I was lounging on the couch at home watching TV. It was seven at night on Valentine's day, and I had zero date prospects. My parents were out of town on a romantic getaway, and my little sister Mia was on a date, so I had the house to myself. I had severely underestimated just how much work college was going to be. My entire first year had been spent drowning in large amounts of reading and papers. I barely had the time to keep up with my academic life, let alone give any attention to my social one. It had been months since I had a date and a year since the last time I had sex with my then-girlfriend.

Just thinking about her made my mood sour even further. I had spent the entire last year getting over the girl who I had naively thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

The front door slammed open and shut. I looked up just as Mia rushed down the hall. From the brief glance he got of her, she looked like she had been crying. Seeing my little sister so upset washed away my self-loathing.

When I walked to her door, I could hear her muffled cries. I knocked, and the cries stopped. "Mia, can I come in?"

"Go away Andrew, I just want to be alone right now," Mia said, a sob escaping mid-sentence.

"Mia, if something happened, you can tell me about it. You know I am here for you." I stayed by the door for a minute. I was about to knock again when I heard her unlock the door. By the time I had opened the door, she had already retreated to her bed. She was wearing a tight black dress that was low cut and barely went past her thighs. It looked amazing on her tawny brown skin. Her long black hair was styled in curls. Her mascara was running down her face.

I sat down next to her on her bed. I was about to ask her what happened when she started to sob again. I reached my arm around her and held her. She leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder. As she continued to cry, I rubbed her shoulder gently. I couldn't help but notice how soft her skin was.

"I thought you had a date with Robert tonight?"

"I did. I went over to Olivia's so that she could help me get ready. While I was finishing up, she was on Tinder, and she saw that he had an account on there."

"Maybe it was an old account?" I suggested. I had never liked Robert, but Mia had seemed so happy the last six months, so I never pushed it.

"No. He had photos on there from when we all went to the lake. In another, he was even wearing a shirt I got for him." She had started out sounding like she was calming down, but she had to choke out the last words because she was already crying again. I pulled her in for a hug. She relaxed in my arms. I could feel the warm wetness of her tears and smell her citrus-scented shampoo.

"I'm so sorry. I can't believe he would do that to you." I rubbed her lower back.

"When I confronted him, he tried to lie, but when I finally got him to admit it, he said it was my fault," Mia said.

"What?" I asked, clenching my fist.

"He said it was my fault because I wouldn't put out. He thought I would have been easy, and he was sick and tired of waiting," Mia said. I could hear anger starting to replace her sadness.

"What did you say?"

"I told him I wanted to break up with him... and I may have thrown a drink in his face," Mia said sheepishly.

I couldn't help but laugh the way Mia said it. She was usually so sweet, but when something really pissed her off, she could become scary with how loud and vehement she could get.

"Honestly, I think it sounds like he got off lucky."

"I wanted to punch him so badly, but I just couldn't stand to look at him anymore." I held her for a time, and her cries died down. "I should have listened to you about him. You tried to warn me about how he wasn't a good guy." I had known some of the upperclassmen he was friends with. That was always the most toxic friend group. I hated how she ended up dating one after I graduated.

"I say it with every guy you date, but I especially meant it about him."

"Want to come watch a movie with me?"

"Only if I can pick the movie," she said.

"Deal," I said after an exaggerated groan. Mia smiled. We never could agree with what to watch and frequently fought over it.

Mia reluctantly pulled away from our hug and stood up. I took in her beauty, still not believing how amazing she looked. She was petite and fit from all her years playing soccer and jogging, but she had also developed some amazing curves. I couldn't believe how much my eighteen-year-old sister had grown up. I scolded myself again for checking out my little sister, but I couldn't look away. Mia caught me looking.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, it's that you look beautiful, and I can't believe Robert was so stupid to be looking for another girl when he had you."

"Ok, let me just change out of this dress and clean up a little." She walked over to her dresser and opened the bottom drawer to grab a pair of pajamas. As she bent over, her dress clung tightly to her ass. I couldn't take my eyes off it. The dress started to ride up, and I could see her panties. They were pink and contoured her pussy. I could easily see the outline of her pussy. Mia straightened up and started to walk towards her bathroom. As she got closer, she began to slide her arms out of the thin straps of her dress. Even her exposed back was beautiful. I had a moment to wonder if she was going to entirely strip out of it as she walked, but she left it clinging around her waist as she stepped into the bathroom.

We had always been close, and Mia seemed to love running around the house half-naked. I beat myself up over how much she turned me on, but that didn't stop me from often thinking about her when I masturbated and calling out her name when I came. Not having sex in so long had only made me even more aware of just how beautiful my little sister was. My erection was killing me. I heard the shower start. Mia always loved to wash her problems away; our father often yelled at her about that when he got the monthly water bill.

After seeing so much of Mia, I was fully hard. I waited a minute to make sure she wasn't going to suddenly come back out for something and then got up. I grabbed a blanket and some pillows from my bedroom and then went out to the living room.

I killed time on Tinder. I felt like if I could just finally go on a date and get laid, I would better suppress my desires. I was so focused on what I was doing that when Mia jumped over the back of the couch into the seat next to me, she startled me. I dropped my phone, and it fell to the ground.

"You're always so jumpy," she said as she bent down to pick up my phone.

"Said the person who just jumped over the couch."

"Very funny. What were you looking at?" Mia asked. She was wearing a short pair of cotton shorts and a tight cotton t-shirt. I realized when I could see the bumps of her nipples that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath the shirt. Mia's large breasts strained against the soft material, almost as if daring me to stare at them.

I tried to grab my phone back, but she pulled it close to her chest. She used her legs to keep me pushed away. She looked down at my phone. "Oh, are you trying to find some love on Valentine's day?"

I reached for the phone. "Give that back."

"I love going on adventures and finding new ways of actualizing my life to the fullest potential," Mia mocked as she read the girl's bio.

"She's cute, but the last time you went on an adventure was when you got lost in the woods last year when we went camping, so I'm going to swipe left for you."

I tried harder to snatch my phone back. Her foot slid across my thigh and brushed across my erection. The contact sent a shiver of pleasure through my body, and I froze up. I wondered if she had felt it for all a second before Mia said, "Oh, you must really like Diana then." She handed me back my phone and carefully extracted her foot from off my lap.

"I hate you sometimes," I said.

"But you always love me," she said sweetly.

"Yeah, but some days it's a closer competition," I mumbled. Mia hit me on the shoulder, but then she smiled. After seeing how upset she was just a little bit ago, it was nice seeing her smile again and filled me with pride, knowing that I had put it there. I handed her the remote. "Find us something good to watch."

While she searched, I asked her if she wanted to split a pizza. She said yes, and I placed an order. It didn't take Mia a long time to find a movie that she wanted to watch. I groaned, knowing already from the title and thumbnail image that I was in for a long night of boredom.

When she started the movie, I pulled the blanket over us. Mia scooted over and lay against me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. This was how we always watched movies. The cuddling always helped me be able to sit through one of her boring choices. I loved the intimacy between us, but it also made holding back my urges that much worse. The last thing I wanted to do was try to start something between us and have it hurt her and ruin our relationship. That was the primary way I could keep my urges at bay, to make sure that I didn't do anything to hurt Mia.

After seeing so much of Mia that night, I was exceptionally horny. I tried to focus on the movie, and not how amazing it felt to have her pressed against me. The movie wasn't that bad once I got into it. It was a rom com, which I usually hated, but the movie's humor was done well, and every joke landed. If I found something funny, I would smile and lightly chuckle, but Mia was laughing loudly. It felt good knowing that I was helping her feel better. I felt like a good big brother and hoped that all the stuff like this that I did for her helped me make up for constantly checking her out.

There was a steamy love scene between the main character and her love interest. I became even more intensely aware of just how much Mia was pressed against me. I could feel my erection straining up against my shorts. I didn't know if it was just me, but there seemed to be sexual tension between us. I had felt this between us a few times before, but I never knew if it was all in my head. This time it felt so strong that I doubted I imagined it. Mia seemed so focused on the movie. I could feel her breathing get more rapid, and she pressed harder against me.

Her lips looked so soft and kissable. Without thinking about it, l went to kiss her. Mia turned her head towards me, her lips parted slightly as she held my gaze. I realized that she wanted this too, and that erased my last inhibition. Her lips parted more, and right when we were about to kiss there was a loud knock on the door.

We both jumped apart. That showed me that Mia thought something was about to happen between us. Otherwise, why would she have acted like that?

"It's the pizza," I said, my heart hammering. I got up and paid for it and put it on the kitchen counter. Mia grabbed us a couple of plates and a couple of cans of soda. Once we were situated, we resumed the movie. I couldn't stop replaying what had just almost happened. We had been so close to kissing, but then we had to get interrupted.

We ate the pizza in near silence as we watched the movie. If it wasn't for how much it made Mia laugh, I would have thought something was wrong. she had to have known we were about to kiss, yet she didn't seem disturbed at all by it. The sexual tension seemed to have disappeared. I wondered if there was anything I could do to trigger it again. I wanted to do something to seduce her, but I decided against it. The moment, if it had really been one, had passed. Mia must have just been swept up in the moment, and I would be stupid to try and start something again. I resolved not to let my lust for my little sister get the better of me and that I would be better.

We finished eating and, after cleaning up, settled down to finish watching the movie. Mia pulled the blanket over us and lay against me again. I had hoped both that she wouldn't do this again but also that she would. I held her, trying my best to act natural. It didn't take long for me to start to get hard. I shifted slightly and tried to readjust the blanket to cover up my erection, hoping that I wasn't too obvious as I did it. Mia didn't seem to notice.

The movie ended. "So, what do you want to watch-" said Mia as she reached across me to grab the remote. As she did, her arm brushed across my erection, making her stop midsentence. The contact felt so good, but I was mortified. "Oh," she said, frozen with her arm still near where she touched me.

"I'm sorry. I'm just going to go to my room," I said as I stood up.

Mia grabbed my arm, "Don't go. It's ok," and then she added softly, "I don't want to be alone right now."

She looked so vulnerable. Even though most of my brain was screaming at me to leave before things got even more embarrassing, I realized that she needed me. I couldn't leave her. I sat back down, and Mia smiled.

Mia cuddled back against me. I held her and rubbed her back, trying my best to comfort her. After a few minutes, she finally broke the silence. "So, you must have really liked that movie."

"Shut up," I said and playfully shoved her. Even when I was comforting her, she just had to go and tease me.

"If you want, we can watch it again," Mia shoved me again, "Or if maybe it was the lead actress that did it for you, we could watch another movie with her in it," Mia said as she reached for the remote. I snatched it up before she could grab it.

"Shut up," I said.

"Give it to me." Our shoving intensified, and we got into a wrestling match on the couch. This was something that we had been doing since we were kids. While puberty had given me an advantage with my growth spurt, it had also given Mia an advantage when she began to develop her beautiful body. I usually tried to avoid touching her in any inappropriate areas, but that night she seemed ferocious as she fought to take the remote from me. Mia jumped against me. I tried to push her back, my hand pressing against one of her breasts. I felt her nipple harden under my touch. I didn't get a good grip, and she fell against me. Her tits pressed against my chest. As Mia tried to take the remote from me, she kept on accidentally brushing against my dick. A thrill radiated through my body with each touch. It happened so frequently that I started to suspect that it was intentional.

I managed to grab hold of one of her wrists. She tried reaching between me and the couch to get the remote. I tucked the remote between the couch cushions and then wrapped my other arm around her waist. Mia strained to get past me. We got tangled up in the blankets and rolled off the couch, with Mia landing on top of me. I was intensely aware of how her body was pressing right against my erection. We held eye contact as both of us were panting from the exertion. Our gaze lingered. She parted her lips. I was torn, I wanted her so badly, but I also wanted to do what was right.

Suddenly something just clicked between us. Mia started to lean down, and I sat up to meet her kiss. It happened so fast. One moment I was torn between my responsibility and desire, and then her delicate lips were pressed against mine. Her full lips pressed against mine felt so amazing after so long spent fantasizing about them. The kiss was deep and sensual, our mouths opening as our kiss deepened. It was the best kiss of my life.

Mia started to grind herself against my erection so I began to rub press back against her. She moaned into our kiss. I ran my hands from her back down. When I grasped her ass, she moaned. I massaged her ass, savoring finally being able to touch it.

I slid my hands up from her ass and gripped her hips to better control what we were doing. Mia's breathing got more ragged the longer we dry humped. I could feel her warmth and wetness seeping through her panties and shorts. Mia started to bite and suck on my lip. When I went back to her, she moaned into our kiss.

Mia began to grind even harder against me. Each time our bodies pressed against each other, Mia let out a little moan, and her face contorted in pleasure. When she would sit up to ride me at a different angle, I couldn't take my eyes off her bouncing tits. Mia grabbed my hands and pulled them up to her breasts, pressing my hands into them. She moaned as I kneaded her breasts, savoring their softness and the heft to them. I played with her hard nipples through the soft material of her shirt.

Mia's breathing got louder, and she started riding me even harder. I could feel myself starting to get close to cumming. Mia was riding me perfectly to press along my entire length, and then when she reached my head, she would gyrate against me. She pressed down onto my chest to balance herself as she rode my cock.

I slipped my hands underneath the hem of her shirt and touched her breasts directly. They felt better than I could ever imagine. I rolled one of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger and then gently pulled on them.

"Harder," Mia said. I didn't know if she meant her nipples or humping her, so I did both. That must have been the right decision because Mia cried out, "Yes."

"Oh, Andrew," Mia moaned. She stretched up as her orgasm rocked her body, and she kept on calling out my name. At the sound of her moaning my name, I couldn't hold back any longer. I cried out Mia's name as I came. I felt my loads shooting up against my boxers and coating my cock. I couldn't remember the last time I had come so hard and couldn't believe it had come from dry humping. I had never been able to cum from that before.

Mia collapsed down on top of me when she was done cumming. I slipped my hands out from under her shirt and wrapped my arms around her. We lay like that for a while as we recovered. At first, there was just the sound of us breathing heavily. Eventually, our breathing evened out, and we lay together in silence. My mind was racing as it processed what just happened between us and how it could change our relationship. Overall, I felt good about what had just happened. I couldn't believe that one of my most reoccurring fantasies had just come true. I knew what we did was wrong, but it had felt so right, and Mia had been the one who had initiated things between us. That fact helped me feel better about what just happened. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't want it to happen too.

I didn't know how long we would lay on the floor like that, but I was in no rush to cut the embrace short. It had been so long since I had been with someone, I was savoring every moment of it.

Mia raised her head from my chest and looked down at me. She looked so beautiful. The sadness was completely gone from her beautiful brown eyes. Her mouth opened like she was about to say something, but then she closed it again. A moment later, she said, "Thank you for always being there for me. I really needed you tonight."

"Of course, Mia. Anytime you need me, I will always be here for you."

Mia smiled and then leaned down to kiss me. The kiss was sensual and sweet, filled with more intimacy than I had ever had in a kiss with anyone else. I could feel my cock starting to stir from the intensity of it, but she broke the kiss before I could get too turned on. She climbed off me and sat back down on the couch. She patted the spot next to her. I picked the blanket up and sat back in my spot. Mia snuggled up against me, clinging even tighter to my side than before. I retrieved the remote from between the couch cushions and browsed Netflix for a movie to watch. I wasn't focusing too hard on finding a movie because I was still processing what had just happened between us.Hurry up and pick a dumb action movie like you always do," Mia said.

I wanted to prove her wrong, but the first movie that caught my interest did indeed look like a dumb action movie. I didn't even have to look at Mia to know that she was giving me a look. "Don't say anything."

"I don't have to," Mia said.

The movie ended up being full of action while doing an ok job of having an actual story. I had a sudden insight that Mia must be ok with watching anything if it meant spending time with me and being close like this. I couldn't help but wonder how long ago something could have happened between us if one of us had been brave enough to be honest about what we wanted. My mind raced. I thought about all the things we could have done with each other if something had happened sooner. I started to react to those thoughts and Mia's proximity. Mia had one of her arms across my lap, and she noticed that I was getting hard again.

"You're already getting horny again?" Mia asked.


"Is it all the explosions and gunfire?" Mia teased.

"No, now shush," I said, trying and failing to sound annoyed.

"Why are you hard then?" she asked.

"You know why," I said, not trying to say it.

"Say it," Mia said, her playfulness evaporating.

"It's because of you. You always turn me on when we are this close, and the way you run around half-naked keeps me turned on all the time. You're so beautiful and cute and sexy, I just can't help but get hard when I am around you."

"Why do you think I do it?" she asked.


"Dress in such skimpy outfits and walk around in my bra and panties. I know that you look at me. You're not very good at hiding it when you are checking me out." I felt embarrassed as I realized that Mia had been aware of my lust this entire time. "And you are even worse at hiding this," she said as she grasped my erection. I let out a sigh at the unexpected contact. I had never expected Mia to be this sexual. Seeing this side of her made me wonder what else I didn't know about her. "You really think I wouldn't notice this?" She gently stroked me through my shorts. "Why do you think I was always teasing you?"

It had all been intentional. Flashes of all the times I saw her barely dressed crossed my mind. I had been so afraid of reading into things that were not there that I had blinded me to what had been there the whole time.

I kissed Mia and played with her tits again through her shirt, but that wasn't enough for me. I grabbed at the hem of her shirt and pulled it off her. It caught on her breasts for a moment, and then they bounced free as I got it up past them. They were big but still held their shape. Her nipples were puffy, dark, and were delicious looking nubbins that were bigger than what I had ever seen before. They just begged to be licked and sucked, but I managed to hold back for a moment as Mia lifted her arms up to make it easier for me to take off her shirt. When I had the shirt so that it was just above her lips but covering up her eyes, I kissed her hard. Mia let out a pleasant little yelp in surprise when I did that, and she kissed me back deeply. After sucking hard on my bottom lip, she flicked her tongue across my lips. I tried to catch it to suck on it, but I missed it. When she did it again, I caught it. We French kissed deeply as I finished taking off her shirt.

As we kissed, Mia leaned back to lay on the couch. She pulled me so that I was on top of her. I played with her bare breasts, savoring having unrestricted access to them finally. I no longer thought about stopping things before they went too far; instead, I was torn between trying to take things slow or giving in to my desire. "Harder," Mia said as I gently played with her nipples. I pulled hard on her nipples, and Mia moaned into our kiss, so I kept on doing it.

Mia's moaning and the way her voice took on a sexy tone drove me on even further. From that first moan and the sound of her calling out my name in pleasure, I knew I would be hooked, and I would do anything to hear it again.

Mia couldn't focus as much on our kiss as I continued to play with her breasts. I kissed the corner of her mouth and then kissed along her jawline. When I pressed my lips against her neck, Mia sharply inhaled when I started to kiss and suck down her neck.

I kissed down to her collar bone and then pulled back. I took a few seconds to appreciate the beauty that was in front of me. Mia looked up at me expectedly. I leaned down and held one of her breasts as I licked it from the bottom swell up to her nipple. I swirled my tongue around it, savoring the softness, and then I flicked my tongue across her nipple. Mia moaned at the contact, so I did it a few more times before taking her entire nipple into my mouth and sucking hard on it. Mia raised up her chest, giving me better access to it. While propping herself up with one arm, she used the other to hold the back of my head and pull me into her.

I switched over to her other breast. I sucked hard on it, trying to take as much of it into my mouth as possible. Mia fell back into the couch, pulling me down with her. I managed to stay latched on the whole way down. Mia reached down and grabbed at the hem of my shirt. She snatched my shirt and roughly pulled it off me. She began to kiss and suck hard on my neck and collarbone. She then pushed me back to a sitting position on the couch with my back against the armrest.

Mia grabbed at my basketball shorts and boxers and tugged them down. I lifted my hips to make it easier for her. My erection sprung into the air right in front of her face. I felt a moment of pride when I saw how her eyes went wide when she saw my eight inches. Mia finished pulling my shorts off, leaving me fully naked. She then stood up on the couch and started to pull her loose cotton shorts and panties down at the same time. I was enamored as she pulled them down, revealing her womanhood to me. Her pussy was completely hairless. She had the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen in my life. Her mound protruded slightly, and her pussy lips were on the plumb side. She had a thigh gap that drew attention to her pussy even more. Her lips were slightly parted, revealing the inner pink of her womanhood. We were both fully naked.

Mia climbed back on top of me and kissed me deeply. Her breasts pressed against my chest while my erection pushed into her lower stomach. I reached up and played with her breasts as we made out. Mia moved up, and the length of my cock pressed against her pussy. We moaned together. The sudden warmth and wetness made my cock twitch in anticipation of what it would feel like to get to be inside of her. When she wasn't sliding along almost my entire length, she ground her pussy against my erection. Before long, my cock was slick from her wetness. I wanted her so badly, and I hoped that she would on purpose or accidentally pop me inside of her. I was tempted to try and push inside of her, but she seemed to be careful not to do that, so I held back.

Mia began to kiss her way down my jawline and neck. She sucked hard at the hollow of my neck, giving me shivers. She kissed her way to the side of my neck and planted a kiss right on my ear. She sucked on my earlobe, licked against my ear in one long slow stroke, and then blew into my ear. This caused my shivers to multiply even more.

Mia grabbed my erection and started to stroke it in long slow strokes. At the end of each stroke, she would tighten her grip, pressing her fingers against the sensitive underside of my cock head. She lay between my legs and looked up at me as she jerked me off. I had never had anyone be this good at giving me a hand job before. Mia seemed to know exactly what to do to please me, and she paid attention to my reactions and adjusted what she was doing to make me feel even better. Usually, I was quiet when I was with someone, but with Mia, I couldn't help but let out sighs and moans of pleasure as she elicited them. Mia kept the speed slow like she was trying to keep me from coming. I had a suspicion that she could make me cum any time she wanted. When Mia wasn't holding eye contact with me, she would be looking down at my erection, focusing on her work.

Mia finally picked up the pace, and with her other hand, she started to play with my balls. I moaned and leaned back, closing my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling. I felt the warmth of her breath, and then a moment later, I felt the heat intensify and softness enveloped my cock. I looked down to the amazing sight of my Mia sucking on my cock. She took her time sucking on my head, pressing her tongue against it. I let out a moan and reached down to grasp her head. I ran my hand through her hair as she took me into her mouth.

I watched in amazement as she bobbed her head up and down, each time taking in more of my length. I was amazed at her skill. No girl I had ever been with before had been this good at giving me head. Mia took most of my cock into her mouth and paused when my dick reached the back of her mouth. I thought that would be where she stopped, but to my surprise, she started lowering her mouth even further. I moaned loudly as my cock was fully enveloped as she began to deep throat me. I had never had any girl do that for me, and I had no idea how great it would feel. When she pressed her tongue along the underside of my cock it twitched in her mouth, and I felt my orgasm jump a lot closer. I got extra turned on when I realized that her juices had covered my erection and that she now tasted it. Mia held there for almost a minute, and then, with a loud pop, she pulled her mouth off my cock. My cock was coated in her saliva now. She began to jerk me off again, her hand sliding effortlessly up and down my cock.

What she was doing felt great, but I couldn't stop wondering what she would taste like. I also didn't want to cum too soon, and if I let her keep up what she was doing, then I wouldn't last much longer.

I sat up and gently pulled her head away. Mia looked up at me and was confused. She was even more confused when I pushed her back to fall against the couch's other armrests. I positioned myself between her legs and started to kiss up one of her thighs. She must have finally realized what I wanted to do because she leaned back and spread her legs for me. Her pussy parted slightly, and it took all my self-control to not jump right to it .She was fit from playing on the varsity soccer team. I could feel her muscles underneath her soft skin.

Mia's breathing started to get more ragged in her anticipation as I worked my way up her thigh. I didn't know who wanted this more, Mia or me. I kissed at the junction between her pelvis and thighs, and she moaned. I planted a couple of kisses on her pubic mound. It was perfectly smooth. I couldn't stand teasing her any longer and kissed her pussy. Mia moaned from the initial contact and then a second louder one as I licked between her folds, pressing harder as I reached her clit.

Mia's pussy tasted so amazing. Her taste had only a slight headiness to it and was almost sweet, reminding me of an intoxicating flower. I couldn't control myself and hold back anymore. I slid my tongue as deep as I could to get as much of her nectar as possible. As I started to tongue fuck her, Mia cried out "Yes." She began to hump against my face every time I licked deeply. I Increased the speed and pressure, and so did Mia as she humped against me even harder. She wrapped her hands through my hair and, with her grip, pressed my mouth against her pussy.

I was in heaven eating her out. I was out of practice, and my tongue and mouth started to get sore, but I pushed through it. I began to get so excited that it was hard to focus on my breathing that I was panting. Her breathing became increasingly uneven as she pressed against my mouth. Mia moaned loudly, clamped her thighs around my head, and pulled me even harder against her.

I felt the strength of her thighs as she squeezed my head. For a few blissful moments, my whole world was Mia as she came. Mia finally relaxed her grip on my head as she fell back against the couch. I sat up as I watched her breasts rising and falling as she recovered. She looked so at peace and happy after cuming. I took pride in knowing that I made my upset little sister feel good and that after a year of not having sex, I still had it.

My erection was straining for release, so I started to gently jerk myself off. My orgasm had receded some, so I didn't run the risk of accidentally making myself come and unless I really picked up the pace. Mia started to stir before too long, and she sat back up after a couple of minutes.

Once fully recovered, she climbed across the couch towards me. I got turned on by the oddly feline and feminine way it looked. Mia climbed onto my lap, her legs straddling my hips as she kissed me deeply. Her soft breasts pressed into my chest, and I could feel the warmth and wetness of her pussy pressing against my pelvis. My cock pressed against her ass. Mia kissed, liked, and sucked all her juices from my cheeks, lips, and even tongue.

As we made out, I couldn't help but hump up against her, causing us both to moan in pleasure. Mia started to hump me back. Sometimes our movements would line up perfectly, and her pussy would press against the base of my cock. We kept this up for a while, it felt good and got me almost to the brink of having an orgasm, but it wasn't quite enough to get me all the way there.

Mia stopped humping me and rose up. She grabbed my dick, and after a moment of fumbling, she nestled it just inside her lips. Finally, being so close to having sex again was overwhelming, and I wanted to press my dick inside of her. The thought of feeling her tight pussy wrapped around my cock was almost enough to make me do it, but I clenched my fists and closed my eyes to will myself to stop.

I closed my eyes. "Mia, we can't. I don't want to do anything to hurt you."

Mia gently touched my chin with one finger and then stroked my cheek with her other hand. I opened my eyes. "You could never hurt me. You are always there for me, and you make me feel so loved. I want this, and I want you... to be my first," Mia said. Before I had time to process this, she kissed me. The intimacy of her touch, words, and kiss was more overwhelming than when she first nestled my cock inside of her lips. I wanted her, and she wanted me to be her first. I relaxed my fists.

Mia started to press her pussy down, taking a bit more of me inside of her. Barely even inside of her, and she already felt better than anyone else I had ever been with. I wanted this, but before I could entirely give in to the pleasure, I had one last reservation. I held onto her hips, holding her in place. "Wait, what if I get you-"

"I am on birth control," Mia said and inched her way down. My entire head popped inside of her, the sensation was overwhelming, and she kept on going, increasing it even more. I gave in to the pleasure and intimacy and stopped fighting what felt so right.

Mia lowered herself slowly, sometimes pausing to get used to the feeling and other times riding me in short strokes. I was glad that she was taking her time. Being inside of her felt better than I ever thought it could.

I heard her inhale sharply as she nearly took all of me inside of her. I stroked her hair and kissed her gently to comfort her. "Take your time. We can go as slow as you want," I reassured her. Mia nodded but didn't say anything. She continued to inch her way down and finally took me all the way inside of her. Mia inhaled sharply again when she bottomed out, but then she also let out a small moan. I looked down and saw that my entire length was inside of her. Her pussy felt so amazing wrapped around my cock that I knew I could cum quickly if I wasn't careful. I was glad that she took a couple of minutes to get used to me stretching her out.

Mia started to move again, at first barely even moving. As she got more confident, she began to ride more of my dick. I stayed still so that she could get used to the feeling of her own control for as long as I could. Once she was about halfway up my shaft before going back down, I couldn't stay still anymore. As Mia was about to bottom out, I humped up. "Oh Andrew," Mia moaned as she ground her pussy against the base of my cock.

It took us a few tries to get our timing right, but our bodies finally started to move in sync. The pace picked up quickly as I made love in long strokes, my entire length working in and out of her. I gripped her hips to be able to better thrust into her. Our breathing got louder, and Mia's moans of pleasure intensified. Each of her moans turned me on so much and pushed me to fuck her harder.

Mia grabbed at my hands on her hips and pulled them to her bouncing breasts. She pressed my hands into them. I started to knead her breasts and played roughly with her nipples. Mia responded by riding me even harder.

My cock became fully coated in her juices, and while she was still extremely tight, I slipped right in and out of her. I was getting close to cumming, but I wanted to make sure Mia's first time was perfect and didn't want to cum before she had a chance to.

I leaned forward and sucked on one of her nipples. After I sucked on the other one, Mia pushed me back so that I was reclined into the plush backing of the sofa. Mia pressed her hands against my chest as she leaned forward, and she kissed me roughly. This new angle made her pussy squeeze my dick, exponentially increasing how great it felt.

Mia's breathing got labored again, and she rode me even harder. I gripped her hips again and fucked her hard, hoping that I could make her cum before I did. I slid one of my hands down and groped her ass, savoring how plump but tight it was. Mia moaned at the contact and sucked hard on my bottom lip. I had an impulse, and before I could stop myself, I spanked Mia hard enough to make a loud smacking sound. Mia's reaction was immediate. She jumped forward from the contact while moaning.

I waited a few seconds and then spanked her again, Mia moaned even louder this time, but she didn't jump forward. I spanked her a couple more times on that cheek. Mia's movements were getting erratic, making it harder to match her timing. After a few more spanks, I switched over to her other cheek. After one spank, Mia cried out, "Harder." Again, I did both things. "Oh Andrew!" Mia cried out. I spanked her one more time, even harder this time, and she inhaled in both pain in pleasure.

Mia straightened up and bounced on my dick. She began to shake on top of me as her orgasm hit her. Mia kept on crying out my name as she came. Each time brought me closer and closer to cuming until I finally started to shoot my load deep inside of her. "I love you," Mia said as she reached the peak of her orgasm.

"I love you too," I said as the last of my loads shot inside of her. I felt the year of stress and loneliness melt away as Mia made me cum. I fell back into the couch, and Mia slumped forward on top of me. I held her in my arms, not wanting to let go for fear that this might be all a crazy dream and it could slip through my fingers at any moment.

We sat there for a long time. I didn't know what to say but realized there wasn't anything I had to say. It was late, and I started to drift off to sleep when I realized Mia had beaten me to it when she began to fall to the side. I gently laid her down on the couch and stood up. I looked down at my sleeping sister. She was so beautiful and perfect. She had a smile on her face as she slept.

I reached down and carefully scooped her up. She hugged against me, making me think that maybe she was faking being asleep. I carried her to her room and had to fumble with the doorknob before I finally got the door open. Mia never made her bed, so it made it easy for me to be able to lay her down and tuck her in. I went back to the living room and picked up our discarded clothes to take to the bathroom's hamper. When I saw her panties nestled in her shorts, I had the sudden urge to sniff them. I had been tempted before to do it but had held back to respect Mia. After what we just did, I now felt like she wouldn't mind. I inhaled her sweet and heady aroma. It was intoxicating.I dropped the clothes off in the hamper and then went to my room. I thought about putting on some clothes, but I was so tired that I just climbed right into bed. I barely was under the covers and closed my eyes when I plummeted into dreamland.

I dreamed about being with Mia like I had so many times before. Now my dreams had an increased physicality to them since I knew what being with her felt like. As the dreams went on, they only seemed to increase in intensity.

I started to stir from my dreams. I fought to stay in them, but as I woke up, I realized that the fantastic sensation I was feeling only got stronger the more I woke up. I opened my eyes and saw in the grey predawn light that Mia was lying between my legs and was blowing me. She was looking down, entirely focused on her work.

She finally looked up and caught me watching her. "It's about time you wake up," she said. Before I could ask any more questions, she went right back to blowing me. My cock became coated in her saliva. After another minute of blowing me, Mia pulled her mouth off with a loud popping sound. "That should be good enough."

"Good enough for what?" I asked as Mia climbed on top of me. I got my answer when she lined my cock up with her entrance and lowered herself. It still took some time for Mia to take me inside of her, but she did it a lot more steadily this time and did it without wincing in pain. Once she took me all the way inside of her, she quickly picked up the pace. Now that she had a rhythm down, I matched her rhythm and started to thrust into her.

Mia leaned forward and kissed me. There was more of an urgency to Mia that I felt too, as I no longer feared giving in to my desires. I pawed at her breasts as we kissed.

Mia picked up the pace, and her breathing started to get uneven. She straightened back up on me and leaned back as she fucked me. She began to lean back further as she ground her pussy against me, so we held hands to support her. The extra pressure felt incredible. I knew that I wouldn't be able to last much longer. "I'm about to cum," I warned Mia.

"Fuck me harder," Mia commanded me. I straightened up so that my back was against the headboard. It banged loudly against the wall as we fucked. I sucked hard on her breasts, trying to help Mia catch up to me.

With a loud moan, Mia started to shudder on top of me as she came. She called my name one time before she was unable to speak anymore. Her pussy contracted around my cock. The next time I plunged inside of her, I was barely halfway inside when I started to cum. It felt even better than when I came the night before.

When she was done cumming, Mia leaned forward and kissed me sensually, but she pulled away before I could have my fill. I grabbed her wrist before she could move away and pulled her back in so that I could finish the kiss.

"You're going to make me late for my run," Mia said, but it was her who kissed me next. "I will see you later," Mia said as she climbed off me. I thought she was talking to me, but before she climbed out of my bed, she leaned down and gave the softening head of my cock a quick kiss. I watched Mia walk naked to my door. I was so glad I had my bed in the opposite corner of my room so that I could have more time to watch her walk away. She moved so sensually, and it was hard to tell in the light, but it looked like my cum was starting to drip down her legs. Mia glanced back at me as she walked through my doorway and caught me staring at her ass. She smiled mischievously and then turned the corner. I sighed, wondering if maybe I had gotten myself into more than I could handle.