"Alright mom, I'm heading out for the night. I shouldn't be gone too long."

Mom sat on her bed reading a book, wearing her red night gown. She stared at me a moment before answering.

"Are you forgetting anything?" Mom asked, giving me a curious look over her reading glasses. I felt my pockets for everything I might need... keys, wallet, phone... everything seemed to be there.

"No... I think I have everything."

"Are you absolutely sure, young man? Sure you aren't forgetting anything that you promised you would do for me today? A certain... chore? Remember this morning in the kitchen?"

I instantly felt embarrassed.

"Mom, I'm so sorry! I totally blanked on that while I was getting ready for my date. I..."

"It's alright, we can just do it tomorrow."

"No, let's do it now. I promised you, and I want to do it."

"And be late for your date?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I don't care, I'll just text her quick and say that I'll be a few minutes late picking her up."

"Okay... if you insist, baby."

Mom sat her book on the nightstand and stood up from the bed. She undid the sash of her robe and let it fall to the floor. I took a moment to take in her glorious body before pulling out my phone and shooting off a quick text to Kelly, letting her know about the delay.

"Is this one sexy?" Mom asked, sauntering up to me as I completed the text.

"She really is."

"As sexy as me?"

Mom took my phone right after I hit send and placed it on the nightstand near her book.

"No, no one's as sexy as you."

"Good answer. You know how jealous I can get."

Mom pressed her naked body against me and we locked into a deep, sensual kiss. Our tongues fought against one another as we each tried to outdo the other's passion. Mom moaned as she felt my hands wander down her back to the wondrous curves of her ass. My middle finger even made its way into the crack of her ass, teasing at her tight backdoor.

"Mmm yes, that's what I want baby. My ass needs you. I'm desperate to get my ass wrecked by your big dick."

I spun Mom around so she faced the bed and firmly bent her down. She supported herself on both hands as she turned back to face me. Her plump ass beckoned me as my cock grew harder.

"It's okay if you want to be rough with me. You're in a hurry, so I understand if you just want to pound me, shoot your load, and get out of here."

"Oh I'm definitely going to pound you hard," I said, removing my shirt, pants, and boxers. Mom's eyes gleamed with lust as she took in the visual of my stiff cock, ready to pump her full. I grabbed the lube from the nightstand drawer and applied a good amount to both my cock and her waiting asshole. She squealed with pleasure as the cool sensation of the gel prepared her to be pounded.

"Yes baby, oh please just get it in. I wanted this so bad today. Cheryl was texting me about trying anal with her husband for the first time, and it just got me so horny to get assfucked."

I pressed the head of my cock to her tight hole, pausing for dramatic effect as she squirmed and pleaded for me to put it in.

"Oh my God, please don't tease me anymore. I need it. And you can't afford to waste any time right now, young man."

"I'll be fine on time. This is worth it."

I pressed into her, eliciting a long, low moan from my mother. She went silent for a few moments then, saying nothing but just breathing steadily, adjusting to the size of my cock up her ass.

"So big, honey... so big... every time... never get... ugh, never get used to it."

I pushed deeper until my cock was fully within the grasp of her asshole's vise grip. For a brief moment I thought I would shoot my load right away, but I fought back the urge and controlled myself.

"Mmm baby, you almost came, didn't you? I felt you tensing up." Mom grinned back at me wickedly, knowing how much power her tight ass had over me.

"I did Mom. So close."

"Good boy, showing so much control. And good thing I made you finish your chores, or you might have shot that load way too soon with Kelly."

"You're the best, Mom."

"I try... oh, oh yes, just like that, nice and deep. Fucking pound this MILF ass. Fuck your mother right up her tight backdoor. Such a... oh yes... such a lucky boy. Some mommies don't do this with their sons. Such a shame."

I continued pumping Mom hard and deep, interspersing my thrusts with the occasional slap on her ass. It was just so big and inviting, I couldn't resist the urge to spank it.

"Fuck yes, spank me. Spank me for making you late for your date. Punish me."

"Take that, you bitch. How does that feel, huh?" I gave her a hard smack on the ass, making her scream in addition to the grunts and moans she was producing because of the anal assault my cock was subjecting her to.

"Fucking slut, making your son late for his date just because you need cock. What a fucking whore you are." Another hard smack.

"Yes baby, I'm your whore, I'm just desperate for your cock and a thick load. Please shoot it up my asshole. Please, baby. I need it so bad."

"You want it now? Want me cum right in that tight little shit hole?"

"Yes! Yes! Let me have it, please. Cum in my fucking shit hole. Please, I'm begging you to fill my ass. I need it so fucking bad."

I lost all control at that point, exploding with several huge spurts into my mother's well-fucked ass. When I finished shooting my load, I pulled out of her with an audible pop and took in the beautiful sight of my cum leaking from her. Mom simply feel forward onto the bed, laying face down and breathing heavily.

"God, that was amazing. Thank you so much for that. I needed it."

"What about you? Let's get you to cum."

"Oh, don't worry about me baby. I need some more time to really build it up and you need to get going. I promise, it's fine. Maybe I'll take care of myself while you're on your date. And I will text you every filthy detail that's in my head while you're trying to talk with Kelly."

"You naughty bitch," I said as I gave Mom's ass one final light slap. I began to get dressed again, in somewhat of a hurry as I was now at risk of being late for the already-postponed date.

"Are you planning on bringing her back here?" Mom asked, looking at me over her shoulder as she got to her knees.

"Maybe. Do you want me to?"

"Of course. I love to listen. Like that last one you brought over, that really thick bitch... Ashley, was it? It was so great listening to you destroy her. I know she didn't walk straight for a week after that."

"Then I'll try and bring her home, if she's up for it."

"And you two haven't fucked yet?" Now Mom had turned to sit with her legs hanging off the bed, her glorious tits still heaving as she caught her breath.

"Not yet." I was now fully dressed, and I sent Kelly a text that I'd be leaving soon.

"I definitely want you guys here then. I want to hear her the first time she gets split open with that thick piece of meat. She might be too scared to take it up her ass, but that will come soon. If it doesn't, she's not the girl for you. I don't want my son dating a girl who won't take his beautiful cock in her ass. You need to be with girls who understands the requirements of dating a hung stud like you, and anal is an absolute necessity."

"Haha, I'll let her know you said that. But maybe that's more of a fourth or fifth date thing."

"Okay honey. Have fun on your date, and then bring her back her for act two. I'll make sure to be out of sight."

I gave Mom a quick kiss on the lips and turned to leave.

"And thanks for finishing your chores, baby!"

"Of course, Mom. Sorry I almost forgot."

Mom smiled at me with motherly affection as I exited the bedroom and prepared to leave for my date.

The dinner went well. Kelly is an easy girl to talk to and there was none of the awkwardness or lengthy strings of silence that can happen on some dates. At one point the topic of my mom came up.

"So if we go back to your place after this, do I get to meet your mom?" Kelly asked me with a smile. "It's usually a lot longer than the third date before I get to meet a guy's mom."

"Haha, I know it's not the sexiest setup in the world, but it works for us. We support each other and the house is big enough that we don't get in each other's way unless we want to."

"It's so rare to find a guy who actually admits he needs support! We all do from time to time, and I think it's great you're so comfortable and supportive of your mom. Family should take care of each other."

"Agreed. And to actually answer your question, no you won't get to meet her tonight sadly. She's out with friends."

"So that you can have the house to yourself when you bring your lady friend over?" Kelly gave me an exaggerated wink as she said this.

"Pretty much. Mom is good like that."

"That's great. I do get pretty loud..." Kelly said this last part without making eye contact, in a sort of stage whisper, while feigning sudden interest in the menu. I stared at her with what was probably a really dumbstruck facial expression until she broke her deadpan delivery and giggled at her suggestive comment.

"So," I continued, trying to change the subject back to dinner conversation, "what is sounding good to you?"

"I might just do a soup and salad. I kind of considered the steak, but... I know I'm getting a lot of meat later, so..."

"Wow, you are just in dirty mode already, aren't you?"

"I can't help it! I've heard about the... equipment you've got down there! Ashley never shuts the fuck up, so of course she talked about it when you guys hooked up. She said you almost broke her in half with that thing, and that you should need a concealed carry permit for it. I can't believe you put it in her ass, too..."

Kelly isn't great at controlling her volume, so our waitress heard all of this as she approached the table. She raised an intrigued eyebrow at me as she offered to take our orders. Kelly went first, ordering a light meal of soup and salad.

"And hey, Jenna," she added after she had placed her order, making a show of reading the waitress' nametag. "I saw that look. He's mine tonight, so don't get any ideas." This was said clearly trying to be more raunchy than serious.

"Also," Kelly continued, "could I get another glass of wine?"

"Of course, ma'am. Some more wine with your meal."

I placed my order, and the rest of the date went pretty much as expected -- some more small talk, a little more wine, and then it was off to my place for what I was hoping would be even more excitement.

Arriving back home, I was pleased to see a very faint light behind the curtains of Mom's bedroom window. She was probably in position on her bed, lying back and getting ready to play with herself. I had texted her that we were on the way back to make sure she was ready.

Mom's bedroom is just above mine, and her bed is situated so that she can hear me and the girls I bring over. My bedroom doesn't get much use unless I have a girl over, given that I spend most nights in Mom's bed.

As soon as we exited my car, Kelly came around the front and pressed me up against it, kissing me deeply and groping wildly at my cock through my jeans.

"So excited for this..." she mumbled as she kissed my lips, face, and neck. You could hear the tipsiness in her voice. "I could just suck you off right here to get things started. Would that be hot? Feed me my dessert load?"

"That's so fucking hot, Kelly. Let's wait though. Let's get inside. I want to see you better while you suck me." I kissed her some more and gently pushed her away, moving around her to unlock the front door and go inside.

Kelly dropped her purse on the living room couch and followed me into the kitchen. A bottle of wine sat perfectly in the center of the island.

"Oh my, well-staged! So you were planning on bringing me back and getting me drunk this whole time?" Kelly stared at me seductively as she stroked her hand up and down the bottle. "I love it."

"Just... planning for all possible outcomes."

"Smart guy... hey, I'm going to go freshen up in the bathroom. How about you open that and we can settle in for... phase two?"

"Sure thing. Bathroom is just around that corner on the right."

Kelly went off to get herself ready. I checked my phone and had a few messages from Mom.

All settled in here honey. Can't wait.

Hope you like the rioja I picked out for you two. It always gets me in the mood to fuck.

Wow! I thought she was going to suck you right in our driveway. Bad girl!

Look on your middle bookcase for a surprise.

Popping the cork on the wine, I poured two glasses and carried them into my room. I looked at my bookcase, and noticed a few things slightly out of position. Then I noticed the small, almost imperceptible red light peeking out from among the books. A camera! Mom was going to record this.

Making sure I still had time before Kelly got back, I fired off a text to Mom.

Camera? Can we watch later?

I got a quick response.

Sure. I will watch now though. Live stream 

Just then, I heard the bathroom door open followed by Kelly's approaching footsteps. I quickly put down my phone and flipped it face down on the night stand. Standing in the doorway, Kelly stared at me lustily while biting her lip.

"Mmm, there's what I want. Some more wine and some sexy man meat."

Kelly approached me and we kissed deeply. Breaking the kiss, I handed her a glass of wine and we each took a sip. She sat down on my bed, and I followed suit.

"Ashley told me a few interesting things about your hook-up, actually..."

"Like what?"

"Oh lot's of things... your size obviously, how you really took control and gave it to her rough... but what caught my attention most was about how much you cum."

"Oh? What did she say?"

"She said that she almost choked on your first load, it was so big. And Ashley has swallowed a lot of loads, believe me, she's not an amateur. She thought you just had a lot saved up, but she said your second load -- I think, the one that went in her ass -- was just as big. She said you flooded her and she was leaking for hours."

"Wow, she really doesn't keep anything secret, does she?"

"Ashley? Hell no. She never stops talking and things just naturally fall out. It really turned me on though, and I knew I had to see for myself after a few dates. I just love cum. It's like... I guess you'd say it's a fetish. I love swallowing it, tasting it, being covered in it... everything. And you sound like a perfect guy to help with that."

"I think I am," I responded as I leaned in for another kiss. Her hands groped me maniacally as she worked to remove my jeans. I did the same with her top. Soon we were both stripped naked and we stood admiring each other bodies for a few moments.

"Wow, that is... that is really something," said Kelly as she stared at my hard cock, reluctantly reaching out with one hand to touch it. "It's enormous... like... holy shit. I'm not even sure where I can put this monster."

"I have a few ideas..."

Kelly was stroking me know, mouth open in wonder at the size of the meat she was working with. I subtly took a few steps to the side, making sure that we were right in the field of vision for Mom's hidden camera. I gently urged Kelly to her knees and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her mouth slowly towards my waiting cock.

She looked nervously up at me as I entered her mouth. At first she was only able to take a couple of inches before she resisted my thrust, but after just a few tries she got about halfway down. She pulled off, gasping, leaving a hanging trail of saliva between my dick and her lips.

"So big... don't get any ideas about me deepthroating this thing."

"Mmm no, you're doing a perfect job. Your mouth is fucking amazing."

"Glad you like. Now give me some more of that."

Kelly plunged back down as far as she could on me, held the position for a few seconds, then pulled off and gave my whole shaft and balls an exquisite tongue bath, coating every inch of me with her spit.

"I'm a sloppy girl when I suck... is that okay with you, baby?"

"Fuck yeah, get it nice and wet like that."

"I love making a mess on a cock before the cock makes a mess on me."

I could only smile in response as Kelly went for another round of taking me as deep as she could. After a few more repetitions of this process, I was about ready to cum and I knew it would be a lot.

"Kelly, I'm... cumming... fucking cumming."

Kelly pulled me out of her mouth and started stroking me hard with both hands.

"Do it. Fucking cum for me right now. Burst all over my tits. Give me the load I'm waiting for. Fucking cum, right now! Do it! Shoot that big load for me!"

I groaned aloud as I felt my cock beginning to spasm. My first shot landed on her upper chest, just below her neck, and the rest ended up on her tits. In all I shot five big spurts of jizz, followed by a few smaller ones. Kelly stared up at me in shock.

"That... was... amazing! That's so much cum! Is that a normal load for you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Did you cum before this today?"

"I did actually... had to calm myself before the date, you know?"

"Mmm... wow, so there could be even bigger ones than this. This is amazing. I love it. It's like I've been through a bukkake just from you!"

My cock had softened slightly, but it wouldn't need long to be ready for action. I stood watching Kelly scoop up bits of cum from her body and put it in her mouth, swallowing each mouthful with a smile.

"Tastes good, too," she added as she finished cleaning herself off. "Is that thing going to stay hard so you can fuck me now?"

"Won't take much. How about you lay back and let me get even for that blowjob?"

"I won't say no to that!"

Kelly got on her back and spread her legs for me, showing off her perfectly shaved pussy that was clearly already soaking wet. Kelly squealed with pleasure as I dove right in to the task, plunging two fingers into her as I began to lick her clit. It was only a matter of seconds before I added a third finger, given how wet and receptive she was.

"Fuck yes, that's it, that's it... right there baby... oh my God, yes that's the spot, right fucking there." Kelly began bucking her hips up into me lustfully. I tried to keep my tongue on her clit as she moved while still keeping up my steady thrusts into her pussy with my fingers. Feeling a little adventurous, I decided to playfully flick my tongue on her asshole a few times to gauge her reaction.

"Oh my God, you're tonguing my ass. Feels so good. Just tongue though. Don't think I can... oh yes, just like that... don't think I can take you in my butt tonight. Need to prepare for that monster."

I said nothing in response, just continued enjoying the pleasures of licking Kelly's tight little asshole before returning to her delicious pussy. My cock hardened further at the idea of fucking Kelly's backdoor, but I was fine delaying my gratification on that. After all, if I really needed to assfuck a sexy slut, Mom would be ready and waiting for me.

Kelly built slowly towards her orgasm, somehow becoming even more wet and slippery than she already was. Despite her growing pleasure, she gently pushed me away from her and motioned from me to stop for now.

"Your tongue is so good. Now get in me, I want to cum on that big dick. Put it in."

I straddled Kelly and did as she said, pressing the head of my cock several inches into her and eliciting a scream of pleasure. I pulled out, then repeated the process and pushed in further. Kelly's face was a rictus of pain as I pushed almost all the way inside of her. Her screams were replaced with quick, hyperventilating breaths as she adjusted to the girth of my cock stretching her open.

"Fuck yes! Pound that dick in me! Give it to me hard! Hurt me, baby!""Yeah you want to get pounded? I'll fucking pound you."

I thrust viciously into her, causing her to scream again but not dampening her enthusiasm. If she wanted it rough I was happy to oblige her. I marveled at the sight of my big, hard cock penetrating her pussy over and over again. Somehow I was even more erect than usual, knowing that Mom was watching all of this streamed live on her laptop and getting herself off to us.

Kelly was already on the edge of orgasm when I started fucking her, so she didn't take long to crescendo into a torrent of screams, grunt, and moans as she started to cum on my raging hard cock. She held my ass while she came, pulling me as deep into her as possible. She felt exquisite as she spasmed around me. Fortunately I wasn't close to cumming yet, or I would have flooded her pussy right then and there.

As she came down from her lengthy orgasm, Kelly smiled up at me blissfully. I hadn't stopped thrusting and she was still savoring the feeling.

"Mmm... that was amazing. I came so fucking hard on that dick."

"Good. First of many times, hopefully."

"I hope so. I'm definitely going to need more of that meat. Now let's make you cum. How do you want me?"

Seeing a chance to give Mom an extra good show, I knew right away what I had to do. I positioned Kelly so that she was on all fours, facing directly toward the bookcase where Mom had hidden the camera. Mom was going to see every emotion on Kelly's face as I filled her pussy from behind, and I was pretty excited to watch it later myself.

"Fuck yeah baby, pound me doggy like a whore. No mercy for this pussy. I'm your whore tonight."

"Hell yeah you are. Then I'm gonna pull out and drench this beautiful ass."

"Or... I mean, you can cum in me if you want. I'm on the pill."

"Fuck. You want me to fill this pussy? Fill it up with a thick load?"

"Fill me baby. Make your cream filled cum whore! Pump every drop into me!"

I knew that Mom would be loving this display of verbal filth from my date, coupled with the image of her hung son pounding a hot young slut. Mom probably had a plug in her ass and her newest vibrator working her pussy.

I fucked Kelly as hard as I've ever fucked anyone. Knowing that Mom was watching in real time gave me an extra vigor that I didn't know I had. I know Kelly felt it; her moans of pleasure had been replaced mostly by whimpers of pain as Kelly withstood the invasion of her soaking pussy, but she kept encouraging me to use her hard. I slapped her ass a few times and even teased her asshole with my thumb, but my main focus was on ravaging her pussy and building up a big load for her.

"So deep," she moaned. "Going to be... mmm, so fucking sore tomorrow. You're stretching me good. Hurts... so bad but feels so fucking good."

"You like it? I'm breaking this pussy in, baby. It's going to be taking a lot of me in the future."

"Take it! My pussy is yours. Own my fucking hole and use me as your cum dumpster."

"Louder!" I commanded her with a firm smack on her ass. "Get loud for me!"

"It's yours! My little slut hole is yours! I'll be your dirty fuckdoll any time you want! Give me that fucking load! Pump me full of that hot cum!"

That put me over the edge. As I felt the contractions of my orgasm begin, I gripped Kelly firmly by the hips and stared straight ahead -- right into the camera. I knew Mom would be fixated on the screen too, so it was almost like I was looking right into Mom's eyes as I came inside a girl. Maybe Mom would even cum in unison with me.

The load that I shot was enormous. My cock felt so powerful pumping shot after shot semen so deep inside of Kelly as she screamed and moaned for me.

"Take it! Take that load. Nasty fucking cum slut."

As I came down from my powerful orgasm, I pulled out of Kelly, who promptly began leaking cum onto the bed.

"Oh my God... what a fucking load!" she marveled as she sat watching my cream come out of her well-punished hole. "You definitely would have fucked a baby into me."

"What can I say? You got me so fucking turned on."

"Good. You made me cum so hard too. This was amazing."

"What now? Up for watching something?"

"I'm going to fucking collapse. That wine has me sleepy. Can I... stay over? Is that cool?"

"Of course! That would be awesome."

"Perfect. Who knows, I might need some more of that dick in the morning..."

"That can be arranged."

I found a spare toothbrush for Kelly and we got ready for bed. I didn't realize how exhausted I was, but once I was in bed next to her it didn't long for me to drift off towards sleep. Kelly was out like a light almost immediately, giving me a chance to check my phone for messages from Mom.

Sure enough, there were several.

So jealous right now... :P

What a load! That's Mama's boy! 

I like her. She's so loud.

Pound that little whore!

And the last one was my favorite, timestamped just a few minutes earlier.

Goodnight baby. Can't wait to watch with you tomorrow. Maybe come visit me if you can't sleep ;) I'm feeling naughty.

Did I dare try to fuck my mother when I had another girl literally in my room for the night? With the way that my cock was hardening at the idea, it wasn't difficult to arrive at an answer. only lasted about an hour lying next to Kelly before I decided that I had to go upstairs and see Mom. My cock had gotten a workout already, but I still couldn't pass up the opportunity for some more action.

You up? I texted, hoping for a quick response. Not even a minute later, Mom answered.

OMG yes, bring me that dick. She included the eggplant emoji, along with an arrow pointing to a peach.

Not one to keep Mom waiting, I slid out of bed, making sure Kelly was still sound asleep. I carefully crept out of the room, avoiding parts of the floor that creaked, and made my way upstairs. Mom greeted me at her bedroom door, already totally naked. She engaged me in a deep kiss while groping my semi-hard cock through my boxers.

"Tell me you still have some energy and didn't use it all up on your little slut."

"Always energy for you, Mom."

"Good. Get on the fucking bed and get these boxers off."

I did as Mom instructed and she quickly straddled me, grabbing my stiffening cock with both hands and starting to stroke. A few times she leaned down to lick my shaft and balls until I was fully hard. Once my erection had returned, she used her well-practiced mouth to deepthroat my raging cock, choking a few times but managing to keep it down for a quite a while.

"Oh, fuck, I can taste your slut on you," Mom said with a smile after pulling her mouth away. "She's delicious."

"I know. She tastes even better straight from her pussy."

"I'll have to try it sometime," Mom said before burying my cock in her throat once more.

"Fuck yeah, I'll pound your ass while you eat her out. I'll fill your tight MILF ass and she can clean my load out of you."

"Mmmhmm," was Mom's only response as she deep throated me like a pro. She looked up at me lovingly as she did, expressing her motherly affection with her oral mastery over my cock. I fucked Mom's face for several minutes before she pulled off and decided she wanted something different.

Mom turned away from me on all fours, presenting herself to me and glancing back at me over her shoulder. She smacked her ass for good measure.

"Take me, baby. Mount me and take me doggystyle like a fucking whore. My pussy is still so wet from seeing you on camera and I need some cock inside me."

I wordlessly positioned myself behind her and placed my cock at her entrance. Teasing her with the head, I also placed my thumb on her asshole and pressed lightly.

"I'm going to fuck your pussy but I'm also going to fuck your ass, OK?"

"OK, anything you want, just please get it in me and fuck me. Mama needs this."

I entered the warm confines of my mother's pussy and pushed firmly as deep as I could go. She was incredibly wet, and continued playing with her clit as I began thrusting in and out.

"Oh, that's so good baby! I needed that dick. You're such a lucky boy, getting to fuck a hot young slut and your mommy on the same night. Not a lot of guys get to do that, you know."

"Mmm I know Mom, I'm so fucking lucky, getting this cock in two hot pussies tonight."

"But mine's the best, right? Better than your little slut?"

"Fuck yes, yours is always the best. Nothing beats Mommy's pussy."

"God yes, fuck Mommy's pussy!" she yelled, apparently forgetting the special need to be quiet this time. I clamped a hand over her mouth as I fucked her, leaning down closer to whisper.

"Quiet, mommy slut. Remember that we have to keep this a secret. At least for now."

"Mmhmm," Mom agreed through the hand clasped over her mouth. I slowly took it off to allow her to speak.

"Sorry baby, that dick is just so good and I'm used to getting loud for you. Thank you for shutting me up when you need to. You need to take over when your slut misbehaves."

"I think you'll need it for this, too," I responded, placing my hand back over her mouth as I pressed my other thumb into her tight asshole. Mom squealed with pleasure, highlighting the need to forcibly keep her quiet.

As her initial shock wore off, I removed my hand and placed it back on her hips, grabbing hold so I could continue giving it to her hard and deep. My thumb remained in her asshole, working in and out to bring her extra pleasure in addition to my cock splitting open her pussy.

I controlled my breathing as I steadily fucked Mom's wet fuck hole, savoring the view of my big dick penetrating her dripping hole from behind. Mom was face down, moaning softly as she worked her clit and brought herself nearer to orgasm.

"Not going to take long baby... getting there... so close..."

"Cum for me. Cum for me, slut. Cum on your son's cock like a good mommy. Show me how you love that dick. Be a good mommy for me."

Mom began to quiver under me. She soon lost control of herself, bucking her hips wildly as the pleasure overtook her. A low, stifled moan escaped her mouth as she came for me. My dick continued to piston in and out of her, now coated with the cream of her orgasm.

I worked her asshole with my thumb throughout this process. I knew that Mom loved nothing more than to have something in her ass as she came.

"That's it Mom, keep cumming on me. My cock in your pussy and my thumb in your asshole. Nasty fucking mommy. Is that right? Are you a nasty whore mommy?"

"Y-y-yessssss, oh God yes I am," she managed to force out through her moans just before they subsided and she came back down to Earth. I pulled out of her and she turned to face my glistening cock, immediately getting down on her knees to suck it.

"That's good, be my little cock cleaning mommy. Clean yourself off of that big dick before I put it in your ass. That's it, all the way up and all the way down. Take it all the way down to my fucking balls."

Mom's eyes got big at the mention of being assfucked. She pulled off of me but continued to stroke me with both hands.

"Oh honey, are you going to put this big fucker up my ass? In your own mother's tight butthole?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm going to ram your tight little shit hole and blow a big load inside it."

"So dirty, baby! Can't believe you're just going to shove this huge throbbing meat into my poor little ass."

"That's right. Back on the bed, slut."

I lubed up my cock and did the same for Mom's ass, savoring the view of her presenting herself for use like a good submissive whore.

"Now I'm going to punish your asshole, Mom."

"Punish? What for, baby?"

"For spying on me and my date. You violated my privacy so I'm going to violate your tightest, most intimate hole."

"Please honey, have mercy on my poor little asshole."

"No mercy for sluts like you. Now be a good mommy and take it."

I pushed hard into Mom's ass. I knew she could take anything I gave her with my cock and she would be loving it regardless of how much she pretended to protest. She put her own hand over her mouth to avoid screaming as I began to brutalize her anal passage.

"That's a good little buttslut," I whispered to Mom as I used her. "Nasty anal fucktoy. You can't say no to an assfucking, can you?"

"All for you baby... I'm your little anal slut. Any time you need Mommy's ass, it's yours honey. Always... always open... open for your cock 24/7. Mommy loves you so much and she wants her ass to be your property."

"Fuck, I love you so much, Mom. Such a good mommy. Willing to do anything for her son."

"Yes baby, anything. Anything my boy needs."

I sped up my thrusts, forcing Mom to muffle her groans of pleasure and pain as she withstood the anal assault. She was face down in the pillow, hands flat on the bed, with her ass sticking up in the air. She was fully exposed to me as I had my way with her. I railed her a few minutes like this before pulling out to change positions. Mom whined pitifully as I pulled out, surely feeling a sudden sense of emptiness.

"Ride me," I commanded. "That's how I want to cum."

"Mmm yes, I'll ride that big dick with my naughty shit hole."

I positioned myself next to her on the bed, lying on my back, as she moved to straddled me and place her asshole above the towering pole of my stiff cock. The look on Mom's face was priceless as she lowered herself down slowly. Her eyes were half-closed and she was breathing deeply, trying to readjust to the cock that was steadily stretching her ass once more.

"Oh... oh fuck... feels so big from this... this angle. Oh God, so deep in me. So deep in my... mmm my fucking asshole. Deep in your sweet mother's asshole."

"Hell yeah, it's where this dick belongs. Right up your fucking ass. Every day."

"Every day, baby. Every day. Any time. Just bend Mama over and take what you want. Or make her ride this perfect piece of meat. Or just put me on my knees and fuck my face. Anything you want. Mama's boy gets anything he wants."

"Can I shoot my big cum load right up your asshole right now?"

"Oh God yes, please give me that load. Give it to my ass."

I slowed my pace to hold off just a little longer and pulled Mom down to kiss her deeply on the lips. Our tongues danced passionately against one another as I fucked her slowly, making sure to savor every moment.

"I love you, Mom. So much."

"I love you, baby. Making love to my ass. My boy is just... fucking his mom's ass like a good son. So deep and so loving. No one has ever fucked my ass like my sweet son does."

"So close now. Gonna fucking cum. Gonna cum in your ass."

"Don't hold back. Just do it. Do it for Mommy."

"Cumming. Oh fuck, I'm cumming."

Mom kissed me deeply as she rode the orgasm out of me. She began to moan as she felt her tight back passage being flooded with thick spurts of semen.

"Oh, I feel it. So much cum for my asshole. You really filled me like a good boy. You make Mama so proud when you do that."

Mom rose from my cock as she said this, already beginning to leak my load from her ass. She gasped lightly as the head of my dick left her tight back passage. Once she had entirely removed herself from my stiff pole, she lay down next to me on the bed and we both stared at the ceiling in post-coital bliss.

"You need to get back down to your slut. You don't want her noticing that you've been gone for so long."

"Wish I could stay here with you, but I guess you're right."

"Get back down there, mister. If she wakes up, see if she needs any more dick. Be a gentleman."

"Yes, ma'am," I said, affecting a whining tone. I rose from the bed after giving Mom one more peck on the lips, and put my boxers back on. I blew Mom one more kiss before exiting her room and closed the door behind me.

Heading back down to my room, I was relieved to see that Kelly was still out cold. Making as little noise as possible, I closed my bedroom door and slid back into bed next to her. As I got comfortable, I accidentally bumped into her, causing her to groan slightly and roll over towards me.

"Mmm welcome back. Where'd you go?"

Not expecting to be questioned -- and not having a ready answer -- I stumbled with my words."

"I... um... just had to... just had to go upstairs and check on the cat."

"Oh. So sweet. And did your mom get home okay from her night out?"

"Her too. She's fine, just passed out in her bed."

"I see... so, she won't hear us if we go again?" Kelly gripped my cock through my boxers as she said this in a way that said she wouldn't take no for an answer. Suddenly she seemed completely alert and awake.

"I don't think so... I'm up for it if you are."

"Fuck yes, I was dreaming about more of this dick. Let me suck this thing."

"Oh no, you don't have to..."

I tried to stop her, not wanting the possibility of her tasting my mom's ass on me, but she was determined to pull it out of my boxers and get her mouth on it.

"Mmm, such a delicious cock. Tastes even better the second time." Kelly was now fully engaged in working her mouth up and down, getting me back to full erection in no time. Once I was sufficiently rigid, she pushed me back into the bed and straddled me, wasting no time in positioning my dick at the opening of her pussy and pushing herself down on it.

"Fuck me. Fuck this pussy with that big piece of meat."

"Hell yeah, such a good pussy. Feels so good."

Kelly looked down at me with an odd smirk as she rode me. I looked up at her curiously, wondering what was so funny to her. After a few minutes of savoring my cock inside her, she slowed her pace and leaned down to kiss me.

Suppressing her moans of pleasure, she moved her lips to my ear and whispered.

"Now that I have you where I want you, tell me the truth. Do I fuck as good as your mom?""Wh-... what do you mean?"

"Don't even pretend like you didn't hear me. I know what I saw and heard, you dirty fucker." Kelly grinned maniacally down at me as she forced her pussy up and down on my cock. I tried to move her off but she was having none of it, pinning my arms back on the bed as she rode me.

"I... I don't..."

"You fuck your own mother. You're fucking sick. You know, Ashley said there was a weird vibe between you two and now I know exactly why."

Kelly never stopped thrusting down on me as she spoke. I could do little but just lie there and take it as I processed my shock at being caught red-handed committing incest with my mother.

"I saw most of it through the door. I saw her take this fucking monster cock up her ass and from the looks of it she's done it plenty of times before. She took this big dick like it was nothing... it made me so wet."

"Wha-... what... it did?"

"Oh my God, of course! It was the hottest, dirtiest, nastiest thing I've ever seen and I couldn't look away."

Kelly climbed off of me and immediately moved down to engulf my cock with her mouth. She stared up at me as she took me in her throat as deep as she could, moaning into the engorged shaft as she sucked. Once my cock was nice and wet, she pulled off and proceeded to jack me with both hands.

"How long have you been doing it? Tell me."

"A few years. Since like halfway through college."

"Fuck that's hot." Kelly resumed sucking me once again for about a minute before she looked back at me with a mischievous grin.

"I want to meet her."

"Tomorrow? Sure."

"Right now."

I didn't know what to say. I tried to answer but nothing came out in response to what she was requesting. She continued to stroke my rigid shaft as she reveled in my confusion.

"I want to meet her right now. I know about your relationship and she obviously knows about me if she's been upstairs the whole time. I want you to get her down here. Right now."

"Absolutely not."

"Do it or I tell everyone about exactly why you and your mom have such a unique relationship."

Not seeing much of a way out, I grabbed my phone and texted Mom.

Still up?

Yes baby, what is it?

Long story. Kelly knows. She wants to meet you.

I kept trying to add more detail and kept deleting what I wrote. Mom still wasn't responding and I was getting increasingly worried about how she would react. That is, until I heard her footsteps descending the stairs. Kelly licked her lips as she looked at me, still stroking my cock and keeping me fully hard.

Mom entered the room wearing her silky black nightgown. Rather than being confused or worried, her face was a mask of confidence and a little bit of lust. She bit her lip slightly, not saying a word to either of us as she slowly approached the bed.

"Um... hi Mom... this is Kelly. Kelly, this is my mom."

"Hi there, Mrs.-"

"Please, call me Tracy," said Mom, cutting her off. "It seems like we should be on a first name basis, given everything that you know about me now."

Kelly smiled and moved to make a space on the bed.

"Sit, Tracy. Join us."

I was still in shock from how rapidly things had progressed, but my cock remained almost fully hard. Mom's gaze moved between it and Kelly as she lowered herself to the bed.

"I bet you want some more of that cock, don't you?" said Kelly.

"You've experienced it; would you blame me?"

"Not at all. Show me how you suck is cock, right now. I want to watch."

I expected Mom to protest, but we were past that point I guess. She crawled into position and immediately took me deep in her mouth. She bobbed up and down on my shaft just like she always did, as if things were totally normal and there weren't a third person in the room with us.

"Beautiful. So fucking beautiful. Suck your son's cock, Tracy. Show me how much you love that big piece of meat." Kelly pressed Mom's head down further as she encouraged her, causing Mom to gag and sputter the first time. She recovered quickly and resumed her work

"Does that feel good? You like when your mommy sucks your cock?" Kelly kissed me, not allowing me to answer immediately, but I nodded yes in response.

"Is she better than me?"

"Mommy is the best," I admitted to Kelly. "No one sucks like she does."

In between kisses, Kelly smiled.

"I'm perfectly fine as runner-up to such a sexy MILF." Through all this she didn't let up her pressure on the back of Mom's head, making sure she took every inch of me. Mom sucked me with Kelly's assistance for a few more minutes before she was unceremoniously yanked by the hair away from me. Mom wiped saliva from her mouth and smiled at both of us as she caught her breath.

"Bend over the bed, Tracy. I'm going to watch him fuck you. Up close this time."

Turning to me, Kelly continued.

"I want to see you up her ass. I want to watch this big piece of meat slam this nasty MILF's slutty little shithole."

Mom moaned deeply as she rolled into position on the bed, while Kelly retrieved the lube from the nightstand. For the third time today, I was about to be up inside Mom's sweet ass, but this time with the addition of a spectator. I had no complaints.

Kelly applied the lube liberally to Mom's waiting hole, smiling at me the whole time. I moved behind Mom and pressed the head of my cock to her waiting backdoor.

"Be good to my asshole, baby."

"Always, Mom."

I pressed into my mother's sweet ass, returning to the warm embrace of my favorite fuck hole. Being watched by another girl at the same time just made it even sweeter, if that was possible. Wanting Kelly to see how experienced Mom was, I shoved deep into her, all the way to the hilt. She grunted, but otherwise showed no signs of discomfort.

"Give a girl some warning, honey," Mom casually said over her shoulder.

"I just know you can take it, Mom," I answered as I started to thrust.

"How... how can you just take it like that?" Kelly asked incredulously, lowering herself for an up close view of the anal penetration.

"Mmm... practice, sweetie. It's all about... ugh, fuck... all about practice. Oh goddamn that's so fucking good. Fuck... Kelly, we're going to make sure you get to feel this too."

Kelly bit her lip nervously as she watched mom take all of that cock meat up her ass.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be fucked for a few minutes. Let me have it, baby."

I followed Mom's instructions and picked up the pace with my thrusts, letting her feel every bit of my passion for her. Everything else seemed to fade away as I repeatedly buried myself deep inside her. I was vaguely aware of her grunts and moans as I pounded her, but tunnel vision set in watching my cock pump in and out of her slippery, well-lubed asshole.

I don't know how long I fucked her. Time became irrelevant. But soon, I was at the point of blowing my load.

"I feel you, baby. You're almost there. I can feel it."

"Cum in her ass. I want to see it," Kelly added. She was furiously rubbing clit as she watched. "Pump her full."

I was in no position to hold back, and my cock erupted deep into mom's warm, waiting ass. It felt like an enormous amount of semen being pumped straight up my mother's backdoor.

"Oh... oh... yes... fill it up... fill me up... that's what I want...oh God it's so much, so much... what a load, sweetie."

Kelly leaned in close and watched in awe as my load overflowed around my cock in Mom's ass.

"Baby..." Mom continued, mumbling into the pillow. "Baby... so much... fill mommy's shithole with your cream. My tight little butthole... ugh, oh fuck yes, ugh... it's your cum dump, baby... it's just for you baby, just for your big loads of fucking cum... oh, that's... so good... so perfect... mmmm..."

I carefully pulled out of Mom once I knew I was finished spurting. There was a wet pop as I exited her backdoor. I smiled on seeing the pool of cum formed in the opening of her ass.

"Feels like you came enough for two, baby," Mom said, sounding impressed.

"It looks like it, too," Kelly opined. "Can I... can I have a taste?"

"Of course, sweetie. Get in there," Mom urged.

I couldn't believe my eyes as Kelly bent down and spread Mom's ass open, marveling at the quantity of semen deposited in her back passage. Kelly lowered her mouth to Mom's waiting ass; Mom squealed in excitement as she felt Kelly's tongue make contact with her.

"Dirty girl! That's what I like for my boy!" Mom exclaimed, looking back over her shoulder. "Eat that ass. Taste my son's cum and lick it all out."

"He filled you up good, Tracy. So thick and creamy. Mmm... so good." Kelly lapped at the cum in Mom's ass, causing Mom to shudder with pleasure. "His cum tastes so good."

"I know it does... that's why I swallow so much of it. But now... oh yes, right there, fuck yes... mmm, I guess now I have to share his loads with you, huh?"

"Yes ma'am... I wouldn't mind getting them like this every time."

"Mmm... me either, baby. But..."

Trailing off, Mom got to her knees, depriving Kelly of her creamy treat.

"There's something else you need to do," Mom continued. "Swallowing my son's cum is one requirement that I have for his girlfriends, but there's one that's more important to me."

"You mean..." Kelly began, knowing what Mom was getting at.

"Your ass. My son has a very special cock, and it needs to be in a woman's ass whenever he wants. If you want my full approval..."

"I do. I want it. I want... everything. I'll learn how to take his cock."

Mom smiled and kissed Kelly softly, tenderly.

"Then you'll get there. We'll get there together. I'll teach you everything. Hold your hand the whole way if you need me to."

"I would love that, Tracy."

"For now, there's something else you can do. If I know my boy, he's got one more load in him still. Drain him and then we need to get some rest."

"Yes, ma'am." Kelly turned her eyes to my still-hard cock and immediately got to work.

She took me deep, always maintaining eye contact. Mom looked on with an appraising eye, making sure Kelly was pleasing me adequately. Soon Kelly pulled up and left only the head in her mouth, teasing me with her tongue.

"Mmm... Tracy... I'm tasting your ass on his cock."

"Not for the last time." Mom stroked her hair lovingly as she watched her return to sucking me.

"She's good. I like her a lot," Mom said, addressing me.

"Oh yeah... she's... so good... so good."

"I'm going to watch her swallow you. You know that makes me a little jealous, but I love seeing you getting the pleasure you deserve." With this, Mom pushed Kelly down firmly on my cock, causing her to choke a little, but she quickly recovered and kept sucking.

"Oh... fuck... cumming soon..."

"Let it go, baby. Feed her. Your slut needs cum. Tomorrow you'll put it in her ass."

I lost all ability to hold back at that point, shooting yet another load, though nothing like the volume of the previous one. Kelly sucked until I was done shooting, then pulled up and showed the cum to Mom.

"Swallow," Mom ordered sternly.

Kelly gulped obediently, never looking away from my mother.

They kissed softly, intimately, staring into one another's eyes. Mom reached out a finger and wiped a gob of cum from Kelly's chin. Kelly playfully grabbed her finger and pulled it into her mouth, sucking it clean.

"Dirty girl... I love it."

Kelly smiled in response to Mom's praise.

"You're spending the day here tomorrow," Mom continued. "Your anal training starts bright and early, so rest up."

Mom stood up from the bed and made her way to the door before turning one last time.

"Good night. Sweet dreams."

"You're not spending the night with us, Mom?"

"You kids are too much for me. I'll be upstairs if you need anything. See you in the morning." With a suggestive wink, Mom left.

"What a night," Kelly said with a heavy exhale.

"Hope you're ready for more tomorrow. I know Mom can be pushy, so please just let me know if you're not feeling up to it."

"Are you kidding? I need more. I'm nervous but I can't imagine passing up an opportunity like this."

"Have I told you you're perfect yet?"

"No, but keep it coming."

We kissed and teased each other's bodies for a bit, before drifting off to a much needed sleep.