Finally," I mumbled to myself. "Finally I'm here."

I had just got out from my car, after twelve hour drive to our family cottage. But now being there, it was again worth it.

I stretched my sore back and took my lungs full of fresh air, and just admired the beauty of the place. The same place I had spent many summers with my family before.

The cottage itself was not really that special in any ways, a two bedroom house with a nice big living room and a small kitchen. Just enough room for the four of us. The master bedroom was obviously for our parents, who had been killed in a car accident couple years before. The other bedroom I shared with my older sister, Hanna.

In a separate building, there was a sauna and a little guest bedroom, which in most times was my second bedroom.

But the location... That was something. Far up north, in Finnish Lapland. Just by the border river next to Norway. The view from the porch was just beautiful. You could see old forests as far as you could look and the flowing river down the hill. Half way down the hill is a little place for bonfire and benches made of split logs around it.

Just the perfect place for me to ease my nerves after a long stressful period at work.

I have always loved the place. The nature where it locates. I have never been too social as a person, and that place offered me the best ways to get my time and do what I love. As a youngster, it wasn't that unusual for me to pack my backpack with some fishing gear and a tent and head to the woods for couple of days of camping and relaxing.

Sometimes I stayed by a small pond, fishing my meals and cooking them at a bonfire and just enjoying the long summer days. Sometimes I climbed on top of the small mountain just to see the view it presented. My father had taught how to survive in the nature, so my parents were not much concerned if my trip took a day or two longer than I had said it would take. They trusted I could take care of myself and they knew how I sometimes just needed the time on my own.

Though Hanna wasn't so eager to travel the hours just to be eaten by mosquitoes (her words), she had no real choice. Our parents wouldn't leave her alone at home for the whole summer until she was 18. She tried though. She pleaded them to leave her home but they basically dragged her with us. Back then she was a firecracker and to be honest, she was one main reason I went to my hikes. We just didn't get along too well. And that's why the guest bedroom was in my use for most of the times.

Hanna is three years older than me. She is now 33 and she still lives her life like there is no tomorrow. I haven't seen her much lately, after we flew out from our nest we really didn't stay in touch. Sure we saw each other at family holidays but that was about it. Once or twice a year, for a weekend or so. After our parents funeral we talked for couple of hours and went our ways. I called her last Christmas to ask how she is doing and wishing for good holidays, and told her I was going to spend my summer at the cottage. She just told me it was good that at least I used it, since she didn't care much of it.

After our parents died, she tried to convince me to sell the place, but I wasn't going to let that happen. I told her I could even take care of everything, all the expenses and all so she would not need to worry about it. She eventually agreed to split the ownership with me, and I was happy I still had my retreat if I needed it. At that time I couldn't afford to buy her out from it, so this was the only solution.

I'm John, by the way. A 30 year old sales representative for an elevator company. My life so far has been a roller coaster between my job and rushing from relationship to another. Nothing seemed to last. The longest relationship I've managed to hold on was no more than a year. Every time the same. After the first rush, I just can't get the satisfaction what I want, or need. It didn't matter how beautiful or smart or nice the girl was, I just missed something. It has always been a total mystery to me, but I knew the fault was in me, not the girls I dated.

I could blame my job for everything, but I would be lying. Though shortly after the funeral, I basically stopped dating and put my focus entirely to my job. Financially it have paid off very well, and I have had many opportunities to travel around the world doing the job I oddly liked to do.

As I mentioned earlier, I have never been much of a peoples person, but I strangely like to make deals and travel. And, forgive me saying, I'm pretty good at it too. But the next four weeks would be just mine, and mine alone. Expecting human contacts only when in the town doing shopping or some hikers at the forest. I had waited this vacation for almost a year, since I first started planning this getaway. Or so I thought...

First week went fast. The place needed some attention and my time went by fixing things and getting the place in order. At the evenings, I made a small bonfire and sat in front of it for hours. Flickering fire, sound and smell of a burning wood. A fat joint. This was just what I needed. It was the best feeling for a long time. Not even a single thought of work cross my mind. I had made plans for next week to stay outdoors as much as I could so I had my backpack ready to go.

One morning, after a heavy breakfast, I couldn't wait to get into the woods. Back to the ponds where I used to camp and all the places I remembered. I spent the whole week hiking and fishing like a teenager again, and all and all, having the time of my life. But all the fun ends sometimes, so when I finally started my way back, I thought to check one more place first. It wasn't far from the cottage, about a half hour walk or so, but to get there you needed to go through a pretty rough terrain, so no-one ever went there. Besides the reindeers. And me.

As a teenager, I sometimes sat there for hours just looking at the view. I said the view from the cottage was good, but this was something else. The place located higher than the cottage, and gave out a spectacular sight. I even made a small round of rocks to make a safe place for bonfire while I sat there. Now I needed to check if "it was still there". And it looked like there had been no-one but animals crossing by. So my place was still untouched.

When I got back at the cottage, it was already getting dark. There was something strange. The lights were on. I was pretty sure I didn't leave them on when I left. And I was damn sure I didn't leave the front door open, like it now was.

'Burglars,' I thought. A little creep was climbing up my spine but I thought to take a closer look.

I took my phone ready to take a picture or call the police when I saw something I wasn't really expecting. Hanna came out and lit a cigarette.

'What the hell is she doing here' were my first thoughts until I went to greet her.

"Hey sis! This is unexpected. What are you doing here?" She was clearly in her thoughts and startled when I spoke to her.

"Damn John! I almost burnt myself with this." She was showing her half smoked cigarette.

"And besides," she continued, "is that a proper way to say hello to your sister?"

As she had said that, she came to me and took me in a tight hug and kissed me on my cheek. It was very unusual of her, so I instinctively backed down a bit.

"Who are you and what have you done to my sister? You look and sound like her, but you really don't act like Hanna."

She burst in laughter and took a grip of my hand.

"Shut up. It's really me. Maybe a bit different me, but still. Come on in. I will make some coffee and sandwiches while you wash that dirt from your adventure off."

She started to drag me inside and I was just too amazed to resist. I left my backpack at the porch and went in behind her. She started to put up some food, like it was the most normal thing to do and nothing was out of order. It took me a moment until I got my mouth open.

"Hanna. Could you please tell me, why are you here?"

She didn't even bother to turn her head to look at me when she quipped

"Half of this place is still mine, isn't it?"

I wasn't sure how to react. Of course that was true, we split the ownership. But still...

"Sure, that has not changed. But correct me if I'm wrong, I remember you hating this place. Million mosquitoes, outhouse and where water runs only if you take a bucket and run with it."

I took a breath until I continued.

"Besides, you knew I was coming here and I don't remember you wanting to just spend time with me from the past, so once again. Why are you here?"

This time she at least faced me when she replied.

"Well, I guess I owe you an explanation. But right now, long story short. I really need to spend time with you. Deal with it."

The last sentence she said with wide grin on her face. She turned her head back to what she was doing and continued.

"Now go and take a quick wash, I'm almost ready here. We have time to talk more later."

Well, she wasn't going to give me an answer so it was all the same to and take a quick wash. When I got to sauna, I found everything ready. Holders for spare logs were full, so was all the water buckets. And I was sure I didn't leave them full. So she must've done that. Something I don't recall her ever been doing before.

Not to complain in any ways, it felt really nice to go to a ready table, so to speak. Last week, though it was really nice experience, was exhausting. I wasn't a teenager anymore.

I was sitting at the steam, totally warped by my own thoughts when I heard the outer door opening. I heard Hanna walking around the changing space.

"Johnny," she exclaimed, "coffee is ready when you are. I bring you a towel cause I didn't see you bring one with you. No hurry, come when you are ready."

And as soon as she had said that, I heard the outer door shut and Hanna left.

'What the hell was that' I thought to myself. 'What has gone into her?'

She was right though, I had forget to take a towel with me. Now all my stuff were in our old room, somehow I liked to sleep there, instead of the sauna cabin. Luckily I had at least enough brains to take clean clothes. I finished my wash up, got dressed and walked back to find a steaming cup of hot, black coffee and a delicious looking stuffed ciabatta waiting for me. After we finished our late night snacks we moved to sit on the couch and I started my interrogation again.

"Now, you know I won't let this go, so for the third time, why are you here?"

Hanna looked like there was something she really wanted to say, but for some reason she held back.

"It's just... I..."

I was almost ready to fall asleep and to be honest, started to be a bit cranky when I snapped to her.

"Just spit it out! We are both adults here and whatever it is, you can tell me. Something happened?"

Her gaze turned to the floor and she started quiet sobbing.

"Please don't be mad at me John. I know I shouldn't come here unannounced to ruin your vacation, but..."

She gathered herself a little before continuing .

"...but lately I have been thinking back to our childhood a lot and I realized there are so many things that I really regret. I tried to call you couple days ago and ask if you were ok with me coming here, but your phone was off. And I just decided to come, without more thinking."

Then she put her hands on her face and started crying.

"I realize you don't want me here, so I'll leave tomorrow. I'm sorry I rushed here like this, but it's just..."

I moved to sit beside her, put my hand around her shoulder and pulled her against me.

"Calm down sis. Has something happened?"

She wrapped her hands around my waist and leaned her head against my chest, still sobbing.

"Nothing has happened. I just missed you so much."

I tried to calm her down, caressed her hair and hugged her tightly and she pressed herself tighter against my chest. I told her everything will be ok and that I wasn't mad at her.

"I was just so surprised to find you here. You don't have to leave, of course not. Like you said, this is your place too. I'd just like to know the reason why you came."

After a brief moment of gathering herself, she started.

"Well, I have been thinking back a lot lately, and I have so many regrets. I think I wanted to fix some things, if it was still possible. And also..."

When I woke up it was already past midday. I was still sitting in the corner of the couch and realized that Hanna was sleeping too, still under my arm. She had turned sideways and her left knee rested right on top my cock, her hands still around my waist and head resting against my chest. I tried to stand up but when I moved she tightened her hold and wouldn't let me go. She was clearly still asleep and I started to feel a little awkward. I didn't want to wake her up but still this kind of closeness with Hanna was something had never happen before. And for some reason, I didn't think it was my sister who I was holding, but a beautiful woman she had become. She looked so calm and cute so I started to look more closely and realized that she was gorgeous.

'She is still your sister!' a voice in my head screamed at me. What was I thinking? I tried to relax and closed my eyes when memories from the past started to flood my mind.

I guess by in any teenage boys standards, Hanna was a hot chick when she was finishing her high school. And I remembered couple times, when seeing her at home running naked from bathroom to her own room. I remembered how horny it made me then and how I had to just lock myself in my room and masturbate. I felt Hannas knee moving on my lap and realized my cock was rock hard. She nudged her head couple times against my chest and let a quiet 'mmm' come from her mouth.

'Stop this now before anything you can't take back is done,' the same voice told me again. 'Get up and wake her up too,' the voice (of reason?) kept telling me.

I felt she moved her knee again, but this time instead of a just a little nudge, she rubbed it against my now raging hard cock couple of times. Though it felt so good, I had to put an end to it. I whispered

"Hanna. Hanna wake up."

What really got in to me was her almost immediate reply. She kept her eyes closed and the sound came like she was talking in her sleep.

"I'm awake. I haven't been sleeping for a while."

I started to get up, almost in a panic what was going on. I actually started to freak out to the idea that she knew exactly what she was doing. But she took a tighter grip around my waist.

"Don't go just yet. Couple more minutes. It just feels so good to be this close."

Again she rubbed her knee over my cock couple times, and almost silently let out " hard..."

I felt pre cum oozing out from my cock and was getting really aroused. If it were anyone else, I'd rip her clothes off and fuck her like an animal right there but somehow the voice of reason found its way back.

'Get up! NOW!' it screamed to me. It was enough to get my head off the clouds and I pushed her aside enough so I could stand up.

"What are you doing Hanna?" I asked with a tremble in my voice.

When she opened her eyes she looked like she was a bit freaked herself too.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to... I wasn't going to... I...What?"

She raised her hands to her mouth, like she was going to blurb out something and managed to stop the words.

"We're not supposed to do that Hanna," I said. "I'm your damn brother."

Having said that I thought to just try and forget what had happened. I needed my morning coffee, and started my way to kitchen when Hanna buried her face in her palms and started crying. I felt bad to see her at that state and sat back down and took her in my arms. I caressed her hair when I tried to calm her down.

"Come on now. It's ok. We just can't do that. You know, right?"

She kept her face in her palms.

"I know. It's just... I don't know..."

After a couple long breaths she continued. "It has been so long since I last felt a mans touch and body close to me."

Little by little she started to calm down as she continued.

"Last night I was telling you why and how I ended up here, but I guess you felt asleep at the beginning. But I kept telling you my story, even though you were sleeping."

She was again snuggling closer to me.

"And I guess I also felt asleep at some point. And when I woke up I realized you were still holding me, in your sleep."

She kept telling me, how good she had felt there and though she clearly knew I was her brother and how she shouldn't be doing anything, she just couldn't resist herself.

She told me how she snuggled closer to me and how she lift her knee in my lap. She had whispered my name and when I didn't respond she had started to rub her knee against my hardening member and how my breathing was getting heavier.

As she was telling me all this, she started again come closer and she lift her knee in my lap. She again wrapped her hands around my waist and I could tell how her breathing got heavier as her story went on. I was stunned. But I couldn't do anything to stop her. I wanted to push her away and run out and jump to the river to cool down. My cock was again getting stiff and my own breathing got a heavier tone too.

She kept telling me how exciting the whole situation had been and how she got more and more aroused every time she felt my cock twitch in my pants. Then she again started rubbing her knee against my already hard member and raised her head enough she could whisper to my ear.

"When you called my name and tried to get up, I just couldn't let you go. I knew my time was up and wanted to hold you for a little while longer."

Her knee was moving slowly again. She raised her left hand to my right cheek to push my ear closer to her mouth and continued, almost panting.

"And when I felt your hard cock through your pants I was ready to surrender myself to my desires."

I felt her teeth at my earlobe when she carefully bit it and kept telling me how she had wanted me to fuck her deep and hard. I knew I had to make an end to it fast or there would be no turning back.

"Hanna..." I said. "We can't... We shouldn't..."

She started to kiss my neck and climb to straddle me when I finally got myself up. And at that moment it was clear to me that I had just been seconds away from fucking my sister. I took my shoes and basically ran out in a panic-like state. I mumbled something about taking some fresh air on my way out and without any clue what to do or where to go I just started walking. I just kept going, heart and mind racing. Everything was just a blur. It took me about an hour until I stopped. I had to sit down and rest. I sit on the ground, elbows leaning to my knees and buried my head to my hands.

I started to recall what had happened earlier. I felt ashamed that I had let things go that far. I kept telling myself that it was just some moments frenzy, and she would be fine after she cooled down.

'Or was this the reason she is even here? Did she get here just to get fucked? By me?'

I pushed the thoughts out from my head and just stared my feet for some time. I had to get back and see how Hanna was doing. I lift my head to try to locate myself, since I had no idea where I was. I looked around, and a big smile came to my face. I had stumbled to the one place I was well familiar with. And my old ring of stones, for a bonfire, was still in place, though couple stones were rolled a bit out. I had no idea how long I'd been there so it was time to head back to the cottage. I would have about 30 minutes to think while I walk back.

I wasn't any wiser when I got back, but one thing was certain. We needed to talk this through, whatever it was. I took a long breath before I walked in and saw Hanna in her bedroom packing her bag. I walked straight to her door and said we needed to talk. She kept stuffing her things to her bag and said she was just going to call the cab to pick her to airport.

"There's not much more to say, I guess."

After she said it, she burst into tears.

"I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. The only thing I was sure that I wanted... no, needed to be close to you. I don't know why."

She then turned to face me and kept sobbing.

"And now when it's clear that you don't want me here there is nothing much more I can do, but to leave."

Whatever had happened in the past hours, she was still my sister and I hated to see her so upset. So I walked to her and took her in a tight hug for a good moment. I took the bag from her hands and placed it on the floor. I told her to sit down on the bed and that I would get her something to drink. I wasn't going to let her leave in that state of mind. When I got back with a glass of water, Hanna was already calmed down and wiping tears off from her cheeks. She looked so crumbled that I felt really bad for her. I sat on the bed next to her, and took her hands to mine.

"Look. It kills me to see you like this. And after everything what have happened today, you still are my sister. And I really do want to help you, in any way I can."

I placed my right hand under her chin and almost forced her to face me.

"But first you need to tell me what is going on. Whatever it is. And don't think for a second I let you leave anywhere like this."

I let her chin go and she turned her face to floor. I wasn't still quite confident she wouldn't leave, so I made her a proposition.

"Tell you what. I really need to go to town and get some food and other supplies before the shops close. It will take me about two hours to get back, and I would really, really want to sit down and talk this through."

I was waiting for at least some sort of response, but she kept fer face down and mouth shut, so I continued.

"After I get back, I'll make us something to eat and we can talk. I know I'm pushing you to talk, but I need to get some sense to all this. Whatever this is. But anyway, stay the night and after a good night sleep, tomorrow morning decide what you want to do. If you still want to leave, I'll take you to the airport myself."

She was still hesitating and I pushed on.

"And if that's not enough, I'll go to sauna cabin for the night, so you don't have any distractions here. But please, whatever you do, don't leave now."

I stood up and walked to the door.

"I'll put the coffeemaker on and get changed. I'll take a cup with me to go, but please, think what I said."

Her gaze still towards the floor she quietly sighed "I will."

When I got back I found her just where she was when I left. Her bag still at the same spot and the the glass of water untouched. Just sitting there with an empty face.

"I'm glad you decided to stay," I started.

"Lets stretch the plan a bit, shall we? Forget the talking. I'll go and put some fresh coffee on and make some dinner as well."

I thought I saw a little smile on her face when I sneaked a peak.

"We eat, by the way I bought that favorite ice cream of yours for dessert, and I'll heat the sauna. Take a good long bathing and get some sleep. And if you want, all without saying a word. But if you'd like to talk, just let me know. Deal?"

She didn't say anything, but I took her slight nod and silence as a yes so I went to prepare us dinner. We ate, in silence. Though I was pleased she even ate, and with a good appetite too. I guess old fashioned mince sauce with spaghetti was still her favorite and mint-chocolate ice cream seemed to go fast as well.

After we finished, I took our plates to sink and headed out, telling her that I was going now to heat the sauna and it would be ready to bathe in about 90 minutes. Just when I was stepping outside I heard her calling my name.

"Thank you for the meal John. It was delicious."

While she was bathing, I washed the dishes and gathered some clothes and stuff for my night at the sauna cabin. It was almost nine when she got back from sauna. I could see from her face that she was well relaxed, though something still was bothering her. Maybe it was obvious. She avoided straight eye contact when she walked by me, wearing just her towel, wrapped around her. But I thought I heard even some kind of joy from her voice when she walked to her bedroom and spoke while going.

"I put some more wood under the heater so it should be still ready to use. I'll head to bunk, but again, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow and I promise then we will talk. Good night brother."

"Good night Hanna. I'll switch the lights off and head to bed too. See you tomorrow."

As I soon found out, spinning around in my bed from side to side, sleeping was much more easier just said than done this night. I couldn't stop my brains for showing me flashbacks every time I closed my eyes.

I saw myself sitting on the couch, Hanna cuddling in my lap, looking as horny as ever. I could almost feel her knee on top of my cock, while laying on my back.

'NO,' I told myself, 'that's fucking wrong!'

I had to stand up and go to washing room to rinse my sweaty face before another try to get some sleep. It didn't do much good, because almost immediately when I closed my eyes, the show continued. My dick confirmed that I was getting very aroused.

'What the fuck is wrong with me,' I thought when I opened my eyes. It wasn't like I had something to say to it, but my hand went to my crotch and just had to take my dick out to jerk one off. Maybe that would help.

Maybe it was some kind of instinct, but after a couple of seconds of fast jerking, I closed my eyes. The first thing I saw was myself again, sitting on the couch. And my sister straddling me. Once again I opened my eyes.

'This can't be fucking happening right now.' I thought I was going crazy, because I had promised to myself that I wont jerk of thinking of my sister anymore. It was something what a teenager would do, and I did it too sometimes, but I'm supposed to be an adult now. I was 30, for Petes sake.

I just couldn't get myself off without closing my eyes, and I refused to watch that incestuous show what was shown to me behind my eyelids. Wasn't going to roll on my sweaty bed either so I got up, 1 am. At the end of July, the sun goes down for only couple of hours a night and even those hours weren't pitch black dark. I went out, and thought to put some small branches and logs to make a small bonfire to watch.

After an hour or so, I wasn't quite ready to sleep yet. If I closed my eyes long enough, even when I was sitting by the fire, the same show would continue. Luckily my backpack was still on the front porch, so I wouldn't need to go inside. I grabbed my travel pack and went back to my little bonfire. I had just finished rolling myself a fat stoning joint. I thought that would push me deep down to blur these images from my head. I had just took my first lungful, when I heard my sisters voice behind my back.

"I didn't know you were a smoker bro".

She almost scared the shit out of me and I had to struggle to even stay on the bench. I was so deep in my thoughts I had no idea she was standing behind me before she opened her mouth. Once I exhaled the smoke, her face got a wicked smile.

"Ooooh. It's not tobacco what you burn down here, mmmm. Sweet smell. Would it be too much to ask, if I could join you?" she purred.

I swung my left foot over the bench and took a good look at her. In the dim light from the fire, I saw my sister, her blanket wrapped around her body. Her deep brown hair waving slowly in the slight wind coming from the river. She's about six foot tall and though she wasn't in any kind of modelling shape, she still was in good condition and she looked gorgeous. After eyeing her a bit too long I got my mouth open.

"Join me? For the joint? Or the bonfire?"

She didn't hide her excitement very well when she told that maybe even both, if possible.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea," I hesitated, "after everything... I would like to to welcome you to join me for both, I really do, but..."

"I promise I will behave," she chirped, and without more invitations she jumped over the bench and placed herself right next to me.

I turned around again, facing now the fire. And the second I handed her the smoking stick of intoxication, I regretted it.

When I'm alone, I can use it to take me away from my everyday life, for small moments at the time. But about every time when smoking with someone else, and by this I mean with some girl, I get horny as hell. And that was not really what I was looking for now. And even for worse, if it had the same effects on Hanna, things could get awkward, to say at least. As a smoker, inhaling the smoke wasn't her problem. But inhaling smoke from raw weed surprised her, and after first inhale, she almost threw up.I patted her back and she handed me the joint back.

"Good stuff, right?" I asked with a slight grin on my face.

It took her a good moment to recover from the first hit, but after a five or ten minutes, she was back again.

"Whoa. I should've guessed you don't mix it with anything. I used to put at least half tobacco with it. Though I can't even remember when was the last time I smoked weed. Maybe five years or something."

"Yeah, well... I don't like the taste of tobacco".

We just sat there for the next couple hours, every now and then feeding the fire, talking almost about everything. Everything but the matter in hand. She told me about her wild youth after school, her struggles with her love life, basically everything. From start to finish. She also kept her promise of behaving, but I couldn't avoid noticing her constant squirming on the bench. And she knew I had noticed it. When I told her I took a lot of pictures from my last trip to wilderness, she took a hold on my hands, and had almost a childish enthusiasm in her tone.

"I would love to see them...You have more of that stuff? Could you roll another, please? I'll get us something to drink while you're at it."

The effects from the first had worn off already, so I thought why not. It was really nice to just chat with her and I felt a strange comfort while sitting with her there.

I had just finished the rolling process, and waited Hanna to come back with our drinks, when I saw a little wet spot on the bench. Right where my sister had been sitting.

'Great,' I thought. 'Just great.'

My slow process of thinking was interrupted when my sister came back. Besides the big bottle of soda, she had prepared a plateful on finger food for us to consume.

"This might come handy at some point if I remember correctly," she giggled when setting the plate down on the opposite bench, behind the bonfire. She knew exactly what she was talking about. The munchies.

"Good thinking sis," I smirked at her back.

She had ditched her blanket and was wearing tight jeans and a hoodie. When she bent to put the plate down, I saw she had not had closed her hoodies zipper all the way up, and now bending forward, and facing me almost directly, I could see she wasn't wearing any bra. I just couldn't get my eyes off from her, and looking her standing there behind the bonfire, it had to be the most exotic, and maybe even the most erotic sight I had ever seen. Before I even noticed, she was again sitting on my side and urging me to light up.

"Come on John, let it burn" she giggled like a girl.

After the roll was finished, we just took our time to take the hit in silence. Eventually, Hanna was the one to break it.

"Did you like what you just saw couple minutes ago?"

I bet my face was bright red when I mumbled something unintelligible for a response. Of course she saw she had caught me looking at her.

"I'm sorry, but when I was looking straight to your eyes behind the fire, your eyes were a bit lower than my eye line..."

I was both stunned from her direct approach, but also caught in the moment from the image what I again saw in my mind.

"You were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life."

And then came the awkward silence. I couldn't believe I had just said that out loud.

I didn't lie. It truly was the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever seen. And my sister was the center of it.

Hannas eyes were sparkling. Like when a little girl sees her very own pony for the first time. And those greenish blue eyes were staring right through mine. I stood up and tried to make my escape using lame excuses but before I could even notice, Hanna had taken me in a tight hug. After a good ten seconds of squeezing the air out from my lungs, she turned her head and whispered "I'm really happy to hear that John" to my ear, with the most sensuous voice I could ever imagine.

If I ever say my cock wasn't hard the whole time this happened, that would be a lie. And there was no misunderstanding what was bulging against her crotch. Hannas hoodie was thick, but not thick enough to hide her erecting nipples through the fabric, when she pressed her body against mine.

At that point, I was totally defenceless. If she had then told me to get on my knees and lick her pussy like I had never done before, I would have done so. If she'd wanted me to fuck her brains out, and then some, I would've done just as was asked. But no. In one way, she was keeping her end of the bargain.

When we sat back down, my mind was pretty occupied with dealing my own emotional roller coaster. The voice of reason and decency kept telling, that it was very wrong to have that kind of feelings for my own sister. I knew what I had just thought was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. How something, what was supposed to be forbidden and wrong, could still in some way feel very right and beautiful.

I let my mind to drift, and the further I let it go, the better it started to feel. I closed my eyes and soon the show started again. Casting was still the same, but now my head was filled with very erotic flashes of my sister, standing behind the bonfire. Leaning towards me with her hoodie just slightly open. I wanted to rip myself off from the scene and back to reality, but something pulled me deeper. I just couldn't help myself but to keep the show going.

Before my brains filled my mind with images of myself and my sister in the most erotic and lustful scene there was, I was snapped out of my blur. I felt a little pressure on my right shoulder, when I saw Hanna resting her head against it. She didn't say anything, so I was free to continue my drift to my forbidden fantasies.

In the show, instead of sitting next to me on the bench, Hanna lingered, in the most erotic way I could ever imagine, to straddle me and started a passionate dance on my lap. She was grinding her crotch against mine, and her lips kept whispering my ear how good it felt and how she wanted to make love to me.

"There is nothing wrong with it," I heard her whispers. "Why should two horny adults deny their passions instead of giving themselves in to do what they both want."

In my fantasy, she kept grinding herself to me and between the soft moans she let out from her lips, she kept telling me, how badly she wanted to feel me inside her...

I was again pulled back to reality when I felt my sisters hands tangling around my waist. She only let a long sigh come out from her mouth and it looked like she was asleep. I was so horny and hard so I let myself once again sink deeper to places where I wouldn't even dare to visit, not even in dreams before. Hanna was again doing her sensuous lap dance, and I could hear her seductive whispers.

"Give it to me John. Please put your cock inside me and keep it there forever."

From all that grinding, Hanna was close to her climax and I heard her pleas.

"Please John. Fuck me. Make me yours. This is what we both have been waiting for."

I remember watching my sisters bouncing tits at my lap when my own grunts woke me up.

"Oh God, Hanna, please don't stop," I heard myself almost shouting.

And the moment I realized I had started to stroke my cock through my jeans, I came.

My cock pulsed its load inside my jeans and after the twitching stopped, I was totally empty. What really got me out from my dreams was Hannas reaction.

"That was quite a show. Good stuff indeed".

Hannas long, deep sigh was my cue to hit the panic button. I excused myself once again, and somehow, without a real control, my feet had walked me back to my own spot. I sat down, facing the river, flushing myself with shame and self-hatred, I thought I was really going mad. I remembered what I had heard in my dreams. I wasn't supposed to think Hanna as anything other than my sister. But I couldn't help myself to wonder how good it would really feel.

How good my sisters wet and wanting pussy would feel around my hard member, when I entered her love tunnel with slow but determined thrust. How lovely the sounds would hear, Hanna sreaming my name when her own climax comes to its peak. I could almost hear my sister calling "John...John...J"

My eyes opened wide, when I realized the voice didn't come from my daydream. Hanna had followed me without me even noticing, and after I went through the dense bush, which had to be passed if you wanted to get to my place, she had freaked out when she lost me from her sight, and was now calling me to come out from my hiding.

"Where are you John?" she shouted. "Please come back."

"Hanna please," I almost cried back to her, "please can I have a moment of privacy? I'm not in a good place right now."

I didn't want to deal with it that instant, so I begged her to turn around and go back and sleep. I told her I would be back by the time she woke up. She kept her head until she had me persuaded to guide her through the bushes and branches. When I got her through, I went back to my spot and sat down. She followed me couple steps behind and without a word sat next to me. She leaned her head again to my shoulder and grabbed me by the waist. I tried to resist her but I wasn't really given a choice. She kept me in tight grip, and watching the river flow we sat there in silence.

"It's happening to you too, isn't it?" she asked after a long silence, still facing the river.

I was going to act like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"I'm not sure what..."

"Don't try to deny it," she cut me off. And with the same silent tone she continued. "It's been happening to me for a bit over a month already."

After a short pause, she continued.

"I don't even remember what it was, what lead me thinking of you. And when a memory from years back came to my mind. I think since then I've had this need to be close to you. Memory of you, when I was visiting home at your high school graduation party. It was the day before your graduation, and you obviously thought you were home alone. And after hearing your moans from your room, I just couldn't help myself but to take a look what you were doing".

I had been hard since the moment she grabbed me in her hug, but then my cock was really trying to burst out from my jeans. Hanna clearly noticed my state.

"I know John, believe me... I do know what you are going through now. It's all right baby."

She tried to cheer me up, and it worked a bit. But I wasn't still ready to admit what I thought she might mean. But she kept speaking.

"When I sneaked to your door, it was already slightly ajar. I pushed it to get a better look, and then I saw you. Laying on your back on your bed, jerking your cock. That night, in my bed, the image of you masturbating in back of my eyes cradled me to sleep with my fingers inside me, and the corner of the pillow still in my mouth, to silence the sounds of my climax."

I could only just listen, when Hanna told her story. My cock was screaming the pass to freedom from its tight prison. Hanna kept bleeding her heart out to me.

"Now that I think back, it took me almost a year to force those thoughts out from my mind. And about a month ago, when for unknown reason the image came back to my mind."

She took a long breath. "That night I once again found myself masturbating in my bed, and your cock giving me the orgasm of my life. Since that night..."

"You have been in need to be close to me right?" I cut her in the middle.

It was now perfectly clear that some thing that neither of us really understood, pulled us to each other. After a long silence, Hanna was the one to break it.

"Let me guess... Can't close your eyes without hitting the fantasy world, right? Now your turn to guess, how it have been with me the last month?"

I looked her face in pure fright in my eyes.

"How can you sleep?" I finally asked.

"Well, the first rush faded after couple nights. Those nights I felt like a passenger in my own desires and fantasies. I tried to tell myself that it was wrong, but nothing helped."

She took a short pause before continuing.

"I think after I stopped resisting the feelings, the immediate need of having you inside me, was gone. But since then, every time I've started to masturbate, all I could think of was you. Every time I closed my eyes. First I saw myself watching you jerk off, but after a while the dream evolved to us fucking passionately. I tried to open my eyes, but every time I'd let my eyelids slip close, I would be back in the action with you. Only way to get rid of it, was to let it keep me in its hold until I screamed in my body shivering orgasms. After that, every time my arousal got high enough, the urge kept me up, until my eyes went close and you put me to sleep. But now, the burning desire is slowly fading. Until you run away again..."

I stared in awe when she told me all this. She looked so calm, and something beyond beautiful. I could see from her eyes that she had something in her mind.

"I'd like to test a theory. Together, if you don't mind. Lay down and close your eyes, and I'll do the same. Let's see what happens."

I was too exhausted after everything to resist, and to be honest, I didn't even want to. As soon as my head was against my hands, I closed my eyes and felt asleep. When I woke up, I was on my side and Hanna was in close spoon with me, my arms wrapped around her, and her hands tightly crossed with mine. I couldn't do much more but to smile.

"Are you awake?" I whispered in her ear.

The confirmation came in a form of a silent "Yes" and her tightening the grip and pulling me even closer to her body.

"So what's next?" I asked. "Does this mean that from now on every time I'm horny, I have to cum screaming your name before I can sleep?" Hanna chuckled to my thoughts.

"Well, I think we both know there might be a way to ease those desires," she whispered. "We need to let ourselves to ride the wave, and see where it leads."

We both almost panted when she asked me to open her hoodies zipper. Once that done, she took my hands to her breasts, and I started to caress them. When I pinched her hard and erect nipple, she moaned silently. After a good while of playing with her boobs, she guided my left hand to her soaking wet love canal. Hanna had already opened her jeans, so I had a free way to her most sacred places. She rubbed her butt against my aching hard cock and when she finally whispered her call, I was more than ready.

"Lets ride this wave together, my love" she whimpered. "Take me. Take me now. Make me yours, forever."

I freed my member from it prison while my sister pushed her jeans down for me to have free access to her backside. I guided the head of my cock to her pussy, and with one, slow but determined push I entered her.

"Fuck me brother," she pleaded, "fuck me like there is no tomorrow. Soon I'll be yours."

The process of thinking anything had gone long ago, and it was just a primal lust and desire when I started to work my speed up. I'm not sure how long I kept pumping in and out at my sisters love tunnel, but as soon as I felt her grip on my hands get tighter, I knew she was ready to cum soon. And so was I. Her muscles started to milk my cock even deeper inside her pussy, and I was couple thrusts away from filling her with my seeds.

"Cum inside me Johnnie, cum inside me now!"

I'm not sure if I lost my consciousness for a brief moment, but it felt like I wasn't there for couple of seconds. But when I heard my sister screaming my name, with her whole body shaking in my arms, I got the most intensive orgasm I could even imagine. I pushed myself as deep as I could, like in a spasm, and shot my cum in my sisters waiting pussy.

After the rush was over, we laid in our spoon, my cock still inside her. The last thing I remember was my sisters deep sigh.

"I'm yours. Forever."