In The Family

Ben was born just over 18 years ago. While growing up, he always felt like a normal kid. He was a good student, had a few close friends, swam twice a week and liked to play videogames. He did have some love interests, but the fact that he was somewhat shy prevented him from having girlfriends. Even though there were some events in his life that were different from the majority of the people his age, it can't be said his upbringing wasn't too out of the ordinary.

His mother, Pam, worked hard to provide for him and to be the best mother possible. She was a secretary to the owner of a successful company. When Bene was born she was no longer with the Ben's father. Their relationship was never a stable one, and being parents together was never part of their plan. When they found out that Pam was pregnant with Ben, they tried to be together to raise the child as a family but it didn't last long.

The day Pam brought Ben home from the hospital, was a day that changed their lives forever. It was obviously a life changing event for Pam to bring Ben home. What Pam didn't expect, nobody did for the matter, was Ben having a health issue that caused him to stop breathing momentarily. They had to return to the hospital that same night, and fortunately everything was solved. From that day on, Ben never slept in his own bed, as Pam was too worried that something like that could happen to him again.

The years passed. Pam was increasingly busy at the same job, between that and Ben she didn't have to time date. As for Ben, he was fastly becoming a boy. At home nothing changed, Pam was still having Ben sleeping in her bed, and the nights he was away at his father's house were the hardest for her. She could barely catch any sleep and when Ben returned from his father's house, Pam couldn't stop herself from spoiling him. Whether it was a brand new gift, or a special treat for dessert or anything Ben would ask, Pam would provide for him.

Pam knew this sleeping arrangements couldn't last forever, even if it was also hard for her to stop it, she had made her mind that it would have to end one day. She had set herself to approach Ben around his 18th birthday to discuss the new sleeping arrangements. One day over breakfast, Pam finally started the conversation.

"You know, Ben, I've been thinking, some day you will need to go sleeping in you own bedroom. You are becoming a man and you should be sleeping on your own bed," said Pam with a knot on her throat not knowing what to expect.

There was a short silence, Ben was chewing his cereals and taking in what he has just heard.

"Why mom? I know i'm getting bigger, but your bed is big enough for both of us." The prospect of having to sleep alone was a thought that Ben never entertained. Sleeping in the same bed as his mother was all he knew.

"It's not a matter of space in the bed, it a matter of you having your privacy. You may not understand now, but you'll see you'll like it as soon as you stay in your own bed." Ben interrupted before Pam could continue. "I can't sleep alone in a bed!" said Ben showing sadness in his voice.

"We don't need to do it right away, but it is something that we need to start to think about. We will soon start by trying once a week for you to sleep in your own bed. I'll stay there with you until you fall asleep." The conversation ended there, Ben didn't have much to say, we was introspective thinking about how would it be with the new sleeping arrangements. On times like this Pam wondered if she had protected him to much.

The day finally arrived and it was a day full of mixed feelings for Pam. She knew that it was the right thing to do, but after years of having him by her side it was still hard on her. On that night, she did as promised, she stayed with Ben while we was falling asleep. She thought it was harder on Ben than it actually was. They chatted a little, like they used to do and the conversation wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Ben did only ask on thing to his mom regarding this new arrangements, "Mom, if I wake up in the middle of the night, can I go to your bed?"

"Well, you can, but try stay in here." The voice of reason in Pam answered.

He fell asleep faster than Pam anticipated, for him it seemed like it was any other day. Pam was somewhat happy, as the transition seemed to be going easier on Ben. On the other hand, she couldn't believe how easily he let got of her mom.

Needless to say, that was a long night for Pam, she went to check on him a few times. At 3 am, before catching any sleep, Pam hears her bedroom door opening and a soft whisper.

"Mom, are you awake?"

"Yes Ben," Pam answered pretending that he had woken her up, "What's the matter?"

"I can't fall back to sleep. Can I come to your bed?"

Pam replied by lifting up the sheets and inviting him in. He immediately positioned himself snuggling with his head on top if her chest while she put her arm around him. It was their favorite position to fall asleep. Pam was comfortable again and it took no time to both of the to fall asleep.

A year went by, Ben only applied to local colleges, so he could still live at home. Their off and on arrangement continued. Although it didn't get easier for any of them, the mid-night visits to Pam's bed continued. It seemed that they were accustomed to this new routine. Pam was hoping that eventually she would fall asleep with worrying and the would stop coming to his mother's bed in the middle of the night.


The phone rang. Pam checked the caller ID, it was her sister Leah.

"Hey Leah!" said Pam.

Leah was Pam's older sister. She had moved to the countryside after getting married over 20 years ago. Even though they lived apart, and couldn't see each other on a regular basis, they were close sisters. There wasn't much one didn't knew about the other. A few months back, Leah had mentioned to Pam, her daughter Mary, was applying to go to college in the city.

"Hey Pam!" said Leah. After the initial chit chat Leah got to the reason why she was calling.

"How is it going with Ben and the sleeping arrangements? Has he gotten out of your bed yet?"

Pam didn't find it strange for Leah to ask such question, after all she knew all about it. "Well," replied Pam, "we're slowly getting there. He falls asleep on his bed most of the nights now, but still comes to my bed on most of the nights as well."

"Hmmm," said Leah, leaving something in the air. But before Pam could ask anything, Leah continued.

"I'm asking this not innocently. I wanted to know because I have something to ask you. Do you remember when I mentioned that Mary was applying to college in the city? Well, she got in grad school."

"That's great! Give her congratulation for me." Interjected Pam.

"Yes it is great," continued Leah, with the excitement covered by some worry, "the problem is that the cost of living there, which is higher than we can support. So, I was thinking, since Ben is still sleeping with you, Mary could stay in his room. Plus she would be a great help with keeping an eye on Ben and cooking and cleaning."

"Hmmm," now it was Pam's turn. She was thinking. This would certainly eliminate all the progress made with Ben, but at the same time it was very difficult to say no to her sister. "I don't think Ben needs to be babysat anymore but a little help with the cooking and cleaning wouldn't certainly come in handy."

"Is that a yes?" asked Leah in excitement.

"Yes, it's a yes. But we will do it for the first year of college, and then we will revaluate the situation at the end of the school year. After all, I need to get Ben out of my bed so I eventually get get laid to." That last part just flew out of Pam's mouth, she only had one relationship since Ben was born, but even that one didn't last long.

"I hear you, I need to think hard to remember the last time Carl touched me. But, what my husband does or not is not the matter now. I'm so thankful you agreed to have Mary move in with you and Ben. I can't wait to tell her the news. I'm sure she'll be excited. I know it goes without saying, but if I can do anything in return for you please let me know."

They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Pam stayed mostly to herself during the rest of the day. She didn't want to be the person who would stop her niece from achieving her dreams, but at the same time, she was preoccupied with the future. After all, their apartment in the city wasn't that big. And the goal of moving Ben to his own bed was so they could both have more privacy this will clearly make it harder.


Later that night, when Ben was getting ready to go to bed, Pam told him, "Ben, you can go to my bed if you want." Ben was confused. He didn't know where this sudden change had come from. "Really?", asked him. "Yes, really," replied Pam, "I received a call from Aunt Leah today, asking if Mary could come to live with us. She got in grad school."

"And you said yes?" asked Ben.

"Yes I did. I think it would be nice to have some help around the house. Plus it's important that your cousin goes to grad school."

"I can't disagree with you on that, but what about the privacy and each of us having its own space?" asked Ben.

"It's definitely going to be harder, that's for sure. But at the same time we don't have secrets between us, and we have been close all this time. Plus it's just for the first year, and at the end of that, we will see if we can do another year. As we are doing this I see no point of you sleeping by yourself again, as in a few months you'll need to come back to my bed." By this time Ben was in accordance with his mother's decision, not to mention the excitement about going to fall asleep in his mom bed.


The summer went by fast, Ben had a growth spurt during the summer and had now passed his mother in height. His shoulders also broadened, and he became a little more muscular. It was only one week to Mary's move in day, and they had spent the last few days, having the house organized to receive their new guest.

Recently, Ben had started to feel different. He didn't know if it was the anticipation of having her cousin moving in with him, or something else. What he noticed about himself, was that the opposite sex was becoming even more appealing to him by the day.

Later that night, Ben dreamt like he and never done before. In his dream he was getting home from college expecting to be home alone. He went to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water to cool down after walking home in the sun. As he was approaching the kitchen we saw that the kitchen was a mess, there was a green gush everywhere.

"Mom?!" said Ben not to loud, still processing all mess. He started walking towards his mother's suite to check if she was home. He called again for his mother, "Mom?!" but this time a little louder. But before anyone could answer, he heard two feminine voices. He followed the voices and was lead to the bathroom. What his eyes saw, caused two physical reactions on him. The first, his jaw to drop. The second, his dick to rise.

His mother and his cousin Mary were naked in the bathroom.

"Oh! Hi Ben!" Said Pam nonchalantly. Mary looked at Ben and smiled, they hadn't seen each other in a year. Mary approached Ben, naked, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Look at you, you're a man already", said Mary, before walking away leaving in the air a floral scent from the recently taken shower.

Pam continued, "Sorry about the mess in the kitchen, we were making a green juice in the blender, and I forget to cover it before turning it on. It got all over us so we decided to take a shower."

Ben wasn't really paying attention to what his mother was saying. He was looking, watching, admiring his mother's body. Pam was a 41 year old, she didn't have a body like the ones Ben saw on the internet. Her hips a little wider, her butt a little bigger, and her boobs a little heavier. Yet she tried to go to the gym as much as her job and being a mother would allow. She was in good shape for a woman her age. Seeing a real woman naked, was a huge turn on for Ben.

Ben started to listen to his mother again. "Honey, you should take a shower too. We're going out to dinner tonight to welcome Mary into our home. Plus, it looks like you're sweaty."

While Ben was still processing the information his mother have given him, Pam was already helping him strip down his clothes. The white shirt was unbuttoned quickly, followed by the unzipping and pulling down the pants. "Take off your shoes and the rest of the pants", said Pam while kneeling down in front of Ben to pull down his boxers. "Hop in the shower and I'll be right back to help you wash your back."

She was back in a second. Pam entered in the shower closing the door behind her. Ben had already washed his head and Pam was now washing his back. Ben was feeling that the situation was a little strange, but just went with it. He was all soaped up, when all of the sudden he feels his mother's body pressing against his back.

Pam embraced him from behind. Her full boobs were pressing hard against his back, her hands on his chest, feeling her son's body. The hands wandered through the entire body, through his back, his butt, his abs, while moving her boobs sensually on Ben's back. The bathroom was full of steam now, the water running on both of them, and the Pam's hands were her son's hard cock.

"You're sooo hard, honey", whispered Pam. "Do you like what mommy is doing?" Asked Pam while stroking his cock.

Ben was too hard, too horny to question what was happening. "Yes mom!" he answered.

While this was happening in his dream, Ben changed his position in bed and was now laying sideways, in a spooning position with is mother. In his dream, his mother was grasping his cock and wanking it. In real life, Ben poked his mom's leg with his throbbing erection. Pam, who was sleeping woke up with the poke. At first, she wasn't sure what it was, but then she felt it again.

Her heart started pounding. As she wasn't facing Ben, she didn't know if he was sleeping or not, and all of this could have been involuntary. She laid there a little longer, before feeling the poke for the third time. At that point, she decided to get up and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. She got to the kitchen sink and splashed a little bit of water in her face, she wanted to make sure that what just happened was real. A million thoughts came to her mind. She was doubting all parenting decisions she had made, specially the one about having Ben sleeping in her bad. She was also thinking what is going to happen in the future, as Ben's bedroom would soon be Mary's. It was too late to call Leah, to cancel the moving in.

Meanwhile, Ben had woken up with his mom leaving the bed. He was feeling is cock engorged and was trying to remember what he was dreaming about. It didn't take long for him to realize that he was dreaming with showering together with her mother. "It's my own mother! It's not right!" The voice of reason, made him think like that, but the state of arousal was overpowering the reason. He wanted to have a women in his arms, not any woman, his own mother.

Pam took so long to come back to bed, that Ben eventually went back to sleep. She laid down again but the alarm clock rang shortly after that. She got ready and left for work. Ben would stay home as he was still on summer break. On Pam's mind, there was only one thing - the events of last night. She simply couldn't stop thinking about it.

She had managed to overcome the initial shock, and was now seeing things a little more clear. After all, it was only natural a boy like Ben had sexual urges. It was not normal, to be towards his mother, that's for sure, but their sleeping arrangements were also not normal. She has also decided not to make a big deal out of it, for all she knew he could have simply had an erotic dream.

Ben was playing video games, when he got a text from his mom. Hello Ben. There's pizza in the fridge for lunch. I have a meeting in the evening so I don't know when I'll be home. If you're hungry, you can knock on the Fords door as I've spoken with Mrs. Ford. Love, Mom.

The text wasn't anything like he hadn't received in the past. But today it had a different effect on Ben, as it made him think about last night events. He turned off his PS4, and just sat on the couch thinking about girls, women, boobies, pussies, his mother, his cousin.

He was turned on in no time. Ben felt an urge to get naked. His pajamas quickly hit the floor, and he started to pace around. It seemed that the more he paced around the more confident he was getting. He was starting to feel like the man of the house, he was in his domain. While pacing around the house, he saw one of his mother's bra on top of the dresser. He picked it up and inspected it, it was the first time we was holding a bra. The bra had a tag that said 36G. With the thought of his mom's boobs filling that bra, Ben opened the drawer and saw the rest of his mother underwear. This only made is cock harder.

At this point, Ben decided to hop in the shower. It was almost lunch time, but mostly he was recollecting his dream and need to finish what his mother had started. Alone in the shower, with the water running on his hair free young man's body, Ben thought of Pam. On his mind, were her big boobs, her soft ass, her shaved pussy and her lips on his mouth.

With a new found sense of confidence Ben decided to prepare dinner that same night. After all, it was Friday night and Pam had a tiring week at work. Ben thought it would be nice to prepare something so his mother wouldn't have to worry about still making dinner after getting home. It smelled good when Pam got home.

"Hey honey!" Said Pam feeling the smell. "What are you doing in there?"

Ben smiled when he saw his mother. "Hey mom! I am making us dinner, so you don't have too. I thought you could be tired as you had a long week and didn't catch much sleep tonight."

The surprise of Ben making dinner, was suddenly overpowered by what he had just said. Pam's mind started racing again. Did he do it intentionally? Wasn't that a dream after all? She wondered.

"That's nice of you honey. Thank you." The words were spoken but she was still thinking that her son had sexual desires towards her.

Over the weekend, Ben was busy hanging out with friends, enjoying the last few days before starting college life. The first thing Pam did, when Ben was out of the door on Saturday morning, was going online to search for sexual interest of son in mother. The search didn't return what she was expecting. Instead of scientific articles, the results were links to incest related videos.

Pam wasn't interested in watching porn so she scrolled down to look for something that could enlighten her. She ended up clicking on a link that had a short story, about a mother who seduced her son. She read it in silence, absorbing every word. It was getting hot, she was getting horny. When the story finished, she sat there gazing at the computer screen. Something had changed, she could feel it.

Sitting in front of the computer, still wearing her conservative night gown, she put her hand inside her panties, feeling the wetness of her pussy. The following link had another mother and son incest story. As she was going through the paragraphs, her hand was moving faster, in circular motions around the clitoris. The other hand reached inside the gown to touch both erected nipples. She put her head back, closed her eyes and rubbed herself, cupped her boobs, moaned in pleasure. The last thought on her mind before cumming, was of Ben cumming inside her. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever felt.

from that moment on Pam didn't look at Ben the same way. There was no doubt that he was still her son, but he also awakened Pam's sexual desires. This oxymoron, was a constant struggle to Pam, as she would feel guilty, as much as she wanted to have him inside her. 


The alarm clock rang on Monday morning. Pam was already awake, preparing herself to do something naughty. She got out of bed. Stripped from her night gown. Dropped it on the floor. Walked to the bathroom to shower. Ben had woken up with the alarm clock, and couldn't believe what he had just saw. His cock got rock hard. 

He gave it a few strokes, and decided he too would get out of bed. He got up, and went to sneak on his mother showering. She had left the door half closed only, so if he would be careful enough he could watch her shower and be back in bed before she realized he was up. 

There he stood, unannounced, watching his mother shower. Her round and full breasts all soaped up, washing her legs as if she was teasing him. Bending over exposing her perfect defined pussy lips between her legs. She closed the water and as she was turning to reach for the towel, she saw Ben passing. It made her nervously happy. 

When she walked back in to the bedroom, Ben was pretending to sleep. So she decided to continue to tease him. She dropped the towel, went to the night stand on Ben's side of the bed to grab her body milk. He felt his mother's presence approaching and peeked with one eye semi-closed to see his mother's perfectly trimmed pussy right in front of him. 

She positioned herself in the corner of the bedroom, where Ben could perfectly see her. At the same time, she could watch Ben watching her without being seen. While she was spreading the lotion on her body, she played with her nipples and sucked them. She also spread her pussy lips and rubbed her clitoris in Ben's full view. By the time she was ready to put some clothes on, Ben just wanted to cum, he could wait for his mother to leave to room, so we could go to the bathroom to jack off. 

The week moved along and Pam was getting confident by the day. There was no shortage of sexual innuendos done by Pam. She spied on Ben leaving and entering the shower. She, systematically, left her bras and panties in the middle of the room for Ben to see. She started using more form fitting clothes. 

Ben didn't miss a thing. His days were spent recollecting the moments Pam had been creating, and masturbating to his mother any chance he could. Ben would usually be in bed when Pam went to work but on this morning, he got up to have breakfast with his mother. 

"Mom, I'm making dinner tonight again. Do you have any particular request?" asked Ben. 

"You are?"

"Yes, you've always been so nice to me, spoiling me every chance you could, so I want to do something for you too." While saying this, Ben noticed that his mother was dressed particularly sexy. Before Pam said anything, Ben changed the subject. "You look extremely sexy today. I love your cleavage with that summer dress. Are you trying to impress anyone today?" 

"I'm not trying to impress anyone, baby. You're the only man in my life!" Pam had a smile on her lips and looked straight to Ben to catch his reaction.

"I'm impressed then, that dress makes my mind wonder!"

"Ah don't be silly, you!" Was this the confirmation that Pam needed? Was her son turned on by her mother's body? "Come here, give your mother a hug. I need to get going". He approached her and they hugged. He felt her mother's boobs pressing against his chest. She felt his cock getting hard. 

Pam went to work, but she wasn't focused at all. All she could think about was to return home to her son's arms. She asked her boss, if she could leave early as she had a family matter that need her attention. She arrived home mid-afternoon. Ben was laying in bed listening to Marvin Gaye and reading a book.

"Hey Mom. What are you doing home so early?"

"Hey honey!" Pam was happy to be back home, especially because she was with her son. "Oh, I didn't feel like working today, and decided to come home to spend some time with you. I've been working a lot, and soon you will be a college student so I'll even see less of you."

"Mom, you don't have to worry about that. I will still live at home and you want get rid of me so easily." They both smiled. 

"I need to get out of this bra! It's too warm. Do you mind unhooking it for me?" Pam asked Ben, while she sat on the bed by his side. 

Mixed with the warm breeze, Ben felt his mother's perfume. It was sweet, matching her floral summer dress. He was laying in bed wearing a pair of sports shorts only. 

"Ahhh, much better now!" Said Pam in relieve. She placed her bra on top of the bed stand and laid down next to Ben. He put his book down and laid sideways to his mom. As soon as he faced his mother he saw that the summer dress didn't hold his mother's boobs. She was laying on her back and her boobs where trying to slip out the side of the dress. 

"Are you excited about college?"

"Yes, I am".

"You're going to meet all those pretty girls..." stated Pam.

"None will ever compare to you. None will treat me like you do."

"That might me true, but they are able to give you things that I cannot". When Pam said this she turned on her side, she was now facing Ben. The strap of her dress moved out of place, exposing almost the entire right breast." Ben looked unapologetically, he was admiring the daring cleavage. His shorts were felling tighter, we was getting hard. This time, he didn't hide it. 

"I'm not really interested in what they can give me. I've got all I need right here at home." 

They both got quiet. Marvin Gaye was singing Let's get it on, but neither of them realized that. Pam noticed her son's cock was fully erect. She felt her nipples hardening and her pussy getting wet. It was aching for Ben's attention. Her mind was going at a thousand miles an hour, she felt her heart beating faster and her breathing got a heavier. She took off both straps of her dress, exposing the dark areolas and nipples. Pam was looking into Ben's eyes, as she held his left hand and put it on her right boobs. 

"Play with my nipple", she said softly.

Ben did as told. He couldn't grasp what was happening. He was actually touching her mother's nipple. As soon as Pam let go of Ben's hand she reached for his cock. She caressed it shortly over the shorts, but she want it to o much to not touch it directly. Ben moved closer to his mom. He was so close could, he could now feel the warmth of her breath. He got even closer and kissed her on the lips. She returned it passionately. She hold them closer to her, embracing him. She finally had him in her arms.

Pam removed Ben's shorts leaving him completely naked. "Son, please suck mommy's boobs". Pam held her aching nipple and lead it to Ben's mouth. She felt the warmth of having her boob inside her and let go a little moan. She started stroking her son's cock, and he too moaned in pleasure. 

Pam moved to be on top of Ben, with ever letting go of his cock. She had him lay on his back. Pam looked at him from the top, and felt an intense feeling of satisfaction. She was finally giving her son what she wanted the most, the ultimate pleasure. He looked hotter than ever to her eyes, with his short dark hair, penetrating blue eyes and a perfectly defined shoulder line. 

Ben was looking to her mother with love and lust. Her long blonde hair falling on her shoulders, her boobs swaying as she moved. He would exchange it for anything else in the world. Pam held his cock and lowered her pussy into it. Ben felt his mother pussy wrapping his cock in perfection. Pam moved slowly, savoring every thrust, and always looking at Ben. She increased the speed, slowly. Ben, reached for her breast, so they wouldn't sway. She went lower, and lower. Up and down, up and down she moved. 

Pam took one of Ben's hand from her breasts, and guided him to her clit. While holding his hand she showed him what to do. Rubbing in circles, until he would do it on his own. From this point on, both of them entered in a spiral of moans. The climax was coming faster than they could expect. She went lowered herself on him once again and him cum.

As soon as Pam felt his cum entering her, she started rubbing her clitoris herself, almost in desperation from the intensity of the pleasure. She rubbed it hard, and rubbed it in circular movements, and her entire body shook with pleasure. She moaned loud, at the pace of each orgasm spasm. 

Pam laid next to Ben again, and kissed him. "I love you."

"Love you too, mom."

"I never imagined this would feel so right. I want you all to myself."

"You'll have me all for yourself, mom. I'm not going anywhere. Plus, we're going to sleep together for at least a year."

"We can rearrange that. You don't have to go back to your room."

"Thank you mom! That is all I ever wanted."

The next day, was the day that Mary arrived.