When I was five years old my Dad left my mother and me. Now that I am nineteen I am still living with my Mom. She actually wants me to stay with her. I don't know why exactly. She has had one lover after another in her bed. Most of them are losers. They want nothing more than sex and to have my Mom spend her money on them.

My Mom ran into a dry spell lately. She hasn't had a man for over two month now. I think she is getting the itch. She walks around the house just wearing a t-shirt and no bra. I can clearly see her big boobs and nipples through the material. That goes for underwear as well. I can see camel toe and her shorts often look wet in the front. That isn't a good thing for me to see. I get so horny when Mom walks around that way.

One day I was in the living room watching television. I heard my mother call for me so I went back to her bedroom. There was Mom sitting on the bed with her back to me. That day she was just wearing her bra and no shirt.

"Can you rub some lotion on my shoulders Ryan. I'm so dry."

I reached for the bottle of lotion there on her stand. I squirted some on my hands and then climbed up onto the bed. I was kneeling behind my Mom and rubbing her shoulders. I have to say I was getting a little excited. My Mom was moaning and telling me how good my hands felt.

"Rub some on my back please," she said.

Just like that, she unsnapped her bra and she threw it to the floor. I was looking over her shoulders and I could clearly see her big tits resting on her chest. Her nipples looked huge. My cock was stirring in my pants for sure. For some reason my mother turned around and she was now staring directly at the bulge in my pants. I was now looking at her chest. We seem to have the moment where we wondered what was coming next.

My Mom reached out with her hands and felt the front of my pants. My cock started twitching as Mom rubbed my cock through the pants material. I just couldn't take it any longer. I stood up from the bed and I stripped out of my clothes. My bone was pointing straight out at my Mom. My mother then turned around on the bed and pulled off her shorts. I was now looking at my naked Mom.

It was like I figured. My mother wasn't a model. She had wide hips and her tits sagged. Her pubic area was trimmed down and I could clearly see her pussy lips. She had the kind that flared out, just inviting you to enter. Mom told me to get lie back. When I did that she used her mouth on my dick. I watched as my Mom bobbed up and down my long prick. My cock is thin but I am nearly eight inches in length. My Mom's lips were surrounding my rod.

I can't recall being that hard ever. She took her one hand and squeezed my nuts. That made me so hard. Once she was happy with my progress, Mom climbed up over top of me. She reached back and guided my dick to her pussy. Just like that, she sunk down on my rod. It's hard to describe the feeling of fucking your mother. It was different from any sex I had with other girls. Mom slammed down hard. Our pubic bones touched and I could feel her pussy muscles gripping me.

I just had to feel those huge melons. I reached up and cupped each one in my hands. That really set my mother off. She was moaning and crying out.

"Oh God Ryan, fuck me as hard as you can!"

I started to bring my ass up from the bed. We got into a nice fucking rhythm. Mom would slam down hard and I would meet her thrusts with my own. I must have fucked my Mom that first time for nearly an hour. I tried to hold back the best I could but her pussy had me in a tight hold. Considering how much cock my mother had over the years, I was surprised she gripped me the way she was doing. It got to the point where I felt that pinch in my balls. Maybe my Mom sensed I was getting close.

"I want you to cum in me Ryan," she cried out.

That is exactly what happened. I raised up and I flooded my Mom with my hot seed. I sent roped of my cum deep into my Mom's belly. When she felt me explode, Mom gripped me even tighter if that was possible. Her body began to shake and it seemed like she was having one enormous orgasm after another. I must have cum a good ten minutes inside my mother until I felt empty. Once my Mom calmed down some, she fell onto my chest and we ended up holding each other.

After our first time together, there was no sense in pretending any longer. My Mom told me she was trying to work up to the point of having sex with me. She would spy on me and the bulge in my pants and shorts was getting to her. She said she had to have me. Now that we had sex, my mother would walk around the house nude quite often. One day she was standing at the kitchen sink. When I saw her I stripped out of my shorts and came up behind her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and I started to rub my cock up and down her ass crack. My Mom stiffened and then spread her legs apart for me. I already had morning wood. I fitted my dick at her pussy slit and then entered Mom from behind. My mother leaned over the sink and I fed her every inch of my cock. Damn, did she beg for it that morning. Her pussy was sopping wet as I drove my cock into her womb.

It amazed me how tight my mother's pussy could be. She squeezed my dick hard and I fed her with my stiff prick. I ended up blowing a huge load inside her body. Mom says she can't live without my cock. She wants me to stay with her forever. I don't know if that is such a great idea. I need to strike out on my own eventually. For now there is free pussy to be had and my mother needs it so badly. I plan on taking care of her greedy hole for the near term.
