Cade rolled his eyes when he heard the loud snap of a tree branch and the subsequent, "Fuck!" that accompanied it. He sighed and put his laptop carefully aside before investigating.

Anya lay groaning on her back under a tree. Cade crouched beside her. She didn't seem dead or dying, so that was a good sign.

"What'd you do this time?" he asked.

Anya moaned again, deliberately pitiful about it, but Cade had far too much experience with his little sister and her antics to be taken in by her.

"Fell out of the tree," she said.

"Yes, I thought you might have. Tried to climb the wrong branch?"

"It should have held. I've been using it lots. I can get to the roof from there. Or... I always could before."

"Uh huh. Got careless, didn't you?"

"Ugh. No chastising. I broke my wrist I think."

"I doubt it somehow."

"Since when are you a doctor?"

Cade stood up again and examined the tree Anya had fallen out of. "Not a doctor. I just know you'd be whining way harder if you'd actually broken anything."

"Well it hurts!" Anya insisted.

"I'm sure it does. Do we need to hit the hospital?"

"... yes."

"Fine. Do you need me to carry you?"


"Trick question. Not happening. On your feet."

Anya pouted. "So mean. And I thought I was your favourite sister and all."

"You are. Doesn't mean I'm going to encourage your constant attempts at injuring yourself."

"It's not a cry for help, dummy. I just like climbing."

"I know." Cade held up two fingers. "Second sign you didn't actually break anything, you're not too in pain to be lippy."

"Just wait 'til you break your arm. Then see how funny you think it is."

"Anya, dearest sister, I will bet you that it's not broken. Loser has to make supper."

"How am I s'posed to-"

"You'll win, right? Because your wrist is definitely broken?"

"... fine. You're on."


"Funny thing, isn't it?" Cade said. "Is that the doctor-"

"Shut up."

"-said the same thing I did."

"Blurgh," Anya said, gazing sulkily out her window.

"Not broken. Funny about that."

"You're the worst."

"I rescued you, didn't I?"

"You deigned to drive me to the hospital. No brother of the year awards for that."

Cade grinned wide. "You own me supper, anyway."

"I'm injured. It's not broken, but I'm still injured."

"Better think of something you can make one-handed, I guess."

"Ugh! Can we just stop somewhere and I'll get us take out?"

"That wasn't the bet."

Anya turned in her seat. "I just have to make supper. Buying it counts."

"There's no 'making' involved in just buying it."

"That's just a word."

"Yes. And the point of words is to communicate information."


"So I've heard, yes."

"Look, there's a good restaurant. Just stop there."


"Stop the car, or I'll jump out anyway."

Cade sighed. "You know, anyone else I'd call their bluff. But you're just self-destructive enough to-"

"I'm not! I'm just injured and cranky."

"Are the pain meds not helping?"

"They are. I think maybe I need another one."

"No you don't. You're not to abuse those."

"Ok, little mister nosey. For your info I can take two every four hours, and I only started with one, so maybe I shoulda taken two, how 'bout that?"

Cade nodded sagely. "In that case you'd best take a second."

"Are you gonna pull over?"

"We missed the place you wanted already."

"There's another good one ahead." Anya struggled with her pill bottle for a second, popped it open, then downed another pill. "Ooh, or hit a grocery store. We could make stupid-big-good sundaes later. With all the chocolate and syrup and bad stuff."

"Boy, those kick in fast."

"You're gonna insist on being a shit about this, aren't you?"

Cade considered. "Kinda seems that way, yeah."


Anya struggled with prepping food that evening. Part of it was just for show, mind you. Not that Cade fell for many of her tricks these days. She missed when they'd been younger and he'd been more of a sucker.

She missed when they'd been younger for other reasons too. It hadn't been just the two of them then. But that was a whole other thing.

The pain pills helped quite a bit. Her wrist hardly even bothered her, though it was awkward to use her hand at all and she did her best to do everything one-handed where possible. She also felt pretty happy and a tad light-headed from the meds, which she wasn't sure was a good thing, but she'd at least enjoy the feeling as long as it was there anyway.

"Need any help?" Cade asked.

"Ha, what happened to getting poor Cinderella to make your food and-"

"Poor Cinderella's been playing the pity card awfully hard today."

"... well we made a bet and all. Technically I gotta do this."

"Mmhm," Cade agreed. "That's true. Can I help anyway?"


"'Cause I love you, doofus. And I know you're acting pitiful on purpose, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still work."

Anya flushed and kept her face away from Cade for a moment so he wouldn't see. "You can do the hamburger," she said more quietly. "I'm having a hard time keeping the frying pan in line without burning myself."

"Good choice. What are we having?"


"Loaded up with all the good stuff?"

"Hell yeah. Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Just checking."

Anya busied herself cutting up more veggies and stuff. She was still reasonably able to handle that without too much trouble. Having Cade deal with browning the hamburger made a big difference. She hadn't thought he'd cave today, but she was glad he did.


Cade and Anya ate their nachos on the couch together. It was a somewhat messy affair, as well-loaded nachos tended to be. Cade had to help Anya a couple times to not make a total disaster. Her limited dexterity was a bit of a factor still.

"Mmm," Anya said, rubbing her tummy after. "That was good. Even worth you tricking me into cooking."

"Yeah. Tricking. That's what happened."

"Glad we're agreed," Anya said, deliberately not engaging with Cade's sarcasm.

"Are you not even gonna eat your ice cream with all kinds of junk on it? We specifically got everything you wanted."

"Ugh. You think I can do that now? That was hungry me talking. I'm very much full now."

Anya laid her head on Cade's shoulder as she shifted position and curled up next to him. He was still picking at the last of the nachos on his plate, but he put it aside as Anya was getting comfy.

She seemed much more docile now. Sleepy, even. She was kind of cute at times, for being a sister and all. This was one of those times, snuggled up calm and comfy, eyes heavily lidded, looking like she might just fall asleep at any moment.

"I got therapy tomorrow," Anya said, belying her otherwise comatose appearance.

"Mmhm. That's true."

"She's probably gonna ask about my wrist."

"Well it is fresh and all."

"It wasn't on purpose or anything."

Cade shrugged softly. "Don't have to tell me. I was there."

"Just sayin'. She thinks I'm... I don't even know. I don't think she likes me."

"I really don't think that's true. Even if she doesn't, she's gotta be professional, right?"

"Feels pretty personal sometimes."

"Yeah, well, it's all personal stuff."

Anya sighed. "I guess." She squirmed to get more comfortable. "How's yours going?"

"Got a session in... two days? I think?"

"Not what I asked. How's it going?"


"Ugh. Whatever. Don't tell me then."

Cade sighed an ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine. Really. Just... I still have trouble talking about some stuff."

"Well sure. So do I. That's part of the point, isn't it?"

"I guess."

"Mom and Dad?"

Cade nodded. "Yeah. Mostly them."


They were silent for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Is that anything to do with why you're always climbing stuff?" Cade asked softly.

"I like climbing stuff. That's all. That climbing gym I liked is still closed. What else am I s'posed to do?"

"I dunno. Just asking.

Anya curled up tighter against Cade. "Makes me feel good for a while, is all. Some things do."

"I get ya."


What Anya wouldn't say was that Cade was another thing that made her feel good. Not always. Sometimes he was a pain in the ass. But sometimes she was too, so it all kind of evened out.

It was hard to imagine not having him in her life. What she'd do. She didn't even want to think about it.

Besides, she was stuffed, and all happy-sleepy. So what was the point in getting existential now?

Anya liked the thrill and danger of climbing higher and higher. Trees, walls, their house. Whatever. Often any danger was an illusion as much as anything. A feeling she could bring herself when she felt like it. Though as today had proven, it wasn't always just imaginary.

Or maybe it was a rebellion of sorts against common sense and growing up. Maybe it was remembering childhood.

Whatever the case, Cade made her feel the same sense of chaotic peace, but from a different direction. There was no danger in him at all, real or otherwise. There was no thrill or daring. Just her brother. Always there. The only person or thing she could rely on one hundred percent.

And he was so nice to cuddle too. He'd just sit there and let her half-snooze. Sometimes maybe he'd shift, but often it was only to let them both be more comfortable, or to wrap an arm around her.

"I'm not carrying you to bed if you fall asleep on me," Cade warned.

"Don't worry. M'not."

"You sure? You're starting to drool on me."

Anya frowned and pouted at Cade. "Am not."

"I felt it."


"It's fine. Everyone drools."

Anya shook her head and secured a spot even further atop him. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Cade chuckled softly. "Can't imagine I ever would."


Cade lay awake in bed a while that night. Just staring at the darkness, alone with his thoughts.

He missed feeling Anya against him. It wasn't the first time either. It was something he'd come to recognize. How nice it felt having her next to him. She made him feel secure in a way that very little else could. Maybe nothing else, for that matter.

But he couldn't have that at night. When he really needed it. She'd probably help him fall asleep faster. And even if not, he'd enjoy his sleepless time in the dark more. Either way would be a win.

As he'd done before, intermittently, Cade got up and padded to the bathroom, not really needing to be there. It was an excuse more than anything. He made the soft trip to Anya's room after. Just checking.

Her door was half open. It was rarely closed. Maybe they didn't need to bother with closing doors. It was just the two of them. Cade, too, had become lax about it. Excepting for when he was jerking off or something. Then privacy still made a lot of sense.

Cade had thought about intruding at times. Thought about it now. The door was open. But that didn't mean anything, really, and it didn't feel right to just go in.

Maybe he was hoping Anya would still be awake and call to him. She never had yet. A foolish hope. Still, he was awake and had nothing better to do.

He went back to bed. He'd sleep sooner or later. Probably.


"My wrist hurts."

Cade nodded, busily typing at his laptop. "Makes sense."

"I wanted sympathy. Not confirmation."

"Oh. Sorry."

Anya sighed in frustration. "You're ignoring me."

"I'm working. Some of us do that."

"You don't have to."

"Mmm. True, I suppose. But I like it. Most of the time."

Anya cocked her head. "How about now?"

Cade sighed. "Right now it's a bit tedious, admittedly. Which is all the more reason to get it done."

"Ha, so responsible. How 'bout instead you braid my hair for me?"

Cade looked at Anya. She did her best to beam winsomely. She even batted her eyelashes, though as she soon as she saw her brother's reaction she knew that had been pushing it.

"Why would I do that?" he asked.

"'Cause I can't do it myself. My wrist hurts when I try holding it like that for too long."

"Sure. But I mean you don't actually need braids."

Anya shrugged. "I don't need lots of things. Doesn't stop me. Doesn't stop anyone, really."

"True. Give me an hour."

"An hour?!"

"Don't you have some way of imperiling yourself you should be getting to?"

Anya harrumphed and folded her arms. Cade was unmoved, and besides it wasn't an easy pose for her wrist either. Feeling she wasn't winning, Anya pattered off around the yard.

Cade liked doing his work outside sometimes when it was nice out. Which was fair enough. Anya liked being out in this weather too. But with her arm the way it was, she just felt bored and helpless.

Still, she could try.

She went straight for the tree she'd fallen from yesterday, cautiously pulling herself up with one hand and her legs, putting more work in with her lower body than she usually had to. She had some mild success, but didn't quite dare getting high enough to really feel anything. None of the freedom that often came with higher or riskier climbs.

Anya considered popping another painkiller, take the edge fully off. Maybe she could climb higher that way if her wrist wasn't bothering her. But then, she didn't entirely trust her judgement or reflexes she had a full dose in her, so probably best not to.

She climbed back down slowly, then at a sturdy lower branch she let herself hang upside down by her legs. She was close enough to the ground that it wasn't even much of a thrill hanging precariously like that, but she still liked the effect.

Somehow Cade sneaked up on her while she was hanging there just existing in the moment. Possibly she'd closed her eyes. All she knew was he was just there.

"Stuck?" he asked with quiet amusement.

"Nope," Anya answered.

"Uh huh. How you getting down then?"

"Gravity'll probably do the trick."

"I see." Cade tilted his head. "You know your shirt's-"

Anya yanked her top back into place, more or less. "Well it wasn't an issue until just now."

"Gravity. She giveth, she taketh away."

"S'fine. Didn't even come up over my boobs or nothin'." Anya thought for a second. "Which by the way is total nonsense. Girls should be able to go topless too if they want."

"Mmhm." Cade sat down on the grass cross-legged. He watched Anya while idly plucking the occasional blade from the ground. "I mean, they can. But then they have to deal with everyone staring."

"That's what I'm saying! It should be... more fairer. And stuff."

"I think maybe you should come down now. Too much upside down's not good for you."

"Yeah. Maybe. Catch me?"

"Thought you could do it yourself."

"I can."

Cade arched an eyebrow and just waited. Anya let go of her shirt, which made it slide up under her boobs again and expose her midriff. She needed her good hand for landing.

Her landing wasn't too bad, she thought, even if Cade immediately burst out laughing.

"Ah, so graceful. The things I didn't realize you could do."

Anya sat herself up from the tumbled pile she'd landed in. She brushed her hair back and discovered a leaf tangled in it.

"It was pretty graceful," she said defiantly.

"No," Cade said. "It really wasn't."

"I'd like to see you do better. Even with both hands."

"Alas, I've made the blunder of maturing some as I age."

Anya rolled her eyes. "Overrated, I say."

"There's another leaf by your ear."

"Ugh." Anya fished out the offending debris and discarded it with a faint scowl. "What are you doing anyway? Thought you had 'big important work' to do."

"I hadn't heard you breaking anything in a bit. Made me worried."

"Worried that I hadn't broken anything?"

"No. Worried that you'd broken something badly enough that you couldn't whine for help."

"Oh ha ha." Anya stood up. "It's good anyway. Now you can braid my hair for me like I wanted."

"I still have things to do."

"Mmhm. But you're procrastinating now, and I'ma help with that."

"You think so?"

"Yep. Come on."


Cade sat back in his chair in the sun, right where he'd been before. Only now instead of keeping his laptop on his lap, he had his sister in front of him on the grass, wiggling her way as close as possible. Anya settled herself between his legs and leaned her head back a bit toward him.

Anya was right. He wasn't really in the mood for more work right now anyway. Maybe she'd lured him into procrastinating, but that was fine. It was where he was now regardless.

"What do you want?" Cade asked, running his hands over Anya's hair and smoothing it down some. "One braid? Pigtails?"

"Hm, whatever," Anya said, unbothered. "Mostly just want the attention."

"You're not supposed to say that part out loud."

"Too late. You've been suckered already."

Cade sighed. "Uh huh."

Nevertheless, he started experimenting with Anya's hair, braiding small handfuls together rather haphazardly. Anya leaned into it and relaxed, just enjoying the process.

Cade put braids in and took them out again. Not really with any sort of plan. Just trying things. Just making his sister happy. Enjoying the quiet, sunny intimacy of it.

It was a rather soothing way to pass some time, really. Anya clearly felt the same. She may as well have been a cat for the level of satisfaction she showed. Practically purring in his lap.

Easy to forget one's troubles entirely. At least for a time.

"Were you outside my room last night?" Anya asked suddenly.

Cade faltered, losing his hold on the braid he'd been working on.

Anya just waited. Eyes closed. No evident concern on her features.

"Yeah," Cade admitted after a pause that hadn't quite passed into fully awkward territory.

"You do that sometimes, don't you? Not just me imagining it."

"I don't want to bother you."

"I know. Can't sleep?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

Anya nodded, then held still as Cade started undoing one of her braids. "You should come in if you need to. We can talk. Or not talk. Whatever."

"Don't want to disturb you."

"So you said. But I don't want to you to feel alone. That's what sisters are for, you know? Or brothers. We got each other still."

"I know. I really do."

"'K. Wanna rub my shoulders some as long as you're there?"

Cade gave Anya an appraising look. She couldn't see it with her eyes still closed, so it was wasted.

"Genuinely can't tell if you're being selfless or self-interested sometimes," he said.

"Mmm. That too is what sisters are for."


Anya was contemplative that evening. She took a long time showering, running her hands through her hair over and over as though they were Cade's. Not the same, of course. Not even close.

She wasn't sure why she'd even brought up his little nighttime check ins. She'd already been basically sure what was up. She didn't really need to confirm it or anything. Maybe something her conscious mind hadn't quite grasped yet. Maybe that was it.

Either way, she had an idea that was probably worth a shot. An idea that took full form in her mind as she dried off after her shower.

"I think we should try sleeping together," Anya said.

Cade gave her a look. "Slee-"

"I mean just sleeping. Obviously. Whatever pervy thing you just thought, stop it."

"Only just that sleeping together means sex, sometimes. You know?"

"I do," Anya said. "And obviously I didn't mean that."

"Mmhm. Sure. But, uh, why though?"

"Maybe it would help."

Cade waited a moment. "That's it? Maybe it would help?"

"Sure. That's what you're thinking when you can't sleep, isn't it? And you relax me, so... it could work."

"I think I mostly just want to talk when I can't sleep. Just... I don't know. Feel not alone maybe."

Anya nodded. "And this will help."

She was fully prepared for her brother to not agree at all. But at least she'd put the idea out there. Given it a try. And maybe he'd think about it more.

Then again, she wouldn't have even brought it up if there wasn't a chance.

"We could try it," Cade said.


"You're, uh, gonna put something else on though, yeah?"

"What, you don't like my towel-dress?"

"It's nice," Cade said. "But I'm worried about it staying on while you sleep."

"Fair." Anya nodded. "Don't worry. I shall be properly attired."

"Oh good."


Anya was still getting ready when Cade arrived at her room. Luckily she was already properly attired, as promised, but was still brushing her hair in the mirror. She only noticed her brother because she saw him in the reflection. She kept brushing anyway until she was ready.

"I was on my way," she said.

"Uh huh."

"Your room or my room?"

"Well we're both here already, aren't we?"

Anya nodded. "True. Easier that way, huh?"

She padded over in her cami and panties, followed close by Cade in his boxers and t-shirt. It was a level of clothing that they were both used to around each other, even if it wasn't everyday attire, exactly. More the stuff of lazy Saturdays or storm days.

Climbing into bed together was still a bit awkward. Anya wasn't used to sharing, nor it seemed was Cade. They both lay on their backs, tense and silent.

It was possible this wasn't a good idea after all.

"I didn't think this was going to feel weird," Anya said.

"I had a feeling it might," Cade replied, a hint of amusement in his voice, but only a hint.

"Pheh, whatever. Come here."


Anya forcefully pulled his head over to rest on her, then ran her fingers through his hair. She did much the same as he'd done for her that afternoon, though without the pretense of hairdressing.

"You're so tense," Anya whispered.

"So are you."

"Mmhm. We'll get over that."

"You think?"

"I hope."

"... don't let me fall asleep on your boobs if I do start to relax."

Anya giggled. "I don't mind. They're not getting much use these days as it is."

"Probably should stay that way."

"Mmm, probably. Shh, though. Just relax."

"Yeah. Ok."


Cade felt soothed and comforted in a way he wasn't much used to when going to sleep. It wasn't a completely foreign feeling, as it was very similar to their regular casual cuddling. But it was different for sure. More deliberate, perhaps, and with Anya tenderly caring for him.

He only realized just how deep he was sinking into it when Anya giggled softly. He jarred back to reality more sharply than he liked.


"Nothing," Anya said quietly. "Just... I realized you're drooling on my boobs."


Cade pulled away and wiped his mouth. Indeed, there was a collection of saliva in the corner of his mouth.

"Don't go," Anya said.

"I'm not. Just... gonna lay my head somewhere else."

"Aw. I don't get people drooling over me very often, you know."

Cade shifted and tried to get comfortable in a more dignified manner. Which after he'd drooled on his sister's tits, dignity wasn't an easy thing.

"It's not meant to be so literal anyway," Cade said.

"Sure. But that's why it's funny."

"You're a weirdo."

Cade rolled on his side facing away from Anya. To his mild surprise, she followed and curled up against his back.

"Good thinking," Anya said. "If I'm big spoon, my injured arm can be on top."


"Plus you know some people call this 'jetpacking'? When the smaller person is big spoon. It's pretty cute."

"... just don't drool on me."

"No promises."

Cade still fully expected to lie awake for a while. Though Anya had already helped, he wasn't abuzz with any of his normal nighttime concerns and empty but distracting thoughts. And so he fell asleep without hardly any fuss.


Anya had pleasant dreams. She couldn't remember what they were exactly, but she recalled them being nice.

She realized almost immediately upon waking up that she had, in fact, drooled on her brother at some point. But if she didn't say anything he probably wouldn't notice. Besides, he'd drooled first.

"You can let go of me now," Cade said softly.

"But you're so warm and cuddly."

"Mmhm. You too. Still, though."

"How'd you sleep?" Anya asked, not yet letting go.

"... really well, actually."

"Me too."

"Well... good."

"So we should do this again, right?"

"I... would like that," Cade admitted.


Anya kissed Cade's shoulder, then released him. She smiled as he rolled away, but then frowned thoughtfully at how awkwardly he was moving.

"You don't have a boner, do you?" she asked.

"Jesus, Anya. You really gonna ask me that?"

"... well do you?"

"Yes. And I'm feeling really weird about it."

Anya shrugged, glint of amusement in her expression. "It's normal, you know. Obviously you know. Morning wood. I wasn't gonna assume it was 'cause of me."

"Good. Because it isn't."

"I know."

"But... ugh. It's weird. Sorry."

"Hehe, ok, well shuffle off awkwardly then."

"Thanks. I will."

Anya snickered to herself some once Cade was gone. Him being all shy over his erection was probably the funniest part.

She idly wondered if, just by chance, she did have anything to do with it. Not in an attraction kind of way, obviously, but just because her boobs were all nicely squished up against him. Or just because of the intimacy of waking up with someone.

Neither her or her brother were really used to getting much of anything in bed these days. Unless Cade had a sneaky girlfriend or something. Which was possible, but highly unlikely. And even if he did, there certainly weren't any sleepovers happening. Some midday fucks, maybe, at most.

"Maybe that's part of our problem," Anya murmured aloud to herself. "He's as close to a boyfriend as I've had for a while, but we've both been afraid to ask for what we need sometimes."

Well that had to change, then. Anya couldn't complain about how close she and Cade were. He was the best brother she could ask for in many respects. But maybe she needed more. Maybe they both did. Not in a weird way or anything. Just... night comfort, for instance. Nothing wrong with that.

It beat the hell out of dating too. Anya was not at all interested in getting back into that world. Especially having to explain her parents and stuff. Maybe it wasn't a big deal, but she really just didn't want to get into that with much of anybody, really.

Cade already knew. Knew mostly everything. And he loved and accepted her for all of it. That was a nice feeling. As was the comfort and security of waking up curled around him.

Only problem was how was he ever gonna be the big spoon?

"Can't have him poking me in the morning," Anya giggled to herself.

It was a minor but amusing problem.


"I thought about you a lot today," Cade said.

Anya perked up. "Oh?"

"Yeah. Thought about saying something in therapy. Like 'hey so I slept with my sister last night'. Something like that."

"Pff, ha, yeah. Guess that coulda been funny."

Cade shrugged. "Coulda been. Probably not, though. Then I'd have to explain what actually happened. Then explain why I felt the need to joke about it. Woulda been a whole thing."

"Suppose so. You're still sleeping with your sister again tonight though, right?"

Cade smiled crookedly. "I believe so, yes."


The whole sleepytime process was even smoother the second night. Less awkward, at any rate. Both sibs knew what they were getting into.

Cade still let Anya coddle him a bit and be the big spoon again. It was a comfort he hadn't known he needed, but was so dang good now that he'd stumbled into it.

Waking up fully erect wasn't the greatest, though. He didn't really want to think too hard about why that was happening, nor talk about it with Anya. Because yes, it was the sort of thing that just happened. But also, it didn't always happen. And it wasn't always quite so... insistent.

But these things happen. What could a brother do?

They fell into a bit of an easy routine. They had many small routines together, and sleeping became a new one. Phasing out their separate nighttime lives and making something new and wholesome.

Anya seemed to be generally happier too. Certainly more outwardly cheerful. Even when hampered by her injury. Though that didn't last overly long.

"Got my arm baaaccck!" she declared one day upon returning from seeing the doctor.

"Well done you," Cade said.

"Mmhm. Guess what I'm going to do."

"Something stupid?"

"Wrong! I'm gonna go see if I can climb to that branch I can never reach on the really tall tree."

"... that's-"

"La la la, can't hear yooouuu."

Cade sighed. "Great. I'll just get an ambulance queued up, shall I?"

Anya, undeterred, marched outside, flexing her newly healed wrist. She found her intended challenge, and promptly scampered up it. Cade could only stand below her and watch.

He probably didn't need to worry, really. When she wasn't doing something totally stupid, like trying to jump from a tree to the roof, Anya was well skilled at navigating climbing obstacles. Trees in particular.

Soon enough she was dangerously close to the very pinnacle of the tree, and apparently as high as she'd wanted to reach. She laughed triumphantly and waved down to Cade, who bemusedly waved back.

"Did ya see?" Anya asked as she shimmied back down.

"Yes. You know I did."

"I nailed it."


At one of the lowest branches, Anya stopped, hooked her legs around it, then fell over backward to dangle upside down, just about with her face on a level with Cade's. Her shirt immediately slipped and gathered under at her boobs, exposing most of her tummy. She didn't seem to care.

"I've missed having my hand," she said, swinging carelessly.

"If you immediately break it again, don't come crying to me."

"Pff. Didn't even break it last time. Not really. You said so yourself."

"That's not at all the point."

Anya shrugged, which only exacerbated the precarious grip her shirt had on modesty.

"I'm a free spirit," she said. "You can't chain me down."

"No indeed. Do you want some help down though?"

Anya glanced at the ground, then back to Cade. "Yes please."

Cade held Anya as she released her legs from the branch and flipped herself onto her feet. It was a reasonably graceful maneuver, all things considered.

"Thanks," she said, belatedly adjusting her shirt.

"You're gonna have to be more careful," Cade said.

"I wasn't gonna fall," Anya said with a roll of her eyes.

"Not that. You're just gonna end up showing off your boobs one of these times if you keep going upside down."

Anya gave him a strangely intense look, like she was studying part of his soul rather than anything physical.

"Yes," she said slowly. "We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"... no?"

Anya smoothed herself out some more than flounced off, humming to herself.


Anya hugged Cade more tightly in bed that night. Mostly just because she could. She had full use of both arms again, and she aggressively cuddled her big brother, spooning him tightly.

Cade seemed amused, but didn't complain. They both fell asleep relatively easily, as they'd been getting used to.

The problem for Anya was that she woke up horny. It had been an increasing problem for her. She wasn't used to it. It had really only been happening since she and Cade started sharing a bed.

He obviously had his constant morning wood too, though they'd both tried to just brush that off. Make light of it. Or just be awkward about it, as Cade was sometimes wont to do.

To be fair to Cade, boners weren't the most subtle things in the world. Anya's arousal was much easier hidden. So it made a lot of sense that he'd be more awkward about these things.

Anya was still musing as Cade started shifting and waking. She stayed quiet for a few moments longer, but tightened her grip again and nuzzled her face into the back of his shoulder.

"Morning, sleepy," Anya murmured.




"Are you hard?"

Cade paused for a long beat. "You know I am. I wish you wouldn't bring it up, though."

"I don't know. Maybe some mornings you aren't."

"No, it's pretty much every morning these days. Probably just 'cause I don't jerk off at night, though. Since we're together and all."

"Mmhm," Anya agreed without really meaning it. "That's probably why." She took a turn letting a pause hang, then, "Can I play with it a little?"


"Just a little. Not in a weird way or anything."

"Explain to me how this could be not weird?"

Anya sighed, but didn't let go of Cade. "'Cause it's not. That's all. Like... I wouldn't be jerking you off or anything. That would be weird."

"But my sister just playing with me isn't? As long as she doesn't try to get me off?"

"You're overthinking this."

"You're underthinking it."

Cade tried to pull away, but he didn't try very hard, and Anya was clinging stubbornly enough that he didn't get anywhere.

"Please?" Anya said.

"Don't do that."


"You know this isn't fair. Asking me something like this while I'm horny."

"I don't know if you're horny. Morning wood doesn't mean that necessarily."

"It doesn't mean I'm not, though."

"True, I suppose," Anya said thoughtfully. "Are you horny then?"

"Jesus, Anya."

"I am," she admitted softly.

That got Cade very thoughtful for a long, long moment. Anya waited anxiously for some response.

"This is a bad idea though," he said.


"Why do you even want to... play with me?"

"It's been a long time since I've done stuff with anyone. I just... feel like I want to. And it'd be nice not to have any pressure on it. Usually it's just about sex and junk. This wouldn't have to be. It couldn't be, actually."

Cade paused again. "We could find someone else."

"They wouldn't be you."

Anya thought for sure he'd roll away again. She'd let him go this time. She was aware she was getting a bit too desperate. She didn't mean to. That hadn't been the intent. But it wasn't bad yet. She could still salvage things by just letting him leave.

Instead, "Just for a minute, ok?" Cade said. "And if it's weird... we never mention it again, right? I don't want to... to not be able to sleep with you anymore."

Anya felt a surge of emotion at the genuine way Cade pleaded with her. She didn't want to lose sleeping with him either. She wasn't even sure why she was risking it like this.

"Deal," she said, ignoring her other barrage of thoughts.

Neither of them moved.

"Well?" Cade said.

"Oh. I thought you were going to, like, roll on your back or something."

"First of all, you won't let me move. Secondly, I don't know that I can handle facing you right now."

"Ah. Fair. Ok."

Anya trembled slightly as she slid a hand down her brother's body. He was right, of course, that this was weird. But that wasn't going to stop her. Not now.

She found his cock easily. It stuck out from the rest of him rather lewdly.

"You're so hard," Anya whispered as she brushed her fingers across the tent he made in his boxers.

"I did tell you that."

"I know. But you're, like, fully hard and everything."

Cade squirmed uncomfortably. "What did you think I meant?"

"I dunno. Less than that."


Anya rubbed her hand over Cade's cock. She pressed more firmly as she grew in confidence and became more certain he wasn't going to suddenly slip away.

Cade even made a small, soft groan when Anya first pressed her palm hard against him. It was cute and gratifying, and only made her want to play more.

She wasn't sure if she was actually turned on by this or anything. It was hard to say if it was that, or some other desire entirely. Only it was hard to say what else it could be other than horniness.

Anya sneaked her hand through the front of Cade's boxers and felt his erection directly. He seemed even harder somehow. And... twitching? Definitely twitching a little.

She wanted so badly to just wrap her hands around him. A sudden, intense urge to do so. But he was her brother, still. It wasn't like that. She wasn't about to jerk him off. Just play.

Anya was fully aware her logic had some holes to it. She just couldn't be bothered worrying about them just at the moment.

"Do you need to jerk off in the mornings?" Anya asked softly.

"... sometimes. It'll just go away on its own in a while though."


Anya kept playing, kept feeling her brother's heat and arousal. Precum slicked the tip of his cock, and she played with that too. She got another soft whimper out of him as she rubbed her finger around the slippery head of his erection.

"I'll have to jerk off today for sure," Cade said.

Anya thrilled at that admission in an entirely inappropriate way. She had to stop. She knew it. But she didn't want to. And for some reason Cade had made no attempt at all to break this off. He'd said only a minute, but that limit was proving increasingly inaccurate.

"You should jerk off more," Anya said. "It's good for you."

Cade snorted. "How would you know? And how do you know I don't already jerk off plenty?"

"I suspect."

"Uh huh. I don't think I want to know what those suspicions are based off of."

Anya slipped her hand lower, down the base of Cade's shaft, locating his balls by touch. She gave them the most tender of massages, and smiled to herself at the soft pant she heard from her brother.

"They're based off you always being hard in the morning," she said.

"Oh. Right."

"So maybe you aren't cumming enough."

"Not something you expect to hear from your sister," Cade mumbled.

Anya got another thrill at the way he said 'sister.' While she was fondling his balls and all. She traced her fingers back up, caressing his cock.

She had to admit she was getting pretty horny too. It wasn't just him. Hers wasn't quite as obvious, though, even though she'd kind of admitted to it already.

"I gotta go," Cade announced suddenly.

Anya kept running her fingers along his shaft. "Oh," she said disappointedly.

"If I don't..."

"You're gonna cum?"


Anya nodded and reluctantly released her brother. "Can't have that."

"Nope. That'd be bad."


Cade adjusted himself, then slowly rolled out of bed. Unlike other mornings, he didn't try to hide how erect he was. Anya caught a full view of the tent in his boxers, sticking straight out as it was. Another surge of arousal pulsed through her.

"Gonna go jerk off?" Anya asked.

"... yeah."

"'K. See you for breakfast?"



Cade walked out a bit awkwardly. He didn't close the door. Anya didn't even care. It'd be fine if he walked back in, but she knew he wouldn't. He was busy now. Just as she was.

She hardly even waited until it was safe before rolling on her back, throwing the covers out of the way, and jamming a hand into her panties. They were wetter than she ever would have guessed. How long had she been playing? She didn't think it was more than a minute or two. But really... maybe it had been longer. She'd been entranced and not really paying attention to time.

Cade was supposed to stop her, and she'd been enjoying the fact that he hadn't for so long.

Anya bit her lip and rubbed her pussy. She thought about Cade while she played with herself. Thought about stroking his cock, about letting him watch her right now if he wanted.

Unbidden, the thought of him walking back in, yanking her panties down, and burying his face in her pussy hit her hard. She came to that mental image, of her big brother licking her out.

She shivered in the aftermath, not sure how she felt about it all. Not the first questionable fantasy she'd ever had, though, and it made her cum so good. But still, though, probably best not to head down that road any farther.


Cade wasn't proud of jerking off with the fresh feeling of his sister's hand on him, but her very much enjoyed it. It was a guilty enjoyment, sure, but not enough to stop him.What had come over Anya anyway? Asking to touch him like that. And then... him letting her.

Not great. Not great.

It was them sleeping together. That's what did it. And Cade was not prepared to give that up if he didn't absolutely have to.

He was just getting used to basking in the feel of being loved and comforted by someone, both on his way to sleep and upon waking up. It wasn't a feeling to be discarded lightly.

Anya gave him a piercing look when he finally dressed and joined her for breakfast. He was sure she was going to ask him about his masturbation, but she didn't. Probably just as well.

Even better, they both quietly slipped into bed again that night as though nothing had changed.

"You hard?" Anya asked again the next morning.

Cade was already all abuzz with barely restrained nerves and anticipation. He didn't want to admit to himself that he'd been hoping she'd ask, let alone admit it to Anya. He deliberately paused before answering, trying to seem like he wasn't excited.

"Yes," he said.

"... can I play with it again?"

"Just for a minute."

"Mmhm. And I won't make you cum."

"No, of course."

"Of course," Anya echoed.

Cade moaned softly as her warm little hand sneaked down to his cock. Why'd it have to feel so damn good? From his little sister of all people.

And yet... who else could he ever have been so comfortable with? Anyone else touching him like this, they'd basically have to be banging. He wasn't sure what was going on here, but it wasn't like that. Couldn't be. He didn't even want to think about the possibility.

He just wanted to enjoy the moment. Anya petting his cock while all curled up against him from behind. It was nice.


Anya settled in just as firmly to their new morning routine. It began to feel normal to just kind of reach over and play with Cade's erection every morning. It shouldn't, but it did.

It got to be her favourite part of the day. Lazily waking up and having a solid few minutes of super inappropriate play time. Sometimes longer.

And afterward they'd separate and do their own things. Masturbating, mostly. Anya didn't get herself off every time, necessarily, but usually she did. She tended to be quite horny by then.

It was actually kind of crazy how long it took Anya to realize she could spy on her brother if she wanted. She knew the perfect spot on the perfect tree for seeing into his room. She'd just never really had a use for it.

Once she realized, though, she found it near-impossible not to at least try it out. As it turned out, it worked beautifully.

Anya dressed and slipped out of the house after leaving Cade that morning. They often slept in her room, but sometimes his. It made it easier for her if she left him in his room and knew right where he'd be. No chance of him still wandering around when she was trying to sneak out.

Cade still lay in bed once she managed to scramble to her semi-hidden perch. She'd probably be spotted if Cade looked fully out his window, but barring that she should be fine.

He'd thrown off his covers and lay on his back. His hand covered his cock, mostly, but the jerking off motion was very clear.

Anya watched with intent fascination. She wasn't even sure why she cared. Why she felt the urge to watch. Touching him, sure, there was a physical intimacy there. Not a healthy one, perhaps, but still.

Watching? There wasn't really a good excuse for that. There just wasn't.

And yet here she was.

Maybe the cumshot. Maybe that was what she wanted. The part she hadn't been able to experience. She wasn't allowed to make him cum, but now she got to see it.

It was kind of neat, at any rate. Seeing him cum. Her big brother making a big mess. It would have been nice to be a part of it, but just seeing it was... something.

"You seem off this morning," Cade said over breakfast a little later.

"I'm not," Anya said.

He raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"



He dropped it, but Anya felt the extra pressure. She kept it with her through most of the day. She didn't know what else to do with it. She'd spied on her brother. There was nothing else she could pretend it had been. It wasn't clear to her if she was guilty about it, but it was definitely throwing her off somehow, and Cade had picked up on that.

She sighed to herself upon reaching a decision. She didn't want secrets with Cade. Not with him. Anyone else, sure. Not him.


"I watched you masturbate this morning," Anya said.

Cade was in the midst of making them both some sleepy time tea. He handed Anya her cup while watching her thoughtfully. He didn't fully know what to make of the admission.

"You did?"

"Yeah. From the tree outside. Across from your window."

"Ah. Just this morning?"


"Guess I should have seen that coming."

Anya risked a smile. "I kinda did see that cumming," she said softly.

Cade snorted and blew on his tea, even though it wouldn't be cool enough for another few minutes. "I weirdly don't think I'm as embarrassed about it as I should be."

"Well, you know, I've played with your dick a lot lately."

"There is that."

Anya shifted her weight and folded her arms anxiously. "You know in therapy... apparently I don't trust people easily."

Cade shrugged. "Who does, really?"

"Lots of people. I think. Just... I mean it's you. I don't want to hide stuff from you, you know?"

"I do."

"I won't spy again or anything. Probably."


"Well... I get stupid sometimes. When I'm... horny."


Cade felt a thrill run up his spine. His sister horny over him. Of course she was. She didn't play with his cock all the time for non-horny reasons. But to hear her say it...

"Do you... want to watch sometimes?" Cade asked. "Like, not through the window?"

Anya's eyes went big and hopeful, even as she tried to downplay her reaction. "Is that ok?"

"... probably not. But that doesn't seem to stop us."

"It doesn't, does it?"


Anya got stupidly excited as it got closer and closer to bedtime. She kept waiting for Cade to be ready to jerk off, but that didn't seem to be happening.

"Are you doing it or what?" she finally asked before they went to bed. His room, tonight.


"Jerking off. You said I could watch."

Cade tilted his head. "Sure. Sometimes. Maybe. I'm not gonna do it just to give you a show."

"Well why not?"


"That's such a tease," Anya said, hands on her hips.

Cade sighed. "Maybe in the morning, huh?"


"No. I said maybe."

"Blergh. Fine."

Anya only gave Cade grumpy cuddles that night, and she found it harder to fall asleep than she was used to these days. She probably should rubbed one out, in hindsight. She'd been so focused on her brother she hadn't considered her own needs.

She woke up early and anxious the next morning. Almost immediately she went for Cade's cock and played with it to wake him up.

Unlike other mornings, she wrapped her hand around him and properly stroked him the way she'd been avoiding. She needed him in the mood today. He might still hold out on her otherwise.

Cade stirred awake, groaning softly as Anya jerked him off under the covers.

"Unf. This... this is a pretty good way to wake up," he mumbled.

Anya grinned. "You like?"

"You know I do."

"You have to let me watch you finish," Anya reminded him. "You promised."


Despite agreeing, Cade just kind of lay there, letting Anya stroke him. He seemed in no hurry to take over.

Anya kind of was, but only in the sense that she was all excited to see him cum. She was enjoying the handjob too, which she'd sort of tricked herself into, but mostly she wanted the ending. And Cade didn't give any indication of wanting to take over and finish himself.

Although... if he didn't do anything, and Anya accidentally made him cum just from stroking him... that wasn't her fault, was it. It wasn't like she'd mean to make her brother cum. She couldn't be blamed for that.

She frowned slightly at the sudden inspiration for sneaking Cade an orgasm. It was an exciting idea. She could practically already feel him pulsing in her hand, shooting cum, making a sticky, hot mess. But that was still super bad, and she definitely couldn't do that.

Even if, yes, she was fully jerking him off right now. That was incidental to the main goal, though. It had just happened. No good worrying about it at this point.

She had to be careful in future, was all. Go back to just playing. Playing was ok. Sort of. Better than a sisterly handjob, at any rate.

"That's enough," Cade said quietly.

Anya almost missed the soft words. She could have pretended not to hear. Maybe that was even his intent. But... she stopped her hand, then reluctantly let go of him.

"You're close?" she asked.


Anya nodded, her excitement increasing despite her reluctance to release him. Cade still wasn't moving very quickly, so she sat up and tugged their covers back. As soon as he rolled on his back, she started yanking on his boxers to get them out of the way entirely.

Cade seemed both amused and a little nervous. His cock stood straight up and glistened with precum.

Anya knelt beside him and waited expectantly. She tried to make eye contact, but her gaze was drawn firmly to his erection. Her brother's hard cock. Right in front of her.

"This is kind of embarrassing," Cade said.

"No it isn't."

"I don't think you get to decide."

"Do you... want me to do it for you?"

Cade hesitated at the offer, and Anya found herself hoping he'd accept, even though it would be very, very bad.

"No," he said.

He reached down and took hold of his cock. Anya's tummy was all fluttery as she watched Cade slowly start to stroke himself. Just for her.

"Oh wow," she breathed.

Cade bit his lip and looked away. Rather cutely, Anya thought. But he kept going.

He wasn't going very fast though. Anya didn't think it was going to work if he didn't do it for real. And sure enough, the longer he jerked himself, the more evident it was he wasn't as close as he'd claimed.

"Are you going to cum or not?" Anya demanded impatiently.

She had put a hand between her legs and squeezed it between her thighs, covering her pussy over her panties. Not masturbating, but just needing something. The longer Cade dragged this out, the more teased she felt, and the closer she came to needing something more.

"Don't know if I can," he said.

"What? Of course you can. You do it all the time. I mean... not enough. We've established that. But still."

"You're watching me."

"I need to. I won't see anything otherwise."

"It's embarrassing."

Anya growled and bounced with uncontained nerves, inadvertently rubbing herself a little. It felt nice, but she couldn't get distracted now.

"For fuck's sake. I'll do it then."


Cade gasped as Anya pulled his hand away and replaced it with her own. He didn't complain though. Didn't protest at all.

Anya was being rather stupid here. She knew that. She also knew that it felt really, really good having her brother in her hand like this, and he needed to cum, and she really badly wanted to see it. So... here they were.

Such a naughty sister. How bad could she even get? At the moment, she didn't care. She poked her tongue out the side of her mouth in concentration and worked her brother's cock as best she knew how.

Cade didn't try and stop her. He clearly didn't want her to stop. That was a problem. If neither of them wanted to stop...

But that was a problem for a different time.

Anya kept stroking her brother, reveling in the cute, sexy, barely audible noises he made. He was trying to be silent and aloof, but wasn't quite succeeding.

"You're gonna make me cum," he breathed.

Anya thrilled all the way through her body. Her clit throbbed. She felt shaky and over-exhilarated. She didn't respond. Too busy stroking him. Concentrating. Not looking at him or giving either of them a chance to think better of this.

Cade gave a longer groan just before Anya felt his cock twitch in her hands. There was a delay that felt much longer than the fractional second it was, then a thick shot of cum exploded in a short arc.

Anya's mouth dropped open and she stared with even more rapt fascination. She kept jerking only for lack of better ideas what to do. More cum poured out, hot on her skin, eventually becoming little more than a dribble toward the end. There was plenty of mess by then. Quite a little disaster.

"Oh wow," Anya said.

Cade shrugged and lay back, not meeting her eyes. Anya barely noticed. She crouched lower, running a delicate finger down her brother's softening shaft. He was cummy all over his cock, balls, and lower tummy. She mostly just had it on her hands.

Anya played with his cum with an awed fixation. This was bad and she knew it. She shouldn't have finished her brother off like that. But she was tingling and excited, and was all cummy and slick. The bad parts just didn't seem important.

"So much," Anya breathed.

She ran her fingertips through the mess, feeling how slippery he was. She was only making the mess worse by spreading it, but it was just too much fun.

"I'm gonna need to clean up now," Cade said.

"Uh huh."

Anya kept toying with her brother's cum.

"Why are you still playing with it?" he asked.

"'Cause it's neat."

"... it's my cum."

"Yes. I am aware."

"You shouldn't..."

"Shouldn't what? Jerk you off? Too late for that."

Cade sighed. "Yeah. It is, isn't it?"

Anya stopped with her hand still on his cock. She could feel it pulsing again, hardening under her touch.

"You don't regret it, do you?" she asked softly, needing the answer to be no.

Cade took a moment to answer, but thankfully shook his head. "No. It's horrible, but... that was really good." He looked at her cautiously. "I liked having my sister jerk me off."

Anya cracked a smile. "Well she liked doing it."

"So... what do we do with that?"

"I dunno. Lucky we both got therapy already I guess."

Cade groaned. "No way I'm saying anything about this."

"Ha, yeah, probably not, huh." Anya moved her hand up Cade's shaft. He was so damn slippery under her fingers, and stroking him would probably be super fun like that. Using his own cum and everything. "Want me to do it again?"

"Don't tempt me."

"I don't mind."

"No. No better not. Not right now."

"Later?" Anya asked hopefully.

"You really liked doing that? It's not even the fun part. You didn't get to... I mean..."

Cade was blushing rather adorably. Anya's mind whirled even as she tried not to get distracted by how cute her brother was being.

She hadn't given any serious consideration to letting Cade touch her pussy or anything. She wasn't sure if he had either, but he'd definitely alluded to it just now. Implied that it would be the 'fun part.' Sort of.

"Lots of things can be the fun part," Anya said. "I really enjoyed this."

"Oh. Good."

Anya let go of Cade and brought her hand to her mouth. She swiped some cum off her finger and tasted it thoughtfully.

Cade just groaned and swung his legs toward the side of the bed.

"Ok, I gotta go shower. For real."

Anya grinned. "Sure you don't me to... clean you up some?"

"Don't mess with me."

"I'm not. I would."

"That's what's scary. I think you actually might."

"Your cum tastes good."

Cade shook his head as he stood up and walked away bottomless, cock continuing to stiffen. Anya watched with great interest as his erection swayed with each step.

"I'm going to clean up," he said firmly.


Anya barely waited for him to be out of the room before she lay back and stuffed a hand down her panties. She sucked her cummy fingers in her mouth while rubbing herself frantically.

She didn't know why this was so damn hot, why it got to her the way it did. Just something about her brother...

She was as horny as she'd ever been. That was for sure. She kept sucking her fingers long after she'd scoured them clean of any traces of cum. Her brother's cum. Goddamn.

Cumming once wasn't even enough. She rubbed herself off a second time right after the first, still lying in her brother's bed, still smelling his scent. Though she was at least a little slower and more methodical about getting off the second time.

Her mind continued to whirl afterward, lying in the afterglow of it all. It was all so scary and confusing, but with a core of warmth and security. Whatever was going on with her, at least it was with Cade. She could feel safe with him.


Cade took a long, hot shower and really tried to process. He'd let Anya jerk him off. Like fully jerk him off. Not just their usual casual play time. Which... they shouldn't have been doing either. But it wasn't as bad. Probably.

But oh god it had been so good. He'd wanted it. He'd been craving it. He even... he might have tricked her into it. That was the worrisome part. It wasn't a fully conscious thing, if in fact that was what he'd done. But Cade couldn't help feeling like he'd known that Anya would finish him, out of impatience if nothing else. And he'd done exactly what he needed to in order to push her the last little bit.

Cade rubbed his face, growling with frustration. He couldn't even stop picturing Anya. Her cute face, all focused and concentrating as she stroked him to completion. The way her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth. The feel of her hands on him. The way he just wanted to pull her close and...

Fuck's sake. His sister, though. Had to remember that. Couldn't get all worked up and distracted.

He stared down at his cock. He was already hard again. Not helpful.

Cade grumpily got out of the shower and dried off, then padded down the hall with the towel wrapped around his waist.

Anya was still in his bed, stretched right out all happy and lazy. She hadn't even bothered shutting the door. Not that she would have much reason to, being his room and all, except that she'd clearly been masturbating. She didn't even have her panties on, and her little cooch was on full display as she lay with her legs somewhat spread.

Cade just stood there and watched her. He'd started to say something, then found he didn't want to. She looked beautiful in the glow of the morning sun. Peaceful. Serene. And, yes, the sight of her was kind of working for him, as he'd returned horny again, and her pretty pussy was just kind of... there.

Had he ever seen Anya bottomless? Maybe not. A few times with no top on, but he'd never thought much about that. Live with someone for long enough, these things happen. Especially when you're comfortable with each other. But her pussy...

Partly it held his attention because the whole scene worked so well together. Anya could very well have been a model in that moment. It was like she'd been deliberately posed to capture beauty, sensuality, and a playful naughtiness.

But she hadn't. It was just her. His little sister in a whole new context for him. Despite how much she'd been playing with his cock lately, it was jarring for Cade to see Anya that way. In a beautiful, sexual way. Recognizing that he did, in fact, have feelings for her that he very much shouldn't.

But how many of those feelings were simply the knowledge that she wanted to jerk him off? And how many were something more than that? Hard to say. How had they ever gotten to this point? His sister, dammit.

Anya seemed to realize he was there, finally. She cracked her eyes and turned her face toward him. Her eyes flicked down her body, realizing almost immediately what he was looking at. She just smiled, though, and didn't close her legs, let alone try to cover herself.

"You just masturbate in my bed?" Cade asked.


"And take your panties off?"

"Sure seems that way."

"... you look unfairly beautiful like that, you know."

Anya actually blushed and turned her head for a second. "Thanks. 'Cause my pussy's out, you mean?"

"Partly that. Partly the sun, and you being all relaxed. Partly... just 'cause you're you."

"You've never thought I was beautiful before."

"I don't know if that's true. I think I just didn't realize it before, is all."

Anya blushed a darker red. "Oh."

She squirmed a bit, seemingly unsure quite what she should do. She continued to not cover herself even a little.

"You're gonna have to put that thing away," Cade said.

"You think so?"


"Why? You seem to like it."

"That's the problem. I kinda just want to, like, do something about it."

Anya's eyes flashed wide and her mouth opened to protest, but no words came out at first. "Like what?" she asked breathily.

"You really want to know?"

She nodded eagerly. Too eagerly.

Cade shrugged. "I kinda really want to shove my face in there."

"Ah! You want to lick my pussy?"

"I really think I do."

Anya groaned, then abruptly rolled to her feet. "Silly brother. You should have caught me before I made myself cum twice." She slipped over beside Cade, making him nervous and hopeful all in one motion. "You know you can't eat your sis-ter's pussy."

"I am aware."

"But you want to."

"I really do."

"Unf. Bad brother." Anya tenderly kissed his cheek. "I best get out of here."

"And put your panties back on?"


"Anya. Panties."

"Don't think so."

She padded out. Cade helplessly watched her butt before shaking his head and turning back to his room. Anya's discarded underwear were right where she'd left them. He sighed out loud. He didn't know what to do about all this, and worse, he didn't think he even wanted to get it under control.


Anya was pretty zoned out during therapy that day. Her therapist noticed, of course, but Anya declined to tell her the real reason for it.

It amused her to consider divulging how she'd jerked off her brother, made him cum all over himself, then masturbated in his bed after. Plus the whole walking around after with no bottoms thing.

Best not to get into that, though. Anya stayed vague and kept bringing the conversation back to more typical subjects. Her recently healed arm. Her parents. Her anxiety. That stuff.

All she really wanted to do was get home to Cade. It was kind of bad.

Anya couldn't remember ever being nearly so desperate in her life. Not that she needed to jump him or anything. It wasn't like that. Though it was closer than it ever should have been.

She just wanted... to see him. To be seen. To feel his presence.

She didn't know what, exactly. She just felt like she needed her brother more than usual. Way more. Maybe an after effect of making him cum. Maybe she needed reassurance still. Or just the feel of his love. She didn't know.

It was actually exciting just to get home afterward. Anya's heart was all light and fluttery. Cade wasn't inside anywhere, but Anya quickly located in him in his usual spot out in the yard. She just gazed at him for a long few moments, taking in the sight of him working away on his laptop. Oblivious to her presence, and occasionally sipping a drink he had beside him.

What would he even do if she went out and crawled between his legs and sucked his dick for him? Anya didn't know, but just thinking about doing something like that got her all wet.

She didn't understand why Cade was doing these things to her all of a sudden. She wasn't usually an overly horny girl. She had her moments, sure, but lately it was... excessive. Thinking about casually giving her brother a blowjob without even asking him first was kind of a lot.

But it was fucking hot too.

Anya compromised. Or at least she told herself that's what she was doing. She changed into a skirt and no panties, which left her technically modest, but feeling just a tad slutty.

She made another pair of drinks to match what Cade seemed to have, then pattered outside to meet him. She set down one of the drinks next to his almost finished one, then sat beside him sipping her own.

"Why thank you," Cade said, smiling across over his laptop.

"You're welcome. Busy?"

"You know me."

"Mmhm. Working and getting tipsy at the same time. Such a life of hardship."

Cade snorted. "I never claimed it was that hard."

"It was hard this morning."

Anya grinned at the look Cade gave her. He tried to appear unamused, but his lips were twitching in betrayal, threatening to smile right back.

"We weren't talking about my penis."

"So you think."

"You need something, Anya?"

"Just the pleasure and comfort of my brother's company," Anya said, beaming winsomely and batting her eyelashes.

"Oh. Is that all."


"How was therapy?"



Anya wrinkled her nose. "Well... ok, I was hella distracted."

"I see."

"I kept wanting to, like, tell her about what I did. What we did."

"Probably best not to."

Anya nodded. "Yeah, I know. I didn't."

"Do you... do you think we need to stop?"

"What? No! Why would you say that?"

"It's a legit question," Cade said. "You know it is." He shrugged and sipped his drink. "For the record, I kinda want to do that again. Like with the finishing and everything."

Anya bit her lip and felt her cheeks warm pleasantly. "You want me to make you cum more?" she asked softly.

"Yeah. I do."

"That's bad, you know. With your sis-ter and all."

"I am aware." Cade reached over and booped Anya's nose. "That's part of what makes it so fun."



Anya grinned wide and impish. She felt the same pleasant flush from her cheeks down in her pussy. She was getting all tingly. How did Cade do this to her so easily? And was this how he felt with her too?

"You know I thought about coming out here and crawling between your legs. Just to see what would happen."

Cade eyed her. "Really?"


"That's... damn, Anya."

"What, too much?"

"I mean... a handjob from you while I'm trying to work-"

"Blowjob. I wanted to give you a blowjob. Still kinda do. Shouldn't, I know. But it is what it is."

"Oh god." Cade groaned and had to close his eyes for a second. He drained the remainder of his first drink. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm not, remember? If I was doing this to you I'd be on my knees and-"

"You know what I mean."

"Do you not want me to suck-"

Cade reached over and put his finger to Anya's lips, shushing her. She thought about sucking on his finger a bit, but that was probably excessive under the circumstances.

All this and she'd barely even touched her drink yet. So much for blaming her horniness on booze.

And she was horny. There was no denying that. She'd made herself cum twice that morning, and still she felt the way she did now. That was crazy.

It was Cade. His doing. Somehow. Technically he really hadn't even done anything. But as Anya sat there staring, watching him try to get some more work done, she knew he didn't have to do anything in particular. He just had to exist. What was that? Love? Like... like a different love. Different than what she was used to.

The kind of love sisters shouldn't feel for brothers. That was for sure. But all it took was thinking of their morning ritual. Of being wrapped around him from behind, stroking his cock. Or... or him behind her. Erection hard against her backside. Hand getting naughty under her panties.

That would be the best. So damn good. The thought alone made her wet, which consequently made her lack of panties not the best idea.

Anya couldn't remember being so horny in... ever? She'd had times, before. Previous relationships. Nothing that had gone on long. And nothing that she could recall having been so intense. Cade and her had barely done anything, really. She'd made him cum once with her hand. Amateur stuff. And yet... with him it was enough. Enough to make her feel things the wildest sex in her fantasies couldn't match. What was that about?

"You just gonna sit there and stare at me?" Cade asked.

Anya blinked and turned her head, realizing belatedly she'd been dreamily gazing at him like a schoolgirl in class sitting behind her crush.

"Not staring," she lied.

"You totally were."

"Whatever. I'm bored. How long you need to work still?"

"I got some things to finish up."

"Blerh. Ok. I'ma go climb for a bit then."

Cade nodded. "Have fun."

Anya hurried away while trying to seem casual. Her heart was beating hard, as though somehow she felt Cade could see into her head. See what she'd been thinking. Or... just because of thinking about him? That wouldn't hit her this hard though. It shouldn't. Probably.

Anya took a run at her favourite tree and managed to grab a higher branch than she usually started from. She only barely inched her way up and over, but she needed a bit of a challenge right now anyway. Anything to clear her mind a little.

She wasn't used to climbing in skirts. It wasn't a huge deal, but it made her movements a little different. She halfway considered taking it off entirely, but decided that probably wasn't a good idea. Though the thought of being up in the tree and Cade seeing her with no bottoms on and all...

Oh god, that morning when she'd padded around the house bottomless, and the way Cade had looked at her... so good.

Fuck, she was getting all wet and horny again. This wasn't helping.

Anya propped herself up toward the top of the tree, just kind of sitting and chilling. Feeling the breeze higher off the ground. She tried to relax and not think about Cade, but he was all she could think about. It wasn't fair.

She wasn't sure how much time passed, distracted as she was with her own thoughts, but suddenly Cade was below her, calling up.

"I'm done with work for now," he said.

"That so?"

"Uh huh."

"Maybe I'll come down then."

"Maybe?" Cade asked.

"Yeah. I mean, you could come up, you know."

"Some of us outgrew falling out of trees a ways back."

"Well some of us are boring then, aren't we?"

Nevertheless, Anya clambered back down. Cade was watching her oddly as she got to the lower branches, and she didn't clue in as to why right away.

"That's... an interesting choice for climbing trees," he said.


"The... lack of underwear."

"Oops, right. Forgot about that." Anya grinned shyly and stayed where she was, unsure if her brother had a good angle up her skirt at the moment or not. "Lucky no one else is here to notice."

"Yeah. Lucky."

"Wanna see something even better?" Anya asked, suddenly daring.

Cade swallowed hard. "Better?"


"Are you gonna show me anyway?"

"Maybe. It's better if you ask, though."

He closed his eyes for a moment. "Yes," he decided. "I would like to see."

Anya grinned, though her tummy was all nervous. It would be good, she thought, but it was also quite showy, what she had in mind. Maybe too much. But she didn't think so.

Anya hooked her bare legs around a branch above Cade's head, then let herself swing upside down. As she'd hoped and expected, her skirt almost immediately flipped up, following gravity and leaving her in a really quite immodest state.

Cade was left staring at her pussy, just about exactly at face height. Anya was a little annoyed she couldn't get a better look at his expression from her position, but he was definitely staring.

"Skirts might not be the best for climbing trees," Cade said, voice cracking slightly.

"True," Anya said. "They can be rather revealing at times."

"Like now."

"Mmhm. Like now. Do you like-"

Anya was cut off with a gasp as Cade leaned forward and kissed her upside down pussy. Just kissed it! She hadn't known he'd do that. She could have fallen right out of the tree.



"You... my pussy!"



Cade blithely kissed her again, almost exactly on the same spot. Anya was expecting it this time, but it still made her eyes flutter and her legs tremble just a little.

"I didn't mean for you to do it again," Anya said, suddenly breathless.

"Oh. My bad."

Cade just stood there, staring down at her. Anya squirmed.

"I mean... you can if you want though," she said softly, once it became apparent he wasn't going to sneak more pussy kisses on his own.

Cade smiled crookedly at her, then did indeed kiss her again. Several times, in fact. Lavishing affection on her exposed little cooch.

Anya sighed happily as her brother kissed her pussy, and transitioned slowly to some small licks. Those small licks became longer, wider licks. Anya wasn't sure where the line was between kisses and being eaten out, but it was a largely irrelevant distinction, and they'd definitely crossed it anyway.

Anya purred contentedly, feeling the sun on her face as she closed her eyes and just enjoyed herself. Her brother's mouth latched onto her pussy and lapping away with very unsiblinglike enthusiasm.

"Skirts might actually be really good for climbing trees in," Anya murmured.

Cade snickered, but just kept licking her out.

Anya opened her eyes again, and only now realized just how convenient Cade's crotch was in her current position. Not to mention the obvious tent growing in his shorts. Getting all erect for her as he ate her pussy like a good brother.

Without any great hurry, Anya busied herself getting Cade's bottoms out of the way. Freeing his cock. He was so hard once she got her warm little hand around his shaft. Ready for her already.

"Scooch a bit closer," she said.

Cade obliged, bringing his cock to her. Practically shoving it in her face, in fact, which was perfect.

Anya started out slow. Just some tentative licks at first. She'd played with his cock lots by now, but only with her hands. She needed to feel him out some with her mouth.

But she was horny. Really, really horny. Cade was doing magnificent thing to her, and she was being such a wanton little thing for her brother, even regardless of how well he licked and sucked on her pussy. Trying to go slow just didn't cut it.

It wasn't long before Anya was fully taking him in her mouth. She didn't really have a good position to try properly throating him or anything. Not that she necessarily was that good at it anyway. But she did her best. Taking as much as she could. Using her practiced hand to make up the difference.

"Anya..." Cade breathed in between licks.

Anya felt a thrill run through her at her brother moaning her name so helplessly like that. She felt the same. Felt helpless in the face of what he was doing and her flood of emotions on the subject.

Luckily they had an outlet in the moment. Not a proper one at all, but one that was very fun, at least.

The two of them licked, sucked, kissed, and stroked each other. Funneling every good feeling back into more enthusiasm for making the other feel good too. It was a self-perpetuating frenzy of sibling lust.

At least it was until Anya came. She lost control then, as Cade hit just the right places and brought her the overwhelming pleasure she needed. Which wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't still been hanging upside down from a branch.

The two of them went down in a heap. Cade caught Anya and softened their fall rather nicely, but it was still quite undignified. The two of them just giggled at themselves as they sorted themselves out again.

Anya didn't bother adjusting her skirt as she crawled around and laid a kiss on Cade's lips. His eyebrows shot up for a second, and Anya realized belatedly that it was the first time they'd kissed like that. She should have known. Just... in the moment it felt right, and she didn't consider the consequences.

Cade kissed her back before either of them had a chance to panic about the implications. Then they were kissing each other, tender but aggressive. Locked together in mutual need and love. Reassuring each other and themselves that everything was ok.

And it really was. Everything was so good.

"You lick pussy better than I expected," Anya said.

"You... expected something?"

"Well, no. But if I had, that would have been better than it."


They kissed some more. It was easier than trying to form coherent thoughts.

As they cuddled naughtily in the sun, Anya sneaked her hand down to Cade's cock and gave him a very lazy and relaxed handjob. Cade groaned in rather gratifying manner as she stroked him. He didn't try to hurry her, even though he clearly wanted to cum. He let her play. As he always did these days.

His orgasm was a quietly intense thing. Neither of them got worked up about it, but he closed his eyes and moaned low in a way that hit Anya so good. His cum made a huge mess, and he bucked his hips a little, which only made it spray all the more uncontrollably.

Anya kept teasing him after. She dragged her fingers through his mess, toying with all the cum. Her hand and fingers were coated, along with lots of Cade's lower body.

"It's gonna go in my mouth next time," Anya said, quiet but certain.

"You think so, do you?"


"What if I want to cum somewhere else?"

"You can. Just not next time. Next time is for my mouth."

Cade held her close and stroked her hair, letting her continue to fondle him.

"Is this because I licked you out?" he asked.

"Kinda, I guess. I didn't get to finish sucking you off."

"You don't have to take my cum in your mouth just because you suck me."

"But I want to, though."

Cade snorted in amusement. "Ok. Who am I to argue?"

Anya nodded sagely. "Correct."


Anya's promise featured prominently in Cade's mind the rest of the day. The weird thing was that it seemed like it was for Anya's own benefit more so than his. He couldn't stop getting excited about the idea of cumming in her mouth, but was rather bemused about her doing it just because she wanted to. Or, possibly, because he'd made her cum with his mouth, and now she felt the need to do the same for him.

It wasn't clear either way.

He spent some time the rest of the day pondering about it all. And about how his concern about their relationship was fading away at an alarming rate.

He shouldn't have eaten his sister's pussy. He shouldn't let her blow him and make him cum in her mouth. These were obvious things.

But they were kind of past them now. So it seemed.

What did it mean for siblings if the normal boundaries weren't in place? It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, right?

Cade didn't have the right answers. He just didn't know.

But it was very clear that he was seeing Anya differently these days. The two of them eye-flirting as they passed each other in the house. Their hands wandering if they felt like it. Neither of them even bothering to remain fully modest clothing-wise. What was the point?

Even when they weren't being naughty it was different. Cade didn't know whether that reassured or scared him. Just the way he looked at her. And the way he caught her looking at him. It wasn't the same as it had been. There was more too it. Something dangerous and alluring.

It was like... like falling for someone. It felt like that. Except whatever version of that involved his sister. It couldn't be the same thing. There was no way.

But the realization itself was a problem. Once it was in Cade's head, he couldn't shake it. Couldn't shake the feeling of how easy it would be to fall for Anya. Maybe he already had. Maybe this was a thing that had happened long ago and he was just now figuring it out.

Without sex, what was even the difference between being in love with someone and being really close to a sibling? Was there a difference? There was meant to be. One wasn't meant to be in love with one's sib.

But what actually was the difference? Cade was absolutely not getting there on his own.

"Hey, Anya?" he said that night, lying in bed.

They were in Anya's room tonight. He was waiting for her while she got ready to slip in beside him. He halfway felt like she was dallying on purpose so he could watch her."Hm?"

"What do you think's the difference between loving a sibling and loving a partner?"

"In our case? Or generally?"


"Well... usually I'd say sex and physical intimacy. Maybe, like, living together and building a life with each other."

"That sounds right," Cade agreed. "But... does it work in our case?"

"Not well."

"No. Not well."

Anya's brow furrowed in thought, but she didn't stop padding back and forth in her skimpy nighttime attire. Her panties were quite a daring cut tonight, and somehow suggested to Cade that he was seeing more than he actually was. The magic of well chosen underwear.

"I dunno," Anya said after a few moments. "I don't think I know the answer then."

"Yeah. That's what I was afraid of."

"Does that mean... you don't want a blowjob tonight?"

"Unf. That's not a fair question."

"No. But it's a real one. I don't want to do it if you're not comfortable. We can just sleep."

"... I want it," Cade admitted.

"Oh good. I was bluffing. I really don't want to not do it."

"Ha, sure."

Anya crawled into bed and pulled back the covers Cade was lying under. She grinned at him when she found that, despite his concerns, he was tenting his boxers nicely already.

Cade relaxed and closed his eyes, letting Anya do her thing. He let her nuzzle and play with his cock, lick and suck it, and eventually take him in her mouth.

She got him deeper than that afternoon, it felt like. Maybe a better angle for her. It felt amazing, at any rate. So warm and wet and tight.

And it was Anya. His sister. Having her take him so adoringly in her mouth, working him with her tongue and lips, it was a whole other level unto itself.

He hadn't fully appreciated the effect that afternoon when he'd been more concentrated on licking her, but now there was nothing else in the world but her mouth on his cock.

"I'm gonna cum," Cade mused aloud, as much to himself as to Anya.


"In your mouth."


"My sister's mouth."


Anya went extra crazy on him after those last few words, and made Cade explode hard in her mouth. It felt like a lot, but it was hard to tell as only Anya knew how much he was flooding her tongue.

He wasn't even sure she knew, judging by how hard her eyes were rolled back in overwhelming pleasure and satisfaction.

She sat back on her heels afterward and Cade watched her visibly swallow whatever was left in her mouth. She caught him staring and opened wide as if to prove it was all gone. Cade just groaned and shook his head.

"Kinda bitter," Anya critiqued. "But I do still really like it."

"... thanks?"

"It was pretty hot sucking you off," she said, crawling up beside him. "I wanna do it more."

"Oh. Good."


Anya settled next to Cade and pulled the covers up around them. Cade was used to being spooned by her most nights, but on this occasion it felt far more natural to curl up around her. He held his sister close after she'd just sucked him off, and she snuggled cozily in his arms.

"This could be a problem," Cade whispered.

Anya nodded. "It could," she agreed.

She then nuzzled against him and lay still, slowly drifting off to sleep.


Anya woke up with a hand down her panties. Not even her hand. Her brother's.

She feigned sleep for a moment while she tried to process. She was used to waking him up by playing with him. Not the other way around.

Not that she was complaining. It was an amazing feeling first thing in the morning. Having Cade gently rubbing her pussy for her.

It was different to stroking him awake. Physically different as well as mentally. But emotionally it came from a very similar place. Their increased closeness. The changes in the way they felt about each other.

Anya moaned softly to let Cade know she was awake. He kissed the side of her forehead and just kept rubbing her.

She let him keep going a while, then lazily rolled over to face away from him. His hand fell out of her panties during the move. Anya pressed her butt firmly back against Cade's cock, which was pleasingly hard already. She reached back to find his wrist and guided it back between her legs. Once she released him, he felt his way back into her panties.

"This is really nice," Anya whispered.

"Glad to hear it," Cade whispered back.

"I think sleeping together was a good idea."

Cade groaned as Anya deliberately pressed her ass against him and rocked in slow motions on his cock.

"I didn't think it was gonna come to this," Cade said.

Anya smiled, feeling her brother's erection snug against her bum, and his fingers rubbing her increasingly wet pussy.

"Me either," she said. "But I think I'm really glad it did."

"Yeah. Me too." Cade kissed her shoulder. "I don't know if any of it's right, though."

"Feels pretty right."

"It does, but... you're my sister still."

"Mmm. I am."

"That's not really a good thing in this case."

"Isn't it?"


"I've been thinking about this," Anya interrupted. "A lot, actually. I don't understand most of it. But, like, I've been super horny lately. For you."

"I get that. I understand. But being horny might be a bad reason for doing what we're doing."

"Mmhm. I've thought about that too. I've got a theory."


"What if we're all horny for each other because it actually is right. You know how when you love someone, they kinda seem more attractive and you want to be closer with them, and probably want to get all sexy with them?"

"... I'm not sure I've thought about it that way before, but I kinda get it, I think."

"Well... maybe that's us. Maybe we're not doing what we're doing because we've randomly been all worked up. Maybe we've been super horny because it all fits. Maybe this is right for us."