Sleeping Bag Serendipity

Shir—ley! This is Norman. I need a 'big' favor...please, please, please! You gotta help me, Shirley."

"What is it now, Norman? Where are you? I can hear a lot of noise in the sounds like rain."

"Yeah, it's rain, and it's pouring. And I'm damn car broke down... again... and I can't get the damn piece of junk started."

"Hah, I told you it was going to break down someday soon. So, you want me to pick you up? Where exactly are you?"

"I'm somewhere on the road from Wahiawa to Haleiwa...right in the middle to the goddamn cane fields...just before the first set of snake on the side of the road."

"Well, I just left my aunt's in Waipahu and can turn around. I should be there in about twenty minutes if the traffic is light. It should be at this time of night and especially in this kind of weather. Hang on and I'll be there."

"Thanks, Shirley. I knew I could count on you."

"'re lucky I don't have some hunky lover humping me between my legs or you'd be shit out of luck. Damn it, alone again on a Saturday night. You were right about that asshole, Mike...all smile and big body...he just wanted to use me...then bagged after he used and abused me... sigh...can you believe I still miss him?"

"Hello? Earth to Shirley! Mike was a fucking bastard. You miss a stiff cock, but you don't really miss him. He treated you like shit once he had you in bed."

"Yeah, you're right. He was a shithead...and I am a slut when it comes to men with hard bodies...and even harder cocks. Can you believe I don't remember how many muscle guys I have let screwed me?"

"Well, unless you've been fooling around with guys and not telling your best friend from elementary school days, Norman was your...hmmm...I won't tell just how many he-men you've fallen for since your first time with that asshole all-star tight end underneath the bleachers in our senior year in high school."

"Norman! Have you been keeping count of my guys? How dare you, you pervert!"

"Oh, please. I wouldn't know about all your guys if you didn't tell me about all your scumbag so-called boyfriends. And look who's talking? You keep track of all my affairs and remind me regularly of my dismal fail-to-score rates. Aren't you the one always reminding me of how many times I've been dump by...what is it that you call them...oh, 'skanky' sluts. Thank you, Shirley!"

"Well, it only because I'm tired of seeing you get hurt. You're kind of dumb, Norman, but you're my dumb Norman who always look me especially when I've been down in the dumps...which lately is quite often. Okay, Norman, I'm approaching the airplane bridge of Wahiawa and should be getting to you soon."

"Okay, see you soon. Hurry because it's starting to rain very hard." As I ended my cell call, I realized how tonight was indicative of our unique relationship. We had met in elementary school and were immediately drawn to each other.

From a broken home, Shirley wore hand-me-downs, got free lunches, and often didn't have any school supplies. This made her an edgy and lonely little Japanese girl whom was often teased by the other kids. But even at that tender age, Shirley was a cute little 'toughie' who excelled at sports and had no qualms punching out any boy teasers or taking on male challengers.

However, when it came to girls, Shirley was at a loss. Unlike boys, the girls would snicker behind her back, exclude her from their groups, and cruelly tease her by calling her mean little names that made fun of her. That's when I entered Shirley's life.

One day a group of girls were taunting Shirley to the verge of tears, I did the unthinkable by standing up for Shirley. Shaming them with their own behavior, I used my cutting wit and sharp tongue on those mean little bitches. Giving them a taste of their own medicine, I put them down and made a few cry. Protecting Shirley came naturally to me, and would turn out to be the first of many times to come.

Shirley soon returned the favor a few days later. You see while I was the 'smart kid' of the school, I was at the time a scrawny, pencil-neck geeky white boy who was surrounded by Asians, Polynesians, and mixed heritage kids. My parents were always working and never had time to teach me how to do things especially when it came to sports. Totally uncoordinated, I was always the last kid (even after all the girls) to be chosen. However, when three boys tried to hijack me one day after school, Shirley stepped in and proceeded to beat the living shit out of the bunch.

Because we had nobody else, Shirley and I became fast and best friends, hanging with each other, eating lunch together, and studying. She helped me to strengthen my scrawny muscles, become better coordinated, and learn how play sports. In turn, I tutored Shirley, sharing with her the joy of learning and building in her the confidence to be whatever she wanted to be.

At first people that it was cute that the two little odd-balls had found each other. But as the years rolled by, they began to think that we might be more than just friends. You see not many boys and girls couldn't just be 'friends'; there had to be more.

Throughout high school, Shirley developed into a beautiful athletic young woman. Her Japanese genes gave her a toned slender five-three form, perky modest breasts, a flat stomach, and downright tight buns. With shoulder-length dark hair, Shirley had smoky eyes, a cute nose, and any engaging smile that when combined with her tanned complexion gave her an exotic appeal.

As for me, I had sprouted from a scrawny geek to a big geek at six-two and just under two-hundred pounds. Thanks to Shirley's incessant nagging to exercise with her, I managed to develop enough muscles to be physically intimidating at first glance. However, once you got to know me, it was clear that I had the disposition of the proverbial cream puff.

People said Shirley and I made a cute couple, but we steadfastly denied any romantic relationship. Although we couldn't deny that there was a mutual attraction between us, we naively attributed to being just best friends. For some reason, we could not -- would not -- cross that fine line that separates friends and lovers.

After a while people began to think that either one or both of us had to be gay. It was because of this rumor, we began dating other people. Shirley was attracted to jocks who were the only guys capable of matching her physicality. The problem, however, was that these dudes tended to be self-centered, and had no qualms using people, females, and especially Shirley.

My taste in women proved as equally as disastrous as Shirley's in men. I tended toward the ultra-feminine sorority girls because there was something about these debutant- types that really gave me a boner. Unfortunately, these dainty little bitches were often the totally self-absorbed types or aspiring beauty queens. Either way, they were good at twisting geeks like me around their little fingers with sexual teasing and favors, and the flicking me away like an unwanted snot booger once they got what they wanted from us.

Yet, through our myriad of dismal affairs, Shirley and I always had each other. We shared the graphic details of our hopeful (and often imaginary) romances, advised each other on the workings of the opposite gender, and encouraged each other as to what to do when things got rough.

But in the end, we were always there to help one another picked up the broken pieces when we crashed-and-burned, applying liberal doses of consolation and tender loving care as we pieced one another together for the next big-bodied bozo or snotty bitch to come along.

"Hey, Norman," Shirley shouted as she pulled along side of me, "I called my uncle and he'll tow your car in the morning to his shop and you can decide what to do with it tomorrow. Hop in and let's head back to town."

"Oh, Jeez, Shirley," I exclaimed as I threw my gear in her backseat, "I need to ask you a 'really' big favor! Can you take me up to the Pupukea Heights cabin? Please... pretty please, Shirley...please..."

"What? Is that where you were going? You know how hard that bridge is to cross when the stream is overflowing..."

"Come on, Shirley, please. I need to get to the cabin."

"Hey, wait a minute. Don't tell me you have a rendezvous with Miss 'What's Her Name'?' You know, that frilly-fluffy pledge girl -- Cindy-- who's got you jumping through the hoops? I don't know how many term papers you've written for her in exchange for a little nooky. Don't you know she'll only to be dumped once grades were posted."

When I didn't respond, Shirley quietly said, "Norman, I just don't want to see you hurt again. She's no good, Norman...not for my Norman."

"Cindy's not that bad," I finally said after a sullen period of silence. "She's just immature...conceited...and manipulative...BUT...she a big pair of great knockers and one hell of a tight ass...AND...she promised that she'd spend the weekend with me at the cabin if I did her last term paper...which I did. However, we didn't know it was going to rain like this when I extracted that promise from Cindy."

"So, if you folks are going to be together this weekend, where's Cindy?"

"Well, she said she had some sort of sorority pledge thing she had to attend, but that she'd drive up afterwards and meet me at the cabin."

"Norman, do you really expect her to drive all the way out from town to Pupukea at night to go up a mountain to spend a weekend in a primitive cabin? Are you fricking nuts?"

"Well, my nuts are kind of swollen and blue in anticipation of scoring. Come on, Shirley, please, pretty please. Although Cindy's never been to the cabin, I gave her really good instructions and even a map as how to get there. Please, Shirley, I know she'll be there."

"Oh...okay. But when she doesn't show up..."

To get the cabin that was up in the Pupukea hills just after Waimea Bay, you had to cross a low wooden bridge that I swear would fall down one day, and then it was up a switchback dirt road to the wooded heights. The cabin was actually a large one-room wooden shack with a counter and sink in front right corner and a small bathroom in the rear right corner. Other small fireplace occupied the center of the opposite wall, the cabin was bare of any furniture or appliances excluding a folding table and chairs.

The beauty of the cabin, however, was its secluded simplicity. It was like camping but with a large wooden tent, and although you roughed it, there were the amenities of the catchment water, a flushing toilet, and an icy shower. Shirley and I had used the cabin to get away during our frequent patching each other up sessions. It was a good place to discover things about yourself and start anew.

"Norman, its pouring and the stream is rising rapidly. I don't see Cindy or her car," Shirley said when we finally reached the cabin. "Are you sure Cindy's car can make it? Maybe you should call her and tell her to hurry up before the bridge overflows."

I punched Cindy's cell number and after several rings, I heard a dreamy "Hello" and it became vividly clear that I had just woken her up. Even though I knew the answer, I still asked if she was coming and got a response that she had completely forgotten about our rendezvous. The reason became apparent when I heard a sleepy male's voice in the background telling Cindy to come back to bed. Then without even a goodbye, Cindy ended the call and our relationship.

In the darkness of her car, Shirley must have sense my heartbreak for she just hugged me and kissed me lightly. Then in true Shirley-fashion, punched me in the arm and said, "I told you let's get down this hill and get drunk together...drown our sorrows and failed love lives in beer."

I was wallowing in my misery and declined, and opted for the isolation of the cabin, forest and rain. Lightly kissing Shirley, I asked her if she could pick me up the next day, and when she finally consented, got my sleeping bag and overnighter out of the back seat and made a mad dash through the pouring rain to the cabin.

After Shirley headed down the hill, I unlocked the cabin and quickly discovered that I should have checked it first before making my decision. The generator in the small outside shed was in working order. The only problem was there wasn't any fuel for it...or as I later discovered for the lamps in the cabin. Fortunately, I had a small dim flashlight and managed to get a feeble, smoky fire going in the fireplace.,

It was about then the cabin door flew open to reveal a drenched Shirley. "The damn bridge is covered with gushing water...and my car's stuck in some fricking muddy rut on the side of the road. My uncle won't be able to pull me out until tomorrow if I'm lucky. I hope you're happy, you bastard. Now you're stuck with me for tonight. Damn it, Norman, you know what they say about misery loving company..."

The temperature outside and inside the cabin was rapid dropping, and we both were shivering so hard in our wet clothes that our teeth were chattering. I became painfully aware that the little fire that barely lit the room, wasn't enough to cut the chill in the night air or dry our sopping wet clothes.

"Norman," Shirley uttered as she guessed our plight, "I need to get out of these drenched clothes before I freeze to death. What dry clothes did you bring?"

I gulped and nervously stuttered that I hadn't expected a downpour and was thinking of just making out for the night. As such, I only had a thin traveling towel, a t-shirt, and a pair of boxers. Before Shirley could smack me, I hurriedly suggested that we dry off as best as we could with the small towel and get into the sleeping bag to use our body heat to keep warm.

I thought Shirley would balk at the idea, but she just said, "Give me the towel and the t-shirt. I'd look funny in your that, they're not my size. Put more wood on the damn fire...and turn around."

I could hear Shirley's shivering as she undressed and draped her clothes over the folding chairs. I knew that by the time she finished drying her shoulder length black hair and toned body, the towel would be quite wet. But at least she'd be somewhat dry and hopefully less angry with me.

"Okay, Norman," Shirley said as she hurriedly unrolled the sleeping bag close to the fire. Unzipping it, she quickly slid in its dry warmth. "It's your turn. Don't worry. I won't look... much."

At that point I was freezing and could care less. My wet clothes just dropped to the floor as I wiped myself as dry as I could with the very damp towel. "Move over," I stammered to Shirley as I shimmied into my fresh boxers before slipping into the sleeping bag with Shirley.

"Oh my god, Norman, you're a fricking iceberg!" Shirley exclaimed as my bare back rested against her thinly clad back. "Hurry up and zip up this bag so we can get warm."

"I can't! This sleeping bag wasn't made for two people lying back to back. The zipper won't close. Turn on your other side and hug my back. Let's see if that does the trick."

"This ain't going to work," Shirley muttered into my back. "I can't breathe and I feel smashed against your back. Let's flip over, and you spoon me." And with that, we somehow managed to turn on our other side, resulting in Shirley's smaller body nestled against the curve of mine."

"Hmmm, this is better," Shirley uttered after a while. "It's a lot warmer in your embrace. The only problem breathing in my ear like you're're starting to make me 'hot' in 'horny hot' sick perverted son-of-a-bitch."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that this...," I said as I gentle blew into her ear, turned you on. Does this?" I murmured as my lips lightly brush her ear lobe, neck, and exposed shoulder. "For that matter, I didn't know I turned you on at all."

"Well you do and are right now," Shirley moaned as a slight tremble shook her form that she pressed into my cupping body. Then after a pregnant pause, she whispered, "It's just that I've always been afraid of losing you if things didn't work out. I don't know what I would do if you weren't there for me."

"Shirley...I've always will there for you. It kills me seeing you go out with those idiots, knowing that one day you might meet someone who would take you away from me. I've been the one who's been afraid of losing you. But, even if that was to happen, I would be there for you, Shirley. Don't you know that?"

"Then why did you let me go out with them? Why didn't you say or do something?"

"'Cause although we're good friends, I couldn't see what an attractive woman like you would see in a big doofus like me."

"Ha, I'm the one who can't compare to your frilly miss moppets...with their fake eyelashes and tits...and girly ways. I never thought you would go for someone like me. Would you have gone out with someone like me, Norman?"

"You'd be surprised what lewd and evil thoughts I've had about you." I panted heavily, breathing into the back of her neck to emphasize my point, "really wicked, wicked thoughts." In jest, my hands glide over the curve of her hip and up over taunt stomach. "Sometimes when you do..."

"Do what?" Shirley gasped as she stopped my fingers just midway up her stomach. "You mean I turn you on when I do something like this?" With that she wiggled her firm buns against me causing me to sprout one hell of an erection that immediately tented my thin loose boxers and pressed against her rounded butt.

"Norman! Is that you? Oooh, Norman -- are you getting a big hard-on?"

"Shirley, stop that! Will you stop doing that?"

"Doing what?" Shirley giggled as she pressed her butt against me, squirming and grinding against my growing erection. "Do you mean doing this?"

"Shirley, don'" I tried to control myself by pulling my hips back to put some distance between Shirley's enticing behind and my hardening cock. But, the next thing I knew was my cock bursting through my boxers' slit and thrusting itself into the diamond opening formed by her butt cheeks and inner thighs.

"Yeow! Norman, what the hell is that? Is that really you?"

"I told you not to move..." I said immediately in a feeble excuse as I tried to disengage my member that was tightly wedged between her legs.

"Jeez, Norman, I never knew you were so big! You're right by my...oooh, Norman! Oh, it feels so thick and hard!" Shirley then pulled me to her turned head, and kissed me in a way that went well beyond our defined borders of friendship.

"Norman, you're making me really, really wet. Do you want to...but, before we go any further, I need to know if we do what I think we're about to do...will you still be my friend through thick and thin?"

I let my passionate kiss speak volumes for me, then pulling back to tongue her earlobe. "Shirley," I whispered, "I've been in love with you for so couldn't drive me away with a stick...a big stick at that!"

"Oh, I love it when you do that," Shirley groaned as I tentatively touched and then boldly fondled her perky boobs. Rolling her thick, protruding nipples between my thumb and forefinger, I slowly sawed my raging hard-on back and forth between her legs.

Shirley's hand stroked herself and then cupping the head of my cock, pressed it into her oozing slit. She guided me to the entrance of her seething vagina, and with a short thrust of my hips, I wedge my flanged cock head into her sizzling cunt. Clinging to each other, our limbs intertwined as we kissed and caressed each other with building passion at the final consummation of our longstanding love.

Then in a soft breathless voice, filled with yearning and lust, Shirley moaned, "Do me, Norman, fuck me now!"

I knew Shirley had put out for more guys then she could remember, but I couldn't believe when I pressed into her just how amazingly "virgin" tight she was. Although Shirley gushed with her slippery sexual excitement, I was only able to penetrate her juicy wetness after constantly pumping back and forth with short jabs. When I finally managed to sink myself all the way into Shirley, I found my shaft was snugly held by in the hot velvet grip of her cunt.

We never noticed that the sleeping bag that we were in had long fallen away as did our scanty clothing. Shirley rolled to her hands and knees with me still deeply embedded in her so that I could give her every last inch of me. We dripped with sweat and were so hot that I swear there was steam was curling off Shirley's naked body in the chilly night air.

"Damn, Norman, you're so fucking big. You're stretching me out like I've never been before. Oh, Norman, where the hell have you been hiding all this time? Where the hell have you been all my life? Oh...oh, shit, Norman...don't stop...fuck me!"

I slammed forward, lifting her with my thrusts. Her buns obscenely slapped against my groin as Shirley slammed backwards to meet me. We fucked like lust- possessed high schoolers, savagely groaning, begging for more of each other's bodies. Shirley's lithe body trembled uncontrollably as her sexual tension ratcheted up in anticipated release.

"Oh, God, Shirley, I'm going to come. I can't hold back any longer..."

"Oh, come, Norman! Fill me up with your hot white spunk! Ooh, I've been so stupid about you for so long! Come, baby, come in me! Don't stop! I'm going to come too...oh, shit...shoot your load, Norman!"

With a guttural grunt, I drove as deep as I could into Shirley's seething pussy causing both of us to explode in a simultaneous mind-shattering orgasm. Intertwined and bucking as one, I spew my guts into Shirley, and she took all I could give until our mixed fluids squished from her cunt, to run down her thighs. Exhausted, we finally collapsed in a panting, sweaty heap.

"Ooh, yeah," Shirley moaned as her twat twitched around my cock, milking me of my last drop of sperm, "I have never had my brains fucked out of me like that ever before. God, Norman, you bastard." Then disengaging from me, Shirley flipped me on my back and crawling on my chest, kissed me passionately before saying, "Here I am looking for a stud with a big cock...and my best friend is carrying this big dick between his legs... and really knows how to use it." With that Shirley lowered her head and sucked my cock like it had never been sucked before.

To say that Shirley and I fucked ourselves silly that night would have been understatement, and we've been at it ever since. When our relationship became exclusive, our love making accelerated (as if to make up for lost time) especially when she moved in with me.

When Shirley missed her period, she was initially afraid to tell me. But she beamed with relief and unbridled happiness when I said that I guess that I'd have to make her an honest woman and proposed. Our love session that ensued in our special sleeping bag in our living room was incredible. As I buried my face between Shirley's firm thighs, I realized that sometimes what (or who) you're looking for can be right under you very nose. Yummmm. Thank god for this damn sleeping bag.