Structural engineer Fred Marshall arrived at his home in Mosman, Lower North Shore, 8 km northeast of Sydney's central business district, and found his attractive wife Lisa, a hospital theatre nurse, in the bathroom doing her nails.

Lisa, sitting nude in front of the vanity looked into the mirror and thought sadly that her man was becoming a fat beer-guzzling pig. She'd tried over the years unsuccessfully to persuade him to switch to red wine but his pathetic excuse was all his mates drank beer.

She was showered after her late-afternoon session at the fitness centre and assumed Fred would grab a breast and suck it, but no, he stood off and puffed up as if he was about to speak to the nation.

"Lisa, wonderful news."

Omigod, he's decided to wean himself off beer and bar counter rubbish food, she thought gleefully. As a reward, she'd give him a rollickingly good time in bed that night. Being a conservative engineer, he preferred having sex in the dark and in bed. In contrast, like most women of her ilk, whatever that was, she enjoyed sex wherever, whenever and with whoever, err within reason but had been reasonably successful in reducing such licentious behaviour in recent years.

"Are you listening?" he demanded.

"Yes dear," she said, stifling a yawn, still thinking of that young teenage boy she'd prepared for the removal of his shattered leg above the knee that morning. She remembered what her son Rex was like at that age of fourteen when he thought of the great world of sport that lay ahead of him, Regrettably, he'd lost that dream at seventeen when he was jailed for three years for being part of a small gang that stole cars to go joy-riding and feel the adrenalin rush of being chased by the cops. Bloody fool.

"I was called to the Board Room an hour ago," Fred said almost breathlessly.

Lisa's interest shot up ten notches with the thought that her husband had been made an executive director.

"I've been..."

He checked that he had his wife's complete attention. Yep, she was staring at him unblinkingly

"I've been appointed chief supervising engineer of repairs to a major bridge in Darwin. I've never been to Darwin."

Darwin? Fucking marvellous, Lisa enthused. The heat up there could melt most of his surplus weight away.

"That's marvellous darling," said she, and turning in the swivel chair opened wide and cooed, "Come and sate yourself in your reward, you good boy."

Excited Fred eyed the hairless fat vulva. Although it wasn't being offered in bed with the light off, this was special. He knew he only had to tweak a nipple and his wife would begin lubricating on auto. His mates couldn't believe him when he boasted that sex was almost on offer 24/7 at home.

Unbuttoning his business shirt, he moved over to be claimed by his wife's arms already held high to ensnare him.

Lisa was soaping herself in the shower and called to Fred who was stretched out on the make-up chair and patting his expanding belly in satisfaction, still panting a little.

"When do you leave for Darwin?"

"I need to be there on the 28th of this month to supervise the start of removal of two piers for replacement. The decking on both sides will be fully supported and braced by then."

Lisa screamed, "But the 28th is the day we are booked to leave Sydney on that luxury cruise to Perth via Melbourne and Adelaide."

Fred scratching his balls, said, "Oh that. We'll have to cancel and go some other time."

"But we took the non-refundable option to save heaps with payment three months in advance, and I had to arrange my leave two months in advance as well."

"Sorry babe, professionalism wins. I'm committed to Darwin. You go and take someone. You can't stand your mother or mine for long periods but you could take a girlfriend and she may even offer to pay for part of her ticket."

"I need to think about it before contacting the booking agent," Lisa whined, feeling devastated.

Two nights later in bed, with no action appearing likely from her husband, Lisa said to Fred, "I've decided to upgrade to a two-bedroom suite on the cruise and take Rex. He's only finding temporary jobs at present and having only me to talk with. On the ship, unless he manages to relate to older men and women, he'll probably be under my influence for most of the voyage. At 20, he'll probably be the youngest person by some years on board as that cruise is too expensive and too under-challenging for families."

"That's okay by me. What does he say?"

"Nothing yet, I want you to go to him now and suggest that I go on the cruise on your ticket and that he'd have his own cabin in the suite. And tell him bluntly he's not to spy on me and if he attempts to lay a finger on me..."

"Yeah, I'll warn him I'll have his balls for breakfast."

"Thanks darling, should we..."

"I'm a bit tired, but I'll finger you off."

"Thanks, darling."

* * *

"Fuck mum, that ocean liner is a real beauty," Rex said with more interest than usual these days.

Lisa didn't mind him using the f-word in everyday language. Well, it's not the same as shouting fuck you mum. She would not accept him saying that.

The upgraded suite wowed them both.

Rex went into his smaller bedroom and shouted, "Mum, I've got a double bed, too. Would you mind if I arrived with a babe to sleep with?"

"You'd have to find one, darling. You have my approval but be warned, the average age of passengers on this ship appears to be about sixty and the cabin crew don't look under forty-five from what I've seen."

"Some of the females in one of the restaurants I saw appear to be under thirty but anyway mum, none of them appeared to be more attractive than you. Perhaps I should..."

Lisa interrupted that crap by cutting in and saying, "Lay a finger on me, Rex, and I'll bite your bum."

"Bring it on, mum," he chuckled and Lisa had to turn away suddenly because she was flushing and felt butterflies in her belly.

Christ, she thought. They hadn't even begun to unpack and here she was thinking about allowing her son to have sex with her.

Rex was still in his room.

"Unpack and keep your cabin tidy at all times, Rex."

"I'll be a really good boy, mother," he said, coming up behind her and placing an arm around her belly to agitate the butterflies and kissing behind her ear with the expertise of a gigolo.

To her dismay, Lisa realized she'd stupidly pushed her butt against his dick. She tensed, hoping he'd not noticed her reflex action.

"You're the girl," he whispered into her ear and released her.

Lisa opened one of her three travel bags to unpack thinking what the fuck had Rex meant in saying she was the girl. After a brief pause, she groaned silently: The slimy bugger, he was building up to hit on her and they had not even set sail yet.

Two hours later they were well underway, having passed through the harbour heads (headlands) and Rex was away exploring.

Fred called.

"Hi baby, you'll be at sea by now."

"Yeah, about 30 minutes beyond the heads. You would love being here. How's it for you?"

"This tropical heat is oppressive and the flying insects are a pain. We were ready to begin work two hours ago and already are two hours behind schedule because a council inspector had arrived and ruled that we need another kind of permit allowing controlled explosives to be used in a built-up area. But we are used to this muddlement that bureaucracy creates around itself."

"Um, with all this thinking time I'm having without you around distracting me in unbelievably good possible ways, I've had second thoughts about agreeing to Rex rooming with you at sea."

"Oh, then should I have him tossed overboard."

"No, that's a stupid suggestion."

"Okay," Lisa said, thinking rapidly. "If he should manage to seduce me into allowing him to fuck me, would you mind terribly?"

"I don't suppose so."

"Fine, now that you have raised that possibility, I'm thinking if full sex did occur, it might be of therapeutic benefit for him."

"You said I raised the possibility," Fred challenged.

"Whatever, darling. At least I'm aware now that you think I should use all of my resources on this voyage to push our son from being a petty crook into focusing on the real challenges ahead of him as an adult."

"I said that?"

"Yes, partly in words and partly by implication darling. I've always known I've had your full confidence in my management of family life."

"Yes, and that's definitely true darling. Um, I'm also conscious of what my drinking mates think about you. They think, well most of them have expressed it in one way or another, that you are the sexiest wife and mother that any of them know. Jerry Smith summed it up by saying you care for yourself in body toning and make up with the attention of fetching young nubile women."

"Christ, I thought you and your buddies only talked about betting, drinking, meat pies, cars. football and whores."

"Wrong dear, occasionally we discussed equally important things in life like beautiful women such as yourself, the nuclear threat, foreign immigrants, and the fucking cost of living."

"Ah Lisa, we have been given the green light. Look, allow Rex to hump you if that's what he wants but use it as a lever to influence him to adopt new ways to fulfill his life satisfactorily. Bye you gorgeous doll."

"Bye you caring and sensitive husband with a very useful dick."

Fred chuckled as he cut the call.

Lisa, pulling at her long fair hair, sat stony-faced. What the hell was she doing. She was aiming to encourage her son to have, um, educational sex with her and the poor unfortunate would be unaware of her motives and that she was available to him sexually, err, whenever she was in the mood.

She churned all of the thoughts about this proposed action, for and against, moral and immoral, pleasure..."


Did she think her 20-year-old was capable of actually pleasuring her when his father, albeit only at times, found it a struggle to get her off big time?

Well there was one way to find out, do not tell him that she was keen to use sex as a lever to encourage him to focus on the 'straight and narrow' ahead of him to become a model good citizen to marry and raise two adorable offspring who would be the delight of their parents and earn their unqualified support.

"Oh yes," she said aloud. "Fuck morality, let nature take its course. Let my son and wallow into licentious behaviour that is considered socially unbecoming for a mother and adult child."

She walked off to find a coffee and cake outlet, almost drifting along in an imaginary cloud of self-righteousness in doing something incredibly good for her child, if only he knew it.

Chapter 2

That first evening at sea, Lisa and son went by invitation to a cocktail party for passengers occupying the more expensive suites. They mingled quite well, Lisa introducing Rex as her son and three times heard whispering behind her back and picked up the words 'Toy Boy'. She felt rather flattered that she had a reputation already on board and believed it would be dried up old prunes who would invent and spread such a malicious rumour.

A couple of guys rubbed themselves up against one of her hips. She simply pretended nothing had happened. At dinner at a table with three other couples from the cocktail party, Lisa had the desire to stab the guy next to her on her left side with a fork when he dropped a hand under the starched table cloth straight between her thighs and his fingers immediately began a massage.

He looked straight at her and she eyed him icily, noticing his gold filling and catching a whiff of bad breath.

"Fuck off you molester," Lisa whispered to just him, but his wife had good hearing and she exclaimed scandalized, "Brucie!"

People across the tabled looked at him as if it were his wife that he'd been attempting to finger. He left the table and didn't return. A little later his wife moved into his chair and introduced herself to Lisa and apologized, explaining that Brucie lost control of himself when he drank excessively. Lisa introduced herself and before long she decided Eva was a good sort and at the end of dinner, they agreed they'd just made their first shipboard friend.

During the evening with Bruce out of his thighs, Rex had whispered to Lisa that the woman next to him kept clutching at his penis and asked what should he do.

"Unzip and you may get a great cheap thrill," Lisa had replied a little drunkenly and was mortified when her son choked and splattered partly-chewed potato halfway across the table. The woman next to him, who was almost old enough to be his grandmother, made a sympathetic fuss, patting his back and moving aside to allow the waitress to lean in to clean up the mess. Then the women's husband made her change places with him.

Later, Lisa whispered, "Did the guy jerk you off?"

"Mom!" Rex whispered, sounding scandalized.

Rex and Lisa entered their suite, and closing the door he said, "Half of those people around us tonight appeared to be randy. That guy to you made a drive at your muff, didn't he?"

Caught by surprise, his mother said, "My what?"

"Your pussy, or perhaps you call it you cunt."

"Yes, the drunken slob."

"I thought I heard you tell him to fuck off."

"Do you want to watch a video with me, mum?"

"Yes, at least for a while. But not one with excessive violence or all about fast cars."

"But one with a bit of sex will be okay?"

"Of course."

"I've seen you and dad watching porn."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Do you two finish up fucking on the sofa?"

"Darling, are we to watch a video or are we to talk about my boring sexual habits?"

"Um, we'll watch a video I suppose."

The video was about a couple on their first post-divorce date.

"Good, the director and producer are female, so this will be a sensitive production."

Rex groaned.

"Go to bed and watch something you'd rather watch on that video screen."

"Nah, I'll stay with you at least for a while. Would it be okay if I stretch out and rest my head on your leg?"

"Why would you want to do that."

"So, I can smell your arousal as things on the screen hot up."

Lisa let it rip.

"Fuck off to bed, you disgusting bugger."

Ignoring that order, Rex lay down and facing the screen thumped his head into his mother's groin.

"I said fuck off," Lisa said, attempting to push him way, but his resistance made him immovable from her sitting position.

"No, let me smell pussy."

"Your behaviour is appalling, Rex. Go to your bedroom."

"Make me," he challenged, hooking both hands through her loose top and around her bra straps.

Relax otherwise he'll rip good clothing, she advised herself and resumed watching to rather good quality movie with a credible story line. What could go wrong was going wrong and mostly with humour.

Lisa was aware her son had reached beneath her back and had unzipped her dress and was now fumble with her bra clip.

Amateur, she sniggered to herself. She decided to let him be because all he would find were boobs, or what he and his generation called tits.

Wow, his licking and sucking appeared to be well schooled. Dribble was running into her cleavage and moving down over her sternum.dd

She almost began mentally urging the motherfucker to move his hand down further. Fuck, how much had she had to drink that evening.

Lisa momentarily stopped breathing when she became aware that the supposedly obnoxious hand was moving down.

The hand under her dress hovered above her navel and she was silently urging him to finger-circle the depression but they thought those naive young sluts that he probably banged would be two busy chewing gum and urging him to hurry up than to advise him on the finer points of sex that females enjoy most.

Delicious feelings swept through her lower body and she realized finger massaging of the navel had commence. Fucking amazing!

Then the most welcomed hand progressed downwards and she waited for it to touch her pelvic bone bug the wandering had stopped. Rex had probably paused, confused about not finding hair, not that he'd find any below head hair anyway.

He whispered, sounding a little shaky, "How am I going?"

The good mother side of Lisa should have ordered him sternly to go to him room but the rapid-response sexy side of Lisa got in first and whispered, "Continue" and she made an obvious display of opening her legs wide.

"Fabulous mummy," he said loudly, and kissed her fully and wetly on the lips, making the surprised Liza's lips open wide as if shocked. Omigod, what a passionate kiss. Her hips were gently bucking as well. Omigod, she breathed, she was about to fuck with her own son.

Rex assumed command.

His hand jumped straight over her vulva and two fingers plunged in.

Rex spoke normally, although a bit huskily, "You're dripping. Should I insert immediately?"

"Are you erect yet?"

"Christ, mum. What do you think this is, you sexy swan."


Rex stood, unzipped and hauled out a deliciously fat cock as rigid as a section of stainless steel reinforcing rod.

Liza groaned "Omigod," began dribbling from the corner of her mouth and sighed, "Let's fuck, darling."

Chapter 3

What followed was pretty normal for a mother-son first time experiencing adult sex.

It was okay, but she knew that before the cruise ended, she'd have Rex fucking like a champion and probably she would have increased her stamina when having sex.

The youthful powerhouse had driving her over the top into gushing bonanzas four times over almost two hours of almost continuous grinding but his grunting and vocal urgings had energised her with the effect of an aphrodisiac medication. Further, she drew on every reserve she could tap, having no wish to show that she wasn't up to the capabilities of her son, a sex novice; at least she assumed he was a novice but should revise that assumption.

"That was great mum and proves to me that mothers or their appointed substitutes should physically teach their off-spring about having sex and explain what they are doing and why."

"I suppose you make a valid point," Lisa said carefully.

"Will we fuck again mom?"

"Not again now," Lisa said, horrified. "But I suppose whenever we eye one another and feel the urge it might happen again.

"May I sleep with you tonight."

"Yes, but return to your bed at dawn."

"What, after sex?"

"We have to make or mutual yes or no decision on having sex at the time, don't you think?"

"Yes, mum. I'm aware that young guys are prepared to have sex at any time while most females prefer a more conservative and structural approach that is linked to their emotional feelings."

"Omigod, where did you learn that?"

"From an assortment of places, such as biology class for seniors at high school, a few of my girl-friends, one or two of their mothers..."

"One or two of their mothers?"

"Yeah, some mothers claim they never get enough sex and sneak some sessions from their daughter's boyfriends."

"Oh, I never knew that."

"Well mum, that suggests dad administers your needs adequately."

Mostly more than adequately, Lisa breathed.

"I hope I mature into a horny bugger like dad. Over the years I've seen the way some of your married friends look at him. Initially, I was disgusted and thought you might kill those women if you new about their wantonly behaviour but I came to learn that women need to be fucked."

"Did you now, and what if that useless piece of information were true, that would still be useless to you."

"Don't believe that mum. When you sent dad to invite me to accompany you on this cruise, I immediately knew why I was being offered the available berth rather that one of your friends who was into female on female sex. You desired the Full Monty, with cum over your tits."

"I um, um. Forget it. What made you think I sent dad to invited you to take his place on this cruise?

"Pure logic. You feared I might turn the offer down if it came from you because I might think you were too old for me to fuck, whereas if dad made the offer you know I was likely to say yes and I'd know I was doing dad a really big favour."

"Christ, who said young men are practically brainless? Help me to the loo, darling. All this have post-sex discussion has left me practically legless."

"Yeah, right mum. Let gradually up to tempo and frequency when having sex to increase your endurance rate. It's a form of improving fitness that most older adults are ignorant about or ignore."

As Rex helped his mother covered in ejaculations and sweat off the bed he said, "You have a great body for an old woman, mum. Has dad ever suggested you to inquire about a breast lift op?"

Lisa thought, oh fuck, what had she let herself in for?"