Innocence Lost

jody was 18 when she went to stay with her aunt and uncle, in the country, that one summer. She had stayed over night with them many times growing up and stayed for weeks with them during summer breaks from school. Her aunt and uncle were happy she could stay with them, now that their children were all grown up and moved out. They both looked forward to her company. Her aunt Sara worked nights and her and her uncle Joel worked days, so at least she wouldn't have to be alone. 

Jody arrived earlier that day while her uncle was at work and was in the back yard laying out in the sun tanning. When she saw her uncle come home; she was excited to see him so she ran in the back door as he came in the front. She ran up and hugged him.

"Hi Uncle Joel," she said.

"Hi honey." he hugged her, and then he kissed her cheek.

His wife said, "I guess I have to get in line to get a hug and kiss around here." They all laughed while he walked over and hugged and kissed his wife.

Jody was wearing a string bikini; he tried not to look to obvious while looking at her little petite body and exquisite bubble butt, as they talked for awhile. She seemed oblivious to his inquiring eyes; although his wife saw him, and just smiled.

She said, "Well I'm going to go put on some clothes." as she went in her room.

His wife laughed and said, "You can pick your chin up off the floor now."

He said, "Whoa, she sure turned out nice didn't she; we just saw her last year."

"She sure did, I see you'll be enjoying the eye candy, you dirty old man." she said jokingly. 

He couldn't see that little niece anymore, the way he used to, since he saw her in her bikini, he could only see this attractive young woman no matter what she was wearing. 

One night after her aunt went to work Jody was lying on the couch watching TV and her uncle was sitting in a chair at the end of the couch and behind her. He had a good vantage point to observe her excellent body as she lie there without her seeing him looking at her. She was wearing little tight shorts and the way she was laying, her hip bones made a little gap so he could see down inside a little, and see her white panties, which aroused him a lot. He was thinking how she has no idea how nice of a body she has and how much she was arousing him. He was looking at her tan sleek body and how her shorts conformed to the beautiful shape of her pelvic, even showing her crack.

She lay there talking while watching TV, pulling her t-shirt up a little rubbing her bare flat belly with her slender hands, and occasionally running her thumb under her waist band, unknowingly driving her uncle wild. He could hardly keep track of what was on TV let alone what she was saying. Once in awhile she would look back at him while talking and he was hoping she didn't see where his eyes were fixed. 

He was noticeably getting aroused and he was concerned she would see he was getting an erection so he reached down inside his sweat pants and pulled it up so it was laying flat against him and not humped up so much. He rubbed it a little thinking how he would love to put it in her. Then he noticed she was falling asleep and she drew her one leg up and got still. He sat there for awhile then got up to get a drink and she didn't move. When he came back in the room he could see up the leg of her shorts which revealed her little pussy covered by her white panties. If it wasn't for the tight elastic on the leg of her panties he would be getting the view of his life. 

He just sat there and couldn't help continuing to look at her fine little body just laying there. He had this overwhelming urge to lick her little pussy. He thought how he would like to go to her and get down on his knees and start licking it, but he knew she would wake up and be freaking out. He thought the best way would be to talk to her and let her know how he felt about her; but how do you start a conversation like that. 

So he just sat there for awhile then decided he better go to bed since the next day was Friday and he had to work. So he stood up and walked over to her and gently patted, then rubbed her thigh. 

"Wake up honey; I'm going to bed now." 

She opened her eyes and looked at him and said, "Ok I guess I'll go to bed too then."

They both went to their own bedrooms, she went right back to sleep and he lay there by himself thinking of her lying in her bed so near by, lying there in just her panties, all alone. He was very aroused thinking of her. So he got out his personal lubricant and threw the covers off of himself and put some on his big deprived boy and started stroking it real slow, thinking of her and getting more aroused imagining and wishing she would walk in his bed room and see what he was doing. It wasn't long before he had a fantastic orgasm while thinking of her.

After wiping the cum and gel off himself he lay there thinking that he wished he could think of a way to let her know how he felt and what he would like to do with her, without her getting upset and telling her aunt and getting him into trouble and everything going to hell fast. 

Before he fell asleep he thought, 'I will find a way, I have to find away'.

He went to work the next day all the while thinking of her, infatuated with her, wondering why he felt this way, after all he was a happily married man, he and his wife had a very nice active sex life. 

When he got home everything was as usual, he ate supper, took a shower and spent an enjoyable time with his wife and niece sharing their days events with each other. Before he knew it, it was time for his wife to go to work. 

Shortly after she left his niece went in and took a shower and after awhile he saw her walk from the bathroom to her room with a towel wrapped around herself but he noticed he didn't hear her door shut. So he quietly got up and walked down the hall and past her room. To his delight there she was with her side to him, stark naked pulling a pair of panties on. 

He thought, 'Is she trying to drive me mad, does she want me to put the moves on her or does she really not know how tempting she is to me'. 

He went in and sat in his chair and pretended to watch TV although he couldn't concentrate on anything but that magnificent body burned into his brain. Then she walked into the room wearing a t-shirt and panties.

She said, "I hope you don't mind me wearing what I'm going to sleep in, that way I don't have to change later."

He told her, "No that's fine, you can wear whatever you want." But he's thinking, 'Good lord girl, you're killing me.'

They assumed there normal spots for watching TV, with him checking out the beautiful site and her falling asleep lying on the couch. He could tell she was asleep when she started breathing heavy. She was on her back with one foot on the floor and her legs slightly spread showing her wonderful panty covered crotch as if unconsciously or maybe consciously enticing him. 

He thought, 'I can't take this anymore,' so he got on his knees in front of her, if she wakes up he'd have to tell her how he felt. Then lifted her shirt to expose her panties all the way and leaned down and kissed her belly real light while looking at her face to see if she woke up, no response. Next he kissed her pussy lips through her panties, it was so soft and warm and it seems she doesn't have hair.

'She must shave, oh she's so fine,' he thought. Still no response, so he licked her up across her crack then her bare skin right where the elastic of the panty leg was. That she must have felt because she took a deep breath and moved a little. It made him think 'I can't approach her this way; I need to think of a better way.'

However he had another idea, so he reached over and grabbed a tissue to cum into and pulled his shorts down exposing a giant erection, and started masturbating right there kneeling in front of her, the head just inches from where it longed to be. At one point he thought about pulling the leg of her panties over and shoving it in to her before she knew what was going on, but he couldn't do that to any one let alone his sweet innocent niece. He again, kind of wished she would wake up and see him, he didn't know why but he would love to jack off while she watched him. When he ejaculated he was so worked up he was glad he had the tissue or he would have surely squirted clear up to her face, which would be hard to explain in any situation. After enjoying the moment immensely he kissed her pussy one more time then pulled her shirt back down where it was and was thankful she was a sound sleeper. He watched something on TV for awhile then woke her up and they went into their own bedrooms. He kept hoping he could think of a non intrusive way to break the ice with her, he wanted her so bad. 

The next morning was Saturday and his wife had come home from work and was in bed sound asleep so he got up and went out to the living room and was watching TV, after a little bit his niece came out of her bed room wearing the same thing she had on the night before. 

She came over to him and said, "Can I sit with you?" 

He said, "Sure" and scooted over in his chair and she sat down on his left and put her left leg over his and snuggled up to him and laid her head on his shoulder, the same way she used to when she was a little girl, so he put his arm around her. 

She said, "I like staying here with you two." 

He said, "We like having you here." 

They just sat there for awhile he rubbed her back feeling the shape of her slender sides and copped an occasional feel of the top of her panties. Then he boldly rubbed his hand down across her butt and on to her bare thigh. She just sat there with her arms around him and didn't seem to mind his exploring hand. 

She squeezed him and kissed his neck and said, "You feel so comfortable". 

So he leaned his head over and kissed her cheek and said, "You're so sweet". She then turned her head towards his to kiss his cheek at the same time he went to kiss her cheek again, resulting in the corners of there mouths making contact when they kissed. They both just giggled and continued their embrace.

He noticed she didn't have a bra on and how her t-shirt formed to her nice little firm titties and that her nipples perked up after their near kiss. He was getting an erection so he had to reach down in his pants and pull it up so it wasn't so noticeable, but she already noticed and watched him fix it. She didn't say anything but he noticed she kept glancing down at it. So he gently pulled her leg over his more and twisted a little towards her to kind of hide it. That idea backfired though, because now he could feel her thigh against it and made it get harder. She seemed to be curious about what was happening down there, because he could feel her pushing her leg ever so slightly in to it, trying to cop a feel herself.

He was thinking, 'This could be the opportunity he's been waiting for to let her know how he feels.'

"I've wanted to tell you something but really didn't know how to go about it." He said. 

"What? You can tell me." She replied curiously.

"I don't' know if you're aware of it or not but you have been blessed with extremely good looks and a beautiful body. You are very attractive and you have a reaction on me when ever I just look at you." 

"I'm sorry do you want me to get up." She said, concerned. 

"No, on the contrary, I like you close to me." He said hugging her

"Is that what's happening now, down there?" She asked while nudging her leg against it. 

"Yeah," he replied with a sigh. 

"I kind of noticed it before when I was around you but I didn't know I was the one causing it."

"Oh yeah, I didn't know how to tell you and I ask you please don't say anything to your aunt, she would get mad at me and upset if she knew I was even talking about this kind of stuff with you." 

"Ok, I won't say anything. I'm sorry, I didn't know." 

"Don't be sorry I love it, you're so fine. There now you know how I feel about you, please don't hate me for it." 

"I don't hate you, I'm quite flattered and I think it's nice." She replied excitedly while hugging him.

"Remember: please don't tell your aunt anything about what I told you. He pleaded. 

"I won't say anything." She assured him. 

He decided now for the final test. He took her chin in his hand and turned her head towards his and kissed her beautiful cherry lips. A kiss, a little longer than a friendly peck but not so long that he couldn't explain it away as a friendly show of affection. He was excited when she kissed him back rather than pushing him away.

He stopped the kiss and commented, "Mmm, your sweet as honey." They continued their embrace for some time to his pure enjoyment. 

Later after his wife got up he went outside and mowed and did some yard work. The whole time thinking of responses to everything he could imagine; if his niece told his wife anything. When he got done outside he took a deep breath and went inside hoping for the best. Ah everything seemed normal, niece and aunt doing normal stuff together, no dirty looks from anyone, both acting chipper. 

He was very excited that he finally told her and that it seemed to go Ok with her, he couldn't think of anything else all day. He was convinced his niece was tantalizing him though, because she looked better than ever. She was wearing some very revealing tight short shorts showing her nice skimpy panty lines and a very tight pullover blouse that conformed to her beautiful breasts and slender torso. 

The time came for his wife to leave for work, so after she left, he and his niece went into the living room and sat down, she on the couch, and he on his chair. They sat there for awhile looking at the TV neither one knowing what to say, both feeling a little awkward. 

So finely he said, "So how you doing today in light of what we talked about this morning?" 

"I'm Ok, I didn't say anything to anyone if that's what you're wondering." She said with a little giggle. 

"I figured you didn't since I didn't get hit over the head with a rolling pin." They sat there for awhile more looking at the TV neither one talking. 

Then he said, "For goodness sakes girl you're driving me crazy, come over here and sit with me." 

She got up from the couch grinning, and walked to him and after she got in the chair beside him. He reclined it all the way back and put his arm around her narrow waist and pulled her closer to him, encouraging her to lay down partially on top of him. He lifted her head to his and kissed her lips and she kissed him back, she felt so good as he rubbed his hand on her back and down across her side then on to play with her magnificent little butt.

She said in a worried voice, "This isn't right, I don't want to hurt Aunt Sara."

In a calming voice he explained, "I love Sara very much and I'd never want to hurt her, I would never leave her or anything like that. What we're doing is just having a little fun together, that's one of the reasons it's very important to keep this a secret. It's not like we're going to get married or anything. I just want to enjoy you and your fine body."

She snuggled back up to him, and could feel his warm manhood growing against her inner thigh, she liked the feeling of turning a man on, and that he was so attracted to her. He reached in his pants to pull his boy upright so he could get it in position to grind it against her. With one hand on her leg he pulled it up so her thigh was on top of his hard cock. He could feel her pushing her pussy in to his thigh as he did the dirty grind on her thigh. 

He savored the moment, thinking, 'even if it doesn't go any farther than this he will die a happy man.' 

They stayed in that position for a long time, kissing and talking. He liked rubbing her bare thigh and running his fingers up the leg of her shorts to feel her panties. Running his finger under the elastic of her panty leg, each time getting closer to her pussy. He was wondering why he couldn't feel any hair. 

She must have been able to tell what he was feeling for and said, "I shave."

A little startled by her frankness he asks, "What?"

She confidently explains, "Mom, told me to shave it, she does and loves it, says it's cleaner that way to."

He understandingly said, "Oh, I was wondering."

He pulled her on top of him so her pussy was right on his cock; the only thing between them was a little bit of cloth. With his hands on her butt they both enjoyed the feeling of mock sex. 

Then she stopped and gasped, "I can't do this."

He said, "What; what's wrong now? Don't do this to me"

In a concerned soft voice she explained, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid, I never did anything like this before, I'm a virgin, and I don't want to get pregnant."

Reassuring her he said, "Oh, don't worry about that, I had a vasectomy years ago, and I'll be gentle with you, I would never hurt you, and if at any time you want to stop, I will."

With excitement in her voice she said, "You can't get me pregnant, that's good to know, well maybe we can have fun." Then she went back to kissing him and riding back and forth on his fine display of affection. 

He returned his chair to the upright position then stood up holding her and swooped her legs up in his arm to cradle her, and carried her back to her bedroom. She laid her head against his neck, completely trusting him with what she knew was about to happen.

After carrying her to her bedroom he stood her up in front of him. He was a head taller than her, so he leaned down to kiss her.

"This is something I fantasized about doing with you for a long time." He told her with a shaky voice. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest with anticipation. 

"I think it's nice that you want me so much, I never seen you like this before, I want to satisfy you." She said as she hugged him.

He put his hands on both sides of her beautiful face and said. "I want this moment, this feeling, to last for ever. I want you to enjoy this as much as I know I'm going to, we have all night." 

He kissed her then slowly slid his hands down her neck, across her breasts, down her sides to her shirt tail and lifted it up to take it off, she raised her arms to allow him. Tossing it to the floor he proceeded to unhook her bra and pulled it down off her arms, exposing her little firm titties. They were so young and firm they curved up slightly, to finish off with exquisite perky nipples, begging to be sucked. Afterwards he took off his own shirt, and tossed it to the floor. Then pulled his pants off, revealing his hard cock sticking straight out. She looked down at what was about the ravage her inexperienced body. He took her hands and encouraged her to hold on to it. 

She stood there trying to understand all the feelings going through her, she always loved her uncle but now she's feeling this arousal towards him as she rubbed her hands on his large cock, that she thought was surely to big to go in her. She was a little apprehensive about what's going to happen to her.

His hands then moved down to the top of her shorts, where he hooked both thumbs on either side of them and pulled them down while getting on his knees, putting his face right at her panties. He put his hands on her butt, squeezing her cheeks and kissed her belly then down to her pussy and kissed it. She ran her fingers through his hair. 

He pulled her panties down; she stepped out of them, then he had her sit on the edge of her bed. He guided her to lay back and went down and started kissing her bare pussy. She spread her legs wider and began to moan to the delightful feeling. When he penetrated her with his tongue she gasped at the new experience.

"Oh, mmm, that feels good." She cried out.

After licking up the full length of her crack a few times, he lifted her legs and spread them wider, then spread her pussy apart with his thumbs and commenced to eating some serious young pussy, licking and sucking on her virgin clit. At this point she's crying out loud in pure sensual over load. He was so excited to be pleasuring her so much, he loved her taste, her smell, the moment he waited so long for was here and he could hardly believe it was happening.

He had her scoot up in the bed so he could lie down beside her. He laid down to the indescribable feeling of their naked bodies touching. She was on her back while he was on his side leaning over her. They started kissing as he pushed his hot cock against her side, with a hand wrapped around each one of her beasts, they were just a nice hand full, he rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He lowered his mouth down to one and licked her nipple then run his tongue around it, she gasped as he quickly sucked it in his mouth. He spent a lot of quality time on each breast, to his: and her enjoyment.

He then stood on his knees between her legs and guided her hand down to his cock, he helped her stroke it, he took his hand off of hers, so she continued on her own. She loved watching and feeling it get bigger and bigger. It soon got so big and rock hard, she put her other hand on it, and continued stroking. 

He leaned over her with his arms straight on each side holding his self up, and then told her, "I want you to guide it in, so you can take it at your on pace." 

He didn't want it to hurt her; he wanted her first time to be a fabulous, happy experience. It felt so good when she just put the head against her bare juicy lips, he pushed a little and felt it part her tight lips and enter. He savored the moment by working it in and out of her lips. He realized she wanted more when she put her hand on his but and pulled him towards her. He slowly pushed in and out going a little deeper each time, giving her juices time to lubricate his big head. He pushed more and he could tell he was starting to enter her tight virgin hole. She squeezed is cock with her hand and pushed him back a little. He pumped it in her lips a few more times, and then felt her pulling on him to continue. He pushed slow and steady and it felt better than he ever could imagine as it entered her tight hole, getting her cherry, she screamed, with a combined feeling of pain and pleasure. He pulled it out a little and then pushed it all the way in and they both made a sound of enjoyment as he laid flat on top of her and they kissed wildly as he pumped it in and out with long strokes. 

She stopped kissing him long enough to say, "This feels so damn good I want to do it all night."

He passionately replied, "You feel so good I wish I could do it all night."

He paced his self to make it last as long as he could. He couldn't believe what he was doing; he was living out his biggest fantasy, screwing this beautiful young girl. She was enjoying it as much as he was. She felt so good he couldn't hold off any longer. 

He could feel he was about to cum so he said, "Oh honey I'm cumming." 

She hugged him, they both hollered with excitement as he blew a load in her. They laid there and let it throb and pump every bit in her. He rolled off of her and lay on his back. 

She rolled over and gave him a kiss and said, "Thank you so much for being gentle with me, I'm glad you were my first time."

Taking deep breaths he told her, "You were fantastic; I can't remember having better sex. I'd like to do this all night with you; we just have to make sure I get out of here and in my own bed before Sara gets home."

She said, "Mmm, that's fine by me."

After kissing for awhile and playing with each others bodies he was hard and ready to go again. He easily pulled her on top of him so she straddled him and sat up with her juicy pussy on his cock. She discovered riding back and for on it, rubbed on her clit and felt really good. She then reached down and guided it in her and continued riding it faster and faster. When he got harder right before he came, he realized she was about to have her first orgasm ever, so he tried to prolong his to help her cum. 

She said, "Oh wow, I think I'm getting off, oh gosh, oh oh." He couldn't prolong it any longer and erupted inside of her, at the same time she dug her nails into his shoulders and screamed with delight, as she felt the most wonderful feeling she ever felt. She collapsed laying flat on top of him; he hugged her and said, "I'm so happy you got off." 

All she could say was, "That was great."

They both fell asleep with her on top and his cock still in her. After some time, he woke up and it scared him because he didn't know what time it was. He rolled over quick dumping her off of him, feeling his soft cock sliding out of her tight pussy. 

She woke up startled, and said, what's wrong."

He said, "Oh I was afraid it was time for Sara to get home."

In a scared voice she said, "is it?'

In a calmer voice he said, "No not yet, but I better go take a shower and get in my bed." He got up and made sure he picked up all of his clothes and got in the shower. She fell back to sleep to the sound of the shower going. 

It was Sunday morning his wife came home and went to sleep. He laid there for awhile thinking about everything that happened over the past 24 hours, and decided to get up, knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. He made coffee then went to the living room to sit down. It wasn't to long before Jody got up and came out and curled up with him.

Wrapping her arms around him she said, "I had fun last night."

He replied, "I had the time of my life." She rubbed her hand on his chest, he rubbed her butt. 

"Uh oh; feels like somebody's getting worked up, something's pushing against my leg." She observed. 

"I can't help it; you turn me on so bad." He admitted "I'd love to take you in and throw you in bed, but it's to risky right now." She reached down and grabbed his cock and started rubbing it and squeezing it. He reclined back to let her play with it. 

Then she whispered, "Can I suck it right here?"

Eagerly he said, "Yeah if you want, have you ever sucked a guy off before?"

In her cute shy voice she said, "No but I been wondering what its like." She reached inside his sweat pants and pulled it out. She stroked it for awhile looking at it, by now it's so big and hard that the head of it is shiny because the skin is tight.

"I like the way it looks and feels." With that she leaned down and kissed and smelled it, and then she started licking the head of it like it was an ice cream cone.

He whispered, "Oh that feels good." Then she put her mouth over it and started sucking. He tried to lay there and enjoy it without making noise. "You're going to make me cum, do you want to swallow it?"

She stopped long enough to say, "yeah cum in my mouth." She went back to pleasuring him, moving her head up and down faster while stroking his shaft with one hand and playing with his nuts with the other. She was getting a thrill out of making him squirm in his chair, then she noticed it getting real hard and he was breathing heaver. When all of a sudden she felt hot cream shoot to the back of her throat, she swallowed, she didn't have much choice. She could taste it, it wasn't like anything she tasted before, but she didn't mind the taste. Then she felt another blast of hot semen, she swallowed and kept sucking. She could tell he was enjoying it immensely. Then he pumped another load then another. He relaxed a little and she could feel it throbbing and cum still coming out a little. She sucked and licked it until it was about half soft, swallowing every drop it gave her. 

She looked up at him and smiled and said, "Did you like that?" He pulled her up to him and kissed her and stuck his tongue in her mouth to taste what she tasted. 

He told her, "You sure know how to satisfy a guy, that was great. I would return the favor but you scream to loud and Sara will hear you." 

She laughed and said, that's Ok, you're going to sleep with me again tonight aren't you?"

"Sure I am I'm going to be in your bed every night Sara's working.

I'm really dreading leaving here when summer's over."

He held her tight and said, "Me too, but we won't worry about that now, lets just enjoy the time we have together."

So enjoy their time together they did, several weeks went by and they enjoyed each other every chance they could. They got bolder on weekend mornings once Jody learned how to not be so vocal when she got excited. The summer was coming to an end fast and he was getting depressed thinking about her leaving.

One day he came home from work to find Sara and Jody sitting at the kitchen table looking solemn. 

Very concerned about the situation he said, "Hi is everything alright?"

Sara looked at him and said, "Jody just told me something, we need to talk." He glanced over at Jody and she looked away. 

He sat down thinking, 'This is the end of life as I know it.' Then said, "What tell me what's going on."

Sara said, "Jody is... well she just found out today that she can transfer to the college near here, and she asked me if she can live here with us while she's in school. I told her I didn't see why not, but I had to ask you.

Relieved and trying not to show his excitement he said, "Yeah that would be fine with me."

Jody jumped up and said, "Thanks Uncle Joel and Aunt Sara, I'm going to call my parents and tell them." as she left the room.

Sara said, "She's a good girl, I'm glad we can help her out. Besides I'll be benefiting from it too."

A little confused by her comment he asked, "Whys that?"

She goes on to explain, "Since she's been here our sex life is better, not that it was bad before but you've been as horny as a teenage boy. I think having a young beautiful girl around here has your hormones flowing." 

Trying not to blow his cover he said, "That could be, I must admit she is very attractive." Then he was shocked by her next statement.

She said with a slight smile, "I don't think I want to know what goes on around here when I'm at work."

He said, "Oh Sara, don't think like that."

Sara got up to fix supper and he went down the hall. He stepped in Jody's room and she just smiled at him not knowing if her aunt was right behind him. 

He grabbed her and gave her a kiss and said, "This is great now you can stay."

She laughed and said, "You looked like you were going to shit your pants when Aunt Sara said we need to talk. 

He said, "No doubt, that scarred the hell out of me, I thought you told her everything.

She hugged and kissed him and said, "I'd never do anything to hurt you, I look forward to us having a lot of fun together."

Glancing back up the hallway to make sure the coast was clear he said, "We will, I'll make sure of that.