Crazy Wolf, Shaman of his tribe, stumbled out of his sweat lodge in a daze, naked and lathered in his own sweat. He fell to the ground, the leaves and short grasses of the sparsely wooded area sticking to him as he panted, eyes closed, knowing he'd really pushed it this time.

A young man, the successor to his recently passed father as Shaman, he was keen to quickly build trust and respect within the tribe, knowing they had to have it for him as much as he had to have it from them. He had gone on a vision quest, awaiting Koochee'moya, the great tree spirit, with patience and reverence, respect and thankfulness in his heart for as long as it took. Finally, in a place far from the bones of his ancestors in both time and space, he was indeed visited by the elusive spirit he sought, rewarded well for his patience and devotion.

In time, he was able to recover somewhat, to gather enough strength to drink the water and venison he'd set aside for himself before redressing and returning to the small circle of wigwams to share the good news. Once there, he called them out of their animal skin abodes, men, women and children alike. He told them of the gift from Koochee'moya, the sacred spirit which would ensure that their meager crops would be healthy and bountiful, that the land would be nutrient rich and life-giving, the game abundant. He promised them on behalf of the great tree spirit that their children would always be strong and healthy, growing up to be virile warriors of legend, the most pleasing and fertile squaws. Their tribe would flourish and be happy.

Chief Crowfoot, his young and very beautiful daughter beside him, didn't seem very excited by the news, more worried and disbelieving, Crazy Wolf ascertained, as he began sweating arrowheads.

However, as if waiting only long enough to prove the words of Crazy Wolf, the ground began to thrum, vibrating beneath their feet when he'd finished speaking to the disbelieving stares of his tribe, including Chief Crowfoot and his previously smirking daughter. Suddenly, the earth seemed to buck beneath their feet rhythmically, not in the way of an earthquake, so much as a grinding undulation as a sprout forced its way from the soil in the center of the Village. Over the course of almost a minute, it climbed from the womb of Earth to a height of about six feet before it stopped and began to bloom apple blossoms.

Just as astounding, it seemed that nature was slowly, almost imperceptibly flourishing with greater life in an expanding radius from the tree, somehow making things greener, healthier, more vibrant. The nearby brook appeared to sparkle with the life they all knew teemed inside, waiting to be passed on to them, their children and their children's children.

Crazy Wolf fought to keep the self satisfied grin from his reverent expression as Crowfoot, his now very impressed daughter, and the rest of the tribe fell to their knees around the young apple tree.

"And that," he smugly thought, "is how we do that."


The television, along with the lights and every other electrical appliance in the house, cut out suddenly and unexpectedly, as these things do when the power goes out. Like when the huge, twisted, ancient apple tree in the back yard suddenly gave up one of its large old limbs in a windstorm the previous summer, crushing Stuart Fairbourne's aluminum shed as if it were never there. He hated that shed anyway.

"Shit!" he swore, heaving his forty-seven year old, surprisingly fit body from the couch in the dark living room, hearing better the midwinter storm raging outside.

"Stuaaaart!" his wife, Brenda, called from upstairs. "The power went out!"

"Ye-! Okay, honey, thanks for letting me know!" he called, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"Are you fixing it!? It's dark!"

He smashed his knee on the corner of the heavy wooden coffee table and muted a curse as Melanie, his eighteen year old daughter, began yelling, "Daaaaaaaaad!! The power's out!"

Gripping his knee in agony, he stopped the curses that would have destroyed Mother Theresa long enough to shout, "I know!!"

"I was watching Twilight!"

"Randy!" Stuart yelled.

His reply was the sound of the kitchen door to the garage opening, a crash from the kitchen soon after and his twenty year old son snapping in frustration, "Fuck!"

"You okay!?"

" ... Yeaaah! Shhhhit!"


"Would ya listen to that?" he confided in disgust a moment later as the shadowy form of his son filled the doorway. "Help me out with the generator, will ya?

Randy, while somewhat of a born bumpkin as it turned out, since they moved to the country two years ago, was at least sensible and reliable, if not a little too relaxed in his new lifestyle and local friends, some of them Indians. He was tall, not lean, but not bulky like Stuart and the last two years in the country had given him a tan that, along with his dark hair and brown eyes, made him fit right in with his new crowd.

But, there was just no denying the benefits of the move to the beautiful British Columbia countryside. The scenery was spectacular, the air and well water was clean and clear, tasting as good as the yield from the small vegetable garden Brenda had begun in the spacious backyard two summers ago. None of them had even caught so much as a cold since they'd been there, the four of them even looking healthier, better somehow and both he and Brenda had made offhand comments about it on the odd occasion. "You got your boots on?" he asked his son.

"Yeah, I was in the garage bluing my rifle. Shit!"

"Stuaaaaaaart!" Brenda hailed from above.

"Yes, we're fixing it! Turn all the light switches off up there and then come down here and do the same!" he shouted. "Randy, grab the flashlight outta the drawer while I get my coat and boots. God dammit, I almost broke my leg on that son of a bitch coffee table!"

In the garage, they managed to locate and drag the portable generator out to the bay door, the icy winter wind howling in the snowy, sub-zero climate just outside, defiantly pushing and rattling the man made barrier. After adding fuel to the tank and making sure it would start, Randy grabbed a couple of shovels. Raising the door, hoods pulled tight around their faces against the suddenly shocking wind chill, they lugged the unit outside into the dark early evening's whiteout conditions and around to the buried generator box next to the foundation.

Watching from the windowed door between the garage and kitchen, Brenda didn't know which one of the tall men was which when they returned, covered in snow and stamping their boots on the concrete. They loosened and removed their hoods, solving that minor mystery for her as Melanie entered the room behind her.

"Did they fix it yet?" asked the curvy young brunette, curvier in the last couple years, Brenda had noticed.

"I suppose, they just came back in."

"Why did we have to turn all the lights off if they were just going to fix it anyway?"

"I have no idea."

"Will I be able to finish watching Twilight?"

"Well, no. The generator only has limited power."

"What? Well, why can't they fix it so-?"

"Look out, they're coming in," Brenda warned, moving back from the door to stand beside her.

Almost three inches taller and a bit thinner than her five foot five daughter, Brenda watched the men come in, sniffing and breathing hard, feeling the winter chill they brought in with them.

At forty-five years of age, Brenda had been suffering through menopause for just over two years at that point, experiencing rapid and drastic mood swings, aching bones, insomnia, depression, not to mention the frequent and random bouts of horniness that wouldn't be denied. When the power went out, she'd been reading a trash novel in hers and Stuart's bedroom, having changed into a little something she'd bought online while waiting for Stuart with a special movie for them to watch. Now, it looked like those little plans were ruined as she stood in her white bathrobe, the nipples of her D-cup breasts making love to the silk babydoll that barely covered them underneath.

Melanie, barefoot and wearing pajamas, fresh from watching her favourite show in her comfortably heated room, waited hopefully for some good news from her father as she fretted about the eleven minutes of the broadcast she'd already missed, half of which, hopefully, had been only commercials. It looked like Isabella was about to kiss Edward in what promised to be a very hot scene and her fingers had just started playing inside her bra when the current buzz kill occurred.

"Alright," Stuart began. "The generator's hooked in and running, but it only runs the refrigerator, the freezer, the basement bathroom, and two receptacles in the family room down there. Not the heating system. It's warm in here now, but it's only early yet and it'll be a long night, plenty of time for it to cool off and, believe me, it will.

"So, what do we do?" Brenda asked.

"We get ready now," Stuart answered, handing her a second flashlight from the garage. "Grab some candles, plenty of blankets and pillows and take them all down to the family room. Randy and I are going to start lugging some wood from the garage down to the basement; we'll use the fireplace down there for heat."

"What about Twilight?" Melanie whined.

"I'm afraid we'll have to find other ways to entertain ourselves tonight, Melanie," Stuart answered without much concern.

It did cool off.

By nine-thirty, the house felt colder than inside the refrigerator, driving the four family members to the basement, blocking the crack under the door to the family room with a towel to prevent any draft. Via radio, they'd learned that the power was out all over, hydro repair crews immobilized by the hostile weather conditions which were expected to last well into the next day, possibly early evening.

The family room itself, however, was quite warm, the fireplace doing its job nicely with the fuel that the huge, twisted old apple tree in the backyard had donated. In addition were the other questionable branches, some of them as large as the one that had fallen, which Stuart had had Randy prune before they could crush his new shed, or a member of his family.

He didn't like doing it, having Randy prune the tree back, but it was necessary. The thing was that he liked that ugly old apple tree because it was one part of the greater beauty that was his backyard. This area and a short distance beyond, reasonably close to the rural road, was the thing that sold him on the one hundred acre lot. It had a natural, picturesque beauty that almost seemed to go beyond natural, even giving him a wholesome, contented mood when he was within it. Even Brenda agreed, the kids also liking the area right away. It was almost as if the place was that perfect landscape painting, or picture and they were the lucky, nameless and carefree people in it.

Pruning the apple tree somehow seemed a violation of the beautiful back yard, especially the tree itself, which grew the sweetest wild apples. Somehow, it and its ugliness seemed the unlikely centerpiece of the beauty that surrounded it. Regardless of this, he was glad to have the wood by the fireplace, since he'd neglected buying a load from a local supplier that fall. They'd be okay for quite some time with the supply they had. More in question was the limited gas supply for the generator, a problem, Stuart and Randy figured, which may involve somehow bleeding some fuel from one of the frozen, snowbound cars in the driveway.

The wood itself, strangely, hadn't quite dried as it sat in the garage. That didn't stop it from burning well though, and it gave off the most interestingly pleasant smell whenever a gust of wind would blow it's smoke down the flu for a second, allowing for a light hazy puff to scent the room every once in a while.

"Can we at least watch a movie, or something?" Melanie complained in the slightly dim lit family room

She was lying beside her mother in the big, cozy, comfortable nest of blankets and pillows that she and Brenda had made in front of the fireplace. They'd gone around, once they'd realized that Stuart was right about how cold the house would get, collecting seating cushions from couches, chairs, the parson's bench, more pillows and blankets from their own beds and even Brenda's exercise mat to stuff underneath their nest.

"That's a good idea," Brenda agreed, looking back at Stuart where he and Randy sat on the couch behind them. "The TV and DVD wouldn't take that much power, would it?"

"Uhhh,... no, I guess not." he replied, looking at his son for a second opinion.

Randy shrugged and said, "Wouldn't matter that much, we'll be going out to visit one of the cars by tomorrow afternoon, anyway. It looks as bad as the radio says it is out there."

"Do we even have a movie to watch?" Stuart asked.

After a brief silence, Brenda volunteered, "I have one."

"What's it called?" Randy inquired.

"Autumn Serenity."

There was another short silence before Randy assumed, "Chick flick."

"It's a period film," she defended, rolling on her side to explain further. "And it's actually very interesting and historically accurate, you'd probably like it."

"It's a chick flick," Stuart confirmed.

"It takes place during the war of eighteen-twelve. A British woman meets an American Officer and falls in love with him."

"Awww, Mom, that's a chick flick. Why don't we watch The Wrath Of K-?"

"No!" both Brenda and Melanie disallowed.

"I'm not watching that again," Melanie asserted further. "I'd rather watch Mom's movie.

"Well, I'm going to get it," Brenda asserted, her mind made up as she threw aside a heavy quilt to get to her bare feet amidst the defeated groans of her husband and son.

"Maybe we should use this time to visit Mom's car?" Randy suggested as Brenda, now wearing slippers, kicked the towel away from the bottom of the door.

They didn't. It was too nice and warm in front of the fire, too content. They watched the movie, both father and son's jokes beginning to dry up about a quarter way through, when the storyline began to barely hold their attentions.

"There, now that was a pretty good movie, wasn't it?" Brenda asked of the two men when the credits began to roll.

During the two and one half hour movie, the room had heated even more as the fire was fed, the slightly wet wood burning as slow as it did hot, filling the room with its scent. Both women had thrown the heavy quilts back, Melanie having also removed her bathrobe in favour of watching in her light flannel pajamas. Even Stuart had opened his dark blue bathrobe, slouching in his pajamas, Randy without the blanket that had been covering him at the other end of the couch and sporting gray gym pants with a white, sleeveless undershirt.

"It was boring," the young man judged, suddenly noting that his mother's robe had opened a little way. It afforded quite a view of her cleavage and a small, pink shoulder strap that suspended the front of what must have been a revealing nightie, from what he saw at a glance.

"You liked it," Brenda smiled at him. "I looked back when they were chasing Laura Secord through the woods and you were entertained."

"Probably watching her bazugas bounce around in that thing she was wearing," Stuart laughed good naturedly, also looking down the front of his wife's bathrobe, only more obviously.

Melanie laughed at this too, sitting up Indian style in the nest and facing them as Randy snorted, "What chest? The scene where what's-her-face was in the water with buddy was better."

"Ariella and Elias?" Brenda asked.


"Because you could see her nipples a little. Why do men have to bring everything down to that, anyway?" she laughed. "It was a good movie without that."

"What about Elias in the water with her without his shirt on?" Stuart countered with a grin. "Gonna tell me that wasn't one of your favourite parts?"

"Well,... no," she admitted, laughing and looking away.

"Uh-huh," Stuart knowingly said.

"But, I don't watch it for that."

"Well, it was my favourite part," Melanie said, adding a little giggle afterwards.

" ... Fine, then," Brenda said with a hesitantly daring expression, once again getting up from the nest, inadvertently showing quite a bit of her left leg in the process.

"Now, what?" Stuart asked, watching her move towards the door in her slippers again, as was his son.

"Just wait, you'll see."

By the time she came back with another movie and a bottle of lotion, her bathrobe had opened a little further, creating the narrowest gap in the front that her legs came through with each step. Randy was surprised when he felt his meat twitch at the sight of this. He knew his mother was pretty, but he'd never seen her in that way before.

Stuart was well used to seeing her in that way and stared as she went to her knees in front of the set, the hem of her very short babydoll showing at the tops of her thighs as her robe spread around them. She came back to the nest after she was done loading the CD, the gap open a little wider.

"Let's see if you complain about this," she challenged, depressing the pump of the lotion bottle and depositing a dollop in the palm of her other hand.

"Can I have some too, Mom?" Melanie asked. "I feel a little dry and itchy, must be the heat of the fire."

"I know, me too. Just a sec, honey."

Randy's meat twitched again as he watched his mother work the lotion into her hands and lower arms, pushing back the billowy sleeves of her robe to do so while showing a lot more cleavage. She looked up and caught his eye once and smiled affectionately, as a mother might with her son and with no idea of what he was feeling as he watched.

Stuart's manhood was also twitching, especially when he watched Brenda apply the lotion to Melanie's hands and arms, also her bare feet and shins at his daughter's request.

It twitched more when he realized what kind of movie she'd put in. It was much like a trash novel on video, the one she'd bought without his knowledge for them to watch in their bedroom that night. She'd been thinking about it all the way through the first movie and had convinced herself that it wouldn't hurt, that it wouldn't be that explicit anyway.

The breasts were bigger, the sex scenes much steamier and there was a lot of partial nudity. Everyone was surprised at the soft core content, but nobody said anything.

Around halfway through this movie, Randy was distracted by his mother again, sitting on her thighs, knees together and slowly spreading lotion over them, caressing herself as she watched the screen. Half hard now, as was his father, he turned to look at him. He was also watching Brenda, but caught his son's glance. He turned to look back and smile.

"Good show, huh?" he passed to the other end of the couch.

" ... Yeah," Randy replied, rubbing at a strange, tickly itch on his bare arms and chest.

"I need some more, Mom."

"Be careful of the pump, it puts a lot out," Brenda cautioned, handing the bottle over this time.

Melanie expelled some on her hand and rubbed it into her neck and upper chest, pausing a moment afterward while looking down her pajama top. Holding the front of it away from her chest, she pumped a large dollop directly down it. She flinched a split second later, then squeezed out another two full dollops before putting the bottle down. She slowly stuck her hand down her top and began rubbing around inside it, the lotion making faint smacking sounds.

Stuart, who had been watching this, noted how she seemed in a world of her own, completely absorbed by her actions, apparently having forgotten about the movie that she was just very much into."Too much?" Brenda asked.

"Huh? Yeah. Sorry."

It's alright. Here, you don't want it all over your pajamas." Brenda said, unbuttoning the top two buttons and spreading the shirt open for her, far enough to expose the top of her purple lace bra with the flimsy, low topped cups. Melanie's fingers were playing in a thick smearing of the lotion, most of it between her well tanned, firm breasts.

"It's all gooey," she commented with a short giggle afterwards.

"Just spread it around, up on your boobs," Brenda instructed, watching Melanie as she began slowly smearing it around above her little bra, worn especially for Twilight that evening. "They've gotten bigger, haven't they?"

"Yup," Melanie confirmed, suddenly catching her father's eye, smiling brightly at him with her chest stuck out and adding, "Hi, Daddy."

"Hey, Mel," Stuart answered, looking back at the screen as his heart pounded.

Brenda didn't seem to notice how he'd been staring at their daughter, she being once again enraptured by the screen as the star of the movie was being roughly seduced by the man who may have killed her boss. Then Stuart found himself distracted too as the woman's shirt was pulled open, the killer (?) grabbing her tit after with a hungry leer.

Randy continued to watch Melanie, absently rubbing the arm resting on the end of the couch, then using that one to rub the other as his dick hardened further. She looked up and saw him, her eyes going to his efforts to relieve the tickly itch.

"Mom, Randy needs some cream."

"Mmmm," Brenda replied, still watching the woman on screen, now being held helplessly against a wall as her strapless bra was jerked down to her waist. "Come here, sweetie, I'll help you."

"I-I'm good, Mom."

She looked around for a second to see him rubbing his arm, a slightly nervous expression on his face as Stuart said, "Now, there's a set of tits."

Melanie laughed again, looking at her father in admiration as he watched the woman on screen, rubbing lotion over her own C-cup tits and thinking that her dad would probably like them, too.

Rolling her eyes, but with a smile of satisfaction in picking a movie they all liked, she said, "Don't be silly, Randy, I see you rubbing your arms. It's the heat, come here."

After a moment's hesitation, he looked at his father, this time not getting a reaction at all as Stuart continued watching the television. He rose in what seemed like a halting, jerky collection of movements, his muscles tightened, feeling his half hard member flop against the front of his gym pants. Silently cursing himself for not wearing briefs, he moved forward to the cushion of blankets and pillows.

"That's it, just,... sit down here," Brenda said, taking his tanned arm after he'd settled in to apply a large glop directly to it.

She began moving it around, working it in and glancing at the screen, somehow only now aware of how moist her vagina had become, faintly curious about what would possess her to play this movie in front of her children.

Once her mother put the bottle down, Melanie picked it up again, the movement catching her father's attention. She flashed him another happy smile and calmly undid the last two buttons on her top, spreading it as her mother had done, only this time exposing her bra contained breasts entirely. As he watched, she squirted a full dollop down each cup, put the bottle down and began rubbing it in through the flimsy lace, subtly gasping, her knee reflexively jumping when she got to where Stuart assumed her nipples were.

Stuart became rock hard at this sight. Obviously, he'd never seen his daughter's chest like this before, had never even thought of his daughter in this way, despite knowing she was a very attractive young woman, but now,...

The overage of the lotion bled through the darkened, purple lace as she worked it back in, pulling the small cups along with her hands easily over her fully lubricated skin. Her teeth gently held a bit of her bottom lip as she watched herself work, back arched, legs crossed Indian style. Yes, his daughter, he thought, was a very pleasing little squaw, indeed.

Brenda, meanwhile, had become distracted from the television by Randy's young, strong arms. She lingered on his biceps, her slippery palms taking their time while her fingers worked delicately. She switched to his other arm to repeat the process with it, catching him staring. She looked down to where his deep brown eyes were fixed and saw that her bathrobe had come partly open. He was looking directly at her deep cleavage, the insides of both her breasts completely visible in the frail, pink scrap she wore. She wasn't overly alarmed by this, but more by the suddenly obvious tent pole in his gym pants. There was a sizeable, darkened wet patch where the cotton strained over what must have been an above average length of penis, possibly larger than Stuart's.

She looked up at him, her son obviously aware that he'd been caught staring at his mother's chest with an erection as his reddened face turned away from hers. She found this adorable of him, a strange sort of return to the time when he was her little boy, not the rough, cursing and swearing, always absent young man he'd turned into.

She rose to her knees and moved forward to whisper reassuringly in his ear, "It's okay, sweetie, I understand."

Her chest and bra still showing the odd white smear, Melanie had moved on to her belly, leaving two very erect nipples behind to poke obscenely out from behind the lace, the very tops of her areolas having slipped above their cups.

"It feels so good," she murmured.

Stuart realized she knew he was watching, probably knew that he was drooling over her, too. She was making it very hard not to and the sudden, further realization that his son was staring at his mother's cleavage didn't help. It was as much of a turn-on, somehow.

"Your mom's got big tits, eh Son?"

Randy looked up at his father's knowing grin in surprise, as if he'd been startled from a different universe, but nodded his reply.

"Stuart,..." Brenda lightly admonished.

"Biggest nipples you've ever seen," her husband added with a wink as he rubbed at the back of his hands.

"Mm-mm. Koochee'moya," Melanie breathed as she ran her hands up her own sides, back still arched and stretching.

Stuart couldn't take any more when his attention was put back on his daughter and her personal activities. She sensually massaged her waist, pajama top wide open as he moved from the couch and down to the nest the two women had made while shrugging off his bathrobe.

"Do you want me to do your back, honey?"

She looked up at him as he settled next to her, giving him another happy smile and answered simply.

"Oh, yes, Daddy."

She unfolded her legs and got to her knees, thighs spread a little with her back to him. He gingerly took the collar of her pajama top in his hands and slipped it over her shoulders, down and lost to the blankets and pillows where it was forgotten before it even landed there. She handed him the bottle and he applied two full pumps to the palm of his hand before beginning to rub it in at her shoulders while she held her medium length, dark hair for him.

"Mmmm. Do my neck, too, okay?"

"Sure, honey."

Brenda's slippery fingers had worked their way inside the arm holes of Randy's snug undershirt, inviting her palms along behind them. She pushed them in further, covering his chest, not daring to pause at his nipples, but moving up and on to his well toned shoulders. Still on her knees and between his legs, Brenda's cleavage was only a few inches from his face and she thrilled at how he preferred looking at it, rather than the younger, somewhat more fit beauty on the screen.

"Does that feel good, sweetie?" she asked in the softest voice.

" ... Yeah. It's,... really nice, Mom."

"Let's take this shirt off, so we can get your belly, hm?"

She didn't wait for an answer, rather grabbed the bottom of the shirt and began pulling it up to his chest without thinking anything of it. He didn't answer anyway, only raised his arms to aid her. She got an exciting surprise when Stuart passed her the bottle, seeing him rub the lotion into Melanie's back with a clearly seen erection in his pajama bottoms. They both smiled at one another, then kissed passionately for a moment before they returned their attentions to their children.

Another exciting surprise came when Randy reached his hands out and pulled her bathrobe further apart, then pushed it down off her shoulders.

He openly beheld her DDs, two sizes larger since she began menopause, (an odd side effect that she found nowhere in the myriad of online information pertaining to her condition) and how they were seductively supported by the straining spaghetti straps and the translucent silk they were attached to.

She smiled understandingly at him, horny as hell as he looked at her in the little number that was meant for his father, and said, "You like your mom's boobs?"

It was as much assumption as it was a question and he nodded, saying, "Yeah, they're nice and big. I can see your nipples, too and they're like Dad said."

He could indeed see a lot more now, transfixed at how the insides of them touched each other, how they appeared ready to fall out of the 'cups' of her lingerie. Their amazingly erect nipples were big enough that the filmy garment barely covered them. Next to her ribs, the outsides of her impressive, surprisingly still perky tits were also bare and it was quite apparent that the garment was meant for a woman with a smaller bust line. The bottom hem barely covered her crotch as she knelt there in front of him and he could see she was wearing a pair of pink bikini panties that looked also to be see-through behind the translucent silk.

She continued to smile as she measured out a sizable portion of the white cream to begin smearing it over his chest and belly, her fingers trembling as she saw that his nipples were also erect. She looked down in his lap again as she played her thumb over said nipples, seeing that if anything, he was even harder, the dark patch larger.

"Ohh, Randy, sweetie, your cock,..." she breathed without thinking.

He didn't answer, only took the bottle and, in a horny daze, splurted two full pumps of its contents into one hand, pausing before delivering two more. Rubbing them together for a second, he hesitantly touched his mother's chest, palms flat and began slowly moving it around. As he did this, Brenda stuck her ass out, arching her back as his hands worked their inevitable way to her breasts and nipples.

"Ohh,... oh, sweetie. Mommy likes that," Brenda sighed, getting a sudden mental image of his big, hard cock between her breasts, pumping and pumping until-

"Do you like my boobs, Daddy?"

"Oh,... yes, honey," Stuart sincerely assured her.

The thin straps of her bra had fallen down her arms during the course of his massaging her shoulders and much more areola was visible. As Brenda watched, Stuart slowly pulled the back of her pajama bottoms down, Melanie observing as the front quickly followed. He pulled them all the way down to her knees, the elastic waistband easily stretching the distance between them.

Melanie was wearing a micro thong, the small strip of blue lace barely covering her snatch, completely exposing the short, wide runway strip of dark pubic hair. From her father's perspective, there was only that nicely shaped, round ass with only the smallest purple strings to tell him she was wearing underwear at all.

Stuart took up the bottle and squirted three full pumps to his palm, rubbed his hands for the briefest instant, then put them at the top of his daughter's beautiful ass, rubbing in slow circles at first, then stroking up and down to eventually reach the bottoms of her cheeks. As he began to caress all over, passing his palms from one cheek to another, Melanie let out a trembling sigh, feeling the lotion collect in the crack of her ass, making that wonderfully gentle smacking sound again.

"Oh. ... Ooooh."

Stuart squeezed, kneaded and ran his hands everywhere, finally running his fingers down the crack of her ass to her soft moans, then working the lotion in there, too, spreading one of her cheeks with his spare hand.

"Ohh, Daddy!"

Randy's hands were also becoming better travelled. He rubbed the lotion in everywhere on his mother's chest, under the babydoll's straps, even under the silk, finally daring to allow his fingers to run down over her nipples. He grabbed both her tits and squeezed gently, flicking his thumb over her nipples again and again inside her babydoll.

"Uh-h! Sweetie,... let Mom pull your pants down, okay?"

"Yeah. I wanna show you my cock."

"Oh, baby, that's so naughty," she whispered, digging her fingernails into the waistband of his gym pants and working them down as he lifted himself for her. She slowed to a stop when they were halfway down his thighs, after watching his beautiful member bob free.

"Do you like it, Mom?"

" ... Oh,... Mommy loves it," she promised, seeing that it was indeed larger than Stuart's, probably by about two centimeters or more, and a little thicker, too.

She picked up the bottle, the plastic container a bit lighter now, and pumped out two full portions, the first on the front of his stiffened rod, the next at its base, just above his huge balls. Putting the bottle down, she leaned over and began smearing the lotion over his cock and balls with the pad of one, slow forefinger, making his hips twitch, his mouth utter the smallest gasps of electrified excitement. One of her breasts finally did slowly ooze from its slickened confines, allowing the other to fall out behind, the ineffective cups spread to their outsides as Randy watched all this disbelievingly.

"Ohh,... my tits,..."

He responded by grabbing them up in his hands again, squeezing them like he'd been doing, this time pinching her nipples.

"Ohh, sweetie. Oooooh."

Her fingers had found their way to his abnormally swollen balls where they continued to spread the lotion around, coating them before reaching around his shaft with her fingers, eventually taking the whole thing in her hand to lightly work the rest of the lotion around. He groaned softly now, still playing with her freed breasts, twisting her nipple pleasurably.

"I love you, Mom!" he gasped with ragged breath.

She locked her lips to his mouth, her slippery chest pressing against his as his arms encircled her waist. They kissed so passionately, Brenda totally lost in this young man, her son with the rippling muscle, the hunter, the strong, noble warrior. Surely, all the pretty young squaws would want their hands on him and she felt honoured to be with him, to have his body, especially honoured that he wanted hers.

"Mmmmmmm," she swooned, gripping a little harder as she continued pumping his rod, his hands now wandering from her back, down to her ass.

Melanie watched Brenda with Randy, pleased to see her so happy, excited beyond belief at the sight of her mother's hand slowly stroking his heavily lubricated prick.

Her father helped her excited condition a lot as he worked the lotion into her thighs, going all the way up to the tops of them, caressing and kneading with his capable hands, making her pelvis twitch with instinctual anticipation. He was doing a very good job everywhere, but she wished he would return his fingers to her tight anus again.

Instead, he returned to her back, under her bra strap, then over it, deftly releasing the catch as he did. Rubbing her back without that impediment, he watched over her shoulder as the cups slid down far enough to free her nipples. She felt his pajama bottoms touch her ass, then his hard pole beneath them, settling between her cheeks as his hands came around her sides, moving down to massage the fronts of her thighs and belly.

She watched him pull her bra the rest of the way down and off, sighing with excited apprehension that he would, jerking in surprise and gratification when he grabbed her nipples after. He pinched and played with them, tugging gently as she watched, mouth open to her moans, ass grinding subtly into her father's manhood. Her head lolled back and they shared a brief kiss and a breathless whisper from her.

"Ohhh, Daaa-! Ohhhh!"

He half turned to face her, she doing the same under his guiding hands before pushing her gently down to a sitting position before him. The sight that greeted him between her legs was enough to remove any and all hesitation that may have existed as she sat with her thighs spread as far as the pajama bottoms at her knees would allow. He took them in his hand and slowly pulled them down and as she stared at the front of his, allowing her thighs to spread further.

"Do you like my body?"

"Oh, yes, honey. Dad loves everything about you. You're his perfect girl."

His perfect girl smiled longingly up at him, pleased he saw her this way and reached for the bottle once again. As he watched, she worked the pump, landing a mass of lotion in her pubic hair, the next directly on the narrow front panel of her underwear, inhaling sharply with each contact of the thick goo. She let out a low, naughty giggle as she placed the short nozzle down inside her panties and gave herself another full measure of the lotion.

Without thinking, Stuart began unbuttoning his pajama shirt, distractedly watching her as she leaned back on one arm, playing in the mess with two fingers, gasping and jumping a little at her own touch.

"Take all your clothes off, okay? I wanna see your cock."

That was Stuart's plan and he watched her pleased expression become even brighter when he pulled his pajama bottoms down for her. Without underwear, his cock bounced into view, the strongest, proudest thing she'd ever seen and there was no question that she wanted to play with it, wanted to make it hers.

Moving closer, she abandoned her creamy, wet pussy in favour of her father's stiff member, wiping her hands on the blanket under her before moving her mouth closer to his balls. Her knees bent, legs still spread, his finger began playing in her pubic hair as she planted the smallest, softest kiss where her existence began almost nineteen years earlier.

"Mmmmmmm!" Brenda moaned into Randy's mouth, his tongue prodding the inside of hers as his greasy hands spread her ass cheeks wide.

Then his fingers were suddenly between them, just below her sopping pussy with one directly on her flower. Her back arched again and she pushed into him harder, playing with his cockhead with her knuckles softly brushing his abdomen.

Before she knew it, he was pushing against her and she found herself on her back, Randy over her and between her spread legs, his lotion smeared prick hanging parallel with his well defined abs underneath him. He looked her over hungrily before pulling the bottom of her babydoll up, looking at her gauzy thin panties and her spread lips behind them. Her clitoris had extended to an erection slightly longer than even that of her nipples and made a small impression against the soft, wet, pink mesh.

"Ohh,..." he sighed, spreading her legs further with his firm, patient hands on her inner thighs. "You're so beautiful."

She grabbed her breasts and began fondling them, her eyelids fluttering as she touched her nipples, he grabbing his cock and pumping as he looked.

"Ohh-h. Baby, are you going to do naughty things to Mommy?" she almost begged.

Her answer was his hand touching the place where her shaved pussy hair would be, caressing briefly before moving down to boldly, yet lightly feel her soaked lips. He passed her distended clitoris on the way, making her jump and cry out, then writhe as his hand explored everywhere else, dragging the mesh back and forth over it."Ah-! I'm gonna do whatever I want with you."

"Ohh, god! Oh, sweetie, my clit!" she called out at his fingers' abrupt return there.

"Oh, Mom! Uhhhkk- ggaaaaa!" he answered as his cock erupted.

Shot after shot hit the front of her panties as she strained to watch, cooing loudly, almost laughing giddily at how she was so deliciously, lovingly soiled by her own son. She could feel the massive, sticky load dripping down her crotch when he was done, tickling and tantalizing her already raw senses as he recovered himself enough to speak.

"I'm gonna play with your body all night, Mom," he panted just before easily tearing the front of her panties open.

This was one of the best parts of Brenda's experience, being used and taken like this, by him of all people. Now his fingers were inside the gaping hole he'd opened in her panties and stroking her lips directly, returning to her love button off and on as she groaned out loud. Randy slowly began inserting a finger between her lips, seeking out her canal in the continued exploration of his mother's body.

"Ohhhhhhhhh! Randy, baby! Ohhhh! You'll make Mommy cum!"

He inserted another finger when he reached his second knuckle and continued pushing, loving how she rolled her pelvis into his hand as she cried out such dirty things with her tits in her hands. He began rubbing around her swollen clitoris with his thumb as he drove his fingers deeper, constantly brushing and nudging it, pressing gently around it and driving her wild. At this point, Mommy couldn't have refused him if she'd tried.

His fingers now inside her to the knuckles, he started slowly working them around, dipping his thumb just below her button and pushing up slowly, experiencing his mother's wanton reaction and even more turned on by the fact his father was right there to witness his playtime with Mom. He looked around to see if he was watching and was surprised to see him absent from the couch. Glancing around further, he soon located him and he was indeed watching.

Melanie thought that kissing her father's balls was the best thing in the world. It sent a thrill across her senses, sped her heart up at the very knowledge that she was doing it. Her kissing soon gave way to gentle sucking, then unabashed licking as his fingers slowly stroked her pussy up and down, always passing through her lotion matted, pubic hair.

She looked up at him as if asking permission as her fingers snaked between his belly and the back of his hardened phallus, holding it there as she slowly, almost tentatively licked her way up the front of his shaft. He looked down in agonized ecstasy to see that his balls not only felt abnormally swollen, but actually were. While not grossly oversized, they were definitely larger than he'd ever seen them and this, he realized, was where the sweet agony was coming from.

"Ohh, honey, yeah!" Stuart hissed in a thick voice. "Lick your dad's cock all over like a good girl!

"Mmmmm!" she replied, sucking just below his cockhead as his fingers pushed at the blue lace that only covered half her lips, driving it down between them where they tangled, soaked in her young essence and her mother's lotion.

He stroked her delectably bare lips as she licked that same spot and, when he came as suddenly as Randy did, it was with repeated, hoarse yells for the sight of each shot leaping into the air and coming back down on Melanie's upturned forehead and face. She flinched each time, batting her eyelashes when a particularly heavy shot landed there, but kept on licking that spot, crying out herself as his fingers invaded her canal in defiance of the defeated micro thong.

"Oo-ohh, Melanie!" he expressed in a broken groan as, undaunted, she began licking and kissing his cockhead before he was even quite finished.

He fingerfucked her slowly at first, pushing deeper until his fingers could go no further before touching her G spot. Her body jerked as she yelped a high note, pausing her tongue's attention to a puddle of precum as it formed before popping his head into her mouth and sucking, still massaging with her tongue.

Her twisted thong ground against her clitoris as a third finger went in on the other side of it and she howled around his cock, her father's other hand in her hair, slowly pushing her down further on him until she choked just a little. She held him like that, suddenly looking up at him with wide eyes.

Stuart couldn't get over how good it was with Melanie, couldn't get over how sexy she looked with his cock in her mouth, his jism running down her face and in her lovely, dark hair. He never once questioned how he could still be so hard, still so turned on, especially after such an eruption of his seed, but only noted the relief in his balls.

He rubbed her clitoris for her, hearing the wonderful smacking of the lotion while she squirmed wildly to his touch, howling again around his cock as saliva leaked out of her mouth and down her chin. Taking a fistful of her hair, he gently pulled her off while she maintained pressure all the way, sucking until her lips slid off the end of his prick with a lewd slurp.

"Oh, Daddy, I'm gonna cum! Ohhhh! Daaa-! Ohhhhhh!?,... AHHH! AHHH! OH, FUCK! OH, DADDY!"

She went down on his cock again, this time pumping its girth and length with her small hand as she sucked voraciously, squeezing his thigh with her other, squealing her orgasm to his thick meat.

Stuart happened to see Randy watching this, his eyes wide, two fingers up his mother's twat. Brenda was obviously enjoying herself and he could tell she was close to orgasm, as she desperately toyed with her big breasts and nipples. He came again when he saw Randy's cum all over her pretty, pink panties, looking down in orgasmic shock to see his daughter hungrily swallowing his hot spunk. As she audibly gulped and moaned, a rather copious amount escaped from the corners of her mouth to run down to her chest.

As though this was some kind of incentive for him, Randy turned back to Brenda and, hesitating only a moment, leaned forward and began licking her lips. He closed his eyes as he tasted her, his fingers still inside and loving it, taking more and more, suddenly bathing her clitoris with his tongue and getting a mouthful of a healthy squirt as she came then and there.

Brenda thrashed and screamed as though someone were cutting her arm off, experiencing the best orgasm of her life and wanting it to never end, desperately thanking Koochee'moya for her son, whoever that was. She opened her eyes to see him still licking and sucking from between her legs, not satisfied until a few minutes later. He was crawling further up her body, his thighs above her legs and straddling her waist now.

Randy looked down at his mother, pausing his forward movement to grab the front of her babydoll. He used it to wipe all the excess lotion from his cock and balls, moaning at the feel of this procedure. He finished, leaving a darkened, greasy stain on her lingerie and continued crawling forward until his cock touched the bottom lip of her open, eager mouth.

With her hands on his firm ass, she helped him forward, closing her lips around his cock and sucking dutifully. Soon, with his crotch directly above her face, he was fucking her mouth as her head reclined on a thick pillow, her hands still on his ass, pulling him into her with every one of his downward thrusts.

This wasn't the first time Randy had received a blowjob, but he found it to be, without a doubt, the best. She seemed to like the abusive manner in which he used her mouth and even wanted more. He leaned back after enjoying this for a short time and took the back of her head in his hand, looking down lovingly at her as he continued to pump softly, seeing his expression mirrored in her lustful eyes. He spurted a thick, voluminous shot into her mouth as he opened his and wailed. Another and another followed as Brenda gladly swallowed all she could, the rest backing violently out of her mouth in two small geysers, sticking to her chin and upper lip, running down her cheek with a tickle to her ears.

He pulled it out and she groaned, her mouth open and showing teeth and tongue still coated with his sperm.

"Uhh,... Oh, fuck, Mom!"

"Uhnnn?" she managed in a daze, looking back up at him and knowing he was still as unsatisfied as she was.

Randy was in a daze of his own, still not quite believing what he was doing to his mother, was going to do to her, and confused as to how he could have two orgasms in a row like that. As far as he knew, this wasn't natural for a man and he wondered if his mother could actually be that hot. In the end, though, it didn't matter. In the end, the only thing that mattered was using her to get off with and, that in mind, he made his way back down her body.

She felt him grab her leg, half hauling, half pushing her soft hips on their side while her shoulders remained flat on the blankets. She allowed him to raise her leg, once again completely exposing her bare snatch to him. When he began lining his rocket up to it, she let out a long, low moan that was diluted with the barest, giddy laugh of anticipation.

To Randy, it was as if his cock almost stretched itself longer, straining for her opening as though the sight of its proximity teased it. He held her leg, straightened at the knee, straight up, toes pointing to the ceiling as he briefly touched his head to her lips before plunging his cock slowly into her.

"Oh, Randy! You're such a bad boy! Oh, Randyyy!"

Melanie had gotten to her knees, facing her father after taking his second load and was lovingly spreading large amounts of lotion all over his body. She rubbed it into his chest and back, her bare breasts pressing against him with his still hard cock trapped against her abdomen, her hands caressing and massaging their way to his ass.

Stuart's hands now roamed over his daughter's body at will, frequently visiting the special place between her legs and her tight little asshole, which she clearly enjoyed having rubbed. They kissed deeply, she rubbing his asshole too, making him flinch as she was. They moaned into one another's mouths, sharing tongues and rhythmically grinding Stuart's cock between them to some unheard, slow drum beat.

He broke contact with her mouth and grabbed her thighs with both hands. With a swift movement, he jerked her from her knees so that her perfect tits were in his face. Her legs immediately wrapped around his middle, ankles clasped at his back, so that she found herself sitting in his hands, hers resting on his shoulders as she looked down at him for a moment. He allowed her to slide down his chest until his cock neatly slipped just inside her opening, making Melanie gasp out loud, her pretty mouth and eyes wide as father and daughter beheld one another.

"Awww!" she bellowed as Stuart allowed her to slip a little further down. "Awwwww! Awwwwwww, Daaaddy!"

She was so tight. He couldn't remember ever having a pussy this tight, nor a fuck as good as Melanie was. He invaded her little asshole with his pinky finger, only to the first knuckle and continued to allow her to slide down his chest until he firmly bottomed out inside her.

The sensation of her father's cock filling her so fully took away Melanie's breath, her sense of reason flying out of her head with it. She could only goggle at him as she experienced the fullness of his length after the slow, inevitable completion of its entry. This, along with his finger playing with her other hole, was enough to bring her to orgasm again in moments.

Stuart watched her cry out uncontrollably again and again, her already tight canal gripping his pole tighter over and over as she climaxed. Impaled and helpless to stop his actions if she wanted to, he spread his knees and jerked her up a little ways again, only far enough so that his cockhead wouldn't leave her lips, so he could slowly let her down as he did before. She never really stopped crying out after her orgasm and showed no signs of letting up a minute later, when he began gently bouncing her up and down a little.

Very soon, Stuart's persistent cries joined those of Melanie's.

Brenda issued a high pitched tone as she watched her son's penis disappear, inch by inch, up inside of her. When he was in all the way, even pressing a little to be sure, their eyes met again and she saw that adorable expression on his face as he toned a low, almost helpless note. He caressed her leg and began kissing her calf as he drew out to begin a slow, solid grind that put his mother over the edge in no time.

It was so good, just like in the movies they' been watching and so much more. It was the feel of him inside of her, every detail of him mapping themselves out to her insides with overwhelming intensity. Her pelvis undulated with him, matching his slow, powerful thrusts, her cries breaking to hoarse grunts every time he pressed against her cervix, grinding and withdrawing to repeat the process over and over.

In less than a minute, they orgasmed together, Randy yelling while plunging deep, twisting hard figure eights, Brenda shrieking wildly.

And he didn't stop.

It seemed an impossible dream to Brenda, the very thing she'd been gagging for in the past two years and, best of all, there was nothing to do but whatever he wanted.

He crawled over top of her, between her legs without his prick ever leaving her pussy, and dug his arms under her back so he could grip her firmly by the backs of her shoulders. He adopted a new rhythm, a clit mashing pace and force, his mother's renewed, broken howls filling the room as she was held firmly in place against his own power.

Brenda's hands encircled his waist as she spread her legs as far apart as she could get them, angling her crotch for optimum penetration from underneath him, so he could bang her as efficiently as possible, to as many orgasms as possible. Her head lolled, eyes rolling but catching the image of her daughter on all fours. Her little panties were gone and her knees were spread, back arched as she looked behind her with such a slutty expression for her father, who was just then breaching her pouty lipped, soaked vagina from behind.

Stuart woke with a start to a light hand on his wrist. He looked up to see his wife, Brenda, looking down on him. She was wearing her bathrobe and appeared as though she'd been exercising in it,... or something.

Brenda watched as her husband's eyes grew wide after that initial moment one experiences when first waking, where a person is without memory of recent events before life comes flooding in for another day.

He looked like hell.

"Oh, my,... god,..." he whispered up at her.

She turned in a daze and sat at the other end of the couch, the place where Randy had started,... how many hours ago?

Looking at the small, curtained off window at the top of the wall wasn't much help, it probably being buried in snow and,... and he'd fucked his daughter. He had, in fact, fucked her senseless, many times.

She was in the nest of blankets, her pajamas back on, top buttoned crookedly as she hugged her knees, staring at her feet. Beside her was Randy, more or less imitating her posture, also clothed and not meeting anyone's eye.

Someone, probably his wife, had placed a blanket over his naked form, but this didn't diminish the fact that the fire had died (another possible reason the kids were hugging their knees, because the air was decidedly chilly now) and the TV and DVD were off, no pilot lights glowing softly in the gloom to say they were even powered. Of course, the generator had either kicked out, or run out of gas. Whenever that may have been.

"S- Stuart,... it's cold."


After a moment, Randy got up and went to the fireplace, taking the poker and searching for live coals, looking around for some tinder. Brenda watched him concentrate on this task, probably using it to remove from his thoughts, for however long, the memory of all the things they'd done with one another.

"Uhh,..." Stuart tried, searching for something to say, looking at his wife and remembering the wanton slut she'd been with their son, her cum splashed mouth. "We, uhhh,... well, we gotta,... talk about this. Uhmm. Uhh,..."

"Why don't we just,... just wait on that a bit, Stuart?" Brenda monotoned. "Let's just,... I want to get cleaned up. We all do and I'm hungry. Please see to the,... the generator. Please?" I'll get something,... We'll eat and,... You know."


Stuart found it wasn't easy digging Brenda's Subaru out by himself and extracting a decent amount of fuel, nor was it completely non destructive. Digging the box out and getting gas into the generator proved simple enough, however, priming the dry generator was another matter. He was glad of the work, though, glad to have something normal and sane to do in the face of all the abnormal and insane things he'd done with his daughter the night before. He was glad Randy wasn't there to help, Stuart not wanting to face up any more than the other three, and counted himself lucky to be separated from them for this time.

Earlier, a look at his watch had told him that it was mid afternoon of the next day and the worst case scenario where the blizzard was concerned seemed to be coming to fruition. The biting cold, shrieking gales numbed his face as tiny bits of icy snow seemed to embed themselves there, a billion of the tiniest needles making him glad to trade the discomfort without for even the discomfort that now existed within the house by the time he finally stumbled back into the garage.

He went directly to the refrigerator, removing from it a large portion of the ham Brenda had baked a few days before with the knife left there in the platter. After he was done this, he grabbed some more, then grabbed an apple, one of the ones that the twisted old tree had yielded that fall. Feeling a little better, he went to the bathroom and found a pan of warm water, soap, a face cloth and some towels, compliments of Brenda, no doubt.

Stuart ate the apple as he cleaned himself up in the cold, main floor bathroom, his heart pounding faster and faster as he took his time, not relishing the family meeting that would soon take place. Maybe Brenda could kick in with,... something. She seemed somewhat able to function usefully when he awoke, at any rate.

He finally went to the basement and entered the family room, eyes cast down and glad for the final chance to avoid their faces as he turned, bent and replaced the towel at the bottom of the door. At least, he noted, it was nice and warm again. He straightened up and turned around, thinking about how much more uncomfortable this scene would have been if it was cold enough to freeze a penguins-

Brenda and Melanie were sitting beside one another on the couch, his daughter's T-shirt pulled up to her neck, both her breasts out of their bra, his wife's blouse unbuttoned with her breasts displayed the same way. Neither of them wore anything below the waist, allowing them to easily play with each other's vaginas as they shared Randy's long, swollen cock.

The two women looked up at his entry with broad smiles that seemed to play with that wonderful, smoky scent that was in the air again.

"Oooh, Mel, honey,... here's our Chief now."


Outside in the backyard, the snow covered apple tree that Koochee'moya gave to his original followers over five hundred years earlier weathered the storm as it had so many in the past, year after year, season after season. Its deeply buried, far reaching roots twisted ever so slightly in the earth below the frost line, carefully avoiding the underground plumbing that carried water from the nearby well to the wisely Earth entrenched, durable new lodge.

It had waited patiently, longer than one hundred and fifty years for another tribe to arrive, to replace the ones whose blood was tragically and so murderously spilled on the very earth the great tree had erected from. They were left to physically enrich the soil and the tree itself with everything of themselves that they could leave behind, aside from their memories, the only things of them that the tree could offer Koochee'moya, in the end.

Now, it didn't matter that the new tribe were the ancestors of those that murdered the first beloved, it was what the fates had delivered and the tree would see to the rest. The water they bathed, washed their dishes in, drank and prepared their food with, the very same water that fed the tree would continue to enrich them as it had been, but more so. The fish they would catch from the brook would nourish them well, overcoming genetic irregularities that could easily show up in a young, small tribe. Their vegetable patch, already having yielded in abundance and health for the last two years, would be greater yet, as would be their health and the health of all their perfect, noble offspring for eating from it. Koochee'moya would benefit from his wisdom and eternal patience and be honoured, yet once again.