
The Johnsons were enjoying their seafaring trip; the sun cast its soothing sun-rays upon a sunbathing Amelia; while her twin brother Liam rested on the railing, gazing upon the cerulean sky with puffy white clouds peppering throughout. Whereas their father and mother helped themselves to a bit of 'alone time' inside, only going so far as making out and kissing each other's neck; all before Liam crashed their secret love affair to yell out, "Dad! There's a storm incoming!"

For a second, it didn't register in the patriarch's mind having been caught mid-session until it finally clicked. He ripped himself from his wife's wandering hands and ran out with his son. He was now facing up against the ashy clouds that swirled overhead. In the distance were booming thunder-strikes. Thomas blurted a curse directly towards the weatherman forecaster. "Fucking bastard!" he muttered aloud.

The next few moments were a blur. Amelia scrambled to her feet to carry her phone, towel, sunscreen, and water and bolted into the yacht where her mother was. Both women cowered and comforted each other as they watched the men scrambling to sail away from their impending doom. But it'd be no use--they'd watch in sheer terror as a gigantic wave carried them and crashed upon impact. No one knew what followed from being knocked unconscious.

Liam woke up before anyone else, cradling his throbbing head before realizing how lucky he was to be alive right now. He checked his person, counting his four limbs and no missing facial features. Everything was there, thank god. He breathed a sigh of relief and wobbled standing upright. The young man cowered from seeing the now calm, cerulean sky. He shook himself out of it, and carried on.

He looked all ways and found his sister's form lying a few feet away from him, still unconscious. He kicked the sand behind him rushing over and to his surprise see she was incredibly naked. He immediately looked away and blushed. It's not much of a surprise, though, seeing as how she was only wearing a bikini, and that wave was incredibly powerful.

Thinking on his feet, before he'd wake his sister up, he wanted to make sure she was properly covered. That's just what a decent person, and brother, would do. While he was out searching for a type of malleable leaf, his thoughts crudely went to his naked sister. Liam thought only thought of her as his bratty sister, always chastising him on stupid stuff like chewing with an open mouth or leaving the toilet seat up, but man... seeing her so vulnerable and sexy triggered something in him, but pushed those thoughts away immediately after feeling guilty.

Meanwhile, Amelia woke up dazed, rubbing the salty waters from her eyes. She sat up and felt a cool breeze hit her naked skin. The young girl looked down and shrieked when she saw how exposed she was, hands fanned out to cover her most private parts. Her thoughts frantically tried piecing together what little information she had; one moment she was sunbathing, another and she was scrambling for her things, then she was in her mother's arms when--she gasped! Her dear mother, where was she?!

The girl snapped her head side to side but only caught sight of a pair of hairy, muscular legs. She shrieked once again in surprise and terror, clutching her breasts and bare pussy. For a second she didn't know who this strange man was, until he soothed, "Amelia, it's me, your brother." Amelia would've angrily kicked the sand towards her brother if she wasn't insecure about covering her body.

Tears prickled her eyes as she sobbed, "Where's mom?" looking up at him.

He shook his head and answered, "I don't know. I woke up a few minutes ago myself, then I found you, and... when I saw, um... you, I decided to make something to cover yourself with." He then dropped the leafy material onto the soft sand. "I-I'll just turn away now, so you can dress yourself," he stuttered, turning away. In the back of his mind, though, he wanted to grant himself just a sneak peek at his nude sister.

"Thank you Liam," she sniffled, putting on the snug undergarments he made. It was definitely uncomfortable, but it'll do for now. "Okay," Amelia said and Liam turned back to disappointingly see her now covered. But his sister felt her heartstrings tug when she thought how her brother took the time, care, and effort to fix her something like this when he didn't even have to. This made her grateful to have her brother, and she promised to herself she'd return the favor one day.

On the other side of the relatively small island, the parents woke up almost simultaneously with similar splitting headaches. The father was the first to ask in a hoarse voice, "Are you okay, hun?"

She nodded, "Well, except for this splitting headache, thankfully I'm fine. No missing limbs. You?"

"Me too, thankfully. Fuck," he groaned, pressing against his forehead. "When I get home so help me god I'm gonna take that flimsy little moron and--"

"Thomas, this is not the time, sweetheart," she soothed, crawling towards him. Just then did he notice his wife's bikini top was almost in tethers. As hot as she was, it was important to focus on the matters at hand. He removed his shirt, exposing his hardened body he meticulously looked after, and gave it to his wife, who was oblivious to almost being fully exposed herself. "Oh!" she exclaimed before laughing cheekily and putting his shirt on. "Have you seen the kids?" his wife asked a moment after, worried.

"No," he sighed, grunting as he struggled standing up. His knees cracked as they bent straight. "But I think before the sun sets, we should find water, food, and shelter--in that order--before we go looking for them."

Elaine, his wife, shot up and held his arm, "But honey--"

"Look," he interrupted. "I'm worried about them, too--god knows I am, they're my kids too, but it's imperative we create a base to store our food and water. When," he stressed, "we find them, they'll have a place to join us." He knew she wanted to say more, to plead more, but he knew she knew that he was right. She nodded along, trusting her confident husband. "First, we should look for the ship and whatever remains there."

The pair of siblings trailed along the lazy shores, Amelia following behind her brother. "What should we do, Liam?" she asked, worried for their well-being. She had no idea what island this was, what animals or god forbid people that live here, if there was any food here.

Amelia's mind was reeling in a whirlwind of 'if's' until her brother spoke. "I truthfully don't know, Amelia."

She stopped in her tracks, staring at her brother's toned back until he turned to meet her upset eyes. "You don't know?!" she yelled. "Liam, we are on this godforsaken island with no food, water, parents! And you don't know what we should do?!"

Anger bubbled inside him, yelling back, "Well I don't get marooned for summer *fun* Amelia!"

"But you should have at least *some* idea, genius, aren't you supposed to be the *man* who knows *everything* about *survival*?!"

"You know what's a good way to survive?! Not *bitching* at the only person that can help you!" he screamed hoarse, snapping forwards and quickly stomping away.

She scoffed and tried catching up, "And I can't be able to handle myself?!"

Liam snapped back to stare daggers at her. "Ah, well, since you're pressuring *me* to do all the dirty work and know everything there is to know about survival, *yes*! If you wanna continue bitching, you're free to be an *independent woman*," he air quoted. "But if you're going to stick with me, you have to listen to what I say, not give me any lip, and do as I say. Capiche?"

Amelia silently threw back daggers at her brother but nodded, not knowing what else she can do by her lonesome; if some tribal member caught her, god forbid, or a wild animal pouncing on her. She decided the best course of action would be to stay with her brother, even if he didn't know anything.

Back on the parent's side, Thomas and Elaine were still searching for their wrecked ship. Their high hopes and spirits served them well when they suddenly found parts of the ship protruding from the waters. Thomas kicked through the sand and water in a frenzy, hoping there will be a crate of rations he can save. Sure enough, there was! Elaine stood smirking on the shore with hands on her hips, thinking smugly to herself that now he's glad she made him buy that. Soon after, he also found a crate of water bottles! Both were giddy, hoping to share it with their children when they arrive or find them. It won't be enough for however long they were stranded, but all that matters is that they have a chance. They thanked god they did.

By now, Liam and Amelia were sore, especially the latter who wouldn't stop complaining about it. Liam angrily barked, "Enough!"

"What do you expect, we've been walking for god knows how long," his sister snapped back.

He sighed exasperated and facepalmed, knowing he's tired too. "Fine, you sit here and stay, while I try to find us some shelter." Amelia shrugged and took a seat on the warm, comforting sand. Her feet ached as she wiggled her toes and rotated her feet. She sighed a breath of relief as she didn't have to stand anymore. While she was watching the sky's beautiful blue hue transform into an incredible sunset of orange, pink, and purple, she thought how desperately she'd rather be at home and enjoying this with her friends.

Amelia thought deeply about the little things she missed about home. Waking up in her queen-sized bed with actual sheets and a soft pillow was one. Having the liberty to eat whatever she wanted, whenever, was another. Being able to go anywhere she liked and do whatever she pleased was maybe the most she missed. The young girl got this sense of isolation despite having someone to talk to. At least she still had her brother, she reasoned. She could've been left all alone and then she wouldn't have had a brother at all.

As his sister was lost in his own thought, Liam struggled as he ventured into this jungle-like area. As far as he knows, this place hasn't had a human set foot on it in ages. Somehow, though, he catches sight of this immaculate waterfall gushing fresh water into this impossibly blue lagoon. He runs away to call for his sister, and she runs to join him in awe. Excitement surges through her as she kicks off into the lagoon--squealing when she hits the cool, refreshing water. She works towards her tangled, messy hair, painfully combing it with her fingers.

Liam watched her in satisfaction before noticing the sun going down. He freaked out, forgetting that they had no light source! Frantically, he searched the ground but couldn't find flint or a decent rock to spark a fire with. He let his sister do her thing to not disturb or worry her. He made sure not to stray far ahead while he searched for something to make a fire with. But as he scanned through the trees caught a glimpse of a warm fire!

Liam's heart leapt in his chest, instantly thinking it's his parents. He wanted to call out, "Mom?! Dad?!" but he didn't; he was afraid if they weren't actually his parents but someone else--someone who was hungrier, dangerous, and uninhibited. The young man wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, glancing over at his sister where she was lazily floating, ignorant at what was going on.

He carefully sneaked his way closer against his better judgement. He hoped whoever started the fire was their parents or at least someone with a civil state of mind. The fit, toned young man continued to slowly foot his way over until he could distinct two shadowy figures. Still on guard, he ventured forwards and to the side, keeping a keen ear out in case the two were talking.

Meanwhile, Amelia began to get frightened in the waters having lost sight of her brother, and the sun setting. The young girl realized she had no flashlight, no phone, no torch! She hurriedly swam and then ran once she had a good footing on the ground. Sopping cold, she held her arms as her teeth chattered, panicking. Amelia looked in all directions and saw the fire. She carefully shuffled towards it, yearning for the comforting flames to warm her chilled skin.

At the campfire, both Thomas and Elaine cuddled by the fire recounting all the things they've managed to accomplish in a day: found food, water, and shelter, wrote "HELP" with good-sized rocks, gave each other much needed oral, and finally relaxed. This is how the children found them and all four shared a warm group hug. All four relayed what they've accomplished for their first day marooned.

"Well, I made Amelia this beautiful leaf ensemble," Liam joked, presenting his blushing sister.

"I see, how wonderful!" their mother exclaimed. Thomas, meanwhile, was staring at his flesh and blood daughter like a piece of succulent meat. "That's so nice of you, Liam! So resourceful, right, hun?" she asked, breaking him out of his trance.

"Y-yes, dear, very resourceful," he repeated absent-minded. Elaine eyed her husband, but decided to ignore him. She told Liam all the wonderful things their father did while they were away. Meanwhile, Thomas continued to eye his mature daughter up and down. She was practically the spitting image of her mother back in the day when they were 18 years old. He felt this longing he should only share with his wife, but stifled it.

The night carried out with the family finally together again--thankfully none hurt or scarred--laughing until yawning and decided it would be best to go to bed.

In the morning, Thomas took reign over and delegated the tasks. "Liam and I will start by hunting nearby fish, while Elaine and Amelia search for anything else to recover from the yacht. Sound good?" Everyone agreed, and set out for their tasks.

As father and son grabbed long sticks to sharpen into a weak and primitive spear, Thomas wanted to talk to his son--man to man. "Son," he started while whittling his stick. "I don't know what to expect on this island. I'm not confident where going to be saved anytime soon either, I'm simply not sure of it. All I know is you're a man, as is your father. And if you've gotten my genes, that means you're going to be wanting something the only two females on this island has." Thomas intentionally tread his words to Liam, but it was useless.

His son crinkled his nose, asking sharply, "What do you think you're getting at?"

His father shook his head. "You know exactly what I'm getting at. I'm giving you permission. What happens on this island, stays on this island." Liam stared dumbfounded at his dad while he nonchalantly continued whittling. Soon he joined, and there was only the sound of sharp metal cutting wood and the waves washing against the shore.

On the other hand, the women were out of earshot and searching for any tools or resources to recover. "We were incredibly lucky to have found all these things," Elaine said. "It'd be a different story had I not nagged your father into buying those crates."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "If we have food, why do we have to catch fish anyways?"

Her mother tsk-tsked and shook her head. "Even on an island, you still find the energy to have a hotty attitude," she laughed. Her daughter only squinted her eyes at her. "Your father and brother have to because god knows how long those rations is going to last us. We should use them for an emergency, and though it may *seem* like an emergency now, there are plenty of fish in the sea," she answered long-winded. "Maybe it's our fault we never taught you kids any self-reliance. Your father and I weren't always rich, y'know, we had to survive and think on our feet."

Elaine noticed her daughter rolling her eyes. She scoffed, "It's true, young lady!"

"Okay, whatever, just stop talking down to me!" Her mother looked at her incredulous, shaking her head. How is she ever going to survive without her parent's help, she asked herself.

Thomas noticed the commotion even a distance away and offered help. "You guys okay, need any help?"

Elaine gave her spouse an irritated look. "Your daughter is just being difficult and unruly."

The patriarch pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Okay. Amelia, sweetie?" she looked over at her dad, arms crossed. She looked ridiculous, yet cute with her leaf ensemble. "Change in plans; you're going to pick berries and any other fruit you spot with your brother while your mom and I look for the resources. Got it, okay," he said curtly. His daughter huffed as she trudged into the trees, Liam following not too far behind.

"What's going on?" he asked concerned.

"Just mom being a bitch," she grumbled. "Now I have to look for some stupid berries for everyone."

Her brother was rolling his eyes until he could spot, "Hey! Look! There's some mangoes up there!"

Amelia gasped, "Really?!" She could really go for something sweet, and mangoes were perfect.

"Yeah, up in that tree," he pointed.

"Oh my god, yes," she drawled, in joy she found something to eat. "But, how are we gonna reach all the way up there?"

Liam blurted out the most obvious thought after a moment of pondering. "I'll just pull you up."

She laughed. "No, really."

"I'm not joking, Amelia. You're too small to lift me up while I can easily pick you up," he answered honestly.

"But that would mean..." she trailed off. Vulnerability and insecurity crept upon her. "You'd see me..."

His breath hitched when he realized that. Then his father's words echoed in his mind; "what happens on the island, stays on the island." Well, just because he can doesn't mean he should, he argued. "Amelia, that doesn't matter right now. I know what girls look like, plus, I'm not gonna be thinking about that while I'm eating a sweet mangoes. Now c'mon, if it makes you feel any better, I'll try not to look."

Cautious, she stepped forward. Her brother's words slowly sunk in and gave her a boost in confidence. "O... Okay..." He nodded, guiding her in back of him. He squatted down, and she climbed on top of his shoulders; but to her dismay, her flimsy attire snapped and fell to the ground. The girl shrieked, hugging the tree close to her, afraid of letting go and someone in her family seeing her naked.

Liam took a massive gulp as he noticed her makeshift clothing fall down, trying very hard not to take a peek upwards and seeing his twin sister's naked breasts. Not only that but he could feel her warm pussy against the nape of his neck. His heart was starting to rapidly beat as blood rushed to his penis. He quickly tried to soothe her nerves, telling her, "It's alright, sis, just keep going, there's literally a couple mangoes within arm's reach; it'll definitely be enough for today. And I'm not looking, I promise."

"O-okay," she whimpered, reaching over and snatching a few mangoes. "Put me down, now," Amelia asserted, and swung her leg off as soon as Liam did. He was about to look at her out of habit until she snapped, "Don't!" But after a moment gave up. "Ugh, what's the point anyway. I have no clothing, everything is just going to break anyway... It's only a matter of time until everyone else's clothes get ruined at some point."

Liam still respected her sister's wishes despite his penis telling him to. "Well, I can't say no against that."

Amelia crossed her arms, lost in her thought as she stared at the dirt. "It doesn't hurt to just look, right...?" she blushed.

"Well... I guess not..." her brother trailed. Yet his hand stayed glued to his eyes, not sure whether he wanted to escalate things further. The young man knew deep down that if he saw his naked, vulnerable sister he'd instantly want to shove her to the ground and fuck her pussy raw until she's crying out from the pleasure. But then he'd have to live with the fact that he fucked his own sister. It was still weird to both siblings, but maybe it was for the best to rip the band-aid off now before it got incredibly weird later.He uncovered his eyes and felt his heart beating hard. There his sister stood with the sun shining rays behind her, bathing her glowing naked body in its sunlight. His eyes surveyed his sister's taut, perky breasts with dime-sized pink nipples to her small waist that complimented her sizable hips. He wanted to grip them as he fucked her over his cock. And speaking of his cock, it pitched a very noticeable tent even his sister couldn't ignore.

She blushed at the sheer sight, curious at how it looked underneath the fabric. "You know... I wouldn't mind if you, uh... took your trunks off. It's only fair, right? I mean... It was bound to happen anyway..." Without speaking, Liam took the hem of his trunks, and slowly started to remove them. His sister watched intensely as he was practically teasing her. Then, in a moment's notice, his erect cock sprung out. It surprised Amelia in how big it was. She could tell from experience with other men it was big enough to hit her cervix, and girthy enough to stretch her out.

Liam stared at her, wondering what she was thinking about seeing him fully naked for the first time. If she harbored the same carnal desires he has for her. The siblings locked eyes, their eyes looked spoke more than actual words. But before they could act on them, they heard in the distance their mother calling for them.

Instantly, a disappointed Liam pulled up his shorts, his arousal dying down; while his equally disappointed sister gathered the fruit and both siblings returned to camp. "To be continued," Amelia caught her brother mumbling. She curiously wondered what that could mean.

When the matriarch saw her daughter bearing fruit she cheered--until she saw she was bare ass naked. "What happened to your outfit, sweetheart?" she questioned.

"It broke," Amelia shrugged. "Anybody want mangoes?"

Everyone took a minor lunch break but with Thomas quietly yearning for his daughter even more. She was a full-grown woman now with the body to match. He felt like asking for her help for some bullshit somewhere private and fuck her brains out. But he decided against it. "Y'know, Amelia, I like your new outfit," her father joked. Liam and Elaine laughed, while she flashed an embarrassed smile and cheeks flushed. "Oh don't be so shy about it, the human body is natural. Y'know, it's only a matter of time before all of our clothing gives way. In fact, I'd be okay with joining you."

Elaine almost choked on her mango, saying, "Seriously, Tom? You want to get naked with your own children," she stated as if it was absurd.

"Look, hon, we have no idea how long until someone rescues us. Again, it's only a matter of time until we're all running around here naked," he argued. Elaine was disgusted but knew she couldn't find a rebuttal other than "it's gross"; even she knew that wasn't a good enough reason. So she rolled her eyes and sighed. Thomas responded by nodding, standing up and shedding his dripping wet swim trunks. Liam looked away while the two women stared.

Then, he sat back down to enjoy his succulent mango.

The rest of the evening proceeded with the family talking, sharing stories, and laughing along with each other until everyone nodded off to sleep. At this point, Liam also went commando, catching everyone's eyes including his dad's (though he wasn't interested the way the women were).

During the next weeks that followed, the siblings would find any reason to be alone with each other. This set off the mother's radar, suspecting something weird is going on between the two. On the other hand, the father undoubtedly knew and secretly supported them. There'd be days the siblings picked fruit and Liam would feel his sister's warm, juicy pussy against the nape of his neck. There'd be others where Amelia would wake up first to see her brother's hard morning wood. The sexual tension was building up, as did the sibling's confidence around each other. Just as they did, Amelia started continuing her yoga lessons she did back home, which drove the men secretly wild. All of this would amass to one day where Elaine ran towards her husband to quietly yell, "I caught the children *fucking* Tom! The children, just... oh my god, I need to sit down." Her stomach was in knots while her mind was reeling in processing that optic overload.

Her husband bent down to comfort her as she described their vile acts. "Liam, he was... on top of his sister, pounding into her, Tom... I've never seen anything so disgusting in my life," she cried. Thomas listened intently, getting a bit turned on. "And the worst thing was, Amelia was enjoying it! She was moaning like a, like a fucking whore! What are we supposed to do, Tom?"

Thomas sat close to her, rubbing her back calmly. "Well... It was bound to happen."

Elaine side-eyed her husband. "Whaaaaaaaat?" she drawed out in disbelief.

"It was bound to happen," he shrugged. "I know you don't like it, but we are all four adults with sexual needs that need to be met. A man needs to fuck, Elaine."

"You've-you've gotta be fucking kidding me," his wife laughed incredulously. "You know what, you're just as much of a sick pervert as they are."

"Hey," Thomas interjected, "I can't help the way I feel. I wouldn't mind it if you had sex with Liam."

"Ew, gross, don't even speak like that to me! I made vows to *you* and I don't remember saying anything that said if we were marooned I'd allow you to fuck your own fucking daughter, you sicko freak!"

"Elaine, stop right there before you say something you can never take back. We are in this together, and we'll never have to speak about it again because it's going to stay here. Alight?"

Elaine's frown deepened, red in the face and tears streaming. She removed her ring and called out before she turned to leave, "Well so is our marriage!"

Finished, the sweaty pair disentangled themselves from each other. Amelia panted, "Fuck, I never knew you were so good at fucking."

Her brother chuckled, slapping her ass as they got up. "Ditto." They made their way empty-handed towards camp where they only saw their father by his lonesome sitting by the fire.

"Where's mom?" his daughter asked. He shook his head. She looked down and felt guilt well inside her. Liam snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"Weren't you two supposed to look for food?" their father asked.

"Oh, uhhhh," Amelia stalled, panicking and searching for an answer in her brother's eyes. He only looked at her, not knowing what to do or say.

"Listen, kids... I don't mind if you're fucking, okay... it's natural; it's how life works, and I accept it, but... your mother doesn't feel the same way. Simple as that. But don't feel guilty about it. It's not your fault." The kids stood there awkwardly listening to their father gave them that stern talk. "Amelia, c'mere for a moment, sweetheart." She cautiously walked over and stood silently in front of her father. "Would you mind it if your daddy touched you here," his finger pointed towards her mound. She shook her head, opening her mind to experiencing something new and exciting. Besides, it didn't matter at this point.

Liam watched as his father stuck a finger in his sister's freshly fucked pussy. "Oh, yeah," he mumbled. "You really fucked her good, son, didn't you?" he laughed. Amelia blushed a deep rouge and bit her lip as she allowed her father to finger her. Then, he removes them, his appendages covered in a sticky translucent goo. "Are you on birth control, honey?" Thomas asked his daughter.

She gave a shrug. "For this month, but afterwards, no." He nodded, guiding his fingers towards her lips. She parted them and suckled on her juices and her brother's cum. He would've fucked his daughter deeply had he not felt so heartbroken. Her father smiled at her and all three talked about their day, cracked some jokes, until the fire died down. Although all three were understandably worried about how their mother was faring.

In the morning, Thomas went out in search for their mother in hopes she's had time to cool off. The kids stayed back to complete their chores and keep a look-out for any passing ships or airplanes. Thomas trekked along the soothing shores, water bottles in hand for both him and his wife. He was lost in deep thought about last night, and how his wife disappeared. It hurt him a lot; he needed her in his life more than anything. She was his wife, after all. They had vows to stick together through sickness and in health.

Eventually, he came upon her sitting along the shoreline. Watching the waves soothed her nerves. "What're you doing here," she softly asked.

"It should be obvious, Elaine... you're my wife, and I need you. The kids need you." Thomas tested the waters and stepped forward. Elaine didn't flinch, so he took another one.

"Tom... I was really struggling last night. During a nice trip to on the sea, we crash onto an uninhabited island, our safety and comforts crushed along with our yacht. We're so far away from our family, friends, and colleagues, and there's no telling when we're ever going to see them again... And to see the kids make love the way we do, well... I had a breakdown," she shrugged, staring into her husband's earthy eyes. Tom was now at her side, hanging onto every word she had to say. Elaine looked back towards the ocean. "It was too much for me. But I've thought about it a lot; and I realize that if we have any semblance of getting off this island, we're going to have to lean on each other. It's completely natural to seek comfort in people, and... who else better than your family," she chuckled. Tom broke a smile as he rubbed her back. The couple consoled each other and had amazing make-up sex along the beach.

Afterwards, the bored, disinterested children spotted their parents in the distance and ran towards their newly nude mother. It was awkward for Elaine to see her children after what happened, but readily hugged them as their mother. She felt her son's member pressing against her thigh.

The day played out as normal as it could get, the men catching fish and the women preparing them to be cooked. Everyone's stomachs began to rumble around the afternoon, and so they sat together to feast on their freshly caught fish. Eventually, full from fish, Elaine called for her son to help her with something. Curious, he followed his mother until Thomas and Amelia couldn't see the pair no longer. The father and daughter glanced towards each other and shrugged.

"This is really good fish, hon," Thomas complimented.

Amelia blushed. "Thanks dad. We did what we could." Before, she could count the times she cooked on only one hand, so to have her father compliment her meant a lot. They continued to eat in silence, apart from the waves crashing. It was a comfortable silence as they enjoyed each other's presence. If they had the time, they'd know it had been 10 minutes now since the pair left. By this point, all the fish they caught were bones and heads.

Then, the pair reappeared pepped, albeit a little sweaty. Amelia analyzed Liam as he sat back down, his wet hair clinging to his sweaty forehead, while Thomas could see in front of him his wife's crossed legs, noting the cum dripping from her pussy. He gulped down a huge lump in his throat, turned on by imagining what his wife and son did behind their backs.

After lunch, everyone continued their routine as normal until night fell. Everyone circled around the burning embers and slept peacefully.

Days turned into weeks. Each pair of opposite-sex family members would disappear to find alone time and have their way with each other when the feeling came. Mother and son, brother and sister. But it was special when Amelia caught her father for herself, and vice versa.

Thomas's strong and hairy arms wrapped around his daughter's petite body and cradled her. He kissed her neck sensually as her hips rocked into his, her plump butt pressing against his growing erection. It stood at half-mass, so Amelia got on her knees to perform her duty as a daughter and young woman. She fervently sucked her father's hardening cock, savoring his taste, until the man had enough.

Thomas's favorite position was missionary. He loved to look into his daughter's innocent eyes as they winced in pain when he hit her cervix repeatedly. It felt romantic no matter how devious the pairing was. The man held her legs in his arms, deeply thrusting forwards. Her sweet and loud moans enchanted him, pushing to hear more and more until she cried out, cumming. But her father wouldn't stop, sending her into a blissful, post-fuck state. The young girl enjoyed every thrust and animalistic grunt her father made. He kissed her on her check and continued downwards onto her neck. She absolutely loved and craved more when he did this to her. Eventually, though, he made a final thrust inside her, cum spurting inside her small, tight pussy, and collapsed.

Out of breath, Amelia cuddled against her father's sweaty form after planting a sweet kiss on his parted lips. She could almost fall asleep as her father's cum dribbled from her pussy.

Then weeks turned into months. The men now had full, bushy beards but it wasn't like the women minded. All of them had more evenly tanned skin from the sometimes oppressive sun. In time, they grew more comfortable displaying their sexuality. It started all in one morning.

Almost as ritual, Liam woke up with painful morning wood. Though his mom and dad knew about him and his sister, he felt uncomfortable to roll over and fuck her pussy near him. So he merely jerked his stiff cock steadily. He excited himself thinking about his sexual encounters with his mom and sister. He glanced over at his sister's smooth and slightly toned back. Memories of shooting his load flashed right before his eyes. Liam decided there and then that it didn't matter, he was a man and he needed to fuck--now.

He gently nudged his sister awake, her groggy form stretching out and rolling over to see her brother staring at her. She instinctively looked down and saw his stiff cock. Amelia smirked and snaked her hand around his cock to tug it. He crawled on top of her as she rolled onto her back, hand still encircled around Liam's hard cock. The siblings never exchanged words as the brother slowly entered his sister as he did several other times. Somehow, she was always wet and ready for him. It was so sexy, like her body knew it was going to get used--day in, day out. He slowly began fucking her, inch by inch, until fully inside her.

Both siblings grunted softly as their hips hit each other's. Liam would silence his sister when she began whimpering by planting a long and deep kiss on her delicate and plump lips. Amelia's brother rutted his hips which inevitably made louder moans escape from their crushed mouths. He pulled back a bit, panting, "Be quiet, mom and dad will know," before their father said, "We already do."

Their children snapped towards their smug parents, wide-eyed, Liam instantly pulling out of his sister's warm, cozy pussy.

"Don't stop now, keep going," Thomas goaded. But both children stayed frozen in place. Liam could feel his erection slightly wane. Then their father rolled his eyes, telling his wife to show them it's okay.

That's when Elaine crawled to her son and swallowed a mouth full of his cock. Brother and sister were paralyzed as they all, including their father, watched their mother suck Liam's cock. He sucked in a breath, legs quaking as his mother enslaved the rest of his body with her mouth. And when she felt him tensing, she knew to pull away. "M-mom..." he stuttered.

She smiled warmly at him, drool dribbled down her chin. "Son, go fuck your sister," his father told, almost demanding.

And he did. Cautiously, he lined his cock towards Amelia's pussy once more, watching his parent's reactions. Their faces were intensely focused on them. He then plunged inside and continued to fuck her. It took a while, but they built enough momentum to start freely letting their noises loose: moaning, groaning, grunting, whimpering--everything. Liam bent down to kiss his sister again as he felt cum explode from his cock inside of her. They gave a few open-mouthed kisses as Amelia's brother continued to thrust a few more times, this time softer. Afterwards, Liam rolled off and cuddled against his sister's naked body, and the family wouldn't talk about it, or any other sexual encounter they had after.

Now they could be more open about their sexual adventures. Elaine would wake up several times to her daughter passionately riding her brother's morning wood, or Liam riding his sister. The siblings would watch intently and masturbate to their parents having sensual and romantic sex and eventually follow. For fun, they'd switch partners mid-fuck and cuddle when everyone had their orgasm. Or father and son would team up on their mother/wife or daughter/sister. It was all in good fun.

But sex wasn't their whole life, only a part of it; it was natural, after all. It actually boosted morale and relationships between the four. There were no secrets or grudges or petty jealousy held against each other on the island--only openness and love. Something beautiful bloomed as a result of this seemingly grim tragedy, and they all grew closer.

From all the frequent, unprotected and reckless sex, the women grew bigger in size and eventually birthed their beautiful offspring. Neither father or brother cared which one was theirs, only caring for their mother, sister, and newborns. However, none would know what to say if one child asked how they were related to them. They all just loved and cared after one another like one big, happy family.