to me that I could only protect one of my children. Would I protect Blake or Judy? It seemed that I would not be able to protect Blake without throwing Judy to the wolves, the two legged kind. If I diverted the imminent sexual act away from Blake, Judy would still be on the hook and I didn't know who we could trust to complete the wager with her in a safe way. On the other hand, if I protected Judy from the consequences of the bet, I was the only one who could complete it with Blake, thus giving him some protection. But if I did so, I would commit my own act of incest.

My possible solution, rapidly approaching certainty as the only possible one, was for me to willingly assume the responsibility to pay Judy's end of the bet. I would have to play the one more kiss game with Blake. But was I choosing that option to protect Judy or because I was attracted to my son? And why did my pussy tingle so much as I thought through my options?

I churned through my choices and all I had learned, for hours. When I reached my final decision, I was far from certain that it was the right decision. I just knew that I had only one more day before the end of the bet. If I waited any longer, my decision would be no decision, leaving Blake and Judy to complete their bet. If my husband were around, I could talk with him and we might be able to figure out another solution. But he was completely out of range of any practical form of communication. I was on my own. I had to decide and couldn't wait much longer. If only my damned pussy weren't so wet and tingly, distracting me from what I needed to decide.

-- -- -- -- --

"Ha! That's eleven," Blake said triumphantly to his sister. "I'll bet you've never had a progressive bet that high before."

"You're right," Judy confirmed. "I hope your wager is fun."

"So do I," Blake agreed.

I felt my heart sink. With what I knew of Judy's game, there was no chance that the bet would result in anything but fully active sex between them. I had to act.

I backtracked into the living room and hummed as I approached the kitchen. Blake and Judy were again discussing school.

"Hi, kids, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much, Mom," Blake answered with a barely suppressed grin.

Judy looked a little sheepish and didn't say anything.

"Blake, I need to talk with you for a few minutes," I said. "Will you take a walk with me?"

"Of course, Mom," he replied happily. "Anything for you."

I wondered if he knew just how ironic that comment was, in light of what I was about to offer him. In moments, I would offer him open license for practically anything.

"Blake, how much do you know about the one more kiss game?" I asked bluntly.

"Not much, Mom," he answered. "I heard Judy talking about it on the phone with Elroy. I had the impression that Judy thought it was fun and Elroy was dragging his feet. But I didn't hear any details. Judy started to talk about something else when she realized I was there."

I thought for a moment, still hesitant about my decision. Then I stiffened my resolve. "I've learned a little about the game, from Judy," I explained. "You know I try not to interfere with your lives, either yours or Judy's. But I'm afraid I'll have to make an exception in this case. I can't let you go through with this bet."

"But Mom, we made the bet and it's almost time to find out what it really means," he objected. "We both agreed on the terms. We committed to the bet and the consequences. And you've always taught us to live up to our word and pay our debts. That's the phrase. A debt must always be paid."

"I know, Sweetheart," I confirmed. "I know I can't cancel the bet or the debt. But I can make sure the debt is paid. Judy won't pay it. I will."

Blake's reaction surprised me. I expected him to object, to argue that the bet was strictly between Judy and him. But he didn't. For a moment, a look of pure glee crossed his face, to be instantly replaced by a look of concern.

"Are you sure, Mom?" he asked. "Do you know what you're agreeing to?"

"I think I know more about the game than you do," I assured him. "I don't know what the bet was, but that doesn't make much difference, does it? I'm just making sure that the debt is paid. I'll do what's necessary to play the game, to pay off the bet."

"You're absolutely sure?" he prompted.

Blake's earlier look of glee had returned, even though he seemed to be trying to suppress it. Apparently, he liked the idea of kissing me. If all he knew of the game was the name, one more kiss, he would expect to kiss me a lot. I was surprised as I felt the moisture in my pussy. I liked the idea of kissing him, too. And I knew, from the rules of the game, that we'd do more than kiss. I tried to return to rationality and stiffened my resolve to back up my decision.

"Absolutely," I confirmed. "Do you accept?"

"Of course I do," he answered enthusiastically. "Did you know it's now a level eleven consequence?"

"I don't know exactly what that will mean," I responded truthfully. "But we'll figure that out, won't we?"

"We sure will," he answered excitedly. "Mom, you're the greatest."

I decided that a little care was required. I was certain that the payoff would involve sex even though sex wasn't specified. "Blake, I know we'll be kissing," I said. "Will you do me a favor? Make sure you brush your teeth and shave beforehand, OK?"

"Of course, Mom," he agreed happily. "I'll brush, shave and shower, just like I would before a date."

"I hadn't thought of it like a date," I admitted. "I guess that's a good idea. But I don't think we need to dress up to be fancy. After all, we'll just be here, won't we?"

"Yeah, we'll just be here," he confirmed. "Mom, I'm really looking forward to this."

"I am, too, Honey," I assured him. "I hope we both like it."

"I'm sure we will," he said, his happiness seeming to increase even more. "I know I will."

"Since we're talking about it like a date, let's get together tomorrow night at seven thirty," I said. "I'll spend a little time before that getting ready. While I do, don't you dare sneak into my bathroom."

Did he know more than he was letting on? Only time would tell. Personally, I was very nervous about the whole situation. On the other hand, I felt good about having a time to start.

-- -- -- -- --

When I returned to the house, I told Judy of my decision. She objected, as I thought she might, but accepted my decision when I assured her that the debt would be paid and the bet completed properly. She confirmed that it was an eleven point bet.

-- -- -- -- --

Blake knocked on my bedroom door right at seven thirty. I was amused at his promptness. Thinking about what we would probably be doing, I chose red a wrap-around, knee-length dress made of a touchably soft fabric. The wrap-around would allow easy access inside, so I included a pink lace matching bra and panty set. My red, four-inch heels made the outfit sexier but I didn't know if Blake would recognize the cause as much as the effect. A short, red scarf around my neck, hanging loosely down the front, gave my V neckline a more tantalizing impact. Again, Blake might appreciate the result without understanding why it would be so fascinating.

I had been ready for nearly half an hour and spent the time nervously pacing. Intellectually, I knew what to expect. Emotionally, I was scared and uneasy. What I planned to do with my son, whether my reasons were high-minded or composed of my own desires, and I didn't really know the mix myself, was something I had only started to consider in just the last few days. 

"Come in," I invited, standing next to my bed, facing the door.

Blake opened the door tentatively and completely forgot about the door when he saw me. My preparations were as effective as I had hoped. His eyes widened in shock. "Wow!" he breathed. He stared at me, looking up and down, unable to find just one place for his eyes to focus. I felt a thrill that I had managed to strike him speechless. Well, he was almost speechless. "Mom, you're gorgeous!"

"Thank you, Blake," I responded with a smile. "I hoped you'd like what you saw."

"I like what I see, Mom, I love you," he breathed in response. He continued to stare at me, his eyes darting from place to place, never stopping.

"Blake, close the door and come in," I invited.

He blinked and turned to comply.

"Mom, I don't know what to do," he stammered.

"Come over here and lets talk about it," I invited, sitting on the bed. When I turned to face him, tucking a leg underneath, my wrap-around skirt separated to reveal much of my right thigh.

Blake was captivated by my thigh as he sat next to me on the bed. He turned to mirror my posture.

"If we're going to satisfy the bet, we'd better understand the one more kiss game," I said. "Do you know the rules?"

"No, just that it's a progressive game and it involves kissing," he said.

"Well, brace yourself, Blake, because there's more to it than that," I said. "The first rule is that each kiss requires touching something that hasn't been touched during prior kisses."

His eyes widened with awareness. "That could get pretty interesting, pretty fast," he observed.

"Yes, it could," I confirmed. "The second rule is that players are to be totally involved in what's going on. The rule doesn't allow any hesitation, shyness or reluctance. Hang-ups have no part in this game."

"I guess that's why Judy liked the game for Elroy," he mused. "I wonder what happened when he played it."

"I really don't know," I commented.

Blake thought for a moment. "Mom, this could get really intimate. Are you sure you want to do this?" His agile mind always impressed me.

"I knew the rules when I offered to pay the debt for Judy," I assured him. "So I knew what I was getting into. You and your sister, on the other hand, were blindly headed toward more intimacy than I thought you should encounter by surprise. When you and I are done with this game, I need to talk with you and Judy about your bets and payoffs."

"I guess so," he agreed thoughtfully. "But Mom, this is a level eleven payoff. That means lots of touching. Are you sure about this? We can mutually agree to call it off."

"No, Blake, every debt must be paid," I asserted. "There are two reasons your father and I raised you with that rule. The first is that you have to have integrity to live a quality life. The second is that you have to experience the consequences of your decisions if you are to develop your awareness of how you make commitments. My intention is to go forward with this. But let me ask you. If you had to choose between going ahead with this game or canceling the debt, what would you choose? Do you want this game?"

I couldn't miss the gleam in his eyes. "Honestly, Mom, I want this," he confirmed. There was now no doubt. Even his offer to cancel the bet was given from kindness, not from an honest desire to stop. He really wanted to play this game with me. So for me to cancel the debt, even with his offer to do so, would be wrong.

"Then the debt will be paid," I affirmed. "I'll honor the bet in letter and spirit."

"So how do we start?" he asked.

"We start with a kiss," I said. "After all, the game is one more kiss. The second rule says it should be a good kiss, not just a peck on the cheek. And we should both enjoy it. I thought maybe something like a goodnight kiss you'd share at the end of a good date. What do you think?"

"Mom, I sometimes let my hands wander a little during a goodnight kiss," he objected.

"The rules say no hang-ups and both people are fully involved," I pointed out. "Maybe we should just try it and see how things work out."

"OK, Mom, I'm ready," he said. "Do we want to kiss here or what?" He was obviously uneasy about how to start.

I stood up and motioned for him to stand in front of me. When he did, I immediately noticed the bulge in his slacks. I stepped toward him and held out my arms. He echoed my move and we found each other embracing. I felt the pressure of his chest on my breasts and the bulge in his pants pushing against my stomach. I lifted my face and our lips met.

I felt his eagerness in our kiss. Still, it felt strange to be kissing my son on the lips. The last time I had kissed him on the lips was when he was a toddler and didn't know what kisses were. It was cute to see him try to figure out how to kiss. I had stopped kissing him on the lips when he learned a little more about kissing. Of course, at that age, there was no sexual meaning in our kisses. He was just really cute about the whole thing.

I pushed that memory aside and tried to get more involved. There was no part for that memory in my warm, sensual kiss with the adult man in my arms. Blake was talented with his lips, expressing a passionate song with his lips and tongue. I had enjoyed the addition of tongue to our kiss and didn't even notice when we took that step.

It felt so good to kiss Blake that I began to caress his back, almost automatically. He returned the gesture and I felt the waves of pleasure flow through me with his talented touches.

Again, I barely noticed when we began to caress each others' behinds. I noticed that his butt was firm and nice to touch. His tender caresses on my butt showed that he enjoyed touching me as much as I enjoyed his touch and enjoyed touching him as well. I was surprised at how good it felt to caress his sexy, firm and well-rounded butt. His boner felt incredibly good, pressed between us. I squeezed and pulled his butt as we intensified our tongue dance in our kiss.

I thrilled when I felt that special touch at the lower curve of my butt cheeks, the touch that only my husband had ever given me. Then that thought triggered a panic response. I was shocked with the emotional realization that my son had just caressed me as only my husband had touched me before. I gasped and pulled away from our kiss.

"Mom, did I do something wrong?" Blake asked with obvious concern.

What could I say? My panic was an emotional response to the surprise I experienced. Blake had done nothing wrong. I was further surprised at my emotional response. Had all my previous soul-searching been purely intellectual? Would I experience other unexpected emotional responses? And where had Blake learned to touch me like that?

None of that really mattered, I needed to get a grip on myself. "No, Blake, you didn't do anything wrong," I assured him. "I just thought of something and got distracted. I'm sorry I let that happen. But I guess that's the end of the first kiss. You're a good kisser, you know. Give me a second and we'll start the second kiss. Would you like to do anything different to start?"

"I really would, Mom, if you don't mind," he said. "Do you mind if I stand behind you and kiss you over your shoulder?"

"Sure, we can do that," I answered with a smile. "Do you have something in mind for that position?"

"Yes, I think I know what I want to touch, Mom," he answered enthusiastically. "May I?"

"Sure you can," I agreed. "The rules say we have to touch more than we did before."

I turned my back to Blake and turned my head to my right so we could kiss. It was a little awkward but I wanted to know what he had in mind. Actually, I had an idea so I wasn't surprised when he immediately cupped my big breasts in his eager hands. His touch was delightful and I relaxed into the kiss and his warm, caressing hands.

When Blake was little, after he was weaned from feeding from my breasts, he had a habit that was both annoying and too cute to stop. When I held him, his little hands would inevitably find their ways to my hard nipples. I've never worn a bra that hid or suppressed my nipples, except while I was nursing. It was always such a pleasure to rub my breasts on objects I passed or on my escort if I was dating or out with my husband. And with my large breasts, I never needed any padding. So Blake's little hands could always find my nipples. He would reflexively squeeze and pinch them in his version of the simple grasping reflex that infants and toddlers always have. It was always non-sexual for him, children of that age have no awareness of sexual impacts of their actions.

What was I thinking? This was no time to reminisce about the cute and innocent behaviors of a tiny child. I pushed the thoughts of tiny Blake out of my mind and focused on adult Blake's touches on my breasts. As his hands cupped my breasts, or rather attempted to cup them, he tweaked my nipples and sent thrills of pleasure shooting through my body.

My pleasure increased as I realized just how good it felt to have Blake's hard-on pressed against my butt. He rubbed it back and forth, making sure I felt it and, I was sure, giving himself some additional stimulation. I savored the contact, wondering in my pleasure how it would feel to wrap my hand around such a proudly hard member. I slid a hand around behind me to touch his side. Sliding it farther, I moved it lower and pressed it between us. It didn't take long for me to reach my goal, stroking the bulge in his trousers. It was, indeed, a proud member and I felt my excitement grow as I softly explored its outlines with my searching fingers.

Blake continued to caress one breast and tweak its nipple, each tweak giving yet another spark of excitement and pleasure to our game. He moved his other hand down my torso to slide it inside the overlap on my dress, caressing my stomach through my soft, pink lace panties. Even though my husband had only been gone a week, my son's pleasure-filled touch felt like something I had been missing for a long time. I didn't know if I should press my stomach to his hand or my butt to his hard cock. Drawing the most pleasure I could, I rocked my hips forward and back, loving the touch of his hand through my panties and his cock with my hand and my butt.

In spite of the awkwardness of our kiss, our posture felt exciting and familiar. I went with the delightful flow, my hand automatically stroking Blake's hard cock through his soft trousers, then sliding his zipper down to give me access inside. Now I stroked his cock with only his boxer shorts between my hand and his skin. The increased intimacy of our touches made me want to jump with happiness. His hand on my stomach slid lower to stroke my pussy and clit through my panties. God, but he had a wonderful touch! I had to have his hand touching my bare pussy and clit! When I slid my hand to the head of his cock and beyond, to push his boxers down, he slid his hand to the waist of my panties and caressed inside down to my mound. I grasped his bare, hard boner. It felt so good, so big, so hard! I thrilled when my son's dick throbbed at my touch. He loved it as much as I did! I gasped when Blake slid his hand to gently rub a finger on my clit. He knew exactly how to thrill me, to touch me gently then explore further.I was shocked to realize that my actions with Blake, my son, were exactly those I had taken with my husband, the first time we had engaged in risky foreplay. We had gone to a dance and had found ourselves on an otherwise deserted patio. We faced the railing, kissed and explored each other exactly as Blake and I just did. What was going on? How had Blake known about those particular moves? Or had our touches been serendipitous, accidental echoes of what I had shared with my husband more than twenty years before?

In my shock, I didn't realize that I had stopped kissing Blake and had pulled my hand from his cock.

"Is something wrong, Mom?" he asked.

I turned to face him, rotating away from his hand that was inside my panties. My move made his hand withdraw from my pussy. I realized that the move could be misinterpreted. "No, Blake, nothing is wrong," I assured him. "I just got distracted again. I'm sorry that it disturbed you."

"I thought, when you pulled away, . . ." he started.

"I didn't mean to pull away," I interrupted, pulling him for a quick, soft kiss. "Blake, I really enjoyed what we just did. I intend to enjoy it even more with our next kiss. When you think about it, we've come a long way with just two kisses. Don't you think so?"

"When you put it that way, yes," he agreed. "We're not going to make it to eleven, are we, Mom?"

"I don't think so," I confirmed.

I thought about what Blake and I had just done. I knew, when I agreed to pay off Judy's bet, that I would most likely end up having sex with Blake, my son. Intellectually, after all my agonized analysis, even with all my distracting memories and feelings, my decision seemed good and I still couldn't see any alternative that would have been any better. But how good would the experience be for Blake if I continued to run into emotional shocks that derailed me? To do this right, if right were a word that could be used with my coming incest with my son, I had to go with the excitement and passion of the encounter. I had to fuck him eagerly and thoroughly. If he used some touches that I thought of as special between me and my husband, I had to embrace the special feelings and use them to enhance our experience.

"You seem thoughtful, Mom," Blake observed. "Are you having second thoughts about this? Do you want to quit?"

"I know why I got distracted, Son, and I don't intend for it to happen again," I assured him. "Your touches felt wonderful to me and I'm looking forward to experiencing what you want to touch next. Why, do you want to quit?"

"No way, Mom," he said so quickly that I almost laughed. "I don't want to quit. I want just as many kisses as I can get, whether we touch more or not. But I want to touch more. You have no idea how much I want to do this with you. I've wanted to kiss and touch you for a long, long time. This is my dream, my fantasy. There's no way I'll voluntarily quit now."

Would these shocks never quit? I already knew that Blake thought I was sexy and had masturbated with me as his inspiration. But his fantasy? His dream? That was a surprise. No wonder he wanted to continue. And I was committed. As long as he wanted to continue, I was compelled to oblige. More, I had to continue eagerly and passionately. There was now no alternative. Probably with the next kiss, or maybe the one after, I would fuck my son. I would commit incest willingly and eagerly. Then I realized that I would do this not from any obligation but because I wanted to. I really wanted to have sex with my son!

"Then we'll continue," I announced. Blake's face lit up with happiness. "Since this is your fantasy, Blake, tell me what you'd like to touch next? What would you like to do?"

"I want to kiss your boobs, your nipples," he announced. "Actually, I want to kiss you all over. Is that all right with you?"

"That's fine with me," I confirmed, feeling my eagerness in my wet pussy. "Should we do anything to get ready?"

"May I undress you, Mom?" he asked hesitantly. In spite of his hesitation, I saw the eagerness in his face.

"Of course you can, Blake," I agreed. I was surprisingly hesitant about this, in spite of my decision and desire to continue. But allowing Blake to undress me was part of what we needed to do. No, change that. I wanted to have sex with my son. So I must also want him to undress me. Recognizing my dilemma, I channeled my excitement and pleasure into eagerness to proceed with his wish. I was eager to continue. Blake's touch was as exciting as my husband's, even though I was confused by some similarities in how they touched me. I was also excited by the forbidden relationship, the incest I was about to commit. I had given my word. I had adopted the debt. And a debt must always be paid. And I wanted to continue, to fulfill Blake's fantasy and experience all that my son had to offer.

Blake reached for the ties at the waist of my dress. He quickly released them and pushed my dress to the sides, revealing my matching pink lace panties and my pink lace bra. I knew my nipples could be seen through the bra, partly because it was semi-transparent and partly because my nipples were erect, making their presence known because of their hard tips pushing out.

His eager gaze confirmed for me that he was indeed living his dream, his fantasy. Then, in a moment, he looked confused. I took the hint and reached behind me to unhook my bra. I guessed that he wanted to witness the moment my breasts were released. The newly delighted look on his face confirmed my guess. I held my arms forward and he reverently pulled my bra away from my breasts.

My breasts sagged more than they did twenty years before. Such was the burden of practically every woman with large breasts. Still, where other women my age experienced significant droop, mine dropped just a little when Blake released them. Firm and full, they swayed before his eyes and I watched as his eyes raptly followed their motion.

Blake was so entranced with my breasts that I kicked off my shoes and slid my panties off without disrupting his focus. I stood before him, naked and open to his entranced gaze. Again and again in our encounter, I saw evidence of his fascination with his mother. What woman could ask for more devotion, more desire in a lover?

I motioned for Blake to take a step toward me. When he did, I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders to fall on the floor. I opened his trousers and pushed them down over his hips to fall around his ankles. I pushed his boxers down, fascinated when his hard-on bounced free, bobbing before my face. I nudged him to sit on the bed and knelt in front of him to pull of his shoes, socks, trousers and boxers.

With both of us fully naked, I stood in front of Blake, bringing my breasts close to his face. He reacted as I expected, reverently kissing first one nipple then the other. His lips and tongue renewed the electric surges of pleasure running through my body. I thought briefly about Blake as a baby, nursing at these same breasts. Pushing that thought aside. I relished the deliciously sensual feelings as he gently rubbed his tongue across each nipple.

Blake's touch reminded me of my husband's approach when we took time away from our children for an extended time of sexual play. He always started slowly and gently, just as Blake was doing, building for our increased mutual pleasure.

I pressed my breast softly onto Blake's mouth, allowing my husband and son to merge in my mind, to enhance the pleasure I felt in Blake's oral attentions to my sensitive mounds.

Blake pulled me to the bed and I followed his lead, reclining receptively, wondering what he would do next.

Over the next half hour, Blake worshipped my body, trailing kisses everywhere I could think of and a few places I overlooked. Each kiss brought more pleasure and I wondered, as I relished each touch, how he decided the sequence. But the thought was fleeting, flooded out of existence by the pleasure my son gave me.

When Blake settled his mouth on my pussy, tonguing my labia and flicking my clit, I pulled his hips toward my head. His cock was rock-hard as I wrapped my lips around it and licked toward the head. I engulfed his cock-head in my mouth, licking around and over it, tasting his delicious pre-cum.

I had suspected, when I held his cock in my hand earlier, that Blake's cock was larger than his father's. Now, with my son's cock in my mouth, I knew it was true. After long practice, I could deep throat my husband's cock but could I engulf all of my son's? I was going to try.

Blake's talented tongue flicked and licked over my pussy and clit, never stopping, always seeking another sensitive spot to tease. I felt my body twitch with shocks of pleasure each time he found another spot. Even when he revisited some spots, each touch felt new. My husband did that. How did Blake learn to do it? It was obvious that Blake had experience eating pussy, he did it so well. And, as much as I enjoyed my husband's attentions to my eager pussy, my son's attentions were somehow more intense, more personal, more stimulating! I felt myself building to a fast and strong orgasm.

True to the wager, I let the pleasure build, not trying to control or restrain it, going eagerly forward. After a couple of strokes on my son's cock, I engulfed its entire length, burying my nose in his pubic hair. Blake gasped in surprise but quickly resumed his loving attentions on my pussy.

I grasped Blake's butt cheeks and pulled in rhythm to get his help in thrusting his cock down my throat. He cooperated beautifully. I licked his cock head and caught my breath with each cycle, then engulfed his hardness deep into my throat with the thrust of his hips.

My son focused his attentions on my clit, stroking, rubbing, circling with his tongue while he grasped my butt cheeks and pulled my pussy more firmly to his mouth. I was on the ragged edge of my orgasm when I felt his balls pull up and his cock throb in my mouth. I licked and sucked his cock head before pulling him one more time deep into my throat. His gusher of cum shot down my throat just as my orgasm washed over me, sending me to a corner of heaven I had only neared other times.

My son and I clutched each others' butts, pressing our mouths to each others' sex, frozen in mutual orgasmic passion. It seemed to take forever for us to fully experience our orgasms but I felt relaxed and full of pleasure when I pulled off his cock out of my throat to take a breath.

I languished in the after-glow of the first orgasm my son gave me, holding his soft cock and some of his cum in my mouth to savor the wonderful flavor. I liked the feelings so much that it took a while before I realized just how much I enjoyed myself and how eager I was to experience more with Blake. I had to have him in my pussy, to have his cock embedded in the flesh that bore him. It seemed mere moments before he was again hard. As quickly as he revived, I was more than ready, already impatient to feel him embedded deep in my body.

In spite of my son's efforts to suck all my juices from my pussy, I knew I was still, or again, wet and ready. But this time, it wouldn't be his tongue probing me, it would be his cock.

"Come and kiss me, darling Blake, continue our kiss," I invited my son. "We have more to do before this kiss is done."

Blake didn't hesitate, turning to bring his mouth to mine. I relinquished my lip-lock on his cock but kept a hand wrapped around its hardness. I let him taste the little bit of his cum that I kept in my mouth, at the same time enjoying the taste of my cum-juice on his lips. Our tongues danced to enjoy our union even more. God but my son was a good kisser! Waves of pleasure swept over me yet again from our making out session. One of Blake's hands found a breast, intensifying my pleasure as he caressed my sensitive tit. When he tweaked a nipple, I gasped with another surge of excitement.

"You're so wonderful, Blake, do you want to fuck your mother?" I asked.

"Hell, yes, I do," he answered excitedly. "Are you ready, Mom?"

"I'm more than ready," I assured him.

I guided his penis as he positioned himself between my wide-spread legs. I stroked my eager cunt with the head of his hard-on but couldn't wait for any more play. I positioned his cock between my hunger labia and lifted my hips, pulling him inside before he had even a chance to thrust. It wasn't full penetration but Blake got the idea immediately. He thrust and slid his big cock fully into my pussy in one, long, smooth, thrilling stroke.

Blake gasped with the feeling, the surprise at how clinging my pussy was. My husband always talked about how my pussy seemed to cling to his cock with each stroke, in and out. Now my son had started to experience the same thing. Apparently, it surprised him.

He began long, slow strokes in and out of my pussy and I felt the drag as my vaginal walls clung to him.

"Mom, you're amazing," he breathed. "Your pussy feels like nothing I've ever felt before."

"Your hard cock feels the same way to me, Son," I responded.

Blake continued his slow strokes, which reminded me more and more of how his father liked to fuck me. The feeling was so delicious and always built in intensity. How had Blake learned to do that? But Blake's version, my son's version, was even nicer than his father's. Don't ever let anyone kid you, size does matter and Blake was bigger than his father. As my son continued to stroke me, the gentle pleasures growing with every thrust, I knew I would regret it if I had to give up this experience. But that was a thought for another time. I willed the thought away and wallowed in the excitement building inside me.

In the glow of my excitement, I didn't realize it when Blake first changed his motion. This was another of his father's favorite moves. Blake swung his hips from side to side, then pushed inside just a little more. He repeated this so skillfully that I strained with my hips to get him further inside. But he was relentless. He stirred my insides, deeper and deeper, side to side, until he was fully engulfed in my hot snatch. As I pressed toward him with my hips, there was no more to take in. I wasn't about to complain, of course, because his cock head was nestled at my cervix, still stirring from his hip action, rubbing me deep inside with strokes of passion.

"Oh, my God, Blake, you're so good, so deep, so big," I gasped. "I love you, son. I love your hard cock. I want, no, I need more of your hard cock. Don't ever deny me what I need."

"I won't, Mom," he assured me. "My cock is yours whenever you want it. I need your pussy, too, Mom. Promise me I can always have your pussy. May I have your cunt?"

What had I just done? In the heat of our passion, I had just asked my son to promise I could have his cock whenever I needed it. And he agreed! But I had to stop this, not right now, that would be impossible. But I had to stop it. I had protected Judy from incest with Blake but wouldn't it be wrong for me to continue to have sex with my son? God knows I wanted to. I desperately wanted to have lots of sex with my son, my incredibly talented, sexy son. But my rational mind insisted that this had to be a one-time event.

My lusty feelings took over. I couldn't answer his request but I could speak volumes with my body.

"Fuck me, Blake, fuck me like there's no tomorrow!" I demanded. I pulled his butt toward me and lifted my hips to try to get him deeper inside.

Blake responded to my demand, pressing into me with all his energy, then beginning some serious stroking, thrusting action. I nearly went out of my mind with the thrills he gave me. He started with short, quick strokes, pushing as deep as possible with each one. Then he pulled out farther and pushed in again, each stroke being even more of a thrust and the head of his cock pushing on my cervix each time he plumbed my depths.

I went wild with the feelings my dear, darling son gave me. I pulled him to help with each thrust. I felt my jaw stretching wide and my head thrashing from side to side, struggling to express the intensity of what I felt with my son's ramming, wholly welcome invasion of my eager, pleasure-filled body. I swung and lifted my hips so each of my son's strokes took a different intensely stimulating path to my cervix. Never had so many parts of my vagina been stroked so thoroughly, so intensely, so magically.

My pleasure was so intense that I didn't even know when I started cumming. But I did. I came with a surprising and thrilling intensity. And I kept cumming. I don't know how long it was but I felt like Blake and I were one in a single, all-consuming orgasm.

Slowly, I became aware that there was something else in the world besides our orgasm, our wonderful orgasm. I felt weak, as though I had single-handedly moved the world. I felt the heat in my depth that had to be Blake's seed, his blending with my insides. My arms were clutched around him, as were my legs as I continued to hold my dear Blake as close to me as I could. Only gradually did my muscles relax, not because I wanted them to but because they had to.

"That was wonderful, Blake," I exclaimed truthfully, savoring the after-glow feelings of our second mutual orgasm.

"Did you really like it, Mom?" Blake asked eagerly.

"I did," I affirmed. I knew that the bet was for eleven kisses but we had fucked and sucked on the third. The only thing left was anal sex and I wasn't about to do that. So I thought we would have to quit after this experience. I didn't want to quit. I wanted to experience my son's incredible cock more and more, not quit after one experience. But my duty was done. I had fulfilled the wager. Like it or not, I had to go back to being Blake's mother. Sadness flowed into me, almost but not quite overwhelming the echoes of our magical sexual experience.

"I'll bet the next time will be even better," Blake said.

What had he said? What was this about the next time? As much as I had vowed not to be shocked by anything else, Blake's comment shocked me. "What do you mean, the next time?" I asked. I thought we would be done, even though I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life.

"I thought you knew the rules," he said. The look on his face indicated that he had let a cat out of the bag.

It seemed that there was an area of the rules that he knew and I didn't know. Was there something in the rules that required me to have more sex with my son? I couldn't help myself. I felt a shot of joy rush through my body. Sometimes the rules turned out better than expected. But if Blake knew that, he had to know the rules before I explained them.

"Blake, I think you have some explaining to do," I said.

"Maybe you should ask Judy about the rules," he suggested quickly, defensively.

"Maybe I should," I responded. I didn't know if I was eager for the promise of more sex with my son or angry at having been fooled. If Blake knew the rules, I had been really fooled. I climbed off of the bed, threw on a robe and left the bedroom. Blake's cum started to run down my leg and I didn't care. When I got to the living room, I saw a suitcase near the front door. Judy was sitting on the sofa as though waiting.

"Judy, I have a question for you," I said. "And what's the suitcase for?"

"I'll tell you about the suitcase in a little while, Mom," she assured me. "Was that your question or did you have something else in mind?"

"Actually, I have a question about your one more kiss game," I explained. "What happens if it's impossible to complete the game?"

"Do you mean completely impossible or just in the moment?" she asked.

"Tell me about both," I answered.

"Well, if you run out of time to complete the game, you can take a break and resume on another occasion," she explained. "When you resume, you might work your way up to the point where you quit, but you have to get to that point before you can continue.""That makes sense," I said. "I assume that's the case for the moment. What about the completely impossible case?"

"It's kind of like taking a break every time you play," she said. "You have to resume and continue the game. Even if you can't possibly complete it, you have to keep trying."

"So if it's forever impossible?" I prompted. I admit it. I wanted the forever impossible rule to require me to have more sex with my son. But would the Universe be that kind? I eagerly awaited her answer.

"Then you play forever," she confirmed my hope, which would have been my fear if I had asked the question before experiencing Blake's magical cock.

I thought for a few moments. If Blake knew about this part of the rules, he had already played the game or at least some game that was impossible to complete. Then I realized at least one other impossible game that he could have played, and that was with Judy.

"Judy, come to my bedroom with me," I ordered.

"Of course, Mom," she agreed. "What's up?"

"Just come along," I told her.

We walked to my bedroom. When we entered, Blake was reclining on the bed, naked, with his cock once again hard in his hands. Damn it, did everything have to be a shock? It was too late to chase Judy out of the room so I didn't say anything. Neither Blake nor Judy acted as though anything were out of the ordinary, which confirmed another of my guesses.

"Blake, did you know the rules of the one more kiss game before I explained them?" I demanded.

Blake nodded.

"Did you know all of the rules?" I asked more specifically.

"Yes, Mom," he admitted.

"Judy, did you and Blake set me up for tonight?" I demanded, expecting, even hoping for denial.

"Oh, yes, Mom," she said happily. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"What?" I reacted to yet another shock. But was the shock because I was upset at my kids or because I had the chance, no the requirement to experience more with my son? "You set me up and you think it's a good thing? We need to talk, all three of us, about taking advantage of people by playing on their good intentions."

"Oh, Mom, we didn't do anything that you haven't done," Judy responded. "Remember how we conspired to trick Dad into taking our Hawaiian vacation? We played on his good intentions and even got his boss to help so we could pry him away from his job. You didn't seem to think that was a bad thing."

"That was different, it was for his own good," I objected. "And he totally enjoyed the vacation once he got over the surprise."

"Didn't you just enjoy yourself?" Blake asked. The concern on his face made me want to cry. How could he think I didn't enjoy our sex together? I saw that I would hurt him if I denied the truth.

Damn it, how could I deny that I had enjoyed myself with Blake? That would be dishonest and honesty was one of the basic rules of our family.

"Yes, I really enjoyed myself," I admitted. "But wait a minute. You both know about this, you set me up. And there have been other hints that I missed, or didn't connect until now. Blake, have you had sex with your sister?"

"Yes, Mom, I have, and she's great," Blake admitted happily.

"Judy, what do you think about this?" I asked.

"I agree, Mom," she confirmed, almost bouncing with her happiness. "Sex with Blake is great."

"When did you start having sex together?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"On Blake's eighteenth birthday," Judy said happily. "I could hardly wait, and he told me how much he wanted it. But we waited until his eighteenth birthday to make sure there was no statutory rape involved."

I couldn't help swelling with pride. Even though my children had been having an incestuous relationship for more than a year, they were careful to be legal about it and careful to honor the official limits intended to prevent abuse of children too young to know the consequences of their actions.

"So all my worries about protecting you, Judy, were wasted," I commented.

"Oh, no, they weren't wasted, Mom," Judy assured me. "I really appreciate that you wanted to protect me and that you care for both of us."

"Well, I suppose done is done," I continued. "I dreaded having to talk about this with you, Judy. Now I don't have to worry about that. I still dread, though, telling your father about it. You know that we have no secrets in our family. We eventually know everything, even if it takes some time in certain cases."

"Oh, don't worry about Dad, Mom," Judy assured me. "He knows all about it."

"What?" I exclaimed. I controlled my mouth before getting really crazy with my kids. Even if I had shock after shock and they seemed unlikely to quit, Blake and Judy were very forthright about what had happened. They weren't hiding anything. In fact, they were even gentle in bringing me along with the scheme, whatever it was. What had their father done? How had he been involved?

Involved: That was the word. I thought about Blake's familiar touches. My husband had to be responsible for Blake knowing about those.

"Blake, did your father coach you on some touches I like?" I asked.

"Of course, Mom, how would I know them otherwise?" he answered. "Did I do them right?"

Damn his honesty! How could I berate him for trying so hard? "You did them wonderfully," I assured him. "But some of those touches were quite intimate. It would be difficult to learn them unless . . . Judy, did you help with the coaching?"

"Of course, Mom, and I was happy to do it," she bubbled. "It's so neat knowing just how sexy and responsive you are when you and Dad have sex."

"So your dad showed you the touches and you helped Blake to get them right?" I prompted.

"That's exactly what we did," she affirmed. "It was so much fun."

"Judy, I want you to answer my next question honestly," I warned her.

"Of course, Mom, I don't keep any secrets from you, at least not for long," she assured me. "What's your question?"

"Have you had sex with your father?" I asked. I knew the answer but I had to ask anyway. My real question was the follow-up.

"Absolutely," she answered happily. "He's so great, I could just eat him up. In fact, I have eaten him up. He's delicious."

"How long have you been having sex with your father?" I asked. This was the important question, or so I thought.

"Since my eighteenth birthday," she answered. From the open and honest look on her face, I knew her answer was true.

"I noticed that he seemed a little tired right after your birthday," I mused. "But since then it seemed like he had even more sexual energy than ever. Have you had lots of sex with him or just a little?"

"Oh, I have sex with him every chance I get," she bragged. "But we're careful. I drained him a couple of times, right after my birthday. That was such fun! The rest of the time, I had sex with him after you were done, so I didn't take anything away from you. And when I got him first, I made sure I left him excited and with energy to spare. So when he left me to join you, he was as fired up as I could make him."

"Are you telling me that you made my husband even more eager to have sex with me?" I prompted.

"Of course, Mom," she confirmed. "You always taught us to treat people with respect and to do everything we could to make their lives better. I did make your life better, didn't I?"

"You definitely did," I agreed. How could I do otherwise? Judy's description fit the facts that I knew so perfectly that I couldn't doubt her story. And my husband had definitely shown more excitement in our bed since Judy's eighteenth birthday.

"OK, all of this is interesting, but it doesn't answer my basic questions," I complained.

"I can help with that, Mom," Judy explained. "Blake and I set you up to have sex with Blake. He has wanted that for years. Even when he started to have sex with me, his favorite fantasy was to pretend that I was you. We got together with Dad for advice and, between the three of us, came up with our scheme. You've only experienced the first part of it. The rest goes like this. You have a week, alone with Blake. By the rules of the game, the ones you agreed to, you have to have sex with him and enjoy it. Since you already had sex with him, you know that it will be lots of fun. So you get to fuck his brains out for the next week."

So I knew the full story. I felt numb with the culmination of all the shocks I had experienced. But this shock was different. Where the others had tied me in knots, this shock freed me. Finally, what I needed to do was exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to have more sex with my son. My commitment to the bet between my daughter and my son was such that I had to have more sex with my son. All I needed to do was figure out when we could fulfill our desires.

"But your father will be back in a day or two," I objected. I couldn't believe my own ears. I was eager to have sex with my son but I was throwing up objections.

"That's already taken care of," Judy continued. "Dad was on a business trip last week but not this coming week. In fact, he's at a hotel waiting for me. My suitcase is packed and I'm going to be with him as soon as we're done talking here. I'm going to go fuck his brains out for the next week, while you do the same for Blake. Then, when we all get together again, things should get really interesting. I can promise you, Mom, having sex with Blake and Dad together is out of this world!"

"And your father knows all about this?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

"Definitely," Judy answered. "I peeked in while you and Blake were fucking. You were both having such an intensely good time that I knew it would work out just fine. I called Dad to give him the good news. Then I waited for you to ask your questions. Fifteen minutes after we're done talking, I'm going to be knocking on the door to Dad's room. Five minutes later, I'm going to be fucking him. I can hardly wait. May I go now?"

Judy's eagerness with her last question was the final straw that convinced me that everything would work out just fine. "Just fine" wasn't a good enough expression, though. My pride in my kids swelled and joined with my excitement, my eagerness to immerse myself in a full week of all-consuming sex with my son. My kids had made it all possible! Through all the shocks, my wonderfully brilliant kids set me up to align my desires with my duty, my mind's conclusions with my body's cravings.

"You may go," I told her. "Just remember that we're still going to have to talk about how we treat people. This kind of trickery has to be handled responsibly."

"Yes, Mother," Judy said over her shoulder as she ran out of the room.

"As for you, Blake, we have something do deal with right now," I said as sternly as I could, trying with difficulty to keep from licking my lips. Blake's mesmerizing cock was still hard and I found that I wanted it even more now that I could have it without distracting thoughts and worries.

"I'm sorry, Mom," he blurted, ready to apologize even though I knew he didn't regret any part of his scheme.

"Don't tell me you're sorry," I ordered. "You tricked me into the game and I'll carry through on my commitment. Before we start, I want you to know exactly what to expect. First, I'm going to ride your cock while you suck my nipples. Is that clear?" I tried to act as sternly as I could but it was difficult. I knew he would be delighted with my demand. However, I doubted that he knew how eager I was for us to act on that same demand.

After a couple of moments while he sorted out the discrepancy between my tone and my demand, he understood what I wanted and beamed from ear to ear. He struggled to put a compliant, apologetic tone in his voice as he replied. "That's clear, Mother," he answered. "I'll try to do it just right."

"Be sure that you do," I ordered. "When we're done with that, and I expect it to take quite some time, I want you to show me all the touches you were coached on, the touches that turn me on and the touches that remind me of special circumstances. Can you do that for me?"

"I'll be happy to, Mother," he answered happily. All pretense of being disciplined was gone. My two requests were like Christmas presents for my son.

"Good," I confirmed. "Now lay back and let's get started."

I was so horny from my discussion with my two kids and my anticipation of the sex to follow that I knew my pussy was totally lubricated and ready.

I crawled across the bed and straddled Blake's stomach. Lifting myself up, I positioned his hard-on at the entrance to my pussy.

I lowered myself, slowly, taking his big cock inside. It was definitely bigger than his father's. Teasing myself and Blake as I slowly pressed his hardness into my pussy, I felt his wonderful shaft stretch me and fill me, a tantalizing bit at a time.

Looking at Blake's face as I continued to slowly lower myself onto his shaft, I saw an expression of delighted wonder on his face. That look thrilled me. He wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to fuck him, if not more. I was about to fuck my son, my only, wonderfully hard son, again. I wanted to do it. I would do it, without hesitation, without distraction, without coercion, eagerly and often. I sighed with pleasure as I took the last bit of his cock into my body, filling myself with his big, hard love muscle. That felt so good that I wondered why I hadn't made it happen long before.

I leaned forward, lowering my breasts toward his open mouth, his tongue already flicking with anticipation. An incredibly thrilling shock of pleasure shot through my body when his lips finally captured one of my nipples. He sucked it into his mouth and delivered such a lovingly intense, pulsing suction that I sighed again with anticipation and pleasure. This would be a week I would never forget and would often repeat.