All About Fun

Snow crunched under the tires as Bill pulled his SUV off the plowed road and onto an expanse of dirty snow under a gray sky. He parked near the end of the empty lot, as he often did, facing the river. After a moment, Bill turned off the ignition and put down the window. He sat absent-mindedly listening to the stillness of a mid-winter afternoon. 

Except for the infrequent passing car, which he could hear for almost a minute before and after it passed, the whole world seemed muffled, dead, frozen. He wished he hadn't given up smoking. A cigarette would be good right now.

He looked out at the broken ice floating slowly down the gray river, and thought about his muffled, dull office, with its gray plastic laminate desks, gray cubicles, gray tack boards, gray carpet, and fluorescent lights. Having just left that somnolent cave, he was on his way home to another. He thought about his once white, but now slightly gray house, with its gray shingle roof, and his gray dog. 

He turned on the radio. Jimmy Buffet. Not in the mood for that, he turned it off again.

He ran his fingers through his graying hair and sighed. Melanie was probably shoveling a tray of brownies into her face, while waiting for him to come home and listen to her complain about one thing or another. 

Bill put the window back up, and started the engine, but then paused with his hand on the shifter. Going home didn't sound very enticing. He could stop at Ted's Bar and have a drink, but that was getting old. Maybe some fresh air would do him some good. He turned the car off again and pocketed the key. He slammed the door, turned up the collar on his gray coat, and trudged off through the ankle-deep snow. The overlaying crust broke with a crack and a dull thud at each step. The air felt heavy. Snow fell in large wet flakes.

Reaching the bridge, he glanced back at his gray SUV, already dusted with snow, and then started across. At least the walk had been cleared by one of the city's small sidewalk plows. The damned things always wrecked a big piece of his front lawn every winter.

Above, the streetlights hummed. Every now and then one would blink out, and then relight a moment later. In the gray murk, whether it was on or off seemed to make little difference.

At the middle of the bridge, Bill stopped and rested his hands on the railing. The sound of tires on wet pavement occasionally intruded on the stillness, and then faded away into the distance, to be replaced again by the lonely hum of the streetlights.

After standing there mindlessly for some time, he realized that the pale daylight was nearly gone. He could see almost nothing as he peered downriver through the gloom. Soon it would be pitch black.

He leaned over the railing and looked down into the dark water. Large chunks of ice drifted out from under the bridge and swirled away on the dark surface. A couple of weeks ago a fellow jumped here, on a night much like this. It was front page news for several days. Thinking about it, Bill shivered. What a miserable way to go! The bridge wasn't high enough that you would die in the fall. It would be either drowning or hypothermia, or both, that did you in. It was horrible to contemplate. 

If Bill were going to commit suicide he would use a pistol. Having been in the army, he knew how to use one. His son Jake was in the service now, serving in Iraq. Bill was proud if his son and the troops and the job they were doing, in spite of ...

Bill was jerked out of this rehashing of old things in his mind by a young female voice behind him. "Dude!"

Startled, Bill jumped and spun around to see a metallic red BMW stopped at the curb. The owner of the voice was smiling at him from the passenger-side window, her face framed in a bright red scarf and a pure white knit hat. Her blue eyes looked intently into his. He looked back just as intently, studying her. 

She looked to be about 22, with a passing resemblance, maybe, to Audrey Hepburn in her day. Wisps of dark hair were just visible under the hat. Silver pendant earrings sparkled against her pale white skin. Her lips were pink, and glossy. Just lip gloss though, probably. It didn't look like she was wearing lipstick.

"What are you doing out here on a night like this?" She asked. Bill stared at her soft, glossy pink lips as they moved.

"Nothing," he said. "Just thinking," he added. The snow had changed to sleet.

"Not thinking about jumping, I wouldn't suppose." She said it as if it were a statement, rather than a question.

"No, I was thinking about ... it's none of your business."

She opened the door and stepped out, or more correctly, she stepped up, onto the sidewalk. She wore a long white cashmere coat, and black leather platform boots that allowed her to almost, but not quite, stand eye-to-eye with Bill. Otherwise, she was probably about five foot three. Red mittens matched her red scarf.

She stepped forward until her face filled his entire field of view. Standing with her hands at her sides, she studied his eyes. "Uh huh," she said, "none of my business." She leaned so her face was even closer. Bill stared back into her blue eyes, uncomfortably.

"You know someone jumped off this bridge two weeks ago', she said. 

"Yeah, I know," Bill responded sullenly. He didn't really want to discuss it. But she was so pretty he wouldn't mind talking to her for a while. She was cuter than cute. "I didn't know him," Bill said, trying to muster a smile.

"Where is your car?" she asked, taking two steps back. 

Bill relaxed a little. As much as he liked this girl in close up, he was glad to have a little more space. He gestured down the bridge, toward the lot. The sleet, mixed with freezing rain, was coming down harder now.

"Hop in, we'll give you ride" she said, gesturing with her red mitten at the door she had left open.

"That's ok."

"What's ok? Come on! We'd like to give you a ride"

Bill bent down to look into the car. If this girl's boyfriend was some big Guido he was not getting in. He blinked and looked again. The driver was not only another woman, but dressed exactly the same. Weird! 

"What are you, in some kind of singing group or something?" he asked.

"Something like that," she said impatiently. "Now please get in! It's too shitty out here!" Bill shrugged and plunked himself onto the seat. What's the worst thing that could happen? 

The girl closed the door behind him and got in the back seat. 

The lady in the driver's seat smiled at him and chirped "Hi, I'm Eileen!" 

Bill thought he was seeing things. He twisted his body around to look behind him. "You're twins!"

"Yes," replied the girl in the back seat. "I'm Irene".

"Cute! You're parents had fun with that, didn't they?"

"Fun is what we're all about", said Eileen. She put the car in gear and let out the clutch.

Irene laughed. "Last year, visiting in Japan, we were both Irene." She playfully pushed the back of his head. "What's your name?"

Bill pointed up ahead. "My car is in this lot on the right!"

"That's not your name." said Eileen.

"What?" said Bill. "Hey this is it! Turn here!"

Eileen drove by without slowing down. "I can't stop. The road's too icy. No braking action." She laughed, and then said seriously, "Irene said we'd give you a ride."

"But I didn't say a ride to your car." Irene said.

"Well it wasn't an unreasonable assumption," said Bill, twisting around to look at his car. Soon it was out of sight.

"We are kidnapping you," said Irene, matter-of-factly.

"It's for your own good," said Eileen, bringing the BMW to a slow stop at an intersection. 

"Dude! Why don't you tell us your name?" said Irene.

Bill didn't think he liked being called dude. "It's Bill," he said." "Please call me Bill. Now let me ... " 

Bill yanked at the door handle to open it, but nothing happened. 

"Child locks", said Eileen.

"You aren't joking are you?" asked Bill. 

"Nope" said Irene. When the light turned green she accelerated through a left turn and drove up an entrance ramp to the freeway.

Eileen looked over at him. Her expression was suddenly serious. "We couldn't let you jump off that bridge, Bill"

"I wasn't going to jump!" he shouted.

"You don't need to yell," said Irene. "We are going to be very good friends." Then after a pause, "Maybe he really does just want to go home."

"I don't think so", said Eileen. "If he wanted to go home he would have been going home instead of getting ready to jump off a bridge."

"Goddammit, I wasn't going to jump!" Bill seethed.

"So we've got it all wrong and you are perfectly happy and you just like hanging out on bridges in the freezing rain?" Eileen asked.

Bill didn't answer.

"What reason do you have to go straight home? Gotta feed the kids?"

"No, no kids," said Bill.

"Wife?" asked Irene.

Bill didn't answer.

"Is she gonna starve to death if you don't dash home and cook dinner?" Irene asked.

Bill imagined Melanie slumped in front of the TV, the Lazy-Boy sagging under her weight. She certainly wasn't in danger of starving to death any time soon.

These girls were really irritating, but maybe they had a point. Even if he wasn't planning to kill himself, he wasn't very happy lately. He hadn't been happy for a long time. Eileen had said she and her sister were all about fun. Bill hadn't had much fun lately. What if he just went along? What's the worst thing that could happen?

"Ok, ok!" he said. "You got me. What are you planning to do with me now?"

Eileen downshifted and steered the car down an exit ramp. "How about we just relax a bit and then figure it out?" She smiled at him. He just shrugged.

At the bottom of the ramp she turned right, and then right again at the Chillwick Motor Hotel. She stopped the car in front of Room 109. "Here we are!" She chirped.

Eileen bounded out of the car and opened the room. As Bill got out, Irene put both her hands in the middle of his back and pushed him through the door, as if to make sure he didn't have any second thoughts. 

Inside, Eileen took off her hat and shook her hair loose. It fell over her shoulders, straight, chocolate brown and glossy. She looked like a model in a TV shampoo ad as she headed for the mini-bar, trying to stomp the snow off her boots on the way.

Irene unzipped Bill's coat and pushed it off his shoulders. He caught it behind his back and threw it over the desk chair, wondering if this could possibly be heading where it seemed to be heading. It didn't seem possible.

Irene pulled off her hat and shook out her flowing brown hair just like her sister had done. Then she unbuttoned her coat as Bill stared, mesmerized.

Eileen asked, to no one in particular, "How many good old boys does it take to open a beer?" Irene looked annoyed. "None," said Eileen, answering her own question. "It should be open when she brings it." Then she laughed and popped open a Corona, handing it to Bill.

"Eileen likes that joke way too much" Irene said. 

Melanie hates that joke, Bill thought.

Eileen opened two more Coronas and handed one to Irene. "To us!" she said, holding her bottle up. The three clinked their bottles together and the girls said in unison "Bottoms up!" Bill drained about half of his in one big gulp, and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

Eileen removed Irene's coat, Irene reciprocated, and they helped each other with the hangers in the closet at the other end of the small room. Bill just stared. As cute as these girls were with their coats on, with their perfect body forms revealed they were absolutely stunning. 

They were both wearing short black pleated skirts low on the hips, and midriff baring low-cut sleeveless silky red blouses. Their legs, bare from just below the knees to the hems of their ridiculously short skirts, were perfectly creamy white. Also perfectly creamy white were their bare arms and flat tummies. Matching silver pendants dangled from their ear lobes. The look was both very elegant and very sluttish at the same time.

As they hung up their coats Bill lost track of who was who, and realized he couldn't tell them apart, by either appearance or voice. He pinched himself to see if he might wake up. He downed the rest of his beer and set the empty bottle on the desk.

Bill noticed that both babes had navel piercings. One had a diamond and the other sported a red stone, maybe a ruby. The cutie with the diamond did a belly flop crosswise on the one queen-size bed and propped her chin up on her hands, looking at him with blue eyes. The other sauntered over to him and gently squeezed his biceps. She looked up at him, closed her eyes, and pouted her adorable pink lips.

Bill kissed her tentatively, and she kissed him back. Her lips were soft and gentle. Her warm breath made Bill's spine tingle. He put his hands around her slender waist, feeling her soft, warm bare skin. As he pulled her to him, he felt a bulge in his pants pressing against her.

If there had been any doubt where things were heading, it was now long gone. If this was a dream, he hoped like hell he wouldn't wake up.

Since he didn't know if this was Irene or Eileen he was kissing, he might as well think of her as Ruby. Her sister's temporary name could be ... oh never mind, he was too occupied with kissing Ruby to think about it.

Keeping her lips locked against his, Ruby unknotted Bill's tie, dropped it to the floor, and started undoing his shirt buttons. Bill caressed her smooth hips and waist with his hands. He ran his fingers under the hem of her skirt, feeling the top of her butt crack. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed her sister watching motionless from her place on the bed. 

Ruby dropped to her knees and undid Bill's belt buckle and zipper. His swelling cock was pressing almost painfully against the fabric, longing to be free. She liberated it by yanking his pants and underwear down to his knees in one quick movement. His pole sprung to attention like it was spring loaded.

"Oh my!" Ruby giggled with delight. "Oh wow!" She wrapped her right hand around his shaft and squeezed. She wrapped both hands around it, one in front of the other, palms down and thumbs toward her, as if gripping a baseball bat. His entire shaft was in her hands but the head just barely protruded. As she squeezed gently it swelled. She put her beautiful pink lips around it. She teased the little hole with her tongue. 

"It's big 'un" she said to her sister "and hard as a rock!" She removed one hand and pushed about half of his length into her mouth, massaging the bottom of his shaft with her tongue. Bill grinned like a kid at Christmas - the first real smile he had smiled in a long time.

Ruby leaned back and looked at Bill's rod as she squeezed it. When a big drop of pre-cum oozed out she smeared it around the head with one finger. 

"This is going to be challenge!" she announced. She put her hands on his hips, and then pressed his cock into the back of her wide-open mouth. She pushed her head forward and made chugging sounds as Bill felt the head of his rod jabbing at the opening to her throat. She gagged a little and pulled it out. "Yup! A real challenge!"

Bill looked down in wonder at her head bobbing back and forth on his cock. No one had ever tried to stuff his rod into her mouth with such enthusiasm. The girls in high-school and college would stroke his shaft with their hands while sucking the knob, or jam it in their cheeks. And after the first year of marriage, Melanie didn't even do that. This babe really was trying to push him all the way into her throat!

His penis head had never felt the sensations it was feeling right now, and they were amazing. If she did get him all the way in, it would be out of this world! 

Ruby's sister chimed in from the bed. "Bring him over here. I'll show you how it's done." She opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out.

Ruby took Bill's shaft in her hand and guided it toward her sister's open mouth. "Say ah!" she commanded. Bill had to waddle like a penguin to get there with his pants around his knees.

He felt her soft warm lips close around his throbbing cock. She adjusted her position on the bed a little to prop herself up on one elbow and used one hand to cradle the testicles dangling in front of her. She dug her fingernails in a little, and used them to guide him forward and back. Her sharp hold on his scrotum heightened his pleasure, contrasted with her soft, warm mouth on his penis.

She tugged him back and forth, pushing half of his length in and out of her mouth while she used her tongue to lubricate his head and shaft with large amounts of thick, viscous, ropey saliva. Then she pulled him into her throat with an assertive tug. Bill felt a little pop as the head of his penis passed the opening to her throat. She gagged a little and pulled it out of her throat, but not passed her lips. 

She swallowed once and then slid him back in again, further this time. A short pause and she tugged him all the way in, her nose smashed against Bill's belly. Bill felt her throat muscles contracting and massaging his rigid cock as she struggled to control her gag reflex, but she held him in as Bill struggled not to unload the immense pool of semen he felt boiling up inside. He certainly didn't want to come already.

"Wow Eileen, you rock!" exclaimed Ruby. 

So Ruby was Irene, and the girl with her mouth and throat wrapped around his dick was Eileen. The mental work it took Bill to internalize this information under the circumstances was just enough to keep him from ejaculating. 

Eileen suddenly pushed him out of her mouth, gasping for air. His penis twitched in the cool air and leaked copious amounts of pre-cum. His entire length was coated with thick, viscous saliva. Bill thought he had never been so hard in his entire life. His rod was so stiff it almost hurt.

Irene bent down to untie Bills' shoe laces, and helped him to step out of his shoes and pants, first one foot and then the other.

Eileen smiled and took his rod between her finger and thumb, like a cigar. She giggled and used it like a lipstick applicator to liberally coat her lips with his pre-cum. She squeezed it along the length to dispense even more of the slippery fluid onto her lips, overdoing it until it was all over her chin and cheeks. 

"This is the best lip gloss ever!" she announced. Then she laughed and made kissing faces at Irene. 

Irene leaned over to kiss her, kneeling on the floor at the side of the bed. They mashed their mouths against each other's, rubbing their lips and tongues around in a big sloppy kiss. They said "yum" in unison like it was the most delicious thing in the world. "You're the best sister ever!" said Irene. "No you are!" said Eileen. Then they both laughed. Their matching earrings sparkled and bounced against their necks and their long flowing brown hair shone in the light of the cheap motel lighting.

Mesmerized, Bill was about to come, even without any sensations on his penis at all. As his cock twitched and throbbed in the air, he made a concerted effort to keep from ejaculating all over Eileen's gorgeous face. 

He tried to think about baseball stats. That didn't help much. He thought about the work piled on his desk in the office. That helped a little. He thought about his boss. That helped a little bit more. His urge to squirt on the kissing twins' faces started to subside.

Irene climbed up on the bed and positioned herself next to her sister, propped herself up on her elbows, and looked up at him. "Now me!" she insisted. "It's my turn! Let me!" 

Bill looked down at the identical twin sisters side by side, their identical beautiful faces smeared with the slippery shiny fluid that had dribbled out of his cock, their mouths open and waiting for him. They both looked longingly up at him with sparkling blue eyes. 

Although they were both still dressed, with their boots waving in the air above their knees, they were sexy as hell. Bill realized that they had gotten him completely naked while keeping on every stitch of their own clothing. They were very sneaky, these twins. 

Irene bumped her butt and shoulders against Eileen, playfully trying to push her away. Eileen resisted gently but stubbornly.

Bill chose Eileen and plunged his cock back into her open mouth. It slipped in all the way up to the hilt in one smooth stroke. Startled at how easy it went in, he pulled it out slowly and plunged it in again.

Irene was still trying to nudge her way in, holding her mouth open and sticking her tongue out. She even pressed her cheek against Eileen's cheek. So Bill withdrew his cock from Eileen's delightful mouth and aimed it into Irene's. 

Determined not to be outdone by her sister, Irene also took it all the way in, although Bill could feel her throat muscles constricting around his shaft and penis head as she fought her gag reflex. 

He pulled it out and was about to switch back to Eileen but Irene grabbed his nuts and pulled him back in again. Moving her hand with a tight grasp on his sack she forced him to plunge in deep and pull back out quickly and repeatedly. She matched her breathing to the rhythm of his strokes and her throat gradually relaxed and took the assault effortlessly. 

Eileen said "you go girl! Look at you!"

Bill was on the verge of coming again. Irene could sense it and pushed him away. She was panting and so was Bill. Her face glistened with saliva and pre-cum. His face was beaded with sweat. "Don't you come just yet" she commanded. Bill watched his penis twitch and dribble as he tried to think in desperation about something, anything, other than ejaculating on her beautiful face. 

The subject his mind settled on was Melanie. By now she would be starting to wonder where he was. He probably should call her. 

That did the trick. At the first thought of his fat slovenly wife, his cock immediately softened and the mounting pressure subsided. Irene watched motionless as Bill's raging hard-on came under control and softened ever so slightly, just inches in front of her. 

Eileen rolled onto her side and watched, with her head on one hand, smiling. "I do love a man with self control" she said.

"Me too!" said Irene. She flipped herself over onto her back and hung her head backward off the side of the bed. "Ready to go again?" she asked. 

Bill thought her mouth looked funny talking upside down. People's mouths always look funny upside down. No matter. "You bet" he said, as he bent his knees to get his dick at this new, lower height. 

She put her hands on his hips, opened her mouth wide, and guided him in.

Bill put one foot up on the bed, and his hands down on the bed on either side of her her, to get a better angle and to take the strain off his knees. In this position he could really fuck her mouth hard and deep. His balls bounced against her nose and eyes on each stroke. He watched her throat bulge every time he plunged his penis in. 

She took her hands off his hips and put her hands by her sides, as if to say "look ma, no hands!" Of course, she couldn't possibly say anything with his cock relentlessly driving in and out of her throat.

Apparently feeling a need to do something with her hands, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and scrunched it hard between her fingers. She started yanking it up and down, matching the rhythm of the cock in her mouth. Each time she lifted it, a pair of bright red satin panties were exposed to his view.

Flashing red, like a flashing red light at intersection. Normally, it would mean stop. In this case, he didn't think so. It only made him go faster.

Letting go of her skirt, Irene bent her knees, spread her legs, and grabbed her mound through the red fabric. She squeezed it vigorously while Bill continued fucking her throat. When she moved her hand away moments later, there was a dark red area where the fabric was soaked with her secretions.

It looked so sexy and felt so incredible he could feel an orgasm starting to boil up again. He had to keep thinking about Melanie to keep from coming. He found he could concentrate on the amazing face-fucking sensations with part of his brain, while at the same time picturing Melanie with another part - like picture-in-picture TV. It worked like magic. With this mental trick Bill thought maybe he could delay his orgasm indefinitely. 

While he continued banging away at her mouth, she slipped a finger under her panties and touched her own clit. Bill could just barely make out a little tuft of dark hair between her fingers, a small dark island in a smooth sea of silky white skin.

Eileen also was touching herself. Still lying on her side with her head propped on one hand, her other hand was exploring beneath her own red satin thong. Her eyes were locked intently on her sister's face. 

Irene had her middle finger in her pussy and was grinding the palm of her hand into her mound. She alternately spread her knees and then banged them together, each time Bill drove his cock into her. 

She breathed rhythmically like a trained athlete. When Bill pulled his cock out she exhaled quickly before he plunged it back in. The next time he pulled out she would inhale. By alternating her breathing this way, she withstood his furious pace.

Bill tried to watch everything at once. He watched Irene's throat expand with each insertion of his big rod. He watched her beautiful creamy white legs opening and closing. He watched her pleasuring herself with her fingers. 

He also watched Eileen pleasure herself. She had removed her panties and now had one leg pulled up over her head, perfectly straight, and was using both hands on herself. With one she was rubbing her clit, and with the other she reached around her backside to put three fingers in her wet hole. Her eyes, while still staring at her sister's face, had acquired a distant, glazed over look..

But as expertly as Irene was taking it, she reached her limit. She gently reached out with one hand to stop him. Bill stopped with the head of his cock resting on her lips, as she caught her breath. Bill noticed that tears were streaming down her face. "Irene, why are you crying?" he asked. 

"She's not crying" Eileen said. "That's just what happens. Your eyes tear up. Try gagging yourself with a cock and you'll know." As she said this, Eileen's fingers slowed down, but they kept moving on her clit and in her cunt.

Bill was thankful for this information but he was also sure he wasn't in a rush to try this experiment. He put both feet back on the floor and stood up straight.

"It's just part of the fun" Irene said. Again he thought her mouth looked funny talking upside down. Her nose looked a little pink where his balls had been bouncing on it. Her hair and clothes were in disarray, her cheeks were wet, and her eye makeup was smudged. She was more beautiful than before.

She took Bill's dick in her hand and pulled it toward her. But instead of plunging it into her mouth again, she guided it above her head so she could lick his testicles. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and sucked them both in, stirring them gently inside her mouth with her tongue. Bill could feel her warm breath on his anus as she breathed through her nose. 

He was just getting used to this incredible new sensation when Eileen climbed on top of her sister and put her mouth around his throbbing cock. She took a deep breath and then pressed her head forward until her nose was pressed hard into his pubic hair and his cock was ensconced in her esophagus.

Then she held still with seemingly no intent to ever pull it out, and stuck her tongue out to tickle the place where the base of his shaft and his balls intersected. Irene stuck her tongue out at the same time. Bill could feel both tongues tickling the same spot and jousting with each other. 

"God damn that's good!" he said. He was amazed that Eileen could both hold her breath and control her gag reflex for such a long time. How long had she kept him deep in her throat without breathing, her nose pressed into his pubes? Half a minute? One minute? Two minutes? He couldn't say. As far as he knew, only competitive free divers could hold their breath this long. The sensations were overwhelming.

With his cock deep in Eileen's throat; his balls bathed in Irene's soft, warm mouth; both their tongues tickling him in the same sensitive spot; Irene's warm breath on his anus every time she exhaled., he moaned in ecstasy. There was no way he was going to be able to stop himself from coming this time and the twins knew it so they didn't let up.

When Bill came he nearly blacked out. It was as if years of pent up desire were unleashed in a raging torrent. As Eileen's throat muscles massaged his swollen cock it swelled even larger and then erupted in a relentless series of powerful contractions. His whole body shook. He shot stream after stream of hot semen deep into her esophagus as she pressed her nose even harder against his pelvis and Irene tugged and massaged his tight pulsing ball sack with her lips and tongue. Bill let out a deep primeval roar as his knees weakened and wobbled. 

Suddenly, Eileen pulled away and gasped a deep breath of air. His last spasm shot a final string of semen onto Irene's neckline. As he put his hands and one knee on the bed to steady himself, his still twitching penis dangled into Irene's mouth, which gladly received it.

Irene held Bill's spent cock softly in her mouth and massaged it gently with her tongue as it slowly deflated. Eileen slurped up the small puddle of cum from Irene's white skin and swirled it on her tongue. Then she raised herself up on her knees and kissed Bill full on the lips, making him taste his own salty fluids. Bill thought he would love to kiss Eileen's lips forever, no matter what was on them. He kissed her back without hesitation. 

Eileen stopped kissing him and fell backward onto the bed. Irene pulled her head away from Bill's shriveled penis and scooted up next to Eileen, wrapping her arms around her and whispering in her ear. Bill turned and sat on the bed, exhausted, looking at them curiously.

His genitalia felt better and more satisfied than he could ever remember. It was a warm and satisfied feeling that emanated from his groin and filled his entire body. At the same time he gradually became aware that he had a wicked need to relieve his bladder. 

He figured he should excuse himself, but that didn't seem like exactly the sentiments he wished to express at the moment. Maybe saying thank you about ten thousand times would be more appropriate. Unsure exactly what to say, he quietly left the twins cuddling and found his way into the bathroom.

He was too wobbly to stand, so he sat down on the pot. It felt good to rest. As he sat there he tried to puzzle out what had just occurred. Who were these amazing identical twins? They clearly weren't from around here, or else they wouldn't be staying in a cheap motel by the highway. And why stay in this hole when their elegant clothes and new BMW betrayed a taste for finer things and the means to support it? Why did they pick him up, old enough to be their father, and bring him here to give him the most amazing sexual experience anyone could ever imagine? It sure seemed as if they had this planned out from at least the moment he saw them, if not before. He just couldn't make sense of it. How could he possibly be so lucky?

He thought about the amazing things he had just experienced. Things no woman had ever done to him. Things that, in fact, he never imagined could be done at all. Sex, or at least oral sex, was clearly not just an amusement for these twins. It was an extreme sport, and they were at the top of the game. If blow jobs were skiing, these twins were ripping on the double diamonds, while everyone else he had been with in his life was on the bunny hill.

Eventually, Bill got up, flushed the toilet, washed his hands and face, and made his way back out into the room, expecting to find the twins still cuddling on the bed where he left them. Instead he found them both totally naked and sixty-nining each other. They were lying on their sides, slurping at each other's pussy.

"I love you Irene" one purred between slurps. "I love you more" replied the other. "No, I love you more" the first insisted.

Bill stood quietly as the twins noisily sucked and licked each other's clits and cunts. Once again, he didn't know which twin was which. His only clues - their navel rings - were pressed tightly between them.

"You're amazing!" one said to the other with her mouth full. "You're delicious!" countered the other, her voice muffled by her sister's vagina.

Unclothed, the girls were even more beautiful than when their clothes were on. They were spectacular, in fact. Their skin was perfectly smooth, creamy white, and unblemished. Bill was surprised, but pleased, not to see any tattoos. Their bodies were slim, fit, and athletic. Their legs were pulled way up and wrapped tightly around each other.

Bill's cock swelled up. After his amazingly powerful orgasm he didn't imagine it would be ready to go again any time soon. But here he was again with a raging woody that was so stiff it hurt.

He thought to himself that they looked like yin and yang - except that yin and yang are opposites - black and white - while the twins were white and white. 

They were a pagan goddess, making love to herself - two in one and one in two.

They twitched involuntarily in response to each other's pleasuring. Little rolling mini-orgasms rolled through their bodies as each girl ground her pelvis into her sister's face. Bill's rod twitched and throbbed as he stood near them watching.

"You're the best sister in the world!" one twin murmured into her sister's snatch. "You're the best sister in the universe!" said the other. "You have the best tasting pussy in the universe!" replied the first.

One of the goddesses glanced up and noticed Bill standing there. She winked at him and then rolled herself up on top of her sister, in the process rolling her sister on her back. A glimpse of ruby red told Bill it was Irene on top. 

She had Eileen's legs pinned back under her arms, fully exposing her glistening pussy to Bill's intent gaze. The pink lips opened like flower petals. Her clit looked stiff and swollen. Her dark pubic hair had been trimmed into a neat vertical line extending about two inches up from above her clit.

In the other direction her perfect little wrinkled pinkish-brown anus puckered out and in. She must have been tensing and relaxing her muscles to bring about this effect. Was she doing it for his benefit, or for her own? 

Other than the narrow dark strip above her clit, her nether regions were smooth, hairless, and ivory white. So beautiful! So tantalizing! Bill longed to press his face into them.

But Irene kept that pleasure for herself. She put her lips on Eileen's clit and noisily sucked it in, causing Eileen to wiggle and moan. Then she started twiddling her sister's clit with one finger, and inserted two fingers into her vagina. She clearly knew exactly how to pleasure her twin, since very soon Eileen was bucking wildly and moaning loudly.

Then Irene looked up at Bill with a big grin. His penis was dribbling again in anticipation of what he hoped was to come. 

The thought that he needed a condom briefly crossed his mind, but he immediately dismissed it. First of all, he didn't have one, and second, if he had a chance to get his dick into Eileen's hot wet snatch he was going to go for the gusto. If she got pregnant, or gave him an STD, he'd cope. This would be worth it.

He didn't have to wait long. Irene pulled her dripping fingers out of her sister's sopping wet vagina and nodded to him. 

Bill knelt on the bed, with one knee on each side of Eileen's hips. With both hands, Irene took hold of her sister's pussy lips between thumb and finger and tugged them wide open for him. 

He pressed his engorged penis head gently against the opening to Eileen's vagina and rubbed it around in her juices. Then he slowly drove it in as Irene fingered her sister's throbbing clit.

Eileen squealed in ecstasy and panted "Oh my! Oh yeah! Oh wow! Oh yeah!" He slowly moved his rigid love muscle around in her hot love tunnel. Irene muffled her sister's vocalizations by pressing her own soggy pussy down onto her face. 

Bill was as hard as granite again, but having come once already, he didn't have any fear of shooting off too soon. He didn't have to think about Melanie at all. So he drove his piston in and out of Eileen's cylinder, as Irene fingered Eileen's love button. 

Eileen moaned louder and louder into Irene's pussy, which was pressed firmly against her mouth. At one point Bill thought he heard her say "Fuck me harder", although he wasn't quite sure. Nevertheless, he drove his piston in and out of Eileen's cylinder harder and faster, as Irene fingered Eileen's love button faster and harder. 

It didn't take long before Eileen erupted into a tremendous orgasm, bucking her hips up madly to meet Bill's powerful thrusts, her vagina pulsiing and contracting around his cock, her mouth clamped hard onto Irene's pussy.

When Eileen was totally spent and motionless, Irene pushed Bill away. As his turgid cock popped out of Eileen's pussy, he pointed it at Irene's mouth. She willingly accepted it. Lubricated with Eileen's love juices, it slipped readily down her throat again.

Straddling her catatonic twin on all fours, Irene lazily fellated Bill's penis. Mostly she just toyed with the head, using her lips and tongue. He was content to kneel quietly and enjoy this relaxed pace for a while.

After a few minutes, Eileen revived and put both hands on Irene's hips and pulled them down toward her, bringing Irene's pussy back down onto her mouth again. As she slurped on Irene's clit, Irene began to moan with her lips around Bill's rod. The vibrations from her voice were transmitted into the sensitized skin on Bill's shaft and head. "Oh that feels amazing!" he said. Irene moaned even louder, and then started humming. Bill was in ecstasy. Wow! Now he really knew what the word "hummer" meant!

Either Bill had unknowingly spoken his thoughts out loud, or Irene read his thoughts, because she spit out his cock and laughed at him. Then she took his cock and pushed it back into Eileen's pussy.

Eileen purred in delight. 

After Bill slipped his cock in and out of Eileen's twat a few times, Irene grabbed it and directed it back into her own mouth. 

"No! Put it back in!" Eileen protested. 

Being a good sister, Irene complied and let Bill's shove his cock back into her twin's pussy. Eileen purred again as Irene resumed fingering her sister's clit. Before long, Eileen was bucking and building toward a second orgasm, her hands gripping Irene's waist and her head lolling from side to side on the bed between her sister's legs. 

Bill decided to keep her on the edge instead of letting her climax. He pulled his cock out of Eileen's cunt and pointed it at Irene's mouth. Irene took it in. Eileen whimpered in disappointment.

After a couple of strokes in Irene's mouth, Bill returned his penis to Eileen's pussy for one stroke. And then back to Irene's mouth. 

He continued on like this - some times one stroke, sometimes two or three, but no more - between one twin's pussy and the other twin's mouth. Irene played with Eileen's clit when his cock was in her sister's pussy, but she stopped when she had it in her own mouth.

This teasing was taking Eileen to a higher and higher precipice. On the verge of an enormous cum, she was repeatedly denied, only to be brought back seconds later, and denied again. Each time the tension – the pressure – in her groin increased, for her moaning increased to a wailing, and then almost screaming. Her head rolled wildly from side to side. She dug her fingernails into her sister's buttocks.

Eileen pulled down on Irene's hips to bring her sister's dripping snatch back into contact with her lips and tongue. Although her spread legs were still pinned to the mattress under Irene's arms, her hips were swiveling and rocking violently.

Deciding to bring Eileen her well deserved release, Bill concentrated his cock's attentions entirely on Eileen's vagina, stroking in and out with a slow but insistent rhythm. Irene matched his rhythm with her finger on Eilene's clit. Bucking and screaming, her pussy gushing and squirting juices, her face and neck burning red, Eileen achieved a magnificent orgasm. It seemed to go on forever. By comparison, her earlier gigantic cum had seemed tiny.

When she finished bucking and screaming, when she had fallen limp and motionless, he pulled his rock-hard twitching rod out of her drenched vagina and aimed it again at Irene's delightful mouth. But Irene pursed her lips and shook her head.

Bill's momentary disappointment dissipated immediately when Irene turned her head and looked toward her backside. He grinned and scampered around to the other side of the bed. 

Irene's beautiful bum wagged from side to side above Eileen's beautiful, red, exhausted face. Her pussy looked exactly like the one he had just been fucking. Her cute little pinkish brown anus puckered and winked at him just like her sister's had, even more obviously since in this position it was first and foremost in his view.

Eileen opened her mouth, begging with her eyes for Bill's cock. Bill happily complied, but Irene's butt was in the way. It prevented him from getting more than just the head between her lips. But Eileen tasted her own pussy juices on it and wanted more. Did they taste just like the juices she had been lapping out of her twin's dripping cunt? She wiggled just far enough out from under Irene that she could get all of him in her mouth.

This was fun, but Bill was staring at Irene's glistening pussy and wanted to be in it. So far this evening he had felt Both Eileen's and Irene's mouths around his cock, and Eileen's tight pussy, but the moist orifice that was wiggling around just in front of him was new territory for him and he wanted it badly.

Bill yanked his throbbing tool away from Eileen's mouth and plowed it into Irene's vagina. Irene moaned with satisfaction. 

Bill could feel Eileen trying to get her lips and tongue on his balls as he thrust in and out. But it was impossible, except for a quick lick as his testicles went by her mouth on his way in and again on the way out. Maybe he should slow down and give her a chance. 

He stopped thrusting and enjoyed the sensations of his penis twitching deep in Irene's twat, accompanied by the incredible feeling of his entire scrotum being sucked into Eileen's warm wet mouth. He felt her soft warm lips and just a hint of her teeth close gently around the top of his ball sack, just where it attached to his body. Her felt her gently tug on his balls with her mouth as she softly massaged them with her tongue. 

Bill felt the warmth and pressure of an impending orgasm building within his delighted testicles and could feel the sensitivity of his penis head increasing as it twitched against the deepest surfaces of Irene's love tunnel.

Earlier he had come in Eileen's throat while his balls were dangling in Irene's mouth. Now he was about to unload in Irene's pussy while his balls were dangling in Eileen's mouth. 

But it wasn't to be. Sensing his impending orgasm, Eileen suddenly pulled her mouth off of Bill's scrotum, and pulled Bill's cock out of Irene's pussy. "Hold on Bucko!" she commanded. "Not yet!" She wriggled out from under her sister and sat up next to her on the bed.

Bill looked down at his turgid cock twitching in the air above Irene's butt crack. The air, being about 30 degrees cooler than the inside of Irene's pussy, felt cold on his cock. It felt even colder on his scrotum after its warm bath in Eileen's mouth. As his cock throbbed and trembled Bill squeezed his groin muscles as hard as he could to keep from coming. A little bit of cum spurted out of the tip and landed on Irene's anus. The sight brought his orgasm even closer.

In desperation Bill closed his eyes and imagined Melanie in the same position, on all fours with her fat pimply hemorrhoidal ass up in the air. He remembered the last time they had made love, or tried to make love. In complete contrast to the current moment, he had been unable to maintain an erection. Melanie suggested after that maybe he should try Viagra. But clearly he didn't need drugs. Hot young sexy twin sisters were a natural cure for his spouse-induced ED.

Again, thinking about Melanie worked like a charm. Immediately, the pressure in his groin subsided and his penis stopped twitching. Even though a small amount of cum had leaked out and his dick had softened a little he hadn't experienced an orgasm. He was going to stay hard and he was good to keep going.

Bill opened his eyes and looked at Eileen. She was staring back at him with rapt attention, as if watching a suspense thriller at the cinema. When it eventually became clear that he had controlled himself and was not going to squirt all over Eileen's backside, she clapped and hooted. "Yay, Bill!"

Irene wiggled her ass back and forth in front of Bill. "Hello!" she said. "Did you forget about me? Stick it back in. When do I get to come?"

Bill was calmed down enough to go again, so he moved to stick has rod back into her pussy. As he shifted his weight Eileen put her thumb and forefinger around the base of his penis and squeezed it toward the tip, causing another dollop of semen to plop out of the tip and onto Irene's butt crack. Then she laughed and directed him into Irene's impatient snatch.

As Bill thrust his cock into her, Irene moaned in delight and pressed back against him. Eileen reached her hand under her sister's heaving torso and fondled her hanging breasts. Irene purred. "Touch my clit." she begged. "Please touch my clit!"

Bill was trying to figure out how to reach around and access her love button but Eileen took care of it. Her finger traced a line from Irene's tits, across her flat belly and neatly trimmed pubic hair, and down to the swollen clitoris. Irene immediately started rocking back and forth on Bill's long cock. She got down off her elbows and spread her arms wide on the bed so that her head and chest were pressed onto the mattress. This had the effect of tilting her ass up at an even more inviting angle under his gaze.

Bill watched her body shiver and tremble with what seemed like a continuous stream of little mini-orgasms. He looked at the little puddle of his semen that wet the length of her butt crack and pooled up in the little depression of her butt hole. Bill rolled his index finger in the puddle and placed the tip of it against the center of Irene's wrinkled little pink anus, half expecting her to object. Instead she said "Yeah! That feels good."

With every stroke of his cock in Irene's pussy, Bill gave a little push with his finger tip against her ass hole. It went in about a quarter inch each time until the middle knuckle was in, then went all the way in on the last push. 

He felt Irene's sphincter squeeze and spasm around his finger. Along the bottom of his penis he could feel Eileen's fingers strumming her sister's clit. Along the top of his shaft he could feel his own finger through the thin membrane between Irene's ass and vagina. With his finger in her ass he could feel his penis driving in and out of her cunt. Irene was wild with pleasure and passion, rocking and quivering and swiveling her ass in circles.

Bill slid his finger in and out of Irene's asshole. He pressed it in as far as he could, and twirled it in circles inside her rectum. He pulled it out and then put two back in, watching Irene's ass stretch to receive them.

Irene gasped in ecstasy. 

Eileen grinned from ear to ear and strummed her sister's clit. Bill wiggled his two fingers separately in opposite directions in Irene's butt. Irene's sphincter alternated between contracting tightly and softening up loosely around Bill's knuckles. As she panted, gasped, and moaned, the blood rushed into her head and neck. The left side of her face was pressed into the bed. Bill stared at her, captivated by her beauty. Her exquisite face was turning a hot shade of red as she built toward a powerful climax.

Bill could feel his cock starting to swell even more as he built toward his own climax. The grin on Eileen's face told him she wasn't going to stop him this time, but he wanted to wait for Irene so he held on as long as he could.

Irene erupted in an explosion of shudders and shrieks. Her sphincter gripped Bill's probing fingers. Her vagina tightened around his cock. 

After a few seconds, when Bill's cock swelled up and ejaculated a stream of hot fluid into Irene's spasming cunt, it pushed her orgasm to an even higher plateau. She shuddered even harder. 

As Bill watched, her asshole relaxed around his fingers and softened. Then the most amazing thing Bill had ever seen, as Irene convulsed, her butt hole momentarily opened up wide as if trying to suck in his whole hand. Four knuckles went in for a second, but her ass immediately closed up and pushed them back out. Or did he pull them out? He wasn't exactly sure. It was so unexpected it freaked him out a little.

But he felt his own orgasm go on seemingly forever. He felt Eileen's fingers move even more furiously over Irene's clitoris. He felt Irene's orgasm proceed to an even higher third level. She screamed so loud that undoubtedly someone would hear and call the police. She shook so hard that Bill's cock popped out of her pussy and his fingers came out of her butt. 

Then she collapsed onto the bed in total exhaustion. The red color drained out of her face and she turned a pale pinkish white, overlaid with a blotchy pink sex flush. Bill lay down next to her in a similar state of completion. 

Eileen repeated "wow" over and over again, and then lay down next to her sister on the other side. As they all lay contentedly together, Bill noticed from Irene's breathing that she had fallen asleep. Then he drifted off into dreamland himself.

Bill dreamed a series of strange dreams. At one point, he had a work dream. He was in the office, getting lectured by his condescending boss about something. Then, strangely, was being commended for something he had done right. The boss's new young and beautiful trophy wife came in and started giving Bill a blow job as a reward. As can happen in dreams, she didn't have to unzip his pants, they just sort of vanished, and she was on her knees at his feet, sucking away. The vanishing pants were his first clue, and the unlikelihood of getting a blow job from his boss's wife his second clue, that this was not real, and he should probably wake up before he had a wet dream and messed the sheets.

But as Bill woke up his dream blow job did not end. Now he was completely confused and disoriented. He opened his eyes and tried to focus them on the head that was bobbing up and down slowly on his cock. Long dark hair, dangling silver earrings, amazing warm wet mouth on his cock. He turned his head to see another face with long dark hair, dangling silver earrings, and a warm smile. Oh yeah. It was all coming back to him.

Having awoken from one dream into another one, Bill pinched himself. The girl with the smiling face laughed. "No, you aren't dreaming, silly" she said. Bill noticed a flash of red on her flat belly. That would be Irene.

Eileen stopped sucking his cock and sat up. Bill looked at his hard prick pointing straight up like a missile ready to launch. Through the slowly clearing fog in his brain he recalled the earth-shattering orgasms that both sisters had experienced with his cock in their pussies, and he recalled the double deep-throat face fucking that had preceded them. After two huge orgasms in one evening, how could he be so hard again? How much time had passed since he fell asleep?

"What time is it?" he asked, groggily.

"Time to wake up and fuck me in the ass" said Irene.

"Huh?" said Bill.

"I had so much fun coming with your fingers in my ass and your cock in my cunt, now I want to come with your great big cock in my ass and this in my cunt!" She held up a fat, pink, soft bumpy vibrator and wiggled it around in circles.

"Really?" he asked, incredulous.

He could hardly believe his ears. The blessing of a big dick was a curse when it came to anal sex. He had never experienced it. Only one woman had ever let him try, and she gave up very quickly, before he had gotten even his knob into her tight opening.

"Really!" Irene said. "Eileen just gave me an enema so I'm all clean inside and ready to go."

"She did?" Bill asked, still not really believing anything his ears told him.

"Yes, while you were sleeping" Eileen said.

He thought about the way Irene's ass had opened up during her orgasm and tried to suck his whole arm in. If any woman could handle his cock in her ass, then Irene was probably the one. It was astounding to contemplate since she was so slender and petite. But if she was willing to give it a go, he was definitely going to accommodate her.

"Ok!" he said. "I'd love to fuck you in the ass." 

"Oh goody!" said Irene as she got on her knees, pushed her shoulders into the bed and her butt up in the air. She wiggled her ass around in anticipation. But as she was doing this, and before Bill knew what was happening, Eileen put one foot on each side of Bill's hips and lowered her soaking wet pussy down on his rod.

"What are you doing?" Irene demanded.

"I'm lubricating it" Eileen said.

"Oh. Ok. But be quick about it" Irene said, pouting.

Eileen bounced up and down on Bill's cock, staring purposefully into his eyes. Then, grinding her clit hard into his pelvis she quickly erupted into an orgasm. After a long series of shudders she rolled off and looked at his swollen penis, which was absolutely drenched in her love juices. 

"I was so turned on by the thought of watching you ass-fuck my sister with that big thing I couldn't resist!" she said.

Irene was still waiting with her ass up in the air. "Come on, already! I'm ready!" she announced.

Eileen said "no you aren't. You need to be loosened up and lubricated a bit". Then she scooted around behind her sister, put both hands on her butt cheeks, and planted her mouth on Irene's anus. Bill couldn't see much of what Eileen was doing, but clearly she was poking her tongue into Irene's butt as far as she could, while Irene moaned in delight. This was unbelievable. He got on his knees next to her and watched. His slimy tool extended straight out in anticipation.

Eventually, Eileen ended her ministrations and moved aside. "Your turn," she said. Irene waggled her ass in the air. Bill was about to press his cock into Irene's butt but decided he wanted to taste it first, as Eileen had done. Using his hands he spread her cheeks as he had seen Eileen do, and then pressed his lips against the target. It was wet with Eileen's saliva. He pushed his tongue out as far as he could and jabbed it in. He was surprised at how easily it went in as far as his lips would allow. Her anus was soft and relaxed. Eileen had gotten her sister good and ready for him.

He'd never tasted a woman's ass before. Irene's was not bad at all. It had kind of a musty, spunky, earthy odor and flavor. It was unusual, but pleasant. He wished his tongue was about 10 inches longer. He needed a longer implement to reach deeper into this new territory. Frustrated at his inability to probe any further, he pushed himself up and positioned himself to use his penis to explore her rectal cavity.

He expected a huge amount of difficulty, but he needn't have worried. His cock was not only still slick with Eileen's juices, but leaked a copious amount of slippery pre-cum as he placed it against her ready anus. As he pressed slowly, he felt Irene push out with her muscles. Counter intuitively, this didn't push him out. Rather, it opened her sphincter up so he could slip in more easily. His knob and a good three inches of his shaft went in before he knew it. He paused to see how Irene was taking it.

"All right! That's what I'm talking about!" she said. She swiveled her hips a little and pressed back on his cock gently. "Ooh you're big! It really stretches me." Bill could feel her sphincter muscle contracting and relaxing around his rod as it accommodated to his intrusion. His cock swelled and throbbed. The sensations were incredible.

Kneeling next to her, Eileen was watching closely. "That looks so sexy!" she said. "Irene you are amazing!" She spread her knees a little more on the bed, and put a finger on her own clit, twirling it in little circles.

Irene pushed out again to relax her anal muscles and pressed her butt back toward Bill. The rest of his slippery cock slipped in up to the hilt in one smooth stroke. She squeaked softly, like it hurt a little. She said "I can feel you so deep inside." Her voice sounded dreamy, distant. "So deep inside" she repeated. 

Eileen twirled her own clit faster. She started using her other hand to fondle her own pussy lips at the same time. She licked her lips and stared.

Bill was indeed deep inside. He had the ridiculous sensation of having his penis much farther into a woman than it had ever been. It felt so much different than a pussy. The tight entrance felt different and the soft texture of the inside was different. He held nearly still, but moved a little bit in all directions. The sensations were incredible. He enjoyed her tight sphincter squeezing around the base of his shaft, while his shaft and knob explored the cavity beyond. The sensitive pleasure receptors on his knob enjoyed the soft folds of her rectal lining. He thought he could feel the location where her colon makes its first bend. When he pushed against that spot Irene would gasp. "It's almost too much!" she said, breathlessly. "Should I stop?" Bill asked.

"No, go in and out", she answered.

Bill slowly pulled his cock almost all the way out, leaving just the head inside, and then just as slowly pushed it all the way back in. As he did this he stared at Irene's anus, mesmerized by the way it adapted to and moved with and around his cock. Irene emitted one long moan as he pulled out, and another on the way back in. "Do it again" she said. Bill did it again and then a third and fourth time, speeding up a little each time. To his amazement, Irene's anus continued to loosen up and relax even more. 

Eileen spread her legs wide. She stuck two fingers into her own pussy and wiggled them inside herself. With her other hand she continued rubbing her own clit, playing it with four fingers, as if plucking a harp. She was panting with enthusiasm. That she was getting off on watching her sister getting butt fucked was such a turn on for Bill, he felt himself get even harder.

With his hands gripping her butt cheeks and spreading them gently, Bill pulled his penis all the way out. He heard a little pop as the head came out, followed by a tiny fart. Irene's anus closed momentarily, and then opened again partly. It remained open just a tiny bit. He was so turned on! His penis shaft was so hard it hurt. Irene pushed out again, which made her anus pucker out and open a little further.

Eileen whispered softly "That is so cool!" She was salivating and her pupils were dilated as she stared at his twitching cock and her sister's puckering anus. 

He pushed his penis into Irene's rectum again, all the way to the bottom, and then all the way out again. Then he pushed in just the knob, and pulled it out with a pop. What fun! He did this at least a dozen times, reveling in the wet popping sounds he was causing. Irene moaned constantly the whole time. He pushed his turgid purple head all the way into Irene's ass again. He had the sensation that he had impaled the entire length of her slender body on his rod.

Bill looked at Eileen. Maybe it was because her fingers wiggling in her vagina found her G spot, or maybe it was simply because she was so turned on by watching her sister's anus react to the treatment Bill was giving it, but she started furiously rubbing her clit as hard as she could, and then her whole body clenched up into a series of quivering convulsions. She stopped rubbing and gripped her crotch hard. As her body quaked she nearly fell over.

As Bill watched Eileen's orgasm subside he held still, his penis twitching deep in Irene's butt. With each twitch he could feel his knob move against her soft rectal lining. He could feel her sphincter squeezing around the base of his penis.

Irene stopped moaning long enough to ask in a half-whisper "Please play with my clit." Eileen, seemingly startled, reached her hand under her sister's belly and touched her clit. Irene twitched and shuddered. "Now put the toy in my pussy," Irene begged.

Eileen picked up the fat pink dildo, and gave it few sucks to moisten it. Then she held it under Irene and waited for Bill to pull out far enough for her to get access. Bill pulled his twitching penis all the way out of Irene's butt and watched her anus let out a nice big fart. He watched as Eileen slipped the toy into Irene's vagina all the way up to its base and wiggled it around. Pussy juices ran off the toy and onto Eileen's wrist. "Damn! You are wet, girl!" she exclaimed.

Eileen turned a switch on the base of the dildo and it started vibrating. Bill could hear a low frequency hum emanating from deep inside Irene. Eileen let go of the toy, and by gravity it stayed there, due to the angle of Irene's body as she lay with her shoulders on the bed and her ass up in the air.

Eileen then put her fingers back on her sister's clit and started twiddling it. Bill got ready to plunge his penis back into Irene's wonderful rectum. But Eileen put her head down on her sister's butt cheek, smiled up at him, and opened her mouth. Was she serious? Did she really want his dick, coated with Irene's butt fluids, in her mouth?

Eileen grabbed his nuts with her free hand and used them to guide his slimy cock into her mouth and down her throat. As his cock throbbed and twitched in her mouth, the thought of where it had just been made Bill so hot he could feel another orgasm starting to well up inside. 

With his cock still halfway in her mouth, Eileen said "Umm, that's yummy", her words barely intelligible. Then she liberated Bill's cock so he could put it back to good use in her twin's butt.

Bill placed his penis gently against Irene's back door and immediately he could feel the vibrations from the toy on his sensitive knob. Her anus offered almost no resistance whatsoever as he slid all the way in. Irene's whole rectum was now vibrating around his swollen penis. The vibrations caused her sphincter to relax and loosen up even more than it had been before. "Oh yeah! Do it!" Irene pleaded. "Do me hard!"

Bill pounded his hard rod in and out of Irene's ass as hard as he had ever pounded any pussy. She took it without any complaint. In fact, she was driven into a frenzy by the simultaneous ass-pounding, pussy vibrating, and clit strumming. "I feel so full ... so stretched holes are so full ..." she moaned.

Every time he pulled his cock out of her rectum, Bill watched Irene's ass gape. Rather than closing up, it would stay open, waiting for his cock to plunge in again. The size of the gaping, vibrating opening exactly matched the diameter of his cock. He could see deep into her. He thought he could see all the way to her diaphragm. It was a warm, wet, red, vibrating anal tunnel of lust and debauchery.

Watching the effect his hard, swollen, pounding cock was having on Irene's anus and rectum drove Bill wild with erotic passion. He was just about to shoot his load into her when Eileen put her cheek down on her sister's back side again and opened her mouth. Bill was in a quandary. Did he want to keep pounding at Irene's wonderful ass, and coat her insides with his spunk, or did he want to delay his orgasm and put his slimy ass-flavored cock into her Eileen's pleading mouth.

It was a tough decision but he took his cock out of Irene's butt and shoved it into Eileen's willing mouth. Eileen savored it like it was the best tasting desert ever made. Meanwhile, Irene's ass gaped open at him, visibly vibrating, and Eileen was still massaging Irene's love button. Bill was having a hard time not letting loose in Eileen's mouth.

Eileen took his cock out of her mouth, looked at her sister's vibrating anal cavity, and commanded him to "stick your face in my sister's gaping ass!"

"Yes, stick your face in my vibrating, gaping ass!" seconded Irene.

So he bent down and stuck out his tongue and pushed his face into her gaping rectum as hard as he could. He swirled his tongue around the vibrating inside rim of her anus and tasted the same musty viscous rectal secretions that Eileen has tasted off of his cock. He matched his lips to the size of her stretched, vibrating anus and pressed them into it. As he kissed her sphincter he had the sensation that it was kissing him back. And in a way it was, because in its relaxed, distended state, Irene could make it kiss him by alternately clenching and pushing her butt muscles. The feel and taste was so erotic, so sexy, so kinky, so forbidden, that Bill thought he might implode.

"Yeah, that's it! Do you like the taste of my sister's ass?" Eileen asked. "Yes I do!" Bill answered into Irene's delicious rectum. 

Irene said "I want your cock. Put your big cock back in my butt."

Bill got back into position to fuck her butt as Eileen continued stroking and pinching her clit. He could feel stinky wet fluid all over his face and chin. He licked it off his lips.

"I'm so close to coming!" Irene said. "I want your big cock in my ass when I come!" she added.

As Bill pushed his cock into her vibrating ass it offered no resistance at all. Irene pleaded "Fuck my ass! Fuck it hard!" Bill plundered her rectum with his sex weapon. He was panting from the exertion and passion. Beads of sweat rolled off his face and splashed onto Irene's back.

Irene had another request. "I want to feel you coming in my ass! I want to feel your cock get harder and swell up and spray all over my insides". Bill was more than ready to comply. "Ok!" he grunted. A few more strokes and his penis did just as she had commanded. He felt it swell up. It felt like it swelled to twice its size, and twice as hard. 

Irene and Bill came at the same time. Her orgasm was more dramatic than any of the huge orgasms he had seen the twins have earlier. She screamed as if she were being split in half by the vibrating dildo in her vagina and the massive pulsing cock in her ass. She shuddered and shook and bucked and turned colors as waves of pleasure rolled out from her genitalia and swamped her entire body. 

And her ass opened up like before, but this time as big as bucket. It opened so wide that Bill could momentarily see his penis inside her, spraying semen against her rectal lining. Then it closed up and clamped around his cock as hard as her pussy was gripping the vibrator. 

His cock continued spurting boiling semen deep into her bowels. In a long series of convulsions it drained every last drop into her. That is, every drop that he hadn't already ejaculated into her pussy, or into her twin sister's pussy and mouth.

When Irene stopped quivering, Eileen switched off the vibrator, and Bill pulled out his cock. Irene collapsed onto the bed. Eileen smiled and gently brushed her hair out of her face.

Bill had no energy left all. He couldn't keep himself upright. But as he started to lay down he was jolted by the sound of a cell phone.

Eileen answered. During the brief conversation she said only "yes", "ok", and "thanks". Then she slapped her sister on the butt. "Git up! Times a wastin'!" she sang.

"You're kidding!" Irene said.

The look Eileen gave her told her she wasn't kidding. So she rolled off the bed and staggered into an upright position.

Bill looked at the red LED readout of a digital alarm clock on the night stand. 9:45. He had met these girls less than 5 hours ago.

Eileen picked Bill's clothes up off the floor and tossed them at him. "You might want to use the bathroom to clean up. But be quick about it!" she commanded. As his mind slowly tried to process this information, she rummaged around in the chest of drawers and tossed out two pairs of blue jeans, two pairs of socks, two pairs of white panties, two gray tee shirts, and two pairs of short fur-lined suede boots. Then, with a look of exasperation, she gave him a push toward the bathroom, much as a young mom would do with a five-year old.

Irene was dragging an enormous suitcase out of the closet.

A few minutes later, Bill was stuffing his tie into his coat pocket as Irene pushed him out the door. Eileen left a ten dollar tip for the maid on the desk, next to the room key, and closed the door behind her. Snow was falling heavily, illuminated against the black sky by the motel lights.

Bill was acutely aware that although he had been fucking these girls in their mouths, pussies, and assholes, he had no idea who they were. They didn't seem to have any intention of telling him. But he didn't want this to be goodbye. Would he ever see them again? How could he find out who they were?

He walked nonchalantly around the back of the car and looked at the license plate. It was covered with snow. Did he dare brush it off? Irene was watching him, impatiently. She was probably wondering why he went that way around the car at all. There was no way he could do it without being obvious, and he didn't want to piss her off. Eileen was holding the passenger side front door open for him. He walked over to her, and then paused before getting back into the front seat.

"Where are we going?" he inquired.

"Back to your car." She said.

"Then what?" he asked.

"Then you go home, I guess - or whatever you feel like doing."

By now, Irene had started the car.

He looked into Eileen's eyes. They were unfathomable. She asked him, calmly "do you want a ride, or do you want us to leave you here?"

He got in the car, reluctantly. Before, he accepted what he thought was a ride to his car, and instead he got the ride of his life. Now he wanted to keep the ride going, and he was offered a ride to his car.

As Irene raced the BMW out of the parking lot and up the highway ramp, his mind was still fogged by the after effects of his huge orgasm. He struggled to think.

"Can I have your phone number?" he asked, fearing a rejection – like a teenager asking a cute girl in his class.

After a pause, it was Irene who answered. "Bill," she said. "We had a lot of fun today. But it's done."

Irene put her hand on his knee. "You've got to find your own fun, make your own fun" she said.

"No more moping on bridges" said Eileen. "No more self pity."

"Life is worth living," Irene said. "Get out there and live it."

Irene piloted the car down an exit ramp. "Bill," she said, "you have a right to have what you want."

"And you have a really nice cock!" Eileen added.

"Put it to good use".

"And be good to yourself."

"Be happy!"

"Don't worry! Be happy!"

The girls burst into laughter. So this is what he was left with. Clichéd platitudes. 

He tried to laugh with them, unsuccessfully.

The BMW had come to a rest in the lot next to the river, near his SUV. Irene leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Eileen put her hands around his neck from behind, as if strangling him, and shook him gently. Then she kissed him on his ear. Their simultaneous warm kisses gave him a tingle and a shiver. Damn! He knew them only a few hours, yet he felt like the most important part of his life was being wrenched away.

"GET OUT!" they shouted in unison. Then they laughed. Irene gave him a push on his shoulder. He tugged at the door latch and almost fell out of the car, staggering in the snow as he turned around to look at the girls who had come to mean so much to him in such a short time. Irene hopped out and got in the front seat. As the car pulled away, they smiled, waved, and blew kisses to him.

He waved back as the red BMW skidded out of the lot and rocketed away into the darkness. Again he tried to read the license plate. No luck.

So what the hell had just happened to him? Even though his brain was starting to come out of its fog, he couldn't get his mind around it.

The twins were young – his son's age. But maybe their ridiculously simplistic philosophy had merit. It was a philosophy that he had completely lost touch with over the years.

He fumbled for his keys in his pocket. He would have to go home and face the wrath of Melanie. Would he try to explain why he was so late, why he didn't call? Would he make up a story? Would he tell her the truth?

He sat in his car, thinking about what they did to him, and what they said to him. "Life is worth living." "You've got a nice cock so use it." "You have a right to have what you want."

He closed his eyes and imagined what he might want. He imagined a little cottage with a little porch, overlooking a turquoise sea. A bright sun, a gentle breeze, bikinis on the beach, white sails on the water. He imagined warm moonlit nights, palm trees and rum drinks. He imagined an airy bedroom, curtains moving in a breeze that wafted in the open windows, the feel of the breeze on his naked skin, and a naked, cute, playful young woman waiting for him in the bed.

He opened his eyes, to see ... nothing but an iced up windshield.

It would take a lot. He'd have to quit his job, get a divorce, sell the house, split the proceeds. There would be lawyers, brokers, bankers, agents, lawyers, and more lawyers. There would be fights and crying and family members who wouldn't talk to him any more. Then he would have to set out into the unknown.

He closed his eyes again. He saw the cute playful girl on his bed in the little cottage in the tropics. She looked a lot like Irene, or Eileen. She kissed him gently, sending a pleasant shiver up his spine. She put her lips around his cock and sucked him deep into her throat. He felt himself getting hard, again! Amazing!

He opened his eyes. He started the car. He knew what he was going to do, and he was going to start it as soon as he got home.