I was in the living room watching TV when she came back from office, carrying bags of groceries in one hand and holding her long yellow skirt with the other. Instead of getting up to help her with bags or ask her about her work, I continued watching TV. Keeping the groceries in kitchen, she ruffled my hair with her fingers and went to her room to change.

After around ten minutes, she came out and got busy with dinner and called me when it was ready, so sat down on dining room chair and started enjoying grilled duck.

"How was college?"

"College was OK. How was your work?"

"I'm planning to change jobs, but let's see what happens."

"Are you planning to get a job in a city, or are we going to remain stuck in this small town?"

"Let's see," she replied looking at me with her deep blue eyes.

The next morning when she went to drop me to college, she was, as usual, wearing a long skirt and a full-sleeved blouse.

For next six days she didn't mention anything about the job and I also didn't talk about it. Then, on Tuesday, she told me that she has received an offer of a photographer's post from an architecture magazine.

Before I could ask her where this magazine was based, she looked me in the eye and smiled.

"We are finally leaving this town and going to Chantel," she announced. (It's a comparatively bigger city on the other side of the state).

Although the news initially made me happy, but then started worrying about leaving my friends, my college and the town where I'd spent all my eighteen years. I spoke with her about leaving the town where both of us had spent our whole lives, discussed with friends and relatives but she reassured me that we will visit regularly and stay in touch with friends and relatives.

The next few weeks were spent packing, saying good-byes and getting ready for life in a new city. The days were hectic and both of us went to sleep thinking about city life and simultaneously dreading it. It was a big move for both of us, but we were ready.

Finally the day came and we headed off to the city and by evening had settled into a one-bedroom apartment. After unpacking essential stuff and ordering pizzas, both us went straight to bed, with Mom sleeping in bedroom and me on the couch in living room.

Mom joined her office in the morning and I college, so both of us got settled in nicely.

It was a Sunday afternoon and was watching TV when she sat down near me and told me that everybody in her office dresses up smartly which makes her look out of place.

"You should also dress up smartly."

"So, you think my dresses suck?"

"Yes, I do."

"OK, let's go and do some shopping," she said smiling.

She bought some smart and beautiful skirts, blouses, T-shirts and jeans, while I bought couple of jeans and some crazy T-shirts. After shopping, we went to a fast-food joint and had burgers.

The next morning, I was ready for college and finishing breakfast when she came into kitchen wearing the skirt and blouse she had bought yesterday.

The skirt was definitely shorter than the long ones she had always worn and the blouse was fitting perfectly.

"How do I look?" she asked when she saw me looking at her.

I saw that she had tied her hair in a bun, was wearing long earrings, had a full make-up on and her short skirt was complementing her long legs and smooth thighs, while the blouse was doing justice to her big breasts by revealing their firm and round shape and by showing little bit of cleavage.

"You look beautiful," I replied admiring how beautiful and different she was looking.

"Thank you. Now get up or we'll get late."

After dropping me at school, she adjusted her shades and was off to her office.

The dress, the make-up, the hair were a big change for her, but that was just a start. Within one week, her skirts got shorter, her blouses tighter and she started wearing a nose ring, which simply added to her beauty. On weekdays, she started dressing smartly and on weekends her appearance bordered on what many would call slutty. She began wearing short, tight leather skirts that revealed her thighs and the nice shape of her bums; cropped T-shirts that showed the blue veins running down her cleavage and the shape of her big breasts; full make-up; and lots of funky jewelry.

The change in her from a small-town woman to city girl was truly amazing, and I'm not sure even she had expected such a huge transformation. What was pretty obvious was that she was loving it.

"Hello Jules. How are you?" asked a woman when we were out shopping for groceries.

Mom told her she was fine and they started talking and it was obvious she was Mom's colleague. Her colleague turned toward me and looked at Mom, who kept talking but finally realized there was no escape from introducing me.

"He's my nephew, Jonathan. The one I'd told you about," she reluctantly told her.

Hearing that, I turned my head toward Mom and stared at her in disbelief, but she simply kept talking at her colleague.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your loss," her colleague said to me before I could recover from Mom's introduction.

I looked at her with my mouth open and was going to ask her whether she was on something when Mom diverted her attention by dragging her toward the cheese aisle. After that, Mom didn't give me a chance to talk to her friend.

"Nephew? I'm your nephew?" I asked Mom as soon as we were in the car.

"OK, here's the story. I don't want them to know that I've a grown-up son. I want to be young like them, party and enjoy. I don't want them to think I'm some old woman way past her age," she replied taking a deep breath.

"Are you angry?" she asked when she I didn't respond.

"No, Mom, I'm not angry. I understand it. It just came as a surprise," I said although I was certainly puzzled.

She kissed me on my cheeks and said sorry.

"Why was she sorry about my loss? What was that all about?"

"I've told them that your mother - my sister - died in a car crash, so you're living with me."

"Wow! That's a big lie." But I couldn't help laugh at her wickedness.

By now, both of us were busy with our job and college, but she always made time for me and we went out a lot: to watch movies, to restaurants, for shopping, etc.

Since we were new to the city, we didn't have any friends and hardly anybody knew us, so it was just the two of us enjoying city life without worrying about anybody. We were having a great time together.

It had been nearly a month since moving to city, and I was in my room working on a college project when Mom knocked on the door and came inside.

"Today, Megan told me that she was planning to go to Croatia to shoot some photos of old castles, but her husband is unwell, so she can't go. She has asked me if I could," she said sitting down on the bed. [Megan was her boss].

"That's excellent news. You should, of course."

"Yea, it sounds exciting, but I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it. I've never been to a foreign country."

"Don't worry, you've handled this city perfectly and you can surely handle Croatia. Is it all-paid?"


"Cool. I think you should go. How many days?"

"It's a fifteen-day project. Will you come with me, please?" She asked taking a deep breath and looked at me as if she was pleading.

"Yes, of course. I'd love to. Sure," I replied giving a big smile.

"But what about college?"

"College can wait; Croatia can't."

"OK, let's think it over," She said giving a light slap on my back.

There's nothing to think over. We are going."

"Let me think it over."

She tried to think, but I continuously pestered her, so after two days of thinking she finally agreed to go.

We got our passports, visas and tickets and were off to Croatia within a week.

We landed at Dubrovnik and headed straight from the airport to a villa we had booked online. The house was on outskirts of the city, but was beautifully constructed with oak wood, red tiles on roof and lovely gardens on all sides. There were two bedrooms, a living room and windows offering breath-taking views of the city below.

After changing and eating delicious meal of rice and mutton provided by the owner of villa, both of us went into our rooms for a good sleep. The next morning we rented a car and Mom got right into work because she wanted to finish work by Friday, as that would give her one week to explore rest of the place.

She started shooting images of castles from all possible angles, while I enjoyed the scenery of beautiful and historic Dubrovnik.

We cycled together to lakes, we rented a bike and raced on cobbled streets, we spent hours walking in local market and old town and enjoyed each other's company in an exotic and foreign city.

I don't know whether it was because we were in a foreign city, but she had changed a lot more since arriving here. Unlike before, she wasn't worried whether her thighs were visible while riding the bike, whether her cleavage was exposed while cycling or whether revealing her flat stomach in a cropped T-shirt was OK or not. What also helped, I guess, was that nobody stared at her, frowned at her or disapproved her clothes, like they would have done in the town.

On Friday afternoon, after she had finished her work, we discussed our plans for the next seven days. After going through several brochures, we decided to go to a nearby island and booked a small sea-facing cottage.

Since there's no sea in our town or city, the first time we saw a sea was when we arrived in Dubrovnik, but didn't get to enjoy it because Mom wanted to finish her work first and then soak in sun and sand. So, apart from walking near beach once or twice, we didn't really get the chance to go out to sea.

After making our reservations at the island, we headed for shopping. We bought skin lotions, beach mats and towels and then Mom took me to a corner and whispered that she was confused about something and asked me if I would help her.

"Yea, sure."

"Promise me you won't laugh."

"I won't."


"Yea, promise."

"I've never bought a swim suit, so don't know which one to buy," she confided.

"No problem, let's go and see some of them."

"I'm feeling so awkward."

"Come on, let's go. I also have to buy shorts."

She took my hand in her hand and we went inside a shop selling all kinds of swim suits. A salesgirl asked Mom if she could help us, but Mom was feeling so flushed that she just stood there looking at the salesgirl. I told the girl we were OK and were just browsing, so she left us alone.

Mom and I spent a good five minutes looking around the shop, then I handed Mom a bikini but she wasn't sure about size, so we called the salesgirl and she selected a size that would fit Mom.

After the size was decided, I handed two more one-piece suits to Mom and after thinking over colors, pattern, etc., she finally chose two one-piece suits and was walking toward cashier when I showed her a couple of two-pieces and monokinis, but she stared at me and went to counter without saying a word.

From there, I went to buy shorts and T-shirts, while she went to buy some cosmetics, but when she was busy buying cosmetics, I went back to the shop and bought couple of bikini tops and thongs for her.

After that, we went back to cottage, packed our stuff and headed off to the island. By the time we reached there, we were tired but after a quick meal headed off to the beach, which was right in front of cottage.

Since it was late evening, nobody was there at that part of the beach, so we sat down on mats and admired the sky, millions of stars and openness of the vast sea. We stayed there for over half-an-hour and loved the calmness and serenity of the place.

When I got up in the morning, dawn was just breaking and I could feel light breeze from sea in the living room, where I was sleeping. I knocked on Mom's room door and when she opened it she was in her nightdress and still sleepy. Giving her a light hug, I put my hand on her shoulder, while she rested her head on my shoulder, went with her to enjoy the morning on the beach, which was luckily deserted.

She sat down, but I took off my T-shirt and jumped right into the water and splashed around. When I came out, she was still sitting there, so asked her to at least take a dip, but she said she'll swim later.

We got up, went back to cottage and after changing our clothes and having breakfast we headed back to beach, which was now a bit crowded, so we walked around, found an isolated patch and sat down on our mats.

I took off my T-shirt and lay down, but Mom apparently wasn't in a mood to lie down, so she took off the gown she was wearing, revealing the bikini she had bought yesterday.

I had never seen in a bikini before and she was apparently aware of that because she immediately sat down and tried to cover herself as much as possible. She bundled herself up, with her knees touching her chest and her hands over her smooth thighs. Since this was the first time I was seeing so much of her beautiful skin, I started stealing glances at her ample breasts, her lovely thighs and her smooth back and she sensed that because she asked me whether I was going to swim or not.

"No. You go first."

She looked around, got up and rushed to the sea as I lay there watching her tight bums sway. A little later, I also hit the water.

When we were coming out two men, who were walking on the beach, looked at Mom from top to bottom and gave an admiring look. I didn't like that, but saw her smiling to herself.

I was going to sit down, but she said: "Let's go for a walk" and started walking without putting on the gown. By now the beach was pretty crowded and full of women and girls in one-pieces, two-pieces, thongs and some were even topless.

I was looking at them, but my main attention was Mom, whose big breasts were struggling to remain inside the bikini, making her cleavage clearly visible. I was admiring how her breasts were moving with every step, how smooth her thighs were and how firm her bums were when Mom came closer, took my arm in her arm and whispered: "Don't stare."

I straightened myself up and instead of looking at her semi-naked body averted my gaze to a topless woman who was soaking in sun with her children.

We walked arm in arm for a good fifteen minutes, with my elbow occasionally rubbing against her big breast, and also saw that she was getting a lot of admiring looks from men, which she was apparently enjoying because she was smiling a lot, running her hand through her hair and there was a very faint change in her walk.

It was getting too much, so told her that we were going back to cottage and although she wasn't in mood to go back, I dragged her back to cottage, where we changed our clothes and went for a tour.

We toured the island, had lunch, came back to cottage in evening and after dinner went to beach but didn't swim as we were tired and had to get up early in morning as Mom wanted to take some photographs.

We got up very early and after having a quick cup of coffee were at beach, where Mom started shooting photographs while I went in for a dip in sea.

She was taking photographs of calm blue water, of now-fading moon and pristine sand when she turned the camera toward me and began taking photographs of me splashing around in water.

When I saw her shooting me, I started posing and modeling. She took five or six photographs of me and then I came out of water and taking camera from her started taking her snaps.

At first, she just stood there on the beach, but when I asked her to get in water she complied and I started shooting her. The water had made her skirt and blouse completely wet, but her hair were still dry, so I asked her to dip her head in water and began taking her photographs from all angles.

The faint light of early morning, blue water, her long wet hair and clothes clinging to her big breasts, bums and thighs were giving her body a beautiful and sensual look, something she also realized because she really got into mood and posed for me effortlessly.

For one photograph, she stood with her legs wide apart and lifted her skirt up a bit with one hand, while her other hand rested on her bums. In other snap, she knelt down on her knees in water, put her hands on the back of her head and pushed her ample breasts out. In another pose, she lay down sideways and I clicked her body getting drenched by water.

While I was taking her photos, we saw two people walking toward us, so I shifted focus of the camera away from Mom and toward sea.

When they walked by us, we saw they were a man and a woman, possibly in late twenties, and the man was in shorts, while the woman had only a thong on and nothing else. Her breasts were moving with every step and her pink nipples were fully erect.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Mom came out of water and putting her hands on my shoulder started smiling.

"Should have taken her photo," I said.

"Yep, her cherries are hard."

That was the first time she had said something like that, so I looked at her and she collapsed laughing into my arms.

We went and sat down on towels and she took off her skirt and blouse and lay down in her bra and panties.

I still had camera with me, so I started clicking her lying there in bare essentials. She tried to stop me, but seeing that nobody was there and I wasn't about to listen to her, she stopped resisting and let me shoot her from all possible angles.

I focused the lens on her face and photographed her still wet red hair, her deep blue eyes, bright red lips and her long neck. Then I took a full body shot of her, then only of her face, her big breasts and the faint shape of her nipples hiding under bra. Then it was time to focus on her stomach, panties and thighs.

After clicking that, I asked to turn around, but she said she won't, so I pleaded with her and she finally relented and turned on her stomach.

I took photos of her bra strap, her smooth back, her tight bums and her lovely thighs.

"Anything else?" she asked lifting her face after I had clicked four or five photos.

"They are for your memories," I said although I wanted to say 'hell, yea, many more' but somehow restrained myself.

"Yea, I'm sure they aren't for your pleasure," she added sitting down.

"Huh?" I looked at her in mock surprise.

"Do you really want me to say it?" she quizzed turning her face toward me.

"OK, one last photo. Just stay that way," I quickly said as I wanted to change the subject.

I moved her hair off her shoulders, focused the camera and took a photo of her face and clearly visible cleavage. Then, to be sure, shot one more photo in that pose.

She waited for me to take the photo and then looked down at her exposed cleavage, adjusted her bra, looked at me, got up, put her arm around me and we walked back to cottage.

After having breakfast, we rented a Vespa scooter and took off to see nearby hills and waterfalls.

Mom had a jacket on, but once we were off main road, she took it off and pressing her bra against my T-shirt, held me tightly and put her head on my shoulder.

"Would you carry me on your back, please?" she asked when we stopped near a huge waterfall while enjoying the lovely scenery.


"Carry me on your back."

"No, I'm not carrying you on my back. My bones will break."

"Listen, I'm not fat. Just carry me until waterfall. Please, please."

I wasn't going to agree but when I saw her pleading, I relented and agreed.

She went and stood on a rock and climbed onto my back, putting her arms around my stomach, while I held her with my arms around her bums. Her front, including her big breasts, was pressed hard against my back.

I walked like that for more than five minutes and then she finally got down. She sat down, while I stood near her and looked at the clean and clear water.

How are things with Jenny?"

"They are okay, not very good, I said."

"Why? She's a nice-looking girl."

"Yes, she's, but she's like you used to be, all prim and proper. Nothing physical."

"Oh trust me; I was far from prim and proper when I was her age."

"You weren't?"

"Everybody, including my folks, thought I was, but the reality was different. So, nothing physical yet with Jenny?"


She stood up, hugged me tightly and said: "That's sad. Still, you had more than your fill with Rach." [My previous girlfriend].

"Yep, she was cool. I thought you were, you know, proper."

"I used to have lot of fun, but smartly, without too many people knowing about it."

"What did you do?"

"You know your granddad was a very strict man and wouldn't allow us to go out to movies or with boys, but I used to sneak out at night and have fun. I used to pretend that I was going to Aimee's [her school friend] house to study, but went out with boys."

"Granddad never found out?"

"Only Aimee knew about it and she also used to sneak out, so it remained a secret. Dad did catch Sophie [Mom's sister] with a guy in her room and she got a real beating."

"He slapped her?" I asked in surprise.

"No, your granddad was old school. He had a wooden stick and he beat her with it on her behind. She had red marks for days."

"That's cruel."

"That was his style. He used the stick on me too, for not getting good grades, watching too much TV, etc."

"Did it hurt a lot?"

"Oh yes. He used to make us bend on table, ask us to lift our skirts and then punish us. He didn't care about red marks, our cries or our pleadings. Any discretion meant punishment."

"Didn't granny intervene?"

"Are you nuts? We all were afraid of him. But he loved us a lot and we loved him."

"Yea, he was a nice man. He cared about me a lot."

"He was a nice man, but very strict. That's just how he was."

"So, why did you change from being naughty to all prim and proper?"

"Got married, had you plus your dad wanted a nun more than a wife, so life changed. The worst part of it all is I tried to become whatever he wanted me to be, still he left me."

"I hope you are happy now."

"Of course, I am. More than I have ever been," she said leaning sideways and kissing me.

Although Mom was still in her bra and shape of her nipples was clearly visible, she was feeling much more relaxed about her body and made no effort to hide her breasts.

I asked her if she wanted to stand under the waterfall, but she said no and asked me to come and sit next to her.

I went and sat down near her and we sat silently for more than ten minutes. Then she put her head on my thighs and lay down on her sides on rocks. I started running my fingers through her hair, while my other hand rested on her thighs and shorts.

We remained like that for a long time, then she turned her body toward me, her breasts were now facing me, and asked to me give her camera.

She started looking at photographs, while I got busy looking at her nipples, which were just inches away.

"Don't show them to anyone, promise?" she said after taking a good look at the photos.

I moved my hand, which was on her bare stomach, took camera from her and moving my other hand from her hair, acted as I was going to click another photograph, but she placed her hand on the lens and got up. We put our arms around each other and walked back to scooter.

We spent the whole afternoon exploring natural beauty of the area and Mom let go her inhibitions one by one.

In the small town, she used to wear only long skirts and full-sleeved blouses, but now she was roaming with me only in a bra and shorts.

Even when we stopped at a small roadside joint for food, she didn't bother to put on her jacket and eat without trying to hide her ample assets.

At the joint and on road, men feasted on her body with their eyes, and that, I suspect, pleased her a lot and gave her more confidence.

I, of course, didn't like them looking at her and told her to wear jacket, but she shut me up.

In the evening, instead of going to beach, we went to pubs and had a great time drinking and listening to music and came back to cottage pretty drunk and went straight to sleep.

I got up early and saw Mom, still wearing the nightgown, making coffee, so crept into her room and after keeping a shopping bag on her bed told her to go inside her room and open the bag that's on the bed.

She looked at me quizzically and came back holding the bikini tops and thongs I had bought in Dubrovnik.

"What's this?" she asked holding them up.

"They are for you."


"Wear them now and you can wear the two-piece later."

She again looked at thongs and bikini tops and again at me and went back. She came back wearing the same nightgown and without saying a word finished her coffee, took my arm in her arm and started walking toward beach.

Although it was still early morning, few people were there, so Mom chose a secluded spot and after spreading the mats sat down. I asked her whether she was going to swim.

"Maybe later. You go."

So, I took off my T-shirt and dived into the water. After around five minutes, I saw that she wasn't on the beach, so looked around and saw her swimming nearby. I swam for another five minutes and came back and sat down. Was sitting there when I saw her getting out of the water wearing the black bikini top and black thong I had selected for her.

When she was fully out of water, she put her arms in front of thong and walked shyly toward me. I, on the other hand, didn't even blink and kept on looking at her half-exposed breasts, her lovely thighs and the sexy thong.

After getting out, she kept her gaze firmly planted on sand and didn't look up even once, but when she was near me she did look up, saw me smiling, so she smiled back, took the towel from me and hid her body with it.

"Thank you."

"What for?" she asked.

"For wearing them. Do you like them?"

"Yea, but I feel as if I'm naked."

"Well, you do look nice."


"You can take that towel off, nobody's here."


"Because it looks odd sitting here in the towel."

She looked around, took it off and lay down. I lay down next to her and enjoyed the sight of her lying there wearing nothing but a bra and a thong.

"What are you looking at?" she asked when she saw me looking at her.


"You are very naughty," she commented as she rested her body on her elbow and gave me a kiss and a pretty good view of her half-exposed breasts.


"Because you bought a thong for your Mom."

"I knew you'd like it."

"Do you like it?" she said running her fingers through my hair.

"Of course."

"What are they for? Do they hide anything?" she wondered looking down at her bra and then at her thong.

"That's a good question," I commented seeing that more than half of her ample breasts were popping out of the bikini top and the thong was only hiding a small part of her bums.

"I've changed a lot," she said smiling.

"I like the new you."

"Stop staring at them," she said looking me in the eye and placing her hand on my eyes.

I moved her hand from my eyes, kissed her hand and said OK, but kept stealing glances at her nipples and her nearly-naked bums.

After around thirty minutes we got up, changed our clothes, had breakfast and went to explore another side of the island.

This time we were taking the beach road, which was isolated most of the time, so Mom didn't bother to wear the jacket and wore only a bra and shorts, while I took off my T-shirt and sat on scooter wearing just shorts.

Mom was driving the scooter, while I sat behind her. So, as soon as we were on the isolated road, I put my arms around her naked stomach, my bare chest pressed against her back and my face resting on her exposed shoulders.

As we rode, my arms sometimes were on her stomach, sometimes on her shoulders, sometimes adjusting her tightly bound hair, sometimes just below her bra and sometimes resting on her thighs.

She didn't mind my arms wandering around her body. On the other hand, she was also putting her arms on my thighs, on my hair and on my neck.

I was enjoying the feel of her bare skin so close to my mouth, the touch of her naked stomach and thighs and, of course, the full view of her ample breasts.

During the whole ride, I kept my body pressed tightly against hers and even kissed her lightly on her neck, shoulders and cheeks.

When I was kissing her neck, she leaned back and kissed me on my cheek. When she did that, her bra strap slipped from her shoulder, but instead of pulling it back she asked me to do it, so I held the strap with my fingers and dragged it back to its place, a small act that was hugely sensuous.

On reaching the top of the hill, we started taking photographs of beaches down below and of surrounding areas and then we stopped at a waterfall and Mom told me to take photos of it, while she took off her shorts, calmly revealing that she was wearing the other thong I had bought for her, and walked toward the waterfall.

I took out the camera and started shooting photos of her standing under the water. She untied her long hair and began posing for camera as the water fell on her body and drenched her bra and thong.

For the first shot, she joined her legs, put her hands behind her neck and posed seductively. Then she arched back her body and pushed her breasts forward. Then she parted her legs and raised her arms above her head. In another photo, she turned around, pushing her bums toward camera, and looked back at me.

I took more than ten photos of her, almost all of them in seductive poses, then I placed the camera on a rock, set the timer on and joined her for some snaps together under waterfall.

I went behind her and encircling my arms around her lovely stomach, held her tightly against my body. Then she stood next to me, with her breasts pressed against the side of my chest, and her arms around my waist and my arms resting on her thongs.

In another pose, I sat down on a rock and she sat on my leg, while her wet bra rubbed against my cheeks and her bums rested on my thighs.

We also posed with me standing and she pressing the front part of her body, including her big breasts, into my bare chest and her crotch against my shorts, while our arms were around each other's waists.

We also took a snap where I was lying on the rocks and she was on top of me, with her body pressed against mine, her arms resting on my chest and her face rubbing against my face.

For the final photo, I sat down and she sat on my lap, with her bums on my crotch, her face resting on my shoulder, her arms around my neck and my arms just below her bra.

Satisfied that we had shot lots of photos, we got up and I gave her a towel, which she wrapped around her still wet body and took off her bra and thongs and handed them to me to put them in bag and she put on a shirt and a short skirt, but no bra or panties.

After changing, she handed me the towel and I wrapped it around me and took off shorts and underwear, which she placed in a bag and handed me a fresh pair of underwear and shorts.

This time I drove, with Mom pressing her shirt against my body. We came down from mountains, had food and headed to a nearby town for some shopping.

On the way, there was an empty road and I felt Mom doing something so I turned my head a little and said: "What are you doing?"

"Keep your eye on the road and don't drive too fast," she replied.

Then I felt her breasts pressed against my T-shirt and when I turned my head a little, I saw both sides of her shirt beating against the wind.

"Have you opened all the buttons of your shirt?"

She had face buried into my shoulders, so I heard a muffled yes.

"What if somebody sees us?"

"Don't care, but you aren't allowed to see, so don't turn your head. Keep your eyes on the road."


We traveled like that, with her naked breasts pressed against my T-shirt, her arms around me and her face near my face, for at least fifteen miles and she started buttoning up her shirt only when we were near the town. By then around twelve people had seen her riding the scooter with all buttons open, but I'm not sure how much of her breasts they saw because almost all of her breasts were pressed against my body.

We started walking with arms around each other's backs and since Mom wasn't wearing a bra the shape of her pink nipples was clearly visible through the shirt.

In the market, we bought trinkets, some T-shirts, shorts and skirts and then Mom took me to a shop where I helped her choose bras, panties, thongs and some naughty tops that had plunging necklines.

This time neither of us felt any shame in me selecting and recommending bras and thongs to her because by now we were far too open with each other plus nobody there knew we were son and mom and we didn't care if they were able to guess it.

We spent the evening in the town and after eating and lots of drinking; we headed back to cottage, where we went straight to bed.

We had been told by one of the locals that there was a lovely stretch of beach on the other side of island, so we got up in morning and took off on our faithful scooter.

This time, I was driving it and both of us were in shorts and T-shirts because the road was through the town and so Mom had dressed appropriately. But that didn't mean she was going to behave herself.

All the way to other side of island, she kept her body pressed against mine and her arms were either on my thighs, on my legs or on my chest.

When we reached the end of the road, all we saw was a gate of a resort and nothing else, so we hesitatingly opened the gate and walked toward a hall on which there was a big board with 'reception' written in both English and Croatian.

We were met by a woman who welcomed us and after sitting us down on sofas in the hall ordered coffee for us.

Mom said we were told there was a beautiful stretch of beach here, so we came to see that.

The woman said the resort had a lovely beach but it was private-only.

"And who's this young man?" the woman asked stopping in mid-sentence.

"He's James, my friend," said Mom before I could reply.

Since by now I was used to being given new identities by Mom, I didn't stare at her or even blink at her lie.

"Well, in that case, you will love your stay here. We are a special resort, meaning clothes are optional," added the woman, smiling.

When she said that, Mom and I looked at each other and tried to understand the meaning of optional.

"Could you elaborate that?" Mom said.

"Well, if you want, you can wear clothes, but we prefer it if our guests don't wear them."

"You mean no clothes at all?" wondered Mom.

"Yes, no clothes at all."

The woman had sensed that it was our first time, so she told us that we can take a look and then decide whether to stay or not.

Mom said that's a good idea and took me aside for a talk.

"So, what do you think?" She said.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I also don't know. We've come here, so let's take a look and then decide."

"OK, let's see the place."

We went back to woman and she took us to a wooden hut, which was on the corner of the beach, and then a rushed tour of the beach, which was right in front of hut.

The hut had a single room with a king-size bed, huge built-in closet, two chairs and nothing else. Attached to the room was a bathroom with a big tub. The hut wasn't expensive, big or had luxuries, but it was beautifully done.

The view, or whatever the woman showed us, was lovely. The sand was as soft as cotton, water so clear that you could clearly see the bottom and clear, open ocean as far as eye could see. It was simply magical. Everything was perfect except for optional thing.

After the tour, Mom again asked me whether we should stay or go back, but I told her it was her call.

"OK, clothes are optional, so we'll keep them on and see how it goes, OK?" she said.


So, we booked the hut, parked our scooter and went to change clothes. Mom went to the bathroom, took a quick shower and came out wearing the thong and bikini top I had selected for her yesterday in town.

"How do I look?" she asked standing in front of me.

I saw her from head to toe, especially her ample breasts, and then walked behind her and enjoyed the view of her nearly-naked bums.

"You look gorgeous," I said after looking at her from every angle and putting my arms around her naked waist.

"Thank you," she replied kissing my cheeks and giving her lovely smile.

Then she walked in front of me and swayed her bums a bit, at which I whistled.

I took off my T-shirt and walked with her to the beach and sat down on chairs in front of the hut.

Since our hut was the last one on the beach, the patch in front of it was deserted, so we got up and decided to take a walk to the other side.

We weren't even fifty meters when we started seeing both men and women, young and old, wearing nothing at all. Since arriving on island, we had seen topless women, but men and women totally naked was a bit of a shock. We tried to avoid looking at them and instead kept on walking, but more we walked more we saw.

There were girls in their early twenties who were walking around completely nude, there were grown men who were lying on the beach with their things hanging out, there were even couples with kids and we saw a man standing on the beach talking to a woman, who was sitting on a chair, and his thing was fully erect, but nobody seemed to mind it or even notice it.

By the time we reached the mid-way of beach, both Mom and I had seen enough naked bodies to last rest of our lives. What both of us also noticed was that both men and women didn't have hair in that area. It seemed everybody was clean shaven there.

We hurried back to our patch of beach, got beers and lay down, thinking about what we had just seen. We were lying there for more than an hour when Mom got up and told me she was going inside and will be back soon. After around fifteen minutes she came back and asked me to come with her, so I got up and we went to hut where she asked me to wait as she had to change.

She came out of bathroom wearing shorts and T-shirt and told me that she was taking me to a salon for a haircut.

"What?" I said in real surprise.

"There's a salon here and we're going for a haircut."

"But I don't need a haircut," I said.

"Listen, I need one, so you're coming with me."

I didn't know what to say, so just followed her.

We went to the salon where a girl, who was wearing a uniform, handed us gowns and told us to lie down on the table. I took the gown and looked at Mom, but she went behind the partition, so I just stood there.

"Please take off your clothes," requested the girl in halting English.

"Please tell me what's happening," I said as I stared at the girl in total puzzlement.

"She's going to cut your hair."

"So, why does she want me to take off my clothes?"

"She's going to shave you down there, so just lie down and let her do the job," said Mom peeking from behind the curtain.

I could see that she had taken her clothes off because the left side of her legs, hips, stomach and side of her left breast were clearly visible

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not kidding you. I'm getting shaved and so are you. Now, get on with it," Mom replied in exasperation.

"But I don't need a shave."

"I don't care. I need one and so do you."

I knew arguing was useless, plus both the girls were looking at us weirdly, so took off my jeans and underwear and lay down on the table.

Although I wasn't erect when I took off my clothes, but as soon as the girl started touching me I was stiff. I guess she was used to it, because she just ignored it and got on with the job.

I was afraid she might injure my precious areas, but she was an expert and soon I was enjoying getting shaved by a girl.

Mom, on the other hand, wasn't finding it exciting because she was screaming whenever the girl pulled the strips.

"Are you getting completely shaved?"

"Yes," she said in between her screams.

The thought of her lying there and getting shaved was extremely arousing and my cock stiffened a bit more.

Thankfully the girl handled my precious areas, including the erection, gently, and within minutes had shaved off each and every strand of hair.

Then she washed the whole area and took out a box of issues and started masturbating me.

"No touching," the girl said when I tried to touch her breasts.

"Are you touching her?" asked Mom when she heard her.

"No, I'm not."

"Honey, they can touch you, but you can't. Let her help you. Is she helping you?"

"She's shaving me if that's what you mean."

"So, she's helping you. Good," said Mom when she saw the girls giggling.

Once done, I got up, put my clothes on and waited for Mom and then both of us went back to hut where we showered and changed.

We went back to hall and saw people talking, reading and sitting on sofas completely naked and we somehow felt odd, so we went out to beach and sat down on our chairs and started drinking beer.

"What do you think?" Mom asked.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"We can still go back or we can join party."

"I've no idea. I don't know what to do."

We were wondering whether to take off everything or not, but we were also watching how carefree the others were, even those who were young or had kids. I think watching others gave Mom confidence, because she got up and told me to look other side. After a minute or so, she told me that I could now look and when I turned around, saw that she had a towel wrapped around her and her clothes, including her bra and panties, were lying on the chair.

"Are you going in that towel?"

"No, will take it off later," she replied.

I knew she meant she would take it off where I won't be able to see her.

I was sitting alone drinking beer when I saw people, including girls, walking by and looking at me sitting there in clothes, so said to myself 'Screw it, I'm also joining the gang' and took off my shorts and underwear and started walking on the beach.

By now, I knew that they didn't mind men walking with erections, so I ignored my fully erect cock and just enjoyed the feel of breeze on my naked body.

When I reached near a group of girls and women, I thought they would look at me and, you know, show some interest, but there was no such reaction, apart from the fact that they glanced at me. I felt sad by lack of reaction, but there was nothing I could do, so kept walking.

I had reached nearly mid-point of beach when I heard steps behind me, but before I could turn my head and see somebody came from behind and closed my eyes with their palm.

I felt a pair of breasts pressed against my bare back and then heard Mom's voice telling me not to look at her.

"I won't," I said.

So, she removed her palm from my eyes and started walking behind me, but it was looking very odd, so said to her that either walk next to me or don't walk at all. As soon as I said that, she was next to me and we started walking together.

"Aren't you going to take care of it?" was the first thing she said.

"Maybe later," I replied looking down at my erection.

I turned my head a little and saw her big breasts moving with her each step and also noticed that her pink nipples were erect.

"Your cherries are hard, too. Aren't you going to take care of them?" I commented when I saw how they were standing.

"It's the bloody breeze," she said looking down at her nipples and laughing.

"Yea, right."

She smiled when I said that and took my arm in her arm, which meant my arm was pressed against her naked breast, and we kept walking and soon we were at that part of beach which was totally isolated.

"We did it. We walked totally nude in front of everybody," she whispered.

"That was hard, very hard. My heart was beating like crazy. I really don't know how I did it," I admitted.

"I thought I was going to have a heart attack. When I took off the towel, I was like, 'What am I doing?' but then felt ashamed to put it on, because I was afraid they might think I was a pussy or something," she added as she fell on the sand laughing.

As soon as she said pussy, my eyes went toward her shaved pussy, which was looking at me with open lips, and Mom saw me looking at her, so she immediately closed her legs and said: "I didn't mean that! Come here, you dirty mind, lie down with me."

I went and lay down on my side, with my body resting on my elbow, and looked at her slender neck, her big breasts, blue veins, still-erect nipples, her smooth stomach, sliver of her pussy, her ample hips and her long legs. She saw me looking at her, but didn't say anything and just lay there, with her breasts still heaving.

"Go and take care of it," she said turning her body toward me and looking at my cock.

"What? Here?"

"Yes, go behind those rocks."

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Wish I had the camera," I told her as I began running my fingers through her long hair.

"Why?" she queried looking at me with her large blue eyes.

"Would have taken your photo."

"You've already taken so many."

"But today you are looking different."

"Hmm. I'm naked."

"Both of us are."

"You are spotlessly clean there," she said.

"I was so afraid of cuts and bruises. I thought she was going to cut me. This is the first time I'm so hairless."

"Me too. But it was very painful."

"Yea, I heard your screams."

"Did she shave you everywhere?"

"No, she told me to turn over, but I felt really weird. You, on the other hand, are clean everywhere," I said.

"Yep, no hair left anywhere. But you got your money's worth at the end."

"Do they do that only for men?" I asked laughing.

"I guess so. Did you ask her or she did it herself?"

"She did it herself. I'd no idea she was about to do that."

"Then, I guess, that service is for men only."

I brought my hand a little below and ran my fingers on her neck and started massaging her slender neck.

"We're having a good time, aren't we?" she said moving closer to me and lying on her back.

"Yes, we are," I replied as I kept massaging her shoulder.

"Maybe we should stay here in Croatia. I can get a job and we can live here."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yea, I think we should."

"This place has been good for us," I said.


"Because we've changed a lot, especially you."

"That's true."

"How did this change happen?"

"I don't know. I guess I was tired of being good girl, always doing what others wanted and following the rules," she confessed as she took a deep breath and pushed her big breasts out.

"Things began to change after we moved to the city," I said.

"Yes, because I could be myself for once without anybody passing disapproving looks. I wanted to get out of that stifling environment and live as I wanted to live."

"I wonder what the town people would say if they saw us like this."

"They would say we have produced another Samantha." [A model that was caught in seductive poses with her son].

"How do you know about her?" I said in surprise.

"You think only you know about horny moms."

"Do you think she was really doing it with her son?"

"Don't know, but both do look pretty close from the pictures that are online."

"Yea, they do. Her son defended the photos by saying he was gay."

"Well, he would, wouldn't he?"

"Yea, I guess."

"OK, I want to ask you something. What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done before arriving here?"

"You tell me first," I said after thinking about it for a minute or so.

"It happened a long time ago. I was coming back from school with two friends and all three of us flashed our breasts to an oil-tanker driver. He was completely zapped."

"Did he follow you guys?"

"At first he was surprised then he smiled, but didn't come after us."

"It must have been one of his best days."

"Yea. Now you tell me."

"I once saw somebody nude."

"A woman?"

"Of course."

"Who was she?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Was it me?" she looked at me in puzzlement.

"No. Somebody else."


"Aunt Sophie," I said taking a deep breath.

"You saw Sophie?"

"Yes," I admitted as I averted my eyes away from her naked body and stared at the sand.


"I'd gone to her house and she was changing her clothes, so I peeked from the window."

"She was alone?"


"When did this happen?"

"About five months ago."

"You saw everything?"


"That's very, very bad. Weren't you afraid?"

"I was, but nobody was there, so it wasn't that difficult."

"Hmm. Is she more beautiful?"

"Of course not."

"She's lovely and well-stacked."

"So are you, plus you are gorgeous."

"Yea, yea, I know."

"No, I'm serious. Haven't you seen the men here look at you?"

"I thought they were looking at you."

"Shut up."

"I know what's your first fantasy, but what's your second?"

"What's my first fantasy?" I countered.

"Come on, I'm your mom. I know what you dream about. Tell me your second fantasy."

"That's a tough one to answer," I said.


"Have only thought about the first one, never reached the second."

"Come on, tell me."

"I really don't know. But I guess a threesome would be great."

"You mean two men and a woman?"

I growled at her and she laughed.

"Who will be the other woman? Sophie?"

"No particular preference. What's yours?"

"I don't know if it's a fantasy, but have thought about it a few times. I'd like to be taken by force by men?"

"Men? How many?"

"Two or three."

"You mean like raped?"

"Yea, something like that, but not too rough."

"So, what happens?"

"Well, they stop me on a deserted street at night, take me to some corner and take turns in... you know. Maybe they slap me, but nothing too rough. And then they leave me there on the street, with all my clothes torn."

"Wow! That's a detailed fantasy."

"Yea, but don't want it to come true, just a fantasy. Now go and take care of it and then let's go back."

"Why so soon? Let's stay here for a while."

"Don't worry. We've plenty of time. Now go."

I got up, took care of it behind the rocks and joined her for walk back to cottage. She had her arm around my waist, while my arm was on her hip.

"I like your walk," I said.


"You swing your hips just enough, not too much like some women."

"I like to keep them tight," she smiled.

"You mean your bums?"

"Yes, then what? So, what else you like?"

"I like our closeness, your naughtiness and free spirit."


"And I like everything about you."

She pointed toward a teenage girl, who like us was totally nude and was lying on the beach and said: "Isn't she beautiful?"

"Yes, she's," I said as I looked at her round and perky breasts and soft skin.

"Do you want her?"


"Why not?"

"Don't know."

"She'll be tight in all the right places."

"Maybe uptight too," I said smilingly.

"How about her?" she asked pointing toward a woman who was coming out of water with two kids.

"No," I lied as I looked at the woman's huge breasts and shaved pussy.

"I think you want her."

"No, I don't."

"Then why is he stiff again?"

"That's not because of her," I said when I saw her looking at my cock.

"OK," she said placing her arm around my naked waist.

We reached the hut and after I had washed my cock we went to hall and had lunch with some other guests, who were all naked like us. We tried to talk to them but the language was a problem, so we finished our lunch and went back to beach.

This time I had brought the camera and since hardly anybody came as far as our patch of the beach, we had all the privacy we needed.

Mom first took photos of me in various poses and then I took her snaps.

I took a photo where she was lying on sand on her stomach, her palm on her chin and waves lashing her legs and bums. Then I shot her arching her head back, her long hair falling back on her back and her breasts thrust forward. She posed for me with her legs apart, her pussy lips clearly visible, and both hands on her wide hips.

For one shoot, she lay down on her sides, her elbow supporting her body, and waves crashing into her naked bums. For another photo, she knelt down on water, spread her legs apart, and cupped her big breasts with both hands. Then she turned around, while I photographed her back and her bums, which were exquisite.

After her photo session was over, I placed the camera on a beach chair, set the timer on and joined her for some mom and son photographs.

For first photo, I stood behind her, while she knelt down on her knees and rested her head on my thigh. In second photo, she stood up and I held her from behind, putting my arms around her bare stomach and my fully erect cock pressed against her naked bums. Then she turned around and held me tightly in her arms, with her big breasts pressed against my chest and my cock against her stomach.

Then she lifted her right leg and wrapped it around my back and our arms on each other's bums and my cock rubbing against her pussy. Then she came behind me and held me tightly and held my cock with her hands, while my hands were on her bums. Then she knelt down again on her knees and I knelt down behind her and cupped her breasts with my hands and she put her hands on my cock.

We were in middle of session when we saw some people walking toward us, so we got up and sat down on the beach chairs.

"Promise me that you won't show these photos to anyone."

"I won't on one condition," I said.

"Huh? What condition?"

"From now on, I'll tell you what to wear and not to wear. You'll only wear clothes that I have approved."

"Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm serious."

"You will tell me what to wear?"


"What if I don't obey you?"

"Then you will find these photos everywhere."

"That'll hurt you, too."

"Me? Not a chance. Everybody will say 'What a lucky son'."

"You will tell me what to wear in office and at home?"

"Yes, I'll select your clothes, your sandals, even your stoles and everything else."

"We will see."

"Yes, we will."

She then winked at me and said:

"We can ask Sophie to come here and stay with us for some days. Would you like Sophie to come alone or with Pam?" she asked as she winked at me. [Pam is Sophie's daughter]

"I don't want her."

"Why? Pam is growing up fast. Don't you want to teach her a thing or two? She will soon be well-stacked like her mother."

"Well-stacked like her aunt, too. She's growing up fast, isn't she? Soon her body will resemble yours," I said.

"We can teach her how to get her young body out of those clothes. By the way, am I allowed to talk about other men?"

"Anyone in particular?"

"No, just men."

"Are you sure?"


"No. You are only allowed to talk about me."

"You can talk about other women, but I can't about other men?"

"Yes, that's how it's."


Then we went back to hut where I kissed her on her cheeks and tried to kiss her on her lips, but she held my hand and took me to bathroom where she sat down on the edge of bath tub and told me to masturbate.

"No, cum, I want to watch it," she said when I took her face in my arms and again tried to kiss her.

I cupped her big breasts, pinched her pink nipples and started masturbating and within seconds came all over her smooth long legs while she watched me. Then she cleaned the last bits of cum off my cock with her hand and took me under the shower where we showered together, rubbing soap all over each other's bodies, including her big breasts, her tight bums, her thighs, her legs and her lovely back, but she stopped me when I tried to reach her pussy.

She, meanwhile, rubbed the soap all over my back, legs, thighs and even on my bums, but not on my cock even though I tried to take her hand there.

In the evening, there was an Egyptian night theme party on the beach, so we dressed up and went to enjoy it. Both of us were wearing robes, rented from the resort, and nothing else.

As the party got into full swing, everybody started taking their clothes off and soon both Mom and I were standing naked with everybody around us and then we started dancing around a fire and just having a good time.

I started dancing with two women and then with just everybody else, while Mom took turns in dancing with men, who had their hands all over her and soon we all had our hands all over each other.

I saw Mom kissing both men and women, touching their breasts and cock and, at one stage, she sat down on a man's shoulders and he ran around the fire with her holding him by his head and screaming her lungs out in both fear and fun.

I don't remember with how many girls and women I danced that night or how many I touched and kissed, nor I remember how many men and women touched and kissed Mom, but I do remember we had a real blast and by the time the party came to end we saw some people having sex right there on beach, some in water and some on the sand.

We saw the teen girl, who Mom had earlier pointed out, sucking the cock of a man who must have been her father's age while another older man fingered her young pussy.

"She won't be tight for long," commented Mom when she saw the girl moaning in pleasure.

Another couple was having sex at the edge of water, with the woman riding the man and the guy had his hands all over her breasts. In all, we saw five or six couples having sex on beach or in water.

"It's time for your fantasy to come true," said Mom when we went back to our hut and I lay down on the couch.

She took my hand and dragged me to her room and on her bed and pushing me on the bed, she began sucking my toes one by one, while I kept my hands behind my head, and then she worked with her tongue on my legs and slowly my knees and thighs and then she turned me on my stomach and licked and kissed my legs, thighs, my bums and then she parted my legs and pushed her tongue down my hole and started licking it while I writhed in pure pleasure.

She then spread her naked body on my back and started kissing me on my neck, shoulders and then put her tongue in my ears and caressed my bums with her hands.

I turned my body around and she played with my nipples with her tongue, while my hands were all over her back, and then I lay her down on the bed and began kissing her neck, her shoulders and then sucked her erect nipples and cupped her big breasts with my hands.

She then sat down on my chest and pushed her nipples into my mouth and I sucked them like a hungry child and pressed her breasts with my both hands against my mouth.

"You like playing with your mom's nipples?" she asked as I wrapped my tongue around her pink nipples.

"No, tell me. Do you like playing with your mom's nipples?" she said when I nodded yes.

"I love your nipples, Mom. I love your big breasts?"

"Have you jerked off thinking about your mom?" she said pushing her nipple back into my mouth and pressing her breasts against my palms.

I nodded that I have.

"Do you want to fuck your mom?"

I again nodded yes, so she slid back, wrapped her fingers around my cock and pushed it into her pussy and said: "Fuck me, please. Fuck me hard, make me cum, please."

I cupped her breasts tightly and pushed my cock deep into her pussy and she then took over and placing her hands on my chest, started riding me tight and nicely. She then bent down a little and I sucked and bit her nipples, while my hands caressed her lovely bums and her pussy tightened around my cock.

There was sweat on her face, her long hair was falling on her side and her eyes had a hungry look. Within minutes, I heard her moaning and she arched her head back, dug her nails into my chest, tightened her whole body and started cumming. But that didn't make her stop and she continued riding me until I came inside her very wet pussy, then she lay down on me, resting her face on my shoulder and holding my head in her arms.

She remained in that position for at least five minutes, then she lifted her face, looked me in eyes and said: "Was it good?"

"Yes, it was," I said kissing her bare shoulders.

"It had been a very long time, so got carried away. Next time, I won't rush it and will let you enjoy."

"I really enjoyed it. Don't worry. We had a great time," I said as I caressed her back and cupped her breasts.

"You like them?" she asked looking at my hands cupping her boobs.

"Of course. Who doesn't?"

"That's true. First it was boys who wanted them, then men and now my son."

"I want everything, not just them," I said slapping her naked bums.

"You will get whatever you want, promise you. I just want you to be happy."

"I'm happy, Mom. Wait. Be right back."

I went to kitchen, lighted two cigarettes, took out a bottle of wine and went back to room and handed her cigarettes and bottle and carried her in my arms out of hut and to beach.

She put her leg over my thigh, her arms around my back, closed her eyes and buried her face into my chest, while I caressed her lovely back and her long, red hair... our naked bodies wrapped around each other like lovers.