Okay, I'm calling this family meeting to order" Ted said flatly. The mood was dreadful around the kitchen table. Lucy's face was turned down to her phone. Adam was cradling his head with his hands and both of the Letterman sisters sulked in silence. If it weren't for the massive hangover they were all sporting, they might have appeared normal, but there was nothing normal about this brunch-time family meeting.

"So I'm just going to come out with it. We all fucked up last night." Ted's bass voice hung dead in the air.

"You mean some of us got fucked last night?" Megan couldn't resist the opportunity for a jab at Shannon.

"That's enough Megan!" Lucy snapped, her eyes came up from her phone like sharpened knives. Lucy was nursing the mother of all headaches and had no patience for snark this morning.

Megan recoiled, sitting up straight in her chair, her eyes darting to the right at Shannon. Shannon couldn't help let a corner of her mouth curl up in a sly smile. It was kind of nice to see Megan in the hot seat.

"Look, we all did some things we're not proud of. You're mom and I were... Umm we had a few too many drinks at dinner and afterwards. So, we took an uber home, thinking we'd come home to a nice peaceful evening at home." Ted's words sounded recited. No one said a word.

"So, when we went to check on you and found... Well... you know... We were stunned... a-a-and ummm.. to silence. We were stunned to silence." This was turning out to be much harder for Ted than he thought, though he had no illusions that it was going to be easy. He couldn't make eye contact with any of them, the very least of which with Shannon.

"So then you silently whipped out your big fat dick, didn't you Ted?" Megan barked before she even realized she had opened her mouth.

"AHHH SHIT Megan!!? REALLY!?" Ted bellowed.

"Shut your FUCKING mouth you little WHORE" Lucy was half-way over the table at this point.

"Guys!! Guys!!" Shannon stood up. "Please calm down... This is ALL my fault and I feel absolutely terrible about it." Shannon had to sit right back down though as the room started to spin a bit on her.

"No, it was MY fault Shannon, if I hadn't let you get me drunk for the first time, none of this would have ever happened" Adam proclaimed.

"Okay.. Okay.. Your mother and I acted inappropriately as well. I admit it. We got carried away watching the three of you... a-a-nd well, it was kind of incredible!?" Ted was definitely off script at this point.

"Incredible Dad? Really?" Megan scrunched her face in disgust. "So, you're saying you liked what you saw."

Lucy lunged across the table and snatched a handful of Megan's hair, pulling her over the table until they were face to face. "Listen to ME you little cunt. I'll bet ALL of this is your fault! It wasn't enough that you were fucking your ex-boyfriend in public last night and got spotted by half the town!? You have to come home and incite an ORGY at HOME!???"

Pandemonium shortly ensued. Shannon grabbed Megan's hands before she started swinging her balled fists. Ted grabbed Lucy by the shoulders, screaming at her to let go. Adam was yelling at the top of his lungs for them to all stop. Dishes were flying off of the table and smashing on the ground as the struggle continued.

This continued for about a minute when Adam felt another urge that he'd not experienced, at least for a very long time. Adam lurched forward vomiting all over his mother and Megan. The purplish spews soaked the table top and spilled over on the floor in three different places. The fight was over immediately.

A month had gone by since that fateful weekend. Megan had moved off to college about three hours away. Adam had returned to school and work and Shannon... Well Shannon was a bit of a mess. She had not re-enrolled in school this semester citing a need to just relax for awhile. She should be a junior in college this year, but she had been really upset by that weekend with her family. As a result she had promptly moved in with her girlfriend Sarah just off-campus. She had been around the house a few times since then to pick up her mail, but had avoided contact with anyone for several weeks now.

'Say bitch, I'm comin for you like a spider monkey this weekend' - Megan.

Shannon grinned with excitement when she saw the text.

'No WAY!? You should come stay here with me and Sarah!' Shannon replied.

'So you've gone and turned into a lesbian huh?? :D'

'I just might after... well.. anyways... Get here ASAP! Love You!' Shannon replied feeling a bit queasy.

The week dragged on for what seemed like for an eternity to Shannon. She had picked up a job walking dogs in the mornings just to cover her share of the groceries. Otherwise she was a total freeloader at Sarah's dad's expense. As she walked the dogs that Friday morning, she allowed her mind to replay the events of that weekend.

It felt like an eon had passed since that night with Adam. As she recalled the way they had cum together a big shit eating grin crawled across her face. How the hell had her parents made it go so wrong? And Megan!

'Holy Shit! She makes things worse in that house sometimes' Shannon thought.

After cycling through the catastrophe that had turned out to be, her mind came back to Adam. Poor Adam who had lost his virginity to his sister in FRONT of both wanking parents. Shannon thought he must be a nervous wreck and she doubted he ever even left the house after that. He was probably just hiding in his attic room rocking back and forth in bed looking out the window, afraid of the world. Her heart filled with sympathy and she queued his name in her phone.

'Megan's coming to town tonight, we'd love to see you. I miss you and Love you' she texted batting away yet another wave of nausea.

She pulled the dogs to the side to let a bicycle rider by when her phone dinged.

'Oh wow, I thought you had written me off forever Sis! I'd love to see you and Megan. Where do we meet?' - Adam.

The text had an air of confidence and even excitement that Shannon was not expecting. A pang of panic ran through Shannon. What if she was wrong about Adam and he wanted more? What if he expects a second helping at her friends apartment? What had she done?

'Let's meet at Arbunkle's at 8pm' she replied. That would keep them in public and away from either house.

Arbunkle's was packed as usual. The 50s era diner was always popular especially on weekends. Shannon had showed up at 7:30 to get on the list for a table and was waiting just outside for her buzzer to go off.

"Well shit purple and call me Barney!!" Shannon was almost tackled by Megan from behind in a raucous embrace.

"Oh My GOD!!" Shannon squealed in excitement. "WHAT'S UP!!?"

"College!! Freedom!! FUN!!" Megan had apparently pre-loaded for the party as she smelled like schnapps and vape oil.

"Wow! Apparently!" Shannon remarked with a smile as she looked her sister up and down. Megan was dressed in a cut-off t-shirt and a dangerously short loose fitting skirt. Her nipples jutted through the nearly non-existent cotton. "Oh my Megan, you're going to get mauled in that outfit. You look amazing!"

"Meh, I can handle it..." Megan stared off behind Shannon, her jaw dropping open slightly.

"Wha?" Shannon spun around to see what Megan was gaping at.

There was a couple standing behind her just outside of the overhead light. Shannon squinted to see.

"Hey Sis!" a tall dark figure stepped towards her, a gorgeous blonde hanging on his arm...

"WHA!? Adam!?" Shannon gasped. Adam was dressed up (at least for Adam) in a nice button down shirt, slacks and loafers. His hair was neatly combed and he exuded manly essence.

"Shannon and Megan, this is Samantha" Adam announced. Even his voice sounded lower to Shannon. She was speechless.

"Hi, I've heard SO much about both of you!" Samantha chirped. Shannon could only manage to turn to Megan who was equally petrified in shock at the possibilities wrapped in that statement.

Samantha stepped forward extending her hand with a smile. Samantha was about 5'3" with a slim build and curled golden locks down to her mid-back. She was wearing a loose low-cut sweater and a tight black skirt. Her stunning green eyes sparkled as she shook Shannon's hand.

"I... uhhh.. HI!" Shannon finally squeaked reaching out to shake her hand in disbelief.

"Everything okay sis?" Adam's voice was bassy and electric at the same time. Megan rushed forward and nearly tackled Adam this time.

"OH MY GOD YOU GREW UP!" Megan exclaimed holding onto him with a bear-like grip. Adam's brow furrowed a bit.

"Ooookay!?" he queried a bit embarrassed.

"Adam you look so... Nice! So... " Shannon was still searching for her words when the buzzer in her hand went off. Shannon shrieked and jumped, the buzzer went flying. Adam simply reached up and picked it out of mid-air, gently breaking Megan's bear hug. A smoother move has never been made before or since.

"Wow... you're coordinated now too..." Megan droned dreamily.

"Samantha! I'm so sorry, we are just so happy to see Adam, it's been awhile" Shannon knew she had to pull it together before they scared the pair of them away. "Let's go get our table!" she chirped.

As they made their way ahead Megan dropped back behind Adam and Samantha.

"High five sis" she whispered to Shannon "It totally worked!"

Shannon was too shocked to respond and left her hanging... "Yeah.. I guess the fuck so..." there was a something in her tone that just barely registered as strange to Megan.

The dinner went really well despite the awkward start, they all ate their fill and even had dessert. Samantha was a bangin hot bitch or at least that was Megan's description as she texted back and forth with Shannon under the table.

The banter was light and friendly. Megan recanted her first month at college, Adam covered his class schedule and the goings on at work. Samantha it turned out was studying to be a veterinarian and cranked up an energetic conversation with Shannon about dogs.

By the end of the dinner, they were all full and the conversation was starting to run thin. Shannon couldn't believe her "little" brother's progress. It would appear that their encounter had indeed been the launchpad he needed. He was now dating his dream girl and navigating social encounters with ease.

"So what next?" Adam asked after generously paying the bill.

"Well.. I was thinking about heading..." Shannon started.

"To the LIQUOR store!!" Megan finished her sentence laughing madly. "We can go over to your lesbian girlfriend Sarah's house after THAT!" Megan barked.

"I remember Sarah! From high school right Shannon?" Adam followed. "She's a lesbian?"

Shannon was stunned into silence. All of her thoughtful preparation to keep them out of any kind of potentially awkward situation had been blown out of the water in two short bursts from her loud mouth sister.

"We are NOT lesbians..." was all that Shannon could muster.

Then they were all piling in Shannon's tiny Honda Civic and were off to the liquor store. They perused the isles one at a time, trying to decide what the cure to their ailment (of boredom) was going to be. Shannon was getting more and more nervous as they approached the whiskey isle, she didn't want anyone picking up the...

"Fireball anyone?" Adam pulled the bottle from the shelf, grinning furiously. Megan thought it was hilarious.

"Yeah Shannon, want some more fireball? You REALLY liked it last time..." Megan teased. Shannon felt her face flushing.

"What's up with the fireball?" Samantha asked. Shannon had to put her hand over her eyes and keep walking. Megan was laughing loudly now.

"It makes Shannon super horny!!" Megan yelled. It was one of those moments where everything gets suddenly quiet right when someone says something embarrassing.

Samantha let out a loud "phhhhht!!"

"MEGAN!" Adam shouted. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Shannon's first instinct was to take a page from her mom's book and grab Megan by the hair before slamming her face into the glass display case behind them. Instead she kept walking.

"Haha! Megan, very funny!" Shannon played it off grabbing a large bottle of rum off the shelf and thrusting it into Megan's hands.

"How bout this guys? Maybe some sodas and some ice to go with?" Shannon said picking up a 12 pack of 7up.

Megan was watching Shannon carefully waiting for some form of retribution, but it never came. She simply gathered the ingredients and headed to the cash register with a strange calm look on her face. Megan was getting rather worried, this couldn't be good. She had barely touched her food at dinner and had stuck to water all night so far.

The night continued back at Sarah's apartment. Sarah greeted everyone with welcomed excitement as her Friday night plans had fallen through. Sarah was a 5'2" brunette with a short bob hair cut, shaved neckline and sides. She got teased a bit for the haircut by her more alpha female friends, but it never bothered her.

To her people were going to judge her however they decided to. So, if they thought she was a lesbian, so be it, she didn't see any problem with them thinking whatever they wanted. Sarah loved tattoos but was fairly conservative with piercings. She had a half-sleeve on her left arm of numerous thorns, flowers, and butterflies. On her back she had a large rose assortment with various religious icons. Beyond her ideologies and worn symbols, Sarah was a girl that really liked to have a good time and didn't fuss much about how that happened.. When the door had opened and a brunette, redhead, blonde, and a tall dark and handsome had walked in with a bag of hooch, it had put a welcome smile on her face. Sarah's hazel eyes pointed up to take in the tall hunk that stood before her.

"So, this is Adam?" she grinned furiously. She wrapped her arms around Adam's midsection and hugged him tightly. "I've heard SO much about you!" she seemingly purred as she held him tight.

Adam didn't quite know what to make of this, he had seen Sarah coming and going throughout high school and had long held a crush on her, but she had never even noticed him before. This was going to be an interesting evening.

"It's good to meet you... again" he stumbled.

"What!?" Sarah pushed away from him, looking at his face again, her hands firmly grasping his forearms. "Wait! You were the little kid around the house at Shannon's in High School?"

Adam nodded with a smile.

Sarah's mouth dropped into an O as she spun to Shannon, it would not be the last. "This is your little brother? I thought he was your older brother!"

"That's all him" Shannon retorted with a smile.

"Ooooh My God! Wow did you grow up or what!?" she said turning back to Adam. She made her way to Samantha and Megan with hugs for each of them.

After everyone settled in, the drinks were poured and the chatter began. The conversation floated from various people they all knew in high school, to all of their new college friends. Stories of various boyfriends and exes were batted back and forth. Crazy parties, shocking breakups, and surprise pregnancies made the conversation roster for the better part of an hour and a half. Samantha was surprisingly vocal and seemingly knew almost everyone the older girls were talking about through her older sister. All the while it was drink after drink after drink for most of them.

Samantha was feeling pretty tipsy at this point and was completely relaxed. Adam was in the same boat and mainly stayed quiet, laying back into the overstuffed couch while the girls chatted. Megan looked bored from where he was sitting and if he knew his sister well enough, that was not a good thing.

As if on cue Megan stood up suddenly. "Let's play a game!" she chirped. Shannon instantly tensed up, this was exactly what she had been trying to avoid from as early as this morning. She felt stupid for having ever brought Adam into the picture, this could go from bad to very embarrassing if Megan's mouth was loose.

Samantha's hand tightened around Adam's as she turned to him "Your sister is a BLAST!" she giggled.

Apparently the drinks were working REALLY well for Samantha too as she slurred her "blasssst." Adam smiled, finding her drunken slur adorable.

"Let's play I Never!" Sarah returned Megan's chirp. "Best way to get to know your group ever!" she was both buzzed and giddy.

Shannon groaned inside, but didn't want to be the older party pooper sister.

"Ok! Sounds Fun!" Samantha bubbled. "How do ya'll play it?"

"You've never played it?" Megan asked.

"Oh yeah tons of times" Samantha exaggerated. "We just play it different than most people."

"Do tell!" Sarah was intently interested. Shannon's eyebrows went up.

"Okay, so we play the normal way and say I never, whatever it is, and anyone whose done that has to raise their hand. But THEN! If someone in the group knows that someone should have raised their hand that didn't, they get to call bullshit on em. Then the person who called them out gets to dare them to do something and they have to do it or forfeit."

"Oohhhh! That sounds FUN!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Sounds like fun to me!"Megan confirmed with an evil smile.

"Adam?" Sarah seemingly just glowed every time she spoke to him, her smile was uncontrollable and contagious.

"Ummm I'm down? I've never played" he said shyly.

"A Virgin!!" Sarah yelled.

Megan started laughing, her nipples bouncing wildly behind her thin cotton top. Adam couldn't help but smile as he watched on, mesmerized by his little sister's orbs.

"Not by a long shot!" Megan snorted between chuckles. Shannon couldn't believe Megan was going there already. She had hoped to be able to navigate their secret around her big trap, but it was obviously going to be quite difficult. At that point she pretty well reserved herself to it all ending up public knowledge and just decided to relax.

"Oh!??" Samantha's interest was instantly piqued. She hadn't been able to assess the situation as to Adam's sexual past. On one hand he was VERY closed lipped about his past girlfriends, on the other he had a certain amount of confidence when they made out that indicated he had had a bit of experience.

"Oh SHIT!" Sarah bellowed. "Looks like we have a topic to cover! I'll start! I never had sex before!"

No hands went up at first. As the group exchanged glances, it looked like everyone had had their cherry busted in this crowd. That was until Samantha's hand went into the air quietly. There was a collective gasp.

"Well... I was saving myself for marriage all through high school..." Samantha's voice was tiny and sheepish.

Everyone's mouth was agape and staring back and forth between Samantha and Adam.

Megan finally broke the uncomfortable silence. "Aaaaannnnnd?? Are you planning on losing your virginity soon?"

Samantha was blushing as she looked up at Adam with an evil little smile of her own. "Maybe..." she couldn't help but to start laughing. The room erupted into nervous laughter. Even Shannon who had remained completely silent so far in this game chuckled nervously.

Shannon was sitting on the couch on Adam's left side, Sarah was to her left on the floor sitting cross legged.

"Shannon! you're next!" Megan announced with a defiant look on her face.

Shannon wasn't at all prepared for this, she had been so worried about navigating the elephant in the room, she hadn't even formulated a strategy. She knew that when the game went to Megan, there was going to be hell to pay, so she decided to go on the offense.

"I never fucked two guys in the back of a minivan" she glared at Megan. Megan was rather well known for her escapades and one of them had involved a couple of football players in her junior year."You bitch!" Megan laughed as she raised her hand. Adam put his hands over his face. Samantha was cackling loudly.

"What are YOU laughing at virgin?" Sarah said laughing as she raised her hand.

"WHOA!!" Megan was bouncing up and down again. The room erupted in laughter...

"SARAH!!?" Shannon was floored. "You never told me..."

Sarah could barely contain her laughter "It was a station wagon, but consider yourself notified! BAHAHAHA!" Sarah's face was beet red.

After the howling laughter died down, everyone was wiping the tears out of their eyes.

"Okay Adam, you're up!" Megan seemed a bit nervous herself now.

Adam was not good at this kind of thing and was frantically searching for a question that would keep him out of hot water with Samantha. His mind raced as he scanned the room for a clue until he found himself staring right at his perfect question.

"I never got a Tattoo near my privates" he said with confidence, he was looking right at Sarah. As much as he liked Samantha, he was instantly drawn to Sarah. He had privately lusted after her for many years. Now that he was good and drunk, he had the balls to ask a question that got him a little closer to making that real.

"DAMN! That's not fair!" Sarah said staring right back into Adam's eyes as she raised her hand.

"Sorry..." Adam schlepped.

"Psst.. No you're not, you pervert" Samantha was laughing as she punched him in the arm.

"I'm in a room of beautiful women, how could I lose with that question?" Adam was applying charm generously to keep himself clear of trouble.

"BLAR Adam! That's sooooo... greasy..." Shannon burst out laughing. "You're just not that smooth bro." Adam looked to his side directly at her, his eyebrow lifting as if to say 'oh really?'

Megan sat quietly. Shannon glared at her from across the room, deciding to double down on the offense. "I call BULLSHIT!" Shannon pointed at Megan.

"Well BULLSHIT on you too then" Megan yelled pointing back at her, laughing at the same time.

Shannon cackled loudly, Adam joined in.

"SHUT UP! Yours is coming bitch, don't you worry. You too Adam" Megan glared at him with her notorious crooked smile, still laughing from the buzz in the room.

"Okay let's see em ladies! That's the dare" Sarah burst out, the alcohol was definitely doing its job. There was an awkward pause, the radio playing in the background suddenly surged in presence.

Megan didn't hesitate. She stood up from the floor and simply lifted her skirt. Adam instantly recognized her bare muff by the thin little landing strip that rose up from the cleft of her lips. Just to the right side of her landing strip was a bright red heart with the cliché arrow through the middle.

Samantha gasped in surprise that Megan would so effortlessly show off her pussy with her brother staring right at her. She looked up at Adam to gauge his reaction. He had his normal shit eating grin on his face, but otherwise seemed unfazed.

"Nice!" Sarah broke the silence. "Did it hurt?"

"I was drunk, but hell yeah!" Megan looked up at Adam as she dragged her finger over the heart. Everyone laughed nervously.

Shannon followed suit dropping her skirt to the floor and turning around to expose the tramp stamp over her ass.

"BULLSHIT still, all the way off!" Megan barked.

"What!? This isn't strip pocker bitch!" Shannon protested sitting back down in her panties.

"Phhhhht Whatever" Megan mocked, her bad attitude apparent.

"I don't HAVE to do the dare, but what the hell" Sarah quipped pulling her purple knit top over her head. Her large bra and loose clothing had concealed her large but shapely frame. Adam could see the makings of what looked like a conch shell tattooed on her left breast and was quite delighted when Sarah reached back to unhook the bra.

Sarah's natural D-cup breasts curved up slightly at the ends, her nipples pointed just slightly up. The tattoo was indeed a conch shell that spiraled the circumference of her left mam, stopping just shy of her aereola. Sarah instinctively cupped her hands underneath the girls and lifted them slightly for display.

Adam was stunned into silence.

"They're beautiful!" Samantha said, also seemingly in shock.

"You mean the tattoo is beautiful Samantha?" Megan asked a smile forming on her luscious lips while she unconsciously brushed her left hand across her swelling pussy lips.

Shannon started laughing. "I'm with her, I think they're beautiful too!" she laughed.

"Uh huh..." Adam grunted.

"You like that Adam?" Samantha asked smiling, knowingly putting him on the spot.

Adam was lost in a world of gorgeous boobs and just nodded in response.

Shannon popped him in the back of the head for Samantha. "Snap out of it you perv!" she laughed.

"Oh sorry, I just... Umm" the saliva was thick in his mouth. Between his calendar girl sister and the suicide girl youthful crush, Adam was now sporting a healthy chub.

"Okay Samantha, it's to you" Samantha expected Sarah to put her top back on and Megan to sit back down, but neither did. Samantha had the sneaking suspicion that none of this was too new to Adam.

"Okay... I got this" she said cracking her knuckles. Adam was back to gazing at the partly nude women across from them. Samantha scanned the room her mind reeling from Sarah and Megan's stunt. With this many horny women in the room, this one should get at least somebody. "I've never been pregnant" she curled her fingers to her lips, instantly regretting how much of a party pooper question this could be.

There was a stunned silence in the room, all five of them scanning each other's faces for a tell. Seconds ticked on, the song on the radio in the background sang "People talk about me, baby

Say I'm doin' you wrong, doin' you wrong..." After an eternity of tense silence a hand shot into the air.

"It was a few years ago... I had to drive to Seattle to get a procedure... I'm so ashamed..." Adam tried to say dead pan. He couldn't hold it though and broke out laughing before he finished. A wave of nervous laughter swept through the room. Adam was relieved to have broken the awkward silence and simultaneously save his girlfriend.

He was just about to drop his arm when he felt a hand brush up against his raised left hand. He turned to Shannon and his heart stopped. While everyone else was laughing, her expression was dead pan. It wasn't the kind of dead pan face someone whose joking and trying to be serious makes, it was the real deal accompanied by slight trembling and tears starting to form. He followed her face up to her raised arm and he realized what was happening.

"Well, don't you worry baby

Don't worry

Cause I'm right here, right here, right here, right here at home" the song proclaimed in isolation as all the laughter in the room died in an instant.

"What!?.. When!?" Megan said, sitting down hard on the carpet as if her legs had turned to steamed pasta.

"Oh My God! You're going to be an UNCLE Adam!" Samantha squeaked in excitement. Of course she had no idea the freight train of truth was bearing down on her even in that moment.

To Shannon it felt like the lighting in the room had changed. Hell it felt as if the room itself had changed shape. She stared into Adam's eyes as the blank open-mouthed gaze shifted into an expression of cold realization. His mouth went from hanging slack to an O, his eyes into two large plates.

"A father I think" Shannon said almost too quietly to hear.

"Wait... You're pregnant now?" Sarah gasped and her hands went to her mouth, also now in an O.

"WHAT!!? ... From that night!?" Megan repeated, her tone turning to a fearful disbelief.

"Cause I'm a picker

I'm a grinner

I'm a lover

And I'm a sinner

I play my music in the sun..."

Shannon shifted in her seat to face Adam, pulling his hand down out of the air into her lap. "I found out this afternoon Adam. It's definitely yours."

Samantha was the last to put it all together. "Oh my God! Adam?" she didn't know what to think or how to react.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Megan was back on her feet, her hands on her forehead, fingers running into her deep red curls.

"I'm a joker

I'm a smoker

I'm a midnight toker

I sure don't want to hurt no one" rang out loudly now in the vacuum of shock that hung over the room.

Adam was speechless. All he could do was stare into his sister's gorgeous blue eyes.

"I should have lead with 'I never fucked my sister before'" Sarah said in a daze.

Megan couldn't hold it in and belted out laughing nervously. It was a lonely and almost angry laugh.

"Adam, you fucked your sister?" Samantha asked in shock. Samantha's buzz had her in the most happy and relaxed mood. Not even this seemed to faze her.

Adam turned to Samantha, still clearly in shock. "Ummmm..." he sighed. "Yeah she helped me come out of my shell... I was..."

"Oh boy" Sarah said laughing in disbelief.

"You were... what?" asked Samantha in stunned amazement.

"I was too shy to ever ask any girl out because I didn't know what to do..." Adam trailed off.

"Oh my god..." Samantha trailed off. Between the drinks, this game and this shocking development, Samantha suddenly realized that her pussy was soaking wet, her nipples jutting outward through her shirt. She had never been this turned on in all of her life, though she was quite puzzled by why.

Shannon was quietly sobbing on Adam's shoulder.

"Oh cut the waterworks bitch" Megan said in an obviously annoyed tone. "You knew what you were doing from the moment we went up those stairs that night. You just HAD to out do me. You just HAD to show me up again."

"What are you talking about?" Shannon replied sniffling as she looked up.

"Don't play coy, you know exactly what I'm talking about here. REAL talk sis! Time to face the music!" Megan ranted.

Shannon pulled her legs onto the couch, curling into a ball, covering her head with her arms.

"Stop it Megan!" Adam bellowed, the weight of his voice literally rattling their chests.

Megan spun around to look at Adam in shock.

"This isn't the time for that" Adam felt he needed to take control of this very out-of-control situation.

"What time is it Adam? Time for the circus is what time. We're going to be the talk of the town! Shit we'll be lucky if we're not the talk of the county!" Megan barked back.

Adam stood and slowly approached Megan, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her tight to his chest.

"What are you doing?" she balked pushing away from him lightly. Adam pulled her arms around his waist and hugged her tighter.

Samantha stood up and made for the kitchen. "I think I need another drink" Sarah followed.

"I'm holding you because I Love You. I Love both of you." Adam replied quietly as he led her to the couch. Megan went quiet as they sat down next to Shannon, Adam in the middle. He put his left arm around Shannon and pulled her to his side as well.

"We can't turn on each other now. We have to stick together" Adam's voice was warm and confident, even positive sounding.

Shannon looked up from her fetal position at her younger brother, a smile creeping across her face slowly. "I think we already stuck together Adam..." she joked.

Adam looked at her and grinned.

"Some of us did" Megan snarked from the other side of the couch.

Shannon sat up straight as if something had shocked her. "That's it!"

"What?" Adam was bewildered.

"That's what you're upset about! At the table with the parents the next day! And NOW!" Shannon was obviously having some kind of eureka moment, but Adam wasn't following.

"Shut up Shannon! You're so full of shit!" Megan hissed.

"No! No... that's what this is all about. Adam didn't fuck you, he fucked me, and you're all bent out of shape over it" Shannon remarked, her face red with tears.

"What!?" Adam was clueless. "That makes no sense, Megan can have any guy she snaps her fingers at. She wouldn't care about that."

"I get my lovin' on the run

Wooo Wooooo"

The silence was palpable.

"Wait... Right?" Adam turned to Megan, her crystal blue eyes filled with tears this time.

"I... I... FUCK!!" Megan screamed in frustration. "I wanted to have my turn with you, but our fucking idiot parents barged in, junk in hand... I never got a chance after that to... you know... approach you." Megan's voice was soft and honest, a rare occurrence. "I saw how passionately you two were... You know... and I didn't think you felt like that for me... So I didn't pursue it..."

Sarah and Samantha stared on through the bar over the kitchen sink, mindlessly stirring their drinks, eyes wide.

"Oh my god... you must have felt so left out..." Shannon reached across Adam's lap, grabbing Megan's hand to hers. Megan looked up at her sister's compassionate face as her own face softened.

"Yeah it was a horrible feeling" Megan wept softly. "I know I'm always so loud and I piss everybody off and stuff, but I have really deep feelings. I just..."

Adam brought his hand up to Megan's chin, pulling her head up to meet his gaze. As their eyes locked he leaned down and kissed her pouted lips ever so softly. She moaned quietly as if a great weight had been lifted off of her.

"Oh Megan, I'm so sorry" Shannon brought Megan's hand to her lips and started kissing her fingers.

Megan gently pulled away from the kiss and leaned over Adam's lap to embrace her sister. Shannon leaned in completing the group hug. "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to be such an ass" Megan replied.

Shannon and Megan's heads were mashed together against his chest as he pulled them in tight. For the first time since that first night Adam felt a hint of that completeness he had been longing for ever since.

Shannon's wet cheek brushed up against Megan's wet cheek, a softer touch neither had ever felt. Shannon tilted her head, bringing her lips to Megan's cheek near her chin, brushing it lightly.

Megan turned her head to Shannon bringing her lips to Shannon's cheek near her lips, brushing ever so softly in return. There was a pause.

Shannon had never really considered kissing a woman before, much less her younger sister. It wasn't that she'd avoided it, she had simply never thought of it. Now that the notion was in the air, she found herself curious. If being with Adam had been such a surprisingly good experience, what might she find with Megan?

The topless Sarah sat back on the carpet across from them, nipples at attention, mesmerized by the unfolding passion. Samantha mindlessly plopped down next to her, a notably warm squish spread over her crotch as she sat down.

Shannon brought her eyes up to meet Megan's and then leaned in opening her mouth slightly.

When their lips touched it was electric. The sensation of Megan's lips sent chills up Shannon's spine. There was so much energy flowing through her lips that she shivered lightly.

Megan withdrew a bit, enough to look into her sister's teary eyes.

"A baby?" Megan whispered hoarsely. Shannon smiled biting her lip. Megan felt something warm in her chest and lunged back into a kiss. Their lips locked this time, a suction pulled between them. Shannon's tongue darted across Megan's lips into her open mouth.

Adam could feel the bulge in his pants getting a bit more serious than before, though now that he noticed it, it had never completely gone away even through all of the drama. He rubbed his hands up and down his sister's backs, their warmth radiating into his palms.

Shannon sat up brushing the red locks from Megan's face, their lips parting with a tiny string of saliva snapping back to her lip.

"A baby" Shannon finally answered looking up to Adam. "Our baby."

Adam smiled furiously as proud as he'd ever been in his life. "I'm going to be a dad" he glowed.

Sarah put her hand on Samantha's bare knee, she could feel the heat emitting from under her skirt from there. Samantha unconsciously rubbed her chest, barely noticing Sarah's hand. She suddenly wished she had popcorn for the show.

Megan locked eyes with him. "Could you father two?" she asked, the lust burning in her eyes.

The clothes went flying; shirts, skirts, bras, panties and socks littered the small apartment floor.

Samantha's eyes were saucers. She had barely seen other girls nude in the gym shower before, much less the spectacle of the buxom beauties before her now. As Adam stood and dropped trow, she got her first look at his massive penis. She had handled it a couple of times in the past couple of weeks, but hadn't yet braved pulling it out. Her mouth was in an O of shock. Sarah's hand suddenly tightened on her knee. They looked at each other in disbelief.

Adam's cock was at full mast from the emotion in the room, having two gorgeous sisters only aggravated the situation. And so that's where they started, on his cock. Shannon was licking it up one side, Megan down the other, her hand cupping his balls while Shannon's pumped the base of his shaft. He ran his hands through their hair while he took in the beauty of their writhing white bodies. They seemed perfectly oblivious to the presence of their buttery onlookers.

Adam moved his hands underneath his sisters, cupping their respective bosoms and squeezing lovingly. There were no words for the way their tongues felt on his member. Adam took in a sharp breath as Megan lightly grazed the head of his cock with her teeth. He let out a loud grunt as she followed that up with her lips sucking the tip into her mouth. His head rolled back onto the couch backing as she methodically inched his throbbing knob towards her throat.

Shannon's hands were on his thigh now, massaging away any remnant of tension left there. Her hands worked in expert fashion under his sack, her finger flitting over his taint. This caused him to push his hips up, sending the tip of his manhood against the back of Megan's sloppy throat. She gagged briefly, but quickly controlled the reflex, allowing his member to pause there against the back of her tongue.

Sarah was in awe. She had had her share of escapades and considered herself quite experienced, but Megan approached goddess level. Her movements were silky smooth, her demeanor confident and elegant. It was almost like a porn was being shot in her apartment, but without the lights and cameras. Sarah didn't even realize that her hand was sliding under Samantha's skirt.

Megan pulled her mouth up slowly, twirling her tongue in circles around his head as she did, his eyes rolled to the whites. Shannon brought her tongue up the back side of his shaft as Megan pulled back. They met with their tongues at the very tip. As their tongues lashed the tip, they began to intertwine. Soon their fellatio melded back into a kiss. For a few moments they were lost in their embrace.

Adam continued to caress their breasts as their kiss intensified. Shannon and Megan moved their way up Adam's torso, each of them gripping his manhood with one hand. They ended up face to face with Adam before breaking the embrace. Shannon smiled as she moved her hand behind his head and leaned in to kiss both of them. The three of them stayed there for awhile, their bodies rubbing against each other, Shannon's nipples rock hard against Adam's chest.

Sarah's finger brushed over Samantha's soaked lace panties. Samantha had barely noticed her hand before, but when her finger grazed her swollen cunt, a jolt of pleasure surged through her body forcing her to inhale hard. She instinctively leaned back on her hands, spreading her legs. Sarah looked up at Samantha's emerald green eyes and her simmering red lips with a smile. Samantha was drunk enough at this point that there was no thinking or protesting possible. She gazed over at Sarah's voluptuous body and her perky giant melons, her mouth watering.

Sarah closed the gap between them and leaned in to kiss Samantha's neck, her hand pressing firmly against the dripping mess of pussy under the skirt.

Meanwhile on the couch, things became a blur of touching and kissing. It was difficult for Megan to tell where her body started and Shannon's ended. The slow deliberate pace of their love making was driving Shannon into a frenzy. She could feel the blood flowing into her crotch, her pussy swelling and pulsating in rhythm with their writhing.

"Want to start off with me... Daddy?" she whispered in Adam's ear. He nodded, his tongue lashing Megan's neck while he fingered her from the rear. Megan pressed her ass back against his hand as his two fingers slipped into her soaked hole.

Shannon straddled Adam, positioning herself over his throbbing dick. As he ravaged Megan's neck and chest with his tongue Shannon lowered her swollen pelvis over his tip.

"Oh god sis" he moaned. Megan moaned simultaneously as his fingers flexed involuntarily.

"I can't wait to be swollen up with your baby bro" Shannon whispered as she impaled herself on his cock.

"Oh shit Shannon!" Adam squinted as he passed upward inside his sister.

Sarah and Samantha's eyes snapped back to the triple x action unfolding before them. Sarah got to her knees and pulled her sweatpants and panties down. Samantha didn't even notice her eyes transfixed on Adam's cock penetrating Shannon's quim.

"Let's get you comfortable here" Sarah said pulling Samantha's sweater over her head. Samantha's perky B cup's stood at attention as the cool air of the room rushed over them. Samantha nodded after the fact and unzipped her skirt from the side. Both of their eyes were locked on the threesome on the couch. Sarah broke her onward gaze to help Samantha pull her skirt and panties off.

"Oh god!" Shannon whined as his head pressed against the front of her vaginal wall. She lifted up a little and then lowered herself down. The sensation forced the air out of Adam's lungs. Shannon repeated the motion in time with her breathing, slow and deliberate. As their pace slowly increased, Megan was humping her ass against Adam's fingers, her nipple rubbing up and down Adam's chest.

Adam was as amazed at how wonderful Shannon felt on his dick. The added sensation of making love to Megan brought it to an entirely new level. As she increased the pace, her breathing deepened and her moaning transitioned into panting.

Sarah's hand was back on Samantha's luscious blonde pelvis rubbing her juices all over her mons. Samantha moaned softly. Sarah moved around behind Samantha and leaned back against the wall. She pulled Sam back to lay on her chest, her legs wrapped over Sam's legs. Samantha arched her back as Sarah's right hand went back to her pussy and her left hand rolled her nipple between her fingers. "Oh wow" Samantha exclaimed softly, not wanting to interrupt the family affair.

"Ughhh!" Shannon repeated with each down-stroke, her tonality increasingly stressed. Shannon's taut form began to shake with each firm landing on Adam's lap, her plentiful ass rippling from each impact. Adam let out a loud groan in pleasure.

"Don't finish yet bro, it's my turn next" Megan said simultaneously licking his earlobe and cinching the base of his cock beneath her sisters undulating womanhood. The licked earlobe would have sent him over the edge had she not clamped down so hard. That didn't slow down Shannon though whose breathing and panting had evolved into a sound of near desperation.

Sarah was lovingly thumbing Samantha's clit while her other hand went to her own. Samantha was moaning and cooing, it was the sweetest sound and Adam took notice even in his deep state of pleasure. He looked around Shannon's torso to see Samantha sprawled out on the floor, her mouth open, her chin pushed out slightly, her eyes locked on his.

As they watched on, Sarah slipped her middle finger into Sam's oozing slit. Sam bucked her hips up to meet her finger in response. Sarah felt resistance as she pushed her finger deeper into Sam's coos. Then it dawned on her that she was indeed still a virgin, though she wondered for how long as she watched Shannon and Adam.

"Oh god! Oh fuck! Adam! My baby brother!" Shannon was in rare form bouncing hard on his cock like a cowgirl. Her hands grabbed the back of the couch as she pounded her ass against his pelvis.

Shannon leaned in, her tits bouncing on his chest with each thrust. She put her lips up next to Adam's ear breathing and grunting as she whispered "I'm gonna cum so hard baby bro.."

With that her torso froze up, only her hips remained in motion, slapping down on Adam's lap and Megan's hand gripping him like a steel ring. The slapping sound got louder and louder as her torso clenched down in orgasm. "AHHHH!" she screamed as she finished, her has flapping up and down furiously on Adam's lap. Shannon held Adam tight, her massive orbs pressed up against Adam's face. Shannon's body pulsed involuntarily, Adam's cock throbbing inside.

Samantha's virgin pussy yielded shortly after and she moaned out loudly. Sarah's fingers were fluttering inside her entrance and she bucked forward involuntarily in a surprise orgasm.

"OHH!!" she panted as her hips spasmed. Her sweet cries mingled in the air with Shannon's heavy breathing and moaning.

Shannon rose and fell on the full length of Adam's shaft, white girl cum oozing down to Megan's kung-fu grip. Her pace slowed as she moaned with passion. Eventually Shannon caught her breath and leaned back.

"Careful sis, we don't want this thing going off when you stand up" Megan whispered. Shannon pulled her face to her own and kissed her passionately.

"Let's go slowly on three" she smiled. "One... Two... Ready Bro? Three" Shannon slid up off of his swollen purple cock her juices dripping down over the tip, Megan's hand still firmly holding the base like a vice.

Megan slowly rolled on her back on the couch, pulling the panting Adam with her. "Catch your breath bro"

"Uh.. Oh... kay.. Okay.. Okay.." he panted as he slowly regained control.

Samantha was recovering from her very first girl-gasm when Sarah rolled her onto her back. Sam sat up on her elbows, her sleek body curving like a lynx. Sarah sat down in between her spread legs, looping one leg over Sam's and scooting her ass up until their slurpy pussies touched. Samantha looked up at Sarah as if for the first time, her nipples were aimed up as Sarah leaned back on her elbows. The feeling of her pussy lips against her own was divine and was only made better when Sarah pressed her pelvis more firmly into her and began to rotate her hips. Sam's mouth dropped open again as she followed suit. "Ughhh" her voice pitched up in shocked pleasure.

Shannon kneeled down next them in front of the couch as Adam positioned himself between Megan's spread legs. "Now I want you to plant that seed as deep as you can inside my sister. I want to be an aunt soon." The suggestion alone set his dick to bouncing as Megan positioned him before her entrance.

"Make me bro" Megan licked her lips as she pulled his pulsing member against her soaked pussy.

Adam looked down. Megan had one of the most trimmed bodies he had ever seen. Her D-cup orbs, her rippled abs, and the natural V of her pelvis glistened with sweat. He pressed forward, locking eyes with his little sister. She whimpered as he pressed forward into her.

Megan immediately knew that this wasn't going to last long, but she didn't really care at this point. She was ready to cum herself and take in as much semen as he would give her. She slowly released the base of his cock, letting him slide freely into her.

"AHHHH!!" Adam yelled as he almost lost it. Megan rocked her legs back as much as she could to allow room for his girth. He filled her entire pussy in the first thrust and she had a mini-orgasm right way.

"Ohhhh Fuck!" she screamed. "Fuck he's huge Shannon!" Shannon, still panting from her own orgasm leaned down to suck her right nipple.

"MMM hmmm" she affirmed as she locked on to Megan's firm teat.

"Ummmm Oh my fucking GOD! He's buried in her!" Sarah exclaimed looking on at them from the floor. Her snatch's juices were mixing with Sam's as they writhed in ecstasy. Sam looked up to see Adam's huge phallus surge into Megan's red haired twat.

Adam pushed forward again moaning in unison with Megan. Megan's hips started to shake uncontrollably. Her mini-thrusts vacillated over Adam's cock and she pulled the back of his head down to kiss her. Adam complied and delivered another slow intentional thrust, ramming deeper and deeper each time. Each dive into Megan felt more amazing than the last. He could feel the muscular curvature of Megan's canal clamping down to greet each thrust. It was very different than Shannon's pillow soft pussy.

Sarah and Sam's pussies were making an audible sloshing sound with each pelvic thrust. Sam was moaning loudly at this point while Sarah panted. The sounds of panting and fapping rose from a whisper into a chorus of moaning and screaming.

"I can't believe how good he is at this" Megan whimpered to Shannon, she was nearly in tears. She felt such a close connection with Adam that she could feel a lump in her throat as she grunted with each fap.

"This is so beautiful" Shannon whispered back. She watched up close as Adam pressed deeper and deeper in to her sister's muscular body. Megan's stomach muscles contracted with each impact, her nipples stood straight out from her fleshy mounds, the tiny transparent hair follicles beaded into goose flesh across her now sweaty chest.

After a few dozen of these slow thrusts, Adam felt a new sensation as if the orgasm was being pulled out of him by force. He continued his pace until he felt something sort of snap. It was then that he realized he was no longer in control of his body. His hips began to piston in and out of Megan.

"Sis I can't hang on any longer" he managed to whisper.

Sarah and Sam's pace had also quickened into a fury of fapping muff, both were panting and grunting loudly at this point.

Megan started to make this nervous gasping vibrato sound as she breathed. "I can't either bro" she cried "Fuck me!"

Adam let go of all restraint and his body thrashed atop hers. Megan wrapped her arms around his shoulders and bellowed each time he landed a thrust. Adam could feel his hips ramming her tight mons, her pussy pulling tight on his cock every time he retreated. The tip of his cock slid to its deepest point yet. Megan's pussy was gripping him and sucking the cum forward from his full sack.

"Uhhh... Sis... I'm gonna..." he was whimpering now.

"Yeah bro... Do it, fill me up!" she screamed. At that moment his cock spasmed and the first shot of hot white cum splashed inside her round taut belly.

Samantha watched on as Adam violently rammed his cock into his sister, pegging her to the armrest of the couch. A warm wave of sloppy scissoring passed over her body and took her breath away. Sarah had been with several girls before, so she knew to press their clits together hard at the moment of climax. She put all of her weight into grinding their clits and the results were spectacular. An overwhelming orgasm traveled from her hips through her stomach as the two of them slapped together.

"AH!!" Samantha screamed as her pussy came hard.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK" Sarah screamed in an escalating tone. "AGHHH!" she finished.

"Ughh!" Adam's spunk blasted the very rear of Megan's vagina with each twitch.

"UGH!" Her hips convulsed, thrashing wildly against his swollen cock.

"UGGGHHHH!!" Adam yelled involuntarily. Megan's entire body was clamping down on Adam, to the point that she couldn't breathe anymore. Her face was twisted in a mixed expression of pain, pleasure and surprise. She had NEVER cum this hard in all of her life. Her body was wracked with the power of her orgasm as tears poured down her cheeks. She was humping him like some kind of animal until finally she took in air.

"AAAAGGHHHH!!" her voice overpowered the other screams of pleasure in the room. Her body finally released and Adam's balls shot another bucket full of cum into her womb. Megan was literally crying at this point.

"OH FUCK MEG...!!" Adam convulsed again and again, shooting hot blast after hot blast into her. It looked simply ridiculous from afar.

Samantha wondered how there could possibly be anything left in his balls. Yet he continued to piston his hips forward in short bursts, screaming out with each nut.

He continued to pound her even though he could feel the orgasm starting to subside. Between her crying and his yelling Sarah could barely tell if they were enjoying it.

They all rocked together for what seemed like forever kissing, panting, moaning and crying until finally Adam's dick unceremoniously slipped out on to the couch flooding it with cum. The panting and moaning continued to fill the air with it's lustful conclusion.

"I've never felt anything like that Adam" Megan's voice was pitched high and shaking as she pulled him down to her. Her tears mixed with their sweat, soaking his chest.

Shannon felt herself starting to cry, overwhelmed with emotion. She held her brother and her sister as her sister was certainly conceiving his child.

Then as if he had forgotten, Adam turned to Sarah and Sam, who were both laying on their backs panting in exhaustion. "Ummm..." he started, but there were no words for what had just happened. It was other-worldly to say the least.

Eventually the siblings crawled off of the couch onto the floor with the two spent girls. Sarah went to her bedroom and returned with an armful of pillows and a huge blanket. Tangled in a heap of sweaty bodies they kissed and snuggled before passing out from exhaustion.The iron bar was cold against his bare chest as he benched his final rep. His mind was clear, his body was cleansed, and his breathing was deep and steady. As he inhaled deeply and pressed up on the bar, Ted felt okay, even if it was just for a few fleeting moments while his mind was distracted with the rhythmic certainty of his daily workout. As he toweled off the bench in his garage, his eye caught the handlebars of Shannon's bicycle hanging from the ceiling. No matter how clear his mind had been merely moments before, Ted was sucked back into the chamber of self-torment in his mind that he had created for himself over the past seven months.

Ted gazed at the bicycle, staring at its rainbow tassels dangling down from the handlebars. His mind replayed Shannon's first ride on it in front of their house on the sidewalk. She had struggled very little and demonstrated her laser willpower to overcome the obstacle of balancing even at the ripe age of seven. She had always been a marvel to Ted, her brilliance in academics, her graceful loving attitude, her endless charm. Where the other two children struggled Shannon persevered. Ted played back all of the hallmark events of her childhood without even realizing he had paused the circle motion of his towel on the bench. As wonderful as those memories were and as happy a child she had been (hell all of them had been,) the train of memories always burst through the wall of that fateful night seven months before.

Before he even realized it, he was replaying her fully-matured form underneath her brother, writhing and panting with pleasure. She had held him so tightly, opening herself up to him to receive his seed. Ted had been paralyzed with shock, fear, and lust simultaneously. Shannon looked like Lucy at age 21. They could have been twins. To see her in that position had fairly well popped some sort of fuse that he had never known he had as it pertained to Shannon.

His mind worked at it yet again, as if replaying the events of that night and the subsequent morning for the ten thousandth time was going render a different result. As parents what had they done wrong? Hadn't they taught their kids to be responsible young adults? Of course they had, each of the "kids" had grown into amazingly interesting and resourceful adults.

Ted agonized over what had become of his family for hours and hours every single day. If it weren't for his job at the construction site, Ted was quite sure he'd be institutionalized by now. Work and exercise were the only outlets that distracted him long enough to maintain some sense of sanity. Well almost.

Ted pulled the cord on the the single bulb fixture at the rear of the garage and made a slow ascent up the creaking wooden stairs, towel draped over his shoulder, a million strains of logic whirling through his mind.


Dinner was nearly silent... again. The clinking forks and tinking wine glasses were the only sound save for the monotone drone of the news on the kitchen TV. Ted's thousand yard stare was aimed well out beyond the TV and went unnoticed as Lucy stared vacantly at her plate, only looking up occasionally to sip her wine.

Ted's mind continued its endless search for clues. Lucy's mind on the other hand was reeling from a bit of news she had yet to share with Ted. She had no idea how she was going to manage to tell him either. This wasn't some run-of-the-mill gossip she had heard on the street, though she was certain it would be in short order. This was the mother fucker of all news, the kind that might just send poor Ted right over the edge he had obviously been teetering on for months.

She had fielded the call from her nurse friend earlier in the afternoon, just after leaving the office mid-day. She had been very concerned as they were all being sent home due to this new virus. After she hung up the phone, she had dumped it mindlessly into her purse and hadn't thought even once more about that virus.

She worked her fork back and forth between the broccoli and the mashed potatoes, mindlessly stirring her plate into a mush of vegetables and shredded chicken. Ted finally took notice after several minutes of the monotonous plate scraping.

"Lucy?" he queried softly.

She froze, she knew this was it. She had to tell him, but she didn't know how.

"They're pregnant" she issued flatly.

Ted paused, his mind seeking for some sort of ground in this new topic of conversation.

"Umm, okay? Who is pregnant?" he asked. Lucy's chin went to her chest, her eyes closing briefly as she prepared. Ted's inner repeat movie finally paused as his attention went to Lucy's body language.

"Both of them" Lucy was in no hurry to race to the punch line. Maybe if she drew it out enough, it wouldn't be as much of a shock she thought. Or maybe if he figures it out on his own without her having to say it explicitly, his reaction will be less severe.

Ted's attention was now fully captured. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out who she was referring to, even though moments before he had been replaying the moment at the root of it all.

Lucy paused and then slowly looked up to him, folding her napkin and tossing it atop her mashed vegetable slurry. "Both of them Ted, do you understand?"

Ted looked like a deer in headlights, his eyes were open and his mouth was moving, but nobody was home.

"I... don't..." he started, but then the whirling motion of his mind collided that endlessly looping family porn segment with the reality that was issuing from Lucy's firmly pressed lips. "Wait... You mean our...?"

Lucy was nodding slowly watching carefully for the first signs of a heart attack or a stroke on his face. 'God please don't let him leave this world like this.' she thought.

"You mean Shannon and Megan?" his voice was shifting from it's normal dull mid-tone to a shockingly high register as his mouth lay agape, awaiting her response.

"Yeah Ted, I mean Shannon and Megan" her voice was softening in response. 'Poor guy hadn't caught a break in months.'

Ted's mind was now racing to put things together. He knew they had all been living in a cabin out by lake Wilson. He knew they all had jobs and had quit school. Each of these events had come to him by means of friends at work or from Lucy herself. He had this new information, but for some reason, it just wouldn't connect. It made no sense.

"How did they get?" he started again. Lucy saw the light in his eyes change after laborious seconds of intent observation had passed. She was mostly sure he wasn't going to fall over, but the jury was still out.

"Oh..." Lucy nodded in commiseration. "They're his?" he asked, his voice as soft as a kitten.

"If you mean our wonderful son Adam, then yes, they are his babies."

Ted's jaw went slack, his fork tumbling out of his hand onto the half-eaten plate of food.

"What the fuck..." he more stated than asked, trailing off into a whisper.

"It's a lot to take in sweetheart, do you want a drink?" she asked.

Ted merely nodded as his gaze went back out through the back of the TV into the neighboring county.

"We're going to be grandparents" he muttered under his breath.

Lucy stood up, more and more content that she had done a decent job at delivering the news. The chair screeched across the floor at a volume that was shockingly loud given the tone of the room.

"How about a scotch?" Lucy stated more than asked as she put her plate in the sink.

"And our grandchildren are going to be our kid's kids..." he stammered on...

"Yep! So much for in-laws I guess...?" Lucy blurted flippantly.

"Did they call you?" Ted was starting to return to mother earth.

"Oh! No... Get this shit" Lucy's anger was magma under a volcano and the first explosion was due any second. "Our children had the audacity to go to Dr. Feller's office to get tested today. Then I get the call from Susan, you know Eddie's wife that works as a nurse practitioner there? She's all like Congratulations!" Lucy's arms flailed in over-exaggeration.

"They got tested today? How far along are they?" Ted's mind was back in action.

"Oh there's more! They didn't get tested for pregnancy, they got tested for this Covid virus that's going around. Susan said the girls look like they are at least SIX MONTHS along!" Lucy's cool was rapidly dissolving. "SIX MONTHS!!" she screamed.

Ted was up on his feet, it was his turn to watch out for an impending stroke.

"Can you FATHOM the BALLS of these kids!!?" Lucy was in full rant mode now, there was no putting this genie back in the bottle. "They start FUCKING in OUR HOUSE! Then they LEAVE US with not so much as a phone call, or a Thanks Mom, or NOTHIN! They SHACK up in the woods with their friends... And NOW I have to explain to every idiot in this FUCKING town that... Holy Shit I can't even SAY IT TED!"

Lucy had planned to stay cool as she had contemplated this conversation throughout the afternoon, but now that the chain of events stacked up in her mind, she was raw fury. Ted was making a b-line to the vitamin cabinet where in an old vitamin C bottle he kept a few xanax for just such an occasion.

"I can't fathom any of it Lucy, from the very start to THIS! I simply can't think of a single thing we did wrong to deserve this... Here, one for you and two for me"

"Well we were young once too!" Lucy shot him an evil smile. "Nothing here is new except their unprecedented rudeness Ted" Lucy quipped.

Ted was performing at maximum restraint as he doled out the pills.

"Fuck that, give me two..." she demanded. There was no arguing with Lucy on that, the bottle of wine certainly wasn't cutting it and the scotch was way too slow.

The conversation had gone on for another hour as they explored all of the facts, rumors, and guesses they each had. In the end they ended up in the living room on the couch, staring at the news anchor, defeated by the unseen hand of fate.

"The Federal Government in 17 states declared a state of emergency today..." the anchor reported dryly. It only partially registered with Ted that the world outside his door was rapidly spinning into chaos.

"Whatever happens Lucy... We'll get through this okay? I'm not going to let this destroy our family" Ted was mostly convincing.

"I know, we'll figure it out" Lucy stated dryly, not really sure if it could be believed.


Two weeks had gone by as Ted returned from the job site. Things had gone from the frying pan into the fire since they'd received the news. This virus had the whole world by the balls it seemed as the funding for the construction contract he was working had just collapsed, putting the work on indefinite hold.

Lucy took the news well, she'd expected as much. Her hours had been cut in half the week before. Working from home half-time wasn't nearly the adventure it had always promised to be. Sure the morning routine was easier, but the isolation was a bitch. Lucy was longing for company after only a couple of days.

Lucy was preparing her weekly grocery run. She had lucked out and found an eight pack of toilet paper at the drug store while picking up prescriptions, but getting all of the items on the list was hit or miss. Ted had come home, relayed the news about the contract and had gone straight to the basement.

As Lucy jotted down the ingredients for each night's meal, she heard a noise in the living room.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to make her way from the kitchen table to get a look. As she passed through the doorway, she found a startling surprise.

There in the middle of her living room was Adam, standing every bit of six foot tall.

"Hi Mom" his face was a mix of anxiety and anguish.

"OH MY GOD!" Lucy said stunned, her arms dropping to her sides like two pieces of dead timber. She didn't know what to do and didn't know what to say, but her eyes betrayed her and welled up with tears. "I can't believe you're here!" she squeeled.

Adam stepped forward tentatively, not sure of what to expect. Lucy felt an overwhelming rush of emotion and longed to hold her son in her arms. It didn't matter what had happened or what had been said now, only that he was here.

She marched forward stretching her arms out wide. He stepped forward into her embrace. There was no pretense, there was no anger, there was only the pure love of a mother and her son. Lucy couldn't help but to begin crying into his thin cotton t-shirt. They remained there for what seemed to Adam like an eternity, his mother gently weeping against his chest and him not knowing anything more to do other than hold her close.

After some untold time expired, they simultaneously released.

"Have a seat son" she motioned to the couch.

Adam had a sudden flashback of Shannon sitting with him on that couch and moved over one pillow in a subconscious token of respect. Lucy sat right next to him, maybe even closer than Shannon did.

"So... I hear you have some news for us" Lucy said drying her eyes, her sobriety returning to her after the drunken indulgence of their embrace.

"Ummm yes, but it sounds like you may already know" his voice was small and frail.

"I know some things that I've been told by other people, but I need to hear the whole story from you Adam" her voice was teetering between quivering and stern.

"Okay, I understand" Adam worked to craft his words carefully. "So, Megan, Shannon and I are starting a family."

"Okay?" Lucy looked down at her wringing hands.

"We didn't know that we could have feelings like this for each other when we started out, but we are exploring them together, like adults."

Lucy's eyebrows went up. "Like adults huh?" she questioned, the sarcasm ever-present.

"Well we are trying, but it's a difficult situation" Adam explained.

"Oh you mean the situation you've created for yourselves AND our family is difficult you say?" Lucy's voice was increasing in intensity.

Adam just knew this was the calm before the storm and braced himself for the mother of all tongue lashings. Lucy felt the temperature rising in the room and took three deep breaths to calm herself before she flew into a rage. It would do no good at this point.

After another eternity of silence between them, Lucy emerged composed. "So, you've impregnated your sisters to start this family I hear?"

"Yes" his answer was flat and measured.

"And you intend to raise these children in a cabin in the woods on your own?" Lucy looked up at Adam.

He returned her gaze, the beauty of her shiny, tearful hazel eyes caught him off guard. "I... Umm... We aren't going to be staying in the cabin any longer."

"I see" Lucy was doing her best to hold her cards to her chest.

"Well, you see this Covid virus has the owner of the cabin we're renting scared and he's decided to move in himself."

"Ahh, I see, and you're not planning on adding him to the family I gather?" her question was partly aimed at humor and partly aimed to humiliate.

"Uhhhh... Right, well no, he's kickin us out" Adam was getting really nervous, why hadn't she started yelling yet?

"What an asshole" Lucy said devoid of emotion.

"Yeah, and also..." Adam knew this would evoke her reprise "We all lost our day jobs and can't find a rental that will take us."

Lucy paused as she finally comprehended the real reason for this visit, taking two more lengthy breaths. "I see... So, I assume you're here to ask if you all can stay here and make this new family?"

"Yes Mom..." Adam's gaze dropped to his lap.

"And you think that your father is going to be okay with this?" Lucy wanted to see just how stupid these kids really were.

"No, not at all" Adam's tone was as somber as a funeral.

"And when do you have to be out of your cabin?" Lucy was building the plan in her head already.

"Uhhh..." Adam was really not handling the suspense of this conversation well at all. In fact, even though he and his mother had always had a very close relationship, he was freezing up. Thankfully, an angel came to his rescue.

"Today Mom" a voice issued from the open doorway, the sun silhouetting Shannon's voluptuous frame. Lucy looked up, a smile of relief betraying her pursed lips.


Many hours of conversation were had that evening. Lucy went with Adam to the store to gather the ingredients for dinner and additional supplies (sans toilet paper.)

Back at the house, it had been Megan that had finally convinced their father to forgive them for their arrogant stupidity in quitting school and the months of subsequent silence. She ended up breaking down and explaining how she had felt like an outsider in the family for years and that she realized how disrespectful they had been to their undeserving parents. Adam actually felt like she was mostly telling the truth, though he was certain the tears were added for dramatic effect.

Ted was surprisingly accepting of their apology and agreed to a temporary stay of execution after Megan's emotional spell. At his core he was simply overjoyed to have his children back in his home. He knew things weren't resolved, but there was little choice in the matter. He wanted his family back and they would have to work through the rest over time.

In the end, many tears were shed. Many hugs shared.

The three siblings moved in upstairs, sharing the tiny double bunk room the girls had previously occupied, anticipating Adam's old room to be the nursery. They shoved the two twins together to one side of the room and put a pillow topper across them for a make-shift cal-king.

They all slept hard that night, a family reunited, all of their grudges and issues resolved for the time being.

The next morning Lucy knocked on the door to their room quietly, peeking her head in when no one answered. It was quite the sight, the three of her babies all piled in a single bed again under her roof. Megan was on the left, her bare belly sticking out from her far-too-tight t-shirt, her swollen breasts threatening to free themselves from the inadequate fabric.

On the right Adam spooned Shannon, her night gown in disarray about her waist, the sheets in a ball at the foot of the bed. The light was dim with the shades drawn, but as Lucy's eyes adjusted, she realized that neither Adam nor Shannon were wearing underwear. In fact it appeared that Adam was in the buff.

As she stared on, (her mid-forties vision slowly adapting,) she noticed the motion of Adam's hips. At first his motion was too liquid to detect in the morning shadows, but as she watched on, the lines of his muscular hips and rigid cock became apparent. His engorged cock was slowly but surely sliding in and out of his older sister's back-side.

Lucy gasped quietly, her hand going to her mouth. Adam blinked and lifted his head slightly. Their eyes met, his mouth slightly agape as he continued to slide his dick forward into Shannon's outstretched ass.

Lucy froze, what was she supposed to do? She had knocked too quietly it seemed... Or had Adam heard her? As they stared at each other, Lucy couldn't help but think how similar Adam and Shannon looked to Ted and herself when they were that age. Her own nether regions flushed warm as Adam withdrew slowly, their juices shimmering on his rock hard member. Adam looked back down at Shannon's ass as he pressed back into her. Shannon moaned almost too quietly to hear into her pillow as he reoccupied her insides. As he slid in, he looked back at Lucy. Lucy was biting her bottom lip and trying not to make any sounds as her breathing increased.

As the shock of the surprise wore off, it was replaced with a deep ache in her womb. As she watched Adam pleasure his sister out of her sleep, Shannon's breathing got louder and more rhythmic. Lucy felt her nipples go hard against her thin night wrap.

There was a stir downstairs and Lucy had to make a decision, to stay or go. She struggled temporarily as she weighed her sudden lustful feelings against her own mental logic. Her logic was telling her to get out, that this didn't end well the last time. Her loins were telling her to stick around for the show, this might be the excitement she had been lacking for years.

Ultimately, her instinct won out and she stepped inside the room, pulling the door closed behind her. Adam smiled, repeating the slow deliberate assault on Shannon's quim. Shannon was definitely coming out of her slumber with each stroke. She rolled partially towards Adam, her arm pulling her nightie strap down. Her massive breast rolled into view.

"mmmmm" Shannon cooed softly.

Lucy's nipples were begging for attention themselves at this point. Adam looked over at Shannon and then back to his mother, as if to challenge her to repeat Shannon's move. Lucy found her hands moving into strategic position, one over her left breast, the other over her crotch. As Adam's tempo increased ever so slightly, Lucy felt herself pulling the thin silk material covering her left nipple aside, the cold morning air dancing on its tip, accentuating the sensation. She gasped again involuntarily.

Adam realized his sisters had certainly not gotten their figures and assets from dad's side. His mom was fully equipped even in her middle age. As his mom revealed the nipple he had suckled as a baby, his cock got even harder, which was seemingly impossible. Shannon felt his tension increase and even though still mostly asleep, reached over and grabbed the base of his cock. Sometimes something this hard called for a different approach.

Adam's inhaled hard as she pulled him out of her dripping pussy. He was suddenly afraid that she might be making him stop. Had she sensed her mother in the room? His fear turned to thrill as she rolled her ass away temporarily and positioned his granite rod slightly higher. The tip of his cock pressed against her puckering asshole and a wave of euphoric pleasure rushed through his body.

Lucy couldn't believe her eyes. Her daughter was getting ready to take it up the ass and appeared to be quite motivated. Adam's mouth was trapped in a semi-permanent "O" as he put his hand on her ass cheek. He looked back up at Lucy as he began the assault on Shannon's asshole. He was already so slicked with her pussy juice, that after the first few seconds of resistance, his engorged cock slid right into her ass. Shannon moaned much more loudly into the pillow this time. Any doubt that she was awake was gone now.

Lucy realized she was squeezing her left tit and flicking her own nipple, her other hand working furiously against her clit through an opening in her gown. She inhaled sharply as Shannon was impaled. Adam continued to stare into her eyes, it was akin to pouring fuel on a fire.

Lucy's hips were already beginning to buck against her hand as Adam finished his 3rd slow, deliberate stroke into Shannon's tight ass. Shannon was moaning with each stroke and starting to push back to meet his pressure. Adam was bottoming out now.

Lucy was lost in their passion as well as her own and she pulled her massive mam from her nightgown up to her mouth. They held their gaze while she licked and bit her own nipples, a feat that less endowed women simply can't achieve. She imagined that Adam was plumbing her ass instead of Shannon's. Her clit was on fire as she finger fucked herself. She opened her gown at the mid-section, allowing Adam a full view of her exposed pussy, Shannon wasn't the only one not wearing panties.

This sent Adam's pace into full on fap mode. He was being quiet as not to wake up Megan, but he also knew she could sleep through anything. Adam's hips were now slapping Shannon's plentiful ass cheeks with each accelerating stroke. Lucy could tell he was really close.

Instinctively she picked up the pace and began to feel the first pre-wave of orgasm building in her hips.

Adam's pace increased and increased until Lucy was SURE that Megan would wake up to the shaking of the bed. Shannon had her face buried in the pillow, but her cries of ecstasy were only muffled so much. Adam began to make involuntary grunting noises and as he stared deep into her eyes, Lucy realized she was about to have an orgasm with her very own son. The idea of this seemed to only infuriate the pulsing spasms in her hips.

Adam's body tensed up all at once, his mouth still in an O of disbelief. His hips pistoning forward in three short bursts. The last landed with a loud slapping impact to Shannon's ass. She screamed into the pillow in turn.

That was all it took for Lucy, her hips pitched forward, her stomach muscles contracting her abs into strands of steel. Her pussy shot a thin clear stream straight down her leg as she grabbed the door knob to steady herself. The orgasm was the most intense she'd experienced in years. Her fingers were pinching her nipple to a point as her body pulsed with intense pleasure. She stood there for some untold period of time staring into Adam's eyes as both of them experienced the fading rolling motion of their orgasms.

Finally she composed herself and quickly slipped out the door, pulling her gown back into place. Adam was smiling at her again, this time, there was a shimmer of pride on his face. His eyes promised more to come.

Shannon was rolling over as the door closed, her massive tit lolling towards Adam.

"Was somebody there?" she asked catching a tiny glimpse of movement as she rolled over.

Adam just smiled and embraced her, his cock and a massive puddle of jism still buried deep in her ass.


Lucy was finishing up the dishes from their sixth breakfast together. Her mind kept replaying the first morning's xxx action over and over. She wondered in awe at Adam's new boldness, such a surprise from a previously shy boy.

The rest of the family was in a state of deep food coma after having scarfed down plates of pancakes, eggs, bacon and a full pitcher of orange juice. As she sprayed down the plates, a wave of nausea passed through her. It was particularly strong and made her give pause.

Adam released a loud wet-sounding belch that reverberated off of the tile floors. "Whoa... ewww" Adam said smacking his lips "re-runs" he stated with a sour look on his face. Ted looked up at him inquisitively and then shot a questioning glance over at Lucy.

Lucy felt another wave of nausea, this one strong enough to make her grab the counter top and hold on. A dizzy spell made her head swim.

"Lucy you okay?" Ted stood up quickly, moving to steady her by her shoulders as she visibly swooned.

"Ughhh, yeah I'm ohhh.." Lucy bolted out of the room to the bathroom off of the den. Ted gave chase.

"Uh oh.." Adam said, standing just moments later... "I don't feel so..." Adam lunged for the kitchen sink and barely made it there before his breakfast came back.

Megan and Shannon both exchanged ewww faces while they covered their ears. "Oh my GOD Adam! Thankfully she finished the dishes before you did that!" Shannon shrieked.

Megan was fighting back her own reactive regurgitation effect from hearing Adam puke. "Oh this is so wrong!" she exclaimed.

Adam finally finished heaving and wiped his face mindlessly with the kitchen towel.

"ADAM!" both sisters yelled.

"Oh for fuck sake" Megan exclaimed in exasperation as she ran upstairs to escape.

They could all hear their mom heaving through the thin bathroom door in the next room.

"Jesus Adam! That's what she uses to wipe the dishes!" Shannon barked, more out of worry than actual anger.

Adam stumbled into the living room and dropped face-first onto the couch. Shannon rinsed out the sink, nearly gagging several times herself. Afterwards she checked on Adam who was already fast asleep. Her dad opened the door to the bathroom and helped Lucy to their master bedroom.

"What the hell just happened?" he asked as they rounded the corner.

"I dunno Adam, just threw up and Megan ran away as usual" Shannon said pulling the afghan off the back of the couch onto Adam's lanky frame.

After a few minutes, Ted found Shannon back in the kitchen, furiously spraying the sink and counter down with clorox spray.

"Your mom's running a slight fever, I'm worried about her" Ted sat down heavily in his chair. "You think they might have picked up that virus out shopping last week?"

The idea was a bolt of lightning through Shannon's mind. "Oh My God Dad! What if they did!? Will they be okay?" her voice went up two octaves out of fear.

"Well yeah... Chances are in their favor by a lot honey" Ted reassured. "However, you and your sister with those..." Ted stumbled just trying to say it.

"Babies! Oh My God Dad! Are we gonna be okay?" Shannon was in shock not having given any thought to her unborn child.

Ted rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around his eldest daughter. "Yeah sweety you will be, I promise." Shannon sensed the gears turning in her father's head.

"But...?" Shannon questioned looking up at her father from their warm embrace.

"But..., if they start coughing, they could be contagious. We may need to separate ourselves from them."


Ted looked absolutely ridiculous in his full-head-cover painting mask from the late eighties. The two filters on the front of his face were so big that his eyes looked like tiny black dots inside the glass.

Shannon giggled a bit as he adjusted the head strap. "Say... LUKE!! I'M YOUR FATHA!!" Megan joked, evoking more laughter from the pregnant pair.

"HA HA" Ted muffled from the depths of the mask.

"What, couldn't afford the diving bell that went with that helmet Dad?" Shannon mocked.

"SURE! Laugh at my expense while I'm downstairs cleaning vomit and making soup for the infected!" Ted began to don the longest pair of rubber gloves that have ever been made.

"Getting ready for a body cavity search?" Megan joked again.

Ted wobbled around to face her. "SURE! Come here you!" he joked letting the rubber glove slap shut on his outstretched hand for dramatic effect.

Megan shrieked and feigned fear. "Oh NO Daddy, don't touch me there!" she giggled.

Shannon rolled her eyes, finishing the age-old trope "Touch me here!" she bubbled. They all broke out in a slightly nervous laugh.

Ted (somewhat disturbed and partly turned on by this) made his way through two layers of plastic sheeting sandwiching the door. The tiny upstairs room had become a haven for the uninfected since Adam and Lucy had come down with the disease. Ted had spent the better part of a day sealing off his master bedroom and Adam's old room with plastic sheeting. He had continued to segment every portion of the house independently 'just in case.' He had even sealed off the air vents throughout the house to prevent the spread.

"Do you think he's going overboard? I mean I think I just saw ET go by..." Megan quipped.

Shannon was instantly impressed by the ET reference. "I didn't even think you knew about that movie! Wow!" she chirped. "And yeah maybe a little, Dad thinks every cold is level 5 bio-hazard, always has."

"You think Adam and Mom are gonna be okay?" Megan's tone shifted, there wasn't even a hint of sarcasm.

Shannon looked up at her sister, her red locks drifting down on either side of her slightly pouted lips. "Yes I do. And you... don't need to worry about them."

"I knoowww, it's just we've been in here for like 4 days now and I'm getting a little..."

"Worried?" Shannon asked looking down at her own bulging belly beneath her silk night gown.

"Noooo.. I mean yes! But No! I'm like REALLY horny!" Megan whispered.

"Oh boy" Shannon said rolling her eyes. As the sixth month had gone by she too had been having some pretty epic urges, but she wasn't about to commiserate with her over-sexed sister. "You can't go a week without a dick can you?" Shannon giggled. "You could always roll up on Dad since we're all stuck sleeping together in this big bed!" she joked.

Megan bit her lower lip looking up to the right. Shannon watched her sister's face contort with what could be misconstrued as pain if she didn't know better.

"OH MY GOD! You're actually thinking about it!" Shannon realized aloud.

"Well.. I mean... We've already done Adam" Megan murmured quietly. "I'm pretty sure it'd be the same kind of feeling wouldn't it?"

Another thought she had was that Megan wasn't wrong, they'd already crossed the line and there was little left in the moral contemplation department as a result.

Also, her dad was a big strong gorilla of a man. She had noticed plenty of other women doing their best to get close to him many times before in public settings. He had never even given them the time of day. He was Lucy's man.

"Okay... considering Adam is just overly horny and we're his first lay. Let's say he doesn't care. What about Mom!? Wouldn't that hurt her?" Shannon realized that they should have had this discussion before Adam as well.

Megan's eyebrows furrowed into deep contemplation, this was an even larger strain on her mind than the first question. She sat, her elbow on her tight round belly, her hand under her chin and looked out the window in deep thought.

Meanwhile Shannon kept seeing her dad's huge cock plunging in and out of her pussy. Her crotch went wet as a mop immediately. Maybe she was in the same boat as her sister after all. Thick saliva lined her mouth and her nipples went hard as Megan returned to the room from her mental journey.

"Okay, so I'm going to say that she also will not care, and here's why. The first morning after we came home, you and Adam had sex right?"

Shannon thought back a week and a half. "Yeah okay he woke me up well that morning, what's that have to.."

"Okay, so I was on the other side of you and you had your head in the pillow. I was still sleepy and didn't want to wake up yet, but while you and Adam fucked, Mom was watching."

Shannon gasped out loud. "WHAT!?... NO!"

"Yep and not only did she watch, but she fucked herself off to Adam fucking you. She came so hard, I literally had to put a towel over the puddle of her cum in the door later."

"BULLSHIT!" Shannon stated laughing. "You almost had me.. right up to the puddle of cum. HAHAHA. Nice try!"

"No bullshit sis. One hundred percent authentic fact bitch" Megan's composure was granite. Shannon quickly realized that there was no way Megan could ever hold her shit like that unless she was telling the truth.

"Oh... My... God..." Shannon was stunned into disbelief. 'How could she not have noticed her standing at the foot of the bed in a room this small? How could she not of heard her frigging herself that close by?' Shannon's thoughts were racing through her mind, her brain piecing together the images of her mom in full lust mode watching her get ass fucked. But then the larger and more shocking thought came to her. "You think Mom wants to fuck him?"

"Well that's why I don't think she'd care if we got with Dad. She's hot for Adam.. Unless she's hot for you?" That made Megan chuckle out loud.

"Shut the FUCK UP!" Shannon threw a pillow at Megan's face with deadly accuracy. Megan caught it in mid-air with ease.

"Maybe she wants to lick that pussy Shannon!" Megan taunted further.

"Holy fucking shit! You have no boundaries at all! You're a sexual psychopath!" Shannon shrieked back.

"Oh yeah and you're mother fucking Theresa with your brother's baby bump sitting up there on that high horse of yours!" Megan rocked back laughing at Shannon's stark hypocrisy.

"Well worked on you too..." Shannon retreated.

"Hey!!" a hoarse whisper issued from behind the sheets of plastic and door.

"Adam!?" Shannon whimpered "Are you okay sweetie?"

"Yeah I'm feeling better, it comes in waves. What are ya'll talking about? Sounds heated."

Being the kind of question that Megan relished in answering bluntly, "You fucking Mom and us fucking Dad" Shannon began actively beating her sister with another pillow.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?" Shannon scream whispered, her jaw clenched in shock and frustration. This time she really considered actually beating her sister up.

There was a very pronounced silence from behind the door. "Huh!" was all that Adam said. Then they heard his retreating footsteps and his door across the hall close.

"FUUUUCK!!" Shannon scream whispered again. "See what you've done?"

"What!? How is this my fault!? Besides, he's thinking about it too!" Megan's evil smile spread across her face, the fruit did not fall far from the tree. Shannon rolled back on the bed, covering her face with her hands, exasperated completely.

"I have a succubus for a sister and we're all gonna burn in hell together" Shannon stated between her palms.

"You started it" Megan laughed.


Ted came back to the room around midnight, fumbling with all of the gear outside their door. After he was free of the mask and gloves he stepped into the room wreaking of scotch and cigars.

Shannon and Megan were sprawled across the bed watching TV in the dark in nothing but their night gowns. The silk barely covered their swollen tits and stopped just shy of their waistlines due to their bulging bellies.

"Oh! Look whose here Shannon! It's our glorious father, all boozed up with nowhere to go!" Megan taunted.

"What's got into her?" Ted asked Shannon, trying to ignore that her snatch was plainly visible under her gown. 'They think guys have no shame' he thought to himself.

"I think it's more what hasn't got into her that's the problem" Shannon said wryly trying to ignore them both.

"How's Mom" Shannon asked turning her eyes to her father. She knew better than to look at him after all of Megan's madness before, but she couldn't help herself anymore than Megan could. He was dressed in a beat-up t-shirt and Costco middle-isle cargo shorts, the pride of all American dad's. But even in this dressed down state he had a regal elegance and a muscular build to show for it.

"She's doing much better I'm happy to say" Ted turned and sat on the edge of the bed. "You two gonna make room for me here?" he asked as he untied his shoes.

"Oh he's so much more gruff when he's had a few" Megan quipped, an evil smile dancing across her face.

"What are you on about princess?" he asked with a side glance. She wasn't wrong, he had definitely dipped into the new scotch bottle and lit a cigar or two this evening. After the week he'd been through taking care of his wife and son, he figured no one would have anything to say about it.. Of course he was wrong.

"What about Adam?" Shannon continued the informal inquiry.

"Oh, well he decided to move downstairs into my bedroom and watch movies with Mom, so I guess he's feeling better."

Shannon shot Megan a glare that could kill. "I wonder where he got THAT idea?"

"So would you say they're going to Netflix and Chill Dad?" Megan retorted jokingly.

Shannon had to close her eyes and calm herself.

"I don't even know anymore pumpkin, who knows if they're gonna fuck, I can't keep up with the women in this house anymore" Ted fell back on the bed in a gesture of surrender.

Megan and Shannon both gasped and sat upright in shock, who knew that he knew what that meant!?

"Oh uh..." Megan stammered.

"Look just cut the shit, at this point, the whole world is going to hell in a hand basket. I'm just glad we're all together, no matter what that means" Ted's voice was slightly slurred.

"Dad, you're okay if Adam gets with Mom?" Shannon asked seriously.

"Well he certainly didn't appear to stop after you sweetheart. I figure he's going for the royal flush. Hell, the boy's libido might fuck everyone up to the Queen herself."

"Huh?" Megan and Shannon replied in unison sharing a glance of puzzlement.

"Grandma Rose of course, the bell of the ball, the cooz of the schmooze."

"Dad you really did have too much to drink tonight" Shannon said putting her hand on his muscular shoulder.

"No, no, no. You girls think you're modern and that this swanky arrangement of yours is hot and all, but there's nothing new under the sun ladies" The girls shared another look of confusion. "You probably don't even know that your grandpa Merle is also your great uncle Merle."