Bike Ride

I gently knocked on Sue's door.

"Sue," I called, "do you fancy coming for a ride?"

"Just a mo," she called back.

A few seconds later, she opened the door and peered at me through her plain reading glasses.

"Yeah," she said, "I'm bored shitless. Where do you fancy going?"

"I don't know. Somewhere with a cool breeze? It's so bloody hot in here."

Sue pondered for a few moments.

"How about Eden Hill?" she suggested. "It's high enough to get any breeze there is, it's got some trees to give shade and it's not very far to ride."

"Brilliant. Spot on! I'll go and get changed."

"OK, " she said, "meet out front in ten minutes."

I rushed back to my room and changed into cycling shorts and a half-sleeved shirt. It was such a fiercely hot day that I didn't want to risk sunburn on my exposed thighs and upper arms and the shorts would also prevent chafing from the saddle.. Eden Hill would take us over half-an-hour to get to, so it was worth taking a little trouble.

I rushed downstairs and out the back to get our bikes from the shed. As I wheeled them past the back door towards the side passage, Mum stuck her head out and smiled warmly.

"Where are you two off to?"

"Eden Hill. Hope we'll get a bit of air up there."

"Yes, you might be lucky and there's some shade up there if you're not. Enjoy yourselves. Text me when you're on your way back and I'll sort out something to eat."

I carried on out to the front and waited for Sue. I reflected once again how lucky I was to have a friend such as Sue. Although she was my younger sister, that didn't necessarily mean that we would get along. However, we did more than that: we were best friends. Although we had our own friends, very few of them were shared between us. Sue and I were quite different in personalities, but, underneath it all, we were both quite shy and I think that made our bond even stronger. We confided our thoughts and feelings to each other, even seeking the other's opinion on current boy- or girl-friends. We skirted around sexual matters, however, ostensibly because they were too 'personal' for siblings to discuss, but actually because there was little to report on either side.

At nineteen, I was, by my own admission, woefully inexperienced in sexual matters. I'd had girlfriends, but I'd never got much past the 'holding hands' stage. One girl had allowed me to feel her breasts through her jumper and bra and had, in return, stroked my bulging jeans, but we had been interrupted and the opportunity had never arisen again. Although I had the appearance of an outgoing sort of bloke, my shyness prevented me from asking girls out. The dates I did have usually came about from the girl asking me.

At eighteen, Sue was a 'nerd'. She looked very studious in her glasses and, I suspected, put some boys off even asking her out because of her earnest appearance. Perhaps they thought they would be bored by explanations of the General Theory of Relativity. In fact, she could make a passable attempt at explaining it, but I think she would not have inflicted it on a boyfriend. As she was very shy, she tended to encourage the myth that she was boring. Any boys who braved the first step and were gentle enough to befriend her on her terms would find that she had a delightful way of talking about non-academic subjects. 

In both of our cases, such girlfriends and boyfriends didn't last long. We just drifted apart from them, too shy, perhaps, to progress the relationships.

"All right, then?"

Sue appeared from the front door clad in similar gear to mine. We were fairly experienced cyclists and knew the risks of being under-protected from painful experience. I handed Sue her helmet and put mine on. She handed me a water bottle and I put it in the holder on my bike as she did hers.

Out of habit, I took the lead as we set off and I set a modest pace. It was bloody hot and we didn't want to arrive too knackered to make the journey back! Again out of habit, Sue took over the lead after about a mile just so I could slipstream and ease up a little. Sue's bum, as usual, attracted my attention as any girl's would have done. Nothing particularly sexual in my mind; just enjoying the view. For all I know, Sue looked at my bum in the same way when I was leading. The cycling shorts we were wearing were rather tighter than normal shorts and rather accentuated our bums.

After a few more swaps, we could see our destination ahead. A few minutes later and we had arrived at the beginning of the track leading to the summit. As the track was rather steep, we dismounted and pushed our bikes to the top. As we had hoped, the trees there afforded a decent amount of shade and it was appreciably cooler.

We put our bikes down and threw ourselves down in the grass with a slightly triumphant feeling from having arrived without too much effort and it having been a good idea to do it.

"Whew! That was a good idea to come here!" I exclaimed.

"It was a good idea to get the bikes out," she retorted. "One-all!"

"Do you want a drink?" asked Sue. She was nearer the bikes than me.

"Please," I said and she rolled over to get the bottles from the bikes. My eyes were once again drawn to her tightly-clad bum. I felt slightly ashamed that I was looking, but couldn't help myself. I must have lost my concentration for a moment because, as Sue rolled back with the bottles, I was still looking in the direction of her bum - but it was not her bum any more.

"Here," she called, throwing my bottle to me and then noticing where I was looking.

"Oy, what's your game, mister?" she asked in a fake Cockney accent.

I blushed heavily, making it impossible to pass it off with a joke. "Sorry," I blurted.

Sue looked down at her crotch and then back at me. After staring at me for a few seconds, she undid the cap on her bottle and took a long drink. Gratefully, I did the same.

The awkward moment passed and we were back to normal, chatting about inconsequential things and just relaxing in the pleasant surroundings. 

At the back of my mind, however, had been planted a seed. I'd looked at Sue's bum just as I would have any other girl's, but, not only had I liked what I'd seen, but I had wanted more. I hadn't really thought of Sue in any sexual way before. She was, after all, my sister and such feelings are generally not acknowledged. Of course, most siblings go through phases of fantasising about their siblings in either romantic or more explicit scenarios, but they usually remain locked up in fantasy. My feelings , I realised, were more about Sue than a girl's bum; the taboo feelings that were intruding on my mind were making me feel vaguely uncomfortable. 

Sue had already noticed me looking at her in an inappropriate way, albeit rather accidentally. She didn't seem to be too upset by it, but had given me a rather old-fashioned look.

Just as she was giving me now.

"Earth to Planet Dick."


"Sorry!" I blushed again.

"Where on Earth were you?" asked Sue. "It didn't look a bad place, but it wasn't with me."

Well, strictly it was, but I didn't feel I could tell her that. And that was literally the first time I had ever felt that I couldn't tell her something. Not avoiding answering one of her direct questions anyway. Of course, as I said before, there were certain things we didn't discuss, but we never raised questions about them. This time, Sue was asking me what I was thinking about and I couldn't answer her truthfully. I would have to avoid the truth and possibly even lie. I felt dreadful. Our whole relationship was crumbling because of an inappropriate thought on my part. The size of my problem grew exponentially as I racked my brains for something I could tell her. 

It was too late to pass it off with a flippant remark; she was already looking at me in a peculiar way. This was ridiculous. I was tongue-tied with my best-friend sister!

"Dick, whatever's the matter?" Sue had a very concerned look on her face. "Calm down."

This was stupid. I had quickly turned into a gibbering wreck in front of her eyes and no wonder she was worried. I was worried too; just an idle thought of Sue's bum had brought this on. I had thought of it before, admittedly not in any remotely lewd way, but this had not happened before.

The enormity of the spiral I was in was overwhelming me. I had thought of Sue in a way I reckoned I couldn't talk to her about and that was causing me to become increasingly flustered and for Sue to become increasingly concerned; this, in turn, made me want to allay her fears about my sanity and made me realise that I was unable to do so.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I wiped them hastily away.

"Jesus, Dick!" She was alarmed now. "Tell me what's wrong!"

I suddenly thought that running away might solve the problem, at least temporarily, and started to get to my feet.

"Oh, no you don't!" shouted Sue and she grabbed my arm. "Tell me what's wrong. You can tell me."

"I can't," I whispered and tears came again.

Sue stared at me intently. "Dick," she said gently, "we can talk about anything."

I shook my head dumbly. I wanted the ground to open up. I felt thoroughly ashamed of my thoughts, but Sue had no clue. 

Sue continued to stare through my eyes into my brain. "We can talk about anything," she repeated, "except..." and she trailed off thoughtfully. 

She blushed in turn. I could see that she understood my situation. Inexperienced as we were in dealing with sexual matters, we were old enough and intelligent enough to know the facts of them. We both realised that I had had slightly sexual thoughts about my sister and I at least knew that it had not happened before. I suspect that Sue could judge by my outlandish behaviour that it was a first for me.

I began to calm down, now that I realised that I was hiding nothing from Sue. How, though, was she going to handle it? She could laugh it off, as I should have done, or she could ignore it, but neither was the way we usually dealt with things that were troubling one of us. In such matters, we usually confronted them in a fairly light-hearted manner and brought a kind of joint learning experience to them so that we could both learn from it and grow up a bit more.

"Hmmm!" she grunted, "do you think my bum looks big in these?"

My heart went out to her. She had got it spot on. I dared to look up at her face and caught a wicked twinkle in her eye.

I was still uncomfortable, but she had given me a reasonably easy way out of the mire my mind was in. Our relationship was, in my mind, forever changed, but we could, perhaps, advance in an orderly manner.

"Not big exactly," I offered, with a deliberate hesitancy.

She launched herself at me and hit my upper arm quite hard.

"Take that back," she said threateningly.

My confidence returned somewhat now that we were getting back to a familiar bother-sister interaction.

"More... shapely," I dared. I held my breath waiting for her reaction. Having used that word, I suddenly realised that I was looking at Sue as a whole and admitting she was ... shapely. This was new: admitting I regarded her as shapely. I knew she was shapely through simple observation, but I was finding her shapeliness attractive and I had dared to tell her, or imply it at least.

Long seconds passed and Sue looked at me.

"Stand up," she said firmly.

"What the...?"

"Stand up," she repeated, more as an order this time.

Intrigued, I did so slowly. Sue remained kneeling on the grass.

I stood facing her.

Sue indicated with her hand that I should turn round. Now I got it, but I wasn't too sure I was happy with where it was going.

More long seconds passed with a deafening silence coming from behind me. Suddenly, however, Sue let out a snort and, when I looked back over my shoulder, she was trying unsuccessfully to suppress her giggles.

When she saw me looking, she laughed uproariously. "How absurd! Looking at my brother's bum!"

I joined in her laughter, overwhelmingly relieved that the tension was past.

I still had a memory of being acutely flustered by thoughts of my sister's bum, but that faded as we relaxed into a comfortable silence.

The twittering of birds and the buzzing of insects under the rustling leaves made this a very pleasant spot indeed. We relaxed for perhaps ten minutes.

I took another swig from my bottle and Sue did the same. Putting the cap back on, she turned back to her bike to replace the bottle in its holder. She seemed to have difficulty in getting the bottle in, because she got up on her knees and leaned forward to inspect the problem more closely.

Of course I looked. Very shapely. Not only that, but the tight cycling shorts moulded themselves on the area below her bum. My imagination was starting to stir. What fired me up more was that Sue was almost certainly doing this deliberately. Either for my benefit or as a tease. Either way, it was not something a sister normally did to her brother.

"What's the problem?" I asked casually to break the spell.

"Got it now," she replied, throwing herself back on the grass.

Now my imagination had got going and I realised that Sue had provoked me deliberately, I felt little guilt in looking at the front of Sue's shorts, visible below the bottom of her shirt. I couldn't help admiring the smooth slope from the bottom of the shirt to down between her legs. Rather different from my own rather lumpy equivalent. OMG, I shouldn't be thinking about such things! But surely looking is OK, as long as she doesn't catch me again. I didn't dare stare in case she looked at me, so I took occasional glances. 

I was, of course, quite familiar with the structure of a woman between her legs having devoured vast amounts of porn on my computer while I masturbated, but this was not only a live female but my sister and, therefore, engendered a distinct excitement with voyeuristic and taboo overtones. In other words, my cock stirred..

No problem yet. I was nowhere near hard yet. More a consciousness of my cock. All right if I could not let my thoughts run away with me. Problem was, me eyes were already travelling up Sue's shirt to other inviting shapes.

I groaned inwardly. This could get awkward. If I was hard and Sue decided it was time to go, I would not be able to conceal it in my shorts. I decided to stop looking at Sue's body and calm down. 

Unfortunately, I'm a man.

OK, I could try walking away until I calmed down. But, when I returned, the problem would be the same. And Sue would wonder why I was walking away.

Pre-emptive strike. "Do you think we ought to be heading back?"

Sue raised her head and looked at me. "No, we've got plenty of time."

Think, Dick, think.

The action of Sue looking at me had caused her to part her legs slightly. Great. Now I could look between her legs and imagine that the shorts were moulding themselves to her... pussy. Oh, shit! That did not help the state of my cock. Somehow, her shirt had ridden up a little too and there was a thin strip of skin showing above her shorts. My brain joined some dots and I was imagining the skin continuing down the slope to her pussy. Was I in trouble now. My lumpy terrain was becoming distinctly hilly. If Sue looked at me now, she'd be sure to notice.

Brilliant plan. I'll take my shirt off and then, when we go home, I'll tuck it into the waistband of my shorts and let it hang over my groin.

I sat up, stretched and quickly stripped my shirt off. I laid down again on my side with my knees slightly drawn up to hide myself from Sue.

"Lucky bugger," Sue murmured. 

"What?" I asked.

"You can take your shirt off."

Oh, come on, Dick, there's an obvious response to that.

"No, I'm not," she murmured again.

Even that was a change. An implied reference to her breasts. I glanced again at where they were. Gentle rises under her shirt. I wondered what her nipples looked like. I'd love to see them, but no chance of that. Still, no sense in not trying in this new atmosphere.

"Up to you."


"So you wouldn't mind if I took my shirt off?"

I could honestly think of nothing better right now and there seemed a chance that she actually would.

"Well, you've got a bra on haven't you?"

"Yes, but I don't normally show it to you."

No and I wouldn't normally look. I had, of course, caught occasional glimpses down her blouse, but had quickly averted my eyes to avoid embarrassment. I must admit that some of her more low-cut bras had afforded me a glimpse of cleavage and this would fuel my imagination for a very pleasant wank, but the thought of a full view of her bra whilst she was wearing it gave my prick a slight pulse.

Her use of 'normally' was interesting. She was acknowledging that there was something different here and that, perhaps, normal rules didn't apply.

"So, pretend it's a bikini," I said casually.

"I don't have a bikini," she pointed out, "all my swimming costumes are one-piece."

I knew that. I had often imagined her in a bikini when we had gone swimming, but the reality was not there.

"It wouldn't stop us pretending though."

"You just want to see my boobs," she laughed nervously.

Yes, yes, yes!

"But I would only see your bra."

This conversation was not helping my cock which was swelling up appreciably now and was getting uncomfortable due to it being pointed down and wanting to be pointed up. My tight shorts would not allow a surreptitious rearrangement, so I would have to pull my waistband out to allow realignment. I had to do it since I was in some discomfort so I pulled my waistband out, reached down to my cock and pulled it up.

"Oh, God!"

Sue had chosen that moment to sit up and couldn't help but notice what I was doing. I blushed furiously and let my waistband go. Much more comfortable, but Sue was looking directly at the bulge in my shorts. Cycling shorts don't hide much at the best of times, but if what is inside them is trying to get out, they do a very poor job.

"I'm not sure taking my shirt off would be a very good idea," she said quietly.


She continued to stare at my bulge. I glanced down and could see that my cock was clearly outlined under the fabric.

Another long silence, but she didn't take her eyes off me. I desperately tried not to make my prick twitch.

Sue apparently came to a decision. 

"What have you got under your shorts?" Oh, come on! "I mean," she said quickly, flustered, "what underwear?"

Jesus! Where was this going?

"Briefs." Boxers don't work under cycling shorts and I hate them anyway.

"Kind of like swimming trunks?"

Ah, I liked the way this going.

"I suppose."

Sue was definitely in the driver's seat.

"Well, you look... uncomfortable in your shorts and I am rather too. If you promise not to stare, perhaps we can pretend we're swimming?"

Did she just say she was uncomfortable in her shorts? She couldn't be excited like I was, could she? And was she offering a mild 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours'?

One problem. Dare I say it? I took a chance. 

"OK, but I'm afraid my... discomfort will be... even more obvious."

Sue blushed yet again. This was obviously new territory for both of us.

"I promise not to look," she said in a small voice.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

"I don't mind you looking."

This had come a long way out of our comfort zones. As far as I knew, neither of us had been in this kind of sexual position before and certainly not with a sibling.

I wanted to see her naked and be naked with her. That wasn't going to happen, but I wanted to get as close to it as possible.

I bent forward to take my shoes off and realised that my cock was very stiff. I untied the laces and kicked the shoes off. Sue watched me carefully and, when I sat back up straight, she fiddled with bottom of her shirt.

Go on! I screamed in my head.

She took a deep breath and stripped the shirt off over her head. My eyes were immediately drawn to her bra which was plain white and contained her breasts. I naturally looked to see if I could see any sign of her nipples and there they were!

"Don't stare too much please," she pleaded. "I'm not used to this."

"Nor am I, but you're lovely."

This was getting into dangerous territory. We were acknowledging each other's bodies and I for one was admitting sexual feelings for her.

Bugger the danger though. I wanted to see her pants as well and then I could imagine her naked more easily. I felt I had to take the lead on this, despite the acute embarrassment I was feeling over my erection. I laid back and arched my bum off the ground. Here goes. I grasped the waistband and pulled it down to just below the waistband of my pants. I quickly checked that I wasn't showing anything above my pants and carried on stripping my shorts off. I lowered my bum and kicked my shorts the rest of the way off.

I glanced own at myself clad only in my briefs and I was disturbed by how big I looked.

Sue was blatantly staring at me and breathing deeply. 

"Sorry," I said weakly.

"Don't be," she said gently, "you're lovely."

God! My sister Sue was staring at my albeit covered cock and admiring it! This had to be a dream, but, if it was, I was going to enjoy it as much as possible; if it wasn't, I was certainly going to enjoy it as much as possible.

I glanced at her covered nipples again and I swear they were more pronounced. I wanted to hurry her along in taking off her shorts so I could see more and imagine more, but I didn't want to scare her. However, she was blatantly looking at my bulging pants, so maybe I could push things a bit.

"Have we got time for a swim?"

She giggled. "OK, fair enough."

She bent forward to unlace her shoes and gave me the best view down her bra. I'm sure I could almost see her nipples. She kicked her shoes off and laid back lifting her bum just as I had done. She pushed her shorts down a little way, checked that her pants were 'decent' and then pushed the shorts further down and kicked them off. Since she was facing me directly, my eyes were drawn to her pants. Could I see the outline of her pussy lips? No, but my imagination was working overtime!

OK, this was out of control. The flood-gates had opened for both of us. We had behaved respectably with each other for five or six years with no hint of anything sexual between us and now this. It wasn't as if we had suppressed these thoughts, not consciously anyway, we just hadn't had them. At least as far as I was concerned. Maybe Sue had been having secret licentious thoughts about me all along. Maybe she wasn't the innocent I assumed she was and it was just me that was naïve. Whether Sue was as naïve as me, the jolt that had woken me up had caused her to respond in a similar way and we were both thinking along the same lines.

Here we were, alone and unlikely to be disturbed, in our underwear and me with a very obvious erection. Not only that, but Sue was not shy about looking at it. 


Sue's voice intruded on my daydreaming.

"Dick, this is getting slightly weird."

I had to agree, but was that sufficient reason to stop?

"You're obviously aroused and I'm getting turned on myself and that shouldn't happen between brother and sister."

Party pooper. But she was right. If this went much further, if we, say, touched each other, we would have crossed a boundary. Things would never be the same between us again and we would continue to push the boundary back. If that happened, full sex was the inevitable outcome and we would have lost the sibling relationship that we had for ever. That was too precious to lose for the sake of sex. We would both have sexual partners eventually and, if we kept our hands to ourselves now, we would still have each other as well.

"You're right, Sue," I declared, feeling deflated nevertheless, "if we don't stop, we could lose our brother-sister relationship and I don't want that to happen."

Tears sprung to Sue's eyes as she agreed with me.

"Phew! It was getting a bit hot there, wasn't it?"

"It was your fault for having such a hot body," I pointed out, grinning.

"Get away! There's nothing special about me."

"Well, I would disagree. Your legs are beautifully shaped, your stomach is beautifully flat, your arms are beautifully slender and shapely, your face is lovely and your hair sets it of perfectly; and that's only the bits I can see."

"Careful!" she cautioned.

"It's OK, the heat has gone out of the situation and the danger is past, I think. As far as I can see, our brother-sister relationship has moved on to a more adult level."

"Yes, you're right," she said thoughtfully, "we should be able to talk about our bodies without losing control like lust-crazed teenagers."

"You," she continued, " have a finely toned body, all muscly in the right places. Of course, that again is only the bits I can see."

I looked down at my pants. "Well, I don't think you need much imagination to fill in the missing bits."

Sue laughed. "Of course, I've never seen one, so my imagination doesn't help me much."

Surely not!

"But haven't you looked at any porn? There's plenty on the internet."

"No, I've never dared do that."

"But how...?" Oh no, I couldn't ask that!

"How what?"

Shit! Masturbation to me was a very personal thing. I wasn't going to be able to discuss it with Sue no matter where our new-found openness was leading.

"Never mind," I mumbled.

"I suppose you have looked at porn?"

"Some," I admitted uncomfortably. I spent something like an hour a day looking at porn and wanking myself off, but it wasn't for public consumption.

I imagined she was going to ask "Why?" next and that would have had me really stumped, but she didn't.

"So you can imagine my hidden bits?"

It was no good, my prick was going towards rock-solid again having slightly deflated with the reduction in temperature between us.

"Yes and no," I answered carefully, still mindful of getting as much as I could out of this situation without jeopardising our relationship. It was a fine line to tread but the demon on my shoulder told me to risk it. "I know what women in general look like, but..."

"But you don't know what I look like," Sue continued, picking up on my unfinished sentence. "It's not going to happen, Dick."

"Fair enough, " I said.

I decided on a different tack. "Perhaps you could help my imagination?"

"How?" she asked suspiciously. Rightly so.

"Well, how about you describe your bum?"

"What on Earth do you mean 'describe it'?"

"Well, as though I'm looking at it."

"What, naked?"

"Yes," I said, hardly daring to breathe.

"You're joking."

"Well, yes, I was because you probably don't know what it looks like."

After a pause, I asked "What about your boobs?"

"What about them?"

"Describe them."

"They're round and attached to my chest," she laughed.

"But that hardly does them justice, I'm sure. What do they feel like?"

"You were asking what they look like and now you want to know what they feel like?"

"Well, I wanted to know what they look like because I'm never going to see them and, equally, I'm wondering what they feel like because I'm never going to feel them."

"No, you're certainly not!"

"I know," I said patiently, "that's why I'm asking you to describe them."

"What do I get out of this?"

Fair question.

"Well, I suppose I can always describe something to you."

Sue's eyes lit up momentarily. She didn't actually look at my crotch, but I could see where her thoughts were lying.

"What on Earth are we doing, Dick? We've never talked to each other like this before."

"No, but I'm finding it rather good. We've always skirted round sex before, but it's something we're both interested in and we can share our thoughts with each other. I think it's something a brother and sister ought to be able to do."

"Yes, I agree, but I'm not sure that we should discuss sex and get excited about it. You were very obviously excited and I must admit I was too. Surely that should be reserved for sexual partners. If we're not careful, we could be heading towards incest." 

"I was seeing it more as a bit of fun for us," I said. "Yes, we got excited, but that was probably because we weren't used to talking about sex to anyone. I think being brother and sister means that it's rather safer for us to talk freely about our feelings."

"I'm not so sure," said Sue after some thought. "Seeing your obvious arousal got me going too, just like I imagine it might be with a proper boyfriend."

"But," I retorted, "you didn't rip my clothes off."

Sue muttered something under her breath and then blushed bright scarlet.

"What was that?"

"Never you mind."

"Not fair. I thought we were sharing things now."

"Not everything."

"Apparently. But who decides where the boundary is? Have we just moved the boundary a bit, or have we abolished it altogether? I would like to think we've abolished it. That doesn't mean," I added hastily, "that we can do anything sexual, but that we can discuss anything sexual."

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

I was having to think quickly now. "But we don't have to talk about sex all the time. It's just that if there's anything that you're puzzled about that I might be able to shed some light on, or vice versa, we should feel we can discuss it with each other. That has been the case with us before with most subjects. It's just that, with sex, we will have different views on it and it might help if we can appreciate each other's point of view."

"OK, but we must feel able to not answer each other's questions if they make us feel uncomfortable."

"Of course, that goes without saying. There's nothing compulsory about this. It's just brother and sister helping each other."

I decided to let Sue mull all this over and not push it. We had come a long way and I felt that Sue would scare more easily than me if we went too far. I had hopes of seeing Sue naked and feeling her body freely, but I had talked that out of court in the near future at least. For all I knew, Sue wanted to see me naked and feel me as well; she was certainly interested in my bulging pants. But I wouldn't push it.

I laid back in the grass with a contented sigh. Life was good at this moment. My relationship with my sister, whilst always being good, had taken a step towards a more interesting, if not exciting, stage. I was with her in a state of undress that we had not been in with each other before. The weather was absolutely perfect and we didn't have to rush anywhere.

A long, contented silence ensued. Our bodies appeared to be relaxed, but my mind was working feverishly and I'm fairly sure that Sue's was as well. I got the impression that she wanted to ask me something and didn't know how to broach the subject. If that was true, then the subject was likely to be sexual and I wondered how to encourage her to make the first move. 

After a few minutes, I felt that I could draw Sue's attention to my bulge again without threatening her, so I stood up and scanned the horizon. Sue could look at me without moving if she wanted to and I was sideways on to he so she could view the profile of my bulge, Although I wasn't fully erect, I was sufficiently aroused to tent my pants noticeably.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

I resisted the same question back.

"Just seeing what there is to see," I replied vaguely

"Well, something;s got you going again," she smiled.

I looked down and managed to look embarrassed. I didn't, however, attempt to hide it. "I'm afraid it happens rather a lot, but it's usually better hidden."

"But something must cause it," she stated innocently. "I mean you must be having sexy thoughts."

"Well, I suppose this situation we're in is causing my imagination to fire. I reckon it must be the same for you."

"Well, I suppose it is."

"In your case, it's not so visible though."

"No," she replied thoughtfully.

Come on, this is the time to push it. I twitched my prick.

Sue gasped.

"Sorry," I said. "It's got a mind of its own."

"Only one brain in your body," she observed drily.

"But two heads I'm afraid." I twitched again. My tent was getting bigger.

"It can't be just us talking about talks about sex," she asserted.

"Well, it can be," I replied, "but seeing you in your underwear as well is probably contributing to my condition."

"But I'm your sister. You shouldn't be thinking about me like that."

"My other head doesn't know about relationships, I'm afraid. It sees a pretty girl in not much clothing and it gets interested in what's underneath."

I decided to pile on the pressure. "You're probably in a similar position. You're looking at my pants and wondering what's underneath, despite the fact that I'm your brother."

Sue was silent for a moment. "Fair point," she conceded.

We both reflected on the situation.

To my surprise, Sue broke the silence. "If we go any further with this, there can be no touching. We are brother and sister after all. But I think we are both too interested to just let it go. I'm prepared to satisfy your curiosity if you'll satisfy mine."

My prick was, by now, completely hard. "There's my answer," I said, pointing at it.

Sue laughed nervously. "Show me," she breathed.

"Are you sure?" I asked, offering her a way out, even at this late stage.

"Oh yes, show me your ... cock."

I looked around to make sure we were alone, took a deep breath and slid my pants down my thighs. My prick remained vertical, as stiff as I could ever remember it.

Sue gasped and sat looking at it, entranced. "Oh my God, Dick, it's lovely. Get down here before someone sees you."

I kicked off my pants and sat beside her, legs stretched out so my prick was still exposed.

"I can't believe we're doing this," she breathed, "we're very naughty."

"But, as long as there's no touching," I said, "we can claim it's educational."

She grinned back.

"I'd love to see your breasts," 

She nodded and reached round her back to undo her bra. When it was loose, she pulled it forward and away from her breasts, exposing them to me. My God, they were beautiful! Perfectly breast-shaped with no sag, of medium size and with small, pale pink nipples. The centres of the nipples were already erect. She looked at me anxiously.

"They're absolutely beautiful, Sue. I can't imagine more perfect breasts."

Sue blushed.

I decided to push the envelope a bit more. "They're just perfect. I can imagine they're a perfect handful and the nipples look like they would be perfect to suck on."

Sue blushed more vigorously. She muttered something under her breath which I didn't catch.

"Sorry?" I asked.

Sue took a deep breath. "I said I was thinking similar things about your cock." Her face was crimson.

"That it looks perfect to handle and to suck on?"

She nodded.

"I didn't think you would think thoughts like that." I was shocked and excited. "It's a bit of a shame we said no touching," I added cheekily.

"We mustn't," she said forcefully.

"Of course not., but I would dearly like to see you naked," I prompted.

" I can't believe we're doing this."

"You can stop any time you feeling uncomfortable," I pointed out riskily.

She muttered something under her breath again. I raised an eyebrow at her.

" I said I'm feeling uncomfortable all right. Uncomfortably wet."

"Please show me."

I held my breath whilst she struggled inwardly. Suddenly, she raised her bum off the ground and pushed her pants down and all the way off. Her legs were together, so all I could see was some pubic hair, but this was enough to bring my cock to unprecedented stiffness.

"You're beautiful, Sue. You're the sexiest naked girl I've ever seen. Please let me see everything."

Sue obviously felt she had some control over me for a change. She smiled shyly at me and asked me what I wanted to see.

"Your pussy, Sue. Show me your pussy. My cock wants to see your pussy."

"I'm not sure. It's all a bit messy, I'm afraid."

"I don't care," I cried desperately. "Look, my cock is messy too," and I pointed out the pre-cum running over the head.

"You're not cumming are you?"

"No," I laughed gently, "that's just lubrication like your pussy getting wet. If I cum, it'll shoot everywhere."

"Oh," she said, "I think I've led too sheltered a life."

"Never mind, " I said, "there's plenty of time to catch up."

Sue looked me in the eye and started to spread her thighs. I looked down and watched as her pussy came into view.

When her lips were exposed and started to separate, I couldn't help exclaiming "Oh, you are so lovely Sue!"

She blushed prettily and tuned her gaze deliberately to my cock. 

"You're lovely yourself, Dick," she said, "but, if I remember correctly, this all started with us feeling the need to talk about sexual things and here we are, naked, lusting over each other's bodies."

"You're lusting over my body?" I asked, surprised by her forthrightness. 

"Oh yes, why do you think I'm wet?"

"Yes, the same reason I'm hard."

"But the problem is," she continued, "that, if we weren't brother and sister, we would be all over each other at this stage and we would end up fucking."

I actually gasped. I had never heard that word from Sue before.

She grinned. "I'm not actually the kind of girl that I seem to be at home. As I said, though, if we were girlfriend and boyfriend, we would certainly be feeling each other by now and end up fucking. That can't happen with us. The problem we have, as I see it, is that we're both very excited but can't bring it to its natural conclusion, so I think we're going to have to masturbate."

"Jesus, Sue."

"The way I see it, we'll both scurry off to our rooms immediately we get home and masturbate. In the interests of educating ourselves sexually, which was, after all, the point of all this, and seeing as I can't wait that long, I'm going to masturbate. It would be far less embarrassing for me if you were to wank as well. I've been dying to see a boy cum for ages."

Wanking was such a private matter, I could only wonder how randy Sue was to suggest it. Even I, in my fevered state, felt some reluctance to demonstrate my masturbation techniques, but this was overcome by my desire to see Sue in the throes of an orgasm.

"I'm a boy," I said, unnecessarily, "so I'm always ready to wank."

"How often do you do it?"

I considered how I should answer and decided on the truth. "Probably two or three times a day."

"Hmmm, a bit more than me. I usually only get off once a day, but sometimes, if I'm feeling particularly randy, I have multiple orgasms."

My prick lurched and Sue, on seeing it, dropped her hand between her legs.

"Oh my God, Dick. Please do it with me!" She spread her legs wide, displaying her pussy, and slid a finger between the lips.

I grasped my shaft and started the familiar action. This wasn't going to take long and I suspected Sue was pretty close too. She slid two fingers inside her pussy and I could see her thumb playing at the top of her lips. That would be her clit. 

This was surreal and I could only wonder at the frustration that was yet to come in our relationship, but, for now, I just wanted to cum and watch Sue cumming.

"Tell me what you're thinking," gasped Sue.

"I'm thinking how much I want to see you cum. I'm thinking that my first naked girl couldn't be a more beautiful one. I'm thinking I want to fuck you."

"Exactly the same for me," she panted and threw her head back in ecstasy. Her fingers were flying now and she arched her back off the ground.

"I'm there as well, Sue," I said, feeling the familiar tingle.

She sat up, a wild look in her eyes. "Show me."I knelt in front of her and pumped the final strokes. My cum flew out towards her and landed on her right breast first and then her stomach. The next jet landed just above her pubic hair and then the rest ran down my hand.

Sue's hand resumed its motion in her pussy and she arched her back again and groaned loudly.

"Mind," I warned her, "there's some cum just above your cu..., er, pussy. Don't want it to get inside."

"That's not what you said just now," she grinned, " and I like the word 'cunt'. It's suitably rude."

"Sometimes I prefer 'pussy' if I'm admiring a beautiful girl", I said, "and I think of a cunt if I'm wanking over some porn."

"Well, you started to use the word 'cunt', so which is it?"

"While I was cumming and just afterwards, it was definitely a cunt, but now my focus has zoomed out a bit, I'm seeing a beautiful girl who has a very pretty pussy."


"I particularly like the iced cherry bun on your chest."

She looked down at her breasts and laughed. "I didn't realise you would shoot that far." She wiped my spunk off her breast with her finger and studied it.

"What does it taste like?"

"Difficult to describe," I replied. "Only one way to find out."

"I suppose," and she stuck her finger in her mouth. "Hmmm, odd."

"I'd love to taste your juices, but I can't think how to do that without touching you."

Sue pondered for a moment. "I suppose, in the interest of scientific investigation, sucking my finger could be exempt from the touching rule."

She reached down between her legs, pushed her middle finger in her pussy and held it out tome. It was glistening with her pussy juice. I closed my lips over finger and licked it. I could taste her juices. Almost sweet, quite unlike my semen.

"Delicious," I declared, smacking my lips. "Any more?"

Sue grinned. "Let me see," and she went back to her pussy, this time with two fingers. She scooped the juice out and offered it to me. I licked her fingers and imagined, as I licked between her fingers that it was her cunt I was licking.


She went back for more and I followed her fingers with my head. "Just to make sure we don't lose any," I explained. We were now, inadvertently, in a sort of 69 position.

Immediately her fingers came out, I sucked them into my mouth. The smell between her legs was intoxicating and my prick jerked to an even greater erection. Sue noticed this. "Can you cum again?"


"So can I. What if we were to do it in this position?"

"I could get loads of juice from your cunt and I could shoot into your mouth."

"Oh God, yes," she exclaimed, "but we're going to have to be careful about the no-touching rule."

"Well," I pondered, "if it's OK to suck fingers, it must be OK to touch hands with hands. Suppose we masturbate but touch hands as we're doing it. Then we can guide each other. If I want some of your cunt-juice, I can pull your fingers out and suck them. If you want my cum anywhere in particular, just guide my hand so my cock's pointing to the right place.."

"Oh God, so we'll be wanking each other without touching. This is getting extremely naughty."

"But fun?"

"Oh yes. I've been masturbating for years and always dreamed of doing sex with someone else. I never expected it to be you, It makes it even more exciting than I imagined. I suppose it's because I know you so well."

"I know what you mean. I've watched a lot of porn and I now realise it's a poor substitute for real sex and, as you say, it's better because I know you."

I grabbed my cock impulsively. It was as hard as I ever remembered it. I sensed Sue squirming he upper body towards me a bit and then felt her hand tentatively hold the outside of my hand. It wasn't big enough to wrap itself around my hand, but I felt it encourage my hand to move up my shaft. When I reached the head, I paused and waited for Sue to move my hand down.

I saw Sue's other hand move between her legs and part her pussy lips. I touched the back of her hand with mine and then lightly gripped it. Now I could move her hand so her fingers trailed up and down her slit and, as I did so, I felt my other hand being moved down my shaft.

Sue quickly cottoned to the action of my wanking, at first mostly following my hand's familiar movements and, after a while, controlling me in an excitingly novel way.

Similarly, I followed her masturbation actions until I felt confident to introduce my own motions. 

I decided I wanted to taste her, so I pulled her hand away from her and move her glistening fingers to my mouth. I licked her fingers as sensuously as I could, enjoying the unfamiliar taste and then moved her hand back to her slit. I made sure her fingers entered her vagina and then moved them up the slit so that she rubbed around her clit. After a few repeats of this, I tasted her again and, this time, she was considerably wetter. This excited me even more and I moved my hand on my shaft even quicker. She managed to follow me and then I felt the familiar feeling.

"I'm cumming," I gasped.

"So am I," she gasped back and intensified the movement of her fingers on her clit.

I entered the final quick-stroke phase of wanking and felt Sue just point my prick in the direction of her choosing. On the point of cumming I stopped stroking so that my cum didn't spray all over the place and I felt Sue make final adjustments to the direction.

I intensified Sue's hand movements on her clit in the hope that she would cum with me.

Then I spurted. I trusted Sue to be aiming me in a suitable direction.

Sue clamped her thighs together, trapping our hands, and shouted: "Oh, God, that's good!!"

I could feel Sue's body trembling with passion. I had to taste her juices, so I eased her thighs apart as soon as I could and scooped the juice from her cunt with her fingers and moved it to my mouth. The juice was actually dripping from her fingers and I licked as much as I could. This was heavenly. I became aware that Sue was moving my hand up and down again, more slowly on the up stroke. This was the familiar action to squeeze the last drops of cum out and I couldn't resist looking at what she was doing. I moved my body a little away from hers and looked down between them.

Sue realised what I was doing and looked back at me, grinning broadly. Her face was plastered with my cum, but what excited me even further was that she was extending her tongue to capture the last drop she had managed to squeeze out!. She was about to break her own no-touching rule!

"You're going to break your own rule?"

"I've got your cum all over my face and have tasted it. We've seen each other come at close quarters. I've decided to abandon the no-touching rule and tidy you up a bit."

She licked the drop off the end of my cock and then proceeded to lick me clean.

I reciprocated by moving her hand from between her legs and diving in with my tongue. I licked all round her slit, parting her lips and getting in as far as I could. She was pretty wet in there and I moved up to her clit to see if I could make her come again.

"Dick! Wait a minute," she said, pushing me away from her pussy. "What are you thinking?"

I was slightly confused. "I was thinking how nice it was licking your cunt."

She blushed at my coarse language. "And it was nice having it licked," she grinned, "especially while I was sucking your cock."

"So what's the problem?"

She turned herself around so our bodies were lying together. "No problem. I just wondered if you were thinking the same thoughts as me."

I twigged what she was saying. "Would those thoughts have anything to do with fucking, because I know mine were."

"Well, it seems like the flood-gates have been opened and I don't see how we're going to stop the flood. I must admit that I don't really want to. I've been respectable for too long and I want to feel what it's like being a non-virgin. To feel what it's like to not worry about taking the final step, but be concerned more with whether I want to have sex with someone."

I realised that that matched my sentiments almost exactly.

"I couldn't have put it better myself," I said. "However, we may have to wait a while for me to recover." I indicated my wilting penis.

"Let's hope it doesn't take too long. I'd love to have it inside me."

I thought that a bit of dirty talk might help the situation.

"Whereabouts inside you would you like it?"

"Where do you think?"

"Tell me, Sue," I said quietly, "tell me where you want my stiff cock."

"In my pussy."

"Not good enough."

She got the idea. "OK, in my cunt."

"And what shall I do with my cock in your cunt?"

"Fuck me until we both come and I feel your hot sperm splashing inside me."

"Can I do that? Are you on the pill?"

"Yes," she smiled, "I've been on the pill for a couple of years to control my periods. They were a bit hard to bear sometimes."

"Excellent! I didn't like the idea of condoms. Besides which, I haven't got any. Sorry about your bad periods though."

She smiled. "Are we really going to fuck? It's a big step and I'd hate to think that it change our relationship for the worse."

"I agree, but I've got the biggest hard-on ever and I can't think of a better place to put it than in your cunt."

Sue laughed. "I like the word 'cunt'. I've never said it out loud before and it has a nice dirty feel to it."

I stroked her between the legs. "Not so much dirty, but very slippery."

"All the better to slip your cock in. Come on, fuck me."

Sue pulled my shoulders round so that I was lying on top of her in the fucking position. We looked into each other's eyes and simultaneously felt like kissing. We did so passionately, wrestling our tongues together until we were both drooling and spit was running over Sue's face. We were both so turned on that we both reached for my cock together to guide it into her. It went in a little way and then I was conscious of her hymen obstructing further progress.

"Push hard," she breathed, "I know it might hurt, but it'll be worth it."

I was rather anxious not to hurt her, so I pushed gently but to no avail.

"Harder," she growled. "Do the hard part once and then we can fuck whenever we want."

That sounded like a good incentive, so I pushed harder. Luckily, my cock was really stiff and acted as an effective battering ram on Sue. I burst through the barrier and skidded to a halt almost entirely inside her.

"Just a minute," she said breathlessly, "let it just be inside me for a mo'."

"It feels nice," she continued, "but it did hurt just a bit."

I respected her wishes and kept as still as I could, but I couldn't help thinking that it was indeed feeling very nice and that we were no longer virgins. We could fuck our brains out ... .

Suddenly, 'fuck' wasn't the right word; 'make love' sounded better: we could make love our brains out. Hmm, perhaps if we were going to make love, it would be at a gentler pace than I was imagining. I'd listened to too many schoolboy braggings and watched too much porn.

I kissed Sue again, but tenderly this time. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, it feels lovely. Perhaps you could move a little now?"

Instead of moving, I twitched my cock.

"Oh! That felt rather nice."

I did it again and again she expressed her delight.

I gently slid the rest of the way in and nestled my body gently against hers.

"I want to try going in and out fairly slowly so that we can both build up the tension, " I told her, "we probably won't get it right the first time, but it's worth trying."

"I like the idea of this being the first time and that it will get better," she smiled.

I gently pulled out a little and then slid in gently to the hilt again. "OK?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes," she breathed.

I repeated the movement again. "Still OK?" I asked.

"Yes and take it that it is until I tell you it isn't."

I set up a gentle fucking rhythm and took the opportunity to play with Sue's nipples. She seemed to appreciate that, as she put her hands over mine to keep them in place.

I wasn't going to last very long, but I wanted Sue to come as well - it was her fuck every bit as much as mine.

"Keep going," she urged, "please keep going."

I was going to come in a few seconds, I could feel the pressure building up, so I increased the tempo to give Sue a chance. She took it and her body spasmed and she mashed my hands into her breasts. This took me over the edge and I could feel my knob swell and then spurt inside Sue.

Sue literally screamed, "I can feel you coming!"

I then had the strongest orgasm I had ever had and my body tensed up as Sue's had done. My muscles all locked for a few seconds and then, when they released a little, I found that I was crying. I didn't care whether Sue saw me, so I looked back into her eyes and saw tears there.

We cuddled together until the tears subsided a little.

"Oh my God!" breathed Sue, "that was wonderful."

By way of answer, I cuddled her tighter.

We were both out of breath, both with the physical exertion and the strength of emotion involved.

After a while, Sue voiced what I was thinking at the same time: "I think, in our case, incest is a very pleasant way of passing the time."

"I agree; making love to my sister is the best thing I have ever done."

I was still inside her, but, by then, I was barely hard at all. Even an attempt at a twitch had no effect and Sue didn't notice.

I wanted to get hard and I considered that, with Sue's help, I could do that fairly quickly. Even though I had just fucked her and there was a new spirit of openness about our relationship, I still felt awkward. I was going to have to overcome this shyness.

"I want to get hard again so we can make love."

"OK," she replied matter-of-factly, "I'm up for that, how do we do the same for you?"

I laughed. "Choice of two options: either give me a blow-job or talk dirty to me."

"Well, if I take the blow-job option, you'll have to take your cock out of my cunt and it feels rather nice in there. Talking dirty it is. Keep twitching your cock inside me like you were doing before. When I can feel it, I know I'm getting somewhere."

"Suck my nipples," she continued.

I bent forward slightly, held her breasts, one in each hand, and extended my tongue to lick the nipples alternately. As my head neared hers, she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear: "Don't forget to keep twitching your cock in my cunt. I need to feel the moment you start getting hard. Then we can fuck again and I can feel your cum squirting into my cunt and I can cum again."

I twitched and she certainly felt it. "How much harder can you get?"

"A little bit."

"I like talking about my cunt," she whispered. "I've never said it out loud before and now I'm encouraging you to fuck me in it. I never expected today to turn out like this."

I felt myself harden and moved out and in a little. Sue's cunt was very lubricated and she breathed in my ear: "Oh, yes, that feels nice. Keep fucking me like that." 

I gradually quickened the pace, still conscious that she might be sore, but eager to fill her up with my cum.

After a few seconds, Sue got into the swing of it and thrust her hips to meet mine on the downstroke. She wrapped her arms and legs around my body, but never missed a beat.

Her movements became more violent, as did mine, and she finally let out a wail of pleasure as she came and that caused me to come as well. I felt my cum pulsing into her cunt and hugged her tighter until I regained my breath.

After a few minutes, we recovered a little and released our holds somewhat.

Ever the practical one, Sue slapped me on the back.

"By the time we clean ourselves up and get presentable, I think it will be time to get back."

"I dare you to ride home naked."

"That would not only probably make my cunt sore, but would also probably get me arrested and I would be late for tea. So no."

"Oh, OK," I pouted. "I could just imagine following you home with your pretty bum in view."

"Well, when we're alone again, you can inspect my bum as long as you like."

"OK, I suppose that'll have to do."

We stood up and used our water to clean ourselves off a bit.

Sue started to dress; first to disappear was her pretty bum, followed by her pretty breasts and the the rest of her body until she resembled a lady cyclist. I knew, however, that she was really a very sexual girl who also happened to be my sister.

I got dressed under Sue's watch until I was a male cyclist. I had a slightly exaggerated crotch, but, otherwise, was fairly normal.

Sue texted Mum to say we were on our way and, when she had sent it, she said, "We have to do this again."

I smiled. "I'm free tomorrow."

"That's convenient, so am I."