An Estonian Boy and His Family

Hello, I am a 18 year old boy from Estonia, I live with my parents and my sister, I also have a big brother who does not live with us, he is 26 already and married. My sister, Mari is 19 years old and is super hot, she got this hot red hair, big pair of tits and a nice round ass, every guy in our school wants to bang her, including me, but I know it is incest so I wish I would forget these feelings. My dad, Joonas, works most of the time and he is rarely home, he works for the government and has to travel a lot. I am a normal high schooler, I go to the Gym and because of that I am kind of muscular, girls like a lot, but I have not found "The one" yet. Now let's talk about my mom, Karolina, well, she is something else, she is 44, she does not work, she is unemployed. She has got brown hair, her tits are massive, my head would just get lost between them, that is how big they are, her body is fantastic, I would say she is about 30 if I did not know she was my mom and 44 years old. Since I hit my puberty I have wanted to fuck my mother, but I did not know how, until now...

My mom started having problems with sleeping, she would wake up to every little sound and after that she would have hard time falling asleep again. She went to see the doctor, they said she needs to take sleeping pills, when she came home she told me to go get her those pills, I went to get those pills, when I was buying these pills I thought of buying few more packets, just in case she runs out.

When I was on the way to my home I thought of a little dirty plan. From what I have read, sleeping pills put the user to sleep for atleast 8 hours, so I wondered, if I would get her to take 2 pills at once, one from her packet I got for her and one from the other packets I got myself, would she be out cold? I promised myself, that I would find out tonight.

When I got home my mom was in the kitchen cooking.

"Mom, I am home" I said when entering the house.

She replied: "Hey honey, did you get the pills I asked you to? I really need them."

"Yeah, I got them right here" I gave her the packet and began going to my room.

When I entered my room I instantly locked my door and opened my computer, there I looked for a porn site and started to jerk off and started to think about my plan and how to complete it.

"So if I give her 2 pills somehow, she will be out cold for few hours, during then I will sneak into her room and see if she is asleep deep, if she is, ill fuck her, or atleast do something, yeah, sound good to me" as I was thinking of my plan, it got me so hard and horny that I came and my underwear was full of cum.

Suddenly my mom came upstairs and knocked on my door saying "Hey Mihkel, dinner is ready, come to eat" and she left, I got up and went to bathroom fast, cleaned myself and changed my underwear.

When I arrived at our dinner table I did not see my sister, I asked mom about her.

"Oh, Mari is at her girlfriends place, I drove her there few hours ago, she will be staying the night over at her place."

"Okay, by the way, this meal looks delicious!"

"Oh thank you honey, I always try to do my best for my family."

The meal was boring and I wanted something exciting to happen, then I got an idea, I dropped my fork under the table and dived after it. Under the table I saw my mom's legs open, she was not wearing panties, I instantly got a hard-on, suddenly my mom closed her legs, she must have realised that I am watching her and asked me

"Did you find your fork? What is taking you so long."

"Yes, I did!"

I picked up my fork and got up and ate some more.

"Mom, thank you for the meal, I will go up to my room now."

"Sure honey, you have school tomorrow, go to sleep, oh and before you go, can you make me my sleeping pill drink thing?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem."

YES! This is my chance, I will drop 2 pills instead of 1 and put her to deep sleep.

I got the water and went to my room, took 1 pill from my packet and then went to the bathroom, where my mom kept her packet and took 1 pill from there, I mixed the pills with the water and brought them to my mom's room, surprisingly she was already in her nightgown, damn she looked sexy, I could not believe that I would fuck her tonight, or atleast do something for starters.

"Thank you honey!" she drank the water, "Good night honey, have good dreams!"

Oh I was not about to go to sleep this easy...

I waited for an hour, then went to check on her and saw her in deep sleep.

I sneaked up to her, removed the sheet and saw her in front of me, completely at my mercy.

I removed my own pants and had my dick hard and ready to fuck my mom, but I had a feeling like something was going to go bad, so i thought of going a bit slow today, start from smaller things, like touching her tits or licking her pussy.

I removed her nightgown and watched her glorious body, those tits, damn, it made me hornier, then I saw her pussy, it made me so hard that I wanted to penetrate her right there, but I somehow restrained myself and went slowly to her mouth and kissed her, she tasted so good that I kissed and kissed her once again until I was so horny that I took my dick to her mouth and touched her lips with my dick, then inserted it into her mouth, I fucked her mouth with passion, that was actually the first time I had a "blowjob". I went on and on until I could not hold it inside anymore and I burst my cum into her mouth, I was scared that she would have woken, but instead for my surprise, she swallowed my cum, I thought to myself that it must have been an reflex.

I instantly put her nightgown on her, put the sheet on her and cleaned her mouth and left her room.

That night I did not sleep, I thought about what I am going to do to her next...Next morning I woke up and went to check on my mom and see if she would get angry with me over what I did or she would continue doing what she does every day. For my luck she did not freak out when seeing me, she just greeted me and continued fixing her bed.

"Hey mom had a good night sleep?" I asked while having an evil grin on my face.

"You know, I have not had sleep like this in FOR EVER, doctor said that these pills would be effective, but this is something else," she answered with happy face on, "and why are you grinning, is something wrong with me?"

"Oh no no mom, you look great, greater than usually, if I were not your son I would scream sexy at you!" I complimented her and added, "By the way mom, I gave you 2 pills instead of 1, I read on the internet that it won't hurt you, only will make your sleep better enjoyable."

"I hope you are right, anyways, I hope its okay with you if I ask you to make me that sleeping water everyday, you know I might forget, I am old woman after all." she said jokingly.

"Oh come on mom, you might be getting old by your age, but you look young." 

I started to leave her room when she said,

"Hey Mihkel, you know, today is so sunny, want to go to the beach? I would go with my girlfriends but they are busy, so I thought that you are my last solution." 

"Really? Last solution? Just kidding, I would love to hang out with you on the beach." As I was saying that I imagined her in bikinis, next to me, oh man, I instantly felt my penis rising, I had to get away from her.

"Hey mom, I will go to my room, get ready for our trip to the beach, okay?"

"Sure, go on take your time, we will be going in 2 hours, so be ready by that time."

I went upstairs to my room, locked my door, opened a porn site and searched for "Mom in bikinis" videos, I found one and instantly removed my pants and started stroking my penis, imagined my mom in bikinis, her big round tits, sweating, her bikinis getting wet with her sweat and I can see her nipples, sweat dripping down pussy and as it drips, it tickles her pussy, which makes her a little horny, sweat makes her bikinis stick to her ass, her round beautiful ass, man how I want to fuck her. As I was thinking of her I heard a knock on the door...

"Honey, are you ready? I changed my mind I want to go now! "

Oh shit, I have to finish this before I go with her, if I do not, I might get a boner in beach just by seeing her.

"No no, I thought we had time so I did not start packing yet, I will start now, be down in a bit."

"Do you need help? Might help you pack faster." she said loudly behind the door.

"Oh no no, I can pack my things alone, thanks anyways."

I continued jacking off, but this time I did not think of my mom, I just watched the video and came fast.

On the way to the beach we did not really talk, I just watched our surroundings as she drove and thought of what should I do to her tonight when she is in deep sleep again, then, again, a great idea hit me, this was either a great idea or a dumb idea which would get me grounded.

Basically, if I were to take naked photos of my mom tonight, even naughty ones, like make it look like she is masturbating, and then later blackmail her through email, I could like make her have sex with me, I will not reveal my identity, I will make it look like I am a stranger who wants to punish her because of those pictures and if she will not do what I say to her, then, I will threaten to put these pictures on the internet, which I will not do if she refuse, its obvious, she is my mom, if pictures of her were on the internet, I would be a laughing stock.

Anyways, I need a fake email, I need register and only log into it in a different location with a internet thats not related to me, it seems like our library's wifi, I should use my phone, so no one would suspect me. ..

Yes this idea is perfect, now only thing I need is to take pictures tonight and make my plan work, haha, I hope it will work.

We finally reached beach, my mom looked happy, well she will not be after I blackmail her, damn I hate to do that but I have to if I want to fuck her while she is not sleeping, would make it more lively. 

While we were at the beach I mostly was daydreaming, because if I had looked at my mom in her cute, super revealing bikinis, I bet I would instantly get boner right there.

When we returned back home, I went to shower, it was late already, mom was going to go sleeping soon and my sister had not returned from her friends place yet, everything was set up perfectly for my plan. I saw my mom making her bed ready for sleep, then I remembered that I had forgotten to make her the drink, I instantly went to make one.

When I returned I saw mom already in bed waiting.

"I thought you would never show up, " she said semi-angrily, drank the water, but then she lightened up a bit, " thank you, son, good dreams to you."

"Yeah, you too mom." 

As I was about to leave she asked me: "Hey, one more thing, can you open the balcony door? It is kind of hot today."

Oh crap, I need that balcony door open or else I would be the first suspect, now she will think that someone came through the balcony and took pictures of her.

"Yeah, sure mom, no sweat."

Great, everything is in place now.

I went to my room and waited for an hour, before going back to her room.

"Ok, here goes nothing."

I removed her sheet, saw her sleeping with her naked tits and only underwear, I guess it was really that hot today.

Damn she looks sexy, I can not believe, if my plan works, I will get to fuck her whenever I want.

I spread her legs and removed her panties, damn, how I would wanted to ram her right there, but I restrained my hornyness and took some great photos of her, I turned her around and stuck her ass up, spread her asscheeks, had her face visible and took picture, now for something spicy, I took her hand and stuck two of her fingers up her ass, I opened her mouth so it would look like she is having a moment where she is enjoying herself, this way it looks real, I took the picture.

"wow, these are great pictures, she cant deny my demands if I send her these."

Now that my pictures were taken, I wanted to have some fun.

I thought about sticking my penis up her pussy, only a little bit, so I would atleast know what it feels to be inside a pussy.

"Here goes nothing, gah, oh shit, this is soo good," I said as I inserted my dick into her, "damn mom, I wish you were my personal whore, but I have to wait a little bit, oh I can not wait."

I thrusted my penis in and out of her few times, until I felt that I was getting closer to cumming, so I took my penis to her mouth and started to slowly facefuck her, slowly enough that she would not wake up. It felt so great to have her mouth wrapped around my penis, that I came in no time. Her mouth was full of my white cream, she surprisingly swallowed it again, damn she has slutty reflexes.

I cleared her up and put everything back like they were before I ravaged mom.

Next day I woke up earlier to go to the library, when I got there I saw that the librarian was kind of sleepy, I guess did not have enough sleep tonight, anyways, better for me, maibe wont remember me visiting.

I went to the back of the library, quickly made a new Email and composed a new message for mom:

"Hello Karoliina, I am someone who was in your house yesterday, I will not tell you how, you will have to find it out yourself, the reason I broke into your house was to take some pictures of you, some naughty naughty pictures that you would not want to be available for every person to watch on the internet, I have linked my favourite photos to this message, you can admire your slutty body yourself. But back to the business, I am basically giving you an ultimatum, refuse to fulfill my demands and you will be the next viral whore on the internet.

What I want is you to have sex with your husband, film it and send it to me, but since your husband is not home, then you have your second option, your young, 18 year old son, fuck him like the slut you are, do it passionately by the way, film it and send it to me.

That is my demand, fail to fulfill my needs in 24 hours and your life will crumble. 

Yours faithfully,

Your new owner."

"Oh shit, I am the greatest blackmailer in the world, if this succeds I can make her do anything for me. " I thought to myself

I clicked SEND and the message was sent.I quickly got home, mom was getting ready for the day in her room, I went to greet her and see if she had received the letter yet.

"Good morning mom, how was your sleep?"

"Oh son, you will not believe, it was so great, I feel relaxed and satisfied, how was your sleep?"

"Same as usual, rested, will you go somewhere today?" I asked her with great interest.

"No, I am home today, cleaning house and stuff, will you be home too? You know it is your school break right now, no school." she said jokingly.

"I guess I am staying home today, tell me if you need help or anything, I am going to my room."

"Okay, I will."

As I left her room, I thought what her reaction would be if she opened the letter.

I went to my room, and instead of jerking off, I launched my console and started a fighting game, I wanted to keep my cock ready, in case she decides to do what I said in the letter.

I played for about 4 hours when I heard something, I decided to go and check if it was my mom.

What a surprise, it was, her door was open, she was holding her head, walking around her room panicking and swearing to herself.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK, what am I going to do, this is terrible, OH MY GOD, what have I gotten myself into," she went over to her laptop and started to read that letter once again, "Okay, I should calm down."

At this moment I decided to enter the scene. I knocked on the door and entered saying: "Hey mom, I heard you screaming, came to check on you, is something wrong?"

She looked at me with her angry eyes and screamed slowly to me: "Get. The. Fuck OUT!! I want to be alone!!"

I instantly ran out thinking about maybe putting a stop to this and return fucking her when she sleeps, but I had made it so far, no point in turning back.

I was so concerned that she might do something wrong, call the police or something, damn, I forgot to think about what if she called police, FUCK, I might as well be fucked now.

I was so frustrated that I actually got up and went to my bed, it was fucking daytime but I went to sleep.

The next thing I remember that I woke up to computer mouse clicking, I looked over to my computer and saw mom doing something there.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked her calmly, knowing I had no pictures in my computer or had ever used my fake email there.

"Oh, nothing son, I was just interested if you were watching porn, ha-ha, I know I'm weird."

I laughed, "You could have just asked me, mom, I do watch yes, what of it? I am a grown man, I need to get off sometimes too, you know."

My mom sighed and left my room.

"I guess she was looking for evidence of me blackmailing, she did not find any, so I might as well breath freely, she will not suspect me anymore, I hope."

I went to get something to eat and saw my mom making dinner.

"Oh hey Mihkel, right on time, I just fixed us a dinner." She said smiling, but I saw the worry on her face.

"Thanks mom, it looks great, I will surely enjoy it."

We had a very quiet dinner, usually we talk and laugh, but I know what she has on her mind, she thinks how to get out of this mess.

"Mom, I am full, thanks for the meal, it was great." I got up and left for my room.

As I was getting ready to go to sleep, I heard a knock on my door.

"Yeah, come in!"

My mom entered, a camera in her right hand.

"Yeah mom, what is it? Oh is it the sleeping drink? I was about to go and make you one."

"No, no, I want you to sit down and listen," she said with worry on her face, "I need to do something that the normal mother - son should never do, what I need you to do is just follow my lead, okay?"

"Yeah, I do not know where you're getting with this, but oh well, go ahead, lead me." 


She put the camera on the table next to my bed, put it on record and said to it: "I hope you are happy, motherfucker!"

She started to undress, first she removed her shirt, after that she removed her red bra, damn, I almost wish she did not, it made her tits look larger, but at least I am about to get laid so I will not say anything.

After she had her upper body clean of any clothes, she continued on to her lower body, she started to remove her jeans, she turned around and slowly removed her jeans, which were so tight on her body, I love how she jiggled her butt as she removed her jeans. 

After removing her pants she took off her panties.

"Oh shit mom, you are so hot, what are you doing by the way?"

"Taking my clothes off, what does it look like?"

"But why are you taking off your clothes?"

"You will see, now sit back and enjoy the show." she was not enjoying this, she was furious, I could tell it from her face.

After she removed all her socks and stuff, she came over to me, pushed me on my back, and started removing my shorts. 

Just having seen her naked made me harder than rock and she saw that, but still she looked angry.

She removed my pants and my penis was free for her to see.

"Oh... Shit, this is going to be hard." She said to herself, as I saw her starting to sweat, "Mihkel, now sit back and enjoy, and one more thing, put this on." She gave me a condom.

"Mom, I do not really know how to..." I said nervously.

"Oh for Christ sakes, alright, I will do it myself, you just lay back," she said as she opened the condom pack, she began putting it on but then she stopped and threw the condom away and got on top of me. 

"Are you going to fuck me mom?" I said with as puzzled face as I could make so she would buy my innocence.

"Ugh, yes, I am going to fuck with you, but remember, no one will find out or I will kick your ass so hard you will make a "virgin meringue" for yourself."

"What's a "virgin meringue", is it a food?" I was puzzled for real this time.

"Just forget it, here I come, and so shall you." she said as she sat my penis into her pussy, that was a whole different feeling than I felt yesterday.

"Oh mom, you slut, I will fuck you until we will pass out of exhaustion!!" I cried out as she fucked my penis.

"Shut the fuck up, how dare you call me a slut?! Do you think I am doing this on my own free will?" she replied to my sentence with an angry voice.

I think that her not enjoying this made me even hornier, I do not know why, but it did.

"Mom, can I touch you? It might help me come faster."

"Ugh, go on, grope me, you pervert."

I did not need to be told again, I instantly took hold of her 2 large melons, I stroked them, started slowly, but picked up tempo as I went on. I finally leaned up to her tits and started sucking on them, I saw mom let out a moan, but that was just it, a moan, nothing more, it seemed she did not even want to have an orgasm, she despised this.

"Mom, I think I am coming, what should I do?"

"Let me get off you first, I do not want to get pregnant," she got off me and started to jerk my penis, or should I call it a cock now? You know, since I have fucked someone, having a naughty name for my penis would be appropriate, anyways she started jerking my cock and I was going to come, but I did not want to come on her face, I wanted to cum inside her mouth, so I squeezed her nose to get her mouth open, she did open it and I instantly inserted my cock into her mouth and started to ravage her face. I saw her trying to get away from me hopelessly, I am strong, I kept fucking her face left and right and when I came I overfilled her mouth, I saw cum dripping from her closed mouth, "I will not take my dick from your mouth if you will not swallow my cum."

I heard her roaring angrily while having my dick in her mouth, but she submitted and I saw her gulping down my cum like it was water, seeing her with my cock in her mouth, swallowing my cum made me so horny that I accidentally came again, almost as big load as the last one.

I saw her eyes bulging as she swallowed this load too, after that I let her go, she caught her breath for a minute and exploded onto me, "What do I look like to you? A cheap whore or a slut?" she got up and slapped me hard on my face, then took the camera and to walked away from me.

"Well, you are acting like one, it was your idea to fuck after all, so why hold back?"

She turned around and screamed at me: "If you would only knew why I did that, then, then you would not act like that." She started to cry and fell on her knees.

"I am sorry, I did not think when I said that, mom, please forgive me, tell me what is going on, why did you have to do this?" I said acting like that I did not know already.

So we sat down on my bed and told me the whole story, did not leave anything out. By the time she finished her story she was so tired that she fell asleep on my crotch, I put her lying in my bed and hopped next to her, naked and cuddled her from behind, my cock touching her ass and fell asleep.

Next morning I woke up and mom was not next to me, I went to her room, naked, and saw her composing a letter.

"Hey mom, what you doing?"

"Sending that video to "My new owner", how you feeling?"

"I am feeling like a MAN, yeah, I loved fucking you."

She looked at me furious, "You know, you should not push your luck, you should thank this mystery man for that, if we had lived our normal lives, then you would have never got near my pussy." she continued writing her letter and I went to my room.

I could not believe I fucked my own mother.

"What should I order her to do next? Damn, I do not know, morning awakening blowjob and cum swallowing from now on? Yeah, sounds good, also should tell her to buy clothes like a whore and wear them at home, when dad is not home and I am," I had a smile on my face as I thought of these things, "Oh yeah, I should tell her to become my personal whore, so whenever I want to fuck her, she has to." 

I checked my fake email and saw her reply: "Hello, asshole, here, I got you your video, but please, leave me and my family alone from now on."

Haha, leaving her alone? I was just getting started, I instantly replied to her:

"Dear Karoliina, you are a great mother, ahem, a slut and a whore, I saw your son enjoyed you fucking her, so I tell you, from now on you will give your son a morning wake-up blowjob or even sex, depends how he feels, then you will go to a sex shop and buy yourself clothes that only super sluts wear, and wear them at home for your son, but if your husband is home, do not wear them, would not want you to get into trouble now, would we? Last but not least, I want you to go to your son, get on your knees in front of him and beg him to allow you to be his personal whore and sperm bank, that means he gets to fuck you and do stuff that he wishes whenever he feels like it. And by the way, I see everything, so do not try to cheat me.

Yours faithfully,

Your owner."

After a minute or two I heard a loud scream coming from her room, I ran there and saw my mom crying on the floor.

"NO NO NO, what have I done, if he had published those pictures, I could have handled, but a sex tape? What is wrong with me," She saw me and came to me hugging me, "I fucked up Mihkel."

"What is it mom?"

"Go read the letter he sent me back."

So I pretended to read that and made a shocked face, then I saw my mom coming in front of me and falling on her knees, "Please let me become your personal whore and sperm bank where you can deposit your sperm whenever you want to. Please allow me, Lord Mihkel."

I was surprised how she fulfilled my needs and said, "All right, I allow you, what should I call you? A slut needs a name, ah yes, what about Cockwhore?"

"Thank you my Lord, yes, that name is perfect, but I would prefer good old mom." she said with a sad and worried face, I knew she did not enjoy this at all.

"Okay, no names then, but I thought you were ordered to buy some slutty clothes? Before you go, I want you to blow me, I have had a busy day."

She unlocked my jeans and freed my cock, she started sucking on it, I felt her using her tongue, that made me even harder, I could not take it anymore and took hold of her head and ravaged her head, I saw she could not breathe well and started to gag and tears came down her eyes.

I felt my cum coming and took my cock out and blasted my cum on her face.

"You will not clean yourself up, you will go to the sex shop with my cum all over your face."

She just got up and went towards the door, then I said, "Mom, I am sorry, I think I went too far this time, you can clean yourself."

She stopped and looked towards me with her usual angry look and said, "Oh someone feels guilty? No, I will not clean myself, I will go out like this and everyone will see me, they will say that I am a slut, that will also hurt you, since I am your mother remember? Do you remember that?"

I felt guilty and just sat down looking at my legs like a child who has done something wrong and is waiting for punishment. I saw my mom going outside with cum still on her and she did not get in her car, she walked. At least we had a sex shop nearby, so she will be back quick.

After about 30 minutes I heard our front door opening, I immediately went to investigate and saw my mom standing in front of the door, dry cum all over her face and hair.

"How did the shopping go? Did everyone see you covered in cum?" I asked nervously.

"Lucky you son, streets were empty and only one to see me like this was the shopkeeper."

"So, what did you buy?"

"Um so I bought this sex dress called "Seductive Bra, Open Cup Bra and Aproned panty", basically I have very few places covered, excluding my tits, they are visible, I also bought this fishnet dress, happy?"

"I want you to put one of them on for me right now." I was so excited to see her in one of these clothes, the thought of seeing her like that made my cock bulge in my pants.

After like 10 minutes, I saw my mom coming down the stairs, her pussy visible, her tits bulging out of 2 holes in her tits, she was wearing her "open cup bra and aproned panty" dress, this was perfect.

"Hey mom, what if I call you a whore? I think its short and simple name." I said jokingly, knowing she would decline.

"Call me whatever you want, I do not care anymore." 

I was surprised,

"If you do not care anymore, then get over here, I am kinda horny right now."

She moved closer and got on her knees, "I never thought that you would treat me as a whore for real, I guess given a chance to a person, they will do anything they want, I only wish you would treat me like mom not like a whore."

"Mom, I thought you were okay this, if this is how you feel, then why did you not protest before? Of course I will treat you like my mom, but we will have to have regular sex, or else he will post that video and pictures on the internet."

"I guess you have a point, continue doing what you were doing so far, but easier a little, please."

I felt like I had beaten her, and she allows me to do anything to her without blaming me for what is happening to her. 

"I understand, but I am really horny right now, could you do the magic?"

She opened my jeans and dropped them, then removed my underwear and my cock bulged out, harder than rock, ready to be sucked and fucked.

"Oh mom, your dress makes me so horny that I want to fuck you right here and cum inside and outside of you."

"Wooah, wait a second, you are not getting to come anywhere near the insides of me, I am not on the pills." she said with a serious face.

"Ah, forget it, just suck my cock you whore." I said and I saw her not minding me calling her a whore.

She started slow, trying to get all of it in her mouth, she used her tongue to arouse me even more, I wanted to ravage her mouth but I kept myself under control and let her do her thing.

She sucked me great, but I wanted to cum somewhere else, "Hey whore, get up and stick your ass up for me, I am going to ravage it."

She was frightened, but she did what I asked of her. She raised her ass and removed her panty, I could see it, her tight ass, "Hey mom, have you been ever fucked in there?"

"No, I am anal virgin."

"Not even with father?"

"Not even with father, he is not into this kind of stuff."

"Okay, better for me, I am going to pop your ass and claim it as mine."

And with that being said I just pushed my cock into her and pushed it all the way, which resulted in my mom crying out pain so loudly that it made me scared that our neighbors might call the cops, but I did not care, I was in my moms ass, ready to ravage her ass and no one could stop me, well the police could, but they are not here, so yeah, no one.

I started to push my cock as deep and fast as possible and I kept on fucking her like that, after drilling in and out of her like 10 times I saw blood dripping from her ass, I had fucked her bloody. I was in so much ecstasy that I did not see my mom had blacked out, but when I did finally see what had happened, I did not care anymore, I thought she would wake up soon and I kept on fucking her ass, with every thrust a little bit of blood spurt out of her ass, I fucked her until I came deep inside her, after filling her up, I tried to wake her up, but it did not work, I freaked out but somehow got my brain working, I quickly dressed her into everyday clothes and called the ambulance, by the time they had arrived I had set everything straight and my mom was lying on the couch.

"Hello, please come this way, she is over there," I said while pointing towards mom, "Can you tell what's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?"

"Just a moment young man, we will examine your mom," They removed her clothes, and saw her pants were full of blood, "It seems her anus is bleeding, we will have to stop the bleeding and take her to the hospital."

"Okay, do what you have to do, just get her okay."

What have I done? I let my lust get control of me and because of that I hurt my mom, damn it, I hope I will still get laid after this.

I was all alone in our home, I needed company, then I remembered, I have a sister who is still over at her friend's place, I called Mari, she answered, "Hello, Mihkel is this you?"

"Yeah Mari, I think you need to come home, it is about mom, she is on the way to the hospital."

"WHAT?! What did happen? Wh-" and I heard her starting to cry on the other side of the phone, "Why is she going to hospital?"

"I cannot explain it on the phone, it is hard."

"It is okay, I am coming home now." and she closed the call.

After an hour she came back to our home.

"Tell me, what happened."

"Well, we were watching TV and suddenly she collapsed and I saw her pants getting bloody, not from her vagina, but where her ass is, so I called an ambulance and they said her anus was bleeding."

"Oh god, oh well let us wait for a call or something, I will go sleep until then, I do not even know if I can sleep while being so nervous." 

"It is okay, I will stay alive in case something happens, you can go sleep, if you want I can give you sleeping water?"

"Oh, it would be nice of you."

I went upstairs to make her that drink, and right then it hit me, I can now use this to blackmail my sister too, make her mine too, oh this is great. I put 2 pills in her drink and went to her room where I saw her in her panty and bra waiting for me.

"Here you go sis, hey you want me to open the balcony door? It said on the TV tonight that will be super hot."

"Sure, thanks." she drank the water.

I opened the balcony door, wished her good night and left.

After an hour of waiting I went up to her room. I brought and some old pair of dad's boots, they were in the garage, made them a little muddy and went to the balcony and started making boot prints to make sure they think it was someone else who came to her room. 

After I had that done, I got near her, removed her sheet, watched her beautiful and cute body for a while, I got a boner, I removed her bra and panty and took a picture of her naked, turned her around and stuck her ass up, took another picture, next I took 2 of her fingers and put them in her ass, opened her mouth to make it look like she was doing it herself and enjoyed it, just like I did to mom. After taking those pictures I wanted to fuck her, so I got to her pussy and widened it, for my surprise she was still a virgin, so I decided instead of fucking her pussy I would fuck her ass, but slowly this time, much slower than I ravaged moms shithole.

I inserted my cock's head into her ass, but it went in very hard, so I spit on my dick and made it wet for easier entrance. So this time I tried again and entered her far easier than last time, with every thrust I went deeper, until I was inside her with all my cock. I fucked slow but I was getting ready to cum deep in her, well, I wanted to cum into her mouth, so I removed my cock and got next to her mouth, squeesed her nose so she had to breathe throught her mouth, as she opened her mouth I entered her, started to facefuck her as hard as I could, I came in her mouth as I heard our front door open, I cleaned Mari up and got her dressed up again and put everything like it was before I entered the picture, I took the boots and I quietly ran to my room , I hid those boots under my bed and pretended to sleep, suddenly I heard the door open and I saw my mom standing there.

"You little piece of shit, I am going to cut your cock off, how dare you hospitalize me like that!!"

"Mom, shh, sister is sleeping in the other room, " I tried to calm her down, "She took some of your pills thought, so she will be out for at least 8 hours."

"I gotta go see her, but you, I will deal with you later, you hear me?"

I nodded.

I followed mom to Maris room, when mom entered, she put the lights on and she saw it, those boot prints, "Oh my god, someone has been here Mihkel, quickly check the room, oh no, please god, do not tell me it is him again."

I pretended to search the room, and did not find anything.

"Nothing here mom."

I saw her worried and tried to get the conversation away from this subject, "Hey, what did happen to you anyways?"

"Long story short, you messed my ass up pretty bad, I cannot take a shit normally for almost a week, oh well, I forgive you, It was your first anal experience."

I was relieved to hear that, but I saw the worry on her face, recently she has not been smiling at all, only serious, I guess I fucked her life up.

We got up and left her room, we went to my room, "Hey mom, can you still have sex? Because I think I am getting horny right now looking at you."

"What the fuck is your problem Mihkel? It is not like I enjoy fucking with you, so why not cut me some slack?"

"Yeah, sure mom, but can you at least suck my cock? Relieve some stress."

"Ugh, okay, I hope that mystery man dies."

She removed my pants and started to suck my cock furiously, seems like she wanted to get over this fast, so I thought I should help her and I took her head between my hands and started to face fuck her like a madman, I was so horny that I did not care about what I did, I only needed to blow my load. Surprisingly, while I was face fucking her, she used her tongue to lick my cock so I would blow my load faster, after a while of hard oral sex, I came, I came hard, but since I had blown my load in my sisters mouth before, then I did not come as much as usual.

She got up and cleaned herself up and left, "Good night, lord Mihkel..."

"Good night, my Whore."

I went up to my door and locked it so no one could come in at night and went to sleep.