
Ellie had bent over in front of him and her ample cleavage was somehow managing to show an enormous portion of her boobs without actually allowing them to spill out. As she straightened up, she was holding a small cylinder shaped speaker that she then placed, behind the drinks and cups, on top of the picnic basket. She fiddled with her phone for a moment and the soft sounds of Bob Marley's voice began to gently encourage them not to 'worry 'bout a thing'. Ellie plopped down in the sand in front of them and took a drink of water, beaming with joy now that the gift was complete. She leaned back on her hands in her red bikini and tilted her face up toward the lights, her luscious boobs rising evenly as she breathed in the scent of tropical fruit, her legs carelessly spread a few inches apart and the beautiful shape of her pussy displayed invitingly between the swell of her creamy thighs.

Eric sighed and took another drink of water. Between the fruity drink and the weed he was feeling about as buzzed as he had ever been. Even after having spent a few days already lounging here, he had to admit that in his current state, with the scented candle and the music helping to push the sound of the generator into the background, it wasn't hard at all to imagine that they were all in a tropical paradise, just as promised. He couldn't imagine how much more intense it must be for Cassie, experiencing it like this for the first time. He looked over and Cassie was simply staring off into the distant 'horizon' beyond the 'lagoon'.

After a long pause, Cassie asked distractedly, "Is that water safe to swim in?" Ellie and Eric both burst out laughing.

Ellie stood up at once and reached over to grab one of Cassie's hands while Eric took the other. They helped her up out of the beach chair and began pulling her toward the water. After a step, Cassie pulled up and made a small 'oww' sound as she stopped to stretch her back. "Sorry guys, I forgot that I was wrecked for a minute."

"Well it's a good thing we've booked you a masseuse after your swim, so just take it slow." Ellie soothed her.

"A masseuse...?" Cassie sounded like she was in a fog. They gently led her into the water where the three of them lowered themselves into the soothing liquid. "ohhh, this is nice," Cassie cooed as she leaned back to lay against the slope of the pool. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the warm water and absorbed the persistent caress of the heat lamps well above them. "I really needed this," she breathed out.

Ellie and Eric exchanged smiles as they knew exactly what Cassie meant as they watched her soak it all in for the first time. Eric looked dreamily over at her long sleek body partially submerged in the water. He found himself wondering if Cassie had filled out at some point because her tits looked larger than he imagined. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ellie gesturing at him and looking over, he saw her lift her index finger up from her crotch, imitating a tiny dick rising to an erection.

Eric gave her a deadpan stare of annoyance at which point she craned her neck to look over at his trunks to see if he showed any signs of an erection. She looked up to see him maintaining his irritated stare and she covered her smiling mouth and sat back, pretending that she was doing her best to to keep from laughing out loud.

After a few minutes, Cassie said, "I wish you guys weren't joking about that massage. I'm dreading having to get out of the water at some point." She sighed.

"We weren't joking at all, but stay in the water as long as you like." Ellie replied. "Eric sometimes stays in her for hours." She flashed him a sly grin.

"Really?" Cassie looked up hopefully.

"C'mon Eric, work your magic," Ellie stood up and extended a hand to Cassie.

Once they had her standing up, Ellie positioned one of the beach mats between the chairs and the water and Eric led her to gingerly lie face down on the mat. Ellie walked over to take her place on a chair and poured herself another small drink from the bottle.

Eric began rubbing his hands into the small of Cassie's back where he'd seen her hand go when she pulled up. Cassie let out a small moan of discomfort as he worked into the tense muscles, followed by a slow exhale of release, as he felt her back muscles finally relax under his gentle kneading. He worked his way up her back and he elicited a series of small noises as one by one he worked through her aching muscles.

Ellie stepped over and said, "Here this makes it better," before she unhooked the clasp to Cassie's top and laid the straps on either side of her. She winked at Eric before walking saucily back over to her chair to watch him work.

Eric rubbed up and down the length of Cassie's smooth, bare back before working the heels of his palms through the muscles in her behind, much like he'd done with Ellie. As he began working his way down her thighs one at a time, he got a more pronounced series of grunts and moans as her thighs must have been particularly sore. He took each thigh in turn into both hands and worked his way through her long muscles. Cassie grew more relaxed as he worked and her legs were slightly parted, with her toes turned inward in the sand, as he worked his way down to her calves.

As he worked through the first calf muscle her body tensed up as he pressed his fingers into the dense muscle tissues where she must have been feeling cramps as well. Looking up from her feet, he could see the outline of her ass cheeks as she clenched and unclenched, her thighs tightening and the gap between her legs closing and then relaxing again to reopen. Eric watched in a hypnotic trance as his hands slid up and down the long smooth muscles of her beautifully shaped legs and squeezed the firm flesh of her now fully relaxed thighs.

He looked up to see Ellie looking very buzzed and smiling at him with her mouth half open. Following her eyes, he looked down to see his hard cock pointing straight up in his shorts, just as it had the day before, but this time Ellie was openly staring at it. Eric went back to rubbing Cassie's back and shoulders, working his fingers through the small bones of her long tapered neck as she moaned again with pleasure.

Every time he looked up, Ellie was staring at them, watching the long muscles of his arms, defined more sharply under the light film of sweat, and how his chest and shoulders flexed as he applied pressure to each part of Cassie's body. Ellie bit her lip unconsciously as she watched the lean muscles in his abs and sides tighten and then relax again, as he shifted his weight across his sister's body, and beneath it all, the sight of his rigid dick, poking up in his shorts. So hard, so long, so insistent and constant.

Ellie felt her stomach go hollow and her limbs trembling through the buzz of the weed and the drinks. She shifted her bottom in her seat and allowed her knees to spread naturally as her legs rested limply in the sand. She watched Eric look over at her from time to time and she wondered idly if he would be offended if he saw her reach down to touch herself as she stared shamelessly at his erection.

Cassie let out a deep, contented sigh as Eric finally sat back on his heels, his dick pointing straight up under the fabric of his trunks. He quickly stood and turned, walking quietly into the water and dropping quickly to his stomach as he had the day before. Ellie smiled and picked up the pipe and lighter. She walked over to sit in the water next to him and lit the pipe to draw a lungful of smoke before passing it to him. Eric shook the excess water off of his hand before taking the pipe delicately and taking a hit as well. Ellie smiled at him as he held the smoke in his lungs and took the pipe back from him. She walked it back up to the table as Eric admired her hips, butt and legs and she returned with their water bottles to lie in the water beside him. When Eric lifted up on one knee to take a drink of water, Ellie leaned in to whisper, "Good job, cabana boy," as she reached under his stomach and hip to give the swollen head of his dick a light squeeze between her thumb and finger.

Eric looked over in open-mouthed shock at Ellie, but she broke into a smile and held her finger up to her lips as if he might say something to alert Cassie who was still lying face down on the beach just a few feet away. She tilted her head and shrugged with a smile, mouthing the word 'sorry', but looking like she wasn't in the least bit. Sneaking a quick look at Cassie, still lying motionless with her face pointed the other way, Eric quickly reached over and fondled Ellie's hanging boob under the water, giving it a light squeeze and allowing his hand to linger for just a moment before pulling it back underneath him.

Ellie gave him an open mouthed look of mock-surprise before pursing her smiling lips and batting her eyes at him. Eric's cock was already twitching from the sensation of being touched right before finally having one of Ellie's big, firm boobs fully in his grasp. He wished that he could rewind the clock twenty four hours in order to be able to have touched her as much as he wanted when the two of them had been alone here together. They looked at each other and neither could stop smiling at the secret that had just been exchanged, both tantalized by the unbearable desire to be able to share more of it.

They each reacted sharply as Cassie stirred on the mat and she started to lift up before realizing that her top was undone. Cassie lifted up her head and looked around until she spotted them in the water and asked Ellie if she could come over to help to get her top clasped. Ellie set down her water bottle on the sand, jumped up to help her and then came back to lie beside Eric in the water.

Cassie sat up, looking fuzzily around and then stood up to walk the few steps to join them in the water. Ellie offered her a drink of her water bottle and Cassie gratefully accepted it, taking a long drink before sliding down into the water, lying on her back and closing her eyes again.

"You guys were right," she said at last. "This was exactly what I needed."

"Right?" Ellie agreed. "Told ya!"

"I still can't believe you guys did all this. It's just perfect and now we can come out here any time we want." She sighed contentedly. "I am so glad we didn't wait for Christmas to do this." She rolled her head in their direction and shaded her eyes, squinting, "You guys really are the best."

"We do okay," Ellie chuckled. "A little pinch of this, a little squeeze of that and voila! It's paradise, right?" She looked over at Eric.

"It sure is." He agreed.

They laid around like that for a little while longer until Cassie asked what time they customarily ate lunch in the island nation. Ellie giggled, "Sounds like somebody's got the munchies!" They all laughed. In truth though, each of them was feeling hungry and they decided to head back in for lunch.

Ellie explained to Cassie how they worked out getting changed in privacy and they both stood up and faced away from Eric as he went over to his clothes to change. Ellie waited a moment to allow Eric to get his trunks off before leaning over to whisper in Cassie's ear, "No peeking!" when she was really using the motion as an excuse to dart her eyes over quickly to see Eric naked and drying off with a towel.

Cassie had the sudden mental image of Eric standing there fully naked behind them and Ellie's joke made it seem naughty and fun to imagine looking back. Still feeling the buzz from the weed, she couldn't help imagine what he looked like after seeing him stripped down to his swim trunks for the first time in what felt like forever. She had to admit that she had found him pleasant to look at while they spent time in 'paradise' that day, but Ellie's comment had made her feel suddenly bothered, and a little guilty, as she tried to push the mental image of him fully naked out of her mind.

Even though he was mostly turned the other way, Ellie was rewarded with a quick look at his chiseled behind, the unbroken line of the muscled 'v' of his back, his perfectly shaped butt and the transition to his strong thighs. Though he might seem still very innocent and boyish, given how sheltered his life had been, standing there naked, Ellie reflected that in every physical way, Eric was now all man.

As Eric finished drying off, he turned to look at Cassie and Ellie standing there, obediently looking the other way, as he reached down to pull on his jeans. Something about the fact that either of them could have seen him fully naked, with a small turn of their head, left him feeling infused with adrenaline. Looking at their bodies, each so different, but so desirable in their own way, he wished there was any way he could convince them that it would just be easier for them throw convention aside to be able to strip down freely in front of one another during the lockdown.

Given Ellie's playful nature, and the escalation of their sexual teasing and touching over the past few days, he felt certain that she would go for it, but he ruefully acknowledged that there was no way that the prim and proper Cassie would ever be convinced to agree to something like that.

Eric gave the 'all clear' once his pants were on, so the girls began picking up the things that were going back to the house and putting them in the duffel while Eric finished getting dressed. He enjoyed watching them move around, the shape of their bodies and the outline of their tits as they bent over to pick things up, or how cute their butts were, wearing the equivalent of panties as they walked around him. Once Eric was dressed, he got up and went outside, walking slowly toward the generator with the hood of his jacket up.

Reasoning that he would just look like an outline, or blob, through the painted walls, he kept his head turned the way he was walking, while heart pounding, his eyes never left the shifting image of his sister's bodies, as they flowed through the kaleidoscope of distorted colored patches as he walked past the painted wrapping. He could see their bodies, bending and moving, sometimes clearer and sometimes flickering out of view, the hint of breasts and hips, bare behinds and the surrealistic movement of their arms and legs. It was so tantalizing and temptingly imperfect to be within sight of them fully naked, watching them disrobe and dress, and yet, only be able to view that which he longed to see in a series of flickering distortions that were now forever burned into his memory.

By the time he reached the pump and generator, his heart thudding in his chest, he could see that both girls were mostly dressed and he shut down the lights with a trembling exhale of the breath, feeling like he had been holding it in the whole time he had engaged in spying on his sisters. As he walked back to the flap and struggled with how wrong it was to be spying on anyone like that in the first place, he was finding it harder and harder to reconcile that the guilt and shame that he had initially felt about his attraction to his sisters was now seemingly an extra dimension of how exciting he now found them. He was no longer concerned with 'losing it'. He feared that over this time in strange isolation that he had already fully 'lost it'.

They each fixed their own sandwiches for lunch and sat around the living room, eating while watching TV and laughing a lot more than they probably otherwise would. Eric and Ellie kept catching each other's eye with passing glances, each trying not to act too far out of the ordinary for Cassie's benefit as she sat between them. But the sneaky smiles, blushing and darting looks left both of them tingling. The memory of touching each other, and being touched, was still too fresh and neither could think of anything else. Ellie was acting very keyed up, joking, mugging and squirming around as they ate, but given how they'd all been partying it didn't seem too outlandish and Cassie seemed to be having as much fun as any of them.

When they finished eating, Eric said he was going to go take a shower and relax upstairs. Ellie had just said that it sounded like a great plan for the afternoon when Cassie interrupted and reminded Ellie that she'd agreed to help her with 'chemistry homework' that afternoon. Ellie quickly apologized for forgetting but as Eric made his way up the stairs, after they all dropped their plates in the kitchen, neither he nor Cassie saw the way Ellie glanced up after him, for just a moment too long.

The girls waited until they heard the sound of the shower starting before pulling out the container of clear alcohol and the variety of mixers that they had to work with. They soon got into the fun of trying to mix up new flavors and were quickly feeling the effects of their taste testing as the little sips began to add up.

Eric had no trouble reaching his first orgasm less than two minutes after he'd closed the bathroom door. As much as he wanted to savor the experience and the excitement of what he'd seen, and felt, in the last few hours, he was way too excited by his pent up desire to restrain himself from reaching the release he'd been craving as quickly as possible. Once he had the shower running he was able to take a little longer to cum a second time, but as he staggered under the hot spray of the shower, his cock still remained achingly hard as he imagined Ellie sneaking upstairs to slide into the bathroom door from her room and fulfill all his fantasies about seeing and touching her fully naked.

Still, by the time he had finished showering and put on some clean sweats, his body felt drained and wrung out from the extended period of nervous sexual energy that had waited so long, only to be so urgently and repeatedly satisfied later. The after effect of the drinking and smoking left him feeling fuzzy and tired as he lay down on his bed and drifted off to sleep for a nap.

After feeling satisfied that they'd created two new flavors for their party bar, Ellie and Cassie cleaned up and hid the evidence of what they'd been working on while Eric was upstairs. Ellie had insisted on creating what they ultimately labeled 'Wrong Island Iced Tea', laughing so hard that Cassie had actually snorted as they landed on the name. It hadn't turned out to be exactly what Ellie was trying for, but still ended up being a very tasty version of the drink served for $1 at a popular off-campus bar near her college every Tuesday night.

Cassie had experimented with something less sweet, to balance against the sweet berry blend she'd first made and Ellie's new concoction. She was trying to make a tart, hard lemonade drink that Cassie suggested they call 'Brother Pucker' when Cassie finally gave her a small shot to taste. The suggestion caused Cassie to laugh so hard that it caused her own half-swallowed sip to actually go up her nose a little bit and make her eyes tear up from the burning sensation, even as they both couldn't stop laughing, both about the name and Cassie's reaction.

Taking another taste of the berry mix, that Cassie recreated to replenish what they'd already sampled, Ellie suggested that it was still too strong and might be mixed with a little club soda to give it some fizz and pop. They tried it out and both agreed that it was much better that way. Cassie dubbed the final product 'The Berry Popper'. They were still giggling and laughing about the names as they flopped drunkenly onto the living room sofa and turned on the TV.

At one point Ellie went upstairs to pee and peeked in on Eric to find him asleep on his bed. She didn't want to make Cassie suspicious so she opted not to try and wake him up for some 'fun'. A few hours later when Eric came downstairs after his nap, he found the girls passed out on the sofa and loveseat in front of a blaring TV. He lowered the volume and considered the temptation of grabbing a quick feel of Ellie's boobs, squished deliciously together as he laid on her side on the love seat, but he worried that he might startle her awake and cause her to say something to alert Cassie to what he'd done to wake her.

Eric padded into the den to fire up a game. With his headphones on, caught up in online play, he didn't hear the girls as they later came groggily awake and went upstairs to shower and crawl into bed. By the time he came out later, they were both asleep, so he went around to turn off the lights and check the locks, before making his own way up to his room for the night.Eric fired up his laptop at the kitchen table and checked his school e-mail while drinking coffee. He could see that he'd gotten a few study guides, as well as reminders about project submission deadlines and online final exam schedules over the last couple of days as it looked like his professors were slowly coming back online. The college had sent out a text a few days back advising a 'transition' week after Thanksgiving break to allow for any difficulties students might have in establishing online learning from home while also allowing teaching professors to create an online workspace from home for lectures, etc.

There wouldn't be any online classes, lectures or new assignments during the transition week, but deadlines hadn't changed for final projects and exams, so Eric was starting to feel a little anxious that he hadn't really done anything for school since they'd left campus.

When Cassie came down for breakfast and coffee she could see that Eric was pretty wrapped up in his work and so she too grabbed her laptop and sat across from him to get caught up on her end-of-term projects.

All lab work and research had been formally suspended during the shutdown at Cassie's university, but there was still an opportunity to work with available online data sets for the projects where results and data for lab or field work had already been uploaded to the university servers.

Cassie had been checking in more regularly over the break than Eric and Ellie, and opened some replies from her professors, as well as her thesis advisor, that she had sent emails to over the past week, in order to make sure that she wasn't letting any of her coursework suffer. If anything, it sounded like she was ahead of where most of the professors and study group members were based on what still needed to get done for the end of the Fall term.

The university was still hoping to reopen campus after Christmas, but she saw an update from her advisor that she should work out a plan to complete her thesis online. The department head had advised the teaching staff that they should prepare for an extended closure, based in turn on what she had been told from the administration.

When Ellie shuffled in an hour or so later, she drank some coffee and asked Eric about what was going on with his classes. She had read the text from college to mean she could take another week off, but watching the two of them work, Ellie reluctantly booted up her own laptop and joined them, with a little grumbling accentuating her review of e-mails and calendar items. From time to time she would shoot glances over at Eric, who was sitting diagonally from her across the table and seemed to be working pretty intently. As much as she wanted to just lay around, or see if Eric wanted to go out to the lagoon, she eventually resigned herself to the idea that the other two would be working for a while and came to terms with the fact that she really did need to play a little catch up heading into finals too. Still, it frustrated her that Eric was giving so much attention to his screen and hadn't caught her eye yet, even once.

Eric had made pretty good progress on a paper he was writing and updated a saved draft online to request that his instructor review and comment on the rough draft before he completed the paper. His instructors weren't holding office hours that week, even online, but students could still request feedback and help during the week by saving projects to their online class folder and e-mailing their professor.

One of his study groups for engineering had gotten a few responses from his shout out to anyone who wanted to prep together before finals. He was surprised that a red-haired girl named Lisa had replied right away, very enthusiastically, about the possibility of setting up a study discussion if he wanted to meet that week. They really hadn't interacted much all semester and she rarely contributed to in-class discussion, but maybe she really needed to pull her grade up with her final. Eric always tried to chime in when he could for class discussion, as it was listed as part of the grading criteria and the instructor for that class had gotten some online ratings that indicated he tended to grade pretty generously to students who attended each class and spoke up during discussion. Eric sent an invitation to the group with a proposed meeting time and dug into downloading and saving the study materials into a folder on his laptop to review.

Lisa followed up about twenty minutes later with a pm asking how his holidays were going. She complained a little about being stuck at home, with her parents and younger siblings, and hoped he was having a better time. Eric replied and she'd made an effort to keep the chat going, even if Eric had taken a while to respond each time while he worked on reviewing and organizing his class notes. Taking a break for a minute, Eric looked up her social media profiles, scanned her posts and looked at a few pictures. She wasn't ugly by any standard, just sort of plain and maybe a little nerdy. He did see some gaming references that caused him to pause, as he didn't know many girls that gamed, and she seemed to be into some pretty solid titles.

Eric replied to her pm, making a reference to spending too much time online in his current favorite open-world game over the holidays and how much he needed to get caught up on work for school. Lisa instantly shot back a reply, confessing the same problem and peppering him with questions about his player character and where he currently was spending time in the game. Eric found himself getting caught up in the chat and a little surprised that a girl would find the game as interesting as he did. Lisa eventually broke off the chat, needing to go help her mother, but told him her user name and asked him to shoot her an 'ally' request the next time he logged on.

Eric looked up to see Ellie glance over at him, looking bored and a little annoyed, as she rested her cheek on one fist with her elbow propping it up from the table. He switched over to a program designed for drafting engineering projects and completed a series of exercises from his study guide in that class. He was working through a particularly confusing exercise, which kept failing each time he'd test the solution, when Cassie interrupted him to see if he wanted to take a lunch break with them. He'd gotten so engrossed in the problem that he'd lost track of time and suddenly realized that he had gotten both hungry, and pretty stiff, from staring at his screen for as long as he had.

They made some sandwiches together and the girls went off to watch some TV while they ate, but Eric went to the den, to log into his gaming system, and look up Lisa's profile out of curiosity. Pulling up her user to send her an 'ally' request, he was a little shocked to find that her character was significantly more advanced than his, and rather than something plain or mousy, she had taken on one of the toughest and most demanding character roles the game offered. It offered a high opportunity for reward and advancement, but had a correspondingly higher risk of dying and almost no ability at concealment. It was the last character you'd choose if you wanted to blend in or avoid conflict. Based on her level, she had to be very, very good, and equally matched in lethality to almost any other player in the game.

The outfit and player features she had selected for current use in the game were likewise chosen to get maximum attention, rather than facilitate concealment. She had chosen a combination of bright armor, a deep red cloak and what had to be the brightest shade of red hair available in the game. Her character was sexy, deadly and designed almost intentionally to taunt other players into targeting her, as she would stand out in almost every situation. However plain Lisa might have seemed in the real world, her gaming personality was basically a rock star, samurai, bad-ass with an amazing set of tits. Eric hit send and saw a confirmation pop up that his ally request had gone through.

"Who's your new girlfriend?" Ellie asked as she walked up to lean on the back of the sofa next to Eric's head.

"Oh, hey!" he looked over. "Just some girl from one of my study groups. We've never actually even met in person." He backed out of Lisa's profile and returned to the main menu. "We were just chatting on-line today and she asked me to send her a friend request in the game."

"Well I'm pretty sure her tits are fake," Ellie quipped sarcastically.

"Yeah, she doesn't look anything like that in real life." He shrugged. "Except for the red hair maybe." He chuckled. "What's up?"

"We were just wondering where you wandered off to and whether you wanted to go to the beach or something." She watched him log out of the game and shut off the TV.

"That would be great," he stood up. "When did you guys want to go?"

"Like 5-10 minutes?" she asked.

"Sounds great. Let me go get my trunks on." Eric got up from the sofa and headed upstairs. Taped to his bedroom door he found something that he'd been looking forward for a long, long time, but never expected to find on his bedroom door of all places. It was a flyer that read:

~Paradise Hall Dorm Party~

***Residents Only!***

Tonight in the Common Area @ 6:00

Food, Drinks & Entertainment Provided

Hosted By: The Honor Society for Miraculous Sisters

Eric ran downstairs a few minutes later to see his sisters waiting in the living room.

"So...any big plans for tonight?" Ellie mused casually.

"I heard about a dorm party later." He shrugged. "Could be fun. I might check it out," he grinned, unable to contain his excitement.

"That does sound like fun," Cassie chimed in. "If you go, we're definitely in then too!" They all laughed and headed out into the cold, grey day to walk to the beach.

Once they had settled in at the beach, Ellie and Eric got high, but Cassie didn't feel like joining them. She was excited about getting back to work on projects for school and wanted to tell them about everything she was working on. Ellie and Eric tried to look interested, but between the complexity of Cassie's research project, the time they'd already spent working on their own studies earlier that day, and the potency of the weed, they ended up simply staring at her, making little effort to follow what she was saying. Cassie didn't seem deterred and pressed on for most of the afternoon.

At several points, Eric or Ellie would make their way down to the water, but as soon as the other joined the, Cassie would follow. She seemed happy, talkative and full of energy. She asked about their coursework and made a series of efforts to engage them in discussions about their own studies. Even without much input from either of them, Cassie still tried to advise them about their academic careers, classes they should consider and the benefit of attaining a dual-major, or even a minor, with relatively little additional coursework.

Ellie and Eric exchanged a series of glances when they could, but it was obvious that they would have a hard time enjoying any unsupervised time together with Cassie there. As enjoyable as it was to spend some time seeing his sisters in their bikinis, and escaping to the warmth and comfort of their island paradise, Eric was in little danger of an uncontrollable erection in these conditions.

Eventually, Ellie managed to shift the conversation to the subject of the 'dorm' party that night and how much fun it was going to be to blow off a little steam with finals coming up. She told some stories about some of the funnier things she'd seen at parties her freshman year, but neither Cassie, nor Eric had much to add. Cassie confessed that living in the honor dorms for her first couple of years of college, that while they had get-togethers organized by different groups, they were all pretty tame compared to what she had heard about some of the other parties that happened on campus.

Cassie had learned pretty quickly that as competitive as most of the students in her program were, you had to be very careful about your reputation if you wanted to be taken seriously, considered for the most prestigious scholarships, included in the most coveted grant consideration and invited to participate in the most important research projects. It was okay to have a drink here or there, but the social connections you needed to focus on most were with the faculty who could recommend, or choose, you to join their projects and the other high-achieving students you wanted to team up with for group projects. As much as it sounded like fun to do many of the things that Ellie described, Cassie would never actually risk doing them, because she worried that it would hurt her chances academically.

"Well that's all gonna change tonight!" Ellie promised. "What happens in Paradise Hall, stays in Paradise Hall!" she declared.

"So did you want to get ready together, Ellie?" Cassie asked excitedly.

"Oh, I was just going to run upstairs to grab a quick shower and change before setup," Ellie waved her off. "It's really no big deal." She threw a quick glance at Eric.

"Well," Cassie paused. "It's kind of a big deal to me. It would be awesome if you'd help me pick out something to wear and help me get ready. I've never really..." She trailed off awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah...sure!" Ellie understood finally how much it meant to Cassie. "Yeah, I can bring my stuff over to your bathroom and we can totally get ready together!"

Eric anticipated an opportunity to catch another glimpse of the girls changing as he walked outside the enclosure when they changed to leave, but even as he fantasized about that one bit of potential excitement, he heard the generator sputter, and the lights flicker, before both went out. Their tropical paradise was instantly darkened to a flat, grey shadow of its former self.

Eric quickly changed while the girls looked the other way and once he was dressed, Eric went out to check the generator. A quick check of the fuel level confirmed that he had simply forgotten to refill it after their trip yesterday, just as he had been too distracted to remember to do so after they'd had lunch today. He went to the shed to fill up the fuel can and by the time he returned to refill the generator, the girls were dressed and were standing around outside, concerned that there was a problem with the generator. Eric explained what had happened, much to their relief, and they waited while he checked that everything fired up again, once he had refilled the tank.

It was getting late, so they headed back to the house and the girls made Eric promise that he'd stay upstairs for at least 30 minutes to allow them time to get ready and get the party set up. Eric went to his room, showered and got dressed in some jeans, a t-shirt and a sweater. Even after doing all that, it had still only been about twenty minutes, so he booted up his laptop and saw a chat message from Lisa letting him know that they were now allied in the game and that she would look for him next time she was online. He made a quick reply and said he would do the same the next time he was logged in.

When Eric heard the music start thumping from downstairs, he assumed that it meant that the party had started. He logged off and headed down to the kitchen to find that the center island counter had been turned into a 'bar', stocked with pitchers of drinks and red disposable drinking cups. The counter by the stove offered a mixture of chips and snacks along with a couple different kinds of hot appetizers that you could throw into the oven before a football game. The music was blaring a hip-hop dance track from the living room and Eric was glad that they didn't have neighbors close enough to hear them.

It was warm in the kitchen and Eric peeled off his sweater almost as soon as he walked in. As he was pulling his sweater over his head, the girls walked in from the living room with drinks already in their hands and ran over to give him a group hug to welcome him to the party. Ellie must have helped Cassie pick out her outfit because they were both wearing what had to be their tightest pairs of jeans and the skimpiest t-shirts they owned. Both were also wearing heavier makeup and perfume. They looked like they were headed out to a night of dancing and Eric imagined that under normal circumstances, that they'd have guys lined up to buy them drinks, everywhere they went.

Ellie showed him the different drink choices on the bar while they all ate some snacks and he couldn't help blush at the names they'd chosen to give them. He ended up taking a 'Wrong Island Ice Tea' to start and Ellie proposed a toast to the "First Dorm Party ever in Paradise Hall!" They lifted their cups, took a drink and let out something between a cheer and a scream of celebration.

Ellie laid out three cups along one edge of the island counter and told them that they would need to learn how to play 'flip cup' if they were going to survive a dorm party. Although they didn't have enough people for two teams, they'd compete as a single team against a timer to see if they could complete the relay in less than two minutes. The game involved the first person taking a drink, turning their empty cup over, with a part of the rim hanging over the edge, and then trying to 'flip' their empty cup to land right side up on the table with a single finger. Getting their cup to land correctly would signal the next person to drink and repeat the same steps. Ordinarily they'd be competing against another team across the table, but as they only had three, they could have just as much fun practicing.

Ellie went first, downing her shot, turning the cup and managing to get it to flip successfully within a few tries. Cassie went next, downing her drink and attempting to do the same trick with her cup. After a bunch of tries, it finally managed to land teetering and stay up, at which point Eric took his drink, but the timer went off before he could attempt to flip his own cup. Ellie declared that they had lost, and pouring a small shot in each of their cups, they had to drink as a penalty. She set up the game again and reset the timer, but switched the order so that Eric went first and she went last. Eric quickly swallowed his drink, turned his cup over and attempted to land it as Ellie had. The first few tries were way off, but he started to get a feel for how much force would cause a single flip and within a few more tries managed to land it.

Cassie downed her drink and after a dozen tries, managed to get hers to land. Ellie quickly drank the contents of the third cup, and by her fourth try, had managed to flip the cup, just before time expired. They high-fived and yelled, hugging each other and bouncing to the music to celebrate their 'win' for a minute before Ellie declared it was time to move on to the next game, 'neck ball'.

Ellie pulled out one of Eric's old nerf balls, that she must have found out in the garage somewhere, and explained the rules. The timer was going to be set for three minutes and whoever was still holding the ball went it went off had to drink the shot she had poured into one of the cups. If two people were touching the ball when the timer went off, then they both had to drink. If the ball dropped, the last one to touch it had to drink and the timer got reset. She took the ball and put it under her chin and explained that the next player had to take the ball from her, using only their chin and neck, before passing it on to the next person in the same way.

Ellie pulled the ball out to make sure both Cassie and Eric understood the rules before setting the timer. They played odds and evens to see who would start and then paper, rock, scissors to see who would go second. The order ended up being Ellie, Eric and then Cassie. Ellie put the ball under her chin and started the timer.Eric stepped over to Ellie and had to bend way over, due to the difference in height, and the fact that Ellie had to hold her chin down, in order to trap the ball against her neck and chest. In order to get his own chin and chest into position, Eric had to tilt his head way, over and press his body right up against Ellie, while his face ended up almost pressed against her neck. As Ellie put her hands on his sides to steady their positions, he felt her big, soft boobs pressed into his chest and he smelled her perfume, his chin right up against her neck. He eventually managed to get the ball trapped between his own neck and chest, but the contact required to make the transfer was incredibly intimate.

Turning to Cassie, he tilted his head to one side to allow her good access and felt her come in to try and secure the ball. It quickly became apparent that it was impossible to pass the ball off, without pressing their bodies together, and moving around in a way that involved just as much contact as two people would have while slow dancing, or making out. Eric felt Cassie's firm tits rubbing and pressing up against his chest and as the ball started to slip, they both instinctively pulled their lower bodies together to make sure the ball wouldn't have a chance to fall down between them. Cassie managed to save the ball from dropping, but only by lowering her chest below his, and then slowly sliding her tits upward along his chest, until they could trap the ball between their necks again, and finally allow her to get a good hold of it with her own chin, in order to pull it away.

Eric stepped back, as Cassie turned to Ellie, and he suddenly felt very warm, flushed and buzzed. He could still smell each of his sister's perfumes on himself from the close contact and could already feel himself beginning to build up a sweat in the warm kitchen, even in a t-shirt. As he watched his sisters come together to try and pass off the ball, he was overwhelmed with a whole new wave of heat emanating from his face.

His mouth nearly dropped open to see them rubbing together, their tits getting pressed into each others, hugging each other and laughing as they rubbed together in a way that would have looked incredibly hot between two strangers, but took on a whole new level of intimacy considering that they were not. Watching their tits jiggling, squishing and pressing together, with their firm bodies, asses tightly wrapped in denim, sliding and coming together, as they focused on the single object of transferring the ball, without letting it drop, was almost too much to process.

Eric's heart was beating in his chest and his cock was stirring in his pants. He reached into his pocket, to push his dick over to one side of his jeans, both to prevent it from getting hard while pointing straight down, as well as to minimize how much it would stick out at the front of his pants.

Ellie had managed to secure the ball under her chin and turned toward Eric, who lowered his body and leaned in. Knowing what he was in for this time, he did his best to enjoy the sensation of rubbing up against Ellie and the way she was pressing her thighs, hips and tits against him as they worked to get the ball to transfer. There was something about the smell of her perfume, the heat of her skin, the soft contours of her curvy, little body and the playful flirting they'd done over the last few days that Eric found intoxicating. Eric had the sudden desire to let the ball drop and simply carry Ellie off somewhere, so that he could touch and rub up against her body as much as he liked, oblivious to the rest of the world.

If Cassie had been a little bit taken aback, watching Ellie and Eric play in the first round, it didn't seem like either of them were too shocked, or embarrassed, about the level of close contact the game required. They both seemed to be having fun and Cassie reminded herself that she had sworn that she would join in, to help Ellie make the most of the experience, for Eric's sake, even if the experience of receiving the ball from Eric the first time had made her more than a little uncomfortable. Eric seemed to be oblivious to any effect of their close contact, but due to the similarity in their height, Cassie had been instantly aware of how her breasts were rubbing against Eric's muscled chest, while his hips and thighs were shifting and sliding up against her own.

Passing the ball to Ellie had been less disturbing, as they were both girls, and it had allowed Cassie to focus on the task of the game a little better, but as she stood back to watch Eric try to accept the ball from Ellie, she took a moment to fill a cup with some water, as her mouth felt suddenly very dry, just as her skin suddenly felt very flushed. Watching the two of them struggle to get the ball in position, it was hard for her to believe that they were engaged in such close, intimate contact without having the same reaction as she was. Perhaps that it was the difference in height, or the greater familiarity they had with each other, that made the close contact less awkward, and uncomfortably stimulating, for each of them.

As Eric and Ellie managed to get the ball under his chin, he turned quickly to Cassie, remembering that the timer was ticking down and realized that he'd lost track of how much time they had left. Cassie felt her heart speed up, as Eric stepped to her, and in the strangest way, she had the image flash into her mind of stepping in to kiss each other, using the exact same movements. Eric didn't seem self conscious at all about pressing his body to hers. She felt his lean, hard body pressing against her breasts and stomach as he slid from side to side, she couldn't help but feel a tingle as her nipples responded to the contact. She did her best to focus only on the movement of the ball and getting it under her chin, but she felt herself trembling and her stomach aflutter as she engaged in the grinding dance that the effort required.

Cassie focused on the corded muscles that ran along Eric's shoulders and stretched up his neck just inches from her eyes. His skin felt hot, she could smell the soap or shampoo from his shower but flavored with something almost imperceptible beneath it that made his scent uniquely male, and uniquely him. It made her feel more buzzed than she probably was, and in some way that was difficult for her to embrace, it also made her feel indescribably happy and good. She wondered, in an oddly detached way, through the visceral entanglement of their movement, if she was registering some reaction from an exchange of pheromones that was affecting her. While she understood their function, and knew on an academic level that they existed, she had always assumed that their effect couldn't be nearly as potent as it was described.

As they maneuvered to try and get the ball in place, Cassie and Eric heard the timer go off and backed away to let the ball drop into Eric's hand. Ellie gleefully poured a second shot and chanted, "drink...drink...drink" as the two of them downed the contents of their cups. Ellie explained that they now restarted the timer and it was Eric's turn to start the round this time.

While Cassie had welcomed the interval to step away from Eric, and get a hold of herself, when the timer went off, she was starting to feel the effects of the drinks she'd already consumed earlier, even as she took another as a penalty in the game. Realizing that they had to attempt to make the same pass again, Cassie stepped to Eric with a mixture of guilt and anticipation. Apparently, she was the only one feeling the sensation of arousal during this game and she was trying to process the reason for her excitement, explainable as a chemical reaction between the alcohol and pheromones, along with her own inexperience, of being in close contact with men.

Through the buzz from the drinks, she was somewhat bothered, that her body was responding this way to Eric, but as she closed her eyes, she was also fascinated, at how good it felt, to unlock the sensation of warm, close, animal contact with someone like she was. It was like dismissing chocolate as nothing being special, until you tried it for the first time, at almost twenty-one years old, to find out it was even better than everyone had described it.

While she felt mildly ashamed to feel like she was the only one of the three experiencing these effects, Cassie also rationalized that neither Ellie, nor Eric, could know that she was affected this way and that if she also enjoyed it a little, they would be none the wiser.

Everyone was having fun, and there was no way Cassie was going to ask them to stop right in the middle of Eric's gift, by telling them it was getting her too hot and bothered sexually to continue. Plus, as the alcohol continued to work its way through her system, she felt progressively less embarrassed by the fact that, like the experience of being hand rubbed under the heat lamps on the sand the day before, it was turning into a uniquely unexpected island of enjoyable sensation, in an otherwise disappointing season, where the world had simply stopped making any sense.

As she and Eric began to press together, and maneuver their bodies, Cassie tried to let go of her anxiety and embarrassment to simply enjoy the feel of Eric's hot breath on her neck, the solid, sculpted muscles of his chest and thighs against her, his hands on her hips and hers on his sides. She closed her eyes and in that moment, she was just another girl, at her first college party, free to do whatever she liked, with whomever she chose. When she felt the ball finally wedge solidly under her chin, she felt elated at their success, but an unexpectedly sharp sense of physical withdrawal, as Eric stepped away, to allow her approach Ellie.

Cassie had barely stepped into Ellie's body when Ellie's chin knocked the ball out prematurely, it bounced between their bodies as it fell and landed on their feet before rolling off onto the floor. Ellie stopped the timer and turned to Eric to see if he had seen who it made contact with last and he confessed that it looked like it bounced off the spot where their feet were side by side before it landed on the floor. Ellie shrugged and poured out an additional shot to hand to Cassie.

Cassie held up her hand in protest and complained, "I don't think I can drink another shot for a while. I am getting really, really buzzed, El. I may have to quit."

"Oh no Cassie, you never, ever want to quit!" Ellie drunkenly grabbed at Cassie's forearms, looking shocked.

"Why not?" Cassie was a bit taken aback at how strongly Ellie had reacted.

"Because then you have to be somebody's 'bitch' for the rest of the night." She said it as if it was self-evident. "You would belong to the last boy you touched in the game and would have to do anything he told you to do for the rest of the party, which usually meant you had to have sex with him."

"Are you kidding?" Cassie was dumbfounded.

"Yep! You're way better off just taking off a shoe." Ellie nodded seriously.

"Why do you have to take off a shoe?" It seemed so random to Cassie.

"I mean you can take off your top if you want to, but most girls just start with their shoes," Ellie advised earnestly. "You either take a drink or take off an article of clothing. I'd go for the shoes."

"So when does the game end?" Cassie was having trouble making sense of the whole thing.

"As soon as somebody, pukes, passes out, or gets naked, of course," Ellie shrugged as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Here, I'll do a shoe with you. I'm getting pretty buzzed too and I'm the smallest one here. I can't keep up drink for drink." She kicked off a shoe and handed the ball back to Cassie while she reached over to be ready to start the timer again.

Cassie was having a hard time feeling her fingertips and her cheeks at the moment, but she shrugged, kicked off a shoe and put the ball under her neck to be ready when Ellie shouted, "go!"

While her motor functions were less controlled, Cassie no longer felt awkward in using her body any way she had to in order to keep from dropping the ball again. In a way, Ellie's boobs helped, as they made a natural shelf to work from and Cassie managed to get the ball up under Ellie's chin pretty quickly, now that she was getting the hang of it.

Ellie turned to Eric and savored the feeling of his chest sliding up to hers, his hands on her hips and the warm, clean smell of his body as they pressed closely together. She loved the feel of her nipples rubbing across his chest, even through the layers of fabric that separated them, and she was dying to reach down and see if his cock was as hard as it had gotten at the beach over the last couple of days. From where she was positioned, Ellie couldn't see if Cassie was watching them, and even as hot and buzzed as she felt, she didn't want to risk Cassie catching them. If everything worked out as she hoped, Cassie would end up passed out, Eric would end up naked and Ellie would be able to enjoy her win, just the way she liked.

Ellie wasn't ready for it to be over as quickly as Eric had been able to position the ball under his chin and when he moved to pull away, she tried to signal him to slow down by holding it tighter with her own chin. As he stepped back the ball hung up for just a moment under Ellie's chin before falling to bounce off of her tits and dropped cleanly to the ground. Ellie let out a gasp of shock and frustration, before rolling her eyes, kicking off her other shoe and resetting the timer.

As the earlier drinks began to catch up to them, it was obvious that their motor skills and coordination were quickly beginning to deteriorate. While Ellie was able to pass the ball successfully to Eric to start the next round, Eric lost control of the ball trying to save it with the side of his face against Cassie's tits, causing her to laugh, and the ball bounced off of Eric's leg before falling to the ground. Eric took off one of his shoes.

As Eric tried to start the next round, he and Cassie wrestled with trying to get the ball into position, before it suddenly squirted out to one side and dropped cleanly to the floor, so they both lost their other shoe. Ellie pointed out that it was unfair for Eric to be wearing socks and that he wouldn't be able to count them because the girls weren't. He almost fell over trying to pull them off and had to use the counter to steady himself as the girls laughed.

Cassie was able to get the ball passed off to Ellie to open the next round, much to Eric's amusement as he watched them writhing and using their tits to keep the ball from falling, but the buzzer went off in the middle of Ellie's attempt to pass the ball to Eric. Ellie took off her belt and Eric took off his shirt. As they started the next round with Ellie trying to hand off the ball to Eric, Cassie couldn't help but stare at the sight of Eric, shirtless and working as hard as he could to press his body up against Ellie, and her well endowed chest, to accept the ball successfully. If she had been embarrassed by the game before, she was now laughing and giggling along with the other two, enjoying their predicament and cheering on the attempts to drunkenly hand the ball off between them.

Eric was feeling very buzzed, but loving every minute of the game. Cassie seemed to have relaxed and was now enjoying the game, seemingly as much as he and Ellie were. He brought his body up to Cassie, and on a whim, put his arms around her, as if they were going to slow dance, or kiss. Because there wasn't very much difference in height, he was able to line up their necks almost exactly, by bending his knees just slightly, Cassie tilted her head, as if to lie it on his shoulder, and their bodies fit seamlessly together, as each was pressed against the other, from hip to neck. The ball passed cleanly under Cassie's chin, and even though they held the embrace for another moment to be sure that she had it, it was the quickest and cleanest pass of the game.

As Cassie pulled away, she felt a twinge of regret, as she realized that she would have liked to stay like that for as long as she could, melded perfectly against Eric's bare chest, his strong arms holding her close. She turned to Ellie and they began the process of making up the difference in height, to line up the transfer, and the ball inadvertently slipped down between their boobs. Holding their tits pressed up against the other's, they were able to keep the ball from falling, but despite every effort to roll the ball up their chests before time expired, they both lost their shirts as time ran out.

Cassie had to begin the next round and while they were able to keep the ball from falling, Eric was treated to a full three minutes of watching his sisters squirm together in their bras as they struggled to control the ball and transfer it to Ellie. Cassie had a simple light beige bra, that was a little more revealing than her bikini top, but Ellie had worn a hot pink bra, with a shiny fabric, that did a wonderful job of pushing her already big boobs into a delicious mountain range of cleavage in the middle. Eric watched with delight as they struggled to get the ball in position, hoping that their efforts would cause one, or both of them, to expose a tit in the process. When the buzzer sounded, Ellie groaned and informed Cassie that they each had to pay a double penalty because they had ended a complete round without making a single pass.

Ellie opted to take off her jeans and do another shot and Cassie followed her lead. As it was, they were both now in just their bra and panties, but it was really no worse than hanging out with Eric in their bikinis, as they already had been for the last couple of days. While they were paying their penalty, Eric took a moment to smoke a little weed from the pipe he had laid on the counter when he came down. Ellie looked up after taking off her jeans and excitedly asked if she could have a little too. Ellie held it to her lips just in front of him and she looked up into his eyes as he lit it for her, staring down at her beautiful cleavage and the wonderful lines of her sexy body in her matching hot pink bra and panties.

Cassie used that time to get a quick drink of water, to try and help her body process the volume of alcohol she'd already consumed over a relatively short period of time. Her panties ended up being black, and while not lacy or adorned, they rose fairly high on her hips and made for a narrow 'v' in the front, where the fabric dove at a very sexy angle to disappear between her legs. Eric looked over as she turned back from filling her water glass and was stunned by how long and sexy it made Cassie's legs and torso look, as she walked back toward him and Ellie.

As drunk as she was, Cassie felt glad to be rid of her jeans, as the kitchen now felt extremely warm. Maybe it was the alcohol, and her own reaction to rubbing against Eric, but she felt much more comfortable to be out of her clothes. As she walked back over to Eric and Cassie, she saw Eric look over in open appreciation for how she looked in her underwear, and rather than be offended that he was checking her out, she felt a tingle go through her as she realized that she was hoping he would notice her. With Ellie's personality, sexier underwear and luscious curves, Cassie wouldn't blame any guy for giving her more attention, even her own brother. It was hard to ignore Ellie's bubbly sex appeal. But as Cassie saw Eric's eyes look down the length of her body, she couldn't help put a little extra swing in her hips as her confidence buoyed.

If the game had been fun for Eric before, rubbing shirtless against Ellie in her bra took it to another level. The heat in the kitchen and the light sheen of moisture on their skin made every bit of contact feel more sensitive and tactile than it had been through their clothes. Eric could see the puffy outlines of Ellie's areolas through the shiny fabric of her bra and his hands resting on her curvy hips had only a thin strap of fabric to remind him that she wasn't completely naked. He could feel the skin of her boobs against his chest and neck as he slid around under her chin to keep the ball in place and line it up for a clean grab. At the last moment, he wrapped his arms fully around Ellie, to pull her in, and keep the ball from falling, almost lifting her off her feet as he quickly pulled her body to him. His face ended up pressed against her neck on the side facing away from Cassie and he couldn't help but plant a small silent kiss on the skin of her neck as he shifted. He wished in that moment that he could just let the ball drop and kiss Ellie over every inch of her exposed skin. If Cassie hadn't been standing only a few feet away, he might have.

As he finally got the ball under his own chin, Eric stepped back and turned toward Cassie, only to feel his bare foot slip on a small puddle of spilled liquid on the tile floor. He only lost his balance for a moment, but his head jerked up in reaction and the ball dropped to the floor. Eric looked at the ground in surprise, and tried to process what must have happened, as he pieced it together through the haze of alcohol and the weed that was fully hitting him in that moment. Cassie turned to grab a dish towel to wipe up the spill, concerned, even as drunk as she was, that someone might get seriously hurt if the spill was left unattended.

Cassie knelt down to wipe up the spill and as she looked up, Eric was trying to maintain his balance, while also trying to pull first one leg, and then the other from his jeans, without falling over. He was wearing a pair of form-fitting, light blue, athletic underwear that extended down to the middle of his well muscled thighs. Cassie looked up at Eric, still laughing as he pulled the jeans from his remaining leg, and though she hadn't intended to, her eyes were drawn to the fabric pouch at the front of his underwear. Time froze as she saw the unmistakable outline of her brother's fully erect cock, as it stretched diagonally to one side, under the thin wicking fabric of his underwear.

She drunkenly wondered if he even realized that he had an erection, as they were all pretty out of it, and if she should say something to stop the game, so that Eric could cover it up, or take a minute to get it under control. He and Ellie were laughing about his struggle to take off his pants and neither even seemed to notice the obvious bulge. Cassie realized she could even see the outline of where his circumcised head flared out near the top of his penis through the thin, stretch fabric. Standing up quickly, Cassie turned to put the dish towel over the edge of the sink and hesitated there for a long moment, waiting for Ellie to say something at the moment when she too had noticed his erection, so that she could turn around to find Eric already covering himself.

Cassie had no idea that Ellie's eyes had searched out the tell-tale sign of his hard dick from the very moment Eric had begun to undo his pants. She could tell that Eric was obviously very wasted and as he struggled to get out of his pants, she was laughing as much from her delight at seeing that he had worn thin athletic underwear, rather than white cotton briefs, as much as she found his loss of balance as funny as he did. As he stood up to toss his pants on the floor, she was rewarded with a full look at the long, thick length of hard dick clearly outlined under the thin stretch fabric. Where she had been guessing at its shape under the tent of his wet trunks over the last couple of days, here was the exact size and shape revealed in all of its erect glory. She was giddy with seeing him like that and it wasn't hard to laugh along with him as she looked forward to whether he would lose his last piece of clothing in the very next round.

After a few moments passed, Cassie quickly rinsed her hands at the sink, stalling for Ellie to make the shocking discovery that would allow her to turn around. Instead Ellie simply bleated, "C'mon Cassie, you're holding up the game!"

Cassie's heart was thumping in her chest as she turned around, careful not to look down at Eric's crotch, even as the image of his hard dick was impossible for her to push out of her memory. If neither Ellie nor Eric had noticed, there was no way she could say anything without also revealing that she had looked at Eric's cock. As much as she wanted to hide her face in her hands in embarrassment and run from the room, she got herself under control and tried to act casual as Eric lifted the ball to his chin and Ellie prepared to start the timer. Eric came to her and slid his body into hers, just as they had the time before. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his back as she felt the full length of him pressed into the curves of her own body.

Except now Cassie could feel the length of his hard cock pressed up against her lower stomach and reaching out toward her hip. As much as she wanted to focus on the movement of the ball and aligning it under her chin, she was overwhelmed by the sensation the strong muscles of his back under her hands and the lean, hard muscles of his chest and abdomen as her own body flowed over his bare skin through the thin fabric of her own bra and panties. This was as close as she had ever been to feeling a naked man holding her like this and she could feel her own body betray her as her pussy got increasingly wet and a warm, throbbing sensation radiated out from her clitoris and up into her stomach. As much as she wanted to deny it, the feel of her brother's hard dick pressing up against her, just inches from her pussy, was sending a pulsing wave of arousal through every cell in her body.

As Eric's body shifted against hers, she could feel his dick pressing and moving in small motions against her, defining its prominent size and asserting its intoxicating presence. Even as she took the ball under her chin and his chest pulled slowly away from her, it felt like his rigid cock was the last thing to touch her body and Cassie could feel the ghost of its imprint on her, even as she turned to Ellie, legs trembling and heart pounding in her chest.

Ellie had watched Eric's tight, muscular butt as he embraced Cassie. It occurred to her that Cassie must have felt his hard dick pressed against her and she suffered a brief twinge of envy that it was her, not Ellie, who was first to receive that honor. But looking at Cassie's face as she rested her head on Eric's shoulder, she looked to be entirely focused, her eyes closed, working to get the ball transferred finally between them.

When Eric backed successfully away from Cassie, he let out a fist pump of triumph and leaned back against the island counter to watch his sisters come together again in their skimpy underwear. He was noting the difference in their butts as they worked themselves around trying to find a good angle to shift the ball into place.

Cassie was bent over in her high cut black panties and Eric loved how her high, firm butt was accentuated by the way the fabric in her panties rode up her hips. The smooth, pale skin of her ass was flawless and Eric wondered if he could have possibly gotten away with taking a picture with his phone to remember this moment forever. Whatever he had initially expected from this night never even came close to how incredible it had actually turned out.

Watching his sister's bodies step in a tight circle to reveal Ellie's cute, curvy butt in her pink panties, Eric could feel his dick absolutely pulsing with a desire to slide in there with them. Having felt each of them pressed up against him, again and again, Eric was intoxicated with the feel of their bare skin and wanted to swim in their naked bodies, slither though them, touching, grabbing, kissing and sucking them wherever he could find purchase.

Eric was consumed with that image when the timer went off and he realized that each of them would now have to drink or take off another piece of clothing. Both of the girls seemed shocked that time had expired sooner than they expected and backed away from each other as they fully realized their predicament.

Cassie looked at Ellie unsure of what they should do. "Can you take another drink, El?"

"I can, but I might end the game by throwing up pretty soon if I do." Ellie shook her head.

"So what do we do? I'm already so drunk," Cassie pleaded.

"The game will probably be over pretty quick," Ellie pointed out. "Eric's down to his underwear and if we are too, then one more round will end it." She shrugged. "If we take another drink, we could just end up in the exact same spot in the next few minutes and be drunker than we already are."

"So you're saying we should just get it over with?" Cassie asked, trying to follow her reasoning.

"Sure, I guess. If we quit, we both end up being Eric's bitch and he could end up telling us to both strip completely naked anyway, so we're better off just losing our tops and taking our chances." Ellie nodded as she worked through it. "What the hell," she shrugged. "Nobody is ever gonna find out anyway, right?" She turned to Eric. "You won't tell anybody, will you?"

"Yeah, never," Eric croaked, his throat tight with anticipation of what was about to happen.

"I can't believe we're actually going to go through with this, though," Cassie looked to Ellie in disbelief, her eyes pleading with her sister to somehow fix it.

"Hey," Ellie stepped over to Cassie and grabbed her forearm. "We totally agreed to give Eric the most kick-ass college party we could after everything he did to make our wishes come true!" She scowled drunkenly at big sister and held up her finger as Cassie began to protest. "You promised you would do whatever I said to make this party great. If you back out now, then it means that I'm stuck doing it on my own!"

Cassie took a deep breath and lowered her eyes in defeat. "Okay...okay, I'll do it too."

"C'mon, Cass,' Ellie tried to make the best of it. "It's just our boobies. It's not like we're gonna suck his dick or anything," she giggled. "So just put on your big girl panties and let's get it over with." She grabbed Cassie by the arm again and looked up into Cassie's downcast eyes. "C'mon, I'll even go first."

Ellie stepped back and reached up between her shoulder blades to release her bra while Cassie and Eric both looked on in stunned disbelief. As her hands went up to the straps of her now undone bra at her shoulders, Ellie paused for just a moment to look up at Eric before she pulled down the straps from both sides at the same time and her bra finally dropped free, revealing her bare boobs where Eric could plainly see them.

Ellie's puffy nipples were so pale a pink that they weren't much darker than the milky smooth skin of her melon-shaped tits. As turned on as she was to be standing there topless in front of Eric, her boobs felt especially swollen and engorged, as if they had grown a full cup size just by the sensation of feeling his eyes on her. Ellie could feel her pussy throbbing in the tension of the moment and reflexively placed her hands on her hips and cocked them slightly, trying to appear more confident than she felt, as a defense against how self-conscious she felt to have Eric see her this way. As his eyes grew wide at the way her magnificent tits barely sagged, looking both perky and huge on her petite frame, her eyes sought out the line of his painfully hard dick as it actually twitched visibly in his underwear while he stared at his sister's tits.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Eric committed every lingering moment of looking at Ellie's exposed tits to his memory, as his eyes soaked in the sight of the soft, puffy contour of her nipples as they swelled out from the firm, round globes of her boobs. He felt his cock twitching, and achingly hard, as he imagined being able to touch her again as he just had the day before in the water. Aware that he was staring at his sister topless, he remembered that Cassie was also standing right there, and self-consciously looked over to see Cassie looking back and forth between he and Ellie, trying to gauge their reactions.

Cassie had looked up to meet Eric's eyes just as his head turned and so she narrowly avoided being caught looking at his twitching cock as it pulsated underneath his underwear. Cassie had looked over to see Eric's reaction when Ellie revealed her tits and her eyes had been instantly drawn to the movement in his underwear, as his dick seemed to be trying to push away from his body and burst through the thin covering of material that was now doing little to conceal it.

As Cassie looked back to Ellie, she saw that both of them had turned to face her expectantly, as it was now her turn to remove her own bra. As her mind desperately searched for a way out, Cassie still had to secretly acknowledge the tingling sensation that had taken over every inch of her body, as well as the slippery wetness that she now felt between her pussy lips.

Seeing no way out, Cassie reached up to unclasp her own bra and hung her head as she felt the clasp come free between her trembling fingers. Hoping her hair would help to conceal her face as she tilted her head forward in shame, Cassie slowly reached up to the bra straps at her shoulders and held her breath as she let first one strap, and then the other, slowly slide down off down her arms. The fabric of her bra cups hung up momentarily on her hard nipples, but as they finally dropped free, Cassie felt the air in the room on the bare skin of her exposed breasts and nipples. Without all of the roundness and heft of Ellie's voluptuous boobs, Cassie's tits were still bigger than Eric had imagined and came up to a tantalizing point with each swollen nipple a deeper shade of pink than her sister's. As Cassie bent forward to slide her bra off her arms completely, Eric was treated to the wonderful sight they made as their cone shape and her flushed swollen nipples were revealed while they pointed momentarily toward the ground.

Eric was overwhelmed with seeing the demure Cassie exposed like that, just feet away from where he stood, when just a few hours earlier he had only been hoping to catch a peek at them through the distorted plastic walls of the beach. He couldn't believe that Cassie was actually here in front of him, willingly exposing herself like that. If he had hoped that the playful touching he'd shared with Ellie would one day allow him to one day see her topless, he never imagined he would be able to ever see Cassie this way. He looked up to see his sister's reaction, but Cassie was still looking down and to her left, her lips set in a determined line, trying to control her embarrassment and shame. Cassie turned to set her bra on the counter and Eric's eyes followed the line of her tits as she turned to the side, savoring every angle of her beautiful exposed breasts.

"Okay, Cassie," Ellie encouraged her. "You're up and we can't afford to lose this one!" Ellie handed her the ball and turned to set the timer.

Cassie slowly acknowledged and stepped toward Ellie as she placed the ball under her chin. If she had felt uncomfortable rubbing her body up against Ellie's while they were fully clothed, the sensation of feeling their bare breasts pressed together and her hard nipples brushing across the smooth skin of Ellie's boobs was almost too much for Cassie to handle. Her pussy continued to throb as she wondered what it must look like for Eric to see the two of them like that. Cassie was grateful that pressing up against Ellie gave her at least a minimum level of concealment, but she wondered if Ellie was as embarrassed, and excited, as she herself was in that moment.

Eric was beside himself and barely able to control his desire to reach down and satisfy the urgent need that his cock had, to be stroked to an orgasm. If he had wished for a picture of his sisters in their underwear earlier, he was crushed by his inability to video this round, where his sisters were rubbing their exposed tits together, their hard nipples sliding in and out of view, as they constantly shifted positions, squeezing their boobs into so many amazing shapes that he couldn't believe that he was lucky enough to see it.

When Ellie finally lifted away with the ball and Cassie stepped back, Eric realized that he was about to be able to feel Ellie's bare tits rubbing against him and he almost came a little in his underwear as a shudder went through him. Ellie reached over to reset the timer and Eric focused on the bouncy movements of her tits as she moved, her boobs wobbling and jiggling deliciously with each movement of her arms and body. In profile, her tits were even more impressive than they appeared from the front, as they jutted out impossibly from the line of her flat stomach below.

As Ellie stepped to him, Eric could see her eyes sparkling and her mouth pulling up into an irrepressible smile of anticipation. His hands were trembling as he reached for her sides and bent down to position himself between her chin and her bare boobs, now just inches from his face. He felt the puffy tips of her nipples brush across his chest as he shifted to one side and it was as soft as anything he had ever felt in his life. He longed to forget the ball and simply lower his face to those glorious mounds and take first one, and then the other, of her nipples into his mouth. He could feel his cock twitching against her hip and he was sure that a flow of precum was quickly accumulating in his underwear. In that moment, Eric found he didn't care a bit if his cock was visibly hard, and leaking through his underwear, as he would never regret this experience, or memory, for as long as he lived.

For her part, Cassie watched in fascination as her brother and sister's nearly naked bodies came together. She leaned back against the counter with her arms crossed in front of her tits, tingling with shame, embarrassment and an undeniable thrill of having exposed herself like she had. As much as she wanted to look away, or grab her clothes and leave the room, she couldn't help but stare as she watched the two of them undulating against one another, Ellie's tits rubbing and wobbling up against Eric's body and the look of Eric's aroused dick poking up, obscenely erect, inside his thin underwear. As much as she wanted to be disgusted by the sight, she was both mortified, and jittery with excitement, as she wondered if she was about to have to take Ellie's place.

As it was, Eric's distracted attempt to see and feel as much of Ellie's tits as he could allowed the ball to roll down Ellie's chest. Even as he lowered his cheek to squish it against one of her magnificent boobs, the ball rolled sideways, bumped his arm and fell to the ground. Ellie looked down in drunken disbelief and then raised her arms, to start jumping up and down in triumph. Eric looked first to the ball rolling away and then to Ellie, bouncing up and down in celebration, as her boobs made the most incredible display, as they did their best to keep up with the bouncing movement of her body.

Ellie turned to high five Cassie and said, "Told you we weren't out of this yet!"

Cassie raised her hand to accept Ellie's slap, but kept her other arm where it was, as she tried to use her hair and arms to cover herself as best she could while Eric looked over at them. Ellie took a spot along the counter, next to Cassie, and began to hoot and clap as she waited for Eric to remove his underwear.

While Eric was excited about the idea that Ellie was finally about to see his dick for the first time, he felt incredibly awkward knowing that Cassie would also be there to watching him too. As he looked at them, Cassie wasn't looking at his face and her arms were crossed tightly over her tits. Unlike Ellie, Cassie didn't look excited, but as if she couldn't wait for it to be over.

Eric took a deep breath and hooked his thumbs in either side of his waistband. He looked down at his feet and whispered, "Geronimo" in his mind, as he reached down with both hands to lower his underwear. His hard cock hung up for a moment in his waistband, before finally springing free, like a branch snapping back to its original form. As he stepped out of the underwear gathered at his feet, he felt like he was lighter than air for a moment. Like the loss of his last piece of clothing would render him weightless enough to simply float off the ground.

Ellie had stopped breathing momentarily as Eric had reached for his underwear and began to lower them. As his cock popped up, free and clear of the fabric, she felt the sharp intake of her own breath, as her body reacted to the sight of his fully exposed dick. She couldn't believe that she was actually seeing Eric, fully naked, as she stared at the thick shaft of his throbbing dick meat, crowned with a neatly shaped head, now deeply flushed with the blood that was making her little brother as hard as he had ever been. There was a light tracing of veins running up the underside of his shaft, but it was the length and thickness that Ellie found at once both intimidating, and indescribably drawn to, at the same time. Even looking up to see Eric staring at her face, it was hard to reconcile the fact that this hypnotically aggressive looking cock was somehow attached to her brother.

Cassie both heard, and felt, Ellie's sharp hitch of breath and it caused her to look up in spite of her determination not to. As she caught sight of her brother's cock, Cassie knew at once why Ellie had reacted so sharply. It was the first erection that Cassie had ever seen with her own eyes and there was no denying the visceral impact that it had on her, as she felt her pussy throb at the sight of a rock hard dick, that up-close. Cassie could see her brother's dick was so hard that it practically arched upward, while the taut skin on the head and shaft fought to contain it. A shudder went through Cassie as she fought the image of something like that actually fitting inside of her. The fact that she had known her brother this whole time, and never had any idea that he had a part of him that could exert that kind of effect on her, shocked her. She felt like she was unable to look directly at it for longer than a few moments, and then pulled her eyes away from it, as if it had a gravity and power of its own, separate from her younger brother.

Ellie was the first to break the tension that had overtaken the room. She clapped and said, "So you guys totally made it through your first game of neck ball! Woohoo!" She stepped over to high five Eric before turning back to high five Cassie again. She began to dance around to the music coming from the other room, her tits jiggling and her ass wiggling in time to the heavy beat.

"So we can get dressed now?" Ellie asked, her voice surprisingly lower and huskier than she expected.

"Yep! Game's over!" she danced around in front of Eric, winked and looked down directly at his stiff cock pointing up in her direction.

Cassie bent to retrieve her clothes and took them into the living room to get dressed, while Eric reached down to pick up his underwear from the floor and begin turning them right side out to put them back on.

Ellie gave a quick glance at Cassie's retreating back as she left the room, before quickly grabbing the shaft of Eric's still exposed cock and whispering just loudly enough to be heard over the music, "Wait for me in your room when you go upstairs!"

She bent down to scoop up her clothes and with one last peek over her shoulder, smiled, eyes twinkling at Eric, and then bounced happily off into the other room, to go find Cassie.