Tony was born and raised in a small town in the south central part of a southern state south of the Mason-Dixon Line (Look it up on the internet). He had just turned 18 the summer between his junior and senior year in high school. Tony really had no idea of what he was going to do that summer as there was a recession in the economy and jobs, especially jobs for teenagers, were nearly non-existent in his town.

Tony's dad told him that if he did not have a job by the time school was out for the summer that he could always find things and work for him to do each day at his business as Tony was free labor, or relatively so. And, his dad was not going to have Tony sitting around the house or running the streets and not doing something useful and productive that summer while he lived under his dad's roof.

When Tony got out of school that spring he was not able to find a job and had to tell his dad that he had not found anything. So, just as Tony's dad had required of him he went to work with his dad each day that summer. Just like every other day when he was in school Tony had to get up and out of bed early in the morning each day to leave the house with his dad to open the business at 7:00 AM.

Tony had anticipated that he would be able to sleep late each morning that summer just as every teenager likes to do during their summer off from school. He thought that he was going to be able to hang out with his friends, drink beer and spend time at the swimming pool, playing ball and spending time at the drive in burger shop looking for girls like most teenage boys love to do.

Tony's older brother, Robbie, who was about six years older than Tony also worked for their dad full time and, Robbie and his dad found lots of things for Tony to do. Robbie could probably be considered a manager of the shop and he asked Tony to work with the other two employees in the shop helping customers, moving merchandise around, and bringing merchandise into the shop from incoming freight trucks and other similar shop jobs.

In the summer it was quite hot in that part of the state and working in that heat is very tiring as there was no air conditioning out in the shop unlike the office. Tony was happy when he was called to help with the work in the office with another office employee. In addition to being in the air conditioning he would be working in the office with the only female employee, Rosey, who worked for his dad.

Toney's dad's business also employed an office bookkeeper whose name was Rosey. Tony thought that she was really the office manager who reported to Robbie and his dad. She was a few, maybe four or five, years older than Tony and was pretty good at her job and most other things that she was assigned to do. Rosey, in addition to her bookkeeping duties, was assigned to write up, take payment from and complete sales to customers that came into the shop to purchase merchandise when Robbie or his dad was not available.

Rosey was responsible for taking the daily outgoing mail on foot to the post office which was a couple of blocks away and, checking the post office box for the incoming mail. She also did a lot of other work that came up pertaining to the business in the office. Rosey's job kept her pretty busy each day and Tony's help lightened her work load considerably.

Since Tony was there, Rosey asked him to do most of the tasks outside of the shop office every day for her especially if she was busy waiting on customers and working on the bookkeeping ledger. Those outside tasks were not difficult but just a lot of walking and were time consuming. It also meant that she had to spend time away from her main job. With Tony being there he was a great help to her and Rosey really appreciated Tony's help.

Rosey thanked him each day for all that he did for her and she occasionally gave him a brief tight hug as well with her firm young boobs poking him in the arm or his chest. As a result Tony liked helping Rosey and she really liked Tony. Tony began to think that he might be able to give them both to a real thrill if he could get her soft, warm body into the back seat of his car and get her panties off of her some evening after dark. They continued to get along well during the time he was working there with her in the office and that thought never entirely left his mind.

Then, since they did not bring their lunch to work with them Tony was sent out each day, on foot, a couple of blocks away to a nearby bar and grill to get their lunch. Lunch usually consisted of hamburgers, frys and soft drinks of one kind or another although; Tony would have preferred the drinks to be beer and he thought that Robbie and Rosey would have preferred the drinks to be beer, also. But, beer and other alcohol was not allowed in the office during business hours.

The summer was the busiest time of the year for the shop and many days the shop had to remain open to well past the normal closing time and sometimes as late as 9:00 or 10:00 PM well after dark. On those days Tony was sent out around 5:30 or 6:00 PM again for sandwiches and soft drinks for the crew for their evening meal. Those trips late in the afternoon were a little less agreeable because of the heat of the day had not yet begun to subside.

Rosey lived only a few blocks from the shop not far beyond the bar and grill and, she normally walked to work each morning as it was not practical to drive to the shop. She generally walked home in the late afternoon before dark after work. On those days when the crew had to work well past dark, Tony's dad or Robbie would ask Toney to walk Rosey to her house for her safety and return to the shop in time to close the shop for the day and leave for home.

Each time Tony walked Rosey to her house after dark she would thank him on the front porch before she went into the house and give him a warm hug each time pressing those soft boobs into his chest. Tony thought that she was just being very touchy feely but he sure as hell did not have any objections to her hugging him and pressing her hot body and her soft boobs against his body. Instead he was happy to have her soft natural boobs firmly pressed up against his chest when she hugged him. Most times he came back to the shop with a big bulge in his blue jeans.

This went on for most of the summer until one night when Rosey figured that Toney was sneaking smokes, as many other teenage boys were doing then, when he was away from his folk's home and their business. That night right after she had given him a hug she asked Toney if he wanted to have a smoke with her. He immediately said, yes. Then he said to himself rhetorically, Hell yeah does a dog lift his leg on a fire hydrant?

Tony said that he did not have any with him but, Rosey said that she had a package of smokes in her car in the garage above the sun visor and, said that he should follow her into the garage. He thought to himself that he was getting close to being able to make it with her. When they got to her car inside the garage, they got into the front seat (He thought to himself that he was getting really close now) and she pulled the sun visor down and got the package of smokes out.

She got one out of the package for herself and one for Tony returning the pack to the sun visor. Apparently, Rosey was also sneaking smokes away from her parents the same way that Tony was. They lit up their smokes from the lighter in the car and sat there in the car talking and enjoyed their smokes.

Rosey was not a really beautiful girl but, she was decent looking with an average looking body, nice firm 34C boobs with a firm round ass which Tony loved to look at underneath her dress or skirt or better yet in her tight jeans and slacks when she occasionally wore them. She also had great looking legs and when she wore a skirt of dress that added to her alluring appearance which also turned Tony on. Looking at Rosey's ass and at her legs for very long was almost guaranteed to give him a bulge in his jeans so Tony tried to avoid that in the office so he could to keep himself under control.

For Tony having a smoke on the sly with a girl was always a turn on and being with Rosey was not an exception. He thought that she may have been turned on, too, when she invited him for a smoke in the first place after hugging him. Toney thought maybe she had felt the bulge in his blue jeans when she hugged him. Toney decided that he needed to try his luck and see how she responded to him initiating his advances toward her.

He reached his hand over and laid it on her leg just above her knee just below the hemline of her skirt. He let his fingers curl around into the silky smooth, soft fleshy inside of her thigh and Rosey did not object to that but, she just gave him a sly smile with a soft giggle as her breathing rate began to quicken. So, Toney began to slide his hand up the inside of her leg under her skirt and she still did not object or brush his hand away. That made Toney's dick begin to rise in his blue jeans.

Since she appeared to be OK with his advances so far he decided to go for broke and reached up to and began to fondle her soft, engorged box through her panties which had already begun to dampen noticeably. As he did that he reached over and gently fondled one of her boobs through her thin blouse with his free hand. She nervously giggled and softly, almost inaudibly, moaned when he continued to fondle her box and squeeze her boobs, first one and then the other. Tony noticed that her breathing rate was beginning to deepen and become even quicker.

Tony figured that he had it made and since it was an older four door car with a large back seat. He suggested that they both get into the back seat where there was no steering wheel and more room which she readily agreed to do without hesitation. Once in the back seat, Toney began to unbutton her blouse and reached behind her and unclasped her soft white cotton bra.

With her bra undone he saw her magnificently beautiful, creamy white, natural boobs pop out into their view and, he quickly reached out both of his hands and began to fondle both of her boobs while kissing her. She moaned a little more loudly and both he and Rosey became really turned on when he began to fondle her bare boobs. Tony's dick came to full mast from its prior half-mast position on cupping and gently squeezing her soft natural boobs in his hands.

Then he gently began to pinch and roll each of her hard, pink nipples between his thumb and index finger which had become very hard and stood out prominently from each of her glorious, globular, full boobs. Tony then leaned down and began to kiss each of her firm, young boobs and suck on each of her hard nipples which had become very elongated by this time. Rosey began to squeal and moan so loud that Toney thought that she was going to reach an orgasm in her panties then and there. Many months later he told his buddies that he called her his Marlboro girl since she flipped her lid when he touched her box, in this case her boobs.

With Rosey moaning Toney placed his hand behind her head and pulled her to him to kiss her with his other hand still on one of her bare boobs still gently squeezing and fondling them. She opened her mouth and their tongues met and were anxiously invading and exploring each other's mouths. While he was kissing her he ran his hand up under her skirt up to the waist band of her panties and slid his hand down to her hot, very wet pussy and could feel her thin neatly trimmed soft bush between her legs.

She instinctively spread her legs wide enough to give him room and more access to fondle her hot box. He cupped her sweet pussy with his hot hand and then slid his middle finger up and down the length of the cleft of her slit until he reached her clitoris which he rubbed in a circular fashion for a few moments.

He then slid his finger lower into her slit and slipped his middle finger between her really wet inner lips into her velvety smooth aching pussy. Rosey jumped and squealed and she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly with her big soft natural bare boobs pressed to his chest. Tony thought to himself that his Marlboro girl had really flipped her lid again and his already hard dick became as hard as granite.

Rosey moaned into his mouth as they continued their kiss and then she pulled away from their kiss and buried her mouth in his neck where she started to gently suck and bite his neck gently without leaving any marks. She had meanwhile reached her hand down to his crotch and began to firmly squeeze his already stiff dick through his blue jeans which like most young men his age was continually hard most of the time anyway.

With that, Tony reached under her skirt with both hands and pulled her sopping wet panties down and, with her help off her hips, removed them and laid them on the back rest of the front seat. At the same time she began to unbutton and unzip his blue jeans and pull them along with his under ware down and off of him.

She grabbed his dick and said that she wanted to take his manhood inside her mouth, make him cum and to swallow his semen. He said that he wanted to put his mouth on her vagina, suck on her clitoris and have her climax in his mouth. However, he told her that they did not have the time to do all that at that time as his dad and Robbie would be looking for him to get back to the shop very soon. He would come to regret that decision very much many years later on looking back. He thought that they could have gone sixty nine for a while and gotten both of them off.

Tony then laid her down on the back seat and crawled between her legs with her skirt bunched up around her waist. She pleadingly said that she wanted to have him slide his dick deep inside her pussy and she had to have it right now. He asked her if they needed contraceptive protection and she said no that she had just finished her period and was safe for the next few days. Tony was really glad at that as he really liked riding his girls bareback.

She then grabbed his pecker and placed it in her slit at the opening to her hot, very wet lubricated vagina and guided his dick into her pussy. Tony then slowly began to insert his dick deep inside her pussy. Tony could tell that she was probably not a virgin but her vagina was very tight anyway and, she squirmed and moaned as he got full penetration inside her. Rosey was so tight that he felt like a vice had been clamped down on his dick.

He thought that he had died and gone to fornication heaven with him having his dick in such a tight pussy. Tony thought much later that she may not have been the tightest pussy that he had ever had his pecker inside but, she was close to the tightest if not the tightest. Looking back he wished he could stick his pecker inside her tight pussy once again and fuck her till both of them came to a huge orgasm.

He began to vigorously and forcefully thrust back and forth inside her velvety vagina very rapidly as she continually squirmed and moaned, lifted her hips and met him with each of his inward thrusts. Her breathing became very noticeably labored. Within a few more moments of vigorous thrusting she squealed loudly and moaned and said that she was about to come. Her pussy fluids were flowing so much they were running down her ass crack over her butthole. Then he wet his finger inside her butt crack with her pussy fluids.

He quickly slipped it into her anus making her scream and shake uncontrollably as she had a huge orgasm. Just after her orgasm he shot his huge load of several spurts of hot semen deep inside her quivering pussy. As Tony reached his orgasm he shot his wad in her completely filling her pussy with his love cream. Tony thought that he may have pumped at least a gallon of cum inside her tight, sopping wet pussy but, don't all young studs think like that and that they have a fire hose between their legs.

Just after they both reached their climaxes she collapsed on the seat softly moaning with him lying on top of her, and with his dick still in her pussy, his arms around her, kissing her and holding her big boobs next to his chest. When their orgasms had subsided he pulled her up, they looked into each other's eyes and he kissed her telling her that she had the tightest pussy that he had ever had his pecker in.

He continued telling her how good it was to have his hard dick inside her tight pussy and shoot his hot cum inside her sweet vagina. He also told her that he would really like to make love to her again very soon and make her cum again like she just did. She said that she loved having his dick inside her too and have him shooting his hot cum inside her pussy. Then she said if she could arrange it she would love to have him inside her again to shoot his hot cum deep inside her pussy and flood her cervix with his hot semen later that week or sometime the next week.

Tony helped her up off of the back seat of the car and she quickly grabbed her panties and she began to wipe her vaginal fluid and his cum off Tony's quickly softening dick. She also wiped up her secretions and his cum that was dripping out of her pussy and running down her legs. After she cleaned them both up, she stuffed her sopping wet panties in her skirt pocket presumably to go into the wash and she asked him to please help her hook up the clasp of her bra again for her.

Tony saw this as an opportunity to come close to her, kiss her lips, kiss her boobs and suck on her still hard nipples again. Then he reached around behind her back and hooked up the clasp of her bra for her. Then they each got dressed and got out of the car where they really enjoyed the cooler air cool on their sweat soaked blouse and shirt. He passionately kissed her good night, told her he was looking forward to tomorrow night. She said she was too and, she quickly disappeared into the house. He walked back to the shop and "took the long way home".

Tony got back to the shop just in time to help close up the shop and leave for the night. Tony's dad and Robbie asked him what took him so long to get back to the shop and He told them that since it was a hot night, Rosey asked him to come in and offered him a glass of cold lemonade and he lost track of time. While he was explaining that, Robbie looked at him with a sly smirk on his face as though he knew the real reason Tony took so long to get back to the shop.

They told him that they were just about to come looking for him. Robbie did not say anything but, looked at him like I have you by the short hair now if I want you there little brother. Tony's dad probably had his own suspicions that his story was a little too far fetched looking at his sweat soaked tee shirt. Tony later thought maybe that explained what happened the next morning.

The next morning Tony's dad told him that he wanted him to do some work around the house and he did not go back to the shop again before school started again in the fall. A couple of months later Rosey left the shop to take a better, higher paying job in the city and he never saw her again. After that summer and his senior year in high school Tony left the area to go to college out of state and has never returned to live in that area since he left for college. Within those years his dad sold the business, retired and they lost track of Rosie.

Some years later, he returned to visit his folks and Robbie asked him if he had banged Rosie that night when he walked her home from the shop. Tony told him, yes, he did with a devilish grin on his face as Robbie had a sly grin on his face also. Robbie then told him that she had met some guy in the city and had gotten married. Within several years she became a stay at home mom with her three kids, none of whom were Tony's.

Tony chose not to ask Robbie if any of those three kids where his but he still had his suspicions. Brothers that came from the same semen and out of the same womb are not identical but they sure as hell are not completely different either and share many of the same traits. Tony thought that Rosie probably liked both of the brothers and how at least one of them banged her in the back seat of her Plymouth on that hot late summer night and maybe both brothers got into her hot, sweet hockey box.

Tony gave a haunting, sad fare well to Rosie, wherever she is, and, a longing sentimental salute to that smoke they shared those many long years ago and that hot, tight pussy he banged on that hot summer evening in the back seat of her car in her garage. Tony knew that he probably did not get to pop her cherry but, he did get to refill the box it came in with his huge load of hot white sticky cum.

He continues to think of her now and then and he wonders if she ever thinks about them and the minutes of sexual euphoria that they gave each other and shared, bless her little heart. Tony just wished he had taken the time to lick her sweet wet pussy and suck her clitoris until she flipped her lid again. Good night, darling sweet Rosey, and sweet dreams no matter where you are. Tony still gets a hard on thinking about having his dick in her tight wet pussy.