My name is Greg, I'm 33 years old, about 5'10, pretty good looking, even if I do say so myself, developing a bit of a 'dad bod' after the recent lockdown, nothing major, but could probably do with fishing out that gym membership I left to die at the bottom of my wallet! I'm recently single, my last girlfriend, Izzy dumped me the classic way, she let me catch her fucking some other guy in our bed, so that was a fun build up to a weekend! I was heartbroken and went home to see my mum. She was great with it and genuinely made me feel so much better about everything, I stayed over in my old room and left the next morning feeling a thousand per cent better. My mum has that effect on me, she truly is an angel sent from heaven!

A bit about my mum - her name is Astria, (I know! Grandma and grandpa were a bit hippy dippy!) but everyone calls her Bunny. She is 51, just over 5 foot tall, with short bobbed blonde hair and she's an absolute knockout, and I'm not just saying that, she is beautiful inside and out, with piercing blue eyes and a smile that is genuine and would melt any man's heart. She is the epitome of the MILF next door, homely, but sexy with it. She has an amazing figure and doesn't look a day over 40. In my opinion, she is the perfect mould for the dream woman, not fat, not skinny, a nice peachy bum and perfect breasts for her size, but then, maybe I'm biased?! She takes good care of herself, with what she eats and making sure to exercise, even if it's just walking to the shops, where most people would pack up the car and stuff the family in the back for a road trip to the neighbours house, 25 yards away!

Growing up, most of my friends called her a MILF, which at the time genuinely annoyed me, but honestly, now, I'm proud. I love being out with her, she only looks a few years older than me and most people mistake her for my girlfriend, which we both find amusing but she is always quick to correct anyone who says it, which is usually bar staff and waiters, then we have a good laugh about it with them and honestly, you'd be surprised how many times it happens!

So, to my story. It was a bright Saturday morning, I had slept in, it was nearly 11. I was just sitting down for a cuppa, when my phone rang. I picked up on the second ring to the melodic, sing song tones of my mother. Dad had let her down, AGAIN, promised to take her out tonight, but had just had to bail because of some important client, requiring him to work today and go out for drinks later, translated as: to a strip club, instead of taking mum out he cancelled on her and was, as we spoke, on his way to work.

'I've had enough of him, he always puts work first, so I'm putting me first, for a change, so, with that in mind, what you up to today? fancy taking your old mum out to lunch? I fancy a drink!'

'Mum, you're not old! I wish you'd stop saying that! You're only as old as the man you feel!' She laughed down the phone,

'Well, today I want to feel 33 again!' She giggled at her joke and even though I was miles away and no one was around, I could actually feel myself blushing!

'Mum! Stop it, you're incorrigible!' She was! She had a devilish sense of humour and it's probably the reason we got on so well and were like best friends, telling each other everything, well, almost everything, but we'll get to that!

'Sure, I'd love to take you to lunch, I'll jump in the shower and come round about half 12, is that good?'

'Perfect baby boy, it's a date!' We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I sat there for a moment, thinking about the call, especially the last sentence, 'it's a date'. It echoed around my brain, she'd never said anything like it before, I'm sure I was overthinking it, but here's my problem. You know I said we told each other everything? Well, technically that's not true. I'd had a tiny. incy wincy bit of a crush on my mum for as long as I can remember. When my mates used to call her a MILF, I got mad because I imagined they would all like to take advantage of my mother and do things to her I definitely wouldn't approve of. Of course I know it was all big talk from them and they would never dream of saying, never mind DOING anything about it with her, but as a young teen, I discovered I was jealous. I was jealous of my friends, because, even as remote a possibility as it was, the stars would have to do some SERIOUS aligning for anything to happen with any of the idiots I called friends, there was still the tiniest of possibilities and yet with me, who, at the time, pretty much had 24/7 access, nothing would EVER happen, no matter how many billions of stars lined up perfectly, she was my mother and I was her son and never the twain shall meet.

I understood this and for the most part buried my feelings. But that didn't stop me subtly ogling her on family vacations as she sashayed along a beach in a small, but relatively conservative, 2 piece or hiding behind the curtain in the spare bedroom and rubbing myself when, on a rare hot day in England, she sunbathed in the back garden, there was even one time, she must have been feeling adventurous and not realising I was in the house, she sunbathed topless! I painted the curtains that afternoon and spent more time trying to get the stains out and the smell, before mum realised. I think I managed it, as she never said anything and I'm pretty sure I did a good job of clearing up after myself!

As I grew older, I progressed to raiding the laundry hamper on occasion. I would take her knickers to my room and hold them to my face taking deep breaths, inhaling her sweet scent and then finally doing the unthinkable. masturbating with them in my fist and using them to finish into. I would always bury them back in the middle of laundry so she wouldn't discover them, I was pretty good at hiding my tracks!

So as you can see, my whole life I wished we lived in an alternate universe where it was ok for sons to date their mothers and fall in love in a society that welcomed the union, rather than this reality where we'd have furniture thrown at us and a special bulletin as a final story on the news!

I had felt the pangs for years, but in the pit of my stomach some weird juju was building. I thought a cold shower might help, so I finished my tea and jumped into the shower stall, only to give up on that idea about 6 seconds into my cold shower. I stood shivering outside of the stream waiting patiently, shivering until the hot water kicked in. That was better!

After showering and shaving, I spent 30 seconds picking an outfit. What? I'm a guy, I look good in everything I own, that's why I own it! I slapped on some aftershave, checked myself in the mirror and not knowing what I expected, as I always look this good, grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

It was nearly midday, so I'd be over at mum's with plenty of time to spare. I jumped in the car and drove over to pick up my beautiful lunch date, my mother.

Despite getting there about 10 minutes early, when I rang the doorbell, mum answered in only a few seconds and was ready to go. When I say 'ready to go', I mean, I actually stepped back with my mouth hanging open, gawping at her. She was an absolute knock out. She had done her hair in a side parting and she wore minimal make-up, mainly because she didn't need to, she was such a natural beauty, she had never needed to pile on the war paint, like most women did. She was wearing a figure hugging blue dress and let me tell you, it hugged her figure in all the right ways, her boobs were pushed together and heaving to be set free from the confines of the dress. She beamed when she saw my reaction and did a little twirl, giving me a view of the back side too. All my pent up teenage frustrations were beginning to boil to the surface.

'Mum, you look amazing,' I took her hand and held it out to her side. 'Is this new?' I said nodding towards her dress, I could barely take my eyes off her impressive tits.

'Yes, your father got it for me a couple of weeks ago, he just doesn't know it yet!' She laughed at her joke, then spun on her heels and walked into the house. I watched her sway down the hall and pick up her keys from the kitchen, she slipped into some shoes by the door, the whole time I'm just staring at her curvy body in this dress. I could feel the blood begin to pump and I was sailing at half mast. I quickly slipped my hand into my pocket and adjusted myself, so mum wouldn't see what a disgusting pervert she'd raised! She picked up her purse and walked up to me and closed the front door. She locked it and began to move down the path towards my car, I was still ogling every move she made. She looked back at me,

'Come on, slow coach, all the wine will be gone by the time we get there, at this rate!' I snapped out of my trance.

'Oh, yep, right, sorry, on my way.' I skipped up the path behind her and as we got to the car, I opened the door for her and held it as she got in.

'What a gent, your mother would be proud.' If only she knew, I doubt 'pride' would be the word she'd use! I smiled and watched as she slid her right leg in first and then fell into the seat and pulled her left leg in after her. From my vantage point, I had a great view of her legs and up her skirt as she got in my car. I carefully closed the door. I was going to have to get a hold on myself, I couldn't keep perving at my mum all afternoon. As I walked around the back of the car I gave myself a couple of slaps, hoping they might knock some sense into me and for the most part, they didn't!

I slipped into the driver's seat next to her, looked over at her and asked, 'where to?'

'Do you want to go to The Sun?' I thought for a moment. We'd been there before with dad and I'd been there with friends, so there was a fair chance we'd bump into someone we knew and I wanted to go somewhere no one knew us, so I could relax and not get caught drinking in every curve of my beautiful date's body.

'Errr, no, we go there all the time, let's try somewhere different' I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

'OK, what about the Cricketers or the Leathurn?' As you can tell, my mother has quite an extensive knowledge of the local watering holes. I took out my phone and did a Google search.

'What about this place? The Squirrel? I've not been there before and it's not right in the middle of town, so parking won't be too bad, what do you think?' I handed her the phone.

'Yeah, looks nice, let's give it a try.'

So, decision made I started the car, slipped the address into my sat nav and started the short journey. It only took about 25 minutes to get there. I had to park right at the back of the car park as it seemed most of southern England had had the same idea as us and had headed to the squirrel for lunch.

I parked up, squeezed out of the car and being the gentleman I am, went round and opened mum's door for her. I held my hand out for her and she took it as she swung her left foot out of the car, planted it on the gravel then squeezed into the tight corridor between my car and the car next to me. From my vantage point, this time I got a magnificent view down her cleavage as she stood and got out of the car. I shut the door when she was clear, and for a moment we were pressed up against each other between the cars. There was an awkward moment when mum just stood in front of me facing me, and I was right up against her body, before I realised she was waiting for me to turn around and lead the way to the pub.I did that weird penguin waddle and rotated around 180 degrees, being careful not to scratch either car or set off any alarms

I slipped out from between the cars and mum followed, we started the 2 day trek towards the pub and she slipped her arm in mine and pressed up against my side as we made our way around the cars. We didn't speak, just walked arm in arm in comfortable silence.

There were a lot of people spilling out of the pub and in the picnic tabled grounds all around the building. As we got to the door we made our way through several guys, all of whom took the opportunity to check my mum out and ogle her tits as they bounced past. As she passed them, each guy looked at me and smiled, I got a slap on the back and one of them made a face like 'wow, well done mate' and brought his hand to his mouth in an overdramatic kiss you might expect from an Italian chef who had tasted his own cooking and was over the moon with the results.

I just smiled as I walked through the crowd. It was quite crowded inside as well, but as it was a relatively nice day, most people seemed to be outside enjoying the brief 20 minute window of sunshine England was going to offer this week. I didn't want to lose mum in the crowd, so as we walked I was right behind her and had my hand on the small of her back and her waist, just above her bum. It was a move a guy might do with his girlfriend, not necessarily a son with his mother.

We made it to the bar, the crowd parted for mum like the Red Sea, she got to the front and I squeezed in right behind her. With all the attention mum had been getting and the idea in my head that they probably all thought this was my girlfriend or wife, I had a difficult time trying to internally reason with my body and ask it to politely STOP pumping blood towards my groin! It was a losing argument on my part, so my semi erect cock was now planted just above her waist. I was going to need to adjust myself, but probably not right at this moment, cramped in a tight crowd of people at the bar.

'She half turned her head and asked me if I wanted to leave and go somewhere else, but to be honest with you, I was loving the intimacy we were sharing right now. I'd never pressed my growing hard on into ANYONE for this long, never mind my own mother! I made the excuse that we were here now, we may as well, at least, get a drink. She seemed ok with that answer.

Mum waved her purse at the barman when it had become our turn, as she was just about to talk to the obviously overjoyed barman, I spoke over her.

'Can I get a pale ale and a large glass of Chablis for the lady, also, is there any chance of sitting down for food?' I shouted at him. He said a table should be ready in about 15 minutes, I was happy with that, so asked him if we could get a table when it's free. He handed me a little device and told me it would buzz when a table was free and I'd have 3 minutes to make my way to the dining area before it was passed on to someone else. Then he got our drinks and we made our way to the back of the bar nearer a dining area and managed to get a third of an inch area on a shelf along the wall. There were 3 girls standing to our left chatting and laughing and a couple of older guys to our right who weren't talking at all and seemed to be just finishing up. They both stood and began to make their way towards the door. A tenth of a second after they had left their seats one guy pounced and grabbed a seat and his friend was making his way to the seat just behind me, when I casually slid onto it. Snooze you lose my friend.

I leant forward and asked mum if she'd like to sit while we waited, She said no and as I settled into the seat, she was almost forced by the crowd around us to stand in between my legs. She pulled a face and we laughed, I just shrugged. I leant into her ear and she turned her head to hear me better, obviously, I took this golden opportunity, and every golden opportunity after this whilst I was talking in her ear, to enjoy the view down her top. I know, I'm a devil and I'm going to hell, but when an opportunity like this presents itself, I think it would be rude not to, plus, I don't believe in that nonsense anyway, so.

'What you gonna do? It's rammed. You sure you don't want to sit down?' I asked.

'No honey, I'm alright here, as long as these girls don't push me this way anymore, I'll be sitting on your lap in a minute!' We both laughed. As we chatted, waiting for a table, I casually placed my hand on mum's waist. I didn't just plant it there, I started on my thigh, then moved down my leg and every time mum said something, I pretended I couldn't hear and put my hand on her waist and ever so slightly applied pressure so she'd move closer to repeat what she'd said. It got to the point where I just rested my hand on the small of her back as we talked to each other. We were chatting away to each other when I noticed a girl standing behind mum, every now and again, I'd catch her looking at us longingly, she said something to her friend who immediately turned round and looked at mum and me.

I tried to whisper to mum, 'I think the girl behind us fancies you.' She laughed, then leaned forward and breathed into my ear,

'You sure? I think it's more likely she fancies you, dear.' She said.

'Ah, unfortunately, for her I only have eyes for YOU today.' Mum suddenly looked up into my eyes, I smiled at her, but she didn't smile back, in fact, her eyes were a bit glassy. Shit, had I said something wrong and upset her. I edged forward in my seat.

'You alright? What did I say?' I asked, concern on my face. She threw her arms around me and said into my ear,

'Nothing, nothing's wrong.' She pulled back and full beamed me with her smile, then she did something completely unexpected, she leant forward and planted a kiss on my lips. There was nothing sexual about it, it was just a quick 1 second peck on the lips, but it lit up my little corner of the world.

I noticed the 2 girls behind mum, making cutesy faces at us. Mum turned around and noticed and, being her way, started talking to them.

'Hi girls, you having a good day?' Mum asked.

The taller one responded first, 'Oh yeah, it's ok, a bit more crowded than we normally like, we'll probably move on in a bit. Look, sorry for staring, but you 2 make such a lovely couple, honestly, relationship goals...' then she just pulled a face and pointed at the 2 of us. I was smiling and just about to explain that I was actually her son, when mum spoke over me.

'Ow, thanks girls, yeah I totally lucked out with this one, been married 3 years now. She flashed her wedding band at them, that dad had bought her. I was gobsmacked. Was I hearing this right? To be fair it was quite loud, I might have misheard them. I edged forward in my seat to be able to hear better and inadvertently pushed my groin into mum's arse.

Mum looked around at me and smiled, the 2 girls pulled faces and 'Aaaaah'ed at us. That made mum laugh, I could feel my face begin to flush, which might have been a good thing, as, at least some blood was getting to my head and not just flowing to between my legs!

'Look, you're embarrassing him!' the other girl said and they all laughed, mum turned around, beaming and cupped my face in her hand. She kissed my cheek to more 'ahhhh's from the girls, and then as if god heard my internal cries, our little plastic device buzzed, I picked it up and wiggled it at mum. I stood up, pushing my groin into mum's bum as I did, she turned to her new friends and said,

'Well, it was nice meeting you, we'll have to love you and leave you, looks like our table's ready.'

Again, as we moved through the crowd, mum led and I kept my fingertips just touching the small of her back. We moved past the girls, who were still cooing at us, at over to the dining area, where a member of staff led us to a table for 2, tucked away in the corner. It was still quite cramped and we both squeezed past people eating and chatting and laughing at their tables. We made it to the corner and were handed menus as we took our seats. We gave our drinks order, another large glass of wine and a coke for me and the waiter left us.

I leaned forward, over the table, trying to keep my voice down, I asked,

'What was that?' She looked at me, puzzled.

'What do you mean? What was what?' She smiled at me.

'You told those girls we were married!' She giggled and leant back.'I was just having some fun! How many times does that happen? People always say we look like a couple-'

'Yeah, and you always put them straight!'

'So? This time I didn't! So what? We're never going to see them again, it doesn't matter, as far as they're concerned, they met a hot married couple in the pub one Lunch time and they won't ever see them again,' then she leant forward and looked deep in my eyes, 'unless our little weekend lunch dates become a more regular occurrence?' Her big smile smoothed over her face. Damn, she was SO beautiful, fuck it, if she wanted me to be her husband for the day, then so be it. I smiled back and leant over the table to kiss her cheek.

'I'd be honoured to take my beautiful wife out any time she wanted.' I kissed her cheek again and sat back in my chair. Mum played with her hair coyly and looked off to the left, I'm sure she was blushing!

Our food came a few minutes later, we only ordered light and no dessert, MUCH to my annoyance, that's the best part of a meal!! We sat there chatting and making jokes and laughing. A couple of times, when I managed to tear my eyes away from her, I looked around and caught the eye of the 2 girls mum had been talking to earlier, they smiled and waved, I awkwardly held my hand up and half waved back. Mum noticed what I was doing and waved over at them a bit more enthusiastically than me, that wasn't difficult, to be fair.

'They're lovely girls aren't they?' She asked. 'How do 2 beautiful young girls like that, not have boyfriends taking them everywhere and buying them stuff?' Again, she was looking intently at me, her eyebrows raised in the question. 'You should give one if them your number, sweetie.'

'Are you drunk, mum? They think I'm married to you and I'm not the type of husband who would ever stray or put work above her or treat her any less than a queen deserves.' Yes, I know what I said. It sounded better in my head, but not a lot of blood had been going to my brain in the last half hour or so.

'My god that was corny!' She said and laughed. She closed her eyes and rocked back in her chair. I couldn't help but look down at her wonderful breasts, jiggling in the confines of her tight dress as she laughed. This was doing nothing for the blood flow to my brain!

'Honey, you are so sweet, I was just saying, you could have any girl you wanted.' She beamed over at me from across the small table. Corny Alert 2....

'I don't want ANY girl mum, I'm sitting here with the best one in the room. The best one in any room!' I smiled that shit eating grin I'd been perfecting since I was a teenager. She reached over and stroked my cheek.

'You are the perfect gentleman.' If only she knew!

Come on, let's pay and get another drink at the bar. It's a little bit better than it was when we got here. We can chat to those girls again and show them what they're missing.'

She stood up and made her way through the cramped eating area. I followed close behind, this time I didn't feel the need to keep contact with her, instead I hung back a couple of paces and watched her peachy behind swish and sway towards the bar. It was mesmerising.

We got to the bar and I ordered another pale ale and large glass of wine. I paid for the drinks and the meal in one and mum led us through the crowd towards a pillar with a shelf for us to put our drinks on. More than o e head turned as she moved through the throng of people. I loved the idea that these guys thought she was with me and not actually my mother.

We were perched on the edge of an area a few couples were dancing to the 80s music blaring out of the speakers. It wasn't my favourite decade of music, that would probably go to the 90s and its Nirvanas and Pearl Jams and Oasises, but it wasn't the worst decade ever (can you name a foot tapper from 1920s? No, didn't think so!). We stood there chatting, sipping our drinks, mum swaying a little to the music. I HATE dancing, I feel all self conscious and don't know what to do with my hands, so generally, if I ABSOLUTELY HAVE to dance, I mess around a dance like a loon, but I could see she wanted a little boogie. I was just about to ask her if she wanted to dance, when a slower number came on with a crooner singing something about wanting the truth to be told.

'Oh, I LOVE this, Spandau... baa ba ba baaaa ba' She started singing it to me. My mother has an incredible voice, she sounds like an angel. Growing up I would often leave my door open wide when she was in the shower. NO, not because of THAT... well, ok, maybe 50% because I was hoping for a glimpse of her padding down the hall to her bedroom, but the other 50% was so I could listen to her sing in the shower or often just hum something whilst relaxing in the bath. These memories came flooding back right now, standing there watching her sing 'Spandau' whoever he was!!

I put my pint down and stepped towards her. She stopped singing and looked up at me with a quizzical smile.

'What are you doing, mister?' I didn't answer, I took her glass from her and placed it next to mine. Then I stepped forward into her 'zone of terror' (Friends joke!). We were pressed right up against each other, I reached down and put my hands around her waist. Going with the flow, mum reached up and put her arms around my neck. She wasn't smiling at this point, but still looking deep into my eyes. I was trying not to poke her in the stomach with my semi hard on, so I leant down and ran my hands up her back in a tight hug, which afforded me the opportunity to keep my hardening dick from stabbing her in the tummy.

We swayed to the music for a couple of minutes, then she pulled back so we were face to face.

'I didn't think you liked dancing?'

'I don't,' I replied, 'but I could see you wanted to, being all subtle over there swaying around and singing the song!' She laughed.

'I'm so manipulative, aren't I?' She grinned at me. Her smile slowly dropped and there was a moment. If she hadn't been my mother and I was actually on a date with some girl, at this point, I would have leaned in for a kiss, and you know what? I nearly did, like, I seriously started to move towards her. Only a centimetre or 2, but damn, it was close. She still gazed into my eyes lovingly. Then our little world was invaded by our 2 new friends and apparently they'd both pulled. They had these 2 large rugby types following them.

'Hey, it's the happy couple!' the taller one yelped. 'Look what we found.' she said to mum, holding her hand out to the side, palm up like she was a game show hostess showing off a star prize!

'Ooo, you girls lucked out. Hi fellas.' Mum said over her shoulder, because we were still in an embrace. 'This is my husband, Greg and you can call me Bunny.' She looked back at me as I nodded to the 2 guys, awkwardly.

The smaller of the 2, and when I say smaller I mean, by about 2lbs, held his hand out and said.

'Hi, I'm Colin and this is my husband Will.' A comedian, I see. The 2 girls burst out laughing and I could feel mum's breasts against my chest, moving up and down as she chuckled to his joke.

'Nice to meet you, you make a beautiful couple.' I said back. They smiled and Colin offered us a drink, I wasn't sure, but mum accepted on my behalf. I only took a coke though, because I had precious cargo to transport home at some point. I leant down and whispered into mum's ear, 'Do you know the girls' names?'

'Of course, the tall one is Sally and the short one with the tits is Becky.'

'Right, noted, Long Tall Sally and Busty Becky!' Mum laughed into my chest. Yes, we were still in a close embrace, despite the next song being a more upbeat one and our new friends joining us. Realising it was probably quite rude, I stepped back and as if reading my mind, mum turned and stepped back too, which caused the hands that were on her waist to now rest just under her breasts on her stomach.. I noticed an empty stool to my left and pulled it a bit closer and slipped onto it. Mum moved back between my legs and stood sideways, so she was facing the group and practically sitting on my left thigh, her right hip was rubbing up against my boner, she put her right arm around my neck loosely and I locked my fingers together on her left hip, one arm either side of her as Colin returned with a tray of drinks.

'You 2 are too cute!' Sally said, 'Take note guys, this is what me and Bex are after!' I rolled my eyes at them, like we were sharing a private joke.

'Did he just roll his eyes?' Mum asked. Becky immediately grassed me up, nodding as she sipped a tall orange drink through a straw. 'Don't make out you're the big man to your 2 new guy friends, he dotes on me at home, I barely have to lift a finger.' Oh, we're playing THIS game are we?

'Alright MUM,' I said, putting emphasis on the mum, 'I dote on her and do all the housework, because she more than makes up for it in the bedroom department!' HA, check!

'Yeah,' mum said, 'they won't let us back in Furniture Village after last time!' We all laughed. Damn she was good. Without really realising what I was doing, I had begun to lightly stroke my right thumb back and forth across a one inch track on mum's hip, all the while we were chatting to our new friends.

The conversation had taken a sexual trend, that to be honest, I wasn't 100% comfortable with. Yes, while it was fun to play mum's game and pretend we were a married couple, I wasn't completely happy about talking about sex in front of my mother with total strangers! Mum, on the other hand, was loving making me squirm, telling them what she liked me doing and not doing. The 2 girls didn't hold back either. To be honest, the 3 guys in this conversation, didn't say much, we were all taking notes! Then mum caught me off guard.

'What do you like me doing when we're in the bedroom?' She asked. My mouth hung open and I must've blushed. They all looked at me grinning at my embarrassment, except mum, she seemed to be genuinely asking the question, despite knowing there was no real answer and I'd have to make something believable up and quick.

'err, a gentleman never tells.' I said.

'What a cop out!' mum exclaimed. 'Don't be coy darling, we're all friends here, come on, what do you like me doing?' Suddenly all eyes were on me.

'Err, I guess, the foreplay aspect, you are very skilled at,'

'So you like it when I suck your cock? ok, what else?' Mum cut in. I was gobsmacked, what was she doing? She must have felt my hard on growing and prodding her in the hip.

'Errr, yeah, I love it when you suck my cock Bunny. Also, when you dress up.'

'Dress up?'

'Yeah, you know, when we... roleplay.' I said letting it hang in the air.

'Oh, OK, yeah, when we roleplay. Yeah, I like that too, baby.' Then she did another unexpected thing. She pulled my head towards her with the arm around my neck and leant down and kissed my lips in front of them. It wasn't a make out per se, but it was definitely the kind of kiss mother's and son's rarely shared, unless they lived in the hills of West Virginia, if you know what I'm saying. The place I hoped mum and I would move to soon! she pressed her lips to mine and held them there for 2 or 3 long, beautiful seconds. I tried not to show the surprise on my face, but couldn't contain the smile. As she pulled away, we locked eyes and smiled at each other.

'God, get a room you 2!' Becky said, 'That must be one hell of a roleplay!' Still looking into each others eyes and smiling, we both said at the same time,

'It is.'

We chatted some more, luckily the conversation moved on from me and on to the guys. We finished up our drinks and Will got a round in. I had another coke and mum had a small glass of wine. By my reckoning, she was getting close to doing a whole bottle all by herself, but she seemed to be holding it quite well, but then again, I was literally holding her up! The only time my arms weren't wrapped around her was when I was taking a swig of coke.

It was nearly 4pm. The time had flown, I wasn't sure if mum had realised and if she wanted to get home at any point. While the others were engaged in conversation, I gently squeezed mum's hip, to get her attention. Then said in a low tone,

'What time you want to get home? It's nearly 4 now.' She shrugged and moved her head closer to my ear.

'He's out with his client tonight, I doubt he'll get back before 2. Do you have anywhere you need to be?' She pulled away a few inches.

'Absolutely not, I'm happy right here. We can leave whenever you like.' She just smiled again.

'How did I get so lucky?' She kissed my forehead. It was a very motherly move and reminded me of times when I was younger and she would tower over me and plant a big kiss on my forehead, while brushing my hair out of my face. I pulled her tighter into a hug. She turned her body and faced me as I sat there with her between my legs. She wrapped both hands around my neck and squeezed me tight. my hands rested just above her buttocks, but then I too, wrapped my arms around her and we hugged. With my head between her mouth and the others, she whispered in my ear,

'Thank you sweetie, I really needed this today, I'm having so much fun.' She arched her back and leant away from me, so she could look at my face, which in turn pushed her stomach into my hardening cock.

'I think we're boring these 2,' Sally said. 'Looks like Bunny is itching to get off so Greg can get her off!' Without turning to face her, mum said,

'No, we're good, as long as you guys don't mind hanging out with a boring married couple?'

'Are you kidding?' Becky jumped in, 'You 2 are single handedly restoring my faith in humanity and loving relationships. I know it's out there now and I can find it too!' She said.

'Well, you can't have this one, he's all mine.' Mum said and leant down and kissed me on the lips again. This one was more of a movie kiss, there was no tongue, but she lightly closed her lips on mine then opened her mouth twice before breaking the kiss. My hard on was straining in my jeans, it was beginning to get uncomfortable. She looked down at me with a grin on her face.

'What?' I asked.

'Got a nice grip?' I honestly hadn't realised, but in the 5 seconds that mum had leant in and kissed me, both my hands had slid down her body and were currently cupping her arse. Once I realised, I didn't want to suddenly let go like they weren't supposed to be there, as it might seem odd to everyone else, so I, very slowly and cool as you like, just brought them back up to the small of her back.

'That's better, young man!' she whispered.

Sorry mum, I got carried away, but can you blame me? I forgot who you were for a second, you keep kissing me!' I whispered back.

'Control yourself, we're in company!' She said back.

'Don't mind us,' Sally said, 'You 2 are cute, you haven't let go of each other the whole time we've been here!'

'Well, he's going to have to now,' mum replied, 'I need to use the ladies room.' She wiggled out of my grip and turned towards the girls looking for a sign on the wall indicating where to go.

'I'll come too,' Sally said.

'Yea, me too.' Said Becky. And with that the girls moved through the thinning crowd and I watched mum's arse in her tight dress, as she walked away. The 2 guys moved closer.

'Damn, you're a lucky guy, where did you meet Bunny?' Will asked.

'Online,' I lied, 'on an app called Mingle, but don't tell her I said that, she doesn't like people knowing for some reason, she usually makes up some story.' I'm a genius. I figured if mum was asked the same question, it wouldn't matter what corny romantic story she made up about our eyes meeting from across a room, I had covered all bases in that regard.

'Never heard of it, but I'll look it up if all the women look like her!' he said and smiled.

'No, I lucked out there, she's one in a billion!'

'We were thinking of moving on, you guys want to tag along?' Colin asked.

'I'll see, what Bunny says, got to check with the missus!' I said holding my palms out and shrugging my shoulders.

'Ha, under the thumb, eh?' Will said.

'Not at all, just a considerate husband and the benefits of being considerate are, well, considerable.' They both laughed. 'She might want to get home and show me some of that consideration and I don't want to deny her, so I better check before committing to anything!'

'Fair enough, maybe I should try that consideration thing, Becky might want to show me some of it in the car park!' Will said. We Laughed just as the girls reappeared.

'What are you guys laughing at?' mum asked as she maneuvered herself back in position between my legs.

'Oh Will was just saying how much he liked Becky, we were just joking that he didn't stand a chance with her!' I said. Becky fixed me with a challenging stare.

'Oh yeah? Well, as it happens, I think he might get lucky tonight.' Then she grabbed his chin and tip toed so she could kiss him. We all watched and 'wooed'. Now THAT was a kiss, she didn't hold back, I could see her tongue going into his mouth and initially Will seemed quite surprised, then he got into it. They made out for about 10 seconds. Then she broke the kiss and raised her eyebrows.

'Beat that!' she said.

'Sorry, he's not my type.' I replied. She laughed, but Sally immediately accepted the challenge and pulled Colin towards her. They made out for twice as long, she practically checked his tonsils with her tongue. Then she broke the kiss.

'I win.' She said and sipped her drink. 'You 2 won't beat that!'

'I don't know Sal, I bet they can.' Becky said. I was getting worried. Firstly how would we back down out of this challenge and still save face? It was one thing giving my mum light pecks on the lips, but making out with her, I'd have to think quickly. Secondly, that I didn't cum in my jeans, there and then! But before I knew what was happening, she'd turned towards me and lowered her face to mine, with a look in her eye saying, 'Just go with it!'

Our lips met, I opened my mouth slightly and mum mirrored me. It was very tender. She closed her mouth on my top lip and sucked gently. Then she opened her mouth and seemed to freeze for a second, like she was making a decision, then I felt her tongue in my mouth flicking at mine. I offered my tongue to her and they intertwined. I pulled her towards me and my hands slid back down her body and cupped her arse again. I was full on making out with my mum. This wasn't a peck, or a movie kiss, I was currently battling my mother's tongue for occupation of her mouth and to be fair, I was losing!

She tilted her head the other way and held her mouth open as her tongue lightly flicked at mine. I edged forward in my seat, pushing my erection into her belly and pulling her towards me. I wanted to grope her tits, but we were in public and I didn't want to be vulgar. Well, more vulgar than we already WERE being!!

Time seemed to stand still, I couldn't remember what day it was at this point! We could have been kissing for a couple of hours, but more likely it was only a few seconds.

As it turned out it was more than 20, because as we slowly separated our tongues from each other and looked sternly into each others eyes, Sally said.

'OK, fine, YOU win! But no fair, you're married, you've had a lot more practice with each other.' If only she knew, that was our first real kiss together. I could barely hear anything else, at that moment, only mum and I were in the room. We were staring, silent, into each other's eyes. Then gradually the room came back into focus and the ambient volume back to normal levels.

'Wow.' Is all I could muster.

'Wow, indeed.' Mum replied and leant forward and kissed my cheek.

'Well, I was going to get a round in, but I can't really stand up at the minute.' I said to the group.

'I can feel,' Mum said and kissed my forehead again. I realised I was still cupping her arse cheeks and pulling her on to me. I released my grip and playfully slapped her arse.'Cheeky.' She said softly to me. She put her arm around my neck again and moved back to her sideways position facing the others.

I wasn't sure how we got here. A combination of my dad being an utter moron, mum feeling neglected, this new competitive side of my mother I'd not really ever seen before, she'd always let me win when we played any game, when I was younger and a lot of the time she even helped me win, often sabotaging herself, like any good mother would! And finally, quite a lot of alcohol (on her part, I'd only had a couple of pints, which reminds me, it's my round!) but I wasn't an idiot, she was my dream woman and I loved her more than any other being on the planet, I'd fantasised about her since I was in my teens, so I was going to see how this all played out! Who knows....

We chatted a bit longer and watched as every now and again the 2 couples would get a bit touchy feely and then look over to mum like, 'are we doing it right?' Which I found quite amusing, I was only a few years older than them and to be fair, I was in exactly the same boat. Early 30s, single, on the prowl most weekends to find someone who didn't annoy me and I didn't annoy them and want to spend time together, well, maybe not EXACTLY the same boat, as it appeared that I had acquired a weekend wife, at the very least now!

It was approaching 5pm now, mum turned to me and said,

'I think you better take me home, I'm a l'il bit tipsy!'

'We can't go yet, it's my round, we've been drinking with these guys all afternoon, it would be rude to get up and leave right now.' She pouted, which was INCREDIBLY cute, then said,

'Well, I suppose someone was brought up well!' She smiled into my eyes. I edged forward on the seat and lightly tapped her on the butt and motioned for her to let me stand up to get to the bar.

'Ok, my round, I think it'll be the last one, someone wants to get home.' Which was met by groans and boos. I got up and walked over to the bar. Mum WAS tipsy, I wondered if she was too drunk and would regret today and be all awkward around me in the future. I decided to spike her wine with some lemonade. I got the drinks in and borrowed a tray. I walked back to the group and put the tray down on a nearby table. Mum was now sitting on the stool, chatting away to Sally and Becky. Her dress had ridden up her thighs as she'd crossed her legs. I handed mum her drink and she looked at it quizzically.

'I got him to put some lemonade in it. Don't want you throwing up all the way home, dear!' She rolled her eyes at me, but happily took a sip and continued talking to the girls.

I stood between these 2 massive guys and talked about rugby and F1, while sipping my pint. Every now and again, I'd look over the top of my glass at her as I took a swig. She would catch my eye and we'd share a smile. The girls were getting loud and giggly, mum sat there serenely, chatting with them and occasionally leaning forward and saying something to them in a hushed conspiratorial way, then leaning back in the chair as they all erupted in laughter.

After about 15 minutes, she looked over and caught me checking her out again. She gave the universally understood signal that she wanted to make a move, by pointing at her wrist where a watch would be, if she wore one, with her eyebrows raised.

'I think that's my cue guys, looks like the missus wants to leave. It was great meeting you both, hopefully see you around again.' They made a half-hearted attempt to get me to stay out and go somewhere else with them, but I politely declined and stepped over to where mum was sitting saying her goodbyes to the girls. As she went to stand up, she stumbled a bit and I extended my arm to steady her. We said our final goodbyes and walked to the exit arm in arm.

The car park had cleared significantly. We were probably in the lull between the lunch time crowd and the evening lot. We slowly made our way over to where I parked the car., she held my arm with both hands and rested her head on my shoulder. She was really playing the loving wife role well, even though we had no audience anymore! We got to the car and I hit the key fob to unlock it. The indicators lashed a couple of times, but instead of opening her door, I pressed her up against the car and stood looking down over her.

'What was that all about today?' I asked softly.


'All that in there, pretending to be married all day and that kiss...' I let that hang in the air for a second. She just looked up at me and said nothing. The tension between us was palpable. My heart was pounding in my chest. I slowly edged my face towards her. There was no indication that she wanted me to stop, so I moved slowly closer still. I paused about an inch from her face, as the tips of our noses touched. Still no indication to stop. She was just watching me move my face to hers with no real expression. I turned my head slightly and our lips met. Mum froze for a few seconds, then she seemed to relax into it and opened her mouth to accept my tongue. Our mouths were in sync, opening and closing, licking each other's lips as she sucked on my tongue. I couldn't wrap my arms around her. so I stroked her thigh with my right hand and with my left, I brushed some hair out of her face, then stroked her cheek to her shoulder then down the strap of her dress, towards her breasts. I gently pushed my hard on into her stomach so she could feel what she was doing to me. I was about to grope my mothers tit when I became aware of crunching gravel and people approaching. I broke the kiss when a familiar voice said,

'Jeez, you 2 can't even make it to the car without mauling each other! you can't keep your hands off.'

Evidently Our 4 new friends had decided to move on to another pub. They made some last ditch attempts to get us to come. I was still pressing mum up against the car, she wasn't looking at them, just gazing up at me. I looked down at her,

'Do you want to go somewhere else?' I asked. Rather abruptly she said

'No, take me home.' She pushed me off her, opened the car door, slid inside and shut the door.

'Oookay, I guess we're going home then.' I waved them off and the crunching gravel and drunken chatter began again as they walked towards the road, probably to wait for their Uber. I moved around the car and got in. Mum was looking forward, straight out the windscreen with a thousand yard stare on her face.

'Mum? you alright?' I asked

'Take me home.' Was all she said. She turned her face away and looked out the window as I started the car up and pulled out of the parking spot.

I figured I'd over stepped and taken it too far in the car park. It was all fun and games when we had an audience, a group to play to, but I'd stepped over the line when we were back to being mother and son. We drove to her house in silence. Mum stared out the window the whole way, nibbling at her fingernails. We got to the house and I pulled up right out the front and parked, I didn't turn the engine off, just sat there for a few more seconds in silence, idling.

'Look mum, I'm sorry. I took it too far, I know I overstepped, i got caught up in the whole thing, pretending to be married all day, that kiss, the exhilaration of it, pretending to the others and you're drunk to boot, I took advantage of you, it was stupid, I didn't mean it and I promise it'll never happen again.'

She turned and looked at me for the first time since she got in the car. She didn't say anything for about 10 seconds. Then as if a decision had been made internally, she said,

'I hope you don't mean that.'

'Don't mean what?' I asked.

'It'll never happen again.' She leant across the console and kissed me again, closed mouth, held it for a few seconds then pulled back. She repeated this 4 times then pulled back an inch or 2 and hovered there. She continued, 'I had so much fun today.... and for your information, I'm not drunk, maybe a bit tipsy.' then she kissed me again. 'You coming in, dad won't be home until later, if at all.'

Then she turned and released her seatbelt. She opened the door and swung her legs around and slid out like a movie star arriving at a premiere. She swung the door shut and walked through the gate and along the path, greasing her hips and sashaying all the way to the house. Without looking back, she opened the front door and disappeared inside leaving the door open. I sat there watching her all the way in until she slipped out of view, into the shadows beyond the door. I selected reverse and turned the car into her driveway, into the spot dad's car usually occupied. Ironic, don't ya think?

I switched the engine off, got out of the car and walked to the house, closing the front door behind me...I stepped into the house, the house I'd grown up in and closed the door. It was quiet, I listened trying to gain a clue as to where she might have gone. Where do women normally go? Aha, Kitchen! She must be in there. I walked down the hall into the kitchen, nothing. The dining room was empty too. I walked through the lounge area then stood at the bottom of the stairs, where I'd started.

'Mum?' I called up the stairs.

'I'm up here, hun. In my room.'

Wow. Was this really happening? Or was I going to wake from a daydream, still sitting in my idling car outside. I actually pinched myself. No, that stung. This was real. I stepped up the stairs, slowly. As I got to the top, her bedroom door was open and I could see her just sitting on the bed, facing away from the door, palms on her thighs.

'I wasn't sure if you were going to come in. Thought I'd have to run downstairs and shut the door.'

I was standing in the doorway, almost afraid of crossing that threshold. In there was a different world, a world I had dreamed of and fantasised about since I was in my teens, but once across it, no matter what happened, I'd never be able to get back to this side of the threshold, ever again.

She turned to me, eyes glassy, I thought she was about to cry, she looked so vulnerable in this moment. All thoughts of not crossing the threshold evaporated as soon as I saw her face. I stepped inside and sat on the bed right next to her. I put my left arm around her shoulders and my right hand rested on her right arm.

She looked down at her lap, as if she was unsure of something, then said,

'Do you know what's going to happen here?' She turned and looked at my face for a reaction.

'Well, I'm not a hundred percent sure, mum. I almost don't want to say, in case I jinx it. Tell me what's going to happen.' I said.

'We are about to change our lives forever. There will be no going back after this moment. We will be bonded as mother and son in a far far deeper way than any normal mother and son.'

'Mum, stop talking in riddles, tell me what's going to happen.' I said with a little more urgency in my voice. Then she said,

'I'm about to cheat on my husband...' She paused and looked deep into my eyes. 'With my beautiful son.'

My heart skipped a beat. Holy shit! She actually said it. This really was happening. Just her saying it out loud seemed so taboo. She looked into my eyes, looking for a reaction. I just smiled at her, but she didn't smile back. She was right, of course, the gravitas of the situation weighed heavily on her, not so much the cheating on dad, as I'd always felt their relationship was an odd one. He never seemed to deserve her. She was a goddess and he was a workaholic idiot. I'd never got on with him, so his feelings couldn't have been further from my mind. However, I could see she was conflicted, perhaps not because she was going to cheat on dad, but because she was going to take a step into the forbidden with her own son.

'Mum, listen. You're clearly not comfortable with this and I don't want you to do anything you might regret.' I looked at her longingly, hoping she'd pick up on the fact that I was aching for this to happen.

'I just don't want you to wake up tomorrow and look at me differently and feel like you have to be tied to your frumpy old mum.'

Her eyes were big blue glass globes. She was really wrestling with this.

'Mum, stop. Look at me,' I put my hand to her cheek and turned her head to face me. 'You aren't frumpy OR old! You are beautiful, inside and out. You're the most beautiful woman in any room you're in, you are an amazing woman. I don't know why women feel like they have to conform to unrealistic standards set by sweaty, fat, bald men in some conference room working for some magazine or other. I don't know a single guy who likes that. Plus, you're my mother, the queen, you always have been. I love you more than anything in this world, mum, nothing will ever change th-'

I was going to keep talking, but at this point she leaned into me and our lips met again. She brought her hand to caress my cheek. Blood flooded into my penis.

She broke the kiss and pulled back a few inches. Her face seemed to have changed, almost imperceptibly, she smiled warmly at me with pure love in her eyes. I stood up and pushed her knees apart so I was standing between her legs. She looked up at me from the bed, expectantly. I made no attempt to hide the growing bulge in my jeans. She briefly looked down, straight at it, then back up to me. Her expression had changed from love to lust.

I knelt down between her legs, so I was almost at the same level as her, she was slightly above me. I looked up at her and raised my face to hers. We kissed tenderly. I slid my tongue into her mouth and we slowly licked and probed inside each other's mouth. I wrapped my hands around her and rubbed as far down her body as I could.

I still couldn't believe how this day had gone. When I woke up this morning I expected, at best, to watch the afternoon game, maybe watch a movie, have a wank and then sort some dinner, but then I received that phone call and ended up taking my mum to lunch, meeting some new people, pretending we were married, then spending the rest of the time rubbing and groping the woman who had given birth to me, now here I was, in her bedroom making out with her... again. That idiot who married her is such a fucking bell end, not appreciating this woman.

I thought it was time to try and progress things. As we kissed and explored each other's bodies, I tested mum's limits a bit to see how she would react. I left my right hand cupping her arse and with my left hand, I stroked along her hip, up the side of her body and lightly along the front of her dress to her right breast. I felt her take a sharp intake of air. She hadn't been expecting it, I guess. I pushed forward and kept the kiss going. I didn't want to break it, I opened my eyes into the slightly shocked expression of my mother. Her eyes were open wide, but her mouth was still moving in our kiss. I pulled back, still holding her right boob.

'You OK mum?' She didn't say anything, but nodded quickly, looking down at my hand cupping her breast. 'Are you sure?' I asked, letting my hand drop to her side.

'Yes, sweetheart, I'm OK, it was just a bit.... unexpected. You were holding mummy's tit baby.'

I chuckled, 'I know, it's a bit odd, isn't it? I'll stop.'

'No, look, this is ALL going to feel a bit odd, but baby, I want this more than anything in the world, here...'

She stood up and pulled me up with her. She was so close that as I stood I rubbed all up her body with my chest. As I rose up our lips met and we kissed again. I was standing in my mum's bedroom, while dad was out with clients, kissing my mum!! I still couldn't believe it. I pulled the strap to her dress and let it fall off her shoulder, then the other side. Her dress didn't move as we were pressed hard together. She pulled at my shirt and broke the kiss.

'Arms up.' She said, exactly the same way she had a thousand times before when I was younger and she had got me ready for bed or to get in the bath. I raised my arms and she pulled my shirt up and over my head. I ducked to help her the last little bit as she is so tiny. She threw my shirt across the bed onto the floor. She gazed up at me as I pulled her dress from her waist. It slid down her breasts, causing them to jiggle as it slid further, past her stomach and down her thighs to the floor. Now, I don't know if she'd removed them when she first came into the house, knowing what was about to happen or whether she hadn't worn any all day, but she had no bra on and no knickers. I stepped back to admire this vision.

And there she was. My mother now stood before me, completely naked looking at me, but this time it was me who wasn't making eye contact. I was busy looking her up and down. She was perfectly proportioned. Her legs, firm and full, not like one of those awful models who has starved herself because her agency has told her, 'men want skinny, so lose weight, your new diet is a glass of water for breakfast and a grape for dinner.' Well, I can tell you, men DON'T want that! I don't know a single bloke who would be interested in a size 0 model over the goddess that stood before me now. Her thighs were white and smooth, I continued my gaze north and my eyes widened, she was completely bare between her legs. Oh my. Did she know, that was how I liked it or had it always been like that? Like when she used drop me at school or came to my football games or when she took me shopping, was she bare under her clothes the whole time? The thought made my dick pulse and brought a smile to my face.

'What are you smiling at, young man?' I looked at her breasts and when I could finally take my eyes off her body, I managed to make it back up to her face.

'Mum, you have no idea how long I've dreamed of this moment and now it's here, it's SO MUCH better than I could ever have imagined!'

'I do, honey.'

'You do what, mum?'

'I know how long you've dreamed of it.' She tilted her head and smiled a beautiful warm smile. 'I would always find my knickers in the laundry, covered in your sweet cum. I knew it wasn't your father, so I knew since you were about 15 and when you thought I didn't know you were in the house one time, I purposely sunbathed topless for you. And the mess you made on the back room's curtains, oy ve!' She chuckled her sexy laugh. "I've always known, sweetheart. Now mummy is yours.'

I was a bit dumbstruck at these revelations. She'd casually mentioned she knew I used to steal her used knickers to sniff and cum into AND that day I'd thought I'd caught her sunbathing topless, she'd done it on purpose!'

I moved towards her and our lips met again. This kiss was still tender and loving, gently kissing each lip and lightly playing with each other's tongue. I held her tit in my hand, I rotated my palm over her erect nipple. Then quickly, before I lost my bottle, keeping my palm on her skin, I stroked down her body. She responded by kissing me with more urgency and she parted her legs. I turned my hand and parted her lips with my middle finger, I then slipped my finger into my mother's slick pussy. She was already quite wet. I moved my finger in and out of her, literally finger fucking her. She rubbed my straining erection over my jeans, I slowed my assault and hooked my middle finger upwards to her inner walls and grazed my finger along them in the search for the elusive g-spot. At this point I was standing slightly to her left, so it was easier to access her without dislocating my shoulder.

Her head lolled back and our kiss was broken as she seemed to enjoy the feeling of her son's fingers probing and exploring her most intimate of areas. Her eyes were closed and her head was pointing towards the ceiling. If I let go of her now she would simply fall backwards onto her bed. I kissed down her neck and up to behind her ears, gently nibbling and sucking her ear lobe. She was breathlessly making almost inaudible sounds. Her nipples were erect, so as I continued to move my hand between her legs, I kissed down her neck again, past her collar bone, down her breast to her nipple. I rotated my hand as my finger still searched, unsuccessfully for her g-spot, my palm was rubbing her upper lips and clit, then I kissed her nipple and gently sucked on it as I had done, many times, over 30 years ago. I felt her hand on the back of my head, combing through my hair as I sucked her tit. She looked down at me and watched me kissing, sucking and gently nibbling her nipple. It must have felt so weird for her, the last time she looked down as I sucked on her titty I would have been a baby, but now as a grown man, attached to her again in this way, must have been odd, I would have thought. Odd but electrifying, I hoped.

I moved around her body, letting her tit fall from my mouth with one last long suck. I stood behind her, with my left hand I cupped one of her tits and with my right, I explored the new playground between her legs. She pushed her head back into my shoulder and groaned. I flicked my finger in and out of her whilst pressing my palm into her button and rotating. I pulled out and brushed my index and middle across her clit repeatedly. She jerked a little bit, like when she was tickled. I strummed across her quickly with all 4 fingers, masturbating her. She groaned as my hand sped back and forth across the upper part of her pussy. I wanted to give her as much pleasure as I could. I moved back around in front of her.

She reached out and grabbed my belt, undoing it, she unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them past my hips and she followed them down my body, until they were bunched at my ankles. Then she hooked her fingers into my boxers and pulled them down. My cock sprang free and bobbed in front of her. She knelt on the thick carpet. Sitting back on her feet, she just looked at it. Then she reached up and curled her fingers around it, then rolled the skin back and forth and began to stroke me. She looked up at me and did the head tilting thing again, but she wasn't smiling. My mother was kneeling in front of me with one hand in her lap and the other stroking my cock.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the slowly stroking and soft hands. I was in heaven. I opened my eyes, she was still looking at me with a loving smile on her face, the way she looked when I would clear my plate when I was a kid. She moved up on her knees so her face was a couple of inches away from me.

'You OK baby? Is there anything else you want mummy to do?'

I was in a state of ecstasy, I longed to be inside her. I wasn't sure how to phrase it as I didn't want to be vulgar, she's still my mother, after all so I said,

'Will you kiss it?'

'You want mummy to kiss it better'?

I nodded, 'Yes please.'

'Good boy, as you said please,'

Then keeping eye contact, she leaned forward and kissed the tip of my penis. It pulsed involuntarily. She still gazed lovingly up at me, almost like she was waiting for another request. Instead I brushed some hair out of her face, then gently pulled her head towards me as I stepped forward. I still had my jeans and boxers bunched around my ankles, so I awkwardly tried to step out of them without interrupting her current task at hand, or rather, task at mouth.

As the tip of my cock approached her lips, she opened up and keeping eye contact, I watched it disappear into her mouth. I slid in as far as she could take me, then pulled back. Then she took over. I stood there, clenched buttocks enjoying the most erotic scene I had ever witnessed, my mother, naked on her knees in front of me sucking my dick. She sucked in as she got to the head, letting it all emerge from her mouth, but keeping in contact with it the whole time, then taking me back into her mouth and quickly suctioning and releasing her cheeks against my shaft as it fed into her mouth, the best blow job I'd ever received and she'd only been at it a minute!

I watched her head bob forward and back quickly. She no longer looked up at me but was concentrating on the job she was doing. She stopped moving along my shaft and paid some special attention to the head, sucking and kissing the tip and swirling her tongue over it, in a very sloppy blow job. The head appeared and vanished with each movement. She, very lightly grazed her teeth over my head and down the shaft. I closed my eyes, worried I would cum too quickly, I started to think about food and football to keep my mind off the scene in front of me. I was trying to edge myself but the woman had skills, I knew I was going to blow if I didn't change it up and more than anything, I wanted this to last as long as possible. I knew I would enjoy hundreds if not thousands of these moments with her in the future, even when she was old and infirm, I'd be sticking my cock in her mouth every chance I got! So I stepped back. She knelt there not taking her eyes off my cock.

'Stand up,' I commanded. She did as she was asked. I liked that, I wondered what other orders I could give her in the future and in that second my brain came up with a load of them, like, 'show me your knickers.' or if we were out at dinner, 'hand me your knickers.' or if we were going to the supermarket, 'take your knickers off and leave them in the car.' I realised a lot of my commands would involve public places and her knickers!

'Get on the bed.'

She climbed up and crawled away from me a couple of feet, with her arse in the air. I watched her there, on all fours, tits hanging below her, then she span over and lay on her back and her legs bent upwards, soles flat on the mattress, staring at the ceiling. I knelt down next to the bed, between her legs. I put a hand on each knee and pushed them apart. Her legs parted, exposing her pussy to me. Completely bare. I wanted to get a snap of this moment, for prosperity, mum lying on her marital bed, naked, legs open exposing herself to me, but, like an absolute idiot, I'd left my phone in the car, in my haste to get in here, but maybe she'd be up for that in the future? I'd have to remember to ask. The thought of having a folder of naughty snaps of my mum hidden away on my computer, with her in all sorts of poses in varying degrees of undress, on her own or with me as well was such a hot prospect.

She turned her head to one side. I leaned down and kissed her between her legs, right at the top of her pussy, I kissed her again, slightly lower, now, I turned my head slightly and kissed her open lips as if they were on her face, softly sucking at each lips and pushing my tongue inside her and flicking around left and right, then faster up and down. She writhed on the bed. Her knees fell to the side almost completely to the bed, the soles of her feet were flat against each other under my chest, she was as open as she could possibly get. Her hand was combing through my hair and pulling me into her. My hands were on each of her knees, gently pushing down so her legs were as open as possible.

I licked from the bottom to the top. I looked at my entrance to this world, I looked up her body, she still had her head turned to one side, but her eyes were closed and her mouth open, she gripped the sheets to her sides, bunched in her fists as I ate her pussy. I watched her as I pushed my tongue into the folds of skin pushing all the way inside her as far as I could, then flicked my tongue from side to side. She tensed and then grabbed the back of my head again. She kept running her fingers through my hair and pulling me into her, my tongue pushed inside her and I flicked up in a repeating pulsing motion, she brought her bum off the bed and pushed into my mouth as her hands pulled me into her. I licked and nibbled at her open pussy, paying attention to her cute little button at the top, licking and swirling my tongue over it and spelling out her name with my tongue, on her clit. Both my hands went up her body and groped her tits,

She was gasping and moaning, then she said the words all sons want to hear, well, maybe not ALL sons!...

'Oh my god, fuck me baby, fuck your mummy,' I was so hard and didn't need to be told twice, I knew I'd have more opportunities to go down on her in the future and being a relative novice with it, hoped she'd guide me and tell me what she liked, you know give me a 'birds and the bees' talk, only this time with a practical!

Then it had dawned on me, I'd realised where this was going for a while now, but just before the wonderful act took place, I realised, my wallet was ALSO in the car!

'Shit, I haven't got a condom, do you have any?' I said softly.

'No, you don't need one.'

'Woh, mum, are you sure? What about when I need to, you know.... finish!' I asked.

'Just pull out and cum on my stomach baby.'

I crawled up the bed, kissing her from her pussy, up her tummy, kissing both her nipples, then I approached her face. She looked deep into my eyes, our connection had never been stronger and we were about to break the ultimate taboo. My cock rested between us, the end nestling between her legs. With not much effort at all I could be inside my own mother.'Are you sure about this mum?' She nodded.

'I am. Do it, fuck me, fuck your mother, you dirty little pervert.'

I smiled at her, but she didn't smile back. It was as if she was trying to make light of the situation we found ourselves in but understood the seriousness of it. I didn't want her to come to her senses and stop this, as we'd come so far, so I forged forward.

I reached down between us, I grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down her greasy slit. Then as my tongue had done only 5 minutes earlier, I edged forward and my cock found its way past the lips and disappeared inside her. My cock was now inside my beautiful mum.

I pushed in as far as I could then when our pelvises met, I held still. She had her eyes closed again and her mouth made an 'O' shape. She wrapped her legs around my back and locked them together. I pulled back an inch and pushed forward again. Her tits giggled. I did it again, pulling back a bit further. Her tits giggled again. I slowly began to pull back and push in, quite slowly at first, but when we began to get into a bit of a rhythm, I pushed back harder. Mum made some cute noises and tried to speak but nothing intelligible came out. Her cheeks were flushed as I thrust into her. I couldn't believe it, I was fucking my mum, my beautiful mother had given herself to me willingly and was now under me as I repeatedly pushed into her.

I pushed in as far as my average size would allow. She looked up at me, her face flushed, still with her mouth open and brow furrowed. I leant down and kissed her. Our lips met and there was more urgency in our kiss. I started to push into her and retreating only a couple of inches, I pushed back. She wrapped her arms around me and pushed down to meet each of my thrusts. She was so wet, I glided effortlessly in and out of her.

I was beginning to worry about cumming. Firstly, I wanted to last as long as possible, but I also had in my mind, what would I do when I felt the inevitable? Now we were in the throes of this incestuous act, I really wanted to enjoy the whole taboo to the fullest. I really wanted to shoot my load inside my mother's unprotected womb. Just the thought of it started to make my hamstrings tingle. I needed to delay, so I stopped pumping and just looked down at her. I kissed her tenderly again.

I wanted to change positions, but as if she could read my mind, she maneuvered me to one side. I wanted to stay inside her, but my dick slipped out of her.

'Get behind me,' she said and swung round so she was on all fours with her arse hanging off the bed. I almost ran around the bed and positioned myself back between her legs. Her beautiful arse on display and presented to me. I took my cock and rubbed it along her slit, then I pushed in again. Her cheek was flat to the bed as she looked off to the side. I held her hips as best I could and hammered into her. Again, I was worried I was getting too close, so I had to keep slowing, but wasn't sure how much longer I could hold out. The sight of my mum laying before me as I fucked her from behind was getting too much to bear. I wanted her to ride me, so I let myself fall out of her, our combined juices coated my dick.

'I want you on top mum.' I said and sat on the bed and lay back so our heads were next to each other. She leaned over and kissed me.

'I love you darling.'

'I love you so much mum.' I replied.

She smiled and kissed me again, then I felt her hand on my wet hard on. She broke the kiss and looked at me with a beautiful smile. She turned and her head went down to where her hand had been playing. I reached over and grabbed her right leg. She kissed my cock and then looked back, as if asking what I was doing, as soon as she understood, she lifted her leg over my head and straddled my face. As she went to town sucking my cock, she lowered her pussy to my face and I ate her. I wrapped my arms around her upper thighs, so I could use my fingers on her. I gently pulled her lips apart and kissed and licked at her inner most intimate area. The area I had emerged from over 30 years ago.

I licked up and down the opening and shook my head side to side with my tongue out, up and down while she hungrily sucked at my cock. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and clamped down on her, I simultaneously sucked in over her lips and flicked my tongue in and out of her hole. She sucked up and down harder on my dick, concentrating mainly on the head but would occasionally take me all the way in. I was getting close again,

'Mum! Stop! You're going to make me cum!'

'That's OK sweetie, cum in mummy's mouth.' Then she took my cock back in her mouth.

'Mum, no, I want you to get on top.' I couldn't see anything but her pussy, then I felt her kiss the end of my dick and swung her leg over my head. She rotated on the knee and swung her other leg over the middle of my body. She smiled down at me as she found my cock with her hand and guided herself toward it. She rubbed it along her slit and then sat down slowly on it until I was all the way in. She placed her hands flat on my chest and proceeded to rock up and down.

She arched her back, pushing her tits to my face. I reached down and grabbed her arse as she moved. She leant back and started grinding on me. She looked down and there was pure lust in her eyes. She moved faster and alternated between bobbing up and down and grinding on me. I clenched her hips as I felt my orgasm build. I so wanted to just release inside her, but didn't want to break her trust, she said I should pull out, as I felt it build and build, I quickly said,

'Muuum, muuum, I'm getting close, I think I'm going to cuuum, quick, get off.' But she didn't stop riding me. I looked up at her, she wasn't smiling anymore, her expression had been changed to something closer to pure lust.

'Just cum.' She moaned.


'Just cum inside me.' She pushed down harder with each bounce.

'Mum!? are you sure-'


This sent me over the edge, my orgasm had built, rolling up the back of my legs, tingling my hamstrings and finally past the point of no return, I took a deep breath and held it, mum flopped forward with her hands back on my chest, we looked into each others eyes and I gripped her hips and held her down onto me as I exploded inside her. She gasped as the first pulse entered her body from mine. Then her mouth opened as she took a quick breath, her eyes opened almost in surprise, her expression reminded me of times when I was younger and I'd drawn something or done something she wanted to show encouragement like a proud mother would, only this was slightly different context than a drawing or putting the right block into the correct hole..... Well, actually, come to think of it...

'Ahhhh, oh god, I can feel it, baby.... I can feel you cumming inside me,'

I held her hips and drove her down to me as much as I could. My legs locked and my toes curled as the second pulse shot inside her. I jerked a little bit and felt a 3rd shot. She collapsed on my chest, our lips met again and we kissed in a loving way, no urgency, just pure happiness and love. I put my arms around her and held her. She rested her head on my shoulder.

'Mum,' I whispered into her ear, 'that was incredible.' She raised her head and kissed me again.

'That's only the beginning....' She said and then rested her head back on my chest. After a few moments, I slipped out of her pussy and pulled her down on to the bed next to me. We lay there, in each others arms, with her leg across the top of both of mine. I couldn't think of a more perfect woman.


'Yes sweetie,' she said.

'What does this mean?'

'What does what mean?' She replied. I thought for a second on how to word it, I didn't want to sound like a teenager, but I couldn't think of any other way to ask.

'This! Can we do this again? What about dad?'

'What about him? I'm done with him, he'll be gone within the week, then it'll just be me and my beautiful boy.'

She turned her head to look up at me and smiled. She leaned up and kissed me softly on the lips, then returned to her nook on my shoulder.

'So, we're getting rid of dad? Does that mean I'll be the man of the house now? Are you my woman?'

'I've always been your woman. You've only just caught up, but I can't blame you... you aren't too bright, are you!' She laughed at her own joke and I playfully punched her arm. Then she moved up my body and kissed me again.

'We can't let on to anyone though, we'll have to be careful, because I know what you're like, you'll want to feel me up and try to get me embarrassed while we're out, but seriously Greg, we can't get caught. We have to keep this within these 4 walls, understand?'

'Of course mum, I'm not mental! Who would I tell anyway?!'

There was a pause, then she let out a long, breath and said,

'I'm so happy sweetie. I can't wait to start our life together.'

'We can triple date with Sally and Bex!' I said and laughed.

She raised her head off my shoulder and sat up to look at me.

'Oh yes, that would be fun, they were lovely girls and we wouldn't have to hide anything because they already think we're married!'

'Ha, well did you get their numbers?'

'No, but we can just go back to the pub next week, I'm sure they'll be there again, they looked like regulars.' She said.

'So, our second date?' I smiled.

'Yeah, I suppose it will be our second proper date. As first date's go, this would have to be the most perfect one I've ever had, but to be fair I've only really had 1 other proper first date, that was with your dad and believe it or not, even he didn't get into my knickers the first time, so you've got another one up on him there.'

We kissed again, a wonderful soft kiss between lovers. I wondered if we would ever kiss the way we did before as mother and son or whether there would always be an erotic undertone from now on. I hoped not, I loved goodnight or greeting or goodbye hugs and kisses with mum, I hoped we wouldn't lose that but wouldn't complain too hard if we had lost that part of our relationship.

Against better judgement, we fell asleep in each others arms. I was awoken by mum shaking my shoulder.

'Greg! Wake up, we fell asleep, your dad's home!'

I hadn't fully awoken, but my body started to move, I sat up and slid off the bed. My clothes were all over the place. I heard some shuffling downstairs, he must have already come in, maybe mum woke up to the front door shutting. I just stood there frozen, looking left to right trying to locate my clothes. Mum just sat on the bed with her hand over her mouth trying to stifle her laughter. For a second, I just looked at her and smiled as if I'd worked out she was playing a joke on me, but she waved her arm at me, to get my clothes. Why wasn't she helping me, rather than sitting up in her bed, laughing at me panicking?! That's a very dangerous game mum!

I heard dad start to climb the stairs, I literally had about 10 seconds. I silently grabbed my jeans and underwear off the floor, I kicked my shoes under mum's dress, stealthily ran round the bed and picked up my shirt. I was over the other side of the bed, just poised there, ready to spring, but my time was up, he was now walking along the hall. Mum fell back to her pillow, I could see her tits jiggle as she still tried not to laugh at the situation. What the hell was wrong with her, if we got caught in this compromising situation, our lives, as we knew them, would be over.

The bedroom door opened, dad stumbled inside, luckily he didn't notice me hiding over his side of the bed and went straight to their en suite. My heart was pounding in my chest, I'm pretty sure I was close to a coronary. He fell into the bathroom and I heard him pissing. I shot up, ran around the bed and ran out the door, smiling at mum, who blew me a kiss as I made it out of her bedroom. I silently glided down the stairs, knowing where all the creeks were. I dressed in the front room, then left it half an hour before I quietly left the house and went home.

What a day! I couldn't wait to speak to mum tomorrow to find out what the plan was, moving forward. The sooner she got rid of that waste of space, the sooner I could move back home and be with her, or maybe she'd move out and move in with me? All would be revealed over the next few days and I couldn't wait!