Camping with Mom

Mom and I had planned a great 2 week vacation in the winter beauty of the backcountry in Canada.

I arrived the week before to get in some winter camping which I had missed so much in the past years. I used to camp in a tent in the snow, but this time I had towed a small camper trailer, and spent the days hiking and enjoying the winter wonder land. The cold air was invigorating and I loved it. I slept with the camper windows open, using only the sleeping bag for warmth. Mom was to fly up on Saturday and I would pick her up at the airport. I decided to leave the camper at the camp site for the airport drive since the camp site was in between the airport and our Bed and Breakfast location. I would pick it up on our way back.

I picked my Mother up at the airport and we drove back to my camp site to pick up the camper trailer. From there we would head up to the Bed and Breakfast where we would stay for the next 2 weeks. When we got to the campsite, Mom looked around and said, "I should have come up with you, this is so beautiful!" 

In front of my campsite was a large lake with an old wooden dock that had seen better days. It stretched out about 20 feet into the lake. We strolled up to the dock for a better look across the gorgeous lake. Miles of forest surrounded the lake and the trees were mostly capped with lovely white snow.

Since we were in a cove which limited the side views, Mom excitedly called out, "Let's walk out to the end of the dock and look at the lake view!" 

Walking out onto the old wooden dock, we scanned to beautiful snowy vista in front of us. Most of the lake was frozen, but spots around the shore and the dock were still unfrozen. The dock was slippery with ice in many places and I asked Mom to be careful and offered my arm to support her. 

At the end of the dock we stood taking in the view, it was truly astounding! While turning to look a different direction, Mom slipped on the ice and fell into the icy lake. She completely submerged for a second and then broke the surface gasping in the icy water. I could tell that the cold water was causing her lungs to spasm and that she could not catch her breath. 

I scrambled on my knees and reached for her, but she was just inches out of my reach. Then she went under the surface! I jumped into the water and grabbed Mom, lifting her back to the surface. Pulling Mom from the water, I rushed her to the camper trailer that was parked nearby.

The camper trailer was small and had only the one bunk. And I of course had only the one sleeping bag since I was not expecting guests! 

I spoke urgently, "Mom, we need to get out of these wet clothes and get into that sleeping bag to get warm." Mom said nothing about the predicament of only one bag and the nudity, but I guess we both were cognizant of the dire circumstances.

Stripping out of the clothes was not difficult and did not need any second thoughts as we both wanted those freezing cold wet clothes to stop touching our skin. There was a fleeting spark of eroticism as I saw my mother standing there naked, but it passed with the emergency of the situation.

We quickly slid into the sleeping bag with about as much grace as possible, being totally frozen, naked, and being a Mother and son. I immediately rolled on my side facing my mother and said, "We need to hug and share body heat" and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Mom's arms snaked around my waist and pulled our hips close.

Both our bodies were shivering and out teeth chattering. The little bit of heat from Mom's body felt so good radiating to me, and I am sure she felt the same. I rubbed my hands up and down Mom's back trying to generate heat and move blood. I squirmed to get closer and make as much skin touch as possible. Mom's hands were doing the same lower on my back. Very quickly our bodies started to warm and the shivering and chattering teeth slowed a bit.

As the urgency of the situation began to subside, I began to think about my immediate surroundings and any way I might improve the conditions. But unfortunately I had no heater, no fire; there was no way to make heat other than to do what we were doing. 

Next as our bodies warmed and my mind could wander, I began to realize what a wonderful opportunity had been presented to me. All my life I wanted to make love to my Mother, and here I was with her naked in my arms. Never had I thought it really possible to make love to her, nor did I ever think I would even see or touch my fantasy lover naked!

Now with my mind running wild and my body was ready to catch up, and I felt a stirring in my loins. I instantly froze! What on earth was going to happen if I got hard in this position! Well, actually not if, but when! Slowly my cock got harder and harder. It of course needed to straighten up now, but my Mother's body was in the way! I could not imagine what I was going to do or say to my Mother!

I tried to pull my hips back, but there was not enough room in the sleeping bag, and also as I pulled back, my dick was going to lever upward dragging along Mom's thighs, pussy, and stomach! Mom also, I am sure felt the same problem that I did! 

Mom noticed, she whispered into my ear, "Doug why is that happening now?" 

I stammered and stuttered for a second. "I am so sorry Mom, I cannot help it! It's just that feeling your beautiful body next to me is too much for me!"

Mom looked at me strangely, and rolled her eyes, "I am your old Mother, what could you possibly be feeling right now that would cause that?"

I decided the situation called for honesty, nothing else could explain this. I replied, "Mom, yes you are my mother, but you are beautiful and I have always loved you, and I have always actually wanted you. I am so sorry, but this is like a fantasy come true to me, and I cannot help myself!"

Mom got an angry look of her face and said, "That's disgusting, that you could even think such a thing!"

Her anger solved the immediate problem; my erection slowly softened and disappeared. Now I had an angry mother in my arms and not a lot of options! 

I softly asked, "Mom, can we talk please? It is not all that strange, all men lust for their mothers at some point, mine just was permanent longing and your beauty and this predicament fueled it to the loss of my control" I then begged, "How can I help that?"

I could see her eyes soften, and she relaxed some more. We were now getting nice and warm, and no longer shivering, just holding and looking at each other. I again began to stoke her back, and Mom sighed and said, "What am I going to do with you? And what are we going to do now?"

I said, "I will get out and wring our clothes out some more, then hang them in the sun coming from the window. Then I will get back in the sleeping bag so we can keep warm till we can put our clothes back on. Then we will go to the Bed and Breakfast and enjoy our vacation, and forget this ever happened."

Mom closed her eyes and murmured, "I am not sure I can ever forget this happened." 

I replied, "I know I cannot either, and actually I don't think I want to forget."

Mom's eyes popped open with a bit of fire in them, "You don't want to forget how upset I was, or how this looks and feels?"

"How you look and how wonderful you feel! I never thought I would feel this, sorry, but that is nothing I can control!"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Now you're really being silly, go get our clothes wrung out and get back here to keep me warm."

I crawled out and stood to wring the clothes. I felt so exposed! I cannot imagine what was going through Mom's mind if she was watching me walking around naked. And it was freezing in the camper so I was not feeling too manly! The clothes actually were beginning to freeze. I was beginning to shiver again and after hanging the clothes in the sun of the window, I ran for the sleeping bag.

Climbing into the bag my mother enveloped my in her warm arms and we hugged closely. My shivering soon subsided and I started again to think things I should not. And of course my body responded! 

Again I was having that leverage problem - kind of like trying to lift my mother on a jack! My mother's eyes were drilling into me; I just smiled sheepishly and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know what to do with you, and what are we going to do with that?" Mom looked downward and demanded.

"Sorry Mom, but I have to let it get straight up, it is hurting!" and I shifted my hips back straining the limits of the sleeping bag. The bag was a mummy type, no room for two people. I couldn't get far enough back to total flip my hard cock up, so I ended up with it poking it between Mom's thighs. 

I couldn't ask for a better accident! I simply slid back into our tight embrace with my hard dick impaled between Moms thighs. Mom had her eyes closed now, and I think was ready to give me hell again.

"Does that feel better?" she asked, sounding perturbed. What could I say that was the right answer?

"I am sorry, that the best I could do. If I turn to the side maybe I can get it straight up." I wiggled sideways a little and all I was managing to do was slip my dick back and forth against the soft skin of her thighs. Things were getting worse, or harder, or do I meant getting better?

"Just stop and leave it there!" Mom ordered. "I am not too sure all that movement is going to solve anything, it could make things more uncomfortable for both of us."

So I just lay still and tried to think good nonsexual thoughts. Impossible, I wanted too much to stroke in and out!

"I still do not understand how you can feel this was - I am your mother, and I am an old lady."

"It is exactly because you are my mother, I love you so much and there has never been another woman for whom I felt this way! You are beautiful! And we love each other, unequivocal shared love, that is not hard to understand is it?"

Mom's eyes opened and looking at me she said, "No of course not, but thinking sexual thoughts is not right. You and I love each other and that is all. You must limit your thoughts to that."

I thought for a second and replied, "Easily said, but neither you nor I can control my mind or my body. All my life, every time I saw you I want to kiss you! I wanted to hold you. And now we're both divorced and single, both lonely and now this!"

"Well you're certainly getting your hugs in today! But that is as far as this can go mister!" And she gave a little laugh.

I buried my face into her neck and mumbled, "OK, I am sorry, I just love you too much" and started kissing her neck. I felt Mom relax a bit more and a humming from her throat as I kissed her. I was urged on and kissed her neck more and more, all of this only making me harder and harder!

"OK, you need to stop that," she said, but didn't sound like she meant it. I kept kissing.

"You think you are getting all of your wishes today don't you?" Mom asked and chuckled.

I smiled and said, "Not even close to all of them, but I am so lonely I will settle for hugs and kisses!"

Mom pulled me tighter and whispered, "I am so sorry your lonely, I love you and I want you happy, so go ahead and kiss me if you want. But understand that's as far as it goes!"

I accepted that and began kissing her chin, under her ears, along her neck, taking every advantage I could! When I bit gently on her shoulder Mom shuddered. 

"Are you feeling cold again?" I asked.

She answered, "No, that just feels so good, remember I have been alone a long time also. I also miss being held and kissed."

I simply smiled and went back to kissing my beautiful mother. Unbelievable; here I am naked, holding my naked mother in my arms and kissing her, so unreal! I easily could come on her thighs doing this!

I began to kiss my way up to Mom's lips and it was like electricity shot though me when I first kissed those lips. Mom did nothing to stop me so I continued kissing her with light soft kisses. Bu then I tried to snake my tongue into her mouth, she froze.

"What did I tell you?" She demanded, "I told you this was not going to get out of hand!"

I just looked her in the eye and sang, "A kiss is just a kiss, as time goes by" Mom broke out laughing and I resumed kissing her. 

This time when I pushed my tongue into her mouth, Mom took it and my heart soared! We gently played with each other's tongues as our breathing grew erratic. All this time my hands continued their wandering and I was on fire!

As we broke one kiss, Mom sadly said, "Doug we have to stop this, it is getting out of control" 

I replied, "I know, but you make me so happy, and I was hoping I was making you happy too!"

Mom held me tightly to her chest and said, "Yes you are making me happy, too happy, and I am afraid of where this is going."

With that we just held each other, although there was this hard thing between us that let neither of us forget what was happening!

We napped for a while and I actually lost my hard-on, at least until I woke up! When we were both awake my dick immediately rose to the occasion, and was soon lodged back between Mom's thighs.

"You are incorrigible!" she said laughing. 

I answered, "No you are just so beautiful!" with that we went back to some pretty heavy necking again with dueling tongues that drove me mad with passion! 

Mom then pushed me away and said, "Check the clothes to see if we can get going."

I slid out of the sleeping bag and unfortunately (to me anyway) the clothes were dry enough to put on, so she scrambled out to get dressed. I stared in mesmerized awe at her petite beauty. Fine lines, small but pert tits, and long firm nipples (I am sure helped by the freezing temperature!). 

I watched Mom get dressed and at one point she admonished me, "What are you gawking at? Get dressed!"

I said the absolute truth of what was on my mind, "I am staring at the love of my life, a vision of a fantasy I never expected to enjoy!"

Mom laughed really hard then and said, "Quit being so dramatic and get dressed so you can take me to our paradise! All those compliments will not get you anything you shouldn't get! So get moving mister!"

"Yeah, paradise with the woman of my dreams, of the past 30 years!" I retorted. "But the big problem is going to be the many, many dreams I will have of this afternoon's delights!" 

"Well I am certainly glad to be at least one man's dream girl. Play your cards right and you can look at me all you want for the next two weeks."

My heart soared, and I asked, "Kissing? And in my arms? Naked?" I then scooped up my panty and bra clad mother into my arms and looked deeply into her eyes for an answer.

"Put me down! I suppose, that after this afternoon, banning kisses and hugs would be rather like closing the barn door after the horses bolted, but no nudity young man!"

I was not about to argue with small victories, I said, "I love you so much" and gave Mom a long soulful French kiss that must have lasted 5 minutes! 

Again she had to push me away, "Let me dress, you animal!"

Not much was said except about the spectacular views on the 2 hour drive to or Bed and Breakfast. My mind was running a mile a minute on how to cash in on this new found intimacy between Mom and me. I even held her hand for a while across the center consol. It was like a first date! 

When we arrived we strode into the house hand in hand like lovers. The place was a large old home converted into a country Inn. We checked in and found it was a quaint little place with only three rooms for guests, and we were the only ones there. Winter was not their big season. 

As with most small bread and breakfast homes, the owners filled all the positions as receptionist/chef/housekeeper/bellman, etc. They lived on the first floor and all the guest rooms were on the third floor. I never found out what was on the second floor; storage possibly, laundry etc? But no matter, we pretty much had the floor to ourselves.

Our suite was lovely. Two bedrooms, one, having a King bed was a bit larger than the other which had a queen bed, and a shared bath between them. There was a large living area and a nice foyer leading to the back stairs descending to the outside so we could come and go without bother the owners.

We started a fun argument on who slept where, both insisting that the other take the king bed. "Your 6'4" tall," she demanded, "You need the king bed". 

"All beds are the same length, and you're my princess," I responded, "You take the King bed."

We seemed at an impasse. I had the brilliant idea to suggest, figuring she would give in and take the king. "I tell you what. Either you take it, or why don't we share the king bed, it's not like we haven't lain together intimately already! You or both of us in the King, I will not take that bed without you!"

Mom got this mischievous look in her eyes and said, "You think I will pass on that and you'll win? OK fine, we share it."

Wow, I did win!

We unpacked and went exploring around the grounds. We were sounded by the thick woods similar to what we saw at the lake. There were trails packed by snowmobile use, so we could walk for hours with ease. At a point where we stopped to admire a particular view, I put my arm around Mom's shoulder and pulled her in tightly to me.

Mom sighed, "Doug this is so perfect, I love you and I love this place!" 

I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her face to mine, "I Love you too Mom" and gave her a passionate kiss, first no tongue, then I slipped my tongue gently in between her lips and she let it enter. I tasted my Mother's mouth and lusted for her entire being! Our breathing deepened like it had in the camper. I even joked, "Want to go to the camper and get in the sleeping bag?"

Mom opened her eyes, punched might lightly in my side, and said, "You wish," but then after looking thoughtfully around the area and towards the Inn, She added, "Why use a sleeping bag with that big bed up there waiting for us?" 

My heart soared at the thought - was that an innuendo, or just the fact that we were going to sleep in the same bed and not the sleeping bag? I think Mom had intended to drive me insane with that comment; she laughed and took my hand heading us towards the inn. All I wanted was my Mom in that bed with me!!

Dinner and drinks in the sitting room seemed to take forever. Mom was happy to sit back and look at the reading material conveniently placed around the living room. I was also reading, but my mind was only on that bed! Would she sleep naked? I always sleep naked and don't even have pajamas. Would she let me hold her as we slept? Would that lead to anything? The clock slowly wound its way around to 11 pm.

"I'm bushed, I am going to bed," she suddenly blurted, "You staying up?" 

(Yeah right, not likely!) I replied, "No, I am coming too, long day and that dip in the icy water was exhausting. Why don't you use the bathroom first and get in bed and I will follow." Mom headed into the bedroom as I was left with my raging hormones and fantasies!

"Ok," Mom called out to me, "I am in bed." I was a bit disappointed that I did not get to see her undress or at least see what she was wearing, but a guy must have patience!

The bedroom was dark, and I went and showered and when I turned off the bathroom light the bedroom was black. So I did not have to worry about Mom seeing me naked and possibly asking about it. I crawled into the other side of the bed and slid up behind Mom, who had her back to me. 

I kissed her neck and she sighed, saying, "That is really nice, I could get used to that." 

I then put my arms around her and kissed some more. "Good," I said, "because I want to do this a lot more." 

Mom and I spooned like this for about 20 minutes, with me kissing and nibbling on her shoulder. I swear she was getting hot from the sounds of her breathing and the way her chest rose. Mom then turned her head to me over her shoulder and we locked in a very deep sensual French kiss for about 3-4 minutes. I was now panting! 

I was also hard as a rock again, and decided not to try to hide it this time. I pressed it into mom's ass and she did not pull away or say anything, so I kept up the constant pressure against her soft ass.

Then, breaking our kiss, Mom said, "Good night sweetheart." 

And my heart sank. "Goodnight Mom, I love you." And we slept.

In the morning I awoke with my mother at my side. Mom was lying on her back sleeping quietly. It took a while to remember how we came to be in this situation. But I was ecstatic about my sexy mother sleeping next to me! I thought back to yesterday's erotic vision of my naked mother and all the kissing and holding. 

I was instantly hard and immediately shuffled over to press it against my Mother's hip. Mom stirred a bit and I let my left arm drape across her chest, purposely letting it lay on her tits, separated only by the thin camisole. I wanted so badly to use my hand, and inside her top, but settled for the wonderful feeling of her tit against my forearm. 

I began kissing, sucking and gently nibbling on the exposed shoulder in front of my face, and Mom woke up and looked peacefully at me. I had stopped when she opened her eyes, but she whispered, "Don't stop, that is so nice." Who am I to argue! We enjoyed this for about 15 minutes and then Mom decided it was time to get moving.

As much as we enjoyed the countryside, I could not wait for night to come. I wanted to hold and kiss Mom so badly. During the day I got a few good deep kisses in, but always too brief for my satisfaction.

Finally bedtime came and we did a repeat of the night before; Mom first, then I followed. As soon as I was in bed I pulled Mom to me my chest to her back. I began kissing her shoulders and let my cock come to life against her ass. Mom said nothing, just tensed a bit, then relaxed and let me continue. I kissed her soft neck, and nibble on her shoulders. I also ran my tongue down her spine a few times which she seemed to love!

After about 20 minutes of this Mom was really breathing deeply and gave up occasional whimpers of pleasure. But I was panting with lust! I took a chance and wrapped my arms around Mom, placing my hands on her tits, outside of her pajamas. Mom tensed again, and I think sucked in a breath that I did not hear her release! 

I simply kept my hands where they were, but did not move my fingers, kept everything still. Mom eventually relaxed and resumed her deep breathing, and I stayed still for a good 10 minutes, except for my kisses and my very slight dry humping against Mom's ass.

When I could wait not more I began ever so gently moving my fingers against Mom's tits. The tactile feel was incredible; I could not wait to feel them in the flesh. Mom made no move to stop me and I felt no tension in her body, so I increased my fondling. I was so happy squeezing my Mom's soft tities! This was great! 

Mom started a quiet moaning and said, "No" a few times, but she put her hand over my left hand prodding me on with more fondling. I kissed her more fervently and pressed my hard cock into her ass even harder!

I was now anticipating that my mother was giving me the go ahead to make love to her, and my heart was racing at the thought! I pulled my left hand from under her hand, and lowered it to slip under Mom's PJ top. I just got my hand on that hot soft skin when I was stopped dead in my tracks.

"Whoa, Doug, what are you thinking here? Remember who I am, who you are. I knew I was letting this go too far!" But Mom had not put her hand on mine to pull it away. So I just started kneading that fantastic soft tit while my brain raced to stammer my way into some sort of logical reasoning!

I said, "Mom, I love you so much and I love touching you. I just want to make you happy! We have lain together naked, we have been necking, and we have been fondling like lovers for three days. This is only natural. And I want to touch you so badly, and I want you to want me to touch you, even more!"

Mom seemed to be pondering my logic while I was get my thrills on her right tit. I squeezed her tit and moved my fingertips gently to her nipple where I started softly tweaking the magic button on my longing.

Mom gasped and tilted her head back to me so I had better access to her beautiful neck. I sucked on her ear lobe and kissed down to her shoulder, all the while gently tweaking that nipple. Then I bit her shoulder and Mom quivered in my arms and groaned loudly. Mom still muttered an occasional, "No", but I was thinking that I had her now!

I fondled Mom like this for about 5 minutes and then tried to take my next liberty with this heavenly body. I put my right hand (snaked under her neck) around to play with her left nipple and moved my left hand downward. I caressed Mom's skin all the way, running little circles around her navel and along the hem of her PJ bottoms. But as soon as I slipped the fingers of my hand under the hem, all hell broke loose!

With a gasp, Mom demanded, "Ok, that's it! I thought I could trust you to behave, but you just keep pushing the limits. You just don't know when to leave well enough alone do you?" And Mom pulled my hand up and placed in on her tit, outside of her PJs.

Damn! Oh well, three steps forward and one step backward. I said, "Sorry Mom, remember you are the love of my life, beautiful as hell, and in bed with me. I am a man and some things are inevitable."

"Well all is not inevitable with me!" Mom snapped, "Let's keep it simple and enjoy what we have." 

While I was really disappointed, at least I was not tossed out of bed on my ear! 

I really didn't have too much heart to much more fondling, Even my hard cock was deflating. But I wanted to keep her interested and aroused if possible. So I continued for another 10-15 minutes then just held her as we fell asleep.

We woke the next morning to lots of tender fondling and kissing, with no mention of last night. And we spent the day like the previous day, necking on occasion and holding hands. As night fell Mom seemed pensive and I was worried that I was not going to like what was on her mind.

"Doug, I love you and I know you love me. I also know that we have been making a confused mess of our relationship over the past few days. I want to make it clear that I am not angry at you, but we need to go slow. I am, or rather we are, in a very dangerous place here." 

Mom continued, "Knowing what we are playing with here is illegal, wrong, and immoral. Give me space and give me time, but love me and hold me at the same time. Maybe things can go where I think you want them to go, maybe not. But I will not be angry at you for trying and I want you to promise not to be upset if this is as far as it ever goes."

How could I refuse! Just the fact that Mom was contemplating let me go further was exhilarating! I just pray I can break her will, overcome her staid upbringing and all that immoral crap! Game on!

"Mom, I love you so much I will do whatever it takes to make you happy, if that is what we have now, so be it. If I can make you my one and only lover, I will be the happiest man on earth. Whatever, whenever! I love you too much to do anything more or anything less!"

I couldn't wait for bedtime to continue this adventure!

That night we snuggled into the bed with no extra words, nothing said or done to bring up last night's show stopper. I immediately went to work on Mom's neck, back, and shoulder. My hands were soon cupping those coveted, but covered, tits, and I was slowly pumping my hard cock against Mom's very inviting ass. All was perfect, it seemed. 

Both of us we getting hot and starting to breathe heavy, and Mom's groans and shivers were becoming more and more frequent. Out of the Blue Mom's hand came up to grab mine, making me think I was getting stopped again, but she simply guided my hand under her top and placed it against her bare tit. I did not complain, and went on to play with the lovely nipple. Mom's moans and groans were really turning me on!

Mom whimpered and sighed, "oh, yes, I love that, oh my, oh yes." 

I nibbled on her ear lobe a bit and then in a whisper asked, "Mom, I need to suck on your nipples. I have wanted them for so long; I really need to taste your beautiful breasts!" 

Mom floored me with, "Yes, I would love that, please." I pulled Mom over onto her back and pushed one side of her PJ top up exposing her left tit. Even though I had seen her breasts a few days ago, this was something totally different. I lowered my mouth to her tit and began kissing it all over, then sucking on her very rigid nipple. 

Mom was literally writhing in pleasure from my suckling. At the same time I resumed pumping my hard cock against Mom's hip. With this visual stimulation, fondling, sucking and my humping, I was about to explode against her hip! 

"Oh God, please suck on it, yes, oh Doug!"

While sucking on the left nipple, I started pushing the other side of her PJs up to expose her right tit. Mom surprised me by lowering her arms, interrupting my pleasure, and grabbing the hem of her PJ top and pulling it over her head. There is nothing sexier than women pulling a blouse or top over her head exposing her beautiful breasts! I now had Mom's whole chest available to me, and I had great plans to love it! I immediately shifted to her right tit to give it equal time.

I continued this for a long time, lost in the extreme pleasures of my sexy mother's body. While my lips were sucking, my hand was free enough to wander across Mom's smooth soft body. I was exploring her every curve and heading for the golden curls of her pussy. Mom seemed totally absorbed and gave every indication that she was lost in erotic bliss!

I was so pleasantly surprised when I gingerly let my hand trail across Mom's covered pussy mound on my way to her thighs, and there was no adverse reaction. Mom just gave a slight gasp and moaned softly. I ran my fingers up and down her thighs and on each up stroke increased my touch time and pressure against Mom's pussy. Soon her PJ bottoms were damp and Mom's breathing was really getting heavy. I pulled my hand up and put it inside her PJs, and then I let a finger slid along her pussy lips and Mom shuddered and reached down to grab my hand. Again, to my delight, she did not pull my hand away, but pressed it harder into her hairy mound. 

Mom was uttering, "Ummm, yes, ummm, right there, ummm. please, yes."

Now I slipped my finger inside her wet pussy and began to finger fuck her slowly and gently. Mom was really coming alive with this and so I increased my depth and tempo of my finger fucking. I broke from sucking her nipple to raise my head and kiss her. 

I matched the stroking of my finger to the thrusting of my tongue into Mom's welcoming mouth. Mom was panting against my mouth and her hips were rolling with my strokes! I was so excited feeling Mom respond like this, I wanted to make her come and show her a love she never experience before!

"My God Doug," she broke the kisses and struggled to say, "I have never felt this way, I cannot control myself!"

I whispered down at her, "Don't try Mom, I love you and I only want to make you happy, and this is also making me happy and wild with desire for you!"

Mom groaned a long low sound as I recovered her mouth with mine. We resumed our tongue fucking as I curled my finger upward inside Mom's pussy and simultaneously pressed my thumb down on her hooded clit. I wanted to contact her G spot and her clit at the same time. I was well rewarded by Mom's scream into my mouth and her strong humping against my hand!

"Ahhh, ummph, ahhh, I, I, ohhhh!" Mom cried into my lips.

I stopped all of this briefly as I sat up and reached down to pull Mom's PJ bottoms off. Mom didn't resist or complain, and actually lifted her hips to assist and I knew then that I was going to fuck my sweet loving Mother, this was it! 

I immediately resumed the French kissing and finger fucking as we now lay totally naked against each other. To further my assurance that this was really it, Mom reached down and grabbed my hard dick in her hand. She squeezed it rhythmically with a very slight stroking motion.

I could take no more; I was going to explode against Mom's hip if I did not do something. I pulled back and rose onto my hands and knees over my lovely Mom's hot body. Looking down at my petite and lovely mom's soft beauty, I was overcome with lust and passion. 

I let myself down on top of her slowly while maintaining most of my weight on my elbows and knees. The feeling of her tits against my chest and my cock against her pussy mound was so intense. I kissed her hard and rotated my hips to grind my hard cock into her clit. Mom was thrusting her hips back at me and sucking on my tongue like it was her life!

After less than a minute, I rolled my hips back further and placed the head of my dick against Mom's pussy. Mom reached down and grabbed my cock sliding the head up and down against her wet pussy lips. 

Pulling from my lips she said, "Oh God, make love to me Doug, but be easy, it has been so long. Please, now, love me." 

I pushed gently until the head of my dick was inside her pussy. It was so hot and so tight! It was all I could do to not push all the way home!

Mom sighed a great sigh, "Oh my, easy, easy, wait a second, this is, this is so wrong, but it is also so good! Should we?" 

"You are thinking again, just let it go, feel it," I tried to say with calm and assurance. It was hard for both of us with the panting and lack of breath. 

It took a few minutes, but with slow pressure and slight wiggles of our hips I slipped a few inches into my Mom's pussy. I was almost where I wanted to be for decades! I was very close to my Mom's womb where I had lived 40 years ago!! I could easily explode and come right now if I did not get some control!

I stopped moving and just gently kissed Mom as we lay connected again after so long. I whispered to her, "I love you so much, I love you for giving me this and for being my mother." 

Mom opened her eyes and searched mine. We bonded in the moment on a level that seemed out of this world. I began to again press into Mom's pussy as we looked into each other's soul! 

Mom cried out, "Oh my God, I cannot believe how good this feels"

Soon my dick was all the way in and we were still looking at each other, I think we both were in awe.

I whispered, "I am home, I am where I belong Mom, I love you more than you can ever know!"

Mom simply moaned and closed her eyes, as she reached around my back and pulled me to her chest.

I kissed Mom's neck as I started to pull back and thrust into her pussy in slow easy strokes. Between her moans and groans I could hear Mom's breath exhale when my weight came down onto her. She clutched me more tightly around my shoulders and I strengthened my thrusts while keeping them slow. This was absolutely heaven! I could not believe this was happening to us!

We let nature take its course as we started to speed up the strokes. As Mom adjusted to me her moans were turning to cries as we found a nice rhythm.

Mom's pussy was squeezing tightly around my hard pistoning dick as though she was afraid I'd pull out.

Mom grunted, "Yes, oh Yes, I love you, we should not be, but yes, love me Doug." 

And love her I did. I had to slow down often to keep from coming too soon. I wanted this to last and I wanted to make sure that Mom came with me. I was concentrating on Mom's maximum pleasure, and my own control.

I pushed my toes into the footboard of the bed and raised most of my weight off of Mom's chest. Now I was getting the deepest thrusts with good pressure against Mom's clit and my chest was lightly brushing across her nipples. We were quickly becoming lustful animals. I was grunting a low throaty tone and loud, while mom was continuing her moans and cries for my love!

I could tell Mom was getting close. Her body was bucking back at me and her cries were no longer coherent. I increased the tempo and the force and then mashed my mouth down over hers in a passionate kiss. 

When I thought she was there, I took a breath and told her forcefully, "Open your eyes Mom, I want to look into your eyes."

Mom opened her eyes taking a minute to focus on mine. When she finally did, her whole body shuddered and she cried out, "Yes. Oh yes!" 

I loved her so much right now, and I grunted that to her, "I love you so much" in kind of an animal growl. 

Then the look in her eyes and the feel of mom's body in spasms under me took me over the top at the same time. We came powerfully together and it was fantastic!

I could feel every jet of my come rise through my cock and flood my Mom's womb. I even felt is slam against her cervix and suddenly add to our lubrication. The throbbing muscle spasms and the added juices just made or mutual orgasm even more mind numbing.

Mom was wailing and clutching at my back as we slammed against each other. Mom was crying something about "my baby, my baby, I love you, my baby" then just long moans of ecstasy. 

I was loudly grunting with each jet of my come as I came inside of her. "Mom, Mom, damn Mom, I love you!"

Our thrusts against each other began to slow, but the force did not. I was slamming my hips hard against Mom's hips, and pushing my dick into her clutching pussy to bottom out on each thrust. At the bottom of each thrust we would both grunt loudly.

As soon as we could get some semblance of control over our breathing again, I started deeply kissing Mom and we shuddered through our orgasms in tune with each other, as we made love to each other's mouths. So tender and yet so deep and passionate, a French kissing like this I do not think ever existed before. 

I was still slowly pumping and still producing little spurts of come, and we were both still in orgasm, but also gently and deeply kissing. I don't think either of us ever wanted this to end!

When we were both back to normal, I reluctantly pulled my softening dick out of Mom's soaked pussy. I got up and got a warm wash cloth and cleaned my Mother's dripping pussy up. I kissed the puffy swollen lips of her pussy as I tenderly wiped her clean.

Then we snuggled, kissed some more, and fell asleep. I could not have dreamed a better fantasy than what reality had just presented to me earlier!

In the morning, as soon as I woke up I was reaching for my beautiful Mom. I had my hands on her tits and was kissing her lips as she awoke. Our eyes locked as Mom remembered our love making last night, and she moaned a sexy noise and hugged me close.

We both simultaneously mentioned brushing our teeth, and laughed. We went together to the bath room and I stood behind Mom as we both brushed. I was pumping my already hard cock into her soft ass as we stood before the mirror.

As soon as we finished we were back in bed and I pulled Mom to me as we stabbed our tongues into each other's mouth and began to make love. 

Mom pulled back and asked, "Your OK with last night? You still want me?"

I kissed her lightly and said, "More than ever, I now know how wonderful the reality is compared to the fantasy, and I want you more than I ever did!"

We continued the deep kissing as our hands wandered endlessly. I was in heaven and getting so excited again with the thought of eating and fucking my sweet Mother all over again this morning.

I wasted no time moving down to suck on Mom's erect nipples and loved the gasps she made as I locked on each tit. I kissed around her breasts finding each sensitive spot, each well marked by Mom's cries and her hands pulling my head to her chest.

"Oh Doug, I love what you do to me. I could do this forever!" Mom cried out.

I answered by slipping downward to kiss her tummy and around her pussy hair. I put my hands under her thighs to lift her legs to either side of my face. Then I started to kiss and lick her soft pussy lips. 

Mom was really coming alive and grabbed my head by the hair like she was afraid I was going to pull back. I pushed my tongue into her hot pussy and reveled in the feeling of her wet and hot pussy. I was enjoying the feel of the ridges on the inner pussy walls as my tongue fucked in and out.

Mom screamed, "Oh my god, yes, I love that. Oh my, yes, yes, aiieee!"

Mom's hips started lurching upward bashing my lips and chin. I tilted my mouth up and sucked her clit into my mouth pushing the hood back with my tongue. The feeling of that hard nub in my mouth was electric, to me and to Mom. Mom came instantly!

"Good God, I never, oh my God, oh my, I, ohhhh," Mom screamed and cried. Then her cries turned to grunts and gasps, as she seemed to be blowing air out through her puckered lips. A long wail followed.

"Aiieee!" Mom cried out.

I dropped my mouth off of Mom's clit and just licked and kissed her pussy lips and let her orgasm run its course. A sweet nectar was oozing from her pussy and I was licking it all up. 

I paused just long enough to say, "Your pussy is so delicious Mom. I love your taste and I love how you come for me," then went back to licking that succulent pussy.

Mom seemed to come forever and I enjoyed this erotic meal more than anything I ever had! 

As Mom finished coming, she pulled my head from her pussy and up to her face. She looked into my eyes and whispered in a hoarse voice, "I have never felt anything like that, I love you and love what you do for me. Can this be real and can it last?"

"It's real, and as long as you want me Mom, I am here for you," I answered, and we locked our mouths together again for more tongue fucking. 

I swiveled my hips back a bit and brought my hard dick down and back up impaling myself deep into Mom's pussy. Mom grunted into my mouth, and we began to fuck against each other.

This felt as new as it was last night, and I was still in awe of being able to finally fuck my loving Mother. We made love in a slow and more loving manner this morning. There was no urgency, we both knew this was not our last time, and we both also just wanted to enjoy each other prolonging our orgasms as long as possible. 

We made love in many positions, and we brought each other to the pinnacle multiple times and backed off each time in perfect sync with each other. We must have made love for an hour before we let ourselves go.

When we did let go, it was so incredibly powerful. It was like we built up to it in layers and they were all coming down at once. 

Mom and I were loudly coming as our bodies slammed together. I could feel every spurt of my come rebound after splashing into my mother's cervix. We both were shaking with passion as we collapsed into each other's arms. I was so excited that my dick didn't even soften after coming. I stayed hard inside Mom's tightly spasming pussy and we lay looking at each other and whispering little love thoughts.

I was even thinking about fucking Mom again, but realized we should get up and have breakfast. 

I told Mom, "As much as I'd love to keep doing this all morning, maybe we should go get breakfast."

Mom answered with a smile, "If you promise to make love to me more later on."

"Without a doubt, I will be kissing, sucking, and loving every inch of your perfect body in a few hours Mom!"

"Good, I have a lot of missed loving to make up for," She said with a sexy grin.

Breakfast was great, but it took too damn long.