I have one sister. Her name is Elizabeth, but I call her Liz or Lizzy. She is 24 years old, an arts major at an out of state university. My name is Lucas, my sister calls me Luc, I am 28 years old. I am a moderately successful studio and contract musician. Jazz is my love and joy.

It has been a few years since I had last seen my sister. As kids we had become very close. But as life's choices took us in different directions we saw less and less of each other. We of course loved each other as brother and sister, we knew no different.

Elizabeth had come home from university for the summer and I had just returned home from a gruelling thirteen month long world tour with a music entertainment group of which I was one of the contracted musicians.

Elizabeth and I seemed never to have time off at the same time, always just missing each other, until this summer that had become pivotal to our lives.

Elizabeth, who lived with our parents out in the suburbs, was coming to visit me at my place which is a large soundproofed third floor studio condo in the downtown core built in an old converted red brick warehouse with exposed brick walls and massive wood beams which held up the floors above.

My heart skipped a beat when the intercom sounded. I was quite excited to see her. I buzzed her in and waited expectantly.

Then came the knock at the door. I opened the door and received the shock of my life. Standing there was a stunningly beautiful woman, not the gangly androgynously dressed tomboy I expected.

The girl before me wore a very flattering spring dress with opened arms, which actuated her perfect shape. She had curves in all the right places. While not skinny she was not plump either. She had generous hips that held a promise of endless pleasures, a round well developed posterior of sublime fantasies, perfect welcoming breasts not large nor small. I estimated her breasts to be a thirty six C.

Then her face. If a face can launch a thousand ships, her face could launch a million. Helen of Troy would have nothing on her. A mouth so sensual, perfect symmetrical full lips. Her nose straight and authoritative.

Then there are her eyes. They astounded me and weakened my knees. They are hazel brown which sparkled with the effervescence of life.

Her auburn hair was tied back which showed her regal neck and flawless face.

"Liz, come in." I said as I ushered her in.

"Hello Luc." She said as she gave me a chaste kiss on my mouth and then hugged me warmly.

"So, how have you been brother? I have missed you." She said as she walked around examining my recently cleaned home.

"I missed you too. But I am good. Just chilling and waiting for my agent to book my next gig. I might have some studio jobs in town, or work with a group at local venues." I told her as I watched her walk around my place.

She examined a Grammy award I received for my contribution on a production for a recording of the year. She looked at the couple of gold albums I had hanging on the wall along with numerous other lesser known awards.

An array of instruments sat in the corner such as Saxophones ranging from a Contrabass Sax to Piccolo Sax, a trumpet, an electric keyboard, a small Gretsch drum kit, a Fender amp and Telecaster guitar, and a Sliver Creek Rocker string upright bass. These were the tools of my trade.

I of course did not play all of them, just the sax, horn, and the keyboards. The other instruments were good for impromptu jam sessions with friends and colleagues.

"Very impressive." She said.

"Thank you." I replied.

I offered her beer or wine. She opted for a red wine. I opened a bottle and poured a glass for her. I grabbed myself a beer and sat down beside her on the couch.

"How's your love life, any girlfriends?" She asked.

"No real girlfriend, not since Jane anyway. Just a couple of fuck buddies. I don't have time for one really, and any I have tried seem unfulfilling, not complete, if you know what I mean." I tell her.

"Have you seen Jane since your breakup?" She asked.

"No, just her name when it's on the charts or at award shows when I watch them." I replied.

"You miss her?" She asked.

"No, I am over her. How about you?" I asked.

In truth, Jane took a piece of my heart with her when she suddenly packed up and announced that she was going to New York City to pursue her music career. Well she did make it big, her name was on all the charts, and her videos played everywhere.

"To begin with, I know exactly what you mean when you say they are unfulfilling. But no I have not had any boyfriends in some time, just a girlfriend." She said as she looked at me for a reaction.

"Girlfriend?" I asked.

"I am a lesbian." She said as matter of fact.

"Really? When did that happen." I asked genuinely surprised.

"It happened about four or five years ago after I found boys to be consistently shallow and unfulfilling. All they want is stick their thing in you and dump their load and move on, usually without letting you experience an orgasm. Often Leaving me to jill off on my own. So experimented with girls. I found girls a lot more satisfying. Being with a girl was more than just sex. So I switched teams." She said nonchalantly.

"Well damn sis. The men of this world have lost one smokingly hot woman. But if you are happy, then I am happy for.

"Thank you Luc. Yes I am happy, but I can't say the same about dad."

"Well dad is a case in itself. He has one too many hangups." I said.

"Do you fulfill your women's needs?" She asked.

"I make it my mission to make a girl cum at least once before the main event. I found that I get a more involved response from the girls that way, which I thoroughly enjoy doing anyways." I explained.

She looked at me and searched my face as if trying to read my thoughts, or trying to fathom my thoughts.

"I like that we can talk to each other like this. I feel relaxed and comfortable with you." She said as she sat with her hands between knees with her legs splayed apart as she sat back.

We began reminiscing about times gone by. We talked about those beautiful summer days at the cottage. I had not been to the cottage in years. We had spent many beautiful days under the sun, in the water, splashing around and just doing what kids do.

"Do you remember when I was fourteen and I asked you to teach me how to kiss?" She asked.

"Yeah I remember." I replied.

"That was so funny. I almost bit your tongue off in surprise when you stuck it in my mouth." She laughed and then sipped her wine and pushed against my shoulder.

"Yeah, I think you left a permanent indent across my tongue where you bit me." I scowled.

"I did say I was sorry." She laughed. "You should have told me you were going to do that."

"Well I hope you have improved since then." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I think I have as I am sure you have." She said mirthfully. "Why don't we try it again. I am curious to see how much we have improved." She said impulsively.

"What? Really?" I asked.

"It's just a kiss. It meant nothing then, so no different now. Besides we are siblings, not strangers. It would be good for a laugh." She said.

"Okay, I guess." I said as I moved to face her and was about to kiss my smoking hot sister.

She cupped my face as I held her shoulders and placed my mouth on hers and kissed her, my tongue swam warmly into her mouth and was met by hers which gratefully accepted mine as our tongues danced seductively together. Her lips were so soft and warm, her tongue wonderfully inviting.

Elizabeth pushed herself into me and the kiss took on a whole new life and meaning and began to become deep and sincere and so beautiful. My hands slipped off her shoulders to wrap my arms around her waist, while she put her hands around the back of my neck and head.

I could not stop as we free fell into an abyss of an emotional magnitude, then something suddenly clicked. It was like an awakening, and I realized that this woman was the one, the one who would complete me, my soul mate. I wanted her in the most severe way.

Suddenly Elizabeth broke the kiss and pulled back. And held her fingers to her lips as if they got burnt and gave me an incredulous look.

"What the fuck just happened? Did you feel that?" She looked at me in dismay.

"Yes, I think I did." I said bewilderedly as I suddenly saw her in a new light.

"We can't, I mustn't." She looked totally confused and conflicted.

"I've got to go." She said as she got up hurriedly, grabbed her jacket and purse and fled out of my place.

"Wait." I called after her. She glanced back fearfully and pulled the door closed behind her.

I looked at the door as it closed behind her. It felt as though my heart had been ripped out of me. I felt a fear, a fear of impending loss. My head swam as I tried to comprehend what had just occurred.

I had just kissed my sister which felt fucking amazing. Improved? Hell yeah she had improved dramatically. Then the sudden revelation that I felt more than what a brother should feel for his sister shook me to the core.

I found myself wanting her, wanting to be with her, wanting to love her, wanting to be inside her. Inside her? What hell does that mean? Did she feel the same way?

Christ, I have gotten the hots for my sister. How twisted is that. She is fucking beautiful, incredibly hot looking. Is that all it is? Am I just attracted to her physically? No it's more than that. I feel enormously attracted to her and also feel a greater personal attachment to her.

For the next few days I walked around in a daze. I could not fathom the many powerful emotions I felt and did not know how to deal with them.

Okay, I think I could deal with it if I just wanted to fuck her, but there was more, so much more. How could I let possibly the best thing in my life slip away. I prayed that she would call. I checked to see if she had text or email. Nothing.

A week had gone by and I reached to pick up my phone and call her. Just then my phone rang. It was her..

"Hello." I answered nervously.

There was silence, then she said, "Lucas, we have to talk."

"Yes... when, where?" I asked.

"Not at your place. Somewhere public." She said.

"Okay, how about dinner at that Italian place, Romero's, down the road from here." I suggested.

"Okay, at seven. See you." And she terminated the call.

I arrived before seven and got a secluded table. It was not hard to tell when she arrived when all heads turned to look at her.

"Hello Luc." She greeted me. She made an attempt to kiss me but changed her mind and just took her seat instead. I felt a little disappointed.

"Hello Liz." I said.

"You look like shit." She commented.

"Trouble sleeping." I said.

God she looked incredible. Her eyes were clear and lucid, just so amazing I could look into them forever. And her smile, her mouth, god she is beautiful. I could not help feeling that god made her so fucking beautiful just to taunt me.

"Yes, me too." She said.

"You don't look it. You look amazing." I said which caused a slight blush to burn her face.

We ordered food and drinks and looked at each other as we waited. I reached out to her hands and she pulled hers back.

"I don't trust myself just yet." She said.

There was a pause of silence as we looked at each other, trying to read each other.

"Do you feel what I feel?" She asked finally as we got into the heart of the matter.

"Yes I do. I think I am in love with you Elizabeth. No matter which way I look at things, I love you. I feel so very attracted to you." I tell her.

She moved her head closer to me as she leaned across the table. "We are brother and sister, Luc. We can't have those type feelings for each other." She said in hushed tones.

"Don't you?" I asked.

"Yes I do. I love you very much and it scares the freaking hell out of me. All I want is to be with you. It's just not right, Luc." She said as she looked at me intently.

"I can deal with it if it was a purely physical attraction and all we wanted was to fuck each other, but it goes way beyond that. I am, or was a lesbian and I had been quite comfortable with that, until now." She continued.

"Then I guess we should stop seeing and talking to each other." I said.

"No, don't say that. We can't." She said quickly, a worried look flit across her brow.

"Then what are we going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. But I do know that I can't ignore this. I have never felt this way for anyone or anything before. It feels so freaking wonderful. It is like everything has fallen into place, like it's been you I have been waiting for all my life. I am in love with you too, Lucas. That kiss, it was like it unlocked a door. I began to understand that those feelings were always there. Over time they had developed and matured." She said as she reached to my hands and held them.

"Yes I agree with you. It was as though the last piece of the puzzle had fallen into place with a distinctive click. All I know is that I want you, I yearn for you. I want to be with you. God you are amazingly beautiful. You may be right about those feelings were always there waiting to mature. I have never felt like this for anyone before either. Yes I am scared too, but I am petrified that I will lose you." I said to her as I held her hands.

"I am your sister and you won't lose me regardless of this outcome." She assured me while she regarded me for a moment.

"I think your testosterone levels are obscuring your vision." She laughed. "While I try, I am not as beautiful as you say." She said with modesty..

"Sister, I have met many women in my travels and you just so damn hot, they pale in comparison."

"Oh Lucas, stop that, that's not true." She blushed profusely.

Our drinks arrived and we let go of each other's hands. The server smiled at us sweetly, thinking that we were on a date.

I looked at my sister over the rim of my glass as she took a sip of her wine. She caught me looking at her and blushed.

"Stop that, Luc." Her face betrayed the joy she felt.

"Stop what?" I teased.

"You know." She said as she gazed back at me. I am further drawn to her by her adorable vivacity and charm.

"What are we going to do Luc?" She asked with a wistful smile.

"Nothing. We have not done anything to be worried or ashamed about. We are just addressing our feelings, that's all."

"I will have to break up with Alison." She said forlornly.

"Why do that? You cannot just end it because of us."

"It's all about us, Luc. Why lead her on when there is no longer any substance to my relationship with her."

I see her eyes well up with tears and I feel her pain. While I don't know anything about Alison, she obviously felt a great deal about her.

"I want very much for you to hold me, but I am scared it would not stop there."

I squeezed her hands to reassure her. I wanted to hold her too. I wanted to kiss her.

The tension between us had dissipated. We began to feel comfortable with each other. We began to enjoy each other.

We scanned each other's face as if we had seen each other for first time. I look at her auburn hair, her eyes, god those eyes astonish me every time I looked into them. The shape of her chin, her cheekbones, and her neck.

"I have had a crush on you ever since I can remember." She said as she took a sip of her wine.

"I did not know that." I said.

"Yes. I used follow you all over the place, or sit on the sidelines to watch you. I felt jealous when you were kissing Josie, your then girlfriend. I even saw you masturbating once. I did not know what it meant at the time." She said.

"What? Really? It seems like you were stalking me." We laughed.

Our meals arrived and we ate while taking furtive glances at each other.

"Are you upto going to a club after?" I asked. She looked up with interest.

"There is a club down the road two blocks that has a good jazz band playing. They play a few tunes that you can even dance to. A buddy of mine is playing there tonight." I tell her.

"That sounds delightful. I really need to loosen up have some fun." She said as she looked at me with those eyes which sparkled with life.

After dinner we went to the nightclub where we danced and enjoyed each other tremendously. Her face glowed with joy. I never felt happier.

She had a few glasses of wine and I had a few beers. We sat close to each other at the table. She put her hands on me and I put mine on her as if we were an item. We spoke no more about our obvious feelings.

She received numerous stares and curious looks from a many of men and a few women too. A band member I knew commented that my girlfriend looked quite hot. I did not correct him. I did feel proud of her, she was exceptionally beautiful. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then there were many eyes beholding my sister.

We left the club some time after midnight. We walked hand in hand toward my place. As we arrived she stood in front of me as she held both my hands and looked up at me.

"Thank you for tonight Luc, I really enjoyed myself. But I need to go home, I hope you understand."

I nodded my head that I understood. But really I did not. How can she deny what she felt? She was a stronger person than I.

"Can I call you when I get to bed tonight?" She asked.

"Absolutely." I answered. She smiled.

She hailed a passing cab. Just as she was about to climb in, she ran back to me and kissed me on the lips and then tore herself away, her eyes capturing mine for a moment, and then ran back to the cab and hopped in. The cab pulled away as she closed the door. I saw her face looking back at me before she was out of view.

Thirty minutes later as I laid naked in my bed I received a Skype call. Answering it I saw my sister's beautiful face and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hi," she said softly.

"Hi," I replied softly.

"Thanks again for a wonderful evening, Luc. I really enjoyed myself. It felt like a date. Was it?"

"Maybe it was. It was not my intention, but I just did not want my time with you to end." I said.

"I love you Luc." Again those eyes of hers just floored me.

"I love you too, Liz."

We spoke in generalities, about mom and dad, about anything but the elephant in the room which was our mutual desire to be with each other and perhaps become intimate with each other.

She then moved onto her side and set her tablet beside her on the bed. It became apparent that she also slept in the nude when had a glimpse of her naked breasts as she moved the tablet into a new position. I was not sure if that was done purposely.

I did the same and we just gazed at each other. Slowly her eyes began close and then she was asleep. I could not help feeling that I was just dreaming. If I was then I did not want to wake up. I continued to watch her sleep for a few more minutes before terminating the link and falling into a fitful sleep.

Over the next few weeks we spoke often on the phone, or text each other, or Skyped. We went out with each other just about every day when I was free. We had become regulars at the one club and had formed friendships with people who only knew us a couple.

We went to the beach where I got a better appreciation of how insanely hot she was when dressed in a bikini. She walked on the beach with a self assured confidence as if she owned the ground she walked on.

We went to the movies, art galleries, and museums. She however never came upstairs to my place.

In the clubs or other public places she would openly display her affections by caressing the back of my neck and head and then placed soft kisses on my neck just below my ear, or she would trace the contours of my face with her fingers while she looked at me with those, 'I want to fuck you' eyes, before placing a soft kiss on my cheek or at the corner of my mouth.Then one night at the club while we were slow dancing with each other I began to develop an erection up against her pubic mound.

"Is that for me, dear brother?" She whispered in my ear as we continued to dance.

"Yes it's for you. I could not help it." I answered.

She pulled tighter against me. "You just made my Kitty tingle." She whispered.

We left the club as we normally did. I was certain that she was finally going to come upstairs with me. Then she stopped, she said her goodbyes and then kissed me softly on my lips.

She then whispered in my ear. "I left something in your jacket pocket for you."

"No, wait until you get inside." She told me as I reached for my jacket pocket.

"Okay baby." I said as I dropped my hand.

"Baby? I like that." She smiled at me and then slayed me with her eyes.

"Good night Luc." She said as she got into the cab, then she turned back. "I forgot to mention, mother said you are invited for Sunday dinner tomorrow. See you there."

When I got upstairs to my place I checked my pocket and pulled out a pair of her panties. I chuckled and took it to my nose and it became apparent that she had become excited on the dance floor when my erection was pushing against her.

She did not Skype that night, much to my dissapointment. But with the help of her panties I stroked myself to a sweet orgasm as I inhaled her sweet scent.


Sunday with mom and dad. I arrived at about noon. I immediately raided the fridge for one of my dad's beers.

"Hello mom, you look ravishing as usual." I said as held her close, my crotch pushed against her pubic mound, and then audaciously kissed her on the lips and then caressed her ass as I released her. There were no sexual intentions in my actions.

"Hello Lucas. Always good to see you." She said as she beamed and tried to hide her blushing face.

My mom still looks quite good. I could imagine her as a MILF if I thought about it. Damn, I did just think about it.

"I like that you and Elizabeth have become so close. It's good for you two to bond with each other after not seeing each other for so many years." Mom said to me.

"Yeah it's good seeing her again. Lots of changes." I replied.

I was becoming anxious to see Elizabeth when she finally came into the kitchen. Our eyes met and we held each other for a few moments before we reluctantly disengaged.

She was dressed in black yoga pants and a loose black top which hung off her right shoulder exposing a fair amount of her unencumbered breast, her nipples pushing out the thin fabric. She looked very relaxed. God she looked hot. When I looked at her ass it was obvious that she either wore a thong or nothing at all.

"Hello my beautiful baby sister."

"Hello my handsome big brother." She said with her eyes sparkled with genuine joy at seeing me.

We then hugged each other. "I love you." She whispered as she kissed my cheek.

"I love you." I whispered as I kissed her cheek.

I wanted desperately to feel her lips on mine. I forced my eyes from her mouth.

We sat down to an early dinner with Elizabeth next to me. Mom had a prime rib roast cooked to perfection, assorted vegetables and of course roasted potatoes. After a short prayer, dad began to carve the roast.

"Mom, are either of us adopted?" I asked.

Elizabeth choked on a sip of wine and sputtered as she looked at me as if i was insane.

"Of course not. What a strange question to ask." Mom replied.

"Elizabeth and I do not look all that close." I said. "The same father?"

"Lucas I don't like what you are implying. My husband is the father of both of my children." She said crossly as she glared at me.

"He is probably asking because he is curious why his sister is a DYKE, and he is not queer." Dad put in.

"Elizabeth is a lesbian, dad. Why can't you just appreciate and support her instead of laying on all the guilt. And you call her a dyke and say it like an expletive. Why not just call her a cunt if that's how you feel about her sexual orientation.' I said angrily.

My mother looked up aghast.

"Lucas, that was totally uncalled for. Stop this line of talk this instant and apologize to you father and your sister." My mother admonished me angrily. Damn my mother looks hot when she is angry.

"I am sorry mom. I am sorry dad." I said contritely.

"I am sorry Liz. I know that was crude." I said to her.

"Elizabeth, I am sorry as well. Lucas is right. I should be more supportive of your decisions. If girls are who you like, then I am happy for you." Dad said to her.

Elisabeth looked at me as if I was her hero for coming to her defense.

Mom looked proudly at me and Liz, and lovingly at dad. I am sure dad was going to get something special from her tonight.

Dinner continued pleasantly enough. Liz and I made numerous glances at each other. Then she sexually teased me by sensually licking the spoon she was using to eat her ice cream.

"I love you, Luc." Liz whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, baby." I whispered back.

"What are two saying to each and smiling so sweetly about?" Mom asked us.

"Ahh, nothing really. Liz said she wants to get in my pants." I replied.

"Oh my god Luc, that is so not true. I can't believe you just said that." Elizabeth said incredulously as she punched my arm. I grinned mirthfully as I rubbed my arm.

"Lucas, what is the matter with you? Be nice to your sister. I just finished telling you how pleased I was that the two of you were bonding so well." Mom said to me.

Through the rest of the afternoon Liz and I glanced at each other often. We surreptitiously touched each other by either brushing up against each other's bodies. I helped her with dishes, placing my hand on hers as I helped her lift the roasting pan.

Night arrived and I wished everyone a goodnight.

"Thanks for inviting me for dinner mom, it was delicious and very much appreciated." I said to her as I kissed her softly on her lips.

"By the way mom, you look quite hot when you angry. If I was not your son I would be all over you."

"Oh shush, Lucas. What has got into you today." Mom responded. But I could see she enjoyed the compliment.

"Stop flirting with my wife," my dad said. "You will have to wait until I am dead and buried and then I will not care who she fucks."

"George!" My mother was mortified. "What is wrong with the men of this family today." She said as she looked crossly at me and dad.

"As I said mom, hot." I said to my mother with a mischievous grin.

"Out, out." My mother said with a pleased look as she pointed to the door and then slapped my ass as I passed her.

"Mom," Elizabeth began, "did Lucas get dropped on his head at birth or get switched at birth by a roving band of gypsies?" She asked.

"That would explain a lot of things if it were so." Mom said as I walked out the door.

Elizabeth followed me to my beat up rusty four by four old pick-up truck with her arm around my waist as she walked beside me.

"It was good to see you, Luc." She said as she explored my face.

I held her hand as I leaned against my truck door and looked at her and into those eyes.

"Yes it's good to see you too. I just wish you would come home with me." I said to her.

"You know why that can't happen, Luc. As much as I want that, it would be wrong." She said.

"We don't have to have sex." I said to her.

"No Luc. We would not be able to keep our hands off each other." She regarded me for a few moments.

"Good night, Luc. She said as she leaned in and gave me a lingering kiss on my lips before she pulled away,

"Good night, Liz." I said, feeling dejected as I got into my truck. I looked at her once more before I drove off.Then one Saturday night after we had gone out, she went home as she usually did and then connected with me on Skype. It was the usual banter back and forth and declaring our love for each other.

"Why is your shoulder moving like that?" She asked me.

"Uhm...Because I am stroking myself?" I said.

"Oh my god, you perv. I don't believe you. Let me see." She said with a laugh.

I move my tablet so she could see what I was doing and waited for her reaction.

"Oh fuck you are, and you are huge. You are about three to four inches above your hand. Get closer, it looks beautiful." She said excitedly.

"How big are you?" She giggled.

"I don't know. Seven maybe eight inches. I never checked." I told her.

At first I just held my cock in my hand, then began to slowly stroke it again while she watched. Knowing that she could see made me swell larger and even harder.

"Luc, this is so freaking hot." She whispered as she continued to stare at my cock and lick her lips.

"Well since I showed you mine, how bout you show me yours?" I said to her.

"You are crazy, how can you ask me that, I'm your sister."

"Fuck, don't remind me." I groaned as I continued to stroke my cock.

Then suddenly her breasts came into view. They looked magnificent. "Liz, you have gorgeous breasts."

"You really think so." She said as she began playing with her breasts with one hand, pulling and pinching her nipples.

"Yes they are very beautiful. I'd happily push my face in them." I said with a grin.

"All this is making me so horny, and very wet."

"Let me see your wet pussy." I said to her.

"Luc you are so bad, but I can't resist showing you." She giggled delightfully.

I saw her move the tablet until her legs and pelvis come into view She then she opened her legs and let me view her bald vagina. The sight caused me to immediately salivate and a renewed surge of blood to further engorge my already swollen cock.

"Damn Liz, your pussy looks fucking amazing. No wonder all the girls want to taste you. I certainly could spend a lot of time with my face between your legs." I said salaciously as I continued to stroke my cock..

"Oh Luc, would you?" She asked as she began to touch her very wet vagina, running her fingers up and down her outer labia. She let out a moan as she delved deeper into her sex.

"I would like you to taste Kitty." She moaned as she slipped her fingers back and forth through her sopping wet gash.

"Liz, baby, you make me so hard my cock feels as if it wants to burst." I moaned to her.

A pre-cum pearl formed on the tip of my cock and glistened wetly.

"Oh god, Luc. Rub your thumb over the head of your cock and imagine that it is my tongue licking you before I take you into my mouth and suck your beautiful cock." She said which caused me to let out a groan.

"Think of me licking your pussy, Liz, sticking my tongue in your slit and into your hole." I tell her.

"I am Luc, I am. Yes lick me Luc, suck Kitty Luc." She crooned.

We continued to masturbate ourselves while we watched each other. Then she thrust her fingers deep into her hole and let out a cry.

"Put your cock in me Luc. Fuck me Luc, fuck me hard." She cried.

"Yes feel my cock inside you, stretching you open as I ride it in and out of you." I told her as I took long strokes of my cock with my hand.

"Yes Luc fuck me, it feels so good. Fill me with you cock." She cried out.

"Liz, I am going to cum." I groaned as my orgasm emerged from its depths.

"Yes, oh yes, cum in me, cum in me Luc." She cried in ecstasy. .

Then it struck. My semen burst out in thick streams which arched through the air to land hotly on my chest and stomach, one after the other as my body convulsed and shuddered. "Lizzy!" I shouted.

"Oh god...Luc, Luc, Luc.." She called out urgently before she let out a protracted cry, her hips bucked and she is shaken by a very hot orgasm.

We laid there, our heavy breathing is all that can be heard as we continued to gaze at each other's genitalia.

"Luc that was awesome." She breathed deeply.

Then she removed her fingers from her vagina with a squelch, and then moved the tablet so she could be on her side, just as I did, and put her wet fingers in her mouth and sucked them as she looked at me.

"I wish this was your cock I was sucking clean, all wet with Kitty's juices and your cum." She said lustfully. I was all grins as I looked at her and getting hard again.

"You speak of Kitty as if it's the name of your vagina." I said to her.

"Yes she is called Kitty, and my breasts are simply known as the girls." She said shyly.

"Cute." I replied.

Again we started up. This time we sat with our backs against the headboard of our beds, placed the tablets before us and touched ourselves. She brought out a vibrator to use one herself.

She then worked it into herself, moaning loudly. She pushed it deeper into herself. I could see the pleasure on her face as she lay back. The sight was amazing.

As I stroked myself as she ran a commentary. "Yes big brother, fuck Kitty with your big fat cock. Push it deep in me, make me squeal, I want to squeal for you. Fuck me till I can't cum anymore, make me hurt so sweetly, don't stop brother, don't stop."

Then suddenly her eyes shot open and she looked at me amazed as a new orgasm gripped her and shook her body. "Luc..." She urgently called my name.

Simultaneously we had cum, my semen shot upward which fell over my bed, finally running over my hand and fingers. We gazed at each other's heaving and shuddering bodies. We came to a rest. She slowly extracted the chrome dildo from her body and trembled.

I could not help thinking that she was quite a cock slut for a lesbian. She probably has since lost her membership card. I chuckled.

"What are you laughing about?" She looked at me questioningly.

"I was thinking about your lesbian membership, I think you lost it. " I laughed.

"I guess I have." She laughed.

Then again on our sides, we reach out to each other as if holding hands, I watched her fall asleep and watched her for a few minutes more before fading away.

We continued this form of communing for several days. We had drew even closer to each other as we shared our most intimate thoughts and equally intimate images of our bodies with each other.

Then the following weekend after we spent the day with each other we again Skyped each other that night and masturbated while we watched each other. We both came hard amidst cries of joy. We did this twice.

Then as we lay gazing at each other, the look of utmost joy in her face dissolved into utter sorrow and deep sadness.

"I wish I was with you. I wish you were in me. Luc, I want you so bad. I want to feel you cum inside me, just you and only you." She began to cry, her tears fell like rain.

"I want...I want to look into your eyes when we make love. I want to feel your skin against mine. I want to see the look of your face when I make you cum. I want to kiss you openly, I want to tell the world I love you." She sobbed. I felt her pain.

"Don't cry Liz, please don't cry." I rasped as I try to quell a sob that lodged painfully in my throat in empathy to her discomfort.

"Luc, doing this with you for the past few nights has felt so good. Can you just imagine how it would have felt if we were actually making love to each other? How can something that feels so good be so wrong? Why is incest wrong? Explain this to me." She asked in a plaintive cry.

"I wish I had never kissed you. I wish I was not your sister." She looked at me pitifully. "I wish I was in your arms. I need you Luc."

My own tears began to fall. I could not help myself. My sister was in distress and I was the cause. I felt helpless to do anything. We had crossed that boundary and we could not turn back. While she and I have never been physically intimate, our hopes and dreams have been very intimate.

What we did tonight and other nights only served to remind us that we could never truly be together. We could only look at each other from afar, even while in the same room or next to each other. Our spirits would simmer with pent up desires that could never come to fruition.

Suddenly the screen went blank as she terminated the connection.I began to feel quite anxious. My twenty four year old sister Elisabeth, who i call Liz or Lizzy, has not called me or answered any of my calls over the last several days since our last Skype session which she had terminated suddenly. I am Lucas, but my sister calls me Luc, and I am twenty eight years old.

Mom called me to asked why Elizabeth was being so moody and irritable. I told her that perhaps she'd broke up with her girlfriend which seemed to satisfy her. I asked her to have Elizabeth call me. She said she would.

Then mom called back a couple of days later and the earth dropped out from under my feet and it felt as though I had the wind knocked out of me by a shovel to the chest.

"What did you say?" I asked my mother with staggered breath.

"It's Elizabeth. She's been in a car accident and she is in hospital on life support. She is at Belvedere Memorial." My mother's voice quavered.

I heard nothing more after that. My world went into a tailspin as I thought of Liz lying at death's door. I felt sick to my stomach and swallowed back the bile that rose up into my throat.

I rushed out and took a cab to the hospital across town. My heart raced as I sat in the back seat feeling emotionally and physically distressed.

I recalled what her last words to me were. She was very conflicted about our relationship. She could not reconcile the fact that we as brother and sister were deeply and unequivocally in love with each other, but least of all we carnally lusted for each other.

While we never had sex with each other we did have very intimate Skype sessions where we shared intimate images of our bodies or watched each other masturbate with thoughts of having sex with each other.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I hammered my knee in frustration and self-recrimination. From the rear view mirror the cab driver looked back nervously.

This was all my fault. Directly or indirectly I was always pushing her to have sex with me. As much as she wanted me carnally, she could not bring herself to break that taboo against incest.

It all started with just a kiss. For a laugh we kissed each other to see how far we had improved from that very first time when I attempted to teach her how to kiss so many years ago.

However that last kiss awoke within us an unexpected set of dormant emotions of which we were unprepared for. It awoke within us a strong attraction and deep personal attachment toward each other, as well as a raw concupiscence for each other that neither of us had expected or could have expected. We enjoyed each other's company. We had become deeply in love with each other.

I arrived at the hospital and paid the cab fare and rushed into emergency. I saw my mother and father standing outside the ICU looking very distressed. A grave looking priest had his hands on their shoulders in sympathy, and then walked away as I arrived.

"How is she?" I asked. My mother turned to me., her eyes red and puffy.

"Oh Lucas, she just received last rites." My mom sobbed and then wept pitifully as she put out her arms to me. "Elizabeth is not going make it, my baby, my sweet beautiful baby is not going to survive." She said near hysteria then wept inconsolably in my shoulder as I held her.

I looked at my father as I held my distraught mother. His face was grim.

"What happened?" I asked my dad. My legs shook. God I needed to piss bad.

"Elizabeth said she was upset about something," he began with a strained voice, while he clenched and unclenched his fists.

"She said she needed to be by herself to think and headed up to the cottage late last night against my advice." He swallowed hard.

"She apparently swerved to avoid a deer on the road and crashed through a guardrail and into a lake. A trucker who saw the incident called for help before going into the water and made numerous attempts before he was able to get her out of her submerged car." He paused to wipe his eyes.

"She was not breathing, her vital signs were absent. The trucker administered CPR until the paramedics arrived. She was taken to a local hospital and then airlifted here to Memorial. Were it not for that truck driver the outcome would have been very different. But it remains to be seen. She suffers from hypothermia and hypoxia " He told me shakily.

My mother let go of me and returned to my father and continued to sob in his shoulder as she clutched him tightly. They were ushered into a private waiting room for family members.

I went into Elizabeth's room and was unprepared at what I saw. She lay motionless, her face bruised and lacerated as were her arms. She had a endotracheal ventilator tube down her throat via her mouth and ECG electrodes attached to various parts of her chest. There was also an oxygen sensor on her finger, a saline drip and other bags of medication fixed into the back of her hand, and a blood pressure cuff around her arm which inflated automatically from time to time.

She looked pale, like luminous alabaster with a hint of blue. Her veins showed clearly through the skin of her neck. Her breathing was very shallow. The slow ping of the heart monitor, the sound of air flow and the chuffing sound of the respirator quietly imbued the room with a calmness of impending death. Tears ran down my face as I gripped the rails of her bed.

"I am so sorry Liz," I spoke softly. "I should never have pushed you. I should never have kissed you. Don't leave us Lizzy, please, please come back." I begged her.

I began to think that it was divine intervention. God had put a stop to our relationship by ending Elizabeth's life. But why Elizabeth? She was the one who resisted having sex with each other. I should have been the one to die. I was the sinful one. I was the one who continually enticed her. I was the one to kiss her. It was just a kiss.

I prayed to God for the first time in my life. I prayed that God would forgive her and spare her life. I prayed and asked God, no I begged God to take my life instead and send me to eternal damnation. I bent over her and softly kissed her cold blue lips at the corner of her mouth.

I pulled up a chair and sat watch over her. For the next few days and nights I neither ate nor slept as I held vigil over her. Facial hair now covered my face. I am sure by now I must have smelled. My parents became concerned with my health due to lack of food and sleep. They brought me black coffee and deli sandwiches. I drank the coffee but nibbled the food sparingly. Food nauseated me. I dropped the side rail of her bed, crossed my arms over the edge of her bed and laid my head on them. I felt exhausted but I could not sleep. I would doze for a few minutes before waking with a start.

"I had no idea Lucas had become so attached to Elizabeth." I heard my mother say to my father while they thought I was asleep.

"Yes, I had noticed how they looked at each other when Lucas came over for Sunday dinner." My father began.

"The way they would touch each other when they thought we were not looking. I had to wonder if they have been sleeping with each other. But there was never a night that she stayed at his place. But that doesn't mean they did not as they had plenty opportunity through the day. One night, as I passed her room, I thought I heard her call his name while she was pleasuring herself." He said just above a whisper.

"Do you think it's their relationship that's been bothering Elizabeth?" Mom asked.

"I simply don't know, Catherine." My dad answered thoughtfully and paused.

"It's perfectly natural for siblings to be close to each other. Even as kids they were close to each other. And now after such a long separation they have just renewed that relationship with each other. Perhaps we are reading too much into it." My dad said.

"I remember when Elizabeth was born, Lucas could not pronounce her name and called her Liz instead. He still calls her that." My mother said and let out a sob. I could hear them hold each other.

On the third day, with my parents consent, they removed the endotracheal tube from her throat, essentially removing her life support, and placed an oxygen feed under her nose and fitted her with a nasogastric tube to feed her. The doctor said it was now up to her and the grace of God. He said that because of the length of oxygen deprivation her memories may not be intact if she did survive. She had suffered from hypothermia and her brain had suffered a certain degree of hypoxia. They really did not know to what extent.

My parents again brought coffee and sandwiches to sustain me. My mother stood behind me and rubbed my shoulders as I continued to gaze upon my sister's face as I sat at her bedside. Those eyes, those fucking beautiful eyes, I may never see them again, I thought.

I could no longer contain myself. I felt brutally tired. My nerves were fried. I was an emotional mess. I suddenly burst into tears and turned my face to my mother.

"Her eyes, mom. Her eyes are amazingly beautiful. I could just get lost in them mom." I sobbed as she held the side of my head against her womb and slowly stroked my hair. I derived a level of maternal comfort from her.

I wanted to tell mom everything. I wanted to share with her how I truly felt about Elizabeth, how much we really loved each other, and how I really hurt inside.

I realize it was selfish of me. My mother must be hurting as much as me. How can a mother endure the impending loss of child.

I stood and held my mother tight. She too began to cry as she leaned her head into my shoulder. I caressed her back as I held her. I was unsure if she cried for my distress or for Elizabeth.

"She will come back to us, mom." I tried to reassure her. I suppose I was really trying to reassure myself. We just held each other for a time until we were composed.

I began to feel embarrassed and ashamed for bawling like a baby in my mother's arms. I angrily grabbed a tissue from the top of the chest of drawers beside the bed and dried my eyes and nose.

My mother pulled back gently and scanned my face before she looked into my eyes as she gently caressed my cheek with her fingers.

"Tell me truthfully Lucas. Are you and Elizabeth sleeping with each other?"

My heart hammered heavily in my chest. I knew my mother had the ability to see through me. Again I thought about telling her about us. 'The truth will set you free', I thought to myself.

"Mom, like you, Elizabeth is very beautiful and and I love you both, and if it were legal I would want both of you. But to answer your question, no we have not slept with each other."

"Lucas you are a rascal, but I love you. Thank you for being truthful." She said relieved and then gave me an intense lingering kiss on my mouth before she left the room.

I noticed that my mother had lost weight. Her jovial face had become gaunt looking and her body was losing those curves. My mother would be devastated if Elizabeth was to die. She would never be the same and neither would I.

Later a couple of nurses came in to change and clean Elizabeth, change her dressing and bedding. They closed her off with the privacy curtain. I went down the hall and got myself a coffee and returned to her room.

Believing that I was still out, I heard the nurses talking behind the privacy curtain.

"It's kinda strange to see a brother so attentive to his sister. It's almost obsessive, uncanny really." Said one of them.

"I wish I had a brother like him. My brother does not give a shit if I am alive or dead. He would step over my body and ignore me if I were lying sick on the ground." Said the other.

"She is getting her color back. The fact she is still alive without life support is a good thing. There is hope for her yet. Get ready, lift. Okay set her down." Said the first nurse.

"She is such a pretty thing. Be a real shame if she were to die." Said the other.

They then pulled back the curtain, smiling at me sweetly as they left. They had changed Elizabeth's bedding and bedclothes, and I assumed they had rubbed her down and washed her as well.

One of the nurses returned and gave me a disposable razor, a hotel sized cake of soap, and a towel. "You can use the shower in her washroom." She said in a professional tone and left.

I shaved in the shower stall when I bathed. I felt grateful to that nurse. I surmised that she was the nurse that spoke of her brother. I could not fathom the apparent indifference her brother had towards her.

Feeling refreshed, I stood beside Elizabeth 's bed feeling a little more optimistic about her recovery. I leaned over her and softly kissed her mouth and then gently caressed her arm and hand which which no longer felt as cold.

"Hello." Said a girl's quiet voice.

Startled,I turned to see a striking looking blonde woman with piercing blue eyes standing in the doorway.

"Hi, my name is Alison. I am Elizabeth's dormmate from school, may I come in?" She said.

"Hi Alison. Yes, come in. I am Lucas, Elizabeth's brother." I said to her.

"Thank you Lucas. Nice to meet you. Elizabeth has told me much about you." She gave me an appraising look as she approached Elizabeth's bed.

She gazed upon Elizabeth and reached down and caressed Elizabeth's hand with her fingers, and then caressed her cheek with the back of her hand.

"She feels cold. Has there been any change?" She asked.

"She is breathing on her own now and she has warmed up." I said as I regarded her.

She turned to me. "I would have been here earlier. It was not until I got in touch your mother that I learned what happened." She said.

She had tears in her eyes when she looked at me. "This is all my fault. She and I, I.. I am her.."

I took her into my arms and held her close.

"It's okay Alison. Elizabeth told us that you and her are more than just friends. We are okay with that." I told her.

She pulled back. "But did she tell you I broke it off with her to attend school in Europe?" She asked.

"No she didn't, but is still not your fault. Elizabeth has been going through some confusing issues which were difficult to address, not to diminish her feelings about you." I explained to her.

"What kind of issues?" She asked.

"You will have to ask her." I said..

"After this I feel very different about leaving her. I have come to realize how much I do love her and need her." Alison said as she looked at Elizabeth.

Alison stayed with me for over two hours before she left. We spoke at length about Elizabeth, about herself, and me, my sister's hero. It became apparent that Elizabeth was quite proud of her musician brother who played with many top named stars. It became apparent was that she and my sister shared many special moments with each other and that she loved my sister.

She went once more to Elizabeth and spent a few quiet moments looking at her. She then leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek. She turned to me as she dried her eyes.

"Good bye, Lucas. It was nice talking to you. Here is my number. Please call me if there is any change." She said as she looked into my eyes as I took the card with her number and then left.

I had begun to like Alison. She was a nice person. I could see why Elizabeth liked her. Of course my perv side fantasized on how hot it would be to see she and my sister making out.

I went back to my vigil over my sister. The initial shock had begun to wear off. I continued to talk to her.

"Liz, you are my life. Without you there would be no reason to go on. I will die without you. Come back Liz, come home to me." I whispered.

Then on the sixth day her eyes suddenly shot open as she took a deep recuperative intake of breath and the beep of the heart rate monitor increased dramatically.

"Luc?" Her voice croaked weakly.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." I answered as I gently squeezed her hand and stood up over her.

"I had a horrible dream. I was in water, so cold, so dark and deep." She said as she looked up at me as a shiver ran through her. Then her eyes began to explore her surroundings.

"Where am I, what am I doing here?" She asked in alarm as she looked at the intravenous taped to her hand and felt the electrodes stuck to her body.

"You are in hospital. You had an accident and crashed into a lake. You were pulled out of the water." I told her as I pulled the covers up over her arms and around her neck.

"I... I don't remember anything other than the water, bone chilling cold water, blackness. I couldn't breathe." She said confusedly as she tried to recall the events.

"I'm thirsty." She said as she focused on me.

I pressed the nurse call button and moments later a nurse popped her head into the room.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"My sister is awake and she is thirsty." I said.

The nurse entered and filled a paper cup with water from a carafe and popped in a straw and bent it. I took it from her and then she raised the head portion of Elizabeth's bed. I held the cup at my sister's mouth as she sucked on the straw.

"Welcome back Miss McCrary. The doctor will be by shortly." The nurse said as she checked the drip and the heart and pressure monitors.

Elizabeth held tightly to my hand. I took the cup from her and set it on the table.

"I feel so weak and tired Luc. How long have I been sleeping?" She asked. Her eyes looked tired and hollow.

"You have been in a coma for the last six days." I told her.

"Coma? I'm not sure I understand ." She said looking confused again. "School, I missed school opening. Alison, I must talk to Alison. I need to sleep, Luc. Don't leave me." She said as she closed her eyes and held my hand fast.

"I love you Liz." I said softly. She opened her eyes for a moment to look at me and then she was asleep.

Other than being deep in the water, she never did recover the memories of the accident. Perhaps it was a good thing.

Over the next few days she was visited by many different types of doctors, probing, listening to her chest and her heart, testing her reflexes, and taking blood. They also removed the nasogastric tube on the first day of her awakening.

Five days later Elizabeth was released from hospital. I wheeled her out in a wheelchair to the car. We took her home and put her to bed. She was reluctant to let me go when I left to let mom bathe and dress her for bed.

Once Elizabeth was in bed and asleep, I went home and crashed.

Part 2.

She was back home for nearly three weeks. She would quickly become tired through the day. I doted on her hand and foot during that time. I barely allowed her to move or walk by herself. She regained her lost weight as her strength gradually returned.

My parents seemed to have become more and more anxious around me. I am sure they wanted to talk to me about my relationship with Elizabeth. The way Liz and I really felt about each other had begun to spill out.

After an all night recording session and day with Elizabeth I went home, bathed and then flaked out. I slept for almost eighteen hours when I heard a Skype call on my tablet. I answered and there was the love of my life.

"Good afternoon handsome." She said to me. After three weeks back home her astoundingly beautiful sparkling eyes were back.

"Hi there. How do you feel?" I asked.

"I feel lonely." Her voice cracked sleepily.

"Mom and dad gone out?" I asked.

"No, they are here fussing around me like a pair of busy bumble bees. I am lonely for you, Luc." She pouted as she looked at me with doe eyes.

"Okay, I will come over." I said to her. Her eyes lit up as a smile spread and radiated across her face.

"Mom told me that you stayed with me night and day while I was comatose. I dreamt that I was slowly sinking in the deep water, feeling lost and afraid, I heard you call to me. I followed your voice, it made me feel warm and un-afraid the closer I got to your voice." She said to me."Luc?"

"Yes Liz?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Liz."


"Yes Liz?"

"I am ready for you." She said softly.

I knew what she meant. Her face showed that she was at peace with herself.

When I arrived and Elizabeth was dressed in a pair of eye popping red yoga pants with black floral print and black tank top. Then our eyes locked and held onto each other and my knees threatened to buckle, before we reluctantly tore our eyes from each other.

Mom and dad were sitting at the kitchen island counter. I kissed my mother on the cheek, then shook my father's hand and squeezed his shoulder and then went over and stood beside Elizabeth who was smiling nervously.

"Mom, Dad, Elizabeth and I have something to tell you. You must understand that we do not take this lightly." I said as my body quaked with nervousness as I took and held Elizabeth's hand.

Our parents looked on expectantly without comment.

"As you must have guessed by now, that Elizabeth and I are... well we are in love with each other and we wanted to share that joy with you." I spoke as bravely as I could while I trembled with fear. Elizabeth looked at me lovingly as she squeezed my hand not knowing how close I was to shitting my pants.

"It started with just a kiss. It began when Elizabeth asked me to teach her how to kiss. She was fourteen at the time. While there was no sexual feelings or otherwise, it remained in the background. So for a laugh we kissed again earlier this summer." I looked at Elizabeth and smiled as I took up her hand and kissed it. "But with great shock and surprise we found that we loved each other more than is normal for a brother and sister."

"We have never been physically intimate with each other, but we want to change that today." I said to them.

Mom and dad looked at each other as they held each other's hands. Then back at us.

"Are you certain about this Elizabeth?" Dad asked.

"Yes daddy, I have never been so certain about anything." She answered with a shy smile.

"Then you have made your choices. Don't let us stop you. We won't discourage you." Dad said to us.

"Thank you." I said to them, feeling both relieved and mystified by their ready acceptance. I, their son, was about to have sex with their daughter. "But why?" I asked.

"You are our children and you are both adults. We want both of you to be happy even if it's with each other." Mom said with that motherly smile.

I turned to Elizabeth, took her into my arms, placed my mouth on hers and we kissed in the deepest loving passion that any human could. It lasted for a blissful period of time where we were lost within each other. Our hearts flew together as one, coalescing into one single spirit.

As we broke our kiss, Elizabeth looked at me in awe and unsteady legs. I picked her up and carried her off and entered her room as if I was carrying her across the threshold.

"Be gentle with your sister, Lucas." Our mother called out after us.

I entered her room. Using the heel of my foot I tried unsuccessfully to close the door behind us. I would return to close it, I thought. I placed Elizabeth on her bed and we look at each other for a moment. Then slowly and deliberately we removed our clothes as our eyes remained on each other until we knelt naked on her bed as we faced each other. She looked at me nervously as she bit her lower lip. I trembled at the sight of her and the thought that I was about to copulate with my sister, who was not only the most beautiful woman in the world, but the hottest woman I have ever met or seen.

"Any second thoughts?" I asked.

"None." She whispered and she shook her head nervously as her eyes fell on my growing cock.

I took her into my arms and pulled her to me as we fell down on the bed and kissed her once more with absolute feeling and lucid dedication of my love for her. I rolled over her as I continued to kiss her, our tongues swam over each other in a joyful dance. The warmth of her skin against mine, her beautiful breasts against my chest felt incredible. I could have just held her to me for ever.

I broke the kiss and scooped up her beautiful breasts and buried my face in them with the intent to give her pleasure with my mouth and tongue.

"Luc," she moaned, "don't worry about your mission. Make love to me now. I need you in me." She gasped as she squirmed wantonly under me while she grasp my swollen cock, pulling it down between her legs.

I raised my head and chest on extended arms as I moved my hips between her legs, my straining cock at her very wet feeling vagina. I looked at her intently for further confirmation. But her eyes took away any of the remaining resolve not to copulate with her.

"I love you Luc. My body is yours, take it, take all of me." Her voice soft and sensuous.

Her face looked so beautiful. Her lips moist and translucent like the edges her eyelids, her mouth sensuous. I could not help feeling very privileged to be with her. I slowly enter her sweet wet snug vagina and stopped as she winced.

"It's okay, you feel big. Go slow, I want to feel you." She whispered and then relaxed.

I pulled back then re-entered her. She tensed and held onto my extended arms as I continue to slowly fill her. Then I stopped as my entire length was buried inside her. A set of tears fell from the outside corners of her eyes. I kissed each eyelid and the tears that spilled down her face.

"I've yearned for you for so long Lucas." She said blissfully.

I then began to slowly stroke my length in and out of her, the sensations were off the scale. I don't know if it was because the act was incestuous, or that she was so damn beautiful, or because I loved her so intensely, or all of them into one. But I began to make love to the most perfect woman on the planet.

Elizabeth moaned and cried out in ecstasy. "Luc, oh god, Luc. Own me Luc, make love to me, yes fuck me.' She cried. "This feels so wonderful, so perfect, like you were meant only for me. I love you Lucas McCrary." She cried out as her body accepted me as she looked back at me with those incredible eyes..

"I love you too Elizabeth McCrary, heart of my heart, you are my life." I crooned as I thrust deeper into god's perfect creation.

I never felt such pleasure as I did at this moment. I was in heaven, yes I definitely was. She was tight around my length which produced amazing pleasures to my body. Our moans and cries filled our ears, and our world only consisted of the two of us that we were unaware that our parents stood at the unclosed doorway and watched us make love to each other until I glanced at the door.

I did not care. I was too far involved to care, or to stop. I saw Elizabeth glance to the door and smiled as she returned her gaze back up at me. This only heightened the intense sense of pleasure were already experiencing with each other. Then suddenly Elizabeth clutched my arm tightly, her fingernails dug into my skin and gasped as she looked up at me in disbelief.

"Luc..Luc..Luc... Oh god!" She cried in alarm and then her body bucked and shook in unbridled pleasure.

Her body shook and shuddered under me as she came. Her orgasm was long and relentless as her juices poured out around my swollen length as I continued to pump my burning flesh in and out of her.

"Oh god Luc! I am coming again. Oh fuck!" She exclaimed as she clung to me and then let out a glorious cry.

Hearing her cry pushed me over the edge of the precipice and I was whisked away by an orgasm so thoroughly profound I thought it would pull me inside out. I let out a long guttural cry as my seed burst into my sister's perfect body.

Her vagina gripped me, squeezing me, sucking me, enticing me to relinquish stream after stream of my semen deep into her beautiful womb as she desperately clung to me and held me tight until her orgasm had subsided.

Spent, I fell on her and she threw her arms over me. I put my mouth on hers and once more we kissed with the utmost love and affection for each other. I glanced at the door and saw it had been closed.

"No, stay inside me." she whimpered as I attempted to withdraw from her.

"That... that was, a...fucking... mazing." I trembled. "Any regrets?" I whispered.

"Yes I regret not starting sooner because that was freaking insane." She looked up at me with those astounding eyes.

She shuddered and let out a gasp as my flaccid cock slipped out of her. We then laid on our sides facing each other, and then touched and felt each other as we explored each other and enjoyed each other's bodies.

I touched her perfect breasts, her nipples, her areolas, cupping them. She ran her fingers over my chest, my nipples and areolae. I ran my hand up her side from her hip, around her shoulders, my hand resting on her face.

I moved over her and kissed her posterior, then moved between her legs. I kissed and licked her inner thighs as I raised her leg. I kissed and licked each of her orifices. She shivered as my tongue slipped through the sweet folds of her vagina. I tasted my seed as I probed her opening with my tongue.

"Oh Luc, that feels so wonderful, so intimate." She crooned.

I ate her amazingly beautiful vagina as I settled my head between her legs, exploring her, savouring her, bringing her the sweetest pleasures I could until she came hard and gushed over my face. I pulled my arm across my mouth as I looked at her feeling quite proud of myself.

"Damn, you sure you were not a woman in a previous life? That was spectacular." She said as she cupped her very soaked vagina.

"I am glad you enjoyed that. I did too." I said as I moved back beside her.

She then moved down and began to lick and kiss my flaccid cock, sucking my testcles, and probing my anus with her tongue. She lovingly worked my cock in and out of her mouth. With one hand around my shaft, she bobbed her head up and down of the top three inches of my hard swollen cock. With her other hand she massaged and pulled at my testicles and stroke my cock. It was not long before she got me to the boiling point.

"Liz, fuck that is so sweet. I am going to cum. Shit...Liz..?" I was not sure if she was ready or wanted to take my semen in her mouth.

But she intensified her efforts and then with a guttural growl I began to cum and cum hard. Thick streams of my cum poured into my sister's beautiful mouth. My hips bucked wildly at each ejaculation. She continued until she was certain there was no more of my cum to be had. I looked down at my sister in awe who had a proud grin on her face.

"You like?" She asked.

"Like? That was fucking awesome. Seeing my cock in your mouth is one huge turn on, then what you did with your mouth was another huge turn on, and then watching you take and swallow my cum was another huge turn on. Fucking eh!"

"Thank you Luc. I was not sure if I would like it, but I did. I did very much." She said as she settled into my arms.

We laid in each other arms, her hand caressing my belly, then down to my spent cock. She kissed the corner of my mouth.

"God, you drive me crazy. I want you so bad. I just want you, want you to fuck me, want you to take me, like I want to fuck you and take you." Elizabeth gushed.

"That pretty much sums up how I feel about you. I just have to look at you or hear your voice and I get hard again." I said to her.

We again began to fuck each other, our bodies glowed with the perspiration that coated our skin.. We quickly came to yet another shattering orgasm, my seed spilling out into her sweet womb yet again We then laid beside each other and spent a few moments in quiet reflection. This whole night had been simply awesome.

"I loved what we did tonight, Luc. I never want to be apart from you ever again."

"Never again." I whispered.

We made love to each other yet again. It was late before Liz and I finally succumb to sleep. Elizabeth curled herself up against my body with her head on my shoulder as I held her. We never felt so happy as we did at this very moment. Thus ended our first time.I awoke not in my bed, but in my sister's bed with the sudden realization that I was naked and spooning my sisters beautiful delicious naked body. My flaccid cock nestled between the orbs of her fabulous warm ass, while my hand rests on her fertile belly and my nose in her fragrant hair. Then the memories of last night flooded into my mind. I felt an overwhelming sense of great joy and one of relief. This was the first time my sister and I have had sex with each other, and awakening with her and felt amazing. I felt as happy as a man could ever be. My cock stirred against her.

My name is Lucas and I am twenty eight years old, or Luc as she usually calls me. My sister's name is Elizabeth, but I usually called her Liz or Lizzy. She is twenty four years old. She has been home for a number weeks since her stay in hospital. Six weeks ago when attempting to avoid a deer she lost control of her vehicle and crashed through a guardrail and ended up in a lake.

A trucker who witnessed the accident stopped and jumped into the water and rescued her from her submerged car. She was not breathing when he pulled her out of the water so he administered CPR. She had remained in a coma for six days after her near drowning.

Until now there had been a void in my life. I had gone through the seemingly pointless rituals of daily life. I had many lovers in my life, but they all were either disappointing or unfulfilling. Yes of course I enjoyed my music, but even that seemed pointless until now. It seemed as if I had been waiting for the right woman to complete and fulfill me, a women who who turned out to be my sister.

Over the last few months my sister and I had become deeply and emphatically in love with each other, with a stronger attraction and deeper personal attachment toward each other, as well as an intense sexual desire for each other which all started with just a kiss. However we had not had sex with each other until last night when we consummated our new found relationship right in our parents house, and with their explicit knowledge.

It was an amazing experience. My sister is a heart-stopping beautiful woman of five foot eight inches, auburn hair which fell past her shoulders, and captivating hazel eyes. While I may be regarded as average in looks at five foot eleven inches, she just smoked in so many ways. Sex with her was off the scale. Aphrodite would pale against her natural beauty and abundant sensuality. Even Zeus would cast an envious gaze upon her. Yes, she was like a goddess. I had to pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming.

I moved away from her so I could look at her form as she laid on her side. My eyes took in her auburn hair, her shoulders, her back, and then her fabulous ass and legs. She then turned onto her back. I gazed at her in awe. My eyes traveled the length of her body. How could I have the love and attentions of such an amazing woman, have sex with her, be in love with her? I felt astounded that this uber feminine woman would want me as her lover.

She stirred, and her eyes opened as she turned her head to face me. She then rolled onto her side as she continued to gaze at me with those amazing eyes. Her hair cascaded down her neck, a radiant smile spread across her beautiful face.

"Good morning my handsome brother." Her morning voice cracked as she continued to gaze at me with those amazing eyes. Just hearing her voice caused my heart to race. She then reached out to my face and ran her fingertips across my lips. I kissed her fingertips.

"Good morning my beautiful sister, or should I say good afternoon. It's almost noon." I said as I reached out and ran my fingers up along her extended arm and then over her face and through her hair, just to check if she was real.

She languidly stretched her beautiful body and then urged me onto my back as she moved over me and crossed across her arms over my upper chest. With her breasts pressed against my lower chest, with a leg between mine, and her pubic mound against my hip. She looked into my eyes as we gazed at each other. Her eyes just floored me when I looked into them and had my cock stirring with renewed lustful desire.

"Last night was amazing." She whispered. "I was hesitant at first about taking your cock in me as it had been some years since I had one in me, and never as big as yours." She giggled as she continued to gaze into my eyes.

"Yes it was amazing." I said as my hand slid over the soft smooth skin of her back and fabulous ass.

"Luc, I love you more than I thought possible. What you and I have seems quite natural. The fact that we are brother and sister only adds an extra layer of love I have for you. Do you know what I mean?" She asked as she looked into my eyes.

"Yes I know what you mean. I feel the same way about you. I love you Liz, without question." I paused.

"I do have a question, or concern,' I said. "While we have been having amazing sex, I have neglected to think about birth control."

"No worries, I'm on the pill." She said.

"Really? How? You only been out of hospital for a few weeks. I thought you have to complete a month." I said nonplussed.

"I resumed taking it." She said as a matter of fact.

"Okay, but why would you been taking them if you have only been with women?" I was truly baffled.

"I use it because it regulates and minimizes my periods to once every three months, reduces the amount of flow and lessens the cramps. Mom brought them out for me to get started again."

"I see." This was more information than I expected, but enlightening all the same.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked.

"Right now at this moment I want fuck my gorgeous sisters brains out." I spoke in a lecherous tone as I looked into her eyes.

"Easy brother, Kitty is a bit tender." She said as she ran a fingertip over my lips.

"Well damn." I said with mocked disappointment.

"You can fuck my mouth, if you like." She said enthusiastically and then salaciously licked of her lips and reached down to my cock and closed her hand around it.

"You don't have to please me orally if you are not into it. It's not expected. Your hand will work just fine." I said to her.

"Not expected?" Her voice rose an octave. "I expect you to want my mouth or all of me for that matter" She exclaimed in mocked indignation as she tugged my cock.

"God Liz, there is not one part of you I do not desire." I said to her as I stroked the side of her face.

She looked at me. "You know, the thought of anyone else's cock in me or my mouth makes me want to wretch, but with you I thoroughly enjoy having your cock. I love the way it feels in me, touching me, or in my mouth. I love that I can bring you pleasure orally, and I feel empowered that I can make you cum. As in my Kitty, I love the way it feels when your cum squirts into my mouth. No, I don't feel as though it is expected or a duty." She said upon reflection.

I look at her with a wicked grin. "Alrighty sister, you're on. Get on the floor and on you knees. I am going to fuck that very beautiful mouth of yours and then cum all over equally beautiful face of yours." I said maliciously.

"Oh damn, you promise? You just made Ms Kitty tingle and become very wet." She said with a giggle as she got off off me and the bed and then looked up at me with a wicked smile as she went to her knees on the rug.

"I am ready, do your worst, or best, my dear brother." She said lasciviously as she knelt on the floor and ran her tongue over her lips.

As i stood in front of her, she took my semi erect penis in her hand and fondled my cock and balls, lubriciously rubbing it over her face and mouth and moaned with wanton desire as she took a long lick up the underside of my cock and kissed it. God it felt amazing to see and feel her rubbing my cock over her face and then as she licked and kissed me.

"Mmmm, Luc." She moaned. "I love your cock. I love feeling it, I love tasting it." She said as she licked and kissed it joyfully.

"My cock's yours whenever you want it baby." I said as I looked down upon her perfect face.

"You can take my mouth whenever you want my love. I will enjoy every moment of it." She said and then slurped my burgeoning cock deep into her mouth and began to suck it in a most exquisite fashion.

I watched in awe as my gorgeous sister pushed and pulled my cock in and out between her sensuous lips, her cheeks caving inward as she sucked. She quickly brought me to full growth and then some as she dexterously worked on my flesh. The sensations she created was amazing as the wet warmth of her mouth permeated my cock.

Again I am at first shocked and yet delightedly surprised to see my sister, the most beautiful girl in the world, joyfully and hungrily performing fellatio on me. There are moments like these that I feel totally unworthy of her.

She then put her hands on my ass and pulled me forward into her mouth. Taking the hint, I held her head in my hands and began to pump my rigid member in at out of her sweet perfect mouth.

To reiterate, my sister is gorgeous, extremely beautiful, and insanely hot. She exudes vibrant sexuality which radiated around her like an aura.

She placed her hands on her knees and looked up at me as I fucked her face. Driving deeper into her mouth until I began to penetrate her throat which caused her to gag and I backed off. The sensations were so hot, the pleasure so amazing that I found myself suddenly standing at the brink of an amazing orgasm which collected and compounded within my loins.

With one hand I took strangle hold of my cock, and with the other I grab a handful of her hair and pulled and tilted her head back as I extracted my cock from her mouth. A string of saliva hung from her lower lip to the tip of my cock which broke as I pulled away and hung off the tip of my cock.

I then stroked myself above her face as I looked down at her open mouth. I was so close as my rapture ballooned.