So a few years back my wife and I finally called it quits after 28 years of marriage. Some might say it was a mid life crisis, but to those that knew us they just said it's about time. We only had the one child together, our daughter and she was already grown and out living on her own, even SHE admitted it was about time we split up.

I will spare you the epic tale of woe that was the divorce, no one really wants to hear all that anyway, even if they ask they are just being polite, but suffice to say I was pretty devastated financially and since neither one of us really managed our money very well I was struggling to just to keep a roof over my head. (She got the house and a big fat alimony check every month by the way). I had managed to make it on my own for a little over a year, but then I started to see the writing on the wall, I needed to find a roommate, or another place to live...and fast.

It was then an unlikely hero came out of nowhere and saved my ass, and that hero was none other than my daughter Jessica. She was in a fix too, her roommate was getting married and moving out and she had yet to find anyone that she could stand to move in with her, and well, since misery loves company she asked me about moving in there at her place. It was a lot nicer than my place, better neighborhood and all that, and I'll admit I was a bit iffy about the whole thing, but where else was I gonna go?

So with a truck full of junk and a mind full of questions I moved in. It was a little awkward at first, Jess was now 26 years old and I was 48 nevermind the fact I was her dad. But as time went on we became more comfortable around one another and we were making the bills and for the first time in my life I was actually managing my money fairly well. I had even managed to get money put back so I could eventually find my own place again. Then the pandemic hit.

What money we had managed to put back was gobbled up pretty quickly when we were both out of work, but thankfully we had enough to ride the lockdown out. The amazing thing is we became even closer than ever before during all of this. I guess it was where we had pretty much no other option but stay at home, so we watched a lot of TV. I watched shows I never thought I would, but then again, so did Jess, but what really happened is that we talked quite a bit more. I mean really talked, not just silly stuff like the weather and local gossip, but mistakes we had made in our lives, past relationships, all that kinda stuff. It was during that time I learned about Nick.

Nick was a guy that Jess dated a couple years back, things seemed to be getting pretty serious between them to hear Jess tell it, then it fell apart. Jess had never introduced me to Nick and she confessed as to why, hindsight being what it is and all. She said she knew even back then that I would have seen right through him and would not have liked him at all, she just was not ready to admit that to herself back then.

Turns out, this NIck character had been stalking and harassing Jess off and on every since they split up. When she told me this that is when the light came on inside my head and a lot of questions as to why she was so adamant about me moving in with her in the first place. She told me, she felt safer with me there, and since I had been living there the texts, phone calls and emails had really slacked off. Like most fathers would, I offered to go beat the shit out of the guy, but Jess was terrified that I would go to jail and if that happened that he would know that she was alone and it would get worse...much worse. I still wanted to do it, but since she said he had really backed off lately, I decided she was probably right, so I let it go. Besides Jess had told me that he thought I was her new boy friend and she just let him think whatever, not telling him that I was her dad.

So a couple months ago we were at home one evening watching a ball game together, (turns out Jess did get her love for baseball from me) and we were just chilling having a few beers when Nick showed his face again...literally. He was actually peeking through our window watching Jess. I was on the sofa with my back to the window so I had no idea he was even there, and neither did Jess at first, but as she came back from the kitchen with two fresh beers she froze.

"Oh my god dad...he's out there." I could hear the panic in her voice

"Who is out there?" I asked looking at her.

Jess quickly regained her composure and sat down on the sofa right next to me and she said quietly. "Nick is out there dad."

"Oh that's it! I am gonna go out there and knock the shit outta..."

"Please dad no." Jess pleaded and put her hand on my knee to stop me from standing. "He will get the cops on you, I don't want you to go to jail!"

"Goddammit Jess, I don't care about that, this asshole has got to go and go now." As I started to push her hand away and stand Jess straddled my lap sitting on me and she grabbed my face with both hands. I was shocked for a moment not knowing what to do.

"Dad...he thinks your my boy friend let him, he will go away, I promise." I could see the pleading in my daughter's eyes, but I was still determined to run that guy off for good this time and I started to get up again, Jess sensing this panicked and while still holding my face she kissed me right on the mouth.

"What the fuck Jess?" Shocked my eyes wide, "What are you doing"

"Dad, he thinks you are my boyfriend!" I could see the panic in her eyes, "Just pretend to be making out with me and he'll leave, I know he will, just don't go out there please."

And with that she kissed me again, this time letting it linger. After a moment I began to to relax a bit and she pulled back from the kiss, "Just roll with it daddy." She whispered into my ear, and then kissed me again.

Roll with it? I thought to myself but here she was kissing me again, so I put my hands on her hips and began to kiss her back. Her lips parted and her tongue slid through and I did the same, soon our tongues were intertwined, I gripped her hips even tighter. By this time the fact that I had not so much even been on a date in almost a year coupled with the fact that a you woman was straddle of my lap kissing me, nevermind it was my daughter, well it all caught up with me. All either one of us was wearing were thin sleeper pants and a tee shirt and I started getting an erection. Jess must have felt it and she moved slightly in my lap, I am guessing to move away from it, but that movement only made it worse. I was completely hard now.

As if that were not enough, I guess Jess was in the same situation I was in, she had not seen anyone in quite awhile and her body was getting into it as well and I felt her grinding her hips into me. Feeling Jess grinding against my fully erect manhood caused me to moan slightly and then I heard her moan too as well. I remember thinking this must be what it's like for actors doing a love scene, why that popped into my head I still do not know.

Finally after several long moments of us kissing and grinding Jess pulled away and looked over my shoulder and she whispered. "Ok, I think he is gone."

"Good." I said looking into her eyes and still feeling very turned on at this point. Then I looked down and I could see her nipple pushing through her bra and thin tee shirt, and that did nothing to alleviate the sexual tension that was now between us.

"Thank you daddy." Jess said in a low soft voice, and as she started to climb off of me she hesitated and then to my surprise, she kissed me again.

We immediately fell back into a deep kiss, but this time it was more passionate, more natural. "Is he back I asked as I pulled away.

"No" was all she said and she kissed me again, her hips grinding once more. I could feel the heat of her crotch as it ground into my hard cock, and I must admit it felt good.

"Umm Jess, we had better stop this before..."

"Just roll with it daddy." she said again and she kissed me very deeply this time.

I could not resist any longer and I slid my hands inside of her tee shirt and up to her breasts. I began to caress and tease her nipples through her bra as she then pulled her shirt off over her head. Then she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. I pulled it to the side and took one of my daughters nipples into my mouth and began to suckle it. She moaned deeply. Then Jess arched her back and slid out of her sleeper pants, and her panties. My daughter was completely and back onto my lap once again.

I felt her fingers digging into the waistband of my own sleeper pants and I could feel her pulling them down off of me. My hard cock sprang forward and Jess immediately straddled it. I could feel my manhood pressing against her shaved pussy lips and knew I had to say something.

"Jess are you sure that you..."

"Fuck me daddy...please" was all she said and then I could feel the heat of her vagina as she lowered herself onto my throbbing cock.

I gasped as the walls of her vagina smothered my cock and it felt like warm liquid velvet. She started rocking her hips back and forth sliding up and down over my cock while arching her back and moaning loudly. I put my hands on my daughters ass and pulled her onto my cock and she gasped again. I buried my face between my daughters breasts and she started bucking like wild on top of my cock.

"Ohhh God Jessica..." Her face now in my hands and I pulled her into me and kissed her deeply. She took my tongue and began to suck it and my hands fell back to her hips and I started grinding back into her, our thrusts now matching one another.

I felt her moan into my open mouth and throat and her hips quiver, her legs started shaking and then she gushed all over my cock. I could hold back no longer and I exploded inside of her, my own boy quivering as well.

Slowly the grinding came to a halt, both of us gasping for air. Our eyes met and she smiled, there was a sparkle in them and I had never seen her look so happy and content before in my life.

"We sure showed him." I laughed nervously.

"Fuck yea dad" Jess laughed too. "Besides...you really are my boy friend now dad..."