I lay naked on the bed, the cover still smooth and unwrinkled. The curtains were drawn and the morning sun streamed into the room making it light, warm and friendly. The pink tones of the room with the maroon and royal blue trimmings giving the space a friendly slightly feminine feel.

Physically I was completely sated. Drained.

I had just experienced the most mind blowing sex of my young life. I was sweaty, covered in melted butter and human love juices. I lay waiting for my love.

Allow me to fill you in on some of the history.

My parents started divorce proceedings when I was fourteen years old.

I found it very traumatic, the foundation of my life being torn from under me overnight. I knew my parents had issues but it never occurred to me that they would separate. Returning home from school one day my Mom and Dad were waiting for me. This was unusual as Dad was always at work during the day.

I looked at them both through an outsider's eyes.

John was tall, broad shouldered, slightly stooped as though apologising for his height and very slender. He was clean-shaven, kept his hair shot and habitually wore casual jeans and open necked shirts. Along with his casual appearance he was easy going, loved to joke and was always talking to strangers.

My mother, on the other hand, was of medium height, plump and large breasted. She always wore tailored trouser suits, usually in shades of grey and black. Diana, not ever to be confused with Dianne, never ventured out of her bedroom without makeup and her hair perfectly in place. She hated any impromptu event.

"Come and sit down. We need to talk to you," my father said. After a few minutes he looked at me and said, "I am separating from your mother. I want you to understand that it is not your fault. I will always be there if you need me." My mother snorted loudly whereupon my father rose, hugged me and left. I did not see him again for six years.

John did try to contact me. Regularly at first, and then less and less as time passed and I ignored his calls. I was so angry and hurt that he would, could leave me. Leave us. That he was able to remove all the fun and adventure from my life. My mother kept fuelling the anger.

"He just abandoned us."

"He pays for nothing."

"He hates you."

The divorce was long and bitter. At that time I knew none of the details, only that Mom was always in tears with red eyes and blotchy face. She never missed an opportunity to run John down with anyone that would listen, especially me. Our circle of friends grew steadily smaller until the only houseguests were bitter old women-friends who had gone through the same process.

During this period Mom looked after me. I could see she was trying to compensate for the family falling apart. Her whole life centred around me, being Moms Taxi, cooking my favourite food, spoiling me with gifts. She took no time out for herself.

My school grades suffered with my lack of interest and self pity. I grew introspective and avoided my old friends until one day, six months after the separation, my English teacher asked me to stay after class.

Mrs Hardakre was a veteran teacher equally hated and loved by her students, always respected. She was strict but fair and very outspoken. She had also been a houseguest while my parents were together.

"Sit down and stop fidgeting," she instructed without looking up. I had been hovering near her desk, bag in hand, and shifting my weight from foot to foot. I sat and waited, wondering what sin I had committed. Not that I cared. Life was in a vacuum and I was looking in as though from afar.

After a while she laid her pencil down and looked up, her eyes meeting mine in a hard stare. "Your grades have dropped. You do not complete your homework. You have stopped playing sport. Your personal hygiene has deteriorated. You have stopped mixing with your peers. Worst of all, you don't seem to care."Mrs Hardakre continued to meet my stare.

Never one to beat about the bush she continued, "I know you have been having a hard time since your parents separated and that your mother rams your father's desertion down your throat at every opportunity. You are not the first sibling to be affected by a separation and divorce. There are hundreds in this school alone, and they all get on with their lives. I don't say that it is easy, or ideal, but life does go on." She paused and looked out of the window. "You are fifteen years old. This is the time for fun, for mischief. For physical and mental adventures. For learning about girls." She looked back and caught my startled expression and I blushed.

"Just because I am getting old doesn't mean that I don't understand these things. I have taught thousands of young men in my time and I know what life for them is about. About puberty and raging hormones."

After a pause she continued, "As you know I was friends with your parents before their separation. Especially your father. I have been in regular contact with him since then, keeping him updated with your progress. Your mother as well, but all she ever wants to tell me was what a bad man your father is, not how good you are. The difference is that John approaches me for news, Diana not. He is worried about you."

I could feel tears start and I blinked rapidly to try to keep them at bay.

"Your father says that he has tried and tried to contact you but you have not returned any of his calls. That is your prerogative." Mrs Hardakre looked into the distance as though debating with herself. After a few moments she looked at me and continued, "I am not taking sides in this affair. I want you to know that your father cares and that, should you ever need, he is there."

"It is entirely normal for the sibling to think that the separation is his or her fault and feel insufferably guilty." Mrs Hardakre reach across and handed me a wad of tissues to wipe my streaming eyes. Our hands touch and I clung for a moment before wiping my cheeks. Her eyes were soft and there was a hint of tears.

"I can assure you that you were in no way guilty of precipitating their break up. That was many years in the making. They are two good people in a bad union, like oil and water. You also need not fear abandonment. John is there."

Mrs Hardakre waited while I noisily blew my nose.

After a pause she continued, "you know, he could legally compel you to see him. In fact his lawyers have urged him to pursue that route. But he has decided not to. He believes in the truism that you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, meaning that he wants you to come to him when you are ready. When you want to."

Mrs Hardakre turned her famous twelve volt stare onto me until my gaze dropped under the onslaught. "You will now pull yourself together. I will go through your homework every day," the will being accented strongly. "You will wash your hair and scrub your nails every day. You will rejoin the debating society and you will play at least one school sport. I expect you to start taking an interest in your peers. There is a prom in two weeks, I expect to see you there. And I don't care whether you come alone. Do I make myself understood?"

After a long pause, "well?"

I mumbled something under my breath.

"Speak up, I can't hear you!"

"Yes," I breathed.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, louder.

"I will not let you go unless you tell me what you agree to, even if we have to sit here all afternoon."

After a long discussion, well hardly a discussion in that Mrs Hardakre did most of the talking, I agreed to all her demands and on a plan forward and on a timeline.

"I am here and available for you to talk to any time you feel the need. Any time you get in trouble I am here to help. If you feel the need to speak to your father I can broker a meeting or give him a message. I will in any case keep him informed of your progress."

"And, just in case you are wondering, any and all things personal will stop with me. You have my word." I was certain at that moment that even the harshest torture would not have extracted any confidences from her.

That was the start of my new life, my rebirth. A few drops at first, then a trickle and then a full flood!

Mrs Hardakre became a confidant, a taskmaster and, most important, a friend. All she had said about life at my age was true. This was the time for fun, for mischief. For physical and mental adventures. For learning about girls. Girls! Puberty was in full swing with raging hormones and mood swings and a breaking voice and pimples.

At home the divorce was eventually decreed. Mom got a morning job at the local veterinarian and continued as a dress maker in the afternoons. Well, more than a dress maker. She was a talented dress designer having studied fashion design at college. Her continuous sniping at John fell on deaf ears and she continued to spoil me. Sometimes it was just too much!

She was always hugging and kissing me and holding my hand. At home that was fine but in public, especially at school, it was embarrassing! Nothing I said would change it. Even more embarrassing was when she hugged me and I had a hard-on, which was most of the time, I am sure she must have felt my cock pressing into her stomach. But she never made reference to it in any way and she did not let up on the hugs.

I was always painfully aware of her large soft breasts being squashed against my chest. This did not help in the hard-on situation!

I had discovered masturbation when I was twelve. Well, it did not start as masturbation and I did not begin by playing with my cock with my hand. One day I was climbing a pole and the repeated squeezing of my thighs for grip caused an erection and then the most incredibly intense feeling through my body, especially my genitals. The first time it happened I fell to the ground because the feeling was so unexpected and intense. My first orgasm! I became the pole climbing champion of the area.

Then there were the doctor-doctor games with the girls that lived next door. The furtive fumblings behind the bushes. The wonderful feeling as they performed "operations" on me and the excitement as I returned the favour.

I soon discovered that I could duplicate the feelings I got while climbing a pole by pumping my cock with my hand and it became a nightly ritual.

And then my first ejaculation! I was sliding my hand up and down my erect cock, using the foreskin to stimulate the sensitive rim of the glans. I was thinking about the neighbour girls and the close inspection I had made of their most private parts. I had no name to put to these wonderful organs yet. I stopped for a few moments to prolong the pleasure. When the urge had subsided a bit I continued to pump slowly. It felt so wonderful! And then the orgasm overtook me and I pumped furiously. I started squirting all over the place, on my chest, the bedding, some even landed on my face. The sensations were so intense I think I passed out for a moment.

When I again became aware of my surroundings I suddenly was scared. Had I urinated? It did not smell like it nor feel like it. In the dark the fluid was thick, slippery and had a unique sharp smell. What had happened? I cleaned up as best I could then lay in bed worrying. Who do I ask? The problem went round and round in my head until eventually I fell asleep.

I did not touch myself for a week for fear that there was something wrong with me. I eventually plucked the courage to climb my favourite pole. I again experienced the most glorious feeling and the pulsating sprays inside my underpants making the feeling more intense! I ran home as the wet patch became visible and the overflow ran down my legs.

And then one of those coincidences that change your life! The next day I was standing around with my school buddies punching the breeze. Remember that I was then thirteen and it was before my parents separated and all the children at the school were my friends.

The talk was, as per usual, about sport and girls, mostly girls. There were guffaws at the crude jokes and the references to the physical attributes of the various girls in our class. I had been witness to these types of discussions forever but the human psyche is amazing, it only absorbs and questions the things it is ready for. One of the older boys was saying, "...cumming in gallons! They don't make rubbers big enough for guys like me."

Click! It all fell into place. I almost fainted with relief.

My nightly masturbation sessions resumed, although now I was always prepared with a wad of tissues. Sometimes it extended to twice or even three times in a night, depending on the days happenings. And the smut I was able to beg, borrow or steal.

My eighteenth birthday came and went. I graduated from high school. I got my first steady girlfriend. I stopped growing. I saw my mother naked for the first time.

I was on my way home from one of my friends at about ten o' clock one night. As usual I took a short cut through our back garden. As I passed my Mom's bedroom window I saw her light was still on and that the curtains were slightly open. Intrigued, I bent down to peer through the gap not really expecting to see anything interesting.

There, in full view, was Mom unbuttoning her blouse. I could see her habitual black slacks folded neatly on the bed. She removed her top and there she stood in bra and panties, both black. Now, I have seen Mom in her underwear before as we have always been fairly open and uninhibited. Good manners, though, had always prevented me from staring. Here she was only a few feet away, in bright light, facing me. Her breasts were very large and heavy, forty four double D. I knew because I had checked out the label during my investigations into her closet. Her breasts were now completely hidden by the conservative garment. There were deep grooves in her shoulders from the straps.

Her panties were full old fashioned style brooks that were gathered in at the waist and ended with elasticised leg holes, all shiny black. I could see her pubic mound and a few stray black hairs sticking out one of the legs. The texture of her pubic hair could be seen through the silky material.

The rest of her body was white, plump and lumpy, the skin having a fine texture.

Mom turned and walked away from me to drop the blouse in the hamper before returning to her spot near the bed.

I saw her reach behind her back and unclasp her bra, letting it fall forward and down her arms exposing her large drooping breasts to my full view. I was instantly hard. Without the support of the bra they sagged against her chest, the large brown nipples pointing down towards the ground. I could make out faint blue lines under the skin. The nubs were as big as the ends of my baby fingers and square ended. I was fascinated! I had never seen real live mature breasts close up before.

Mom massaged her shoulders where the straps had pulled, then the red marks around her chest where the bra had sat, lifting each large breast and rubbing under each in turn. I was fascinated at how they moved and wobbled. They looked so soft and inviting.

I was by now so hard it was painful and I eased my cock into a more comfortable position in my trousers, furtively looking round to see if anybody could see me spying through the window. All seemed safe.

When I looked back I saw that Mom had cupped a breast in each hand and was moving her hands in small circles, the palms rolling her large nipples as they went. After a few minutes of this she removed her hands and I was surprised to see how her large areolas had contracted and rumpled into a small oval dimpled areas and that her nipples were angry looking and swollen and sticking straight out.

Mom turned and walked to her door which she closed and locked. I have never known her to lock a door before. Then I saw her enter her bathroom and was certain that that was the end of my show. I was about to walk off when she reappeared carrying a towel which she spread over the end of the bed. The end of the bed that faced the window where I stood. She then rummaged in her bedside drawer eventually coming out with a blue tube, a bit like a toothpaste tube, which she also put on the bed. I was rooted to the spot.

Standing at the end of the bed again with her back to me Mom hooked her thumbs into the waistline of her full panties and, bending at the waist, pulled them down her legs giving me a full close-up view of her spread arse cheeks, her pink-brown rosebud exposed and of her hairy cunt, pink and obviously wet. She then turned and lay down on the towel, her legs spread widely and her feet hanging on the floor. I took in her prominent pubic mound with its thick bush of wild black hair and her large breasts with their erect nipples sagging down on each side of her chest.

I could clearly see the swollen lips of her cunt with the prominent clitoris above. I undid the top button of my jeans and let them fall to my knees, followed by my underpants. I almost came as I touched myself, quivering with excitement. I was streaming precum, my underpants sodden.

As I watched, Mom took the cap off the tube, squeezed a generous amount of clear goo onto her fingers, then spreading her thick cunt lips with her left hand , she gently spread the goo onto her exposed clitoris. I could see her body shiver is she touched herself and I could hear her moan through the closed window.

Mom was in no hurry. She mover her index finger over her clit, almost tickling it. Then she paused and moved the finger down to dip into the pink opening of her vagina. Slowly up and down, all the time holding herself open and exposed with her left hand. Then slowly rubbing between her inner and outer lips so clearly seen from my position. Then pausing a while. Back to a slow circle over her clitoris, her left hand pulling the hood back exposing the full swollen red head. Two fingers then gently rubbing. Back to her vagina to collect some of the creamy juice exuding from the opening and spreading it on her clit.

Then a pause. I could see the woman-nectar flow slowly from her cunt opening down between her cheeks, shiny and creamy.

Mom lifted one foot onto the bed, the knee lying sideways exposing herself more to me, stretching the cunt opening wide so I could see inside, deep red. Her fingers slipped down between her cheeks, below her vagina to the pink-brown rosebud. They circled there, spreading the natural lubricant, then back for more, delving into her spread cunt then back to her arsehole. I saw a finger penetrate to the first knuckle and I saw her shudder, her cunt convulsing rhythmically a few times and more cream flowing down into her crack.

Still for a time. Then back to circling her clitoris, this time harder and faster.

I had by this time stopped touching myself for fear of shooting my bolt. Any slight bit of stimulation would have caused me to explode violently. I was hanging on by a thread, precum dripping from the tip.

As I watched, completely entranced, Mom moved her foot off the bed again, at the same time slipping first two, then three, fingers into her cunt. Her movements became more urgent, the fingers of her left hand fucking herself while the pads of the fingers of her right hand flew in circles over her clitoris, her buttocks rising off the bed in their effort to get more. I could see her legs tensing together, her heavy breasts heaved and shook with the effort, her mouth gaping, her face and neck red.

I grabbed my turgid cock and started pumping as I heard my mother moan. Lights burst in my head and I felt like I was floating as the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced washed over me. I kept cumming and cumming, spraying hot spunk over the wall and the grass and my hand. I staggered backwards until I fetched up against a tree where I stood shivering, my still rigid cock in my hand, my lungs working like bellows.

I stayed like that for a long moment while sanity returned. Had I made a noise? Had I alerted Mom? Or the neighbours? Surely I had made enough noise to wake the dead! To be sure I stayed in the shadow of the tree for a further few minutes in case anyone looked while I tried to stuff my still erect cock into my trousers.

When nothing stirred and I saw Mom moving about her room I tip toed out of the garden, walked around the block for half an hour and then went back home.

As usual Mom was there waiting for me dressed in her old dressing gown, tightly belted about her waist. "You're late tonight," she said giving me a strong lingering hug. "Have a good time?"

I am sure she could feel my swollen cock push into her stomach as she held me in a tight hold. Did I imagine that she moved slightly against it? I was very aware as I held her in return that she was not wearing a bra and that her breasts were squashed against my chest.

I mumbled something about being tired and wanting to go to bed. A last kiss on the lips and I escaped to my room. In the relative safety of my room, my bed and the dark I masturbated furiously to two unsatisfactory orgasms, the images of Mom pleasuring herself clear on my eyelids.


Life was flying by. Second year at university. My first real hangover. My first real sex.

Sexually, I think I developed normally for a boy. I had been friends with the neighbour girls since I was eight or nine years old, the one slightly older than I and the other slightly younger. We were inseparable playmates, swimming together, riding bicycles and climbing trees. Girls develop faster than boys and soon our doctor-doctor games came to an end as puberty hit them. This did not end our mutual explorations as they proudly let me explore their developing breasts but, now that they were growing wispy pubic hair, no more "below the belt" explorations.

Besides, they were now getting attention from other older boys.

Then my parents separated. All development stopped for a year. Then, with my return from the loneliness of self isolation, I shyly started looking at, then speaking to girls. The first prom where I held a girl's hand. A movie where I kissed a girl. A party where I hugged, kissed, held hands and danced with a girl. A walk on the beach when I slipped a hand into a girl's bra and another into her panties. Small steps along the path of growing up. Always plenty of practice kissing. Girls love to cuddle and kiss.

I met Kate in the Student Union near the end of my first year at varsity. We hit it off immediately and soon we were spending most our free time together. I met her parents, her father surveying me from his great height and her mother, warm and friendly. I introduced Kate to Mom, who seemed to take an instant dislike to her. I never took her home again.

We were both nineteen, both virgins. We had each of us separately indulged in petting with various partners, both stopping before intercourse, me because the girl of the time said no and she because she was the girl at the time saying no to someone else.

We had nowhere really private to go, both living at home. I did not yet own a car. In the few stolen moments alone I loved to suck on her breasts. This seemed to really excite her.

On one occasion she let me slip a hand down her panties, feeling first her downy pubic hair then between her legs her warm womanhood, moist with excitement.

Another occasion, we were in the sunroom at Kate's parents home, her parents being away for the afternoon. We had been petting and I had her bra pushed above her perky young breasts and I was suckling them, Kate cradling my head to her. This was the first time I had been allowed to expose them to my view. They were exquisite!

Eventually I slipped a hand under the waistband of her jeans, cupping her pubic mound. I felt the slippery patch where her legs joined. After a time I slipped my hand under her panties and Kate spread her legs slightly to give me access. As my fingers explored between her legs I could not believe how wet and warm she was. I felt the engorged lips, the hot opening, the firm bump that must be her clitoris.

I pictured Mom playing with herself and tried to imitate what she had done that night. I mean, very gently running the ball of my fingers over her small stiff centre of pleasure, then sliding down and collecting some slippery juice from her virginal opening and then back to her clitoris. I did not really know what I was doing but Kate really seemed to enjoy it, thrust her hips against my hand and sighing and moaning and breathing hard. And then I experienced her first orgasm with me. As I slipped a finger into her warm wet opening she tensed and I felt her cunt tighten around my finger in rapid contractions. Kate held me tightly to her while the fugue passed. She fell back against the seat, legs spread and limp, my hand still in her panties and a finger still deep in her cunt, so warm and wet.

"Wow! That was amazing! Your turn now," she whispered.

"You don't have to..."

"I want to." Kate sat forward and undid the buttons on my jeans, pulling them open and then pulling my rigid cock out into the plain view. Her movement dislodged my hand from her jeans and I brought it to my nose. I saw Kate look at me, tensing up. I took a deep breath savouring the musky odour, then I put my still wet fingers into my mouth.

"Wonderful," I breathed. "Share it with me." I drew her face to mine and kissed her, my tongue moving gently over hers to share the taste. I slipped a finger between both our mouths and we both twirled our tongues around savouring the taste.

After a long kiss Kate started jacking my cock up and down. I stayed her hand with mine. "Slowly, gently," I moved to kiss her again gently licking her lips as I penetrated her mouth. "Think of it as yourself, sensitive and wanting to be loved. Yes, like that. Oh! Oh!" I could not believe the intense pleasure being generated by the warm hand moving over me.

"Like that?" her hand moved inexpertly up and down.

I took her hand in mine and showed her how to hold me between her fingers and thumb so that the foreskin moved up and down my circumcised cock. Kate leaned forward and used the fingers of her other hand to first spread the flowing precum all around the swollen red head and then to delve into my underpants and cup my testicles.

"I want to make love to you," I whispered, embarrassed at the unfamiliar words. Kate took her hand from my testicles and placed it behind my head and pulled my lips hard to hers. We kissed hard and deeply, her tongue aggressive in my mouth.

After a time she said, "so would I, but I am not ready yet." With that she leaned down and took the head of my cock into her warm mouth, her hand pulling the foreskin hard back and her other hand returning to my testicles.

That was it! "I'm going to cum!" I tried to warn her. "I'm cumming! Oh God..." and I started spewing hot spunk deep in her mouth. "Yes! Yes!" I kept repeating with each violent contraction. Kate never let up, her hand moving up and down and her mouth keeping time, cum dribbling out either side of her lips, her throat working convulsively as she tried to swallow the deluge.

I sat back, completely drained. Kate remained where she was with my cock deep in her mouth, not moving. It felt so wonderful and warm.

After a while I pulled her into my arms and kissed her deeply, tasting the salty residue of my cum on her tongue. "That was so wonderful," she said and put her lips to mine again. She continued softly, "your pinkey is so hard yet so soft, so warm, so big. Not at all what I expected. I love it!"

I was amused at her term, "pinkey," but did not laugh. "Was that your first time? I mean..." I could feel myself blushing.

Her hand still held my cock. She squeezed it, "what do you think? Was that the first time a girl has...um...you know what?" Her hand started moving up and down holding me like I had shown her.

"Yes and yes," I said, my excitement rising again. I tried to reach into her trousers again but it was awkward because of the way she was sitting. I settled for cupping her breast and rolling a stiff nipple between my thumb and fingers. It felt so wonderful!

And I remained fully erect. After a time I felt Kate moving ever so gently up and down. The hand cupping my balls started massaging them. They must have been all contracted from the orgasm and I felt them relax and respond to the gentle ministrations of her fingers.

That was when Mrs Abrahams walked into the room! We were all frozen in time. Kate in mid stroke and a hand inside my jeans cupping my balls. Me cupping Kate's young breast, her shirt unbuttoned and her bra pushed up her chest. Mrs Abrahams stood just inside the door staring at my crotch, her face blushing crimson.

Then there was pandemonium! Kate and I tried to cover ourselves, we all started talking at once. Above it all I heard Mrs A say, "what's going on here? You had better get yourselves decent before Mr A arrives! Young lady, I want to speak to you. NOW!" She turned on her heel and walked out.

Kate was ashen as she tried to button her blouse with shaking fingers after pulling her bra down over her breasts. "What are we going to do? Oh dear, oh dear. She's going to kill me. What is Dad going to do? What am I going to do?" She continued talking, almost to herself, in short staccato sentences. Kate looked at me, her eyes enormous in her pale face. "Will you come with me? Tell her that it was my first time. That we have never done this before. Please."

I had finished tucking myself back in my underpants, my erection having disappeared as fast as Mrs A had disappeared. "Okay, Baby. I am not sure that she wants to see me, but I will not throw you to the wolves." I could hardly describe Mrs Abrahams as a wolf but I did not know about Mr Abrahams. He was an impressive man standing well over six feet tall and broad with it. I shivered.

I took her cold hand and led her out the room towards the kitchen where I was sure Mrs A was. As we passed the door to the garage, Mr A shouted, "Mark!" I nearly jumped out of my skin and Kate screamed. "What's wrong with you two? Come and give me a hand to carry this stuff in." 'This stuff' was a pile of groceries in the trunk of the car.

"Sure thing, Mr A," I said trying to sound normal. I went and picked up an armful of bags, as did Kate and we followed him to the Kitchen. There was Mrs A sitting at the kitchen table, white faced, thin lipped and her arms folded across her chest.

"What's up, old girl? Why is everyone acting strange?"

"I'm not feeling well. Kate, help me up to my room." She made to rise and Kate immediately went to her aid.

Mr A looked concerned. "Are you all right? Should I call Greg?" Greg was their family doctor.

"No! Kate can help me and I'll be fine," Mrs A responded faintly and left the room on Kate's arm.

Mr A gave me one of those eyebrow raised, shrugged shouldered looks and said, "wonder what I've done this time. Lets finish clearing the car and then I think it's time for a beer!" What to do? I could not think of any place I would rather not be than there. I helped with the rest of the fetching and carrying and then the packing away. As soon as it was polite I made my excuses and ran home.

Would they phone Mom? Would they phone the cops? Would they throw Kate out of home? I was in a panic as I shut myself in my room. An hour passed. A night, another day. Nothing.

Monday I went to lectures as usual but I was feeling anything but usual. I did not see Katie in the Union so I tried phoning her mobile. No answer. I could not concentrate so I cut afternoon lectures. I could not go home because Mom would be sewing and have clients, so I walked the streets and worried. There was only three mores day before the term break and what I had been looking forward to, I now dreaded. What was I going to do?

The next day passed in much the same way. Still no answer from Kate's phone. Mom remarked that I was not listening to what she was saying and that I was walking around like a zombie. I felt like a zombie! I said I was not feeling well and then shut myself in my room.

Wednesday morning I left home as usual but did not go to classes. I went and sat at the end of the rugby field where it skirted a small stream. I sat on the ground leaning against a tree and stared at nothing, completely absorbed with my thoughts.

I was startled out of my reverie by the ringing of my mobile phone. Caller ID showed that it was Kate's mother, Mrs Abrahams. For a moment I considered not answering but that would only prolong the agony and I had to face up to it at some stage.

"Hi Mrs A," I said in a friendly voice, trying not to convey the dread in my heart.

"Hello Mark, where are you now?" Straight to the point.

"At classes," I said, stretching the truth a bit.

"Sounds awfully quiet to me," she observed. Mrs A does not miss much. "I need to see you. Can you come over to the house this afternoon?"

"This...uh...This afternoon?" I stuttered.

"That's what I said. This afternoon. I expect to see you at two o' clock." With that she hung up.

It was now something to nine. Five hours to kill. Five hours till my execution. Is that a little or a lot of time? I have never known time drag like that before nor to fly that fast. Now it was two 'o clock and I was at the Abraham's house ringing the front door bell.

Mrs Abrahams answered looking very severe, "you don't normally ring the bell", she commented, closing the door after me.

"I thought, considering..."

"Considering what? Considering your disgusting abuse of our trust?" Mrs A led the way to the kitchen. "Would you like some tea? Sit down," she invited. Not expecting an answer Mrs A poured two cups of tea.

"Now, I want to talk about Saturday." She looked at me for a long time before continuing, "what I saw when I walked was shocking! Would you care to tell me what was going on?"

I sat looking at my shoes wishing I was anywhere but here. How do you answer a question like that?


"We were sitting watching TV and I guess we got a bit carried away," I said, continuing to avoid her eyes.

"Look at me and tell me what happened. Did you hold hands? Kiss? Tell me!"

"We were sitting in the sunroom watching a movie on TV. And, yes, we were holding hands."

"Go on," she commanded when I hesitated.

"Well, er... we started kissing."

"Did you start kissing her or did she start kissing you?"

"I think I started kissing her," I whispered.

"Did you use your tongue?"


"Did she respond in kind? I mean, did she also use her tongue. You will tell me everything even if we take all day. I think we should go to the sunroom so that you will remember it all."

"Where is Kate?"

"I sent her and Andrew to stay with their aunt in Port Elizabeth for a couple of days. Time to cool off and think about the consequences of her actions." Andrew was Kate's younger brother.

"What about Mr A?"

"Playing golf."

"Have you discussed this...?"

"Not yet. It depends on how our discussion goes this afternoon as to how much I tell him." Mrs A stood up and led the way to the sunroom, expecting me to follow. "You were sitting on the couch there," she pointed, "Sit." She took the single chair opposite.

"Now you were kissing. Tell me in detail."

"We kissed, just our lips pressed together. Then we kissed again and I opened my mouth a little and touched her lips with my tongue. When she did not move away I pressed between her lips." I was looking down in embarrassment as I said this.

"Look at me when you speak! Was this the first time you had kissed?"


"Have you kissed in the past? Deep kissing? In this house?"

It was too many questions at once. Looking at Mrs A I said, "Kate and I have been seeing each other for four months. Yes we have kissed, often. Yes, usually deep kisses with our tongues. I just can't seem to get enough." I continued, "yes, we have kissed in this house, but never like Saturday."

"What was different about Saturday?"

"I don't know. It...It just seemed right."

"So what then?"

"Well, we just got carried away..."

"I want to know in detail! What happened next?"

"I felt Kate's breasts while we were kissing."

"Over her clothing or under?"

"At first over. Later under." I was squirming with embarrassment!

"What was Kate doing while you were feeling her up?"

"We were just kissing and she had her arms around me."

"Was she enjoying it? You feeling her breasts?"


"How do you know?"

"Well, she was breathing deeply, pushing her body harder against my hand. She kissed me harder as I rubbed her ...uh... breast."

"I can see that this is going to take all day," Mrs a said. She sat looking at me for a moment then got up and sat next to me. "Is this where Kate was sitting?"


She turned towards me. "Show me how you kissed Kate."

I leaned forward and touched her lips for a moment with stiff pursed lips, tightly held together.

"She could hardly have enjoyed that," Mrs A said indignantly. "Come on, hold me in your arms and show me how you kissed. Exactly like Saturday. Just so that I can understand."

I took her in my arms, gently pulling her to me. Mrs A melted into the embrace, seeming to touch me all over with her body. I could feel that she was bigger, fuller somehow. More mature, more practiced. She offered her lips up to me, her eyes closed.

Her lips were softer, fuller. I touched them with my lips closed. Then again with my lips softer, more relaxed. Then I shyly ran the tip of my tongue along the join line of her lips. More insistently, penetrating slightly. I felt her open her mouth and meet my tongue with hers. So soft! We stayed like that moving ever so slightly, savouring the feeling. She tasted slightly of mint, fresh and cool.

I pulled back to look at her, aware that I was very aroused by the kiss and the mature body in my arms. I was scared that Mrs A would feel my erection where it pressed against her lower body. A flush was spreading up from her collar to touch her cheeks, her eyes still closed.

I moved back to kiss her, more aggressive this time, my tongue exploring her mouth. As my tongue reach in Mrs A started sucking, drawing me further in. The most wonderful sensation. In return her tongue explored deeply into mine and I sucked, copying her. Back and forth. The kiss going on forever!

After a time I felt Mrs A reach for my hand and place it on her breast. "Is this how you did it? Show me," she whispered into my mouth.

I cupped her breast, immediately aware that it was bigger, fuller than Kate's. Heavier. I also felt that the bra was different, more structured. As I moved my hand in small circles over her cloths I could feel her nipple pushing against the palm of my hand. Mrs A shuddered. We kissed. I felt that I would split my trousers, such was my arousal. I could feel myself leaking precum.

I moved to undo the buttons of her blouse. Without breaking the kiss Mrs A moved slightly apart to allow me access. All the buttons open I slipped my hand in and again cupped her breast, this time my hand separated from the bare flesh only by her bra. I could feel it was lacy, soft at the top and thicker and stiff lower down, supporting her breast. Her firm nipple was even more apparent.

I tried to slip my fingers in under the body band but it was too tight. I then slipped my hand into the side of the cup and felt the warm pliable flesh. It was a little uncomfortable with me having to bend my wrist at an acute angle to encase the whole breast.

Mrs A moved against me, removing one arm from around my neck. The next moment I felt the bra loosen and the full weight of her breast filled my hand, my arm now in a comfortable position. I marvelled at the wonderful sensation.

Is that what Kate did?"

"No, she wore a stretch bra and I lifted it up over the top of her boobs...er...breasts," I could feel myself bushing.

"Like this, you mean," Mrs A moved my hand away and lifted the loosened bra above her breasts, the wonderful orbs sinking to their natural state in full view, the red engorged nipples sticking proudly out, the areolae puckered up like Mom's that night.

"Are my boobs the same as Kate's?"

"No, yours are bigger. More ...uh...mature," I savoured the word. "Yes, more mature, fuller."


"Your nipples are browner, hers pinker. Your nipples are bigger and harder." I sampled the weight of both in my hands. They were filled to overflowing, the flesh so soft and pliable, heavy. I moved my hands in small circles as I had seen Mom do it, rolling the hard nipples in circles.

"Have you ever seen another woman's boobs? Properly, I mean. Not just a flash."



"Other girlfriends and..." how could I tell her that I had spied on Mom.


I was silent, staring at my hands moving on her breasts.

"Come on, tell me!" Mrs A commanded. The flush had spread from her upper chest to her cheeks. She also seemed slightly breathless.

"My mother's." I whispered.

"What size bra does she wear?"

"Forty four double D," I answered immediately.

Mrs A raised her eyebrows. "How do you know that?"

Caught out, I said "I looked at the label on her bra in the hamper." I knew my face was red.

"Ah! Spying. Did you look at her panties too?"

I looked at the ground.

"Look at me! Did you look at her panties?"


"Did you smell them?"



"They smelled kind of musty, sharp, if you know what I mean?" I looked in her eyes for the first time.

"Did you like it? Did it excite you?"

"Sort of."

"Have you smelled Kate's pussy?" I was shocked at the use of the word.

"On my fingers."

"Ah! So you admit to it. Did that excite you?"


"Did you taste it?"


"And? Was that exciting?"


"Mister yes-man. Show me how you got her juice on your fingers." Mrs A leaned forward and started kissing me again, gently and softly. I moved my hand from holding her full breast, down her tummy running my fingertips over the warm skin. When I got to the waist band of her skirt I could not get under it because it was too tight.

Again Mrs A removed her arm from my neck and I felt the band loosen as she undid the button.

I moved my hand down, over panties and cupped her sex. It felt much fuller than Kate's. Plumper. Mrs A spread her legs a bit to let my fingers reach between her legs. She was very wet and slippery down there.

I ran my fingers all over the area feeling the very prominent bump that must be her clitoris covered by her silky panties. I slipped my fingers under the floating edge of a leg hole, no elastic. I felt the coarse pubic hair, the hot lips and then my fingers were at her vaginal opening. I explored gently with my finger tips in and out of all the nooks and crannies, the ridges and valleys.

I felt that I did not have enough freedom of movement so I removed my hand. Mrs A moved to hold my hand in position, "where are you going?"

"I...I want to come in from the top."

"Oh," she moved her hand to rub my nipple through my shirt, then under it to rub directly. I could feel darts of pleasure shooting through my body.

I slipped my hand under her panties and continued to explore. She was so wet and open. My fingers slipped easily into her hot opening. In and out I started fucking her with my fingers. After a bit I mover them up end circled her turgid clitoris which I could feel protected by woman flesh and hair. Remembering how Mom played with herself I tried to get my other hand inside the waist band. Too tight.

"If you lift my skirt it will be much easier. And more comfortable."

I lifted the offending garment up above her waist and saw her white panty clad pussy for the first time. The panties were silky cami-knickers, very sexy and feminine.

"Do you like them?"

"Wow! Yes. They are beautiful. So... so soft and feminine."

"I bought them specially for you." I blushed.

After admiring them a bit I slid my hands over them, feeling the silky fabric and the aroused woman underneath. I slid my fingers to the waist elastic, hooked my thumbs in and started pulling them down. Mrs A raised her bum off the couch to help me. I left them on her upper legs, just exposing the junction of her thighs. I could see her wetness in the crotch, a string of clear juice joining to her pussy. I could see the neatly trimmed pubic bush, the swollen lips, the hooded clitoris.

I bent down and nuzzled a breast with my mouth, first moving my lips over the smooth skin, around and under. Then using my tongue, avoiding the prominent nipple. Then I licked it and I felt Mrs A jump. I sucked the hard red nipple into my mouth, sucking hard, running my tongue over the tip, flicking it. Biting softly.


I rolled the tip between my teeth, biting harder. She shuddered, holding my face hard against her breast.

I moved my hands, guided by the memory of Mom. With my left hand I combed my fingers through her pubic hair, scratching and rubbing. Then further down to spread her already gaping lips, holding her open to the air. Mrs A gasped.

With my right hand I explored the open cunt, very wet and hot, running my finger tips in and out and around the opening. Then taking the slippery juice up and over her swollen clit so nicely exposed. Only just touching her. Spreading the juice round and round.

Then back to her opening, more juice, up the swollen outer lips back along the inner lips. More on the clitoris. Mrs A started thrusting her hips in time with my fingers trying to get more contact. I stopped with two fingers deep in her cunt holding still as she pumped her hips in vain. Then pumping her with those fingers, the palm of my hand smacking her clit making a squelching slapping sound.

"Yes!" Mrs A sighed "yes! Yes! Yes!" in time with my hand.

I stopped all motion pulling her wider and harder open with my left hand. Mrs A spread her legs as wide as she could. I sucked on the other nipple, biting and rolling the nipple using my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "Nooo!" As I held still

Back to dipping my fingers into her streaming cunt and slowly rubbing her clitoris. Exactly how Mom had done it. It seemed to be working as Mrs A pumped her hips, panted, sighed and pulled my head to her breast.

I pulled away from her breast and moved to kiss her, our mouths meeting hungrily. I dipped the fingers of my right hand deep into her cunt, twisted them to get as much woman-juice as I could and then inserted my fingers into our kiss, into Mrs A's mouth. We licked and sucked and savoured. I whispered, "that is how I tasted Kate. You taste the same but different. Slightly sweeter, stronger somehow." I kissed for a moment longer, "I want to taste you."

With that I leaned forward getting my first close up view of her pussy. I placed my hands on either side of her mound and moved my lips to the hairy mons, my nose almost touching her clit. I breathed deeply taking in her scent. Much nicer than the memory of Mom's. I sat like this for a bit then decided that the panties were getting in the way and using both hands pulled them over her thighs and down her legs. Mrs A first closed her legs then lifted one foot then the other so that I could remove them completely. I brought them to my nose and again took in her scent. Wonderful!

I leaned back down, looking at the ripe open pussy, the woman smell strong, the whole area slick with her juices. Again, using the fingers of my left hand, I pulled backwards on the skin on either side of her opening causing the swollen clit to stand proud, open and pink. Glossy and smooth and moist. I licked it softly with the tip of my tongue. Mrs A jumped and thrust her hips towards my face. Another lick, this time passing the full length of my tongue over her clit.

"Oooh! Yes! Harder!" Mrs A commanded.

I moved my head between her widely spread thighs and licked the length of her spread cunt. She tasted wonderful. The more I licked, the more the juice flowed. I moved back to her straining clitoris and sucked the whole area into my mouth, sucking and moving my tongue back and forth over the now completely exposed head. I stuck three fingers deep into her cunt pumping hard but still quite slowly the palm of my hand stopping deep penetration, slapping her lips with each thrust. Then four fingers.

I pictured Mom again and withdrew my fingers. Mrs A reached down to try to push the fingers back in. I guided her fingers into her gaping womanhood. She started finger fucking herself, her hand keeping time with my tongue. I slipped my slick fingers down between her arse cheeks seeking her back door.

"No..." Mrs A belied the rebuff by spreading her legs even wider and lifting her hips. The juices from her cunt were flowing strongly down over her anus and it was slippery and wet. I rubbed around the crinkled skin just as Mom had done to herself. Round and round without actually touching the opening, spreading the abundant juice.

Mrs A's fingers were moving in and out of her cunt, all four fingers being used. I placed the tip of my index finger against her anus and held it there, pushing slightly and judging the resistance. "No..." again the complaint. Again the thrusting of her hips. I gently applied more pressure and the finger tip slipped in.

"Yesss!" We stayed like that for a few seconds, not moving. Then Mrs A began to thrust her hips, I sucked on her clit and bit gently, sliding the centre roughest part of my tongue against her swollen clit. I pulled back harder with my left hand trying to expose her more and at the same time thrust my finger deep into her bowels. Her own fingers started moving hard and fast, her hand a blur. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mrs A pulling and twisting her nipple.

And then she came! "Yes! Yes! Harder! I'm cumminggg!" Mrs A bucked and screamed and I felt her anus spasming in a rapid series of contractions and clear juices spraying out in squirts onto my hand and in my face. She was moving so violently that I could hardly keep her clitoris in my mouth. I kept my finger fully in her anus holding her against my face and never once stopped flicking her clit with my tongue.

Mrs A went limp, lying on the couch spread as wide as she could go. I continued sucking and licking and moving my finger in her arsehole. This started her off again, first just her hips moving in time with my finger and tongue, then more violent until she was shouting and squirming all over the place and the urgent squeezing of her anus on my finger. The same again and again until I felt her pushing me away, stopping me, "stop. Please. So sensitive. I can't take any more."

I sat back and looked at her. I have never seen anything so lewd before or since. Mrs A was half lying, half sitting on the couch, her legs spread wide, her skirt rucked up above her waist, her legs and pubic area slick with her sex juices the pubic hair wet and stuck to her skin. Her blouse hanging open with her bra up around her neck her large breasts hanging down and outwards, the nipples red and sore looking, wet from my saliva. Her face with smeared make-up.

I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers, spread from panting. They were dry and hot and I moistened them with my tongue. I kissed her long and gently and intimately.

After a long time Mrs A seemed to gather her wits. "You taste and smell like me," and she took my face in both hands and kissed m deeply, then licked all round my mouth and cheeks, seeming to savour the taste.

"Did you fuck Kate?" Still kissing and licking.


"Are you a virgin?"


"Do you masturbate?"


"Show my how you do it."


"Mark! You have just done the most intimate thing one person can do to another. I have no secrets left." Mrs A looked at me. "Share some of yourself with me." She leaned forward and started undoing my belt. "I have been very selfish and let you do all the doing." She continued with my buttons. She moved to kneel in front of me, taking my jeans and underpants off in one movement, me helping by lifting my bum off the couch.

I was as hard as a rock, my cock spring up from its confinement.

"My, my. You have nothing to be ashamed of there!" I saw the familiar flush rising up her chest to her cheeks. "You are beautiful."

"Now show me how you masturbate." Her face was no more than a foot from my painfully sore erection.

Shyly I moved my right hand its familiar position, four fingers on the underside on the shaft and my thumb opposite. I could see the precum flowing freely from the small hole coating my thumb. I moved my hand drawing my foreskin up over the edge of the swollen head. I shuddered with pleasure and anticipation. I badly needed relief! I could feel my testicles aching for lack of relief.

Mrs A watched intently, unconsciously licking her lips. "Do you move fast or slow, do you press hard or soft?

"Well, I prefer to go slowly and softly and as I get closer I go faster and grip more tightly." I felt funny verbalising something that I had always 'just done'. I moved according to what my body demanded.

"Do you ever stop and wait?"

"Usually, otherwise I ...err...cum too quickly." These were embarrassing words to be using with my girlfriend's mother. Embarrassing with anyone!

"How do you stop yourself from cumming?"

"I stop rubbing. If I am just too close I squeeze the base and that usually stops me from cumming."

"Do you ever play with your testicles? Or your anus? Or your nipples?"

"Sometimes my balls or my nipples." I could not look her in the eye.

"You played with my anus. Stuck a finger in." She took me by the chin and moved my face towards her. "That was the first time I have ever let anyone touch me there." She held my look for a long time. "It felt wonderful. Exquisite, in fact. I can't imagine how much I have missed out on."

"Where did you learn to pleasure a lady as you did me. I have had numerous lovers in my life and seldom had one that was as good or as sensitive as you. It is the first time I have ever squirted, I thought it was a myth! I don't believe you are a virgin!"

"I am..." I spluttered. I was still holding myself in front of Mrs A's face.

"Then where did you learn."

"I...I...uh... I watched my mother ...er...masturbate" I whispered

"You did what?!"

"I saw my mother play with herself once and I just tried to do what she had done." My cheeks were burning!

"Did she know you were watching?"


"Did you enjoy the show?"


"Did you play with yourself while watching?"


"Show me."

I moved my hand up and down, pulling the foreskin hard back now and then. It was blissful. Precum was flowing in a continuous stream.

"Stop!" Mrs A commanded. "You may not cum until I say so. Do you understand?" She reached forward and squeezed the base of my cock with her small warm hand. Mrs A was now kneeling between my spread legs her arms resting on my legs her voluptuous breasts in sight beyond my rigid cock.

"Do you ever slide your hand over your cock head?"

"Only if I have some shampoo or oil. Otherwise it is too sensitive."

"Did Kate masturbate you?"

Such correct English seemed almost out of place in this incredibly sexual situation.


"Well, what? Did she or didn't she?"

"Just a little."

"Like this?" Mrs A reached forward and replaced my hand with hers, Wrapping her warm fingers around my cock. Her fingers did not reach all the way round. She moved her hand up and down.

Wow! It felt incredible and I almost went over the edge. Mrs A sensed this and stopped moving.

"Did Kate bring you to an orgasm?"

"Yes." Mrs A moved her other hand to fondle my balls. I scooted my bum forward to give her better access.

"Is that nice?" She smiled as she cupped my balls and squeezed, slightly pumping my cock very slowly up and down. She then leaned forward a bit and rubbed the head of my cock over her large nipple. I saw it contract and harden as she spread the precum, making it slick and slippery.


I felt her hand leave my balls and disappear down the gap between us. Next moment I felt her fingers explore my bum crack. I immediately tensed.

"Relax! I'm not going to hurt you," Mrs A explored by bum, spreading my arse cheeks. Her hand left again and returned. I then understood that she was getting woman-juice to lubricate me. The sensations were unbelievable! Rockets of exquisite sensations were running through my body.

"Ohhh... If you don't stop I'm going to cum." She froze.

"How did Kate bring you to an orgasm?"

"In...In her mouth!"

"Like this?" Mrs A leaned forward and engulfed my cock in her mouth taking me deep in one movement. At the same time she pumped the base hard and strong and I felt a finger penetrate my anus.

It first started in my fingers and toes and spread rapidly throughout my body, my head feeling like it was going to explode. Wave upon wave of liquid pleasure. I grabbed her head and moved it up and down in time with my gushes, fast and hard. I could feel my cock hitting the back of her throat as I pumped in and out. I saw stars and I must have shouted out loud. I continued to pump sperm into her mouth, the surplus streaming down the sides, just like Kate.

Unlike Kate, Mrs A kept me deeply embedded in her mouth as she slowed down and then stopped moving. I could feel her tongue moving, circling the now sensitive head. I was almost completely in her mouth. We stayed like that for several minutes. Her finger popped out of my anus and she again caressed my testicles.

Then she started moving her head and tongue on my still rigid cock. It took much longer this time before I came again, deep in her mouth. Much more gently. Warmer. No sperm leaked out of her mouth this time.



How do I continue on with my previously relatively carefree life. I mean, it was not an easy life in that I studied hard, looked after Mom as best I could, maintained the house, worked evenings and weekends to help financially. Never before had I dreaded seeing someone, or of saying the wrong thing.

Kate returned home from her Aunt's and we carried on from where we left off. Well, nearly.

Intimacy was out. We held hands and exchanged chaste kisses on parting. No more oral explorations of each other's mouths. Definitely no explorations of any kind!

I worried that Mrs A would say something to Kate. Or worse, Mr A. Every time I saw him I expected him to grab me and strangle me slowly. Or tear me limb from limb. He is a very big man!

Or even worse, I dreaded Mrs A having a heart-to-heart with Mom. Life had turned into a nightmare.

I turned to my friend and confidant, Jenny Hardakre. Over tea, and then wine I told her the whole sad story. She occasionally interrupted with pertinent questions but, for the most part, let me ramble on in my own time. When I had finished she suggested we take a walk.

She said nothing as we strolled through the park, her hand on my arm. Eventually, she asked, "how long since your visit to Mrs Abrahams?"

"Two weeks."

"Have you seen Mrs Abrahams in that time?"

"A few times." I had been trying to avoid her.

"Has she said anything or done anything to bring the subject up again?"


"How is her manner with you?

"She's the same as she always was, maybe friendlier. She suggested I call her Mom instead of Mrs A. She said Mrs A sounds too formal and old."

"And Mr Abrahams?"

"He's the same as always. Always playing golf."

Jenny was quiet for a bit. "What are your intentions towards Kate?"

"Intentions?""Are you going to marry her? Where do you see this relationship of yours going?"

"No!" I involuntarily started. "I mean no, I have no plans to get married. Ever." I thought a bit, "Kate graduates at the end of the year and I think she has a job lined up with her aunt in Port Elizabeth. I haven't thought further than that."

"Do you and she plan to become lovers?"

"We...er... we haven't discussed it. It nearly happened that day but Kate said no. Since she got back we have hardly touched each other."

"Give her time. This must be very traumatic for her. What did her mother say to her?"

"I don't know. When I raise the subject she avoids it. So we haven't talked about it at all."

"So, if I can sum things up. Mrs Abrahams caught the two of you in a very compromising situation. She sent her daughter away and then created a situation where the two of you were intimate. Whether this was planned or whether the two of you got carried away I cannot say. Things are back to normal to the outside world, but, to the two of you, you have no idea of what may happen next. As a result you are keeping everyone around you at bay in case they know." Mrs Hardakre turned towards home. "Have I got it right?"


After a long pause she continued, "in my opinion Mrs Abrahams has no intention of telling Mr Abrahams, nor your mother, nor anybody else. I Know Peggy Abrahams..."

Mrs Hardakre swung round to face me where I had stopped dead. She smiled, "I taught her a long time ago." We continued walking, "as I was saying, I know Peggy and I know her as a decent honest person. She's had her problems, as we all have, but I think she is inherently good."

"I think you should try to forget that this ever happened and carry on with your life. If you intend having sex with Kate take the proper precautions. I mean use a condom or make sure she is on the pill. Preferably both. Try and sit her down and discuss it with her. It is always better in the open."

Mrs Hardakre gave me a mischievous smile, "many young men would be very envious of you if they knew." I blushed and she laughed. "As far as Peggy is concerned, don't raise the subject unless she does, and then follow her lead."

When we were back in her living room she said, "I have a present for you. I've had them for a long time now and have never found the right moment to give them to you. Pour us both a glass of wine while I go and get them."

A short while later she handed me a wrapped parcel. She raised her glass in salute, "to life!"

I ripped the wrapping with the glee of getting a present. Two books. I read the titles. "Sex Manners For Men" and "The Encyclopaedia of Sexual Knowledge". I looked at Jenny with big eyes.

"One is for fun and the other is for reference." She held her glass up again and waited until I touched hers with mine. "To life."

I read the books. Life returned to normal. I started calling Mrs Abrahams 'Mom'. I played a game of golf with Mr A. He was gracious enough not to laugh at me. A few months passed and I started looking for a car.

One Saturday I popped in at the Abrahams house. "Hi Mom. You're looking nice," I said, looking round, "where's Kate?"

"She went with George and Andrew to the rowing regatta at the Vaal." George was Mr A and Andrew was a keen member on the varsity rowing team.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Nothing changes in the Abrahams household.

"How have you been? We have not had a chance to talk for a long time. How are classes?" We chatted on easily while I watched her move about the kitchen, making tea, putting out the biscuits. I could not help looking at her breasts moving under her soft woollen jersey, the way her dress hugged her hips, the swell of her buttocks. Her well shaped legs. Mrs A is of medium height with hazel coloured hair, subtly streaked with blonder highlights.

I would guess she weighed about one hundred and thirty pounds and she walked and played tennis regularly. Her skin was clear and lightly tanned. An attractive woman. To my embarrassment I felt myself getting hard.

I am sure she was aware of my scrutiny as I saw the flush rise from her neckline. "Do you like what you see?" she asked striking a prim pose, one arm across her breasts, the other held out like a dancer's. After a pregnant silence we both burst out laughing. We laughed till the tears were streaming down our faces.

"Come here," she held out her arms. I hugged her, holding her lush body to mine. I was aware of all of her, her soft breast pushing into my chest, my legs straddling one of hers and hers straddling one of mine. Her crotch pressed against my thigh, my bulging manhood pressing against her hip.

After a while I pulled her head back and captured her lips with mine. Soft, inviting, wet. I lost myself completely in that kiss. Our tongues danced together, hunting, exploring but not aggressive. "That's not fair. You've been practicing," she said before biting my lower lip. Quite hard. Unbelievably exciting.

"Have you fucked my daughter yet?" Her tongue exploring my teeth under my upper lip.

"Uh-huh," I mumbled shaking my head.

"Are you still a virgin?" her tongue exploring my ear. I shivered at her touch.

"Mmm, " nodding my head.

"A man of few words. We'll have to do something about that." The few words or my being a virgin? I moved my thigh against her sex holding her tightly against me with a hand on each buttock. "Aah, yes. That's nice!" She moved her hands to my bum and ground her stomach into my raging erection. She smelled so nice.

After a while Mrs A took my hand and led me to the stairs. She stopped and turned on the second stair, her face level with mine. Taking my face in both hands she kissed me gently on the lips, our tongues just touching. "Baby, I want you. I want you badly," she looked at me, her face flushed. "It is wrong because I think of you as my son. You are young enough to be my son. If you come upstairs it is because you want to. You can walk away now and I will never blame you. In fact, I will probably thank you in the long run."

She continued to hold my face in her hands, looking me deep in the eyes, her lips slightly parted and pink where I had kissed her lipstick away. Thoughts chased through my brain, the confusion after the past experience, the fear of discovery, the excitement! I thought of Jenny Hardakre with her clear grey eyes and her ability to understand things you had not said. I heard her voice in my head, "go, you only live once. Peggy is a good woman that has had her own troubles."

I put my hands on her waist where it flared out to her hips, "Mom, I want you. More than anything I can think of. You are the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me." I pulled her towards me her prominent pubic bulge pressing against my stomach, her breasts hard against my chest. Very slowly I opened my mouth and captured her lips, my tongue penetrating deeply, swirling around her tongue. Her arms went around my neck and held me close.

After an eternity she said, "come with Mommy."

She turned and demurely climbed the staircase without looking back, expecting me to follow. About halfway up I reach forward and slid my hand up her inner leg, under her dress. Under her petticoat, my hand on her warm thigh. Peggy stop in mid-stride leaning forward slightly. My hand continued upward, touching, then cupping her sex. I felt the heat. The slippery dew. A full handful. She spread her legs slightly, holding onto the banister for balance.

"Does baby like what he feels?"

"Oh, yes."

"What do you feel?"

"Mommy's wonderful pussy."

"I am so wet for you. Can you feel it?"

"Yes, your panties are soaked."

"Can you feel Mommy's clitoris? I am sure it is so swollen you can feel it."

I moved my hand, rubbing her cunt with the palm of her hand and exploring with my finger tips. There I felt the lump under the smooth fabric. I moved my whole hand rubbing both areas. Her hips moved to the same rhythm.

"Yes...Yes! Don't stop! Oh, oh, oh!" Her body shuddered and shook and I am sure she would have fallen if I had not propped her firmly up between her thighs. Mrs A was making high mewing sounds as I ground my hand into her sex. After a while I felt the contractions stop and she sagged against the handrail and I moved up behind her, taking her in my arms. I put the soaked palm against her face. "Do you like your own taste? Lick my hand." I cupped her mouth. I felt her tongues lap my palm.

"Share it with me," Peggy turned in my arms and I cupped both our mouths with my hand, both licking my hand and each other. "Does Mommy taste nice?"

"Oh yes."

Peggy took my hand and led me to her bedroom. She fussed around, drawing the curtains, drawing the bed covers. "Can't have you looking at an old body in the bright light," She turned on a bedside light creating a warm diffused light in the room.

"Come, my baby, my darling. Undress me."

I stood for a moment looking at her, wondering where to start. Mrs A stood waiting. Well, I thought, I had better start at the beginning. I reached out and combed her hair back with my fingers, the tips brushing her scalp. I felt for the clasp of the necklace. After fumbling a moment it parted and I took the jewellery and put it to one side.

I leaned forward and placed my lips against hers while I felt for the bottom of her jersey and pulled it up. Peggy raised her arms and the kiss was broken as the wool passed up and over her head. I ran my hands over the voluptuous breasts with their prominent nipples clearly seen through the fabric of her dress.

I leaned down and put my lips over her right nipple, blowing warm air. Then the same to the other one. They stood out even more and Peggy shuddered, closing her eyes. "Does that feel nice? You have such a beautiful body. I love your smell," I gave her no time to answer as my hands wandered down her sides, round behind her, cupping her soft bum, then to the front cupping her sex, my fingers pushing between her thighs.

Mrs A put a hand on my shoulder to steady herself as she spread her legs.

I then started on the buttons down the front of the dress. The top one, then the next exposing a white lacy bra. When I had undone enough buttons I opened the dress to expose her breasts, resplendent in their bra cups, the tops bulging slightly, the nipples prominent through the fabric. I scratched the nipples with my finger tips, then took them between my thumbs and fingers and pinched them, rolling them gently.

Mrs A sighed and opened her mouth and her breathing became heavier, stopping as I pinched her nipples, panting as I rubbed and rolled.

I undid the rest of the buttons, the front of the dress hanging open showing the white petticoat, the white bra and her lightly tanned stomach. The warm light making it healthy and inviting. I slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

I stepped back to admire this utterly feminine woman. Mrs A stood looking at me with half closed eyes, "you know how to tease a girl!" she said her voice husky with desire. I smiled and kissed her eyes, then her lips and down to her neck. I knelt down and stuck my tongue into her bellybutton tasting the slightly salty skin.

I reached into the waistband of her petticoat, pulling it out and down until it pooled at her feet with the dress. I saw for the first time her white panties, white and lacy like her bra, slightly transparent so that I could see her neatly trimmed pubic patch. The gusset prevented me from seeing her sex but the crotch was dark with moisture and I could clearly see her lips as the fabric parted them.

I slipped a hand between her legs, cupping her buttocks and bringing her crotch tight against my face. I breathed in her woman smell, sharp and strong. I stuck out my tongue and licked where her panties pulled into her cunt savouring her taste and wetting her panties further. I tongued on either side of the panties where it clung to her swollen lips. Using my other hand I pulled the gusset to one side and then licked the length of exposed cunt collecting the pooling juice.

Just as Mrs A stated to grind her sex into my face I stood up, "nooo..."

I shared her juices with her in a deep kiss. Taking her shoulders in my hands I turned Mrs A around to see how to unclip her bra. My fingers tickled her back as I fiddled with the hooks. "You need to practice that," she said. I unhooked the garment.

Mrs A turned back to face me holding the bra in place with her folded arms.

"Do you know how bra sizing works?"


"Well, the bra size is actually two bits of information. You said your mother is a forty four double D. The forty four is the measurement around the rib cage immediately below the breasts and the double D indicates the size of the bra cup required to support the breast properly." She smiled playfully, "A-cup is the smallest, I am a C-cup. Double D is huge! Tell me about them."

"Tell you what?"

"Don't start that! You know it excites me when you tell me these things. How big were her nipples. You know, personal things."

I stood there a moment picturing what I had seen that evening. "She was wearing a black bra with very wide straps around her chest and very stiff cups, thick and uncomfortable looking. When she undid it her tits drooped against her chest, kind of like balloons filled with water. Her nipples were brown, very big, almost the size of saucers. They wobbled when she moved. The centres were big and fat, much bigger than yours, and they pointed down at the ground."

"Did you get excited looking at them?"


"Tell me more." Mrs A let the bra fall forward and the straps slid down her arms and the garment joined the pile at her feet. I compared her breasts with the picture I had of Mom. Mrs A's breasts sagged slightly and pointed outwards. They were very white compared to her tanned arms, the nipples pink and excited and pointing straight out.

"They were very white and pasty with blue veins showing through the skin. When she held them with her hands some of the brown, the areola, was still visible. At one stage she lifted them to rub underneath and they spilled out of her hand."

I reached forward and put the flat palm of my hand on Mrs A's breast, the nipple in the middle. "She rolled her nipple round and round like this," I demonstrated. "It seemed to excite her. Does it excite you?" I continued to move my hand in small circles.

"Yes!" I could see the flush creeping up from her chest to her neck then to her cheeks as I spoke.

"Her brown areola contracted into oval dimpled area as she rubbed. When she pulled her hand away I saw her nipple was hard, big and red, at least the size of the end of my little finger." I removed a hand and inspected her nipple. I could see it was engorged. I leaned forward and took it in my mouth sucking hard and biting lightly.

"Yes! Do you like Mommy's nipples?" For a moment I was confused about whose nipple she was talking about.

"Yes. Do you like your baby biting your nipple? Trying to suck milk?" I felt her shudder and she pulled my face back to her breast.

"Yes! Suck it harder. Bite it. Yesss!"

While busy with her breast I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her sexy panties, slowly pulling them down. They pooled at her feet. I stepped back to look at Mrs A. Her mature body stood before me, clad only in sandals. She was beautiful! She turned slowly on the spot letting me see the whole of her lush body. "Does baby see anything he likes?"

"You are beautiful. I want to explore your body."

"You will. First, though, I am going to undress you."

As I stood there Mrs A reached for the buttons on my shirt. Undone, she pulled it off my shoulders, down my arms and threw it on the floor. She scratched my nipples softly with her manicured nails. I felt them contract and become super sensitive. She took one in her mouth sucking and lashing the tip with her tongue. I pulled her face harder in to my chest and she bit harder, hurting a bit. I could feel shafts of pleasure shooting through my body, my hard cock. She switched nipples and did the same. I shuddered.

"Does baby like that? A little rough?"

In answer I held her face in place against my chest. Her hands moved up my sides then to my back tickling me with her finger tips. I felt goose pimples pucker my skin. Mrs A chuckled.

I felt her hands move to the waistband of my trousers, first undoing my belt, then the top button then the zip. Hooking her fingers in my jeans and my underpants she pulled them down together. Free at last my rigid cock stood straight out oozing precum from the tip.

I tried to step out of my cloths but my shoes got stuck. Laughing Mrs A released my now sore nipple and said, "sit down baby, let me take off your shoes." As she pushed my towards the bed my cock brushed her stomach. "Wow! Is this all for me? For Mommy?" She took the head in her mouth and licked it clean.

I had been sexually pent up for too long and I erupted in the most exquisite delirious orgasm, spraying shot after shot of thick cum first in her mouth then, as I slipped out, over both of us as her hand took over the job of her mouth, jacking my cock hard and fast, milking me dry.

I was by now lying on the bed jerking and shuddering as the flood subsided.

"You could give a girl some warning," Mrs A said as she again sucked me deep in her mouth. I felt the sensitive head touch the back of her throat and I reached down to hold her still.

"I'm sorry," it had just happened so quickly. "I couldn't help myself. You are so exciting."

We stayed like that for a bit. The world stopped spinning. The wonderful sensation of being in her mouth, the lush body there for me. "Let's go and clean up."

We finished undressing and I sat there admiring her body. Her mature breasts sagging slightly, nipples red and excited. Her bum white and full with the defined divide where I could see her puckered hole when she bent to remove her sandals, her slightly soft stomach above her neatly trimmed pubic hair. Her prominent mound.

We showered together, holding each other tight under the warm water. Washing each other, our hands slick with soap and shampoo, exploring intimate nooks and crannies. Mrs A rubbed her soft breasts against my back as she reached round and washed my cock, then my balls, her fingers slipping lower and exploring my anus.

I returned the compliment, spending time exploring her arse, her wonderful cheeks, the tight hole, slippery with soap. "Do you like that?"

"Oh, yes." She hesitated a moment, "I have never let anyone touch me there before. You are the first."


"My dirty hole," she whispered.

"It's clean now. I am going to explore there later."


Dried, we returned to the bedroom. "Now, I want you. I want you to fuck Mommy. To fill her with your big cock. With your cum." Mrs A took a blue tube from her bedside table then lay down on the bed, moving to the centre. I recognised the tube from seeing Mom use it.

"What is that?"

"Baby has so much to learn. Let me show you."

Mrs A spread her legs, bending her knees slightly. I took in the swollen lips, the open pussy, the engorged clitoris prominent at the top. I noticed for the first time that there was no pubic hair between her legs, it was clean and pink. I don't think I have seen anything so exciting in my life.

"Come close and let me show you," she whispered huskily.

I kneeled at her side, my head level with her pelvis. Opening the tube Mrs A squeezed a dollop of clear gel on her fingers. "The is KY Jelly."

When I looked puzzled she continued, "it is a water based lubricant. Makes things nice and slippery. I don't need lube as you have seen but it is fun. If you play with my bum you must use some because there is no natural lube there and it is very sensitive." Mrs A blushed slightly.Have you played with yourself there?"

"What a question to ask a lady!"

"Well... Have you?"

We looked at each other for a few moments. She nodded.

"Did you enjoy it?"

She nodded slightly, blushing more. "Enough of your impertinent questions! I love the feel of the cool gel as I spread it, especially over my clit." Holding herself open with one hand she spread the goo over her bulging clitoris, rubbing very slowly and softly. Spreading it down to her gaping cunt, slipping her fingers deep inside, moving her fingers around.

"Now I want that big thing inside me" she took her fingers out and spread the remainder of the KY onto my rock hard cock, then urged me between her spread thighs, holding me with her slippery fingers. Still holding herself open she guided the head of my cock to her warm vagina. She held me there for a few moments, savouring the feeling of just the head penetrating her, then, removing her hand and placing it on my rump she pulled me hard into her, at the same time thrusting with her hips. I slipped in easily, gliding in the KY Jelly and her abundant natural lubrication.

The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced! Her cunt held me like a glove, warm tight, all encompassing. I revelled in the sensations. I was as deeply imbedded as I could be, our pubic hair mashed together. I could at the same time feel her thighs gripping mine as I lay between them, her breasts trapped between us.

I started pistoning into her. "Wait, baby! Slow down. We're in no hurry. I want you to last a long time so that you really enjoy your first time. So that I can enjoy it to the full as well." Mrs A paused a moment, "girls take longer than guys to get there. You have to draw them along with you, curbing your own pleasure to let her keep up. So that you both cum together. It is much more satisfying that way. Suck my nipples!" Her hand on my buttock dictating the rhythm and the depth of penetration.

Her other hand slipped between us and I could feel her playing with herself. Every now and then we squashed her hand between us stopping it's movement. "Ooohh yess!"

"Move your hips so that your pubic bone hits my clit but that you do not move your cock inside me," she demonstrated the slight movement with her fingers on my bum. "Yes, there. Now keep doing that! Yes!"

I suckled on one succulent nipple, then the other. When I got tired of holding myself up to access her breasts I captured her lips in a wide mouthed kiss. Keeping my weight on one elbow and her mouth I slipped a hand under Mrs A's bum, which she lifted to allow me access. My fingers explored her crack, feeling for her anus, spreading her with my fingers.

"Use some KY," Mrs A said into my neck, "hold out your hand." She took the tube of KY in her other hand and squeezed some gel onto the proffered fingers, then onto her own. I felt the cool liquid being spread on my anus. I followed suit.

I waited to feel what she would do. She rubbed up and down, passing over my anus each way. It was like an electric shock every time her finger trailed over the sensitive area. I tried doing the same in the restricted space. The same time, the same rhythm. She clenched her buttocks and spread them to suite the stroking.

"Aaah yesss! Keep doing that. I'm nearly there!" Her hand on my bum dictated the speed and depth of my thrusts. Sometimes she would stop me moving and her finger would circle my anus, pushing on the opening but not penetrating. The sensations running through my body were unbelievable. I could feel her hand on her own cunt moving faster and harder.

"Nearly there. Fuck me!" I started moving my hips harder and faster. Her hand on my bum urged me on. "Harder! Hurt me!" I pounded into her our pubic bones banging together, the slapping sound loud.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She chanted in time with my thrusts. Mrs A put both hands on my buttocks, nails digging in, and pulled me hard and deep into her. Her cunt tightened on my cock and I went over the edge! I pounded into her, ramming as deep as I could. In and out!

Mrs A met me thrust for thrust, her mouth open in a soundless scream . The ecstasy of the orgasm enveloped my whole body as I squirted load after load of hot cum deep in her cunt, her vagina milking me with its own contractions. My fingers on her anus felt the strong spasms passing through her body. I had never experienced anything like it! My orgasm went on and on.

When I eventually stopped ejaculating I continued pumping into Mrs A, urged on by her hands and body as another orgasm, then another ravaged her body.

Exhausted and sensitive I eventually stopped moving, still deeply imbedded. Mrs A face was red, her hair damp with sweat, her lips red and swollen looking. "God, that was amazing! I haven't been fucked like that in years, probably ever!" She lifted her head and kissed me gently, "was that good for you, baby?"

I looked at her for a moment. How do you answer a question like that? It was the most mind blowing experience, beyond anything I had imagined. A nod or a simple "yes" did not do the question justice. Change the subject! "When are the family due back?"

Mrs A jerked, her head swinging round to see the clock at her side table, "baby, don't give me a fright like that!" She took my face in her hands and kissed me again. "We had better clean up and be ready for them." She smiled mischievously, clenching her internal muscles, "a pity, there are still hours of pleasure there."

"I think he died of overwork!" We both laughed, the movement dislodging my now flaccid cock.

"Nooo!" Mrs A tried to keep me in but it was too late. "I would love to suck you clean but KY tastes so awful."

I lay there thinking that the person I thought I knew was not that person at all. Mrs A was a serene mother and wife, always beautifully dressed, beautifully mannered. Under the clothes was a sensuous, uninhibited, almost shocking person using the language of the gutter in a cultured accent. Not that I minded!

As she rolled towards me I felt the weight of her breasts rest against my ribs, the wet pubic hair nestle against my thigh. We kissed and I felt myself responding, getting hard under her warm hand.

"You're incorrigible!" We kissed softly and gently.

"What about Mr A?"

"What about him?"

"Won't he know? When..." I stopped in confusion not knowing how to go on.

Mrs A lay back looking at the ceiling. After a long moment she said, "never mind about George. We have our own arrangement. His sexual needs lie elsewhere."

"Don't you. I mean..."

"I don't really want to talk about it now. Maybe one day. Come, lazybones, into the shower so I can feel that lovely body of yours one more time."