Eighteen and... Caught!

Hettie read over the page in front of her again and shook her head in disgust. She knew that her daughter was getting out of control but this... THIS! This was beyond anything she'd ever imagined.

'Caught in the act of felatio with another student. Parent/teacher meeting scheduled.'

Kylie turned eighteen three weeks earlier and was just days away from graduating and now... now it may not happen. Couldn't she have waited to finish school before experimenting with sex?

Hettie knew exactly what the problem was, or who it was. Her husband Kevin. Oh she partly blamed herself for letting it get so bad but Kylie only had to bat her lashes at him and he gave in. He'd been a great father to a little girl who had none but things had gone too far. Way too far.

Kylie was out of control and with her about to go out into the real world as an adult she still had a lot to learn about right from wrong.

Hettie sighed. There was nothing else for it. She'd have to talk with Kevin and get him to realise that he wasn't helping Kylie's future at all.


"I told you not to trust her but did you listen to me? No. Once again she'll get away with being a brat because she has you tied around her little finger."

Kevin really wanted to slap his wife for being in his face this way but he couldn't deny that it was his fault that Kylie behaved the way she did.

"Fine. You want me to take charge? I'll do it."

Hettie laughed "You don't have it in you. You may as well be her doormat for all the good that you'll do.'

"I guarantee that by the time you get back Sunday night our daughter will be a different person."

"Two days? Oh this I've got to see."

"You will" he said firmly.

"Well I hope so but I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we? I have to go. I have to pick up the girls. You stay strong honey."

A quick, almost demeaning peck on his cheek was all he got before Hettie walked to the door laughing.

He'd show her and Kylie both just who wore the pants in this house. They both needed to be taught a lesson but first, Kylie. She needed to be punished.


"Yes Daddy?"

Oh and there they were. Those bright blue doe eyes that twisted him to pieces and were purposely used against him. Normally he'd give in and let her get away with anything and everything but not this time. No. This time he just wanted shake the crap out of her.

"Your mother told me what happened."

"Oh Daddy. It wasn't like they said."

"Oh? So you weren't caught with a dick down your throat?"

He watched as she squirmed. Her face reddened at the blatant use of 'dirty talk'.

"Well? Were you? Did you get caught sucking dick?"

Her tongue ran nervously over her lips and her feet shuffled slightly.

"Stand fucking still!"

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock.

"Yeah. Like that. Was your mouth open that far or did he have a little dick?"

"Daddy!" Kylie squealed.

"What? Grown up enough to do the deed but not talk about it? Why is that do you think?"

"I can't talk with you about it Daddy" she whispered.

Kevin laughed. For the first time in years he felt empowered and not... henpecked.

"Shouldn't children be honest with their parents Kylie? Talk about anything?"

"Not sex!"

"Ah good girl. You said the word. Now your mother thinks you should be punished. What do you think?"

"I'm sorry Daddy. I won't... " Kylie felt her heart speed up and wondered just what the punishment would be?

"Oh shut up Kylie. I'm tired of all your crap. You've been given everything and still expect more. Well the bank's closed. You want something you have to earn it."

He watched her face and knew she was trying to work a way around it. To make sure her easy ride continued.

"Get upstairs to your room."

."Are you grounding me?" she asked in astonishment.

"Nope. Now move."

He waited till he heard her door shut before letting out a chuckle. Damn she looked fucking hot acting so submissive.

She became his daughter when he married Hettie when Kylie was only three. She quickly became his princess but she wasn't his little princess anymore. She was an adult about to leave home.

He took steps towards the stairs formatting a plan in his mind. She needed pulling back a peg or three and he was just the one to do it. He just hoped that he himself didn't lose control.

Her door opened up with a resounding thud against the back wall and he watched as Kylie turned his way in shock. Keeping the scowl on his face he smiled to himself inside. Wearing just a tshirt and panties he couldn't deny that she truly was beautiful.

"So you think you're all grown up now? Able to suck cock whenever and where ever you want?"

He stalked into the middle of the room and Kylie started to visibly shake. Her fear showed into the deep depths of her perfect blue eyes but underneath there was something more. Something he hadn't expected. Heat.

"I told you it wasn't like that."

"Tell me Kylie. You have everything you could possibly want and more. Why exactly are you behaving like a slutty little bitch?"

He saw the slight upturn of her mouth before she could stop it. It pissed him off. 

"Well? Are you going to answer or do I need you to show me how you were caught?"

"Daddy?" her voice was nervous.

"Don't bother talking. Just get your grown up arse over here and show me how you were caught."

She shook her head and tears formed in her eyes. She'd wondered of course what it'd be like to be with her stepfather but not this way. Not like this.


As the first tears fell down her face Kylie knelt in front of her father.

"God you're such a slut. A filthy little slut."

Kylie's head dropped down and the tears flowed freely. He was right. Well almost. Yes she knew how to give a blow job but going the whole way was something she'd only done once and it wasn't anything memorable.

"Is that really how you were found? I'm sure your mother said you were sucking on a dick. Do it."

Her head snapped up quickly as she obviously thought she hadn't heard him properly. Heat rushed through her and her panties started soaking up the moisture forming between her legs.

Kevin stood with his arms folded and a determined look on his face.

"I said do it. Take out my dick like the slut you are and suck it."

"Daddy" she whispered in horrified wonder.

"Don't speak. Suck!"

Kylie's hands moved to the button and zipper on her father's jeans. His dick bulged out and she gulped. Even at the semi hard state he was in he was so big!

"Go on. Put it in your mouth. No fucking teeth either if you want to sit down tomorrow."

He suppressed the moan that threatened as her mouth opened wide and she leant forward and took him in.

He held himself rigid and waited for her to start moving. Her lack of movement pissed him off.

"Stupid slut! You obviously know how to suck dick. Do it properly!"

Her tongue swiped over him tentatively and he hardened even more. His teeth clamped together as her mouth took on new purpose and started to suck him with vigour. He shuddered and grabbed the back of her head. He pushed his dick into her mouth and grinned as she gagged when he hit the back of her throat. 

"You like being face fucked? Well guess what. Daddy's going to fuck your face as hard as he can. You'll be begging me to stop so you can breathe and I won't. I'll fuck you until I've had enough."

Being a man who was true to his word he used her hair to ram himself into her throat over and over again. Her gagging and whimpers spurred him on and he got faster and faster. Her hair wrapped around his fingers as he held it in his fists. He loved this!

"Play with Daddy's balls sweetheart" he hoarsely ground out.

Her sweet mouth took him in while her tiny hands cupped his balls and squeezed them. 

He felt the moisture from her mouth soaking his pubic hair and loved it. Her sobs were becoming moans as he fucked her filthy mouth. 

God he felt empowered! It was that power that drove him to the edge. He wanted to cum down her throat. He wanted her to drink every last fucking drop of his cum. He felt the build, the raging within and knew that he was close.

"Daddy's going to cum soon and you're going to take it all. Spill even a drop and I'll pound your arse. Is that clear?"

He knew she couldn't answer. The grip he had on her and his dick in her mouth made it impossible but fuck if he didn't love the chance to punish her further. He wrenched her hair until he felt more than heard the scream around his dick.

He exploded in her and held her as his spurts pulsed down her throat and she drank him down eagerly. God this felt good! 

He looked down at the top of her head and realised that her body was moving. She had her hand between her legs, panties pushed to the side and playing with her pussy. 

Oh she'd have to wait before he let her cum and he pulled his still semi hard dick from her mouth and leant down and pulled her arm away from her body.

"You're a filthy little slut Kylie. We have two days before your mother gets home and in that time I'll be making sure you realise that filthy mouth of yours belongs to your Daddy only."

He let go, stepped away and she fell back onto the carpet. Her breaths heaving as he did up his zipper. Her eyes were wild, angry and full of passion. A vicious kitten ready to strike.

"Stand up."

Kylie stood angrily in front of him and stepping forward Kevin pulled her into him and lowered his head. Kylie gasped at the gentle way Kevin's mouth moved over hers and welcomed the probing tongue that sought hers.

Her arms moved up tentatively and wrapped around him while Kevin's hands roamed slowly across her back and to her front.

He pulled away from her with great reluctance and dropped his forehead to hers.

"I want you Kylie. God I want you."

"I thought you just had me." Kylie's voice cracked and Kevin felt the stark pangs of regret and shame.

"Shit sweetheart. I'm sorry. Are you ok? I.." his face reddened as a gentle hand moved a sweat soaked lock of hair from her face "I kinda lost it. Does it hurt?"

He felt bad but he really wanted her to say yes. 

She nodded and inhaled quickly as her stepfather swooped down and lifted her in a bridal hold. He carried her to the bathroom, sat her on the toilet and ran the bath.

Gentle, caring hands removed her tshirt and panties before helping her settle down in the bubble covered water.

"Soak for a bit. I'll be back shortly with something for your throat and take care of you."

Her affirmative nod as se soaked in the warmth of the water had him standing and walking to the door.

"I want your phones and I'll be changing the internet password. This weekend you're Daddy's and I don't want you distracted. Oh and there's no need for too many clothes so don't bother getting dressed up. A tshirt will do."

Kevin left the room with a huge grin on his face. He planned to enjoy this weekend and the ideas were forming in his mind and he was soon thinking of the ways he could bring them both pleasure. He would never ever have thought he'd be fucking his daughter but now that he was he was damn glad that Kylie had a filthy mouth. He also knew he was going to have to have a real conversation with her about her behaviour. 

Kylie's mouth ached. Her throat felt like sandpaper had scoured over it, her head felt raw from her hair being held but lying there with the bubbles surrounding her she was mesmerised in the thought that she'd actually sucked her stepfather's dick and kissed him... and they were alone for the whole weekend! 

Kylie sank down into the bubbles and raised her hands to her face and started to massage her jaw. She'd actually had her step-dads dick in her mouth and though he was rough and pretty much didn't care about how she felt while he was pounding into her throat she couldn't help but acknowledge that the whole taboo of the situation was rather exciting.

Kevin had always been an easy target for the things she wanted. She'd learnt at an early age to skip over her mother and just ask Kevin. She had to wonder what her mother would say about all of this. 

Kevin was still very good looking for his age (at eighteen anything above thirty was old) and even the peppered look starting in his dark hair seemed to make him look even better. Why hadn't she noticed that before? She tried to remember the last time she'd seen him without a shirt and the realisation dawned on her that she hadn't in years. 

What did he look like under all that? Was his skin droopy and loose? Was he ripped and buff? The prospect of finding out excited her. 

She could hear him returning and faked not hearing him to allow him the chance of seeing whatever skin the bubbles allowed to be exposed.

"Here you go sweetheart."

A cool glass touched her lips and she gladly drank from it but pushed it away as the swallowing action hurt her throat. 

"Just sip it. It'll help... and I have a lot of plans for that mouth over the next couple of days."

She whimpered as he held the glass to her mouth again.

"It's no use Kylie. You've had it too easy for far too long. Daddy has had enough. Your mother and I raised you to be a young lady and what do you do? You mouth fuck some kid and we're left to deal with the teachers."

"I'm sorry Daddy" she whispered.

He laughed "oh really? Sorry for what; acting like a little cum slut or being caught?"


"Daddy" he mocked as he reached and put the glass on the vanity "oh Daddy I'm so sweet and innocent and it was all his fault. Isn't that what you want me to believe?"

Kylie hung her head down to hide her reddening cheeks.

"Well? I asked you a question."

"Yes Daddy. That's what happened."

"Bullshit." He stood up and stripped his jeans off and sat on the closed lid of the toilet.

"Come here Kylie."

She looked at him in shock wondering what he might be planning. Water splashed as she stood and Kevin shook his head.

"You'll be drying all of that when I'm finished."

She reached for a towel and he pushed her hand away only to grab it again and jerk her towards him and pushed her face down over his lap.

He didn't warn or tell her what he'd be doing so when he got her into position her sore throat was forgotten and she screamed as a hard hand landed on her arse with a sting and then in rapid succession he spanked her over and over again. 

"Daddy! STOP! Please Daddy... mmmm... please..." her cries to stop started to become moans and begging for more.

"You little slut! You're enjoying this."

"Please Daddy."

"What sweetheart? What do you want?"

Again she whimpered, this time it was joined by her wriggling and pushing her arse upwards looking for more 'punishment'.

Kevin laughed loudly and shook his head.

"This is so terribly cliché don't you think?The naughty girl getting punished and liking the pain... and you do don't you Kylie? You like the pain so much that you want more."

Kylie wriggled again and Kevin's hand landed once again on her pink arse.

"I asked you a question!"

"Yed Daddy. Yes I like it. Please Daddy punish me more."

Kevin opened her thighs and pushed his fingers into her slit and moved them up and down.

"You're fucking soaked!"

He was fasinated by how much moisture oozed out of her. He hadn't ever felt so much before. He explored her further, pushing his fingers in and out of her. The squelching noise he was making shot pulses of desire through him and his dick strained against its denim covered covering. 

Kylie's head had dropped to rest at the top of his calf but as he moved his fingers he felt the tightening grip of her hands on his ankles.

It was too much. He needed to fuck her and fuck her now. 

Removing his hand he disregarded her groans of protest, grabbed her by the waist lifted her from his lap. He stood, turned, placed her feet to the floor and pushed her shoulders down so she was forced to grip the toilet with her hands.

"Daddy... what..."

"Shut the fuck up and stay there" he landed a hard slap on her already pink arse and began to take off his jeans while being thankful he'd gone commando.

Kylie stayed in the position he put her in and waited. She wasn't a fool, she knew what was coming but it didn't take away from the sharp, full feeling she got as her step-dad grabbed her hips and pushed himself into her.

"Oh shit Daddy!"

"Mmmm fuck you're tight sweetheart. Daddy's loving how your pussy is squeezing him tight."

Kevin braced himself with legs opened to get better penetration, deeper, harder in this sweet teen pussy he now owned.

He reached up and grabbed a handful of her long brown hair and pounded into her knowing he wouldn't last long. 

"Daddy... oh shit Daddy that feels so good. Fuck me Daddy! Fuck me harder! Please Daddy..."

Kevin's mind was non existent when he felt the building signs that would have him filling this tight pussy.

"Daddy's gonna cum in your cunt sweetheart. Daddy wants to fill you up!"

"Please Daddy! Fill me up Daddy. Cum in me Daddy..."

Kevin pounded her so hard her forehead was on just missing the back of the toilet by a hairs breath. He reached over her and grabbed her hard nipple and twisted it. She jolted and her pussy muscles grabbed onto him and he lost it. Streams of his cum filled her until his dick stopped pumping it out. 

"Daddy..." Kylie tried to pull away.

"Stay there."

"But Daddy, I need to shower. What if I get pregnant?" 

Kevin laughed through the last of his gasping breaths.

"So? You get pregnant. At least we'll know who the father is."

Kylie gasped and squealed "I don't want a baby Daddy"

"You should have thought about that before you started behaving like a little slut."

Kylie struggled to get away but Kevin held her harder, he could feel that it wouldn't be long before his dick slipped out of her and damn if he didn't like the thought of her sweet body swollen with his baby.

"Shhh" he cooed "Daddy will take care of you if you are."

"I'm too young Daddy. I'm meant to go to college. "

She tried again to move but Kevin wrapped his arms around her in a tight cuddle as he slipped out of her and turned her around.

He raised her chin with a single finger and his determined expression softened to see her eyes filled with tears.

"Daddy's gonna miss you when you go away sweetheart. Who will Daddy love and take care of?"

"You have Mum."

"Oh sweetie your mum and I... well let's just say that I've been a wimp and let your mum run things for too long and quite honestly I could care less about her. Like you" he tapped her on the nose "all she wants is my money." 

"Oh but I don't want your money Daddy..."

"Yeah right" he laughed "as if I'd believe that."

Kylie giggled "Well money does buy some good things."

"Well from now on you have to earn what you get from me."

He grinned a wicked grin.

"Yep. Good behaviour, manners... being Daddy's little slut... and whatever else I decide."