gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his head back moaning loudly while hot spurts of his cum shot in my mouth.

...Yes cum for me, let me drink you up ..... was all I could think of. Every drop of him cum was slowly gliding down my throat and...


I woke up startled hearing banging on my door. "Nicole! Get up now or you'll be late for school!" I heard my mother yelling outside my door.

I felt wetness on my finger and realized it was buried deep inside my pussy. That was such an erotic dream, probably the most erotic of all the dreams I had started having. These dreams had started occurring since my 18th birthday. It was the same handsome, tall gentleman with amazing gray eyes and dark black hair.

After washing up, I headed downstairs carrying my backpack over my shoulders. My twin brother Tim was already finished with his breakfast since he had early morning soccer practice. I felt uneasy as I walked into the kitchen seeing him stare at me.

"Hey why are you so quiet? Are you up to something?" He asked almost startling me.

"N-no why? I'm just getting some orange juice." I walked slowly to the fridge with my stomach turning in knots.

"I'm gonna go already, you need a ride to school or you taking the bus again?" He asked while I poured some juice.

"I'm taking the bus but thanks anyway."

I heard him leave and I stared out the window. His body was so big and muscular from having played sports since he was a child. Our parents had just bought him a new car and he often gave me rides to school. I stopped taking rides from him after all the nasty dreams I was having of him!

At first I shrugged it off thinking it's normal to have sex dreams of your own brother, but then I knew it was more than that. I was actually getting off to these dreams and feeling major guilt afterwards. How could I even think of doing it with my own brother? What the hell was wrong with me?

I tried to avoid these feelings I had for my brother as much as I could. But it was nearly impossible. How could I avoid his sexy chest when he walked around the house with just his boxers on late at night? Or his wet shirt clinging to his body after soccer practice. His gorgeous smile when he saw me every morning. It was always Tim, the first guy who'd come to mind every time.

* * *

At school I tried to avoid bumping into my brother as much as possible. My friends didn't make it any easier since they were always going on and on about how hot my brother was and I couldn't even argue that without sounding fake. I had to make these sex dreams stop but how in the world would I be able to do that?

Another thing that was making everything worse was that I never went to go see my brother play anymore. My parents and other relatives were always there to cheer him on and I was home trying to deny myself these impure feelings I was having. I knew it bothered him that I didn't attend his games but I always used some excuse like having too much homework or already having plans with friends. I knew at one point that Tim would catch on and then I'd run out of excuses. He and I used to be so close but ever since these nasty dreams, I couldn't even look at him anymore.

It was early April and a lot of senior girls were getting ready for the prom. I hated dances or proms so I didn't feel like going. Tim liked those sort of things. Jenna Thomas was one of the most beautiful and popular girls in school. She also had this huge crush on Tim. All the senior class knew that they would eventually end up going together. I felt jealousy, I had to admit, but I was only Tim's sister, not his girlfriend.

"We already know you're going with Tim," I heard one of the senior girls tell Jenna.

Jenna tossed her long red hair back and blushed. "Yeah I know. He is going to ask me, so I've heard. Oh god he is hot!"

I just listened but I had to agree with Jenna that Tim was hot. So very sexy!

* * *

One Friday night after a huge game against one of the high school rivalry teams, Tim had decided to go out and celebrate the teams' victory with his friends. My parents had gotten home late that night as well. I was fast asleep until I heard the loud shrilling ringing of the telephone. I could barely open my eyes and saw the clock said 12:15 in the morning. I groaned hoping it wasn't a prank call or wrong number.


"Hello! Hello!" I could hear a desperate voice of a young guy.


"Is this Nicole? Listen you gotta wake your parents up immediately! Tim's been in a very horrible car accident!"

I suddenly felt my eyes widen in horror. "W-what? Are you serious? Who is this?"

"Nicole! It's me Jeff!"

Jeff was one of Tim's best friends.

"What hospital? Is Tim going to be ok?" I felt tears come out of my eyes.

"I don't know if he's going to be OK to be honest. He's really hurt."

Jeff gave me the hospital name and I got up with my body trembling. My hands were shaking madly and I only wished everything was a nightmare. I stumbled as I put my clothes on and rushed to my parents' room. They were both fast asleep and got so startled when I barged into the room crying my eyes out.

"Nicole! What in the world is going on?" My father asked grabbing his glasses from the nightstand.

"M-mom, D-dad! It's Tim! He's been in a horrible car accident!" My words barely came out.

I saw my parents' eyes looked so scared. They both quickly got up looking fearful but so confused.

"Here, go turn on my car and wait for us outside." My father said throwing me his car keys.

I rushed outside and turned on my father's car. I kept crying and wishing we could get to the hospital fast enough. It took only about fifteen minutes to arrive at the hospital. Once we were there, my parents were crying along with me. We all held each other and waited until the doctor came out to give us the latest update.

I watched a tall, handsome gray haired man come out to talk to us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell?"

My mother quickly answered. "Yes doctor."

"I'm doctor Garrison and I have good news and bad news."

I watched my parents' worried faces. I felt my knees weak.

"Your son Tim is going to survive quite nicely. He's got a broken arm, which he has to have in a cast for a few weeks though."

I heard my father sigh. "Well that is good news. Now what is the bad news?"

"Well the accident was very awful. The man who ran into him was a drunk driver. Tim's face is some what damaged. He was cut quite badly by the windshield glass. If you see him right now you might not even recognize him."

My mother immediately cried and my father put his arm around her trying to comfort her.

"It's that bad?" I asked sobbing.

"Yes sweetie. But there is hope. He will need a few plastic surgeries though."

That got my parents attention. "Yes! We will pay for any surgeries doctor! Just please let us at least see our son right now."

He nodded. "Very well then follow me."

We walked a long way down a cold hallway until we reached Tim's room. He was still unconscious and his face was covered with bandages. I wanted to just run over to him and put my arms around him.

"Oh my lord! He must be in so much pain!" My mother cried out.

"He's still unconscious right now Mrs. Mitchell," The doctor said stepping aside to let us get close to Tim's bed.

We all gathered around Tim in tears and kept praying he'd be ok.

* * *

It wasn't until Monday when Tim finally was conscious again. My parents had gone down to see him but I was at school all day. Everyone was asking me if Tim was Ok and I had said he was, but didn't mention anything about the possible disfiguration of his face. Jenna was one of the girls crying the most. I knew at that moment that she must really love Tim. The entire school was very saddened by the accident and my teachers had offered to let me go home early but I stayed all day hoping to go see Tim at night.

Once at home, I called the hospital up and my parents were there. My father said he'd come pick me up so I could see Tim. My father was silent the entire time we drove back. I wanted to ask him how Tim was but decided I'd see for myself.

When we got to the hospital, my mother was in the lobby and my father escorted me in. They hadn't eaten all day so they had decided to get something to eat and my father told me what room Tim was in. My heart pounded not knowing what to expect. I arrived at my brother's room and he sat on the bed with his back towards me. I softly knocked on the door.


He didn't turn around. "Yeah? Nicole?"

I walked in and closed the door behind me. As I walked closer he kept turning away.

"How are you?" I asked nervously.

He didn't reply.

"Tim?" I asked trying to get him to look at me.

"How do you think I am?" He asked furiously.

My eyes widened seeing the major disfigurement on his face. It was shocking, but it would have been to anyone who knew what Tim looked like before the accident.

"I-I'm sorry." That was all I could say.

His gray eyes were sad. I sat next to him and put my arms around him. "I'm sorry this happened to you. But Tim, you survived. That's all that matters."

He scoffed and stood up slowly. "Yeah I did but now look at my face. I'm horrific looking. I can't even stand to look at myself."

I felt tears roll down my face. "Don't say that! Please don't say that."

He looked at me with sincere eyes. "I'm sorry Nicole. I'm just upset and in so much pain right now. I know eventually they'll try to fix my face, but it's awful to be this way you know."

"Here lay back down bro. How's the arm?"

He slowly got back on his bed and I tucked him in carefully. His left arm was in a cast and that made it a bit difficult for him to get comfortable.

"Thanks sis. I have to wear this stupid cast for four weeks at least. The good thing is that I should be able to go back to school and that way I won't miss any of my finals."

"Or the prom," I added playfully.

He blushed. "Yeah right. I'm not going to the prom."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh? Why not?"

"Nicole get serious. You think any girl in her right mind would want to go to prom with me looking like this? Think of how bad the prom picture would look."

I nodded. "That's not true. Jenna will go with you in a heartbeat." Or I know I would She added silently.

"How do you know about Jenna?" He asked bashfully.

"I have my sources. Besides it's all over school. And you know I did see her crying over you when she heard about the accident. That goes to show that she cares for you and will not care about how you look."

He smiled and touched my face sending shivers all over my body. "Thanks Nicole. You made my day."

Four weeks went by so slow or it might have been that they went by fast; it's just that without Tim around nothing was the same. I missed seeing him. Oh God did I ever miss him. The disfigurement on his face didn't change anything on how I felt about him.

* * *

Back at school, I noticed a lot of Tim's friends surrounding him and hugging him. They were all glad he was back. The prom was now only 2 weeks away and Tim knew he had to hurry and ask Jenna. He had mentioned to me the night before his return that he feared someone had already asked her out, but the word was that she was still available and had been waiting for him.

During lunchtime, I watched along with others to see my brother ask Jenna. I felt somehow left out for some strange reason, but then again I was happy for him. I wanted him to be happy and if that meant going to the prom with Jenna Thomas, then I'd just have to put my jealous feelings aside.

I snuck around towards the back of the hallway where he had managed to get Jenna alone. I listened and felt my heart pounding.

"It's good to have you back Tim," Jenna said quietly.

"It's good to be back. Now you know why I asked you back here right?" Tim asked with joy in his voice.

Jenna nodded but looked uneasy.

"Well? Will you be my date for the prom?" His eyes looked so bright.

Jenna hesitated to answer. "Uh well, uh see I already got asked by someone else. I mean he doesn't go to this school. I'm sorry," She said breaking my brother's heart.

Tim stood back and I saw his beautiful smile disappear. "Oh. I see. Well I guess I was too late. I hope you have fun. Take care Jenna." With that, he walked away fast.

I saw Jenna sigh sort of relief. I was about to ask her why she did that but the answer was obvious. He didn't look the same and that's why she did it. Was she that coldhearted? Maybe it was true that someone else had asked her? I wanted to ask her myself but then one of her friends came to talk to her.

"So did you turn him down?" The tall blonde asked Jenna.

Jenna smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn't go to the prom with him looking like that. I know it might be mean but come on this is my last year in high school. I want good pictures to show my children in the future."

My heart sank. What a bitch!

I watched the girls giggle and walk outside towards the cafeteria. I was going to let it go but I couldn't. I was furious for her having broken my brother's heart. I wanted to break her face! I ran fast to catch up to Jenna. There were a lot of people standing outside near the cafeteria so I knew they'd be plenty of witnesses. I didn't care.

"Jenna!" I called out breathlessly.

She turned around and had a big selfish grin on her face. "Yes?" She asked pretending not knowing who I was.

I didn't respond I just gave her a hard slap on her face.

I heard her gasp and her friend's eyes widened. Everyone just became silent and stared. I felt my heart racing and I didn't want to stop there. I wanted to beat the crap out of Jenna Thomas!

"You heartless bitch! That's for breaking my brother's heart and this," I slapped her again, "Is for being the bitch that you are!"

With that I ran away and everyone remained silent.

* * *

Once I got home, my parents were still at work and I felt good having done what I did to that bitch! I went on to take a quick shower and heard Tim come home after I had gotten out of the shower. When I walked into my room I felt myself turn red. There was Tim sitting on my bed and smiling up at me. I was only wearing a small dark green towel around me.

"Ah shit! You scared me!" I said feeling startled.

He laughed softly and stood up. He put his arms around and kissed my cheek very tenderly. I felt my pulse racing.

"Thank you sis. I heard what you did to Jenna. Everyone was talking about it!"

I shrugged. "It was nothing. She was mean for having hurt you the way she did. She doesn't deserve you bro."

He smiled again. His smile looked different that the beautiful smile I was used to, but he was still Tim, my brother, the man of my dreams.

"I feel really flattered that you'd do something like that for me," he said staring deeply into my eyes.

"I'd do anything for you. I love you!" I blurted out feeling my lower lip tremble.

He pulled me closer to him I could feel his nice strong body against mine. I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You know I'd do anything for you too right?" He asked.

I nodded but just being so close to him I had to do it. I had to let him know how I felt. "If you'd do anything then kiss me Tim. Please kiss me!" I begged him.

He leaned down and by the time I knew it, his lips were touching mine so delicately. My mouth parted and I felt his tongue slide in. Our kiss grew now more deep and intense. His arms went up and down on my back. I felt my body now full of heat finally being able to kiss my brother.

He broke our kiss and was breathing heavily. "Wow! That was so nice sis. Nicole, I love you!"

"I love you too! I'm so in love with you! Don't you know it killed me to know that you were going after Jenna Thomas? Oh Tim I wanted you for me!"

"Oh Nicole! You're my sister and this is wrong but damnit I can't help myself!"

I felt him carry me and lay me on the bed. He was wearing his dark green slacks and a white polo shirt. I watched him kick his shoes off and remove his socks. His shirt came off next and I gasped seeing his hard chest and stomach. He fumbled with his belt and undid his pants. I watched his pants fall to the floor and he was only left in his black boxer briefs. I saw the huge bulge in his boxers and felt myself get wet.

He didn't remove his boxers; instead he reached down and slowly began to undo my towel. My hair was still wet and so was some of my body. I saw his eyes glow with love, as he looked at me naked. I had never been naked in front of a guy before so I felt nervous and tried to cover myself up.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I-I'm embarrassed," I replied shyly.

He touched my face so gently. "Don't be. You've got a beautiful body. Let me see you sis."

I uncovered my breasts and pussy letting him see me. His eyes searched my body up and down and I never felt sexier than that moment.

"Oh my! You've got such a sexy body you know that?" He asked looking deeply into my eyes.

I blushed. Then he stood back and slowly began to remove his boxer briefs. My jaw almost hit the ground when I saw his huge cock just sticking straight out. I could see the pulsating purple veins and the gooey precum at the tip. I raised myself up and looked up at him.

"Tim, can I taste you?" I asked boldly.

He looked at me and smiled sweetly. "Are you ready to taste me sis? Are you sure you want to?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yes! I've wanted to taste you for a while now. Please?"

I saw him blush and he moved closer to the bed. I saw his cock aiming towards my mouth so willingly. I had never blown a guy so I was a bit clueless on what to do, but I knew Tim would guide me. He always did. He had guided me in school, in life, in everything. I loved him.

I parted my lips inviting his cock in my mouth. Slowly inch by inch entered my mouth until my entire brother's throbbing cock was in my mouth. I let my lips glide up and down his long shaft. He moaned and stared into my eyes the entire time. His hands stroked my hair and face.

I could taste his juices as they swam in my mouth. His tangy taste made me want him more and I could only hope for more juices from my loving brother.

"Ahhh yes! Oh Nicole mmmm keep sucking me baby sis! Put more suction please!" Tim groaned in delight.

I gripped his cock harder with my lips and added more suction to his request. I could feel his cock twitching in my mouth wanting to explode. I knew my dreams were coming true now. I was finally going to be able to drink my brother's cum. I kept sucking him and desperately wanting to milk every drop of cum he had to offer me.

"Oh sis! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna c-cum so h-hard!" Tim moaned holding my head in place while he shot long strings of cum inside my mouth.

I shuddered at first having my first taste of cum, but then I fell in love with the saltiness and warmth of my brother's cum. He was delicious and I was falling in love with him more each second. I managed to swallow his cum nicely and then he pushed me down on the bed gently. I fell gracefully and he stared down at me with loving eyes.

"Sis have you had sex?"

"N-no," I replied nervously.

His hands began to stroke my legs slowly and she slowly spread my legs open. His eyes stared at my pussy and then back at me."Wow! Oh my...." His words trailed off and he dove his head down between my legs. I closed my eyes and felt my body tremble in delight as soon as I felt the touch of my brother's tongue on my clit. I'd never been licked before and now I was receiving hot oral sex from my brother.

"Oooh Tim! Yes! Oh God! Lick me!" I wailed loudly.

He gently flicked his tongue on my swollen clit making me moan and squirm. Then his tongue strokes grew intense making me want to cum right away. He kept taking turns with his tongue and his lips. His lips grasped my clit and he sucked on it hard. I felt my juices ooze out and suddenly my body just tightened like it usually did when I came by masturbation. This orgasm was way better than masturbation. It was so intense that I let out a loud scream of pleasure.

"Ahhhhoooh! I'm c-cuming! Oh Tim! Argggghhhh!" I could barely managed to say anything.

I heard him slurping my juices up nicely. He looked up at me with his mouth still wet and rushed over to kiss me. We shared my taste, our tastes together. I looked into his damaged face, which I loved now more than ever.

"I love you," I whispered.

He kissed me again. "I love you too. I love you so much."

He shifted his body down and sucked on my nipples. I was on fire wanting him deep inside of me. He flicked my nipples in with his tongue and sucked on them gently while he moved his finger inside of me, getting me ready.

"I want to make love to you Nicole. My lovely sister," he said sweetly.

I moaned letting him know I was lost in his pleasure. I was all his. "Do it Tim. I've wanted this."

He lifted my legs up and placed them on his shoulders. His smile was radiant and I blushed knowing my brother would be the one to pop my cherry. He moved closer to me and I felt a sharp pain as he tried to enter me. I closed my eyes tightly hoping the pain would go away. I knew the first time for a girl is never easy.

"You feel so warm. So tight," Tim rasped.

Suddenly, before I realized it, he was half way inside of me as my pussy was still resisting the rest of his huge cock. I didn't care if it would hurt or not. I just wanted him deep inside of me. I wanted him to make me a woman not some guy who would leave me. I knew Tim would never leave me. He was my brother, someone very special who would always be in my life no matter what. He was the man I loved.

"Ahhhh Nicole! Oh sis this feels good. I hope I don't hurt you," Tim said softly.

I felt strong pain that made me wish he would stop but then little by little I felt a hint of pleasure. The more he slid in and out of me, the more pleasure I received. By the time I knew it, I was moaning and he was ramming his cock faster.

"Mmmgghhhh Tim! This f-feels good!" I barely managed to say.

"Mmhhmmhh! Yeah! Oh fuck yes!" He responded breathlessly.

That moment was so precious. Probably the most precious moment in my life. I had heard that a girls first time should be special and I knew this was special. My wonderful brother was making love to me, he was taking away my virginity, there was nothing more beautiful than that.

His fingers began to play with my clit and that's when I felt the intensity of an orgasm arising once again. He moved faster in me and sweat broke off his forehead. His hard chest was covered with sweat. His balls were slapping hard against my pussy. Our eyes were locked as if we couldn't take our eyes off each other. Then it happened. I felt that hard rush of excitement all over my body. I was cumming on my brother's cock. I felt my body tremble with pleasure and I squeezed my pussy hard wanting to milk his cock.

"Mmmm! Yes! I came bro! I came s-so good!" I cried out.

"Yes baby you did! It felt so good to have you cum on my cock! I want to cum in you Nicole oh I want to cum in you so bad!" Tim shrilled.

"Cum in me! Please!" I begged.

My brother's cock twitched inside of me and he moaned. "Oooh god! Ahhhhhrrhhhhgghh! I'm cumming sis!"

I felt his warm shots of sperm shooting inside of me and the feeling was so incredible. I was taking my brother's cum and even though I was on the pill, deep down I secretly wished he was making a baby inside of me.

After recoving from his strong orgasm, Tim laid down next to me trying to catch his breath. I looked at him. His eyes met mine.

"I've been dreaming about you," I said to him.

"Really? Care to tell me about your dreams?"

"I don't want to tell you. I'll show you."

He smiled. "Go ahead."

So I did.I woke up the next morning having the memory of my brother making love to me the previous nigh. I lifted up my nightshirt and played with my breasts while my other hand slipped between my legs and pushed my panties to the side. I caressed my aching pussy slowly running my fingers up and down my wet slit.

Last night had been the most wonderful night of my life. I'd finally been able to express my love for my brother Tim. I could still feel his kisses on my lips and his hands all over my naked body. I moaned very quietly knowing my parents' room was next to mine and might be able to hear me. My finger was sliding in and out of my pussy fast, with thoughts of my handsome brother.

Tim had been in a horrible car accident that left his face somewhat disfigured. Yet that didn't stop me from having the urge to make love to him. I'd fallen hard for him; there was no doubt about that. I began to squirm on the bed coming close to my climax, but once again was distracted by my mother knocking on the door.


I groaned frustrated. "Yeah?"

"You're father and I are going to the market so I need you to please finish some of the laundry I have already started."

I raised her body off the bed and pushed my long dark black hair back. "Yeah Ok Mom." My parents worked on the weekends at a local flea market selling antiques. A few minutes later, I heard my parents' car pulling out of the driveway. I got up and went to wash up.

My hair was pinned up and I put on a black tank top with short blue jean shorts. I began to unload the laundry when suddenly I felt a familiar touch. It was Tim putting his arms around me from behind. His hold was so loving and warm.

"Mmmmm there you are beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

I giggled and turned to face him. His hair was neatly combed and his smile was making my heart flutter. "Morning," I said softly putting my hands on my brother's face.

Tim leaned down to kiss me. Our lips parted and our tongues slid into each other's mouths. I felt my brother's hands run up and down my body causing me to get wet.

"I dreamt about you last night," Tim said running his fingers on my lips.

I blushed. "Oh really?" I moved my hand down and put it on my brother's erection.

Tim laughed. "See what you do to me sis?"

I put her arms around my brother. I'd never felt so blissful around any other male in my entire 18 years. "I'm so in love with you Tim," I blurted out.

Tim pressed my body harder against his. "Nicole, I need to ask you something."

Nicole searched her brother's face. "Yes?"

Tim held my hands in his. I could feel his palms a bit sweaty as if he was nervous. "Nicole, I want you to...I want you to be my date for the prom."

I stood there frozen. I didn't know whether to do a cartwheel or be worried about the whole thing. "I-I...." I stuttered.

"You can say no. I mean I know it's probably not a good idea but I can't think of anyone else I'd like to take than you sis."

I tiptoed and gave my brother a hard kiss on his lips. "Yes! Oh Tim Yes! I will be your date!"

Tim picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He lifted my body up and sat me on the washer. He was horny indeed. Tim took off his t-shirt and scooted my body to the edge of the washer.

"I want to make love to you again Nicole," Tim rasped.

I moaned at the touch of her brother's hands on her breasts over her tank top. His hands began to remove my top slowly. My breasts became exposed and I watched Tim's eyes drink me up. His mouth moved down to my neck and then to my breasts. His lips took one nipple and sucked on it fiercely. I tossed her head back and pleasure. His warm saliva was coating my nipples and his hands were roaming down my body. He spread my legs open and began tugging on my shorts.

"I need these to come off you now!" He said in a husky tone.

I bit my lower lips and smiled at my brother. "Take them off me. Get me naked."

He groaned in sheer delight and lifted by bottom off the washer as he pulled down my shorts. My shorts slide down my legs and fell onto the floor. Tim began to undo his shorts and let them fall to the ground along with mine. His boxers came off next and he stood there with his raging hard on ready to fuck me. I was left with my white lacey panties and Tim grinned wickedly. His hands gripped both sides of my panties and he slid them off me. I felt the warm atmospheric air hit my pussy. He looked down and began to rub my clit with his fingers.

"Hmmmgghh!" I let a moan slip out.

"You're already wet. You want this as much as I do don't you Nicole?" He asked now letting a finger slide inside of my wet pussy.

I gasped feeling his finger opening me up again. Tim had been the one to pop my cherry and I was still trying to get used to having his fingers and cock inside of me. I wriggled my body but soon enough I was moaning in pleasure having my brother finger fuck me. I spread my legs more giving him more access and letting him know he had complete control of me.

"Ooh Tim! This feels so good! Faster! Please faster!" I whined loudly.

Tim was thrusting his finger in and out of my so fast and then he let a second finger slide in me. My eyes were fixed on his the entire time. As I stared at him I realized how many physical features we shared. Our eyes were the same misty gray color and we both had the long eyelashes. Our skin tone was the same and our hair was dark black. Any one who never met us would guess we were definitely siblings. Yet little would they know that we were siblings in love. Tim's face was still gorgeous to me, even after the accident. Hell, he could have been even more disfigured and I wouldn't care. I loved him so much.

My nipples were hard and I felt my body tense up. I arched my back and tossed my head back feeling the intense feeling of an orgasm ripping through my body. My lips parted and I wailed loudly.

"Mmmmggghhhh! Ahhhhh yessss!" I felt my entire body shaking as I came on my brother's fingers. He didn't stop after I came though he kept pumping my pussy harder and faster leading me to another orgasm right after the first.

"G-god! Oh My God!" I yelled out feeling my body weaken and trying to breathe. Tim leaned down to plant a hard long wet kiss on my lips. Our tongues moved in each other's mouth so violently. After slowly regaining my strength back, I finally felt Tim's fingers slide out of me. He slipped them into his mouth and looked at me, as he tasted my pussy on his fingers.

"Mmmm you're so delicious Nicole. I'm so hard for you sis."

I looked at his throbbing cock and grabbed it with my hands. He walked closer to me and I moved all the way to the edge of the washer. With his cock in my hands I began to slide it in my pussy. Tim stroked my hair and cupped my face.

"This cock is all yours Nicole," he whispered as he kissed my face.

I whimpered quietly feeling his cock begin to open my pussy up once again. He was quite large, but I was slowly getting used to his size. With one thrust of his hips, he managed to get all of his cock deep inside of me. Tim put his hands on my waist and began to pump his cock in my pussy. I wrapped my legs around his waist while he leaned down and sucked on my breasts. He caressed my nipples with his tongue and lips so gently. I put my arms tightly around him as we became one. Our bodies were united so full of passion and love. I knew from that point on that I didn't want any other guy. I only wanted my brother Tim. I'd be willing to go on with my life without ever being married or even having children just to be with him.

"You feel so good baby. Oh god I could drown inside of you! So tight. My beautiful princess!" Tim was moving faster inside of me.

We shared another wet and hard kiss and I never wanted Tim to stop. I wanted him to continue to make love to me until I couldn't take it anymore. I felt the walls of my pussy being stroked with Tim's cock. Each time he slid in and out of me I felt as if I were going to explode once again.

Tim was breaking a sweat now and being in the hot laundry room wasn't helping any either. Both of our bodies were sweaty and sticky but we didn't care. We were making love and that was all that mattered.

"Nicole, I'm so close! I'm going to cum so hard!" Tim said breathlessly.

"Cum in me!" I exclaimed. I want to feel your cum inside of me again!"

"Me too! I want you to take my cum! Hmmmmgghh! Here I cum baby!"

Before I could even speak another word, Tim was cumming inside of me. His hot spurts of cum were shooting out so violently inside my pussy. He pulled out and a few drops of cm hit my belly. I scooped up one large amount and began to finger fuck myself. The large glob of cum was slowly fading inside of me. I kept pushing my finger deeper in me, and I began to fantasize it would hit my womb making my brother's baby in me. I knew it wouldn't happen but the thought of it turned me on more.

Tim watched me getting off on myself and I saw his cock growing hard once again. I fingered myself furiously with my brother's cum dissolving inside of me. I reached my peak once again and came hard.

"Mmmmmggghhhh! I'm cumming! Watch me c-cum!"

Tim did just that. His eyes were focused on my finger-fucked pussy. "Nicole that was just so hot! So sexy!"

I blushed and pulled my brother closer to me. He rested his forehead on mine and we stayed silent for a minute. We both regained our breath and finally he spoke once again.

"I want to be able to make you happy Nicole. Just the way you've made me. I mean after my face was ruined you still loved me. I don't think any other girl would have done the same."

I kissed his lips softly. "Well I'm not like other girls. Besides loving you like a sibling, I love you as a man. I love you more than you know."

He held me in his arms. "I don't know how we are going to get away with all of this without mom and dad finding out."

"We'll worry about that later. Right now I just want to enjoy you being in my life as my lover. Tim I love you."

He looked into my eyes. "I love you too."

* * *

Tim and I spent the entire weekend making love, having oral sex and lots of kissing. Our parents worked until 5pm on the weekends at their antique booth. We waited until they got home that Sunday evening to tell them the news about us going to the prom together. Tim had promised to buy me my dress since I was broke. Mom and Dad arrived holding a few cardboard boxers.

"You guys need help?" Tim asked.

"Yes please. We got a few more boxes outside," my father replied.

Tim and I headed outside to help unload some of the boxes. I felt my stomach turn to knots just thinking of what my parents reaction would be. They might see it as something innocent but then again they might suspect something as well.

Once inside we put the boxes down as our parents sat back and relaxed. I brought them out some coffee and we sat around the living room watching TV. I looked at Tim and he looked at me. We both knew it was time to bring up the prom issue.

"Uh Mom? Dad?" Tim began.

They both turn to look at him.

He turned off the TV and stood up. I watched him take a deep breath before he spoke again. "Well as you know Jenna didn't want me to take her to the prom. I mean what girl would want to go with me looking like this right?"

My parents kept listening.

Tim looked at me again and then back at my parents. "So I invited Nicole to the prom. I hope that's OK?"

Mom smiled and nodded. "Of course that's OK. I mean that is very sweet taking your little sister to the prom honey."

"Tim why would you even want to ask us that? You know you have my permission to take your sister out," Dad replied.

Tim smiled shyly and I felt my heart racing. Little did my parents know the real reason we were going to prom together.

"I'm buying Nicole her dress. I know she has no money," Tim said sweetly.

"Oh that's so sweet! You're such a wonderful big brother!" Mom exclaimed hugging Tim.

* * *

I wanted to go with Tim, but instead my mother said she'd go with me that Monday afternoon in search for the perfect prom dress. The dress selections were limited since prom was that next weekend.

"Get a red dress Nicole, it's your color," Mom said.

I eyed the long spaghetti strap dress that hung on the rack. I grabbed it and tried it on. It fit like a glove and I smiled thinking it looked a lot like the red dress Julia Roberts had worn to the opera in Pretty Woman.

I bought a pair of shoes to match and my mother said she'd let me borrow her rubies. I had the entire outfit ready. I only hoped Tim would like it.

* * *

During the week, Tim and I decided not to have sex to save our energy for prom night. I'd been incredibly hard to stay away. He'd take me home after school and we'd be alone for a few hours until our parents got home from work. I'd wanted to just take my brother and make love to him but I had to stop myself. I wanted prom night to be special. We did manage to kiss a little but not too hard otherwise we would have broken our promise to stay celibate until prom night.

* * *

Saturday night came so quickly. It was 7pm and I was putting on my lipstick. I had pinned my hair up decorating it with shiny red pins and curls hanging down my face. I heard a soft knock on my door and felt my hands shaky. It was Tim, my brother, my lover and I shouldn't have been nervous but I was.

I opened the door and fell in love even more. Tim stood there in his tux with his hair slicked back holding a corsage in his hand. His mouth fell open when he saw me. We were speechless just enjoying the sight of one another.

"Wow! Oh sis you look beautiful!" Tim said quietly.

I couldn't help but blush. "You look very handsome Tim." I said touching my brother's face.

He smiled and reached for my hand. He slipped on the corsage and held my hand in his. I know he wanted to kiss me because I wanted to kiss him too. Just then, our parents walked into the hallway with a camera.

"Nicole you are breath taking!" Dad said snapping a picture.

Our parents surrounded us and we took a few pictures before heading downstairs. Once downstairs, our parents continued to take pictures.

"Well although we'd love to pose for more pictures, our limo is waiting."

I raised an eyebrow. "Limo?"

Tim winked at me. "Yup. I wanted to get something nice for you sis."

My heart fluttered. "Wow! Thank you."

He opened the door for me and we headed outside to the limo. The night was beautiful covered with thousands of bright stars. Once in the limo, Tim put his hand over mine and stared into my eyes.

"You look like an angel tonight. So very beautiful."

"Thank you. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for everything."

He leaned down to kiss me softly. "I don't want to ruin your lipstick...yet." He teased.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and we drove off to the prom.

* * *

The sound of music could be heard playing loudly outside the hotel downtown, which the prom was being held at. Tim and I walked in slowly and saw everyone of Tim's friends turn to look at us. Jeff, Tim's good friend was there and he walked to the door to greet us.

"Hey bro glad you made it," he said giving Tim a quick hug. "Hey Nicole."

"Hi Jeff," I responded moving closer to Tim.

"So you guys decided to come together huh? Tim I'm sorry about the whole Jenna thing. That was really shitty what she did to you. A lot of us aren't talking to her for that reason."

"No need to feel sorry for me. I'm happy now," Tim replied taking a quick look at me.

"Well you guys want to join us at our table? It's only two couples."

"Uh well..." Tim stammered and looked at me for some kind of answer.

"Yeah sure." I responded knowing my intentions.

Jeff went ahead and led us to the table. On the way, Tim asked, "Why did you want to join them? I wanted to have you all to myself."

"Let's do this so people won't get suspicious. We have to keep things a bit tame."

"Ah I see. Smart girl."

We went to sit with Jeff and his friends. I noticed the group trying hard not to stare at Tim's face but they did. Tim felt uneasy I could tell. I reached underneath the table and squeezed his hand letting him know I was there for him. Tim looked relived now and put his hand over mine.

We chatted with Jeff and his friends for a while until out of the blue Jenna stepped in the room and everyone was almost silent. She was wearing a stunning white strapless dress that showed off her tanned skin. Her hair was also pinned up. She seemed as if she had came alone.

Everyone stared, including Tim. I felt my blood boiling knowing that bitch had shown up. I was ready to get up and slap her again. Tim didn't look nervous though. Jeff kept trying to keep a conversation going. I noticed Jenna eyeing our table and walking towards it. She actually had the nerve to try to talk to us!

I looked up feeling Jenna's presence at the table. My eyes showed anger.

"Nicole I'm sorry about having hurt Tim, but please I'm not here to fight. I want to apologize to him for having behaved the way I did."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Ok then apologize and please leave."

Tim stood up and offered Jenna a seat. "Apology accepted Jenna. Care to join us?"

She smiled weakly and sat next to my brother. I was furious! I wanted to just walk out feeling as if Tim had somehow betrayed me.

"Where is your date?" I asked her in a haughty tone.

She looked embarrassed. "Well he came up with a reason not to come. He said his grandmother was really ill."

I wanted to laugh. That had to be the worst lie ever. Tim looked at her with comforting eyes. "Well you came and that's all that matters. I'm glad you came Jenna."

I felt appalled. I shifted my chair away from Tim to show him he was upsetting me. Jenna leaned over and I could still hear what she asked my brother. "I'd love to dance with you."

I wanted to slap her once again. I waited for Tim's response. "Sure I'd love to as well. But first I owe my sister a few dances and then we can dance."

Jenna blushed and gave me the look as if she was trying to tell me that she could get any guy she wanted even though she treats them like trash. Tim leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Let's dance Nicole. I have a plan."

I wasn't too happy with my brother being nice to Jenna again, but I still went out to the dance floor and danced with my brother. Luckily the songs that were playing were fast. We danced about two songs until that one slow song came on. Tim and I stared into each other's eyes for a brief moment. It was Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" that was playing. Such a smooth and sexy song. I felt Tim get closer to me and as soon as I knew it, we were in each other's arms. We moved to the beat of the beautiful song.

"I love you so much," Tim whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes for a moment wishing we were alone so I could kiss him. "I love you too."

We continued to dance but I felt our bodies pressing against one another's so tightly, that I knew we weren't dancing the way a brother and sister should. Tim cupped my face and I didn't think he would do it, at least not there in front of his friends but he did. Tim leaned down to kiss me! Our lips parted and our tongues caressed one another. We kissed for what seemed to be forever. We didn't realize the entire room as staring at us kiss. Tim had a devilish smile on his face. He took my hand in his. He looked at Jenna who was speechless and her jaw dropped opened in shock.

The song had finished and the room was quiet. Tim and I held hands and let everyone take one more look at the fact that we were now lovers. "We'll it's been fun but we have to go now. Goodnight!" Tim said as he led me to the door.We ran out of the prom laughing and holding hands like two high school sweethearts. Once outside, Tim kissed me again. "I love you!" He said so lovingly.

"I can't believe you did that Tim. You kissed me in front of everyone you know! How are we ever going to explain this?" I asked smiling yet feeling somewhat nervous.

"I don't know but I had to kiss you. I was going to burst if I didn't. I don't care what any of them think. I want to be with you Nicole. I've fallen so deeply in love with you."

I threw my arms around him. "I love you too. I can never love any other man the way I love you Tim."

"Let's get out of here. I need to be with you."

We ran to the limo and a few minutes later, we were being driven around town. Tim had told the driver to take us for a long drive. We were all alone in the back and we were kissing furiously. Tim's hands were all over my body. It was as if he didn't know where to touch me first.

"Ooh I want you! Tim I need to make love to you!" I moaned.

Tim began to remove his jacket and then his bow tie. It hung loosely now from his neck and I was unbuttoning his shirt. Soon enough I could feel his muscular chest with my hands. He pulled the straps of my dress down exposing my breasts and hard nipples. His mouth quickly found itself to my aching breasts. I could hear him sucking on my nipples.

"Hmmmmhhhmm!" I purred.

"Nicole I'm so hard for you right now! Oh sis I need you!"

I wanted Tim inside of me, but at the same time I wanted to taste him more than ever. I began to undo his pants and could feel his hard on over the fabric. I reached down and pulled out his throbbing cock. Tim gave me a lustful and yearning look.

"You want me to suck you don't you?" I asked flirtingly.

He could only nod. I got on my knees in front of him and began to blow my brother. His entire length was inside my mouth twitching and throbbing. I knew he would cum hard since we hadn't made love for several days. I moved my lips up and down his long shaft tasting his salty precum. Tim was moaning loudly and cupped my face to make me look up at him. Our eyes were locked and he moved my head up and down to the beat of his satisfaction.

"Y-yes! Suck it Nicole. Suck my cock!" He muttered.

I continued to go down on my brother hoping he'd blow his load in my mouth. I couldn't wait to taste his cum again and have it flow down my throat and into my belly.

"Arrgghhhh! Nicole! Oh sis I'm going to cum s-so hard!"

I moved faster on his cock and suddenly I felt him tense up. One long, thick rope of cum hit the back of my throat. It almost choked me but I continued to drink him up. More shots spurted out and managed to swallow them all. His warm tangy cum was going down my throat quite nicely.

"Oh fuck! Mmmmm! Yes! Drink it up baby. Swallow my sperm," Tim said breathlessly as he shot out the last drops of cum.

I got up and sat next to my lover. He was so out of breath and I just kissed his face and lips. "I take it you liked that?" I asked playfully.

He laughed softly. "Yes I did. I loved it. You turn me on so much!"

I moved away and pulled down my lacey red panties. Tim looked down as they hit the car floor. I began to move towards him lifting my dress up and sat on his lap. I saw that his cock was still hard as a rock. I grabbed his cock once again in my hands. "I need this. I need this inside of me."

He groaned in pleasure. "Ooh yes baby. Put it in you!"

I straddled him and my pussy began to swallow up his cock. Every inch of my brother's cock was sliding inside of me! God he felt so good! Slowly, I began to grind my pussy on Tim's big cock.

"Ahhh yes! You feel so good!" I cried out.

Tim held on to my breasts and I began to bounce on his cock. I was moving up and down so fast. I could feel my brother deep inside of me. His entire cock was buried in me.

"Yes that's it. Ride my cock baby. Ride your big brother's cock!" Tim rasped.

I felt myself coming close to my climax so I slowed down but Tim began to move his hips and kept pumping my pussy with his dick. I wanted him to stop! I didn't want to cum so fast! But it was too late. I felt my body begin to tremble and a wonderful orgasm ripped through my entire body.

"Tim! I'm cumming! Oooh Bro I'm cumming! I screamed out and closed my eyes. I was cumming on my brother's cock again! It was so wonderful!

Tim kissed my lips hard and kept pumping my pussy by holding my body still and thrusting his hips. I felt so weak as I had never come so hard than that moment. Tim and I continued to kiss until I felt him humming in our kiss. I broke our kiss and looked into his eyes.

"I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Tim said breathlessly.

He pumped me faster and his entire body almost jumped up. I could feel his sperm shooting in me, and I could see the look of satisfaction and love in my brother's eyes. After he finished cumming, he got off him and we both held each other until we could move again.

* * *

We got back home a little past midnight. We stood outside the house looking up at our parent's bedroom, which still had the light on. Tim put his hand on my back and we walked to the door. We were silent knowing that we had crossed the line when we kissed in front of our friends. The word would be out all over town the next day. Eventually our parents would hear this rumor.

We didn't want that to happen. Tim and I made a decision that night; a very important decision. We were going to tell our parents that we were in love and we were lovers. We had no clue on how they would take it or if they would still even want us in the house anymore.

"I'm scared Tim," I said quietly as Tim opened the front door.

"I'm scared too but we have to do this Nicole."

I walked inside the house Tim and I had grown up in. So many memories flooded my mind and I felt as if I wanted to cry. Not of sadness but of happiness. I had grown up with Tim and loved him more and more each year. I had always thought I'd find the man of my dreams in college or after college. Never had I expected him to be right here in my own house, my own brother.

Tim grabbed my hand and we began to walk up the stairs. We would go into our parent's bedroom and confess everything. It was time to express our love for one another. It might have been forbidden love, but it was true love.