It was the summer of 1985 right after I graduated high school. I couldn't wait to finally move away and go to college. Not that I was truly upset with my home summer was pretty consistent, yet boring. I did not have a girlfriend and so it seemed all I really ended up doing was working. I ended up working overtime considerably to save money for school. I did spend a little time with my friends; but overall my last summer at home was uneventful. That is, it was uneventful until the last few days before I left.

I guess I should continue by also mentioning the one other thing that kept me very busy throughout that summer -- masturbating. Without a girlfriend, an 18-year-old male has to find a way to release his pent-up sexual energy. I pretty much was unstoppable. Any time I had some privacy, I was finding a way to bring myself off.

I had a collection of pornographic magazines hidden in my suitcase in the top shelf of my closet. We are not talking your average collection. I had spent many years ever since eighth grade purchasing skin mags and of course no man ever throws them away. Looking back now, I know my mother knew they were there. I also know that throughout high school she always knew what I was doing with them. In fact, I think that's why perhaps those last days I was at home ended up being as special as they were.

I remember the day it started. I actually came home from work early. Coincidentally, my mom had been running late and therefore, so was dinner with the family.

"Did you eat yet, honey?" She asked as I approached her in front of the stove.

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and then stood behind her closely as I looked over her shoulder. I saw what she was still cooking and happily replied, "No. We were slow, so Chuck sent me home early. I figured I could get some leftovers, but it looks like I lucked out."

"We all did. Not many more opportunities for us to all sit down together. It should be done in about a half-hour." She concurred.

The look on her face and the tone of her voice showed she genuinely was happy about this. Mom was not looking forward to me leaving. Sure she was excited about me moving on in the world and she was proud. But the two of us were very close and both of us were getting very nervous about our upcoming separation.

I was anxious to leave for college soon; however, at this point I was starting to get a little reminiscent. I also was starting to realize how much I was going to miss mom's cooking. What I didn't fully realize at this stage was how much I was going to miss her.

You hate to say that one parent or the other is a favorite; but there's no doubt for me. Dad worked a lot and for some reason it just seemed like we didn't click. As I got older he and I became closer. But back then, my mom and I were extremely tight. She knew everything that went on in my life from schoolwork to girlfriends. I just never felt uncomfortable sitting with her some evenings and talking about anything and everything.

Ironically, what was about to happen and continue for the next several days was something we were unable to talk about for quite some time.

I went downstairs to my bedroom and quickly stripped off my clothes. I stepped outside of my bedroom and took an immediate left into the bathroom that pretty much only I ever used. I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. The typical vanity of a 17-year-old male made me stop and admire my own body. In fact, since I had played football for all those years and weight lifted off season, my body did look great. Not a bit of fat could be seen anywhere. I literally had six pack abs and all the muscles in my legs and arms were truly defined. Unfortunately, looking back now, I realize that was the best it was ever going to look.

I took a quick shower and as I was drying myself off once again in front of the mirror, I realized my cock was at full attention. As I said, there really were not many times when it was not. I took a moment or two to admire myself with my hard cock and then couldn't help myself and started to stroke it. I knew I had a few minutes before dinnertime so I figured it was time to do it properly. I quickly returned to my room; however, I didn't notice that the door did not fully close.

Such a mistake would normally lead to the most embarrassing times of a man's life. For me, it ended up being one of the most exciting.

I did not even take down the suitcase this time and instead just reached up to pull down whatever magazine I happened to grab. It was one of my favorite "High Society" magazines. I threw it on the bed and threw myself right next to it. I knew exactly which set of pictures I wanted to watch this time.

I knew I didn't have much time. Also, there's no worry about foreplay when you're alone. So I immediately started to pleasure myself just the way I wanted. This particular time I was laying sideways on my bed on my left side. This gave my right hand perfect access to my cock. As I slowly turned the pages through the pictures I continued to stroke it a consistent pace. I knew I had at least 20 minutes so I decided to simply savor this session.

I simply spent a lot of time looking through this set of pictures and then moving to the next all the while slowly stroking my cock. It was just about time to increase the rate and so I went a little faster. At the same time, I think I threw my head back somewhat because when I did I saw that the door was open.

That didn't really bother me. My room was the last room at the end of the hall down in the basement. No one ever went down there. Also, at this point I was so into what I was doing I didn't really care. It was then however that I looked through the crack in the door and saw her. My mom was standing there in the doorway peeking through the approximately 4 inch space that it was open.

I stopped ever so briefly; but then something inside me made me keep going. My mind was racing because of the fact that she was still there, yet never said anything. I kept going at a slow and steady pace now. I decided to look directly at the crack in the door to see if I was mistaken.

It was then that I realized I definitely was not mistaken. She was standing there and I saw that her shirt was untucked. As I looked closer I saw that her hand was rubbing the outside of her skirt. Her other hand was fondling her left breast. I could barely make it out; but once I did it was obvious. My mother had been watching me jack off and found it stimulating enough for her to do the same.

it was here that it all became so interesting. When I first saw her, my reaction was to stop. Instead, I kept going and looked closer at the crack of the door. At the same time, my mother must've had the same idea. She surely stopped for a brief second; but it must not have been long because I watched her hand move up and down her crotch underneath her skirt.

I cannot make out much but I definitely could tell what she was doing. The fact that I was looking directly at her now had to be obvious to her. At this point I know she was aware I saw her. We both were putting on a show for the other. But at the same time, we were enjoying the show and about to please each other to the fullest.

I continued to watch her move her hand up and down over her crotch through the material of her skirt. Her left hand was grabbing her left breast and I could tell she was squeezing it. Meanwhile, I continued to stroke my cock but I slowed my pace just a bit. Normally I would never let go of my dick during a session. But now I let go of it exposing it to her in all its glory. At this point, I decided to be a full exhibitionist.

I moved my hand to the top side and I pushed my dick so it extended completely out from my body. Doing this always made it look longer. It's an unnatural position but I know what it looks like after examining myself in the mirror so many times. I was showing off for my mom. From what I could tell, she enjoyed every minute of it. It was obvious because at this point she now moved her hand inside the waistband of her skirt.

I couldn't wait much more and I had to grab my cock once again. At this point the two of us began moving up and down at about the same pace. My right hand was moving up and down my shaft. Her right hand was moving up and down her crotch underneath her skirt. To this day I still do not know if her hand was inside her panties as well. I like to think so. I like to imagine that she actually had slipped a finger to deep inside her cunt. I know that's what I was imagining at that point.

It really didn't matter though. We both were extremely excited and we both were about to come any minute. In fact, it was no more than two minutes of this simultaneous pace that we both ended an orgasm at the same time.

Of course, mine was obvious. I shot my first load past the magazine onto my bedspread. It was the second load that ended up shooting directly onto the naked woman in the picture in front of me. As my semen was pumping out of my body harder than I had ever remembered it doing so, I watched my mom completely stop moving. She completely froze standing right there. I really could not see her face because of the shadows. But I could imagine it in my mind and it led me to pump another glob of semen out onto the bed.

My mom then started to quiver just a bit. And her right hand started to move up and down her crotch once again but very very slowly. Her left hand now unclenched her breast leaving a horribly wrinkled blouse. After about a minute she took her hand out of her skirt. I heard her take a deep breath followed by the sound of two knocks on my door.

"Honey?" She asked as if nothing had happened.

"Yeah, mom." I replied in the same fashion.

"Dinner's ready, okay?" She spoke through the crack into the room in general.

My mind was racing," okay. Be there in a sec."

And then she was gone.

I stood there with my semi-flaccid dick still in my hand. Some of the come had dribbled down and was also on my hand. I always thought that was kind of gross. But I didn't care at this point because I was still trying to get my head around what had just happened.

For a second I thought maybe I was just imagining what I saw. It wasn't like the door was wide open. It was only open a crack. Perhaps it was just my imagination that allowed me to watch her fully please herself to a complete orgasm. I knew better. It did happen. However, it looked like we both were going to act as if it never did.

That suited me fine because I was obviously nervous and concerned with how I would deal with my mother now. If she was going to simply act as if nothing happened, so would I. It looked like my mother and I were going to play a little "game" here. I could do that. However, I found out that the game would continue to get better.

I ran in the bathroom and washed up with the washcloth. I threw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and was upstairs within minutes. My brother and sister were sitting on their side of the table there in the kitchen. My dad had his seat already at the head of the table. My mom was still doing something at the counter. I decided to take her lead and truly act like nothing happened. It was difficult but I continued on.

As I entered the kitchen I pulled up close behind her and looked over her shoulder.

"Mmmmmm, looks good." I said to her gently as I kissed her cheek. It was amazing because even though dinner smelled wonderful , I was enthralled because of the fact that I could smell the sex on her body.

When I kissed her, she shivered. I don't think she ever imagined that I would be so calm. I couldn't believe it myself that I was being so calm. But I realized that it was the fact we both were going to act like nothing happened that gave me the strength to really do so.

Dinner continued, and it was just like so many dinners before. Yet it was very special because it was one of my last dinners at home. It was even more special because of the fact that my mom and I had mutually masturbated just five minutes earlier.

Everything went back to normal that night. But the word "normal" never truly came into play again during my remaining days there.

The next day was normal and that I came home at approximately 7 o'clock. Dinner was already over tonight. I made my way up the stairs into the kitchen and found my mom studying at the kitchen table. This is very common as she was now going back to school. I continued my routine as if nothing had happened the night before. I went behind her chair and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek from behind. I hesitated slightly though and it was definitely the longest kiss on the cheek I think I ever given her.

"Hi, honey. There's a plate in the fridge." The same words I heard most evenings when I came home from work.

"Thanks. What'd you guys have?" I legitimately asked.

She answered, again like nothing ever changed between us, "tuna noodle casserole. We didn't end up leaving much so if you want me to make you a sandwich let me know."

"No, this should be good." I said as I pulled my plate out and brought it over to the microwave.

Once it was warm, I brought it over to my usual spot right next to where she was studying. It was a normal conversation with her reading quietly and the two of us talking intermittently as I ate. While I ate quietly I watched her read. She really was lovely. I knew that; but I never had thought of her looks in that way. She was now 41 years old but didn't look a day over 33 or 34. She had shoulder length auburn hair. It was almost black, but not quite. Her face had no wrinkles. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she was always made up perfectly and they just didn't show. But it also was due to the fact that she really did have natural beauty.

I never have remembered any bit of excess fat on her body. She's always been extremely in shape. She was rather petite, both in her stature and her figure. At dinner that night, I was looking at my mother in a whole new light. I realized just how attractive she was. My erection grew underneath the table. But all I did was finish eating.

When I was done, she of course asked if I wanted more. I assured her I was full and that I was about to go downstairs. However, it was here that I decided to take a risky step.

"I'm just going to go downstairs and read some magazines and let off some steam." I told her.

There was absolutely no way my statement could be taken in any other way. Particularly after what she had witnessed yesterday evening. Her reply was classic as well.

"I may or may not see you again tonight honey, so enjoy... and sleep tight." She told me leaving me wondering.

I did not want to wonder so I played along with appropriate wording. "I'm sure you'll still see me. Probably later after dad goes to bed and I take a shower." I couldn't believe how bold I was. Yet if indeed she wanted yesterday to be a one time thing then my statement could easily be construed as completely innocent. Luckily, it turned out to not be.

My dad and sister were watching TV in the family room. I actually sat down for a while and joined them. But then I decided to go to my usual sanctuary and hang out in my room. I had my phone and I had my music. And of course, I also had my porno magazines.

Tonight was strange however. I always have my door closed. Yet tonight, I made sure to leave it open approximately 4 to 5 inches throughout the night. As I did everything in my room I kept looking at the gap between the door and the door frame. Finally, about 9 o'clock I heard my dad go to bed and my sister went upstairs. All the lights were off downstairs. Now was time for me to give my "signal". It was shower time. Normally I would undress in the bathroom. But I decided to take off my clothes right then and there. I walked out of my bedroom and wanted so badly to just walk upstairs and find my mother wherever she may be. But instead, I was about to turn into the bathroom immediately to the left. Then I realized how dark it was down there. It would not suffice.

So I walked naked down the hallway and out into the family room. I turned the corner and flipped the switch to make sure the hall light was now on. No one was down there to see me in my naked glory. I was disappointed but I was hoping with all my might that she would be down soon enough. Right then I heard the shower upstairs. Was this a good sign, or a bad sign? I still did not know.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I thought about leaving the door open but didn't go that far. As a got out of the shower and dried myself off I paid particularly good attention to my cock. Of course it did not take long to get hard.

I left the towel in the bathroom and walked naked back to my room. I was very careful to make sure the bedroom door still remained open a crack. However this time I made sure it was open almost 6 inches or so. I know she had a much better view last time than me. I wanted to see more. I needed to see more.

I took my time picking the appropriate magazine. It was the one with the model the most reminded me of her. I was now obsessed. Just as I was about to throw the magazine on the bed I heard the shower upstairs stop. I've never been so excited in my life. I joined the magazine on my bed and began my wait.

I didn't go directly to that series of pictures. Instead I simply started at page 1 and slowly started to go through as I took my cock into my hand. I played with it ever so gently with no intention whatsoever of doing anything major until I knew I had an audience. It's funny, but as I think back I kept imagining how much it was like deer hunting. I had taken all my time preparing exactly as I needed to. Now I simply had to sit here and wait for my "dear".

I did not have to wait much longer. I saw some motion on the other side of the door. And then I saw her. All of our talk in code was clear enough for both of us. My door was open and now here we both were. We were ready to watch each other as we explore each other's bodies with our eyes. The physical exploration of our bodies would come from our own hands.

I could see she was wearing a pink nightgown. It was something I had never seen before. It was sheer. I could see her breasts and nipples through it. Her nipples were extremely hard and erect. They always were. Something I always noticed on any chilly day.

Through the sheer nightgown I could see dark pink panties. Although they were darker than the top, they still were somewhat sheer. It was obvious how much hair there was on my mother's bush behind the material. The last time I remembered seeing it was probably when I was 10 or so and she was stepping out of the shower. Ever since then, the two of us is pretty much maintained our privacy. Yet seeing the large patch of dark hair between her legs brought back that vision perfectly.

I started "the show" first. I turned the magazine to the pictures of the woman that looked amazingly like my mother. As I grabbed my cock with my right hand, I turned the magazine around so that it was facing the door. This is my way of making sure she saw what it was that was exciting me. I wanted her to understand that many times before I had masturbated with her on my mind.

I started my methodical pace up and down my cock and she too wasted no time. She instantly moved her right hand or top and pushed it behind the waistband of her panties. Within seconds she was now caressing herself rhythmically between her legs. Again, her left hand was grabbing her left breast as tight as possible. I made a mental note in case I ever had the option to do the same.

I continued to move up and down my cock. Then I decided to be coy. I laid back on the bed and pushed my cock to stand at full attention on my body. It was pointing straight up begging for her pussy to sit on it. I waited patiently thinking that maybe perhaps she would push the door open and do just that. Instead I looked over and saw she was still pleasuring herself yet doing so much faster.It was then I realized that we were now most likely at the limit of this adventure. So I decided to make sure to enjoy it to the fullest. I propped myself back in my side and now started to stroke my cock at the same rapid pace that my mother was caressing her pussy. It was just about then that I became concerned. She had stopped. But I quickly realized that I had nothing to be worried about. Because as soon as she stopped both hands moved to her waist and she now was pulling her panties down to her ankles and stepping out of them. She threw them to the side and now went back to what she was doing before.

Only now, it was obvious to me that she was putting her middle finger inside her cunt. In fact, after a few strokes it was her forefinger and her middle finger that were now entering her pussy each and every stroke. Each time a she pulled her fingers out it was obvious she was running them over her clit. That was the motion that seemed to get the most reaction from her face. As I watch her please herself to the fullest I was so glad I had the foresight to turn on the hall light earlier.

It was obvious she was about to come. Ironically, I had been focusing on her so much that I had completely neglected myself. For a brief period, I'm not even sure I was stroking my cock. I was so enthralled by watching her and I wanted to focus all my attention on her. It was now so obvious that she was about to come. I realized that I had some catching up to do.

I started to stroke faster and harder. But it was definitely going to be her to reach climax first. Right then I watched her once again freeze and remain completely motionless and silent. At that point I realized how much heavy breathing and painting she had been doing just prior. But now there was nothing. She stood there completely still with her right hand very deep inside her cunt. Her eyes were closed so tight.

To this day, the most exciting thing I still can ever witness is a woman having an orgasm. The excitement of it took over at that moment. She then started to quiver. I can remember the way she shook, and it finally made me just about cum myself. I watched her continue to shake as her right hand now moved very slowly over her soaking wet hairy pussy. Her left hand continued to squeeze her breast and pinched her nipple.

The sight of her was too much for me and I threw my head back and my entire body clenched as I shot my first load completely off the bed. I managed to open my eyes quickly because I wanted to see her some more. Now her eyes were open. I think she saw the first shot, but I know she saw the second. It did not go as far and ended up on the end of the bed. As it shot, I saw her eyes tracked the motion of the semen. At this point I decided to lay back and at the last two shots shoot upwards onto my chest and my abdomen. I laid there propped up on my left elbow still watching her as she slowly caressed her pussy. Our synchronized pace once again continued as I slowly stroked my cock which was no longer fully rigid.

I wanted for her to come in and lick my semen off of my belly. But more so I wanted her to come in so that I could throw her on the bed and bury my face between her legs. So badly I wanted to taste that sopping wet pussy. I had gotten a whiff of her odor the night before and now that intoxicating smell was in my head.

We both calmed down to the point where our hands were hardly moving at all. We continue to explore our bodies with our hands while exploring each other with our eyes. But we were very cautious to never make eye contact. It was then she stopped and reached down to grab her panties. I remember how sexy it was to watch her put them back on. I also was turned on by the fact that I could see the dampness transferred to the panties the second they touched her hairy crotch. But I would not be treated to that view for much longer.

There was no eye contact. There was no "goodbye", nor a "good night, honey". Instead, she turned and walked down the hall. I heard her continue to walk and several seconds later the hall light was off. It was obvious that we both were going to simply not acknowledge this. Yet we both seemed to want it and enjoy it enough to hint to each other how we could make it happen. That was fine with me. The hints would continue.

The next morning was like any other. I had breakfast quickly before work and I kissed my mother goodbye. I did make sure once again as I kissed her I pushed my body up close. I may have even wrapped my arms around her while doing so. But then it was off to work.

"Probably going to Alan's after work," I told her.

"Should I wait up?" She asked. The tone in her voice made the double meaning of her question so clear.

"That sounds good." I said it in a soft reassuring tone. "I won't be too late."

My day was usual. Work, and I hung out at my best friends house doing pretty much nothing. He was a little surprised though when I went to leave at about 11 o'clock on a Friday night. I explained it was a slow night anyways and I was rather tired. He understood, it had been a rather boring night.

When I got home, my mom was once again reading in the kitchen. I pulled up behind her and planted a kiss. This time on the nape of her neck right near her ear. I felt her quiver and I could tell it was almost the same as when she orgasm in front of me the two previous nights.

Sat down next to her and we talked for quite a while. The amazing thing is how we talked like nothing had really happened between us. The only time our conversation became different was as the conversation was ending.

"I'm tired," I told her as I stood up from the table.

She then started to hint, "are you going to take a shower and unwind?"

"Of course, " I quickly replied. "Are you?" I asked in return.

She smiled, "yeah, after the day I've had, I need it."

I went downstairs and once again the same routine proceeded. This time however she was wearing a light blue nightgown that hung down a little bit further. It was much sexier though during our "session" due to the way she had to hike it up so high to please herself.

Other than that, everything was the same as the night before. It now seemed that I had a partner for my masturbation sessions. Nevertheless, these sessions soon got better.

The next day was Saturday and I didn't have to work. My dad was gone for the weekend on a fishing trip. The thought of him gone and my mom home by herself had my thoughts running wild. Surely at this point something would happen wouldn't it? Yet I wasn't so sure I had the nerve. I also was not so sure I wanted to take that step. I don't know why, but I was deciding to myself that anything more than what we were doing was not such a good idea.

The day went by quickly. That night I went out and Alan and I drove around town and stopped at several people's houses. But once again, he was bothered when I said I was ready to go home shortly after 11 o'clock.

At first I once again feigned that I was tired. But then I was somewhat honest with him.

"I kind of want to spend more time with my mom before I go," I told him.

"I can see that," he seemed to understand. Yet he really didn't fully understand. I'm sure he was not planning on going home to masturbate together with his mom. All these years later, and that thought still grosses me out.

Anyways, I got home shortly after 11, and mom was once again studying at the kitchen table. She pretty much lived there while finishing up her degree. I came in kissing her on the neck and once again could tell it excited her. I didn't sit down though and instead open the fridge looking for some food. I found some type of leftover and ate it over the sink while the two of us talked briefly.

I quickly finished and then told her I was going downstairs. It was then that she made it more interesting.

"Since your father's gone, I'm going to go take a shower and unwind in my room." Ironically, she looked at me with direct eye contact as she said it.

"Okay," I replied and I went downstairs and knew that tonight would be even better.

I got in my room and before I could even start to undress I heard the shower upstairs. This was perfect. I got undressed and took my shower. When I was done, I didn't hear the water running upstairs anymore. I was extremely nervous. I went back to my room and I decided to put my underwear and a pair of black shorts on. Definitely my best look.

I then started to walk upstairs. All the lights were off downstairs as I walked up. Also, it was rather dark upstairs. Yet the hallway light was on. I looked down at the end of the hall and my mother's bedroom door was open about five or 6 inches. I felt my heart pounding inside my chest. There was something that made this so much more exciting. I walked down the hallway and then thought about how my sister's bedroom was right next door. This could be embarrassing if she came out. I didn't care.

I stepped up to the crack in the bedroom door and peeked inside. Now it was my turn to stand and my mom was going to be comfortable in bed. When I first looked inside she was not yet in bed. She was looking inside her top left drawer. I knew it was her underwear drawer because of the several times growing up I had gone through it rubbing the soft material all over my cock. Several times in the past I had stolen her underwear to come in them.

Now she was reaching in and pulling out some stockings. I watched her sit on the edge of the bed as she slowly put on these dark black nylons. She started with the right and pointed her toe up to the top of the mirror in front of her. She slowly pulled down the stocking over her heel and up her calf until finally reached its resting point on her upper thigh. It was so obvious that she now knew I was there. She continued by repeating the exact same motion with her left leg. The irony was that was all she put on.

To this day I fantasize about what else she could've worn but of course she would've ended up taking it off almost immediately thereafter. Instead, I do take comfort and how sexy it looked as she scooted herself back on her bed with herself propped back on her pillows. She was now sitting back and turned slightly so that I had a perfect view.

I wasn't looking straight on; but for the most part I could see directly between her nylon covered thighs as she already started to move her finger around her labia. In her usual pattern, her left hand immediately found her breast and started to squeeze tightly. I simply watched. At this point, I didn't even touch myself. I could feel the erection become rock hard and it managed to work its way free so now it was resting comfortably under my underwear and shorts. However, the tip of it was slightly sticking out of my waistband.

I watched mom continue to play with herself just as I always had. But it was obvious that she was much more in her element. Her eyes were closed and you could tell she was pleasing herself exactly as she wanted and normally did. I finally had to give in and instead of wasting my efforts trying to stroke my cock through my shorts and underwear I simply took them completely off right then and there.

I stood there fully naked and started to stroke my cock. I now realized how much more difficult it was to do so standing up. Or, at the very least it wasn't as comfortable. But that made me even more excited thinking about what I was going to see from my mother now that she was comfortable.

As I watched her continue to play with her pussy, I saw her eyes watching my cock as I stroked. It was amazing how the two of us knew exactly when we could look at each other's eyes. I continued to slowly stroke and enjoy the show. It was not much longer after that that she sat up and got off the bed. My heart was racing. I thought maybe perhaps this was finally going to become more. I wanted it to be more; but I have resigned myself to the fact that I could not be the one to make the move. I don't know why, but I couldn't. But I knew that if she was willing and made the move I was more than willing to fuck my own mother. I wanted it so bad.

So when she sat up and got off the bed I was ready. Instead, she opened the top drawer of her side dresser. She pulled out what almost looked like a shoebox but was obviously more rigid material and covered in fabric. She immediately turned it over and dumped the contents onto the bed.

On the bed was a medium-size vibrator. Nothing fancy, just a simple white plastic vibrator. Yet seeing it excited me to no end. I also could not tell what else came out of the box. There was a paperback book of some sort. It was just days later I found out it was a graphic sex novel when I "borrowed" it for an evening.

Then I noticed what the other items in the box were. Just as I had tried to show her what I was masturbating to, she was showing me these Polaroid photos and where they were. I could not fully make them out right then and there. But it did become obvious to me that these were nude photos of her. That was the fact that I could not handle anymore. I started to stroke extremely quickly.

Mom looked at the photos and laid them on the bed so I could barely see what they were. She then laid back once again in the same position as before. She took the white vibrator and started to lick it. She caressed the entire phallic symbol with her tongue and eventually put it in her mouth completely. All the while I continued to stroke my cock and knew that I was not going to make it much longer. In fact, it was at this point that I didn't care. I figured I would make this session a "double".

As my mother continued to suck the white plastic cock I started to frantically stroke my real penis. She then took the vibrator out of her mouth and turned it on. I could hear the slight buzzing as she then moved it down and began to touch her nipples with the tip. Her head instantly moved back in ecstasy and it was then that I realized quickly that I had nowhere to go with the inevitable results. I didn't really care, and I don't think mom did either. One more stroke and I couldn't help it. My entire body shook and quivered. And then the first shot exited the tip of my penis and ended up going through the open doorway and landing on my mother's bedroom carpet. Intermediately the second shot followed and almost went as far. Meanwhile, my mom took the vibrator from her breasts and instantly shoved it inside her cunt. That was when I shot my third and fourth load once again directly down to the ground not caring about the mess.

I stood there continuing to slightly stroke my cock and now began to enjoy the show. Mom had shoved the vibrator deep inside and was now moving it inside and out with her left hand. Meanwhile her right hand was rubbing her clit and doing so rather quickly. I continued to play with my semi-flaccid penis and realized that it was not going to take long to once again be erect. It was then I heard the door next to me start to open. My sister was coming out.

I had no choice. I instantly picked up my underwear and shorts and pushed my way into my mother's room, quickly closing the door behind me. I now stood there holding my shorts and my hand with my semi erect cock still glistening from the semen dripping from the tip.

My mom had stopped and for the first time I actually tried to look at her eyes. It was then that she closed her eyes and instantly went back to work on her hot pussy. To this day, I don't know if she closed her eyes to avoid my glance or because of the sensation that must've overtaken her. Because it was merely minutes after that that she had her first orgasm. While I watched my mother freeze in ecstasy followed by continuous quivering, I could hear my sister just outside the door as she went to the bathroom and returned to bed. For some strange reason, that instantly made my cock hard once again.

I started to stroke as I watch my mom complete her orgasm. This one was different though because she clamped her legs together and was able to lift her ass off the bed. I watched her hips rise as she continued to climax. This excited me so as I continued to stroke my cock.

My pace was slow but deliberate. Yet my control did not last much longer. About the time my mother started to relax and separate her knees was when I was moving once again at a full pace. I could see her soaking wet pussy as she pulled the vibrator out. Her right hand continued to very slowly rub her cunt and her left hand brought the vibrator to her mouth.

As I watched the vibrator disappear in her mouth I came once again. The idea of her tasting herself was amazing to me. I think it was more so that I wanted it so bad. Again, I did not worry about where it went and my seed was spread all over her carpeted floor. I did not care.

I tried to regain my senses and finally did. As I stood there still holding my limp dick, I realized that this was the extent of what would happen with my mom. There was something about the moment that made it very clear we were not going to physically be with each other. It was not only what I was getting from her; but also what I think I felt inside along with what I conveyed to her.

Any actual physical contact just did not seem right. I stood there and admired her beauty. I now looked at this woman in a totally different way. She absolutely was stunning. She was also sexy, and also naughty. I looked at all these aspects of her that I never knew before.

She took the vibrator out of her mouth and set it down. She then started to get up, and I reached down to grab my shorts and almost started to leave.

"Wait, honey." She said gently. This was the first time anyone had spoken during our "sessions".

I stood back up holding my shorts and my underwear in hand still completely naked. I was somewhat embarrassed at this point. However, now was the first time I had ever really truly looked in her eyes during this time and it put me at ease. She slid over to the edge of the bed and stood up. She reached down and grabbed one of the Polaroids. She walked over and handed it to me with a smile on her face.

"Don't forget me when you're gone." She said. I heard her voice crack at the end of her statement.

I reached around her and pulled her close. It was just like any other loving hug from my mother. Well, except for the fact that I was naked and she was wearing nothing but black stockings as her own juices continued to drip down her leg.

I vividly remember that hug. There was so much going through my mind. On the one hand, I was feeling empathetic for my mom because she was watching her oldest son leave in just days. I was feeling sad for myself because I too was going to miss her. I was nervous because this now made me realize just how close I was to leaving and being on my own.

Of course, confusion was consistent through it all. Confusion because this was the first time I'd felt her warm soft skin and it felt wonderful next to mine. I also could smell her natural smell was emanating from between her legs. There was also a wonderful odor that permeated throughout her body simply from what had happened just minutes earlier.

All of it was confusing, but yet it wasn't. Neither one of us got excited to the point where we moved on and did more. For some reason, we knew that this was not the time. She was the first to break the hug.

She took a step back and I was forced to unhook my arms from behind her.

"Go now," she said in an extremely choked up voice. "I'll see you in the morning."

I couldn't help myself, "I love you mom."

"I love you too honey so very much." She reassured me. "Now go..."

I can still hear those words to this day. That was the beginning of my adult journey. I turned from her and walked out of the room down the hall. I heard her bedroom door close behind me.

As I stood there in the hallway naked with the light still on I realized what she had given me. I looked down at the Polaroid and it was special. The picture was her laying back on her bed wearing nothing but black thigh high stockings. Her legs were slightly spread apart and you could see the slight dampness of her pussy.Looking at her face I assume the pictures had been taken probably five years earlier. I could tell she was happy at the time and I tried not to picture my dad taking them. But the look I saw on her face here once again made me happy. It also gave me something to remember the moment by. In fact, I ended up using that photo to remember the moment many times throughout my college career - and beyond.