Summertime! After 9 months of slaving away at essays and homework, I was finally done with my freshman year of college. After my last final, I said my goodbyes, crammed my stuff into my tiny sedan, checked out, and headed home for some time with the family before I went traveling with my friends.

Soon enough, I pulled up to the little enclave that was all too familiar to me. The moment I pulled up to the driveway, my mom opened the door, and my little sister, Leena, bounded out. I thought she was gonna bust the window to hug me quicker.

The moment I cracked the door, I was smothered by a bear hug.

"JAAAMIIIEEE!!" She was 18, just about to graduate (I got out a week earlier than her), but squealing like a 10 year old.

I laughed and said, "Okay, Lee, you can hug me all you want...AFTER you help me unpack!"

My mom embraced me and cried a little, having not seen me for months.

After saying how proud she was, how proud dad, God rest his soul, would be of me, how she gloated about my performance in school etc. etc., she and Leena helped me drag my stuff into my bedroom.

As I helped Leena roll my trunk inside, I couldn't notice how much she had changed since I last saw her. She had always been very curvaceous, with wide hips, busty chest, and an ass to make any man cry, but she must've been hitting the gym, because I couldn't take my eyes off of her even tighter body.

I had always been a bit attracted to my sister. Yes, I know it's wrong. But her body, combined with our strong relationship forged by tragedy, made me think with my dick way too much since I was 13. She loved to swim. I never did, but when she went to go chill out in our pool, I would be in swim trunks in seconds, ready to see those tits of her ready to burst from the small one-pieces she was so fond of. Every so often, I would catch a peek of her in lingerie due to us having connected rooms. Needless to say, my need for porn was probably much less than other guys my age then.

I had forgotten about my attraction to her since being in uni, but the feelings came rushing back when I saw her. Her natural flintiness and sweet voice made my heart throb, among other things. After settling in, my mom ordered us Chinese food and put on a movie.

As we ate, mom spoke to us. "So Jamie, I'm so sorry about this, and I know you just got here, but I forgot to tell you, I'm leaving for 3 days tomorrow to go to a good friend's wedding in Cincinnati. Can you and Leena manage without burning the house down?"

My heart beat a little faster at this prospect. Me and Leena. Alone.

"No promises!" I joked.

"Haha, very funny," Mom scoffed. "I'll leave you two some food money. Just be sure to turn off the lights if you leave the house."

My mind raced about me being alone with Leena, but I came to my senses. I couldn't imagine Leena wanting to get with me. Even though she had been lonely for a while (her last boyfriend was in sophomore year) and had a strong bond with me, I couldn't imagine her crossing that line. She was flirty, but again, I was pretty sure that she was always that way.

The next morning, mom gave us a kiss, left us a good food fund, and drove off to the airport. We were hungry for breakfast, but didn't feel like leaving the house yet. It was a scorching day, and my car would probably melt us to the seats. So I whipped up an omelet for the two of us, and we sat and ate.

"I really missed you, Jamie" Leena said, empathetically.

"Me too, it's good to be home."

"No, really, it's been lonely here. I'm glad I got to text you though, that's always fun."

"Aw. Well, I'm here to stay at least for the next little bit!"

I looked at her and wondered how anyone could possibly pass that over. Despite her flirty tendencies, she was rather shy and had bad anxiety, but was such a sweet person once you got to know her, complimented by a killer body and beautiful, fiery red hair, just like our dad. She sat there, looking lovingly at me, still in her white tank and short shorts. God, she was perfect.

Snapping out of my trance, I followed up with "So what do you want to do today? I'm open to anything"

She thought and smiled, almost in a sultry way. "Well, it's pretty toasty out today. I could always go for a good swim!"

"Haaa, you and your swimming! Nothing's changed has it."

"Dude, it's been 5 months!" She laughed.

"Okay okay. Well, actually, a little bit changed." Not sure why, but I felt brave.

"Haha, what exactly?"

"Well, it seems like you've been going to the gym!"

"Oh-ho-ho! Checking your sister out, I see? Dirty boy!"

I was taken aback. I choked. "N-no, not like that, I was just sayin-"

She burst out in laughter. "Ha, it's fine. I'm glad somebody notices."

She got up and began to flex like Arnold Schwarzenegger, giving her best vocal impression of an Austrian bodybuilder. I laughed, but couldn't help grow hard seeing her muscles accentuate her curves. Her nipples began to poke through her tank. Was she aroused?

"Ja, you like? Clean up ze dishes and come swim viz Ahnuld, Jay-Mee!"

What a character! Not wanting to wait, I gave the dishes a quick rinse and ran to change. I strutted out to the back porch and promptly sunscreened myself, as I was already burning from just walking outside. I turned around, and Leena strutted out. My eyes nearly fell out of my head. I guess she had replaced her old one-piece with a new, tighter one. I saw every curve, every bump. Her camel toe and nipples were so visible, she might as well have been naked.

"I just got this new suit on sale! You like?"

I was at a loss for words, but managed to choke out something. "Wow." Oops.

She raised her eyebrows, and as I tried to correct myself, she laughed and said "Good, money well spent!"

Without wasting another moment, we both dived into the cool water, giving us relief from the blistering heat. Leena put some tunes on a speaker, and we floated and swam without a care in the world. At one point, she laid on one of those thin foam floaties with her eyes closed. Her tits splayed out on her chest, and I could almost see a pussy lip peeking out.

Being the annoying older brother I was, I felt it was appropriate to disturb her rest by coming up from under and launching her a la Jaws. She flipped off of the float with a scream loud splash. With a mixture of annoyance and laughter in a voice, she shouted "You little shit! I'll get you back for that one!"

"Me? A 'little shit'? Aren't you in like 8th grade, or something?" I teased.

With that, she swam rapidly towards me, and I taunted her by humming the Jaws theme. Soon, she cornered me, and we began to wrestle. We rolled around, laughing and splashing, until I got behind her and bear-hugged her. A jolt of energy flowed through me as I felt her tits squish against my arm and her ass grind against my dick.

She giggled, "Let me go, bitch! This isn't over!"

With that, I spun her around. We play-struggled a bit more, and in the process she grabbed my arms. That's when it all changed. I guess a strap started to get pulled down without either of us noticing. With one fell swoop, half of her new suit slid down, and I felt bumpy, soft skin on my hand. I looked down, and my hand was resting on her boob. It was glorious. I had only ever seen her areola through her lingerie. For what seemed like an eternity, I felt her huge, soft tit flesh hanging down on her chest. She must have had at least E cups.

Finally, she shouted "Shit!" And sprung from my grip.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I said.

"Agh, it's fine. Note to self: don't buy clearance bathing suits. It's just a boob anyways, right?"

"Yeah, I mean-"

"But I know you liked it." She said before I could follow up. She began to grin, narrowing her eyes. She swam towards me with a look I'd never seen before.

"What do you mean? Everything good?" I asked.

"Oh come on, cut the shit, Jamie." she said as she came right up to me. "You've always had the hots for me. I've seen you peeping before over the past few years. I never stopped you, because, well, it's kinda hot to me, too. I think the fact that it's wrong makes it even better..."

It felt like time stopped. "Well,-"

She interrupted, putting a finger to my lips, and grabbing my shoulders. She leaned in and gave me a deep kiss, and began to rub her fingers on my cock on the outside of my shorts. She grabbed my hand and directed my fingers inside her suit. As we kissed more, I squished her supple tits, kneading them in my hands, and my erection grew. Suddenly, she pulled away.

As if nothing had just happened, she said, "Hey, there's some booze in the cabinet. Want to go and make us some margaritas?"

Staring at her with shocked eyes and not saying a word, I got out, tent in my shorts, dried, and went into the kitchen.

As I blended the ingredients, I had to pinch my arm to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. My dick throbbed, still feeling the shock from her hand. A few minutes later, I emerged. She was lounging on the side of the pool, tits spilling onto the ledge, and I handed her her cup filled to the brim. As she licked the salt off the cup's rim sensually and looked at me with a smile, all I could do was stare back. At that moment, I think we both knew where this was headed. I put down my cup and began to walk to the stairs in the shallow end. Before I could get to the first step, Leena motioned for me to wait.

"Stop for just a sec. I have a treat for you."

She smiled deviously and came right up to me, standing on the steps to where her forehead was level with my waist. My heart skipped a beat as she grabbed my buttocks, looking up at me and giggling. With a swift motion, she yanked down my swim trunks, letting my cock spring free.

"Mmm...very nice" Leena remarked as she began to stroke me slowly. I was afraid I'd explode right there, but I held firm (no pun intended?).

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."

And with that, she let my tip break through her luscious lips, and slid her mouth up my shaft. I think at that point I ascended to another dimension. She began to pick up speed, bobbing up and down, spit falling and coughing a bit. She swirled her tongue on my head, and I moaned involuntarily. Then, she motioned for me to sit on the edge. She pulled down her top, letting her huge tits hang free, and went back to work, sucking even harder. After a while, I was beginning to see stars, and she could tell. She stopped blowing me and wrapped her huge tits on my cock. I though I was in a dream, still, but it was all too real. She slid up and down, caressing me in her silky tit flesh. My tip barely even breached the top. At the point of no return, I took command. Grabbing both sides, I began to pound away, and through the slapping and my own moans, I heard her whimper.

That was enough to finish me off. I groaned as I filled up the canal between her tits, and cum oozed out the front and dripped down her torso. I let go and watched it drip down her front. She tasted a little bit on her finger. God, when she did that, I could've almost went again.

" should eat more pineapples" she commented.

I laid back spent onto a deck chair, still glowing from my taboo orgasm. My mind was conflicted, though. I wanted to keep going with this, but at the same time, how would being intimate affect our relationship. I figured I'd cross that bridge when I got to it, and decided to enjoy my time with her now.

As we dried off and as Leena wiped the cum from her chest, I asked, "So how long have you known?"

"Known what?"

"That I found you attractive?"

She thought for a second and said "Probably since we started to find people attractive. I just never acted on it until now. Guess I was just too intimidated."

"By me?"

"Well, you always seemed a lot 'bigger' than me, even through you're only a year older. I had occasional fantasies about fucking you, but I couldn't imagine actually doing it."

We were silent for a minute, neither of us knowing how to follow up.

"Well, we've made it this far," I said. "Why not make it a reality tonight?"

A slow smile spread on her face. "Well, I don't have any plans tonight. Though...I can go and pick something up to make things a bit more exciting, so to speak."

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"Well, remember how I talked about getting a medical marijuana card?"

"What!? You got it!???"

"Yeah! The exercises and meds don't do much for the pain, so mom and the doc signed off on it. Mom doesn't care as long as I don't 'stink up the house'."

Leena had torn her ACL at the beginning of the year and still had bad pain because of it. I guess weed helped the most for her. Luckily, our mom held pretty progressive views (she ran a feminist club in college and was a massive stoner...allegedly), so she was more than open to it. I was glad Leena was willing to share it, among other things.

"And might I mention," she added, "high sex is pretty fun, from what I hear."

Damn, I thought, she really wasn't messing around. We got dressed, and I napped on the couch while she left to go pick up the stuff. Soon enough, I was woken up by the door shutting, and Leena walked in with a Walmart bag and a stapled, small paper bag with bright, green lettering.

"Hey, sleepyhead. You ready? I brought some extra stuff, too."

She emptied the Walmart bag, and snacks, condom, and lube went across the table. I stood up and changed into some looser-fitting clothes. As the sun went down, Leena put on her music again and sparked up the fire pit by the pool. She pulled up a table, placing down the condoms, snacks, and her bong. As I sparked up, she did something didn't expect right off the bat. Before she sat, she stripped down until she was buck naked. I didn't even realize how sexy she was until she was fully exposed to me.

I got a nice view of her juicy ass wobbling as she walked. A strip of hair complemented her tight, tempting pussy lips. God, I could take her right now, but I decided to wait for the right moment. Seeing as she was already bearing it all, I did the same, much to her delight.

We continued to get high and snack. As much as I wanted to get it on, I was enjoying just sitting back, watching my sister moving her head, eyes closed, to the music playing, and the cool air combined with the heat of the fire on my bare skin. Don't know what it was, but something got me giggling hysterically. She looked at me smiling, but quizzically.

"What?" laughin' at me, buddy boy?" She asked, slurring slightly.

"Hehehehehe, I don't know. You look sexy, though."

"Mmm. Well, I more sexy if you want."

"How so?"

Slowly, she stood up and grabbed her phone. After flipping through playlists for about 5 minutes, she put on a bass-heavy hip-hop song. Luckily, our house was more isolated in the cul-de-sac than others, so our neighbors would be hard-pressed to hear us. My nude sister began to feel herself up, giving me a sexy glare, and swayed her hips back and forth. A few times, her hand brushed her pussy, making her breath in sharply. At one point, she leaned over the front of a chair and twerked, the clapping sound of her ass in harmony with the song playing, and giving me an even better view of her pussy.

It wasn't until she came up to me that I noticed I was absent-mindedly stroking my cock. She caressed my shoulders and kissed my head. She looked down for a moment, and then began to give me a lap dance. I grew rock hard, feeling her cheeks gyrate on my lap and her wet pussy sliding up and down my cock. Soon, it was more of a pussyjob than it was a lap dance. Eventually, she stopped so I didn't cum there and then, and went to grab a condom, switching off the music. The air suddenly became filled with only the crackle of the fire and crickets. Yet, my heartbeat seemed deafening. She slid the sheer latex on and over my cock, and positioned herself over me. I lined up my cock to easily enter her, still hardly believing this was happening, even in my THC-fuzzed mind.

It felt like an eternity, but I was soon in heaven. The walls of her vagina gripped me like a vise, and she let out a moan as she bottomed out at the hilt of my shaft. I'd been with girls before, and I don't know if it was just the high, but this was different. She was tight and hot, and the taboo made it even more exciting. And for a girl who probably had been going through a long dry spell, she felt and fucked like a pornstar. I began to thrust into my sister, picking up speed. Both our moans and grunts filled the air, slowly but surely working to a crescendo.

Leena stood up, juice dripping on her thigh, and turned around and bent over, exposing her beautiful pussy to me, and sat down on my cock again. She rode me hard, saying "fuck me" through her teeth repeatedly. I grabbed her hips and matched my thrusts to her riding. Soon enough, that familiar feeling was building.

"I'm...ah...gonna fucking cum" I managed to choke out.

"All over me- OH! OH!"

I felt her inner muscles clamp down on me, and she collapsed back onto me. That must've set her off. It was my turn now, so I did as she obliged. In my 'vinegar strokes', I pulled out, ripped off the condom, and began to thrust my cock through her ass cheeks while pushing them together. I went light-headed, and let ropes loose all over her ass and lower back. She took her hand and rubbed it in while shaking her coated ass for me.

"Holy fuck" I muttered.

" got that right. Oh my god." She replied.

"That was, I think, the best I ever had."

"Glad I could be of service."

After, we went to go rinse off in the shower. In the warm water, though we were too spent to go again, we caressed each other's bodies, leaning on each other. We went to bed that night exhausted, naked, and happy. In the dark, cool room, I spooned her soft, tight body knowing there was more to come the next day.