Lockhome Syndrome



"Fuck!" I screamed slamming my fist into the basement door.

The door knob did nothing but spin. The son of a bitch was broken, and I was on the wrong side of it, trapped. I thought about just taking the door off its hinges, or breaking it down, but after a meth head had broken in last year my father had installed a reinforced steel door. It might look like wood with its laminate covering but having helped install it, I knew I'd have to tear down half the wall to get back into the main house.

I couldn't even climb out of the small window near the ceiling that looked out into the back yard. Even if I could have fit through it, which I doubted, we had installed security bars on that as well.

To make this shitty situation even worse, my parents were out of town for an extended weekend vacation, and my only means to communicate with the outside world was sitting on my bed, plugged into a wall charger. Not exactly there when I needed it.

As my luck would have it, it was only Wednesday evening and my parents weren't due back until Monday night. I was 18 and had the entire house to myself, something that every teenage boy looks forward to. What was supposed to be a blessing had quickly turned into a curse. I'd had big plans for this weekend.

There was a girl from my school, Amber Winslow, that had started taking notice of me recently. I had really started working out this year and lost all my usual pudginess, replacing it with firm muscle. Amber had been constantly flirting with me lately, mentioning how big and strong I had gotten, and how we should spend some time together. For her, that was code for 'let's fuck'.

This girl was hot, and had a well-deserved reputation for being incredibly slutty in a way that all guys dream about. She'd been dropping hints that we should get together, and I had mentioned that my parents would be out of town this weekend. All we had was innuendo and ambiguity, no firm plans or anything. All I had was her number, and without my phone I had no delusions of her showing up to save me.

For so long I had been in that place between being the fat kid and being a jock. It's the Bermuda Triangle of slight unattractiveness that makes you invisible to the opposite sex. You're not attractive enough to notice or ugly enough to comment on, so they don't seem to realize that you exist. Now I was finally out! I had the opportunity to have sex with a girl that I actually wanted to look at while we were fucking, and I had fucked it up! Sure, there would be other opportunities, but my dick and I had been waiting so long for this.

Realizing my fate, I let out a sad sigh and walked back down the stairs. This weekend had held such promise and now it was going to blow.

Knowing that I was going to be spending about five days stuck down here I made a cursory examination of what I had to work with. The basement itself was in a dreary state compared to the rest of the house. The walls were lacking drywall, leaving the wooden studs exposed as well as the wiring and plumbing. Most of the walls were lined with old wooden shelves containing boxes and other odds and ends. Forgotten mementos filled some of the boxes, all of which were hidden away for years; others held old, broken appliances, or holiday decorations. Pretty much what you would expect of an old basement.

I walked around the room to take stock. There was an old sofa that our dad had brought down here a few years back that looked like it needed to be taken out back and shot; someone needed to put that poor thing out of its misery. Canned food filled a stack of shelves and there was frozen food in the freezer. There was the washer and dryer, some camping stuff, but no Sterno to heat anything. Some scattered tools lay on a work bench by the wall and an old TV and VCR of all things. I didn't see any movies to go with it, and it wasn't hooked up to the cable. making it essentially worthless. Luckily there was a small bathroom down here. And by small, I mean it was basically a closet with only a toilet in it. After my bad luck, it was a little uplifting to know that I wouldn't have to shit in a bucket for five days. As for my beverage needs, there was a somewhat disgusting work-shop type sink against the wall near the washer and dryer.

I may not have been at risk of starvation or dehydration, but boredom was another story.

I sat down on the old sofa sulking in my misfortunes, seeing my near future watching the minutes crawl by like hours and I came up with a plan. It was simple. All I had to do was try to not be conscious and I could sleep right through this cluster fuck of a weekend. If I couldn't fall asleep, I would work out until I was exhausted and then go right back to sleep. It was a solid, albeit miserable plan.




"Watch the fucking road you fucking jack ass!" I yelled to a car on the freeway. "I'll fucking murder your whole family and skull fuck the bodies!"

It was a long drive back home and my parents and brother were out of town on vacation. I figured I would go home and pick up a few more of my things from my old room, and maybe lounge around for a couple of days. My parents always had great food in the house and I was looking forward to mooching off them while they were away. The food I could afford in college was getting bland and disgusting.

I had lost fifteen pounds this semester due to a loss of appetite. It was probably the best diet I had ever been on, but I was dying to have some steak and a good home cooked meal...even if I had to do the cooking. I would have to take it easy though, I didn't want to lose this killer body I had obtained. It had been over a year since I'd looked this hot and the college guys just ate it up.

It was just after midnight when I finally pulled into the drive at my parents' place and let myself in. I guess it was technically still my place too. When I opened the door, I was instantly hit with the familiar smell of home. The place still looked just the way I remembered it with its hardwood floors and warm colors.

Having the place to myself and wanting to relax, I made my way upstairs to my old room to change into something more comfortable. Stepping into my old room was like a blast from the past. Everything was just the way I had left it before I had gone off to college a couple years ago. I quickly stripped off all my clothes and rummaged through the clothes in my drawers. I eventually settled on a small white t-shirt and a pair of cute, but comfortable underwear.

On the drive home I'd had every intention of cooking something spectacular tonight, but now that I was home I was just tired. I settled for heating up some leftovers and then crawled into my bed and under a thick comforter just before passing out.




This couch was brutal. There were springs poking me all over. I don't know how I managed to sleep on it through the night. You could sit on it and avoid the springs, but laying down made it impossible. It felt like it was jabbing at me, trying to start a fight, but secretly hoping that I would kill it so it could finally go to that big furniture landfill in the sky.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice snarl at me. It was my older sister Dora! I had never been so happy to see her... Well I had never been happy to see her, but I was right then. Not saying a word, I raced past her bumping her from the side in my haste to get to the door, but it had already swung shut on its spring hinge.

"You stupid bitch! Now we're both stuck down here!" I yelled at her.

"Stuck down here?" she asked confused and forgetting her anger for a second. "You're such a retard, just open the door."

"Oh sure, I haven't tried that yet. I just like to hang out down here in this cave of treasures," I told her sarcastically giving her a little bit of my shoulder as I walked past her back down the stairs.

"I told mom and dad they should have checked you for Down Syndrome or something," Dora said walking back up the stairs to open the door. It didn't work.

"What the hell!" she said

"I told you, we're stuck down here. Tell me you have your phone."

"And exactly where would I be hiding it?" she asked walking back down the stairs. "Up my ass maybe?"

"Not a very secure spot. You sure it wouldn't just slip right out?" I shot back.

I had just noticed what she was wearing. She had on a somewhat tight white t-shirt that didn't even cover her ass completely with a pair of light pink lacy panties underneath and nothing else.

I really wanted to give her shit about it, but I wasn't much better attired, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. I was home alone and planned on changing after I had eaten and showered last night.

"What the hell are you doing home?" she asked ignoring my 'loose ass' comment. "I thought you were on vacation with mom and dad?"

"I'm 18 now, if I want to go on family vacations, I have to pay my own way," I said paraphrasing my parents. "Only you get free passes and special treatment," I told her snidely.

This was why I hated her so much. She could get into any trouble growing up and our parents would brush it off as her being a kid and growing up. Hell, she could fuck the entire college football team in front of a live studio audience and dad would say, 'Wow honey that must have been hard work! All of those guys at once? It must have been so exhausting. Way to stick it through until the end!' and mom would say, 'what a performance piece! I hope you got some video and stills for your portfolio!'

Okay, maybe it wouldn't go exactly like that, but they would find some excuse to let it slide.

Growing up, she got whatever she wanted handed to her on a silver fucking platter and when I needed something, I got the, 'you need to learn the value of hard work' speech. She was a spoiled brat and a bitch to boot.

"What are you doing home anyway? Come to mooch off the parents while we were all away?" I asked knowingly. "What are you doing down here anyway."

"I was looking for some Eggo's," she said. "We aren't really stuck down here are we? Can't you break through the door?"

"No. You don't think I would have thought of that before spending last night down here? You know what Josh," I said mockingly, "this basement is amazing! It's like a tropical vacation that I don't have to pack for. We should just spend the whole damn weekend down here instead of trying to find a way out," I finished sarcastically.

"Do you have to be such a dick all the time? Jesus Christ you're a jack ass!"

"Go fuck yourself... everyone else has," I told her sitting back down on the God forsaken devil couch.

"At least people want to fuck me fatty," Dora threw back using her old nick name for me.

I ignored it. Dora had not yet noticed the new me, given the circumstance. For the first time in my life it was a topic of insult that couldn't affect me. I knew how good I looked, and women even told me so as well. Hell, I had even gotten some nice compliments on my ass. I loved getting those. Almost as good as compliments about my cock, but not many women have seen it to compliment it.




I couldn't believe I was stuck down here with my brother! He was such a tool. No, he was a douche bag. No...he was a tool bag. Yeah, that's the one. I made my way around the basement trying to see if I could think of a way out. I couldn't see any, and that realization only infuriated me more because that dipshit was right.

I did notice that we wouldn't starve or die of thirst in our captivity. There seemed to be plenty to eat and drink, not that it would be much enjoyable uncooked. This was definitely not the way I had planned to spend my weekend. I had looked forward to relaxing and eating some good food, and now I would spend the weekend pissed off and eating room temperature slop from a can.

To and insult to injury, all I was wearing was a t-shirt and panties that didn't cover much at all, and trying to be comfy, I had forgone a bra and my C cups were stretching out the fabric of this white shirt. I could see dark patches where my nipples were, and the cool air down here was making them noticeably hard. I was trying to play it cool, but it was extremely uncomfortable being dressed like this around my brother. I felt completely exposed.

As I thought about my state of undress, I began to feel more and more naked. Feeling an increasing need to cover up, I looked in some boxes against the wall to see if there was any clothing in them that I could use. My search came up empty though. There was nothing but Christmas stuff and old junk our parents didn't want to get rid of.

After the eighth box of junk, I gave up. Not finding anything to wear or anything to pass the time, I sat on the far end of the couch and tried to ignore my brother while maintaining the little bit of modesty I had left to me. I would have preferred to sit anywhere else, except that there was nowhere else. Just the cold concrete floor, and I couldn't sit there all day.

After an hour of silence Josh got up and began to work out. In my shock at finding him here along with my anger, I hadn't noticed that he wasn't a fatty anymore. He actually looked good... really good. I watched as he went through an astounding number of push-ups before proceeding to jump up and catch one of the beams overhead and do about forty pull-ups without stopping. I had lost count watching his muscles flex and ripple. After that he spent the next thirty minutes doing crunches before getting a drink and going to sleep sitting on the sofa while resting his head on the arm.

It was unbelievable. My fatty brother just went through this incredible workout, and from start to finish his pace hadn't slowed a bit. What's more, is that with him only in his boxers I could see almost every muscle he had, and they looked great.

He had built up a little sweat and I could see his skin glistening while his chest rose and fell. He wasn't asleep yet, but his eyes were closed, and his breathing was starting to slow down to a normal rate.

I felt a slight tingle of my body betraying me. Forcing myself to look away, I thought of anything else. He was my brother and he was an asshole. I didn't know why I added that second bit. The first part should have been enough on its own.

Josh slept for a couple hours before waking up again.




After my little nap, my muscles were sore, and I was hungry. My sister was still sitting on the couch and for once she wasn't being a bitch. It's kind of hard to be a bitch when you aren't speaking, but sometimes she can pull that off too.

I went to the shelves of canned food and found some raviolis. There were not a lot of options to choose from that would taste all right uncooked, but in a pinch this would work. I spent five minutes praying to find a can opener but to no avail. What I did find was a knife with a dull tip and I spent the next couple minutes stabbing the can around the edge until I could remove the lid. Satisfied with my efforts, I sat down on the couch to eat my delicious feast with my fingers.

"You're such a pig! Do you know that?" Dora said.

"Well if you can find a fork or a spoon down here, you can be as ladylike as your sluttiness demands," I retorted casually while scoping out a ravioli.

"You're such an ass," she said.

Looking over at her I noticed something I had missed before...well several something's. She had a tattoo on the side of her upper thigh that disappeared underneath the waist of her panties. I couldn't quite tell what it was though. The other thing was that she was hot. She was tiny compared to my 6' 2" frame, and she seemed to have all the right curves in all the right places. I couldn't see any excess fat on her.

Seeing her in this new light was disconcerting. Have you ever known someone that you absolutely hated, but they were just so incredibly hot that you didn't know whether to punch them in the throat, or fuck them unconscious? That's how I was starting to feel about my sister. I was trying to smother that last part and nudge the scales toward the throat punching. Fucking your sister would be disgusting.

"When did you get a tattoo?" I asked not really thinking and forgetting to be an ass.

"Six months ago. I'd wanted one for a while and just decided to do it."

We were quiet for a while after that. I finished my food and threw my empty can into the trash bin next to the work bench.

I had another little work out and tried to take another nap, but sleep wouldn't come. It seems that after all the sleeping I had done my body refused to go down for the count without some more up time. I thought briefly about jerking off, I was always tired enough for a nap after that, but now that my sister was trapped down here with me, that was out of the question. Yeah... Thanks for ruining one more thing for me sis.

A short while later, hell froze over.

"Can you help me with this?" My sister was asking for my help. "I can't get it open."

Dora was actually asking me for something. Apparently, she couldn't get the knife I had used to penetrate the can of Spaghetti O's she was holding. Without a word I took the can from her and began murdering the top of it with the dull tipped knife so that she could eat something.

It took a little effort not to rub it in that she needed my help, but I figured that this was some severe personal growth for her. She had actually asked me to help her with something. Not the usual demand I would receive from 'her royal highness' to service her needs. And she even said thank you!

As highly amusing as it was to watch her try to scoop out and eat those little O's, I held my tongue for that as well. I could be the bigger man this time, even if she did make a mess of it. Her white t-shirt had orange marks from the sauce all over it before she ended her try for dignity. After that she began to carefully drink the contents from the can like a cup.

I tried my best to ignore her while she washed her hands and face in the little sink against the wall, and tried to find something to amuse myself. I found a large empty pickle jar that my dad was using to hold an assortment of washers. I emptied it and began trying to pitch them back into it from ten feet away.

Dora joined me back on the couch, making sure to stay on her end, and without a word began to join me in my little game. I kept quiet about her butting into my fun, at least she wasn't talking. I'm not sure how long we spent at it, we had no real reference of time except if it was light or dark out, but it felt like a while.

Dora would squeal with excitement every time she got one in, but she made a lot less than I did. After a while I called it quits. The game had lost its appeal and I was tired of picking up all of our misses. Having nothing else to do, I had a little work out before wearing myself out enough to take another nap.Dora


Without Josh talking, he wasn't that bad to be around. It seemed like as long as we didn't really acknowledge each other's existence we could get along just fine.

Once he fell back asleep, I was left to sit quietly by myself. Examining my shirt, I realized that I looked disgusting. I had smears of that sauce all over the place. I looked like a baby that didn't know how to feed itself and was wearing more food than I had gotten into me. There were even some O's stuck in my long brown hair.

I quietly got up, making sure not to wake Josh. Generally, I didn't care whether my actions woke him up or not, but I figured I had a couple of hours until he woke up on his own and I wanted to do a little wash.

As quietly as I could I prepped the washing machine for a small load, stripped down, and threw my things in. My underwear wasn't really that dirty, but if I was going to wash my shirt I might as well wash that too. And I might not always have a good opportunity with both of us sharing this room 24/7.

It felt really awkward to be standing there naked with my brother there in the room. He was still asleep on the couch with his back to me, but if he woke up this would be humiliating. However, if the intensity of his workout was any indication, he would be asleep for quite a while.

With the washing machine running I set to work cleaning the Spaghetti O's out of my hair and trying to straighten it out a bit.




I was jolted awake by the sound of metal on metal in a slight banging. I quickly turned around to see what it was only to find my sister standing with her back to me in front of the dryer. Dora was completely naked. The only thing she was wearing was her long dark brown hair that fell to just below the middle of her back. It was a little messy, but it was thick, and with her being naked it had a wild sexual look to it.

All I could see was her back, but I couldn't look away. She had the firmest, roundest ass I had ever seen, and it was nice and perky. She even had these two cute little dimples on her lower back that gave me the impression that her nakedness was smiling at me.

I couldn't see her breasts, but for some reason I was dying to. And when she bent her tiny little body over the dryer to set the dial, I got a brief glimpse of her bare pussy. I couldn't speak for the whole thing, but it was hairless and magnificent. Her tiny inner labia were just peeking out between her larger, and her pussy sat firm against her body, no puffiness or fat, just young and trim. I began to feel myself harden at an increasingly rapid rate and I quickly adjusted myself.

Right before she turned around, I feigned sleep. I couldn't find any after that though, all I could think about was her body. My sister's body. My stupid stuck up bitch sister's hot as fuck body. I'm not sure what I hated more right now, myself for wanting to fuck her, or her for just being the way she was. She was such a bitch... all the time.

I had to sit there awake for the whole dry cycle with a hard on in my shorts and a desperate urge to take it in hand. I was pretty sure she wouldn't come anywhere near me while she was naked, but I hoped to God she never saw my erection.

With my eyes closed and my painful member sitting in my lap, I listened for what felt like an eternity for the sound of the dryer. Finally, I heard the door open before the alarm could go off- she was being cautious not to wake me, and then I heard the quick rustling that could only be her putting her shirt and panties back on.




I had thankfully gotten through washing my clothes without Josh waking up. It would have been unbearable to be stuck down here with him after that. The last thing I needed was for my brother to see me completely naked and then have to be stuck in a room with him for the next three days. Josh would never let me forget it either. He slept for a little while longer before eventually coming to and I silently praised my timing.

Josh seemed to notice that my shirt was clean again but didn't say anything about it. It seemed that our unspoken truce we had developed around our silence was still in effect. Sitting on our separate sides of the couch, we spent the rest of the day pitching washers into a jar or just sitting in silence.

After it got dark out we were both thinking about sleep. There was only the couch and I knew I would not be sharing it with him. That was too much to ask. And there was no way in hell I would be the one to sleep on the floor.

"I get the couch," I declared starting to stretch out on it. Funny enough, Josh didn't argue with me on it. He just dug around in the camping gear and pulled out a large sleeping bag. That would have come in really handy when I was butt naked earlier. It's not exactly making a fashion statement or anything, but it would have at least covered me up.

He rolled out the sleeping bag on the floor a little ways from the couch and turned out the light. It was completely dark, and I couldn't see a thing, but I could hear rustling as he climbed into the sleeping bag.

I quickly understood why he didn't argue about the couch. No matter how I positioned myself, it felt like I was being stabbed in several places by springs. I didn't know how our dad slept down here when our mom was pissed at him. I would have thrown this thing out a long time ago and replaced it.

As the night went on I tossed and turned, and the temperature dropped. Uncomfortably so. It was just to the point where I started shivering before I'd had enough. Carefully making my way through the dark, I found Josh on the ground and gave him a soft kick to wake him up.




"What!" I said, being shocked awake with what felt like a kick in my side.

"Switch with me, I can't sleep on that couch," my sister said firmly.

"Not gonna happen. Besides, you were so adamant that you should get it earlier. So, guess what, it's all yours," I told her with a little joy at her present and future discomfort. "You get to sleep there until mom and dad get back."

"Switch with me or I'm going to keep kicking you until you do," she threatened.

"Try it and I'll tie you up and hang you upside down from the ceiling. I'm not a little kid anymore," I delivered in a calm even voice.

She seemed to think it over before changing tactics. "I'm cold and that couch is horrible... Could you at least scoot over?" she sounded like she was pouting. Either it was real, or she was a very good actor.

We were entering dangerous ground. Since I had seen her naked, I had been having an exceedingly difficult time maintaining my composure. By composure, I mean not getting a raging erection every time I looked at her. It seemed that since I had seen her naked, I could envision what she looked like underneath with every glance at her clothed body.

"Please," she said. This was really unlike her. She actually sounded sincere.

"Fine," I said scooting over. The sleeping bag was rather large, our mom and dad used it together when they would go camping, but it was somewhat of a tight squeeze for two people. When Dora got in and situated, her side was pressed firmly against mine.

It was uncomfortable. I can't speak for her, but feeling her right next to me...I was afraid to move and have my skin brush against hers. I felt awkward and I couldn't move around to get more comfortable. On top of all of that, my cock was standing straight up like a flag pole causing a major tent in the fabric. I took a small moment to thank God for the darkness, and for the awkwardness between us that prevented either of us from moving. If she accidentally touched it, I think I would have to kill myself to prevent the horror of having to hear about it from her for the rest of my life. And she would most definitely never let me forget it.

It took a long time, but I finally drifted to sleep.




"What the fuck sis?!" I woke hearing my brother's panicked voice.

It was dark out and I was completely under the covers. It took me a few seconds to realize where I was. I was in the basement of our parents' house, trapped with my brother.

The covers were pulled back, blinding me with the light of day coming in from a small window and my brother was looking down at me. Oh shit. I was laying on his chest with my leg hooked over him. This was embarrassing, I must have moved in my sleep.

"You can let go of me anytime now," he said with a panicked edge to his voice.

Still sleepy, I was trying to process what he said and then I felt it. It jumped in my hand. I was cuddling on my asshole brother and I had my hand wrapped around his hardened cock. My hand jerked away as if burned and I threw myself away from him in panic only to slam into the side of the closed sleeping bag. Ignoring the zipper, I scrambled out of the bag and scurried away backwards on hands and feet until I made contact with the side of the couch where I huddled around my knees.

This had to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. I had been holding my brother's morning wood. And I couldn't stop thinking about how big it had felt in my hand. I was 22, I'd had a lot of sex and seen a lot of dick, but from what I had felt this one beat them all. Part of me wanted to see it, to touch it again, but it was my brother's!

Being slutty was one thing, I had learned early on that that was my lot in life, loving sex, but thinking about your brother like that was just totally wrong.

After I had scampered away, Josh quickly slipped out of the sleeping bag and made a beeline for the tiny bathroom holding his crotch. I didn't know if he was peeing or jerking off, but I tried desperately not to listen.

Part of me deep down, really wanted him to be jerking off.




Slamming the bathroom door, I couldn't help but let out a small moan. I had woken up and Dora had been laying against me with her hand wrapped around my cock through my boxers. I was so shocked by the feeling of her holding me I had cried out. Her hand had been slowly gripping me over and over and it had felt amazing.

I couldn't get that feeling out of my mind as I stood there gripping my hard shaft and I began to unconsciously stoke myself. I almost creamed the inside of my boxers before I realized and pulled them down, shooting off into my hand.

I couldn't believe I had just jerked off thinking about my sister's hand on my cock. I quickly cleaned the cum off my hand and peed with my cock now deflating and hoped that Dora wouldn't think I had rubbed one out after that whole ordeal.

I stepped out of the bathroom and quickly washed my hands in the sink against the wall, trying to wash away the smell of my cum before Dora could detect it.

She was still sitting stunned in the same place I had left her in front of the sofa. She had the look of someone who had been hit between the eyes with a hammer. This dazed, shocked look, still holding the traces of fear that they had when they saw the blow coming.

I avoided her. Hell, I avoided the whole situation. The last thing I needed was for her to give me shit about being a perv because I had a hard on sleeping next to her...even if she was the one holding me and squeezing me in her sleep.

Not wanting to go through opening a can of soup with the knife, I opened the freezer and pulled out an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. Not healthy, I know, but I had a hell of a morning already and it wasn't like we had many nutritious options.

I lingered by the washer and dryer behind her, eating in silence.

Silence. It was deafening. It was even worse than yesterday it seemed. We had been rather quiet the whole previous day, but that was out of our controlled anger and hate. This silence was born from shock and embarrassment... Shame.

After I finished eating, I worked the outside of the room peering into boxes, seeing if there might be anything I had missed from my original examination. There wasn't much of interest. I found some old baby stuff of mine and Dora's, a couple of lousy board games, at least they were in my opinion. Who actually plays Monopoly still? You never finish the game anyway; someone always ends up getting pissed and shit starts flying. There were also some old Steven Segal VHS tapes of my dad's hidden in a box I'd previously overlooked. No wonder they were down here. First off, VHS. Second, our dad is the only person in our family who can stand to watch them. Our mother has made it clear that he is not to torture anyone in the family by watching them with us.

On the upside, I found Candy Land. And no, I'm not a Candy Land fan. There just happened to be enough cards in that game to make a deck of playing cards out of.

While the silence stretched on, I stood there with a pen writing out the numbers and letters and drawing the suits. I figured I could waste some time playing solitaire... Since now that my sister was here, I couldn't waste my time away playing the other kind of solitaire.

I stood playing a few games on the top of the dryer, lost in thought, when Dora walked by me and scared the shit out of me making me jump. She pretended not to notice my skittishness and proceeded to pull out a frozen strawberry popsicle, the kind made of real strawberries, and ignoring me she went back to sit on the couch. The day pretty much went like that until about midafternoon.

"Do you want to try watching a movie?" Dora asked breaking the silence that had gone on for so long.

"Fuck! I almost shit my pants. You scared the hell out of me," I told her.

It seemed she had found the box of movies that I had, and out of extreme boredom was willing to try anything to break the monotony.

"Sure, whatever," I told her still avoiding any potential eye contact.

She picked one at random and popped it into the VCR and turned on the old TV set. You could tell right away it was an old movie because the quality was garbage. I grabbed a couple of ice cream sandwiches from the freezer and as I sat on my side of the couch, I handed one to Dora.

The movie started off a little weird, there weren't any credits or a title, unless I missed that part somehow, and the acting was cheesy. I kind of felt like I was watching a really old soap opera. About seven minutes in there was this sex scene that was starting, and I was feeling a little uncomfortable watching this while sitting next to my sister, especially after what happened this morning.

A minute later I realized it wasn't a Steven Segal movie. What made you realize that you ask? I think it was the full on full-frontal male nudity and this forty something blonde woman taking a cock in her mouth.

"Are you sure you got the right movie?" I asked getting nervous. My erection had started to form, and it wasn't like I had jeans or some other thick material to keep myself discreet. Casually placing my arm across my erection to keep it down I asked again.

"Sis? Sis!" I said breaking her from the screen. "Are you sure you put in the right movie?"

"It was the one in the box..."

She got up and hit the eject button on the VCR and pulled out the tape. The second she moved I could smell it. I hadn't slept with many girls, but I knew the smell of wet pussy when I came across it. It had this earthy musk that was unmistakable, and it could quickly fill a room and linger for some time. I was sitting, locked in our basement with a huge hard on and my sister's wet pussy. I was so hard I could use it as a battering ram to break down the broken door. Not really, but if I could have I would have been out of there.

"Oh my God! This says Slutty Housewives #2! This is porn! I just watched porn with my brother!" she whimpered, dropping the tape to the ground and backing away from it.

"I guess this explains why mom doesn't want dad to watch his Steven Segal movies around us," I said trying to take the edge off. It was either that or it was the reason he hid his old ass porn in Steven Segal VHS sleeves.

"I think I might be sick," Dora said.




I rushed into the small bathroom and shut the door behind me. My hurry had nothing to do with sickness. I quickly pulled my panties down around my knees and began to rub my clit with a fury. Seeing that porn, even as old as it was, with my brother, turned me on. When I looked at him, I could see him trying to hide his hard cock down the leg of his boxers and I couldn't take it anymore.

I have a pretty high sex drive and all of the stimulus I had been getting, with no release, was starting to really get to me. I just need to take the edge off and then things will go back to normal. I lied to myself. The whole time I touched myself, I couldn't get the sight of my brother out of my mind.

I was dripping down my thighs as I rubbed my pussy and I jammed two fingers up my sloppy cunt, imagining it was my brother's cock. My knees were shaking slightly, and my hips were bucking into my hands as I stood there working myself over. I was so close already, but I needed more. Josh's cock. I slipped one more finger into my slick hole and fucked myself harder.

I came hard, biting down on my lip to keep from screaming out anything...my brother's name most of all. Shaking and panting I quickly cleaned myself up with some tissue, pulled up my panties, and flushed the toilet.

When I came back out, I quickly went to wash my hands in the sink trying to get rid of the smell of my arousal. I spent longer than necessary scrubbing my hands most likely in an attempt to wash away the shame and disgust I felt for thinking about my brother while I had gotten myself off. It didn't matter how good he looked or how big his cock was, he was my brother! Thinking about him was just so gross! And I had hated him since his birth. I wasn't sure which part of this disgusted me worse, but I was now feeling slightly nauseated.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked me. He actually seemed concerned.

Thinking quickly, I washed my mouth out like I had been puking and spit it into the sink.

"I'll be fine...Thanks," That last part had been a little difficult to get out. It was just so easy to hate him.

"I checked the other movies, they're all porn, so no luck there. There is even a Bambi movie case with Bad Babysitters in it. Dad sure likes his vintage porn I guess," he said with a forced laugh. "Do you want to play some cards?"

"Sure. Is rummy OK?" I asked trying to keep my composure.

We sat and played quietly on the floor in front of the couch for a while with his modified Candy Land deck. The game was helping to keep my mind off things...mostly. I would get caught up in our game and then it would sneak back up on me and hit me all over again, giving me naughty tingling feelings before I could crush them again underneath my shame and loathing.

"Do you want to get drunk?" I asked. I figured that it was pretty much the only way we could make this lock-in bearable.

"No booze," Josh replied with a sigh.

"I um...found some earlier. I wasn't going to share, but this weekend is fucked and there just might be enough for two of us." I confessed.I looked all over this place. If there was alcohol, I would know about it."

"I was looking during one of your naps yesterday and there are a couple bottles hidden in a cubby next to the washer," I said getting up.

I quickly walked over to the washing machine and bent low, reaching into the cubby, to pull out two bottles of Johnny Walker Black Label. One of them was already half empty, but the other was still unopened.

"Do you like scotch?" I asked holding up a bottle in each hand.

"I don't care if it's fermented moose piss, so long as I can get drunk off it."




Dora took a long pull from the already opened bottle and passed it to me while she sat down. It wasn't great alcohol, but it definitely wasn't bad. I had expected it to be harsher going down.

"Not bad," I told her, taking another swallow before handing it back to her. We continued on playing card games, and to my drunk mind, Dora was more fun and less of a bitch. I wasn't sure if it was just because I was drunk or because she was as well.

"What the hell is that tattoo of?" I asked her. I had been staring at it for a while, what I could see on the side of her thigh at least. The rest of it must be covered by the side of her underwear.

"It's a branch of cherry blossoms, see?" she said standing up and turning to her side. She pulled her shirt up and the side of her panties down and there it was, a brown branch with pink cherry blossoms climbing her side from her upper thigh to her rib cage beside her breast.

The way she was holding her shirt showed just the barest curve of her bare breast. It looked amazing and I was struggling to keep my dick in check. The way she stood with her side to me, I couldn't see her pussy, but just knowing that it was exposed was a thrill as well.

I couldn't help but imagine what she looked like with that tattoo when she was completely naked. I had a feeling it would be spectacular. She held her pose for quite a while giving me a really good look before letting her shirt back down and righting her clothes and sitting in a hurry. Was she blushing?

Taking another long pull off the scotch, she passed the bottle back to me. I needed it.

"It's your deal," she said.

I was so distracted she easily beat me on the next several hands. As the day turned into night we drank and played, chatting about everything and nothing. How school was, when I started working out, which she complimented me on, what college life was like, what we thought about the new Transformers movie they were making and if it was going to be better or worse than the abortion they had made of the last one. Just random stuff.

Anytime the subject got anywhere remotely near sex we would both steer the conversation elsewhere rapidly. It was a good thing too, because I was still thinking about her tattoo, and the glimpse I had seen of her naked.

We ate some crackers and ice cream for dinner, not wanting to try to use the knife to open any cans while I was drunk. The last thing we needed was for me to cut off a finger while we were trapped down here until Monday.

Finally, wasted, we decided to call it a night. Today had turned out to be much better than the previous day, and for once I wasn't dreading spending the next three days with my sister.

"If you're sleeping in here again you better keep your hands to yourself," I joked as I crawled into the sleeping bag. Dora just blushed and crawled in beside me without saying a word. With the lights off, and being really drunk, I fell asleep easily.




I spent a long time waiting for Josh to pass out. He fell asleep rather quickly I think, but I had to make sure he was really asleep for this. I was nowhere near as drunk as my brother probably assumed. I was still drunk though. I needed to be to have the courage for this, but most of my long pulls on the bottle had been a show. I had wanted him to get wasted, and the best way was to lead by example.

I slowly turned onto my side, making sure not to jostle him in our tight confines. I stared at him in the dark, not really being able to see anything, and held my breath knowing what was going to happen next.

Gathering all my courage, I slowly moved my hand over his stomach and lowered it until I made contact with his firm abs. Even without him flexing I could feel the ridges of his muscles and that alone was making me wet.

I let my hand rest there on his warm skin for a few moments, prepared to pull my hand away the second he stirred. Only feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest, I became bolder. I slid my hand down very carefully, making sure to take note of his breathing, and moved my hand over his boxer shorts. I could feel his soft cock underneath my hand and I gently began to pet it through the thin material.

I knew this was wrong. It was so fucked up. This was my brother and the person I hated the most in this world, but with my hormones screaming at me and the alcohol flowing through my blood, my mind said nothing but yes. It was exhilarating and scary all at the same time and my body was trembling with anticipation.

Like magic, my brother's cock slowly began to grow under my fingers until it was rigid and pulling at the side of his shorts. Holding his girth in my hand was such a turn on, I couldn't stop myself from squeezing my legs together as a little shock ran through my pussy. I was so horny I could smell it suffocating the inside of the sleeping bag.

I was very careful as I slipped his cock out of the front hole on his shorts and let it stand up straight. It felt like a rock in my hand. A very thick, very long rock. I had thought it was big before, from the little feel I remembered from the other morning, but this was even better than I had imagined.

I slowly began to stroke my brother's cock while he slept. I moved my hand up and down adding a little corkscrew every so often to change it up. It felt so warm and soft in my hand and I was aching to slip it into my pussy. I knew that would be a death sentence. He might be able to sleep through a little hand job, but there was no way I would be able to control myself and be gentle if I had that thing in my pussy. I would get carried away fucking myself silly and wake him up.

Slipping that beauty into my mouth was out too. My mouth watered just thinking about it, but there wasn't enough room for me to get down there. I had to settle for feeling it in my hand. I was aching to touch my pussy and cum while I jacked him off, but if I did, I would never notice if he woke and I would probable wake him when I came. It's extremely hard for me to multi-task through an orgasm, especially when I've been drinking.

My brother's breathing began to quicken, and his hips were thrusting into my hand. He gave no signs of being awake, so I began pumping him faster. My pussy was on fire, demanding my touch. His cock began to swell in my grip and I knew he was going to cum. I hadn't thought this through. What would I do with his cum?

Before I could come up with an idea, I felt his cock begin to throb as he came from my stroking. By the time he finished shooting, my hand was covered in his spunk, as well as the inside of the sleeping bag and his stomach. Feeling really kinky, I brought my hand to my mouth and licked up his sperm from my fingers.

In high school and college, I was always the girl that swallowed, whether it tasted good or not. This however was the best I'd ever had, and I knew it wasn't just because of the taste, but because how depraved it was to jerk off my brother while he slept and then licking his cum off of my hand without him even knowing.

Still savoring my brother's cum, swirling it around in my mouth, I began to finger myself. It didn't take long before I came hard with my entire body shaking next to him. My release was so intense I had to bite my lip to keep myself from crying out.

It took a long time for my body to stop trembling with tingles and aftershocks. I knew that that too was thanks to him. One of the best orgasms I ever had, and it was all thanks to him... And he would never know. But I would.




I woke up with a killer headache, spooning with my sister. Dora was still asleep and I gave a little prayer for that. I had some great morning wood going on that was nuzzling her firmly between her butt cheeks.

I began to pull away from her and I felt it. Something was pulling on the small hairs on my abs. I was wondering what the hell it could be when my sister woke up. She shifted, startled and then froze.

"Josh? Is that what I think it is?" she asked carefully. Her voice was dead of any emotion.

I pulled away from her and it felt a little like I was ripping off a band aid. I quickly turned over to face away from her and unzipped my side of the sleeping bag. I had dried cum all over my stomach, as well as other places.

I was panicking. I wanted to cry, shout in a rage, and die all at once. I also felt numb. My cock was poking out through the hole in my boxer and it had been pressed against my sister. And worse, I had cum all over us while we were spooned together.

It was so fucking hot, and sick, and fucked up, and all I felt was horny thinking about it. I tucked my cock back into my boxers and ran to the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry sis, I didn't mean it. I was asleep and and and..." I couldn't think of anything as I slammed the bathroom door behind me. I sat in there for a while. I was disgusted with myself, turned on by my sister that I hated since I had learned what hate was.

I was a mess (covered in cum as well as emotionally) and I had no way to wash this dried-up mess off my skin. To top it all off, I still had this fucking headache! After a long while I took a deep breath and opened the door. I just knew this was going to be bad.

My sister was standing by the washing machine stuffing the sleeping bag into it. Ignoring her I went straight to the sink, grabbed a clean sponge, and began trying to clean myself with water and some hand soap. With a little rubbing, it started to come away, but mostly it just re-hydrated into a slick, sticky mess.

While I washed, my sister didn't say a thing and I was surprised. She usually takes any advantage to ridicule me at every turn. I was expecting 'pervert' comments, and shit about having wet dreams at the absolute least...but nothing? I was being stupid. I just needed to be thankful that she hadn't opened her mouth. I continued scrubbing as a part of my mind anticipated the arrival of a disembodied voice shouting 'Finish him!'.

"Give me those," Dora said.

I winced the instant I heard her voice. I thought I had spoken too soon.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"Your shorts. I'm going to wash our stuff. We've been wearing them for the last couple days and they...smell. I'm sure yours are the worst...with you working out and sweating in them," she said, uncharacteristically skirting around my shame.

This totally blind-sided me. She knew what had happened and was avoiding it on purpose? It even sounded like she was sparing me. I could have sworn that she was going to say that they were covered in cum before she paused.

"I don't have anything else to wear," I told her with my back still to her. I couldn't stop my voice from being small and quiet.

"Neither do I, and my stuff is already in there. Don't be a little bitch about it," she said in her usual form. "Just hand them over."

After a long, nervous pause, I slipped my thumbs into my waistband and began to lower them. Once past my thighs, they fell to the floor, and holding my now flaccid junk in a cupped hand I picked them up and held them out behind me.

I couldn't turn around. I knew she was naked, and I really wanted to see it, but so was I and I knew that from the first look I had at her I would be rock hard again. The only thing that was keeping it down now, with the knowledge that she was naked behind me, was shame. Shame! The almighty erection slayer! The second highest killer of erections next to vagina monsters themselves.

I felt her take them from my hand as her fingers brushed against mine. I guess she hoped that where I was touching was the only guaranteed safe spot on them.




As I reached for his shorts, I let my fingers brush against his. Just knowing that we were touching while we were both completely naked was a thrill. I still hated him, but I couldn't help but be worked up by the sight of his body. His face wasn't bad now either, now that he had lost all of the baby fat on it. He had a strong jaw and a rugged, masculine look.

I really wanted him to turn around. I wanted to see him, but I think more importantly I wanted him to see me. My body hadn't looked this good in a long time, and I wanted to see the approval in his eyes. I had seen it when I showed him my tattoo and it was like a drug, I wanted more of it. The view from behind was pretty good though. He had an ass that all women wish their men had. And those thick thighs said nothing but power. He looked like he could fuck for hours if his cock could keep up.

I threw his shorts into the washing machine and started it up. I didn't know what we would be doing for the next two hours without any clothes, but I was excited to find out. Even if it was just me getting a few good looks.

I felt pretty bad about how things started out this morning. I had been the one that jacked him off and made him come all over the place. In my drunken lust, I hadn't even thought about the mess he would make. And then I fell asleep and we ended up spooning and getting it all over both of us. The poor boy thought it was entirely his fault.

I could have destroyed him with a few words this morning and left him a small nothing of a person with my ridicule, but I couldn't find it in me. I didn't know if it was because it was my fault, or if it was because of the way he made my pussy feel even without touching me. I couldn't believe how fucked up I had become in a matter of days.

Somewhere between yesterday and today my disgust for Josh had somehow began to fade. Now I was more curious and excited. I still hated the man, but by God I loved the body.

Whatever my thoughts were, I was almost as nervous as he was as I stood there naked. Part of me knew I was safe because he wouldn't, couldn't, turn around to face me. Both physically and metaphorically. I could pretend to be as open about my nudity as I wanted, but I knew to my bone, that the second he turned around I would go scrambling for cover.

There was only one solution. Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. I didn't care that it was still morning. I wasn't even going to pretend that it was 4 p.m. somewhere. I knew damn well what time it was, and it was time to get wasted.

I walked over to the bottle by the couch and finished off the last of what was in the first bottle before grabbing the full one and opening it as I walked over behind Josh.

"Drink this," I told him.

He didn't even object or ask why, he took a few long swallows and handed the bottle back. I took another sip before putting the cap back on. I knew it would take a few minutes for the effects to kick in, but I felt like I needed a little more of a push.

We stood there for a few minutes, him standing by the sink with his back to me unmoving, and I was leaning against the dryer. Like warm water rapidly rising, I felt the alcohol kick in and I almost immediately felt relaxed. I waited another minute for it to hit Josh. I knew it had to be affecting him by now, he had drunk more than I had.

Feeling significantly buzzed and more relaxed, I walked over to the sink to stand next to him. It was extremely forward, but I tried to keep it as innocent as possible. I had the feeling that if I didn't get him to loosen up, he would stand there until our stuff was dry.

Taking care to not even look in his direction, I grabbed the sponge and got it soapy. The moment I was next to Josh he turned away, never looking in my direction. I carefully washed my body and freshened my pussy. It had been dripping almost constantly the last couple of days and it needed freshening up.

"Can you wash my lower back," I asked carefully. I didn't think any of his cum had gotten me there, but if he felt guilty he would be more likely to do it. "I think it's...dirty," I finished leaving it out there, but not saying it outright.

I held the sponge against his hand, and when he took hold of it I turned away so he could 'wash' me. I knew he was looking at me now, but he hadn't started yet. After a long pause, that I knew was him checking me out, he began to move the wet sponge across my skin.

He was very slow and delicate, and it felt incredible. I could feel my pussy getting wet and it took massive amounts of will power not to fidget or touch myself. I knew I should have waited to wash my pussy. After this it would be dripping down my thighs.

He had started out in the center of my lower back and slowly worked his way out. First to the sides and up and then finally down. Those slow, teasing swipes against my skin were excruciating and when he began to go lower to wash the tops of my ass I was breathing faster and biting back little moans. I was praying that he couldn't hear my breathing or feel my body trembling under his touch. All of this and he still hadn't actually touched me. Just with an ordinary sponge.

I was so caught up with the feelings that I had failed to notice the smell in the air. It was thick with the smell of sex, my sex. He had to have noticed it. It was overpowering. The smell, the feeling of that sponge on my back, and my pussy juice dripping down my thighs, and knowing that it was my brother behind it all made me light headed. It was so erotic, and perverted...and fucked up beyond all measure. I didn't even realize I had started swaying back and forth until I fell backward into Josh.

My back hit his abs and his cock hit my ass. He was fully hard and pressed between us. He must have grabbed me out of reflex and he held me to him for a few moments. His hands were on my rib cage with his fingers pressing into the soft flesh of my breasts.

It felt great to be held by him. I wanted to stay just like that for a while. Okay, maybe not just like that. I could have used more of his hands moving over my body, but this was good. Before he could come to his senses, I chickened out and pulled away.

"Thanks for washing me," I said politely. "And for catching me. I must have lost my balance. Do you want to play some cards?" I asked walking over to the couch, pretending that this was completely normal. "Bring the bottle," I added, as if him coming were a forgone conclusion.

I sat on the ground with my legs pulled up to my chest. Not completely covering myself, but just enough to pretend at modesty. Josh came up from behind me, set the bottle down by my side, and struggled to find a position to sit naked that didn't have him completely exposed. There really wasn't one. All he could do was try to cover his dick with both hands and fail. I didn't know how big it was exactly. It wasn't like I could measure it; all I knew was large. The most impressive one that I had seen. He looked like he was trying to hide a semi-truck with a Volkswagen.

Not wanting to scare him off, I didn't mention his arousal. I pretended that it wasn't even there. It did take some serious effort to not just stare at it though. Eventually it became obvious that something needed to be addressed. Josh kept shifting around, in an attempt to cover himself more, all with no success.Here," I said crossing my legs Indian style. I was completely exposed now. "Now we're both naked with our junk hanging out."




I couldn't stop staring. I had tried as hard as I could to hide my erection in front of my sister and she just went and put herself on display for me. Her breasts were fantastic, round and firm, sitting high on her chest with dark nipples and small areolas. They were gorgeous. My eyes drifted down her firm tummy to her pussy. It must have been waxed, because after all the time we had been down here it was still baby smooth with a thin landing strip on top guiding the way for unseasoned travelers.

Her lips were just like I remembered from that little peek I had had before, but they were slightly swollen now, and they were glistening. It couldn't mean anything. She was just nervous that she was naked in front of somebody else that was naked. That's totally natural. I rationalized.

"Rummy?" she asked picking up the cards.

I couldn't speak right now. My dick was hard and on display and I was still a little speechless from seeing her body naked. I had assumed correctly when I thought her tattoo of cherry blossoms would look spectacular when she was naked. I let my eyes take in the detail as I gazed at it running up the side of her tight little body. I couldn't help the involuntary jump of my cock.

Dora dealt out the cards and it was obvious that we were both playing like crap. Well I was for sure, she might have just been having lousy luck. We continued though, drinking and playing while I continued to sneak glances at her nakedness.

Eventually the washer stopped, and Dora got up to put the clothes into the dryer. When she came to sit back down, she sat just a little closer and she began to talk, trying to have a conversation that I pretty much left one sided.

"I've been thinking about getting my lip pierced," she said breaking me out of one of my trances. "Like right here off to the side with a ring to wrap around my lip," she explained pointing to her lower lip. "My friend Marcy told me I should get one or both of my nipples done but I don't know. Do you think it would look weird on me?" she continued casually fingering her left nipple.

I figured she was just drunk and had gotten to the 'I don't care' stage. I gave a noncommittal answer and she moved on.

"Audrey has her clit pierced!" she went on clearly finding it a little exciting. "I don't think I would like that though. It sounds painful, but she says it's amazing. Maybe I could get a little jewel stud right here though," she said as she pinched her outer labia near the top. "Wouldn't that look exotic?"

All I heard was 'Erotic'. Out of reflex my eyes followed her hand as her fingers dipped past her lips to pinch her labia with her thumb. As soon as her fingers touched her pussy my cock twitched and a little drop of precum oozed out. Seeing her touch her pussy like that was one of the hottest things I had seen a girl do in front of me. My hand twitched, trying to grasp my painfully hard erection before I could jerk it back into place.

After a long pause with Dora holding her pussy with her fingers, she looked at me, and then down to my obviously dripping erection.

"Are you okay? That thing's been like that for a while... Do you need to...take care of it?" she asked bluntly.

"Fuck Dora!" I exclaimed getting up, embarrassed.

I turned from her and started to walk away until I noticed I was walking in the direction of the bathroom. I changed directions and went to the sink. I definitely didn't want her to think that I was going to the bathroom to take care of it.

"No need to get bent out of shape about it. You've just been like that for a while," she said with a little of her old attitude. Then a little more teasing. "Did my little brother see something he liked?" she laughed.

With that, my reserve broke.

"Fuck me! You couldn't just keep your shit together for a few more days?" I yelled. "Do you think this was how I wanted to spend my weekend? Do you think I'm enjoying this? I'm supposed to be balls deep in Amber Winslow right now. I finally find an attractive woman that actually wants to have sex with me and guess where I am? I'm trapped in a basement with my sister, who's prancing around like Date 'Rape-Me' Barbie!" I shouted. "Even with your clothes on you're pretty much naked! FUUUCK!" I screamed letting it all out.

This had been one of the most frustrating couple days of my life. My mind had been set on a weekend of sex and now, not only did I not have sex, I was trapped in a basement with the one girl that I couldn't have sex with, no matter how much my body wanted me to. And she found this amusing!

"Fuck me!" she said in exasperation, standing up.

There was a long silence. I had shouted myself out and I was afraid that if I went on I would say something I shouldn't. My heart was still raced as my rage and frustration began to fade away. We just stood there looking at each other for a while before Dora broke the silence.

"That wasn't an expression, that was a request," she said staring back at me.

I was confused, I didn't know what she was talking about. Before I could even process it, she ran at me and jumped gripping my hips with her bent knees while she wrapped her arms around me.

I was so stunned I didn't even move out of the way and her momentum carried us both to the ground. Her body was pulled tight against mine as we hit the concrete with a painful thud, and I could feel her breast mashed into my chest and her hard nipples digging into me. My cock was pressed between us and I could feel a slickness and a warmth from her pussy resting against me.

"Fuck me," she whispered in my ear.

This was a turn I hadn't seen coming, and I couldn't move. She had to be fucking with me.

"I'm not fucking with you," she whispered as if answering my thoughts and giving my earlobe a little lick for emphasis. "I don't care if you hate me, I don't care if you love me... Just fuck me," she said as she started to grind against my cock. "Fuck me," she whispered again giving my ear another flick with her tongue. "I'm on top of you, I'm naked, I'm horny, and I'm begging you. Fuck me!" she moaned.

I finally broke from my dazed shock. I was horny, confused as hell, and pissed off. All rational thought abandoned me and I succumb to my primal desire. I grabbed her around the waist and roughly rolled us over. I was sitting up on my knees looking down at her firm curvaceous body, her legs splayed open, inviting me.

As if my body had a mind of its own, I grabbed her by the hips and slid her along the floor until her ass was resting on my thighs. I quickly aimed my cock at her dripping cunt.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed as I pulled her forcefully onto my steel shaft.

She was so wet, I had little resistance as I stretched her little cunt around my girth. After only a couple of thrusts my pelvis was touching hers and I began to slam into her with a fury.

"Fuck yes! Fuck my pussy!" she screamed in ecstasy. "Fuck you're big! Oh God, fuck me!"

I had my hands hooked under her spread thighs pulling her onto my cock as I thrust into her. The slapping from our hips and thighs rang out in the basement loud in my ears. I was fucking her hard enough to make her constant moans break with each powerful thrust.

Dora's face was contorted in a mix of pain and bliss as she stared into my eyes while I mercilessly pounded her cunt. I hated her. I hated how she acted, the things she did, and how entitled she was. I put all of my anger and frustration into it and gave it to her as hard as I could. It was almost hypnotizing to watch her firm breast bounce back and forth with my violent thrusts.

"You... Fucking... Bitch!" I said emphasizing my words with my thrusts. "Stupid... Fucking... Slut! I'm going to... Destroy... This... Pussy!"

"Oh fuck! Don't stop!" my sister screamed for me. She reached down and started fingering her clit right in front of me, chasing her coming orgasm. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" she moaned with my thrusts.

"Ooooohhhhh! That's it! Yes!" she screamed getting louder. "Ooooh fuck!" she squeaked as she began convulsing in her bliss. Her entire body began to shake as I continued to pound into her, her hot cunt spasming around my shaft.

I didn't even slow down for her climax. I continued fucking her to the slap-slap-slap of our union. She was so hot underneath me like this. Her long brown hair was spread out in a fan around her. Her hot little body bouncing as I pulled her repeatedly onto my cock.

It seemed like something inside my sister broke. Dora had lost all control now and was just along for the ride. She couldn't even moan anymore she was so out of breath. Before I even knew it, she came again. Her jaw clenched, and her eyes squeezed shut as she quaked all over again.

With her pussy clamping down on me, I felt my orgasm rising in the distance. I kept slamming into her like a limp fuck toy, feeding my coming orgasm with each thrust.

"No... no more," I barley heard her whisper. "It's too much... I can't... I can't... Oh God!" she squeaked as she came again.

Feeling her pussy shudder around my cock pushed me over the edge. I buried myself deep, firing off rope after rope against her cervix. With each blast her body jolted anew. By my last rope, Dora was gasping for breath trying to survive the aftershocks that tore through her body.

Exhausted, I collapsed on top of my sister to hold her. I might have been angry when I was fucking her, but that was amazing. I felt like a champion who had fucked his way to the finish line, and without her I couldn't have done it. Her hot little body was amazing, and I was in love with the cute little sounds she would make while I fucked her senseless.

I lay there holding her for quite a while with my cock still buried inside her well fucked pussy before she finally gave me a little nudge on my chest and I rolled off of her. I laid down next to her on the bare concrete while we both let our breathing settle down. After a few seconds she rolled over and rested her head on my chest and hooked her leg over mine.

"Hummm," she hummed while she ran her fingers over my muscles. The only way I could describe that sound is 'satisfied'.

"I have a confession," Dora said into my chest. "All of this happened because of me."

I was a little confused. I knew she was to blame, she was the one who jumped on me and begged me to fuck her. Before I could point this out, she continued.

"I have been so horny. You've changed so much. Your body... When I woke up with your cock in my hand that first morning, I was so turned on and it felt so big! And then there was me being in my underwear around you, turning you on which turned me on..." she continued. "I got you drunk last night, and after you passed out I had to feel you again. And I... I jerked you off until you came," she said with a little difficulty. "You just happened to roll over and spoon me after I had fallen asleep. That's how your cum got everywhere. And that's why our clothes are in the wash. And why we are naked... And why you fucked me."

As if to make the point, the timer for the dryer went off with a long annoying buzz that filled the basement. Neither of us moved. I was too exhausted to be bothered just yet, and I didn't know where Dora was at. Her revelation was a shock. If I hadn't just fucked her, I would have never believed her or anyone else if they had said that she had jerked me off in my sleep. As shocking as all this was, the sex included, I didn't feel any anxiety or rushing thoughts... nothing. I was just calm... and satisfied. As weird as it sounds, fucking my sister had been almost therapeutic.

"I can't believe how good that was!" Dora giggled. "I've never been fucked like that before." she mused happily.

Then with a sharp twist of my nipple. "Why didn't you stop, you fucking asshole! I almost passed the fuck out. I couldn't breathe, I was cumming so hard!"

I just endured the punishments she was inflicting on me, only flinching occasionally when she got too rough.

"I don't know if anyone has ever been fucked to death, but you came close today. How would you explain that to mom and dad when they got home?" she asked. "Uh I don't know how she got fucked to death... We were both locked down here together... must have happened while I was asleep. Someone must have came in and done it and then left," she said trying to mimic my voice before laughing at the absurdity. "Definitely getting a spot on my list of top five greatest fucks though," Dora added sighing. She was quiet for a moment before she burst out, "Oh God!"

"What?" I asked, jerking up at hearing the shock in her voice. "You're on the pill right?" I really hoped she didn't get pregnant.

"Oh, yeah. Of course I am. Don't be an idiot." she said, waving away my concern. "I was just thinking that no matter how hard I try, my own brother is going to have a permanent spot of my top five best sexual encounters."

"Basically, what you're saying is that you're never going to forget fucking me in this basement?" I asked.

"I guess it could be worse... My brother could be on the list of my most regretted sexual encounters," she mused. "Where the hell did you learn how to fuck anyway? They weren't fucking like that when I was in high school."

"Fat chicks," I told her letting it hang out there for a few seconds. "They can be very enthusiastic and demanding. When you start having sex with one on a regular basis, they could really put a guy through his paces. And they're surprisingly less self-conscious than skinny girls when it comes to trying new things," I added.

"Fat girls taught you how to fuck like a Spartan?" she said disbelieving.

"Yeah... and some other stuff," I told her. "You got the abridged version. I just really wanted to punish you... sorry."

"Don't be sorry! It was amazing," she assured me. "My poor pussy is a little sore though, and I think my thighs are going to bruise."

I just relaxed there on the floor with my sister, feeling really good about how this weekend turned out. Yeah it was supposed to be gross, fucking my own sister, but to be honest, it was only gross when I didn't know that she wanted to fuck me as well. Now it was just a happy coincidence.

"So, what now?" I asked her.

"I'm hungry, so food and then maybe some scotch," she said sounding a little playful. It was a sound I had never heard from her directed at me. "You're going to need your energy if you're going to try and fuck me like that again."




I woke up to find the barest amount of daylight peeking in through the basement window. We were cuddled up in the sleeping bag together. Josh was still out like a light, I had worn the poor kid out. Despite our clothes being clean and dry we never put them back on and we had spent the rest of the day fucking like animals, only taking breaks for food and water.

My inner thighs were bruised from Josh's rough treatment of me, and my poor little pussy was sore. That boy had some stamina, I'll give him that. The only reason we didn't fuck clear through the night was our sore genitals. Apparently after several hours of fucking, even with the natural lubrication, a cock can become irritated and severely swollen from all the friction. That monster looked angry by the end.

Our parents weren't due to arrive until Monday night and I was looking forward to more sex with my brother before they got back. I spent a long time lying against Josh while he slept thinking about what had happened since we became trapped in this blessed basement. Where was this going? What did this mean for the two of us? I knew that I wanted to keep fucking my brother. He was too big, and too good to give up easily, but what would happen once we were no longer trapped together, would things go back to normal? Part of me still hated my brother just as fiercely as always, but a completely different part yearned to be taken by him, over and over again, like only he could.

As these thoughts floated across my mind, I played gently with Josh's light chest hair. I felt like a base animal that wanted nothing more than to follow its primal instincts. I had always enjoyed sex, but this was something on a completely new level, and now that I had had a taste my body craved more. Like an addict, all I wanted was to fuck, eat, and sleep...with that order of preference. A small thought kept nagging at me though. What would happen if this all ended. Even if it didn't end once we were free, it would have to end once I went back to college. With that solemn thought I began to get a little irritated with Josh. We were wasting the time we had left, and tender pussy or not, I wanted him to wake up and make him fuck me again.

With a naughty smile, I unzipped the sleeping bag and pulled it all the way open to fully expose us. His cock was right there, cradled in between his thighs and looking to be in a much better state than it was last night. It looked pretty normal, and that angry swelling was completely gone.

Getting on my knees, I went to get a closer look. This really did need an examination by a professional in the field of cocks. I gently lifted it off his thigh and stood it up and as if it had a mind of its own, and knew what was coming, it began to grow for me. Licking my lips, I leaned over and slipped his growing cock into my mouth. Giving gentle sucks, I coaxed it the rest of the way to life.

I loved the way he felt in my mouth. His soft smooth skin sliding along my lips and tongue, growing to an impressive size that even I couldn't fit completely in my mouth. I was taking my time to savor this experience while he was asleep. Even though I'm sure he would have loved this while he was awake, this one was just for me. I loved sucking cock and this one was a beauty. I alternated between slow teasing bobs, taking a little over half of it into my mouth, and licking all up and down the sides. I could even taste the faint flavor of my pussy still lingering from last night and the thought of licking my pussy off him made me wet all over again.

The sensations were driving me wild. The feel of his shaft slipping between my lips, both soft and hard in an erotic mix, the taste of him and me on my tongue, and the smell of our sex reminded me of all the dirty things we'd done together. And the fact that it was my brother's cock I was savoring, was making my pussy drip with anticipation of what was to come today.

This boy, this man that I had hated for so long, the one person who annoyed me above all others, had somehow become the object of my perverted desires. I had always been a slut, ever since I lost my virginity at fourteen. I discovered my ability to achieve multiple orgasms, and since then I wanted sex all the time. I had been in multiple threesomes before I graduated high school, with both guys and girls. I knew I was depraved, but in my wildest dreams I would have never thought about my brother like this.

I could tell that Josh was beginning to wake. His hips were starting to make small bucking motions and I could hear him moaning. I continued worshiping his cock with my mouth, wanting him to wake up and see my lips around him. It was such a turn on knowing how twisted and perverted this was. I wanted to look him in the eyes while I slowly fucked his tool in and out of my pretty mouth.

I felt him stir and I looked up just in time to see his eyes open and glance down at me. I couldn't help but smile around the cock in my mouth as I saw his expression rapidly switch from confusion to shock and then to this dreamy smile that looked so good on him.As if this was the most normal thing in the world, Josh reached down and brushed my hair behind my ear to get a better look at his cock disappearing into my mouth. I continued sucking on him for a few more minutes before letting it slide out of my mouth with a popping sound.

"Good morning!" I said while slowly stroking him. "How was your sleep?"

"Fantastic," Josh mumbled still waking up.

Now that he was awake, I needed something for myself. Yeah, I did love sucking on that beauty, but I couldn't cum from sucking alone. I crawled my way up straddling his hips, feeling the slickness on my thighs rubbing off onto his. Wasting no time at all, I eased his thick rod into my begging cunt.

"Ohhh God!" I exclaimed as I slowly inched my way down to the bottom. "So good!"

I sat on him for a minute just enjoying the feel of fullness and the incredible warmth of him throbbing inside of me.

"So, what do you want to do today little brother?" I asked as if sitting with his cock buried in my pussy were the most normal thing in the world.

"Hummm." he hummed as his hands slid up my hips and started rocking me slightly onto him. "We could play rummy... or watch a Steven Segal movie." he teased.

"Really?" I asked adding a little more motion to my hips making circular gyrations that I know guys love. "I was thinking we could work out together... You know..." I paused letting out a little moan. "We could really work up a sweat."

"I don't know, I work out pretty hard," he said thrusting up into me roughly to emphasize his point.

"Ohhh!" I squealed. "I'm still tender baby. Go easy on me," I smiled. My thighs were pretty bruised, and my pussy had taken quite the thrashing yesterday.

We were quiet for a while as I slowly worked myself on his cock. It felt dirty, but at the same time it didn't feel awkward or anything. I wasn't embarrassed having him watch me ride his cock, or watching him in turn. Even looking each other in the eyes while we fucked felt natural. It wasn't love. I know that for sure. It was just a familiarity and a feeling of comfortableness. We both knew what we felt about each other and where we stood. We hated each other and loved the sex. The former was being slowly drowned by an overpowering lust, but still, we knew what was going on.

"Oh God!" I squeaked as my first orgasm washed over me. It was a small one, but it still felt amazing.

Josh kept his strong hands on my hips, continuing to fuck me through my first climax. When that small wave of bliss subsided, I resumed fucking him on my own. The pain from my sore, over worked pussy mixed with the pleasure of being so completely full of my brother's cock was indescribable. I was so sore, but that pleasure just pushed me farther and farther along

"That's my girl!" Josh said smiling up at me. "Ohhh fuck! Just like that!" he said as he started to slightly buck his hips, fucking into me as I slowly rode him. "You're such a good little slut for me, aren't you?"

"Ummmm!" I moaned feeling another climax building.

"What's that sis? I didn't hear you?" he said as he reached up to pinch my nipple hard eliciting a squeal from me.

"YESSSSSS!" I screamed through the pain and pleasure. "I'm your good little slut!" I answered. "Just keep fucking me!" I begged as I rode him.

His bucking became stronger and faster signaling his soon release. Knowing I had to beat him to the finish, I increased my pace and the pressure of my clit grinding on his pelvis. Both of our breathing quickened as our bodies fought against each other, desperately reaching for that moment of bliss.

"I'm so close!" I moaned feeling myself getting near.

"Me too Sis!" Josh announced. "You better come soon, because I'm not waiting for you."

"You're such a fucking ass!" I moaned punching him hard in the ribs as I fucked myself on his tool.

"Keep that up and I will be fucking that ass!" he said giving it a little pinch.

That thought made me even more excited, and scared. His cock was massive, and I had never had anything that big up there before. Hell, before yesterday I had never had anything that big in my pussy.

"Sure baby, you can fuck my ass." I said making him smile in anticipation. "Just after you let me fuck you in the ass," I said moaning.

In reality, the thought of him taking my ass really turned me on. Just the thought of it was whipping my oncoming climax into a frenzy. The pleasure just kept building and building. At this rate, when the damn broke, it would be massive.

"Oh God, yes! Just like that!" I pleaded, so close.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" I moaned. "OH FUCK!" I screamed as the pleasure washed over me.

As my pussy convulsed on his cock, I could feel my brother's shaft swell, stretching me even more until he gave one final thrust into my quivering cunt, and with a grunt shot his warm seed into me. With each blast I could feel it splashing against my insides, flooding me and seeping out of me around his over-sized cock.

Feeling him release inside of me sent me tumbling all over again as an even more intense burst of pleasure shot through me, starting from my juicy center and spreading all the way throughout my body. Lost in the bliss, I collapsed on top of him.

"Wow!" I exclaimed letting out a long breath once I had come back to my senses. "You sure can make a girl feel special."

I could still feel his cock inside of me. It wasn't as hard as it had been, but from a little experience I knew that with only a little coaxing he could be ready to go again in no time.

"I'm hungry," Josh mumbled tiredly into my hair.

"Good, because there is about a gallon of sperm in my cunt you can eat," I giggled joking. "It's good for you. It's got lots of protein... it also cures acne and sore throats... whitens teeth too," I mused, listing all the lies men tell women.

"I think I'll pass," he mumbled. "Starvation sounds like a good plan right now."

I just giggled into his chest. It would have been kind of hot though, having him lick his cum out of my pussy. Thinking about it got me all horny again. With his cock still inside of me, I flexed my pussy around him, quickly reviving my new best friend and making Josh moan.

"I hope you're ready to go again, baby brother," I said sitting up again. "I'm not done with you yet."

"Oh, I'm ready," he said smirking. "I plan on fucking some sense into you before mom and dad get back."

"Oh?" I asked amused. "Is that how it's gonna be?"

Before Josh could come back with a witty response, we both heard a loud thud coming from upstairs and we instantly froze as one. I strained my ears to hear, and I was sure Josh was doing the same.

"Josh!" A worried, high-pitched voice called. "Are you okay? You haven't been answering your phone."

Mom! We both mouthed to each other frightened.

"I'm sure he's fine, Edith." The deeper voice of our father called. We could hear his heavy footsteps on the landing headed to the second floor.

Hearing our fathers voice shook us both into action. I quickly climbed off of my brothers bulging tool and scampered to the dryer to grab our clothes. Josh jumped up as well, quietly cursing our parents timing.

"I thought you said they wouldn't be back until Monday night!" I exclaimed, as I tossed him his boxers and he snatched them out of the air.

"They were!" he said in a hushed voice as he dressed.

Deep down I already knew what had happened. Our mother probably called to check in on him, like usual, and he never answered his phone. A hundred calls later, and she must have been sure that something was wrong...or he was up to no good, and came home early.

Scared out of my mind that one of our parents would open the door to see me naked with my own brother, I hastily slipped on my t-shirt and panties, and tried to make myself look as normal as possible.

While I worked on myself, Josh, thinking quickly, hosed down the whole area with air freshener. The entire basement smelled of sweat and sex. With one quick look around the room, and checking that I was decent, or at least as decent as my limited wardrobe would allow, he began shouting for 'help'.

"WE"RE DOWN HERE!" he called as he raced up the stairs with myself close behind him. "MOM! DAD! LET US OUT!" he called, banging on the door before turning to me in a quieter voice. "I hate you." He said bluntly. "And you hate me...Got it?"

"Yeah." I said stunned, feeling like I had just been slapped, or kicked in the stomach.

That was it? The parents come home and everything that happened between us gets dropped like it never happened? I felt that rage for him coming back, that rage that had somehow been suppressed in our captivity, but now it was accompanied by something he had never made me feel before, pain. My fists clenched at my sides.

The doorknob jiggled and then opened.

"What are you doing down here?" Our father asked confused. "Dora? What are you doing home? And what the hell are you two wearing?" he asked suspiciously.

"The doorknob is broken on this side." Josh said pushing past our father impatiently, looking relieved to finally be out of the basement. "I've been stuck in there since Thursday. Genius here came back to raid the refrigerator and got herself trapped as well."

"Are you two okay?" he asked.

"Nothing a shower won't fix." Josh said snidely, carefully eyeing me before walking away to go upstairs.

"Are you okay, Dora?" dad asked me, putting his hand on my arm comfortingly.

"I'm okay." I told him.

"Are you sure pumpkin?" he asked. "You don't look it."

"I'm fine." I assured him as I tried to compose myself. "Why does he have to be such a dick?" I asked, immediately regretting my choice of words. I could feel Josh's cum oozing into my panties, and the thought of it sickened me. I couldn't believe I slept with him.

Feeling awkward that I was standing there in my underwear, I pulled my arms around myself embarrassed, and excused myself to go up to my room. As I climbed the stairs, I heard my father telling my mom what happened, and explaining that no one should go into the basement until the door was fixed.

As I reached the top landing, I heard the shower running in the bathroom, and cursed my brother yet again. He could at least have let me shower first. I was the one dripping his bodily fluids down my thighs right now. Feeling frustrated and dirty, I walked down the hall and into my room, slamming the door behind me.

As soon as the door slammed shut, hands grasped my shoulders from behind, startling me to jump as I quickly turned. As I did, my eyes fell upon my brother Josh, who had been concealed behind my open door. At the sight of his smirking face, standing there still in his boxers, my rage intensified.

"Fuck you!" I hissed, throwing my small weight futilely into his much larger one. "What are you doing here. Get out!" I continued, my arm swinging of its own accord to slap him as hard as it could.

He recoiled slightly in confusion, but still his hand was quick enough to catch mine. His fingers tightened around my wrist firmly, and his mouth parted to speak as I swung at him with my other hand, this time landing squarely on his cheek with an audible smack.

"Damn it! What the hell Dora?" he asked angrily, a red mark quickly forming on his cheek. "Have you lost your mind?" he asked as he struggled to trap my free hand before I could slap him again.

"I must have!" I spat, squirming as he finally secured his hold on both of my wrists. "I thought you were different now. I thought things had changed. I let you..." I trailed off, not able to admit my shame out loud, even in private.

His eyes bored into mine, sickening me. Desperate to free myself from his touch, I aimed a knee at his filthy cock, but he was prepared this time, pressing his thighs together to catch my assault.

With a growl, he twisted me roughly around, pinning my arms across my body as he pulled me securely against him. I could feel the firmness of his muscles against my back as he marched me toward my bed and threw me face first upon it. Afraid, I quickly rolled to my back and inched backwards on elbows and feet.

"I meant what I said, nothing has changed." he paused, staring down at me. "For them at least." he nodded toward the door, and our parents in the house beyond it. "Their two children who hate each other so much that they couldn't possibly be doing the unthinkable beneath their noses." he continued as he crawled onto the bed with me.

"But you said you hated me." I accused as he drew closer.

"Yeah. I was telling you our game plan. It wasn't a statement of fact." he laughed, his face now only a foot away from mine and his body hovering above me.

My fury for him transformed into something else. It didn't evaporate or even lessen. I was still filled with rage, but of a different kind. What his careless words had put me through, even for a short while, had hurt down to the bone. Whether he meant them as I heard them or not, the fact that I had to endure that tempest of emotion was his fault. Coupled with the fact that part of me reviled the confused feelings I had for someone I had hated my entire life, I was experiencing an existential crisis.

"You're an ass." I told him angrily, trying to mask my frustrations.

"It's not my fault you were too stupid to understand." he grinned, leaning forward to steal a kiss.

Against my immediate wishes, my lips parted for his tongue. His familiar, forbidden touch, warmed my thighs and sent electricity to tingle across my skin, threatening to wash away my anger. Struggling to hold my resolve, and not give in so easily, I punched him hard in the ribs, receiving a grunt in return.

"Damn it, Dora!" he hissed pulling back angrily. "Will you quit that?"

His callused hand gripped my throat roughly, and eased me back onto the bed slowly, following until he was on top of me. I could feel the hardness of him pressing through the thin fabric of his boxers and my soiled panties, reminding me of how wet they were.

I tried to tell myself that they weren't wet because of desire, that it was just his cum still leaking from me, but with my brother nestled tightly between my thighs again I couldn't deny that spreading warm tingle of my body betraying me.

Josh leaned down to kiss me again, and I turned my cheek to avoid him. His lips closed on my neck and he licked and kissed, teasing me beyond the reason I was desperately trying to hold to. His other hand moved between us, slipping my panties to the side, rubbing his now bare cock against my traitorous folds.

My body ached with desire and a moan escaped my lips, condemning me.

"I hate you." I whimpered breathily, truly hating myself for giving in.

"Show me how much you hate me." he whispered coyly into my ear as he positioned his cock at my entrance.

With barely a moment's hesitation, I lifted my heels around his thighs and pulled him into me.

As he bottomed out inside of me, my brothers lips met mine and passion engulfed me. I didn't know how I would reconcile the man I hated with the lover I craved, but with his cock deep inside of me...I could think of nothing else.