James was in town for business meetings for a few days, which normally meant an uneventful couple of dinners with co-workers and a flight back home. He knew this trip would be different though. His wife's older sister Amy lived in the same city, and had recently gone through a divorce. She needed some help moving things around, and he suspected a shoulder to cry on. Not that James really minded, he and Amy had always got along well and had a flirtatious manner when around each other. James called Amy when his flight landed to let her know he would stop over the following evening. Amy seemed excited, and offered to make dinner which was happily accepted.

Tuesday morning came, and James found his mind drifting throughout the day to his sister in law. Most of the thoughts were sympathetic to her recent problems, and some were of happier times like family functions. Some of those thoughts were a bit risque too. Remembering a few low-cut dresses, those times at the lake house with Amy in a modest swimsuit that still managed to show her petite body. As the day wore on, his imagination grew lustier as he remembered the soft curve of her ass and her slightly hardened nipples. There were more than a few times he found himself aroused and growing erect at the thought of her. By the end of the day, James was a little too eager to leave work to get over to Amy's condo. He called her to see if she needed anything, and at first she said no, but after a pause suggested a bottle of wine. He thought that was odd, because he didn't think Amy drank at all, but he agreed, and headed out to find a liquor store on his way. Shortly before 6:00 pm, he arrived at her place and rang the doorbell.

Amy had taken the day off work to get some things accomplished before James came over later. Shopping for a few dinner items, she realized she was happy to actually be cooking for someone other than herself for a change. Her ex husband stopped after work most days for drinks with his friends, so she had spent more time than she could remember eating alone and putting a plate in the microwave for whenever he dragged himself home. At first he had only done that now and then, but over time it became several times a week, and on those days he wasn't out, he would come and flip on whatever game was on tv and drink at home. Amy was largely ignored, except for those increasingly rare occasions when he'd come to bed and paw at her until she gave in and let him fuck her for a few minutes before he came and fell asleep, leaving her just getting warmed up but not satisfied in any way. On those occasions she would sometimes be turned on enough to masturbate, but normally she'd just fall asleep too. She finally had had enough of the neglect and asked him for a divorce, and he happily agreed. She found out later that he'd been sleeping with his office assistant for quite some time which only made the whole situation worse. Needless to say, she had spent a lot of time miserable and unsatisfied, and this little dinner was a welcome change.

She heard the doorbell and almost ran to answer it, finding James still wearing a tie and carrying two bottles of wine.

"Hi stranger!" she said, giving him a big hug and a quick kiss on the lips. "Two bottles of wine, are you going to get me drunk?"

"Hi yourself Amy, and that wasn't the idea, but I didn't know what you liked so I brought a couple of different things. What are you making for dinner? It smells wonderful!"

"Oh, just a little Italian and garlic bread. Nothing too fancy." That really wasn't true however. She knew he loved her fettucini and had made it special for him.

Amy took the two bottles and turned toward the kitchen to collect an opener and glasses. James threw his jacket on the chair by the door, and walked to the kitchen in time to find her reaching for the wine glasses. He paused, seeing her blouse had pulled up and exposed her lower back slightly, and admired her slight hips and the lovely curve of her ass. He stepped behind her and placed one hand on her side, startling her as he reached over her shoulder for the glasses. She stepped back slightly and bumped into his lower half.

"Oops, sorry James".

"No problem" he laughed, thankful for the dress pants hiding his bulge.

"Opener?" he asked.

"In the drawer next to the fridge."

James opened the white wine, and poured them each a half glass, then settled on the couch and started catching up. He was surprised, but Amy didn't want to talk much about her divorce, only saying that she was glad it was over, and thought she'd rather just stay single. Dinner was about ready, so they moved to the dining room table and ate. Amy was a wonderful cook, and just as she'd hoped, James was delighted that she had prepared one of his favorite meals. They finished the bottle of wine during the meal and he helped clean up the dishes before opening the second bottle and pouring himself a glass.

"Would you like another?" he asked.

Amy was already feeling a little tipsy, but said "yes please, I'll be right back." and disappeared down the hall to the bathroom.

James took the bottle and went back to the couch, sitting on one side and setting the bottle on the coffee table along with her filled glass. Amy returned wearing sleep pants and a t-shirt.

"Sorry" she said, "those blue jeans were cutting me in half!"

James laughed and thought to himself they seemed just about right to him.

To his surprise, she sat down on the couch next to him and picked up her wine taking a big drink. She leaned back and sighed, and he noticed her eyes welling up.

"I'm sorry" she said, wiping away a tear. "It's just so different having someone to talk to, and who appreciates a nice meal."

"Things must have been pretty rough for a while?"

"Yes, you guys didn't know the half of it. He didn't pay any attention to me at all, just went out drinking all the time. I ate alone most of the time." She gave a half grunt, half laugh. "Hell, we weren't even intimate any more, unless 3 or 4 minutes of fumbling around and falling asleep counts!"

That wasn't a topic of conversation that James expected, and wasn't sure what to say. "That doesn't sound very nice," and he wanted to say "but I understand."

His own marriage had suffered a lack of intimacy too the past several years. He was still attracted, but his wife had lost interest, so only on a rare occasion would he push the issue until she relented. He tried to please his wife, but she really just wanted him to get it over with. James's sex life was literally left in his own hands.

Amy, perhaps driven by her tipsiness, continued on. "Do you know, I don't think he was even attracted to me any more." she lamented.

"That can't be possible. Why would you think that?"

"Well, for starters he was screwing his stupid assistant. And whenever I wanted any attention from him, it didn't matter what I did, he just didn't seem interested. You know, I caught him masturbating once and started giving him oral sex. He let me for a while, then pushed me away and went to watch baseball on tv. That isn't normal is it?"

James was stunned. And a little uncomfortable, both emotionally and in his trousers. He leaned forward and retrieved the wine bottle for a refill and an attempt to adjust the half erection that thinking about Amy's lips wrapped tightly around a cock had given him.

"Me too" Amy said when he filled his glass. He poured the remainder into her glass and set the bottle back on the coffee table, then leaned back. Thank goodness, the adjustment worked he thought. He leaned back into the couch, and sighed loudly. Amy had sat on his left side, and turned leaning back against his shoulder. He pulled his left arm free and laid it across the back of the couch.

"Anyway, this is nice" Amy said, taking his arm and pulling it down across her belly. James gave her a little squeeze, which resulted in his forearm raising up slightly and settling just below her breasts. As she breathed, he found their weight pressing against him, sending an instant jolt to his groin.

Amy took a big drink of her wine and set the glass on the table beside them.

"So IS that normal?" she asked.

"Is what normal?"

"I thought guys liked oral sex" Amy said. James coughed in surprise, then laughed a little.

"Well, I don't know any guy who doesn't," he said chuckling.

Amy laughed too and said "maybe I just did it wrong."

They both laughed at that, James giving her another squeeze and Amy's giggling causing her breasts to fold across his arm slightly. He took the last drink, and sat up slightly to set his glass down, pulling her with him before settling back into the couch.

They say quietly for a few minutes before Amy looked up at him and asked "so what are you thinking?"

James looked down at her. Between the conversation, his uncomfortable half-erection, and the wine, his inhibitions were growing weaker and weaker. He looked into her eyes, and curled his left hand to slightly cup a breast.

"I'm trying not to think, because when I do, it's nothing worth repeating."

Amy gazed at him for a moment, then raised her head planting her lips firmly on his. He felt her tongue immediately exploring and met it with his own, squeezing her right tit firmly at the same time. They kissed and he groped for several seconds before she broke the kiss, breathless and slightly flushed. Amy didn't say a word as she stood up and walked to the door. Locking it, she looked at James for a moment, and started walking toward the bedrooms. Along the way, she lifted her blouse over her head and dropped it on the floor. Watching this, and staring lustily at her beautiful ass as she walked away, James rubbed his erection through his trousers. He stood up, and followed her down the hall, turning into the master bedroom.

Amy was standing near the bed facing away from the door in her bra and sleep pants. Walking up behind her, James laid his hands on her shoulders and let them lower slowly down her arms before reaching around her slight belly. She pushed back against his crotch, feeling the bulge against her buttock, and leaning her head back turned to kiss him. Again her tongue shot into his mouth, and she pulled his hands up to her breasts, whimpering softly as he squeezed. It was a front clasp bra and he opened it easily, reaching up to pull the straps down her shoulders, her apple-sized globes sagged slightly back into his hands. Their tongues entwined, he squeezed, taking her stiffening nipples between his thumb and fingers and tugging at them softly, lifting the weight of them upward. Amy moaned, grinding her soft ass into James' crotch.

She broke away from the kiss and turned to face him.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

He didn't answer. The truth was he wasn't sure, but had reached the point of no longer able to stop himself either. Instead, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it up over his head. James was tall, over six feet, and had the slight belly that seems to haunt men of a certain age. He kept himself active and fit though. Amy ran her hands down his firm chest until she found his belt, unclasped the buckle, and unbuttoned his trousers. He stepped out of them and reached down to remove his socks. She pushed her sleep pants down at the same time and stepped out, leaving both of them standing in their underwear, James in boxers with a very clear tent, and Amy in a bikini panty that showed her puffed out mound beautifully.

They paused.

"No other man has seen me nude for years" she said.

"Me too" he replied, then laughed. "I mean woman."

She giggled, and stepped forward reaching for his hard cock and caressing it through his boxers.

"Is that for me?"

Amy didn't wait for his answer, instead, she dropped to her knees in front of him, and leaned forward kissing the shaft through his boxers. She hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled slowly, kissing along his length before catching the waistband on the tip. She pulled the boxers free and pulled them down and off, then grasped his ass and pulled him close, his thick cock pressed against her soft cheek.

Pulling her head back, Amy looked up at James and wrapped her small hand around him.

"This is lovely" she said, and with that leaned forward, taking three quarters of his length deep into her mouth. James grasped the back of her head softly, feeling the flat of her tongue pulsing against the underside of his painfully hard cock before she pulled her head back, cradling his purple head between her lips before pushing down again quickly, taking him even deeper. Neither his wife, or any past girlfriends had ever sucked him so deeply, and James couldn't believe how incredible it felt. He looked down at down at this beautiful woman, her lips wrapped tightly around the heavy veined shaft thrusting softly into the back of her throat, and moaned.

She pulled her lips away with a light pop and smiled up at him.

"Am I doing it right?" she asked, then pulled the edges of his head and poked her tongue into the little opening at the tip, flicking back and forth.

"God, I've never felt anything like this before" James groaned.

Amy opened her mouth, and swallowed almost his entire length, bobbing her head several times before pulling back again.

"Phew" she said giggling. "The truth is, I love giving blowjobs", she pressed the flat of her tongue against the base, and licked slowly up until she reached the frenulum, licking it firmly while looking innocently up at him.

"And I haven't been able to give a proper one for years. My dimwit of an ex didn't like me doing this. He thought if I did, he might have to return the favor."

She took his heavy balls in her hand, and sucked one into her mouth as she stroked the thick, veiny cock with her other one. James reached down and grasped one her breasts, squeezing it and then gently grasping her hard nipple, rolling it softly as she steadily sucked him until his swollen head pressed into the back of her throat. He released her and reached to the other nipple. Amy pulled away as he started rolling it between his fingers.

"You don't have to be so gentle" she said, "I like them pinched a little harder, it turns me on."

James happily obliged, pinching and pulling her nipple upward before letting it go, watching her heavy tit drop back down. He did the same to the other breast, with Amy trying to say "yes!" with her mouth filled with his throbbing erection. Upright again, he watched as she hungrily fucked him with her mouth, now and then looking up at him and watching his face as he moaned out his pleasure. He jumped slightly as she wet a finger, and slid it under his balls, rubbing it along the underside of his shaft between his asshole and perineum. Amy felt his head swell even larger in her mouth, and she sucked him harder.

James pulled back, his cock popping out of her sweet mouth.

"If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum."

Amy smiled sweetly.

"That's what I want you to do James!"

"Are you sure it's ok? I've never done that from a blowjob before, but I'm so close now."

"Oh please, yes! I love sucking cock, and yours is so hard and thick, it fills my whole mouth. It's been so long since I've tasted cum, and I'm getting so wet and turned on. I need you to feel you swell up and shoot your cum in my mouth. I want you to feed it to me James. Make me eat your cum!"

He watched, stunned by her admission as Amy took him deep into her mouth again, and started sucking in and out quickly, squeezing his swollen balls with one hand. She heard his breath catch, and felt him swell and thrust into her mouth. She took him as deep into her throat as she could and started rubbing his asshole, sending him over the top. He came hard, shooting the first thick rope of semen down the back of her throat. She quickly swallowed and pulled back, licking under the head of his jerking cock as several more shots coated her tongue, upper lip and cheek before she took him in her mouth again, milking the liquid from the base of his shaft, and swallowing it wantonly. He began to soften slightly, and she released him from her softly suckling lips, and he helped her stand up. She looked at him smiling, using a finger to pull the cum from her upper lip to her tongue, licking the thick liquid and swallowing it. James took the hint, and used his own finger to wipe his cum from her cheek and brought it to her lips where she licked and sucked the spunk off his finger.

"That was amazing" he said, and kissed her deeply, their tongues entwined.James and Amy held each other tightly, relinquishing the soft kiss finally, and just holding tight. He was reeling from the moments before, trying to process what had just happened. The boldness of his sister in law was not something he could have ever imagined, and the memory of how incredible her sucking his cock felt was keeping him somewhat aroused. Amy slowly gyrating her pantied crotch against him was not hurting either. He stroked the back of her neck and tilted her head to kiss her again. She probed again with her soft tongue, James tucking away the knowledge that she must really like that. His hands lowered down along her hips and then around for the first time to her shapely ass, squeezing her cheeks hard and pulling her tightly against him.

Amy moaned into his mouth as she felt the tip of his cock mashed against her. She was beyond turned on, and everything that was happening was adding to her lusty needs. Her nipples grazing against James' chest felt like little tingly little sparks that found their way to her burning pussy, and she tried to move to get his cock pressed near her clit. She tried to suck his tongue into her mouth, and was a bit surprised when he broke the kiss and turned her around facing away from him. He had one hand on her stomach and the other she felt fumbling around near her bottom, then felt him pulling his semi-erection up and pressing it's length against her. He pulled her backward, pressing between her ass cheeks, and she started to slowly move up and down grinding against him.

James' hands were rubbing her body now, fingertips dragging slowly up her stomach and across the underside of her slightly sagging breasts, grazing her rock hard nipples. Up slowly to the nape of her neck, caressing behind her earlobes. She pushed her ass harder against him, reaching back to pull his hips and trying to nestle his cock deeper into her crack. His fingertips were making their way back down, softly brushing the sides of her breasts, then pushing them firmly together. She felt his hot breath on her neck and shivered when she felt his tongue licking up to her earlobe, taking it between his lips...her tingling nipples in his fingers now, pinching, pulling. Amy let go of James' hip and started to move one hand to her neglected mound. She made it to the top of her panties, but as she started to press downward toward her aching clit, his hand covered hers and pulled it away.

"No" he whispered, "that's for me."

Amy cooed softly, and moved her hand up to her breast, squeezing hard as she felt his fingers trace over her swollen cuntlips, moving downward until he was cupping her full mound in his hand. He felt the hotness radiating from her sex, and began squeezing her fleshy mound through her panties, pressing his middle finger firmly until he felt her panty slipping into her hot slit. Kissing her neck, he stroked slowly and firmly up and down, pressing deeper into her and watched as she brought both hands to her heaving breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples hard. Amy moved her hips up and down between his cock and his finger.

"oh yes!" His finger pressed into her lips, putting pressure on her swollen clit. He felt the little nub, and focused there, pressing his finger firmly against her and letting her move and rub against him. Amy spread her feet a little, arching her back as she ground into his cock. She was getting closer, breath catching as she rocked against his probing finger. So close...

James felt the change in her movements, her trying to force his fingers against her clit, and he thought he felt a little wetness even through her panties. He'd been worried about recovering earlier, but there was no doubt about that now as he was completely hard.

"So close" Amy said softly. "Keep doing that...I need to cum so bad!"

James smiled. She was going to cum, but not yet. He pushed his finger downward and rubbed harder toward her opening, feeling her wetness starting to come through her panties. She whimpered softly, arching her back trying to get his fingers back pressing on her clit. He didn't let her, but walked her to the edge of her bed. She started to turn around, but he pushed her gently forward over it, then reached down and grasped behind her right knee, lifting her leg up to the bed. Amy took the hint and climbed up on her knees in front of him, and James just stared for a moment. One side of her panties had ridden up her ass and lower, they were still pressed between her lips, a little darker damp spot was there. She was on her elbows, breasts hanging below her and jiggling slightly as she adjusted.

Stroking his throbbing cock a few times, James reached out and grabbed her hips kissing up the back of one leg to her inner thigh, then licking slowly up and tracing the edge of her panty along her labia and up along her inner cheek spread open with her knees wide and back slightly arched. She shook softly at his touch. He hooked her panties with is fingers, and very slowly pulled them over her ass like he was opening a present. Light wispy hairs came into view followed by her light colored asshole. He stopped, leaning in and kissing the edge of her ass cheek, licking it softly and pulling himself back, slowly lowering and seeing the little patch of flesh before her sweet opening, watching as her lodged panties started pulling from between her lips, light brown pubes not really covering their pinkish blush. Further down, arching her back more, her cunt parted more, beautiful larger inner labia spread almost as if her clit was pulling them with it's tiny erection.

Amy was aware of how completely she was exposed now as he pulled her panties down further. She moved her knees closer so he could remove them completely, then spread them out again, feeling the cool air against her open sex. Goosebumps now as her head pressed into the comforter, and she felt his hands again on her fleshy ass, squeezing and spreading, the edge of his hand moving to the center and brushing it's length against her puckered hole and downward through her wetness until he reached the little dark pink nub of her clitoris. Using her silky wetness, he rubbed his thumb slightly under it before pressing against gently. James watched her shudder slightly, her cunt and asshole convulsed at his touch. Hearing her moan softly into the bed he leaned forward, pressing his pointed tongue directly into her little open pussy, pushing as far inside her as he could manage. His free hand found her right tit and worked under it squeezing roughly as his tongue probed her musky cunt. Moving his other hand to his cock, he stroked slowly as he sucked one of her outer lips into his mouth, then moved to the other, licking the inner lips as he moved back and forth. James dropped to his knees, and pushed Amy's knees further apart so he could easily reach her.

He said to her, "give me your hands." She did, reaching back alongside her knees, head still buried in the bed comforter. He took them and places them across her ass and inner thighs.

"Spread for me."

Amy moaned. She felt so dirty and exposed, and she found herself loving it, wanting him to see her this way, her most intimate openings hopelessly exposed to him. She felt his fingers pressing against her pussy again and gasped as she felt first one and then a second press slowly inside her cunt. He slowly pushed them in and out a few times then removed them to her bewilderment. Then she felt them touch her lips, and she opened them, licking her own wetness from his fingers then sucking them into her mouth.

"mmmmm" she said. She had tasted herself before masturbating, but never like this, and she found she liked it and wanted more.

She felt his wet tongue again, dipping inside her opened pussy even deeper now that she was spread so brazenly open for him. Then down, the flat of his tongue pushing against her wet, pink flesh, grazing slowly across her little hard nub. He wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked it softly in and out, tapping on the tip of it with his tongue. His hands under her tits again, mashed into the bed, finding her nipples and squeezing them firmly. She breathed in hard, catching her breath as he sucked hard on her inner lips, then dipped his tongue inside her again. James started licking back and forth, pressing inside her wet hole, then down to her clit to flick it gently. Amy was panting now in short little breaths, the sweet pressure of orgasm building closer and closer. She pulled her hands harder as he took her clit into his mouth again and felt his fingers pushing inside her. Two, then three stretching her wet hole. Then they were gone again, his tongue flicking softly and his fingers back to her lips. She moaned loudly, sucking her juices from him again. He licked upward slowly again, stopping to push in and out of her several times. James moved his hand back and ran his thumb against her wet opening, pulling her wetness down and started to rub it in tiny circles against her clitoris. Amy was so close now, his tongue fucking her slowly, then it was gone again. Then back, this time flicking her perineum, back to her underlips. Up again, further, now flicking against her quivering asshole.

"Oh God, yes" Amy squealed.

He rubbed her clit a little harder, flicking her little hole and wetting it with spit. She felt his tongue back in her pussy, probing, licking and sucking her inner lips. She felt pressure against her ass, then shuddered as his finger entered her slowly, suddenly aware of her pussy and ass convulsing softly. She pushed back against him as he took her clit into his mouth again, sucking first gently then slowly harder.

Amy was panting softly now.

"Yes...yes...yes" she moaned, in rhythm with his finger sliding inside her most intimate opening. James sucked harder, pulling her clit into his mouth, and fluttered his tongue against it. She shuddered hard as her orgasm swept through her, gasping loudly.

"Ahhhhhh! Ohhhh don't stop...suck it!" She said. He did, continuing the fluttering, feeling her soft convulsions around his probing finger. Amy moved her hands, grasping her breasts and pinching her aching nipples hard as she shuddered hard and came, not sure if this was the same orgasm or another one, not caring.

James slowly removed his finger from her tight asshole, and continued to lick and suck on Amy's glistening cuntlips, licking up all her juices as she came down. She finally pushed herself forward and lay flat on her stomach, panting less now and almost unaware of anything but her cunt throbbing in rhythm with her heartbeat. James stroked his cock to full hardness again, surprised at the amount of pre-cum dribbling from the tip as he stared lustily at the beautiful site in front of him. Amy wasn't moving, but her breathing had finally calmed down as he kneeled onto the bed behind her, straddling her legs and lying down gently on top of her, moving upward until she felt the head of his cock against her soft ass.James lay gently atop Amy, who was still breathing deeply from her release. He thrust against her bare ass a few times, then moved up and to her side, lying on his back. He looked at her, still lying on her stomach, face turned toward him with her eyes closed and a slight smile. He reached over, placing his hand on the small of her back and admired her perfectly shaped ass.

He spoke finally. "Are you OK?"

Amy opened her eyes at the sound of his voice and looked at him, smiling.

"Yes James, I'm OK. Are you?"

He thought for a moment and smiled back. "Yes, I think I am. You are wonderful."

Smiling, Amy turned to her side and reached over, grasping his semi-hard erection.

"I really needed that." she said, stroking his cock softly. He looked down her body, smooth legs, tuft of hair covering her sex, breasts sagging slightly into the mattress. He reached over and took her nipple between his fingers, pulling firmly. She moaned softly and shifted her knee forward.

"It doesn't look like you're finished for the night." she said.

"No, I don't think I am. Are you?"

She squeezed him firmly. "No, that was a nice start, but I'm definitely not finished. It's been so long since I've done anything more than masturbate. I need this more than you can imagine."

He rolled to his side and reached over, stroking her lower back down to her ass, then lower, pressing his fingers against her wet lips. Moaning, she pushed her knee up further, opening herself to him.

"I need this too. Things with your sister have been, well, not intimate I suppose is the best way to put it. Masturbating is about all I've got, and I have a pretty high sex drive, so I'm horny all the damned time." He pressed his index finger into her soft folds, stroking between them slowly. "That doesn't make all of this any less wrong though, does it?"

Amy stroked his now hard cock slowly, stopping to rub his big, swollen head, then pushing down to squeeze his heavy balls. She stared at him for a moment, then said "No, it doesn't make it any less wrong. Are you going to leave her do you think?"

"No, I don't have any intention of doing that. I didn't have any intention of doing this either though, so I guess the truth is I don't know what the hell I'm doing." He dipped his finger inside her, pushing deep and turning it in little circles, then pulled it out and stroked her little rosebud with the wet tip.

"Well you can keep doing that for starters. Keep playing with me." She moaned, leaning forward and kissing him deeply.

Pulling back, she said "I don't want you to leave her. But now that we've gone this far, I want more and I don't think I'll want to stop. I know this is all wrong, and I love you both and I don't want another husband. But I have longed for a physical relationship for a very long time, and I want that with you. You make me feel safe and appreciated, and I want to show you how much that means to me. I want you to fuck me James."

She felt one and then a second finger slip inside her pussy and pushed back against his invading digits.

"If I was your surrogate, to satisfy your sexual needs, would that scenario work for you? Would you stay with my sister?"

"Yes." he answered. "I would stay even without this, but if you want to have that kind of relationship, as socially fucked as it is, I am obviously willing."

Amy smiled. "I'm happy to hear you say that. My sister knows, but I haven't said anything to anyone else yet. I'm going to be moving in a few months to be closer to you two. The kids are all out of state, and there really is nothing around here for me that is worth staying for, and I want to be closer to you both. I am able to retire from my job at any time now, so the only delay is me getting that taken care of. This isn't why I wanted to move obviously, but it's an unexpected plus. A big plus!" She stroked him, feeling the blood pulsing through his shaft.

James chuckled. "Wow, that's some exciting news - in so many ways!" As he stroked two fingers in and out of her tight pussy, he moved his hand and pressed third finger against her little puckered back door. Amy moaned softly and pressed back against his invading fingers.

"If we're going to do this, should we set some boundaries or establish a safe word or something?" James laughed.

Amy laughed with him and shook her head. "Are we going to need a safe word?" She released his hard cock, and stroked her fingers down over his balls. She leaned forward and kissed him, tongue swirling around his, then leaned back on her elbow.

She said, "We're both too old to beat around the bush about this. I know what I like and I'm sure you do too. I love everything about sex - touching, kissing, licking, sucking, fucking. I like to get fucked hard, and the wetter and messier it is, the more I like it."

James laughed and stared at her. "You like everything? Really - no inhibitions?"

"Well, of course I have some - everyone does. But I like to play and explore and try things. Things I never could do that with my husband - it was almost always a missionary fuck with him. Sometimes I'd turn over and get on top of him so I could play with myself and cum, because I rarely ever had an orgasm with him, but he didn't like when I did that. He didn't like it at all if I wanted anything more adventurous than him getting half erect and screwing me for a few minutes before he got his and went to sleep. He didn't like oral sex either, especially giving, and most of the time he wouldn't even let me suck his cock, and he knew how much I loved doing that. I would get so turned on doing it, I'd play with myself and cum too."

"I could tell. No one has ever given me a blowjob and even pretended they liked it before. I'm so sorry your sex life was so unsatisfying - I hope I can help with that."

"You already have. And yes, I really do love to give blowjobs, and I liked you cumming in my mouth too." She leaned up on an elbow and forward, pulling his big purple cock head up and licking around it. "You are quite a bit bigger than he is too."

James felt himself swell even more, responding to her wandering tongue.

"You give incredible head. It feels amazing when you suck my cock all the way in your mouth. And you kept sucking it after I came and swallowed it all - that was the first time anyone has done either of those things for me, and I loved it."

She took him in her mouth as far as she could manage, and held him there, playing with his swollen balls.

"Oh fuck yes baby, just like that...suck it all the way down!" James moaned softly, thrusting as she pulled her head back and then plunged down again, taking his throbbing head into her throat, then pulling up and away.

"Like that?" she asked.

"Oh God, yes - exactly like that!"

Amy laughed softly. "I like hearing you say that, telling me how much you like it turns me on. I'm going to tell you something that only a few partners in my life have known. I'm submissive sexually. I like being told what to do, being complimented and rewarded for it, and I like it when a man takes control of me."

"Yeah? Is that where the safe word comes in?" James grinned at her.

She licked his swollen head. "Not sure yet - we'll see about that. And what makes you think it isn't YOU who'll need a safe word?"

"Oh." he said thoughtfully and chuckled.

She smiled and stared into his eyes as she slowly lowered her mouth over him again, making him to grunt and thrust into her mouth. She pulled herself away again and asked "do you like it when I suck your cock, or when it's you pushing it into my mouth?"

"I don't know? Both I think." he answered. "Which way do you like better?" She was busy bobbing up and down on him and didn't answer immediately.

Finally coming up for a breath, she said "I'm not sure which way I like better, it depends on my mood I suppose, but I do like both." She took the head into her mouth and stopped there. Taking the hint, James thrust slowly until he felt the tip press into her throat, and pulled back and did it a few more times.

"That feels so fucking good too!" he said.

"Mmmmm" she moaned, licked the head, then moved up and laid down next to him, kissing him deeply.

He pulled her tightly against him, mashing his throbbing shaft against her taught stomach.

"I like this too." she said. "Being close together, knowing your big cock is hard for me. Feeling my nipples rubbing against your chest." She lifted her leg up and over him, and he grasped her ass cheek and pulled her closer, thrusting against her slowly.

"I like it too." he said. Pulling away slightly, he grasped his cock and pulled it downward until it was freed from between them and pressed against her soft, wet pussy lips. He held it there tightly against her and thrust again slowly. She felt the engorged head press between her lips and further as he stroked, rubbing against her tight little asshole.

"This is even better!" she exclaimed. "Are you going to fuck me now?"

"No, not yet beautiful. I want to play more first. I want to feel your sweet mouth licking and sucking my cock, and I want to go down on you again so badly. I love how sweet your pussy tastes, and I want to lick and suck you until you've cum all over my mouth and you're begging me to stop."

"Mmmmmmm" Amy moaned. "I would never want you to stop. Do you really like it, licking me?"

"Yes, I love it. I love how you taste." he answered, pressing his cock between her lips and rocking gently against her. He pulled her cheek slightly and stroked her puckered hole with his fingertips.

"How about this?" he asked. "Is it OK if I play with your ass?"

Amy leaned forward, thrusting her tongue in his mouth and kissing him. Pulling back, she smiled at him and said "Yes, you can play with my butt as much as you like. I'm not sure if I like getting fucked in my butt because I haven't done that enough to know, but I really like anal play, and I often need it to have an orgasm. I already knew you liked butt stuff, my sister told me that years ago."

Sheepishly, he answered "Oh, uh I didn't know you knew."

"Yes, we girls do talk about these things sometimes." She laughed. "If we're going to do this, then I'm all in. You can have every part of me, any time you like. I liked it when you were going down on me and fingered my ass. I'd love it you would lick me there too. But I need to be very relaxed and ready if you're going to try to fuck my ass. Your cock is way too big to do that quickly."

"I see. I like licking too, and if you let me go there, I could spend a long time making sure you are warmed up." He laughed.

"She told me you like getting your ass played with and licked too, but she didn't like doing that. And I know she would let you play with her butt now and then, but wouldn't let you put your cock in. How long has it been since you've done that?"

"Yes, that's true - I do like getting my ass licked. And yes, she rarely let me do anything anal - fingers, or licking, and yes no fucking. She wouldn't do anything to me. It's been a very long time - maybe college?" He laughed and she did too.

They kissed again. "Good, I want you to play with my ass all you want, and I want to try fucking there, but it might take some time. I really like just kissing too." she said. "Especially like this, playing with each other and kissing makes me soaking wet."

His fingers continued exploring and stroking her slippery asshole. Amy reached behind her and down to his cock, pressing it firmly between her pussy lips, his thrusting brushing against her clit gently.

"I like this too." he said, catching his breath. Laughing softly, he said "You said you are submissive, but not to the extent we need a safe word. What do you mean by that?"

Amy laughed. "It's hard to say exactly. I like to be told what to do - you know like tell me to suck your cock, or get on my hands and knees. To feel like I am owned I suppose, like someone is in complete control of me. I like to be tied up sometimes too, but I'm not into bondage exactly. I'm not into pain either, but I like things a little rough sometimes. Except maybe for my boobs - I'm not too sensitive, and I like it when you squeeze them hard or pull on them, and I love having them sucked."

"Intriguing. I love your breasts and your big, hard nipples. You like to be tied up?" he asked.

She giggled. "Yes, sometimes. That's a different kind of fantasy that I have. Where someone comes into my room, starts playing with me in my sleep, and when I wake up they tie me up and and have their way with me. It isn't exactly a rape fantasy either, because I'm a very willing participant in them. Maybe we could try role playing that some time. Or even better, after I move closer, you could sneak in and do it for real." She moaned as his finger probed her back door, and she arched her back, pushing the head of his engorged cock into her opening.

"I've never had any fantasy like that, but I'm sure I will now!" James replied. He pushed more firmly, cock throbbing with the idea of it.

"Yes." she moaned again. "Mmmm... fuck yes!" James pushed, slowly entering her wet cunt. Pushing her pelvis forward, she took as much of him inside as she could before arching her back and pulling herself back, then pushing forward again.

"Ohhhh..." she moaned. "You feel so good stretching me!"

James thrust slowly, feeling her tightness gripping him. "You're beautiful. You have such a sweet, tight little cunt!" They were moving in rhythm now, him pulling back and her arching her back, then thrusting their hips together, burying his thick, pulsing member deep inside her.

"Let me get on top of you!" she panted softly. He pulled back and out, then rolled on to his back, his cock bobbing up against his stomach. Amy rolled up and crawled between his legs, lowering her head, she licked from under his balls all the way to the glistening tip, then back down and did it again. Smiling up at him, she grasped behind his knees and pushed them up. He took the hint and pulled them back as she took his balls in her hand and pushed them up.

"I'm glad I took a shower before I came over." he said, chuckling.

"Me too!" she laughed. "I mean I'm glad you did, and I'm glad I did too, because normally that will be a requirement, but I'm too hot and bothered to care right now. I hope at some point tonight, you'll do this to me too." With that, she lowered her head and pressed her tongue against his back door, at the same time, grasping his throbbing cock and stroking slowly.

He moaned loudly. "Oh fuck, that feels incredible!"

"Mmmm... you like it? Should I keep doing it?"

"Fuck yes! And yes, I plan to fuck your little ass with my tongue. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes I would." she said. Smiling up at him, she licked up and then took his entire length into her wet mouth, sucking hard as she pulled all the way out to the tip and then back down. He grasped the back of her head, pushing deep into her throat. To his surprise, she didn't choke or gag, just breathed hard through her nose. Releasing her, she pulled up, grazing her teeth across the head of his cock.

"Oh, that was a lot all at once!" she said. She grasped him, and rubbed his slick member on her cheek. "Tell me what else you'd like me to do James."

"This is all very different to me" he said.

Amy laughed. "Don't worry, I'm a big girl. You can tell me what you like, and I'll do it unless you get too weird on me!"

He laughed too. "Well, then get down and lick my ass some more. Have you ever done that before?"

"Mmmm hmmmm, a few times with a boyfriend when I was young, and with my roommate in college. She was who taught me that playing with my butt would make me cum. And it made her cum like a gusher too!"

James looked at her, surprised. "Girlfriend? I didn't know you liked women too?"

"Yes, back then I experimented a bit and had a few interesting experiences. I had a couple of foursomes with her and both our boyfriends too. We both took turns with both boys inside us, and the boys shot their cum all over both our faces." She licked up his shaft and took him deep in her mouth.

"Holy fuck, I wish I could have seen that!" he exclaimed.

Popping him out of her mouth, she giggled. "I still masturbate thinking about that night. We licked up all the cum off each other and ate it all while they watched us. One of the guys came again just watching us do that, then we went down on each other and licked each others pussies and assholes until they were both hard enough to fuck us again." She moaned, reaching behind and over her ass and plunging two fingers into her cunt. "We should do that with a toy." she said. "I haven't been filled up like that since then, and I really want to try it again!"

"Wow, that's fucking hot. What about sex with another woman? Would you still be in to that do you think"

"Yesss...for sure" she moaned. "I'm a dirty girl." Giggling, she said "I'm still waiting for your instructions Sir."

"Calling me sir - is that a submissive thing for you?"

"Yes." She sucked his purple head. "If I start calling you 'Sir' that's your clue to take control."

He smiled. "OK, I can take that hint. Should I call you something different too?"

She sucked him deep into her throat before pulling her mouth away. "No, not unless you want to. The submissive thing for me is about release - it lets me remove any inhibitions I might have because my focus is only about pleasing you any way you like. A proper lady would never do those things on her own." She licked up the shaft of his cock. "Like I would never just give you a blowjob in the mall parking lot, but if you instructed me to do that, I would do what you asked Sir."

James groaned softly as she swallowed him again. "So if I told you to not wear panties somewhere, or asked you to masturbate in front of me, or just pee your pants." They both laughed at that. "You would do everything I asked you to do?"

She laughed nervously. "Yes, I would. Masturbating in front of someone is pretty embarassing for me because I'm getting older and I don't think I look as good as I once did, but if you told me to do it, I would do it to make you happy. And if you told me to pee myself, I would do that too as long as we're not at some family function."

"Mmmmm. Yes, I think I understand." He laughed a little. "You shouldn't ever be embarrassed Amy, you are gorgeous, and you have a beautiful body, and I plan to explore and enjoy all of it. I wouldn't have you any differently than you are right now."

She blushed and smiled as he asked "And how far are you willing to go with this?"

She smiled at him as she pushed his balls up, then looking into his eyes, pressed her tongue against his ass and pushed firmly before raising her head back up and smiling innocently.

"James, I just pushed my tongue into your asshole and I liked it as much as you did. Do you think you'll want to go much further than that?" She giggled, and pushed her tongue as far as she could, fucking him and stroking his pulsing cock.

"OK!" he laughed. "Message received, but promise me that you'll say no if I ask you to do too much or go too far. I don't want you to do something you don't want, or that completely turns you off just because you are playing the role."

She smiled at him. "Deal. But you don't have to worry much. There aren't many things that I wouldn't at least try, and if I end up not liking it, I'll let you know and we'll just leave it at that. Is that good enough?" She dipped down and slowly rimmed him, then up and sucked one of his balls into her mouth.

"Oh fuck!" he exclaimed. "Yes, that's good enough dirty girl. Suck my balls some more now.""I love sucking your big balls Sir." she said as she let the one plop from her mouth. She licked up from his asshole back to the other one and sucked it hard, licking all around it inside her mouth. Taking the other, she pushed it up and managed to get both into her mouth, sucking and pulling on them while she slid her hand up and down the shaft of his thick, veiny cock.

"Mmmmm...that's nice." he said. "Get your finger wet and put it in my ass."

She released him from her mouth and sucked a finger into her mouth, wetting it with saliva, then pressed it against him, pushing slowly until it was all the way in.

"Like this?" she asked.

"Yes, just like that. Can you feel how hard my cock is that way? Use your finger to rub against it and get up here and suck that cock again. I want you to take it all the way in and down your throat. Do you think you can do that?"

Amy licked her lips. "Yes Sir." She formed and 'O' with her lips, and slowly lowered them, taking the big head first, then slowly pushing down. She moved up and then back down several times, taking most of him as she stroked her finger in and out of his ass.

"You swelled up bigger...I'm not sure I can get you all the way in without some help. I don't have much of a gag reflex, so you can push me down and make me take it all."

James moaned. "Holy fuck, are you kidding?"

"No Sir, I would never kid about such things."

"OK. Then suck my cock, and if you can't take it all, I am going to hold you, and push it all the way down." He watched her, shocked as she smiled sweetly at him, and sucked him in and out several times before slowly pushing down until he felt the head of his cock pressing against the back of her mouth. He grasped behind her head, taking a handful of her hair gently, and pulled down. He couldn't believe it when he felt himself lodging deeper, and eventually sliding all the way in. She didn't flinch, just stared at him, mouth stretched wide and pressed into the base of his thick tool. He let go of her head, and she raised up until he popped out of her mouth.

She looked at him and giggled. "How was that? Was that good?"

"Oh my God, I can't believe you can do that! I never knew what the big deal was with deep throating, but I get it now!"

She pulled her finger out slowly from his asshole and said "I practiced that forever with toys before I got over the weird gaggy feeling. I told you, I love giving blowjobs."

James lowered his legs and pushed himself back a bit, propping up against the headboard. "I believed you before when you told me, but now that I know you can do that, I'm going to want it even more." Moving his legs over to the edge of the bed, he stood up and turned around. "Come over her now, I want you to lay your head just over the edge of the bed for me." Amy sat up and turned her back toward him, lowering herself down. He held her under her shoulders and helped her scoot further down until her head was tipped over the edge, and he stood over her, big cock throbbing gently above her.

"You are beautiful sweetheart, and never more beautiful than with a big, hard cock in your mouth. I know you love to give head, but I want you to open your pretty lips, and I'm going to slide this big dick into your mouth until it goes into your throat. Then I'm going to pull it back out and fuck your beautiful face. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Amy licked her lips, wetting them. "Yes Sir, I would love that. I'm so wet, can I please play with myself while you do it?"

Leaning forward, James replied "No, not yet. I don't want you to get distracted. I might play with your sweet, beautiful pussy for you, but I'll have to stop if you get too excited and stop paying attention to my cock. Now open your mouth babe."

Her bed was high off the floor, so he only needed to lean forward and press the big, purple head against her lips. She opened wider, and he pushed in slowly until he felt the back of her throat.

"Good girl." he said, and pulled out until just the head was caught and she swirled her tongue around it. "Very good girl." He pressed back in and slowly started to pump in and out of her, slowly and steadily pushing deeper and deeper until he could see her throat swelling with his thickness. She breathed noisily through her nose as he began pumping in a slow, steady rhythm.

Amy stared up at him, starting to drool as he stroked in and out. After a couple of minutes, he pulled slowly out.

"Is that OK?" he asked.

She wiped the spit across her lips then grasped his big, hanging balls and squeezed them firmly. "Yes." she gasped between breaths. "Fuck, yes that's good! My pussy is aching so bad now...I need to touch it, please!" she begged.

James leaned down and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth, then stood up. "Not yet beautiful. I promise I'll let you cum, but you have to earn it." He lowered himself down and she took his wet, throbbing cock in her mouth again. This time, he pushed until it was buried down her throat, then pulled back and pumped in and out slowly, just until the head hit the back of her mouth. As he thrust, she took a wet finger and slid it into his ass again, feeling the steady pulsing.

Letting out a loud groan, James reached down squeezed hard around the base of her small breasts, forcing the flesh tight. He let go and used his fingers to flick her nipples softly, then grasped them between his thumbs and forefingers, pinching them and pulled firmly, stretching her tit flesh. Amy whimpered around his thrusts, and cried out softly when he did it again, squeezing her thighs together trying to relieve the intense need to slip her fingers inside her wet pussy. Pulling back and out of her mouth, he grasped the base of his glistening cock and rubbed it on her face, spreading her saliva all over her. Amy stuck out her tongue and he concentrated on that, rubbing and slapping it with the big, swollen head. He could feel his orgasm building and knew he could last much longer doing this.

"Turn around and lie down up on the bed Amy." he instructed. She obeyed him, lying with her head on a pillow and hands down at her side, staring at him intensely. Suddenly feeling a little unsure of himself, he asked "Is all of this OK? I've never done anything with a submissive woman before, and I don't want to do it all wrong."

Amy laughed softly, cupping her breasts and pushing them up tight, trying to lick one of her nipples.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before? Because if not, your instincts are very very good. I'm so wet and hot, I could cum in seconds. Telling me I have to wait until you give me permission is excruciating, but I love it! I like you fucking my mouth with that big tool, but I'd like it even better if you played with me more like you did with these." She pushed her tits together and grasped the nipples, twisting and pulling on them even harder than he had, then letting them snap out of her fingers with a loud gasp. "That feels so fucking good, like my titties are connected straight to my clit!"

"They're beautiful. Would you like me to suck on them?"

"Oh yes please suck on them! Pull on them, bite them, squeeze them as hard as you like Sir." James laughed softly and leaned down, taking one nipple into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue, then sucking it as hard as he could, pulling most of her tit into his mouth and grazing her soft flesh with his teeth. She moaned loudly, gyrating her hips. He took the other nipple into his mouth and pinched the first one, pulling it up and jiggling it back and forth roughly. "Ohhh! good! Suck it all in, all in your mouth!" He did, surprised as her big, long nipples swelled even larger, then let them go and watched them splay out somewhat empty to the sides of her chest as she lay on her back.


She was still writhing her hips softly and muttered "What?"

James moved up and kissed her. "I said your pretty little titties are delicious." She giggled and said "Thank you Sir. I'm so glad you like them!"

He smiled and sat up, grabbing the pillow next to her. "Lift up your ass for me." She did and he slid the pillow under her. "I want you to show me your body. Show me all of the things you would do to make yourself cum, but you aren't allowed to have an orgasm yet. If you feel it getting close, you will stop what you're doing immediately and ask to suck my cock until the feeling slows down, then we can resume. Do you understand?"

Amy smiled sweetly. "Yes Sir I understand. Where would you like me to start?"

"Start at the top of your head and work your way down, tell me what you like or don't like, and if you need further instructions, I will give them to you."

"Start with your head."

She laughed. "There's hair up there Sir, and not much else." He laughed too and said "OK, then tell me what's going on inside your head right now. What are you thinking?"

Thinking a moment, she answered "I'm thinking about how good it felt sucking you Sir. How thick and hard your cock is and how it feels when you push it all the way inside my mouth and into my throat. I'm thinking about how your cum tasted as you shot it into my mouth earlier. My pussy feels like it's shivering with excitement right now, and my legs are a little shaky because I'm so goddamned hot and horny I can't hardly stand it. I'm thinking about how you felt when you started pushing inside me, stretching my pussy - it's been such a long time since a man has been inside me. I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to relax enough to take you inside my tight little asshole, and just the thought of trying is making my clit ache. I'm thinking about how much I loved your cum in my mouth, and wondering if you would like to shoot it all over my face. Then you to use your cock to push all of it into my mouth and make me swallow it all, then suck you until you are hard again so we can do it all over."

"Mmmmm..." he moaned softly, tugging at the head of his cock. "Tell me more, I like where this is all going."

"Me too. Saying all of this out loud is making me even hotter than I already was. Can I please show you my pussy now - I need to touch myself so bad!"

He smiled at her and let his fingertips graze through the wispy hair on her mound. "Not yet, but we'll get to that soon enough. Continue please. You said you would like me to cum on your face - what turns you on about that?"

"Everything about it it turns me on. How it tastes, watching it shoot out and how warm it feels when it hits me on my lips or on my tongue. I'm sure that it has something to do with being submissive too, making me take all that cum on my face and making me lick it up and eat it all. Even if I wasn't submissive, I still like it."

"All of this is overwhelming." James said. "I wouldn't have ever believed any of it if you weren't lying there telling me." He had been stroking his rock hard cock, and knelt up, rubbing the head on her lips. Sticking out her tongue, Amy licked him, then opened her lips and took him in her mouth as he pushed in and out a few times.

"I know you like you tits sucked and your nipples tortured. I like that too by the way - usually women are so sensitive but you like it for some reason."

She laughed, pulling her hands to her breasts and pushing them together before letting them fall. "Yes, I like it a lot. I never thought of it as torture, but I suppose you're right about that. It's hard to describe, but pinching them hard doesn't exactly hurt, it just enhances everything else. I wish they were still fuller and perky like they used to be instead of flat and saggy." She frowned, pulling her nipples up and twisting them. "I do love my nipples though, and they need a LOT of attention."

James laughed softly, reaching out and squeezed her left tit hard. "Your boobs are perfect Amy. Just the right size to suck them all into my mouth, and it turns me on too being able to be rough with them." He pulled her nipple up and lightly slapped her flesh, making it shake and jiggle before letting go. "You like being tied up - maybe you'd like it if I tied up your tits and nipples too?"

"I've never done that, but I think I'd like that very much! I've got little clamps hidden away that I used myself sometimes."

"Oh fuck, we have to get those out later. Right now, let me have this pillow too." he said, pulling at the one her head lay on. "Now lift up your ass again." He put the second pillow under her and she lowered herself down on it. "Pull your legs back." She followed his instructions, pulling her legs back and wrapping her arms around them to hold them tight to her chest.

"That's good, but I want them spread out wide like this." He took his hands and pushed her inner thighs until they were spread wide. He watched, fascinated as her lips parted below her dark pink clit. "You may show me your pussy now, but you may not have an orgasm. Don't get carried away and forgot, or I will not allow you to touch this cock again tonight."

"No Sir, I promise I won't forget." Reaching down, Amy used her index fingers to press into her outer labia and then grasped her lips between her thumbs and index fingers, pulling them outward and then spreading them. "These are my outside lips Sir. Most of the time I shave them, but right now they are a little furry because I didn't know that we would be doing all of this. I'm so glad that we are." She slowly rolled them between her fingers and continued. "I really enjoy having them played with, and licked, and sucked on. That makes them swell up and get puffy."

James stroked his cock slowly. "They are very pretty. I don't mind them as they are, but I would like you to shave them in the future. But make sure to leave a patch of hair trimmed neatly above. This is the pussy of a mature woman, not a little college strumpet."

"Would you like me to shave now Sir?" She asked, pulling at them firmly.

"No, not now. You can take care of that later, or if you are very good, I might even do that for you."

Amy moaned. "I would like that very much!" She spread herself, then grasped her inner lips, pulling and spreading them open. "These are my inner labia Sir. I think they got bigger when I had children, and they can stretch out quite a bit." She pulled them firmly, and one slipped out of her grip. "Oops!" she laughed. "I'm so wet, they are slippery!"

"They are also beautiful, and I know how sweet they are from licking and sucking on them earlier. You may show my your clit, but no touching - open yourself, and pull the little hood back so it sticks up as far as it can."

She obeyed, and he watched her quiver as her fingertips lightly stroked it's little shaft as she pulled. "Oh Sir... this feels so good!" Her clit twitched softly, and he watched mouth ajar as she contracted, pushing a bit of clear liquid from her wet that dribbled slowly down across her puckered asshole.

"Stay just like that, I need to taste your beautiful pussy again."

She moaned. "Yes...please taste it Sir!" He leaned down and stuck out his tongue, and flattening his tongue, licked slowly across her little wrinkled rosebud, and then dipped slightly into her pussy. "Oh my God Sir!" He continued upward, stopping just as he grazed the underside of her gently throbbing clit. James knelt and leaned up over her, tongue wet with her juices, and kissed her. She shuddered beneath him and whimpered as she thrashed her tongue around his. Pulling away, he knelt back between her widespread legs as she gasped softly. He noticed her hands had not moved.

"That's very good Amy, you didn't touch yourself any more than what I instructed you to do. Did you enjoy tasting yourself?"

She stared at him wide-eyed. "Yes Sir, I liked that very much. Thank you!" He smiled. Kneeling up, he pushed his knees out so his cock was bobbing just above her spread cunt. He grasped the shaft and stroked it a few times, then pushed it down and pulled his cock head slowly across her, wetting it with her juices. Amy whimpered as it slipped across her clit and he watched as her pussy and asshole contracted.

"Are you going to cum?" He asked.

"No Sir." She gasped softly.

"Why not? Your fingers are still right there, wouldn't it be easy to play with your sweet pussy and get yourself off?"

Amy stared at him wild-eyed. "Mmmmm...yes, it would be so fast now! It's so almost hurts!"

"I can see that. Why haven't you done it then...I'm sure you would like to wouldn't you?"

Almost in tears, she stammered "Y..Yes Sir! I want to so bad now...oh f...fuck it's so close. But you said I can't cum until you tell me. Oh my God, please can I cum now?" Her legs were still spread wide, shaking gently.

James smiled. "That's right, I haven't given you permission yet to cum. I was going to have you put your fingers inside your wet little pussy and spread your tight hole for me, but I can see that if I ask you do that, it might push past the point where you can stop, so right now, you should move your fingers away. If you'd like, you may taste your juices on me now."

She pulled her hands away and quickly rolled on to her side, scooting down to him and engulfed his pulsing head, licking and sucking on it. "Oh fuck...yes, that's a good girl. Suck my fucking cock!" Grasping her head, he pushed until her lips were mashed into his groin, then pulled out with a trail of saliva. "God I love your did your pussy taste on my cock?"

Amy rolled onto her back, spit drooling down her cheek. She rasped softly. "It was fucking good fucking good." James reached out, cupping one tit and kneading it softly.

"I think you've earned your orgasm sweetheart, and you did such a good job listening, I'll even give you a choice how you would like to have it."

Gasping with delight, she said "Oh God, thank you Sir...I need to cum so bad!" She writhed slightly as he twisted and pulled on her nipple.

"You are welcome. Here are your may lie back down with your ass on the pillows again, spread wide open, and use your fingers and show me how you make yourself cum."

She moaned loudly. "Mmmmm...what else Sir?"

"Your second choice is you may get on your knees over me, and I will stick out my tongue so you can use it until you cum on my face. No fingers, you may only play with your tits. You will have to do the work because I won't lick you, but you can move and use my tongue any way you want. You may cum all over my face."

She whimpered as he pinched her nipple harder. "Oh Sir I love that one...your tongue feels so good touching me. I can move and put it wherever I want to?"

He laughed softly. "Yes you can be in control for this one, but you can't use your hands to cum...only me."

Amy gasped, squeezing her thighs together tightly. "Oh my God...I could rub my clit on your tongue?"


"Mmmmm...and push down so it goes inside my pussy?"

"Yes you can."

"An...and my ass? I can put it in my tight little asshole too?" she asked, squirming beneath him.

"Yes, that too." he laughed. "Would you like to hear your last choice, or have you decided already?"

She spread her legs slightly, and he could see her inner thighs were glistening. "Yes...please tell me the last one Sir. I don't know if I can choose anything but this one though...mmmmm...but please tell me?"

He smiled down at her, and reached to grasp both titties. "I like that one better than the first one too...the thought of you rubbing your sweet juices all over me is making me so fucking hard."

"Mmmmm...I might gush on you Sir."

"I hope you would! OK, the last one is this: I will lean back against your headboard, and you may get on top of me. You will spread your cunt, and slowly lower yourself onto my cock...very slowly, feeling it fill and stretch your little hole until you take it all the way inside. Then you will have to stay still - no riding this cock yet. You'll squeeze your breasts, and feed me your big delicious nipples one at a time, and while I'm sucking and nibbling on them, I will play with your asshole until you cum on my cock.""Ohhhh...mmm Oh fuck Sir! I want that one!" She moaned, rocking her hips up and down. "I want to cum all over your tongue too, but I need your big cock inside me. Oh fuck..." She rolled and pushed herself up onto her knees, and leaned forward, pulling him tightly against her and panting softly while she kissed him. "I want number three...I want to cum on that big hard cock Sir...put it inside me and cum so hard!"

He grinned at her. "OK Amy, you may have choice number three." He moved the pillows and leaned against them on the headboard. "Come here and suck my cock first, get it nice and slippery and wet." She moved between his legs, staring him in the eyes as she took the big purple and slowly lowered her mouth over it, thrashing her tongue around it as she did. She sucked him in and out a few times, then pulled away, spit drooling out of her mouth.

"I'm wet everywhere!" she exclaimed.

He laughed softly. "Get up here, now!" She did, getting on her knees, and swinging one over him. He pushed his cock down as she did, and then released it when she knelt against him so it was behind her, rock hard against the crease of her ass. She pulled one breast tightly up and mashed the nipple against his mouth. He opened and sucked it hard, making her moan and grind her pussy against he lower stomach. Releasing her nipple, he said "Are you ready?"

Amy whimpered "Yes Sir, I'm ready for you... so wet."

"Good. Sit up and spread your pussy...wrap those pretty lips around the head of my cock, then you can start lowering yourself. Go slowly...remember you are not to cum until I tell you to."

"I'll try...I'm so close now!" She leaned up high on her knees and felt the head slip down but not quite far enough. Putting one foot down on the bed, she pushed up and then reached down with both hands to pull her wet lips open. James held his cock at the base, and Amy lowered herself, catching him in the right spot, then let her weight slowly force him inside. She gasped and moaned as she slowly slid down, taking all of him until her lips mashed into him. "Oh big... you're cock is so big inside me...mmmmmm!"

She was tight, and James could feel everything she was doing intensely. She started to rock lightly, squeezing his cock then relaxing, then squeezing again.

"You're so fucking tight...I can feel you squeezing my cock. Pull your tits up here and put those big fucking nipples in my mouth!"

Moaning softly, she did as she was told, arching her back and pulling her breast up to his mouth. He licked it softly at first, then clamped his lips down on it, sucking hard and pulling away until it popped out of his mouth.

"FUCK!" she yelped, and mashed her tit against his mouth, shaking softly as she fought the need to push up and impale herself again. She felt him reach behind her and cup her ass, being careful to not lift her, he grasped her cheeks hard and pulled them apart, stretching her little twitching hole. His fingers pushed further, along the edges of her thinly stretched lips and he stroked her softly, wetting them with her arousal, then pulling the juices to her little rosebud and stroking it in little circles.

"Mmmmmm." she moaned, and pleaded "need to cum so bad Sir...can I please cum now?"

James gasped as her pussy spasmed, clamping down on his length. He steadily pressed one finger against her asshole and she gasped as he penetrated her.

"Yes babe, you may cum now." he said, and started to slowly slide his finger in and out of her back door.

"Oh, yessss...fuckkkk Sir. Oh thank you...cum..cumming..!" James clamped his lips down on one nipple, and she took the other in her hand, squeezing and pulling it hard until she cried out and and began to shake. "Oh my God...fuckkkkk!!" she panted, and he felt her orgasm start, her tight holes squeezing hard and relaxing as her body collapsed into his chest, panting loudly and shaking as her orgasm rippled through her. Her inner walls massaged his throbbing cock, and he squeezed forcing him to swell slightly. He desperately wanted to lift her and thrust deep into her quivering pussy, but didn't. There would be time for that later he reasoned, and instead slowly added his other index finger to her quivering asshole, pulling them apart and spreading her little opening.

"Oh God!" she cried out. He lowered his head and took one nipple between his lip and clamped down on it as she shuddered violently, whimpering as he felt her spasms start. She was cumming again.

Pulling his fingers gently from her, he released her nipple and raised his hands, holding her firmly as she whimpered into his shoulder. Reaching down, he cupped her ass and started to lift her slowly.

"No!" she panted. "Stay...this... like this." He thought he felt wetness on his shoulder, and felt her body shake as she cried softly.

"OK babe. We'll stay right here." He stroked her back softly, holding her, and couldn't stop himself from rocking his hips and thrusting in short little strokes inside her.

James smiled, more than content to stay right there the rest of the night if that was what she wanted. With one more day in town and a late evening flight, he made a mental note to call in sick the following morning. Waiting a few months until Amy moved to town was going to be agonizing.